186 Gilman Ave. (73-11) INTER- DEP AHTl'1E1'JT}'.L !.~! !O~'\NDUI'1 TO: Building Depar'tment FRœ.l: Public E:)rks Department The regu::"re.ll1ents o£ the Public 170rks Department have been satisfied for the follo'\-dng development: APPLICt1Hr ~J. ~,:;}o..\r1.<. \ ~ \ 0.. n' BUILDIl\'G ADDRESS . ~ \ ~ <.ø Gr, \ "^'" C). 1ft Á\J r¿ . COUl~Y ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUNBER ..-- 4\~-~-.4b .. - ~ APPROVI\L NU'lf.LBEIt ,u. ?'-~ ~-\ \ D\\f\. c.Co~ . PUBLIC l':rORKS FILE NUHBER p ~~ ~ ~ ~ WILI~Il\H G.. \'mEN, DIRECTOR OJ:' PUBtIC t-JORKS ~f . \' ~ B . . v ;".~ y- -- ~--- Date ~ ~ ~--P;r ~- RECEIPT CI~ CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 4~ NAME . r ADDRESS /ð ¡, ~ ~~~ . / / FOR Ú fl. }.3 -/'/ (&~ ((p() ) / ~ ~ '/ ~o'- , . - ~y.. --.5,17-/1- /:.2. r,L 0,;' ~.La~J~ ,,3, J- - /I- ~.í-t¡ e~ s7 j', Dv REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER If 0 CASH tl(l ß' CHEC 10 . >.!:>ft THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 5782 CITIZEN COpy 0 MONEY ORDER JUl 23-74 JUl 23-74 65 018A ***~511.00 51 018A ***124.00 ~s ~ ~-'-4/ ¿/ .. Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK ~ÒRMEi> coPy: Thl$ docu ~t has not been compared with the oriç¡n"~1. SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDeR 12007098 NO FEE (jJ fiLED fOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF NOTICE OF RELEASE BY CITY OF CAMPBELL I'" JUL 20 8 01 AM '93 üFFICAL fŒv) i),. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN concerning the real property 10C~IUI-iß tt1eJ~~itY;OUN H of Campbell, Santa Clara County, California, and described specifically as folldW§!E K,6.NE J<Frnpr;,r. Parcel "A" as shown on that certain Parcel Map recorded April 29, 1974 in Book 338 of Maps at Page 55 Official Records of Santa Clara County. That the undersigned City of Campbell granted conditional approval of certain improvements on the above-described real property on November 26, 1973, pursuant to a Deferred Street Improvement Agreement entered into between the City and the Owner recorded in the official records of the Santa Clara County Recorders' office in Book B094, Page 593. That Haig Sarkisian, et. ux., Owner of said real property, executed a petition for the formation of a special assessment district created pursuant to any special assessment act as provided in the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and participated and became a part of that special assessment district. That special assessment district No. 30 entitled Dillon-Gilman LID #30 was in fact created and included the real property described above. That as a result of the creation of this special assessment district, Owner will not be responsible for, and is hereby released from, the construction and/or installation of the street improvements delineated in the Deferred Street Improvement Agreement of November 26,1973, recorded in the Official Records of the Santa Clara County Recorders Office at Book B094, Page 593. CITY OF CAMPBELL Dated: 7!t~/~j { ( BY:~~ /~t¿ vVd14 øÆû-~ (Title) Parcel #52 DGRELSE.FRM(11)(DG DISK) HAIG PRECISION MFG. CORP. 186 S. GILMAN AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 TELEPHONE 378-4920 or 378-4973 May 3,1982 RECEI'JEQ Haig Sarkisian 186 South Gilman Avenue Campbell, California 95008 I,~ r\: ,) ::. ';' ::) ilh: \.. ".. ,. City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 PU;)U'... '" ~ :\1\;) ENGiNEfR¡L',~G Attn: Mr. Bill Helms Subject: Street Bond Dear Sir; I have for the past seven years posted a $3,500.00 street bond for my property at 186 S. Gilman Avenue. Inflation has minimized the value of this Bond considerably. I would like to offer to the City of Campbell the follow- ing proposal. 1. Haig Sarkisian will post a bond of $3,500.00 worth of Teledyne stock, or' 30 shares with a basic value of $120.00 per share. 2. The stock can be in joint ownership of Haig Sarkisian and the City of Campbell, with the stock remaining with Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., Cupertino, Calif. My brokers name is Bob Namian, telephone #257-8500. 3. The stock can be in Haig Sarkisian's name and indorsed over to the City of Campbell. 4. If the stock value exceeds the improvement costs, the excess will belong to Haig Sarkisian. 