524 Forman Dr. (67-34) PLANNING DEPART:ŒNT C I '~Y OF CAHPBELL 75 lWRTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAV:JBELL, CAL I FORN lA j) d¿'¿ , ¿L.. 2ß/Þ'<" ~'Jj' ,.'," <: , . .," ,~¿~ t' t;-7';'¿"~ 7l (. C'¿.. '. , ¿ ~ þ¿/l~~.)~~~J,. ' (ftc )J.{ S~) .. -.,r--- ) ",,"",Y, , "'U<'~---2, t /.n ~ £.-7'7,' ".' r- ....,.,..' ,.... ..,.."" ./,1, ,.,.Ù.",,'" .- r- . t:", f~ t..t- Date 5-2-67 CONDITlœJ~:. ATTACHED TO ItS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF B & M Roofing Company , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF office building and yard . TO BE LOe:/'.".'-'ED AT: 524 Forman Drive CONDITIONS: 1. 2. Landscaping and fencing to be provided as indicated in "red" on plan. Landscaping and fencing plan, indicating plant materials and type of fencing material to be submitted for approval of Planning Director at time of application for building permit. In lieu of landscaping bond, completed landscaping to be reviewed prior to obtaining a building permit. Trash disposal system will be approved as described verbally at the meeting and to be worked out in detail with the Fire and Planning Departments. .. Storage and yard area to be enclosed in a manner approved by Planning Director. 3. 4. 5. The applicant is notified as part of this approval that he is required to meet the following additional conditions in accordance with (OVER) Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF Cfu~PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 1st DAY OF May 1967 CITY OF CM4PBELL PLANNING CO~~ISSION cc - Engineering By: ~ ¡J fh, 9'tl--LV n.v. '!'oO";1n 'Secretary Jf ordinances of the City of Campbell: 6. 7 . Applicant to obtain an excavation permi t fot!'dti:v~waY'::il~pr"oach. Parking and driveway areas to be constructed in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Applic'ant sh'al'l'inst'all' 'oAe Új lb>AB'e type firè extinguisher- in cabinet in office buildin,g,. r;;-, " ,,' - "',' "", ",' ,,' .'.,', .. .' ',.; , . . . ,'" , " ; ,-" 8 . Construction of underground facilities as required by Sectic;m, 911p.6 of the' Campbel-l Municipal Code ¡, . ,. , ' The applicant is also notified that he shall comply with all oth~r ' applicable codes or ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. 9. * * * * * . ' '," , ", "'..' :""",ì';L " , .' " " , .' , ",: ,', ~ "I ',', ": . ¡' . ": " . ' , .': '" ' , " i,':, .', . , , " J ,', ' """ r, , " ..:: " ':"i':;; , ," " " , ¡ ',,'.. , ' .. ~, ': 0' L. f :," " :,,' ' :. '¡'..,r:-,' " , , j"': ' .; ,: I: ,< " , ' .1, , , , !;',,' , . , , " , :o' " ;':;:," ',:: ,; .. ,í ,"', .', ',' .,:. :', , .. ~ '; t. i;,', "',' ' , ,II ",,' : ..'::, i, ",' , ',c: c '.1', :,.', , ;; , . ~~,i " , " ,'0 ',.' ' T," ,,' t, " , ,; " : ,... , , , , " , ~,".. ' , ,:' ' f' .: :,! " ,;' ,'. ..:, ~ .oi8I. - ~ , -___I - PLANNING DEPARn,1ENT CITY OF CM1PBELL, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLICANTS FOR "s" APPROVAL, VARIA¡"¡CE OR USE PERrUTS The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo CO?y of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: C)rlrl~n D"'\lf~lop:ner¡t Co., Name (s) as shown on Deed Name-(s) as shown on Deed --, 2 - ,') # ~ "'::./?bJ Recorder's Number For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for I' S ~ 1- :3 4- ß¿ ~ 4, Filed I ;' , / /1.. / -? :- jC/6 'I / 4-7 \/ / by