5. The $3,500.00 bond to be released from Alstate Savings and Loan on the maturity date of July 1982. Thanking you in advance fo~ your time and consideration. '\ ~4~ ~~. '\ -:þ'!r"-- , It-J... ( t , " {JTY 0 F CAMPBE Ll IVIEMORANDUM To: Robert C. Stephens, City Manager Date: June '-~7"~~~~'~~="I'~~---=DLi NG~- ; -"1-'-- 1 ¡'~'~9&+-'--",-_,)¡, ~~:~:::...TO- - ! ;, ' 'D !""-"-"-"'-"". ,,'--<, ' , ,-. , : ::fZ F=rom' Joe Elliott, Director of Public vJorks , . --- ".'---- " " , C,\~E . '-"---/!I ---'-'-1 I -'1"-'":11"'- .. -'-J - '-:----"':"""":""":"":""'~~'~:""'~:Uò.~~'C',~"~L -- .. Sut;¡ect: SARKISIAN PROPERTY--186 SOUTH GILMAN AVENUE ----------- Following up on our meeting last !¡ýeek in your office v~.ith ¡vir. Sarkisian, at which time he reques on for an alternative to his $3,500 bond r st i su ect address, I found that he had already made this 11 Helms and Jim Penoyer. Upon checking further into this ma nothing unusual about , r must conclude t 'U~ere 'is '¡jOUla justify his [,ending our reCIYi,:,er¡ It il t '[ ët S tô ff 1 eve: 1 cou! not n?comrnenc; s previously been taken. , - c; I rent th hirr: a1"¡ c¡ ycUms'ti';f¡ce.; 5[' act"! on to "--i- ,;¡ '" fie he v!as th(-,; Cìty's w-!t.h any cth£::^ , hr' secn'(:;o )'econc i 1 ec1 .¡ ded not ' " i ¡ iT:: ':ter j -: . He .. , co c ,~"" - , ..., ,~ ,; L. ; '-' 0"(2 cc - 1:;<-:'1 ,F:~, cr : a '(5).. ,}E/1 i:. cc: ~~~ RESOLUT I,ON tW. 377~ BEING ^ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Cf\lIPBILl J\PPROVlr~G THE t10DIFICATIOtl OF ^ USE PER~IIT, IUCLUDltJG PLANS AND ELEVATIONS, FOR ^ PORT I ON OF THE ItJTE R I H ZONE AS ESTABLI SHED BY ORD II~ANCE NO. 916 ON THE 2/1TH DAY OF SEPTH\SER, 1973, AND 15 EXTENDED BY ORDINAtJCE NO. .930 ADOPTED ON THE 14TH Dí"-Y OF JArW,l\RY. 1974. (Appl ¡cation of Haig Sarkisian). The City Counci 1 of the City of Campbell does hereby ordain as follm-,rs: SECTIOtlONE: That a modification of Use Permit 73-11, incJuding plans and elevations, is hereby approved on that portion of an Interim Zone known as 186 Gilman Avenue as per the app1ication of I-Iaig Sarkisian. Said approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant ßßterial, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and location and type of fencing to be submitt:~d fo!' <:~p:ova1 of the PJanning Director ~t ti'n,,=, of application for building permit. . 3, Landsc:a'ping sah11 be maintained in accordance Hith thc approved Jandscape plan. . 4. faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,500 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within thrc~ (3) months of co!llplction of construction, or applicant may fi Ie Vir; tten agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final Gui lding Department clearance. 5. Appl icant to sign agreement satisfactory to theCity Attorney that thc property will be used as indicated on the approved plans, The applicant is notified as part of this application that he i~ required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbe I 1 . A. All parking and drivt:v:ay areas to be developed in compliance \-/ith Section 21.!)0 of the Cðmpbell /1unicip<11 C".dR. All pinking spaces to be provided \"jth iippropriatc concrete curbs (!)II bu!llper guards. B. Und~I'qrou~d uti I ities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of thc C.1r:,pbl'l J /1ufiicipal Code, C. Plans submitted to shall indic.Jte clearly the utilities including water:, cables, etc. the Bui Iding Department for pl.Jn check location of all connections for underground sewer, electric, telephone and television D. Sign i1pplication to be submitted in accordånce ,...,itb the provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. :No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Dcp.Jrtment. E. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage, and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. . FI RE DEPJ\RTMENT F. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. ~ G. Provide one off-site fire hydr~nt. H. Provide one on-site fire hydrant. I. Provide one',1I2À'BC" fire e"xtinguisher for each leased spðce. BUILDING DEPARTMENT: J. A 30" high parapet wall required above roof line at north, east and west elevations. Section 1709 UBC. K. Roof covering shall be fire retardant. Section 1704, 3203 (f) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: L Dedication to 30 foot one-half street right of way and construction of one-half street improvements. M. Storm drainage fee based on $765 per acre. tL Drivpway <n>roacb to be minimum five feet south of northerly property 1 ine. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or OrdiniH1ces of the City of Campbell 'Jhich pertain to this devel- opment and arc not herein specified.' .. PASSED AIW ADOPTED thi s. 26thJay of August, 1974, by the follm.¡jng ro 11 ea 11 vote: AYES: Coune i Imen: Chamberlin, Doet~ch, Hammer, Podgorsek, Paul NOES: Counc i 1 men: None ABS Etn: Counci Imen: None APPROVED: Norman Paul tlayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk ~ RESOLUfION NO. 3780 BEING A RESOLUTION .AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF HAIG SARKISIAN AND ESTELLE LILLIAN ßARKISIAN AGREEMENT. WHEREAS there has been submitted to the City Council by Haig Sarkisian, et ux, an agreement for the development of their real property in .accordance with prescribed conditions; WHEREAS, by the terms of said agreement, and concurrently here,.,rÏ th they have submitted grant deeds of certain portions of their property for street purposes; NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of said City; and BE IT FURTlffiR RESOLVED that the grant deed submitted in connection therewith be and the same is hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th 19'7~1 by the following vote: Chamberlin, Hammer, 'Podgorsek, Paul day of September A,):""ES: Councilmen: NOES: Counciimen: ABSENT: Councilmen: None Doetsch APPROVED: Norman Paul Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk 1 of 1 [lGREEMEN'I' THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 19 , by and between tffiIG SARKISIAN and j?S'¡'ELLE LILLIAN SARKISIAN,' his wife as tenants in cormnon . , hereinafter as "Ol,'mers", and the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, referred to as "City". referred to corporation hereinafter WI'rNESSETH: vlliEREßS, Owners did heretofore on apply to City for a Use Permit construct an industrial building upon property described as Parcel "A" and Parcel.Map recorded April 29 , 19~, and filed in Book 338 of Maps at page 55 of the County Recorder of the County of .Santa Clara, State of California, which property is hereinafter referred to as "said real property"; and, October 16 , 19 73 in order to that certain real shown upon that certain WHEREAS, at its regular meeting held November 26 --' 19-11-, said City did consider said applicatiòn and grant its approval thereon subject to certain conditions thereof as con- tained in Resolution No. 3613 of the City Council of said City NON, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUÅLLY AGREED TO by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: (1) It is agreed to that Owners are required to prepare and/or cause to be prepared a parcel map based upon a field survey and/or record data in accordance with the provi- sions of the Subdivision Nap Act of the State of California, which parcel map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer and which map shall be submitted to the City Engineer of City for examination, approval and recordation within thirty (30) days from the date hereof. It is further agreed to that if Owners choose to, or are required to, submit a parcel map, Owners shall pay City the sum of_- _SEVENTY - SIX --. - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- DOLLARS (76.00-------1- for the examination of the tentative and final parcel map. (2) It is fure1er agreed to that Owners shall provide, construct and/or install at their ov,,"n proper cost. and expense upon Gilma!l Avenue throughout the £rontage of said real property p~)lic street improvements consisting of, but not limited to, the following~ 1 of 6 11. FIRST: Provide and construct City of Campbell standard curb and gutter, commercial sidewalk and driveway approaches, consisting of Portland Cement Concrete, as shovID upon the improvement plans for said real property approved by the City Engineer of City. ' SECOND: Provide and construct City of Campbell standard pavement structures consisting of untreated crushed rock base course and asphaltic concrete surface course or approved equivalent in accordance with said approved improvement plans. THIRD: Grade said real property in accordance with approved building plans. FOURTH: Provide and install City of Campbell standard street monument box, street name sign, regulatory sign and sign post therefor, barricades and redwood headerboards, as shown upon said improvement plans. FIFTH: Provide and install City of Campbell standard street light steel pole, with upsweep bracket arm, luminaire, with individual integral photoelectric cell, electrical underground conduit, with conductors and junction box, all as shown upon said plans and as approved by said City Engine~r. SIXTH: Provide and install or cause to be installed a water distribution SYRtem, including fire hydrant and appurtenances to serve said real property as shown upon said plans. SEVENTH: Provide and install a sanitary sewerage system to serve said real property as shown upon said plans. EIGHTH: Provide and install an underground electrical energy system and an underground telephone system to serve said real property. NINTH: Provide and plant street trees of a variety and size as shown upon the plans and as approved by said City Engineer. 2 of 6 (3) It is further agreed to that Owners shall provide and construct and/or install all of said public street improvements when Owners are so notified to do so by said city Engineer of city. . (4) It is further agreed to that all of said improvements shall be constructed and/or installed within twelve (12) months from the date that Owners are notified by said City Engineer to do so; provided, however, that in the computation of said twelve-month period, delays due to or caused by acts of God, viz., unusually inclement weather, major strikes, other delays beyond the control of Owners shall be excluded. It is expressly understood and agreed to that if Owners shall fail to complete the work required by this Agreement within the said period of twelve (12) months, the City, after giving ten (10) days written notice thereof to Owners, may construct and/or install said improvements and recover the full cost and expense thereof from Owners. (5) It is further agreed to that O~)ers shall prepare or cause to be prepared at their cost and expense improvement plans for the construction and/or installation of said public street improvements, which plans shall be prepared by a civil engineer licensed by the State of California, which plans shall be submitted to City Engineer of City for his examination and approval and which plans shall be submitted to City Engineer when O\vners are so notified by said City Engineer. (6) It is fure1er agreed to that the construction work of the improvements embraced by this Agreement sh:all be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the Depart- ment of Public Works, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January, 1973, and in accordance with the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, where indicated. WHEREVER the word "State" or words "Division of Highways" are mentioned in the State Specifications, it shall be consi- dered as referring to the City of Campbell. Also, wherever the "Director" or "Director of Public Works" is nentioned, it shall be considered as referring to the City Engineer. In case of conflict between the State Specifications and the Specifications of the City of Campbell ëlliJc1 Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. (7) It is f~rther agreed to that Owners shall depos it with City, upon e~ecution of this Agreement, for office exa- mination of improvement plans, field inspect~n of construction of improvements and all necessary expenses incurred by City in connection with sé1id improvemènts and all neo1!ssary expenses 3 of 6 incurred by City in connection with said real property the sum of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR-------------:------------------------ --------------------------------------- DOLLARS (D2~0-----}. (8) It is further agreed to that Owners shall file with City, upon execution of this Agreement, a bond in the amount of THREE THOUSAND FIVE I~DRED FIFTY ------------------------- - - DOI,LJ'.RS ($]-1 550.00----+ to insure full and faithful performance of the construction of all the aforementioned improvement work, excluding sanitary sewers and water distribut,ion system. Said bond shall guarantee that Owners shall correct any defect which may appear in said work within one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work by City and pay for any damage to other work resulting from the construction thereof, as well as paying the cost of all labor and materials involved. This bond shall remain in full force and effect until one (1) year after date of final acceptance of said improvements. (9) It is further agreed to that City reserves the right to revise storm drain design shown on approved improvement plans provided Owners are given reasonable written notice of City's intention to make revisions. Reimbursement amount will be adjusted by difference between revised storm design and pre- sently approved storm design, in accordance with City of Campbell Storm Fee Schedule. (10) It is further agreed to that when called upon by . City to do so, Owners will execute a petition for the formation of any special assessment.district created pursuant to any ~pecial assessment act as provided in the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California created for the purpose of constructing and/or installing <any or all of the public street improvements herein described within the rights of way herein mentioned. (11) It is further agreed to that O"wners shall partici- pate in and become a part of any special assessment district as described in paragraph (10) of this Agreement. It is expressly understood that any obligations of Owners contained in this Agreement that are accomplished to the satis- faction of said City Engineer by said special assessment district shall be considered null and void. (12) It .is further agreed to that Owners shall file with City, upon execution of this Agreement, a letter, from said Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County stating that Owners have entered into an agreement with tne said District No.4 to install sanitary sewers to serve said real property, and stating that a bond to in~3Ure full and f<a,ithful performance of the construction of the sanLt<:lrY sewers aw.d to insure the general guarantee as stated below in paragra:ph (14) has been .filed. 4- of 6 (13) It is further agreed to that Owners shall pay to. Pacific Gas and Electric Company any and all fees required for installation 0f underground wiring circuit to all electro- liers within said'real property, ~1en Owners are notified by either the city Engineer of Campbell or the Pacific Gas and Electric Company that the said fees are due and payable. (14) It is further agreed to that Owners ~hall make such deposits or file such bonds and enter intQ,such agreement as required by_- Campbell Water Company when called upon to do so to insure the installation of a water distribution system' to serve said real property, including fire hydrant. (15) It is furtller agreed to that any easement and right of way within or without said real property necessary for the completion of the project shall be acquired by Owners at their own cost and expense. It is provided, however, that in the event eminent domain proceedings are required for the purpose of securing said easement and right of way, Owners shall deposit or cause to be deposited Witll City a sum cover- ing the reasonable market value of the land proposed to be taken and to be included in said sum shall be a reasonable allowance for severance damages, if any. It is furUler provided that in addition thereto such sums as may be required for legal fees and costs, engineering and other incidental costs shall be deposited with City. (16) It is further agreed to that Owners shall carry out any and all negotiations with all interested parties and shall perform or cause to be performed at their O\~l cost and expense and to the satisfaction.of the City Engineer any and all work required to abandon, ',remove, raise, lower, relocate and other- wise modify irrigation line or lines within the boundary of said rea} property. (17) It is furUler agreed to that the storm drainage area fee in connection with said real property and in conformance with the requirements established by Section 9110.5 of the Campbell Municipal Code is in the amount of FOUR f~wnRRn FTFTY- FOUR----------------------------------DOLLARS ($4S4_QO-----~. (18) It is further agreed to that Owners shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Campbell, the City Council and the City Engineer, and any and all other officers or employees of City from any suits, claims or actions brought by any per- son for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property sustained or arising in the construction of the on- site work due to any acts, omissions or negligence of Owners, their officers, agents, employees or contractors. (19) It is further agreed t.o that tne above-named terms and conditions shall bind the heir~, successors, administrators 'cr assigns of Owners. 5 of 6 ~' (20) Ihis instrument is and shall be considered to be an instrument affecting the right, title, interest in or posses- sion of the real property hereinabove described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Më:tyor and City Clerk, thereunto duly authorized by resolution of the City Council, and said Owners have hereunto caused their names to be affixed the day and year first above written. CITY OF CAMPBELL Mayor ~ ' .' City Clerk 9--vY~~ ~" "\ I ~é~¿< .- . ~ / ~ ë~-L ~ ~-~------- / ,/" Haig Sarkisian ~cu/ LA-~ ~;-~ Estelle Lillian Sarkisian -------------C ,.:~: :: _O~i;~~~L____- }" On this.......30:th......,.....day of...,.....,August.......,........,.,.............o..in the year one thousand nine hundred and......Se.v~t¥=fc;AU:.....m..... before me, ..........v.i.I'.g.in.i.a..:MTm~hY,...'.......m.......'.........'m.....'.......o..m.., a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared.............................m........ ...,.. H:Ü g.. .sax k i ¡¡;i ~ m ~d..,Ii; £ te l1e.. L il,1. i.an. o. SaI'k i sian-.............,.........,.... .... u .....o. U - .m....... -"'o.u _........-'_0..'..'" 'm,""""""""'" ......m..........,..........................m...........,...............m.............m. u r.' "'!","c' 'i '!.!n£!¡¡"",'rr"'~"'$""""~""n'~ d" 'oO' -Õ'I,:Ï"ICÍALSI~:\j;'<"'" 'I\: [} ;¿,~:.~'r~"P.LIC . COt 1/;': :~~A F' ~ COU:j'TY OF $,\r¡TA C'.J"^ ¡", ~ MyCcmn-,s'_ion r'pi"" i",_,:, , ';,.' ,; ¡;¡ 1i¡m!:!¡¡mmm!!!I!!mm;m~!!II!!¡I¡¡¡i liiHt:4 known to me to be the þersonS...,whose nameS......ar.e.......subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thaL..the..y...,executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the o..,.........said............__.County of............8anta...ClaJ.ta............the day and year in this certificate first above written. (.',/' .7 . '---~':; / . ~ .'/" /' {~~¿¿ ,,"it-' ~~:.~,~........ .:..:¿Z..,_.':::.::~... ,::'~::~....~..,.,..:')....n..uo..... 00"'" ... ""00......00"""""""'" .......0.............'.'".""""" N'otary Public, State of California. Cowdery's Form No. 32-Acknowledgment-GeneraI, 'E . (C. C. Sec. 1189) (PR-INTED 2.15-65) 52.\430 My ComlIÜssion xplres........o.,_......................._............................ I j 3510 Leigh Avenue (near Camden) . P.O. Bo" 24186. San Jose. California' 95154. Phone 377-8234 "" ,f' GEECURITV gAVII\I~~ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Rodney Moore Manager July 26,1974 City of Campbell Construction Engineering Dept. 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 Gentlemen: We have been requested by Mr. and Mrs. Haig Sarkisian, on behalf of Haig precision Manufacturing Co., to advise you of their assignment of a $3,550.00 savings account to you. The result, of course, is that $3,500.00 will be held until a written demand by an authorized signature in your office is received, or until a written release is received from the same authority. Your receipt for the enclosed account book would be appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions. Yours truly, II' .' Rodney A. Moore Branch Manager RAM/db Enclosure GRANT DEED We, HAIG SARKISIAN and ESTELLE LILLIAN SARKISIAN, his wife as tenants in common, hereby grant unto the CITY OP CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public street purposes, and to become a portion of Gilman Avenue, all that certain real property situate within said City and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of Lot 10 of Block 3 as said Lot is shown upon that certain Map of Rucker's Addition filed in Book "P" of Maps at Page 39 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; THENCE, along the northeasterly line of said Lot 3 South 58° 07' East 5.00 feet to a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet southeasterly, me3.3urcd at rig-ht angles, from the center line of Gilman Avenue, as said Gilman Avenue is shown upon said Map; THENCE, along said parallel line South 31° 53' West 15.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve that is concave north- westerly and has a radius of 40.00 feet; THENCE, along the arc of said curve southwesterly 20.21 feet through a central angle of 28 ° 57' 18 II to the intersec,tion with the northwesterly line of said Lot 10; TfŒNCE, along said northwesterly line North 31° 53' East 34.36 feet to the POINT OF BEGI~~ING. CONTAINING 140.40 square feet, more or portion of said I~t 10. ~? S8 ~~EOF, day? ,>, t' --' less, and being a /' we$~' placed our 19 ¿, . -- ~~<' - ) 6~~~_-- Bark is ian (Notary Certificate) /,e~ ¿¿ ¿L- /7 -;'~~d /I' L-~~/ r/ Estêlle Lillian Sarkisian 1 of 1. ., .... I GJ r- 3= þ Z ~ rn ~ ~- CENTRAL AVE, -t -- -- ~ -- _Land to ate "."teel to Clt, ContaIn. 1"10.t O SQ.F=T.: - 30' I z (þ ~ I~ <I Ú'\ <.J1 ~ V> 1"1 Ii I I I ..'. ".. . :.:. :. .'..' '. : :. ':.¡.. ~..'\ .' .. ',".:. . .., .' . : . .' ".' .' : : . :..., '.' ....:::. . ':.., ..:: '.. 25' P,o.6. A R= 40.0D A: 2.8.57' 18" ~= 2.0.~ 5.00' S 58007' E 1 eo:": ". . ....' : ":,::": '.:.' .:. ..' . ~. '. ." .' '. ",,". . {:.~\ . . ~:. .. LANDS OF SARKISIAN ;¡ / ~, ...... '. / """,,¡ . .. .. .' :. ~."; . . '. '..' ~.. . l --.. . . . :: : ..' SCALE l' = 20' li BE GRANTED TO TH E ITY F AMPBEL Dr.By M.¡J.'!'¡ MAY ,1974 ClBy lc \J MA If J974 P,epa,ed b, the Office of t"e Clt, En,ln.e,. CaMpbell. Callfo",lo CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR HAIG SARKISIAN UP T~ I: -r ~... , , 186 GILMAN AVENUE DIn. (60) 1. Clearinq and Grubbinq: AC removal: 103 sq. yd. @ $1.50 2. Earthwork: = $ 12~27 = 45.4 cu. yds. @ $5.00 = 3. Uhderqround Street Liqhtinq System: a. 1 1/2" rigid galvanized metal conduit with two #8 AWG solid copper conductors: 42 line ft. @ 4.25 = b. 175-watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type III electrolier, with photoelectric cell, 240-volt: 1 @ $850.00 = 4. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 39 lin. ft. @ $4.00 = b. Class A, PCC sidewalk: 142.5 sq. ft. @ $1.00 = c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: 266 sq. ft. @ $1.25 = 5. Street Construction: a. Alt. No.1: 1. Class 2 A~B., 1 1/2" max.: (693 sq. ft.) (0.67) (0.07) = 32.5 tons @ $6.00 = 155.00 227.00 179.00 850.00 156.00 143.00 333.00 195.00 2. AC pavement, Type B: (693 sq. ft.) (0.33) (0.075) = 17.2 tons @ $19.50 = 6. Misc. Surface Improvements: 335.00 a. Adjust to grade: 2 manholes @ $200.00 = 400.00 b. City monument boxes: 1 @ $80.00 = 80.00 c. Street trees, five-gallon size: 1 @ $25.00 = 25.00 Sub Total (based on Alt. No.1): 15% Contingencies: $3, 078.00 462.00 TOTAL: $3,540.00 1. Use $3,550.00 for bond amount. 2. Plan examination and construction inspection fee is $124.00. 3. Storm drainage area fee is $454.00. (0.593) (765) Prepared by: Lawrence C. Versaw May 9, 1974 þJ) " 11 IN 00 ~() 0 ' -¡------ I --L/ c..é.~"'\"~~L AVE. ~------_. .--... .-......-......-....-- h c t1 -- ~g\1 0 P r ~ r; Þ #. (11 C r."r ~D~ ~~r1\ ) r I-'- Þ 17 ~ f, ...J ~ ~ ~ I ç f11P Z ".-- J1 0 0 - þ 0 JI t % oJ 0 J1 Vi ( I ù' I () 0, 1// L~ '?ß "'01 E: ~ ~ç; » (»ç % .\:> \,j (~y ~ ~ rÞP r~P II I" " II I ,I. Þ. J-Õ\j ~¡PCI(ì . lY. 0.' 6'°0 .ro 1)J\.10 -~, \Jl [\J -J n ...J ' þv , 11" (JJ Ij\JN ...] -151 ¿¡ -{ V1 Gi, r~ ' ~ ::: \'1;]0 d>JJ "" II I¡ II /> ~Jl}J J>(D NrJ j.Þ NN 0 0 (J:¡ D . Q r. °') GO 0 ¡';\PiJ oJ Jì: t.-1, --;N ~::J þ. (ß tN 0 c. tY 19 ~ 11 ;; c, ~cr:j \.:;::;../~ ("." ... v \ I / RESOLUTION NO. . 3613 BEHIC /, ¡U:SOLUTIO;I or THr. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY or U\I:l'iŒLL !.I'PIWVING ^ USE ?LR1':IT, INCI,UDJiiG PL/d¡S A:~D I:LLVATIOlrs-;--I'o'R /; POF:TION OJ' THE l:;-;-~:;:J¡; 20;;[ lIS EST/.I\LISHLJ BY ORDIr:ANCE J;O. 916 (\;! ':';:J: :n¡'¡¡¡ Dj\Y or SET'TE::5ER, 1973. (Application of Hale Sarkisian). The City Council of the City of Campbell does hereby ordain as follo';3: SECTIO¡{ ONE; That a use DCT'!;)it, including plans and elev&ticns. i~ h~reby approved. on that portion of an Interim Zo~e known as lBG GlIma}) Avenue as per the application of Haig Sarkisian, Said approval granted subject to tllE following co~ditions: 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as adc, ed in "réòu on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plent material, location of hose bibs or sprin~lcr syst~m and location and ~ype of fencing tn be sub¡;]ittcd for QPp~~ovaJ of the Plë:'.nnin,Ç Director at time of applicat'io!, for buildi:1g permit. 3. Lar.ùf.caping shall he maintailleC: in accordance wi th t~e appl'ovpd landscape p.ldl1. ~ ' I I f 4. Faithful performance bond in tl!c amount of $1~500 to he posted to insure lundscapinGs fencing and striping of parking area within thr'ee (3) months of completion of constl'uc~cion, or applicant may file written agreement to complete land~caping, fencing and striping of parking are~ prior to final Building Department clearance. 5. Appl":'cant to sign agreement satisfactor'y to the City Atto!"r:ey that the Pl'°TJcT'ty \:il1 be used as indica'ted on 'the approved plans. Th,:,;: <lp¡.:.licant is not if ied as part of this a'ppli cat i on tha t h~ is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordi11ances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All p~rking SDaces to be provided with appropriate ccncrete curbs or bumper guards. - -,' f t , f I ! I " r\ t. J \,,1',/ i ,~ , ~ B. Underground utilities to he provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the CaDpbell Municipal Code. C. PI~~s submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities includinn water~ scwer, electric, telc~hone and television cables, etC. D. Sign application to be ~ubmitted in accordance with pro- visions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No siEn to be instdlled until application is approveâ and permit issued by the building department. E. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for tJ1e collection and disposal of refuse, garhaEc, Wet ~i¡rba~e, and ruhbi~h produced within the limits of the City of CùDp!Jell shall be made ,~ith Green Vùllcy Disposal Conpany. T~¡js rcquirenent applies to all single family dwellings, multiple apart- ment unitss to all comDcrcial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and CoIJstruction establishments. r I ¡: [ D I: P ^ R T :: r. ~: T : r-: 'Ira Si-;-CO;1 t a in er (s) of a size and quan t i ty nece s sary to serVe the d evelop:-:¡ent shall be loc at ed in area ( s) a pproved by the fire department. Unlcss otl¡erwise noted, cnclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete f~oor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the fire department. G. Provide one off-site fire hydrant. H. Provide one on-site fire hydrant. I. Provide one "2ABC" fire extinguisher for each leased space. B U I LD I1iG DEI' ARnŒHT : ~ 11 30" hIgh parapet wall requ ipcd above roof line a t north, east and west elevations. Seetion 1709. K. Roof covering shall be fire retardant. Section 1704, 3203 (f). ENGINEERlhG DEPARTMENT: L. Conditions as required by the City Engineer. Applicant should contact Engineering Department for' those conditions. * The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes op Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of November, 1973 t by the following roll call vote: Ayr;s: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek, Chamberlin None None APPROVED: Dean R. Chamberlin Mayor '¿k Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk . f:=( Cl--' h U l) Pr¿c) C.eç~) Pl.:){2 LEi L L'-.( "" P - ¿, l.JEljìL!)TE- TO G::,C/ ~~{l¿eeT rZlbH-T GF ~, 'p/)'1 <::; T6l2- l'-l D í¿Ò \ ~~}h C::.¡b I~ r¿t: 'b f=-eE -1 t-~ t? t2/'::;;j E Ci-~ .\1. I ~ç- Þ l:-{2. DC 12 t:: 4 t:=~-_n ElL \ ~TC: 1)<=~~}r¿LEtl\ e ~,T l\ ~ L \:::>6<:.: T f~~ t~ \<:':(::; 12... CC; ~ <:oT r¿~ LT (C: I...J C F- C; '1" (~e ~ T t t,- I P t ¿ ó" E;=ì'- \ e u 'T~ 1."-.J'tJ I . ~T ATTEST: 1-' .