Hacienda Ave. (TR6230) RECEIPT RECEIPT CITY OF ~AMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA ~ 'Z CAMPBEL,.. CAt :FORNIA CITY OF CAMPBELL ADDRESS ~ ~J NAME ADDRESS 7~ ,(ý~ J~ t t:3C! ~ ~Úy/ ,. FOR ~~ ..ff ? ,)---30 &!¿~ g~. Þ- a~~J J~ . r' ~.J~~y Aé? - tI ;f ~ )/%? ~ ¿¿: r- A- FUND NUMBER REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~.~I Æ- FUND NUMBER ¿:ß ~Q"-3C::¡::.Cí THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BelOW. 15539 CITIZEN COpy 0 MONEY ORDER It /1( .f:t\CHECK 9C'.~j?(. V AMOUNT 0 CASH 0 CASH 0 MONEY ORDER DATE AMOUNT DATE APR -4-78 APR -4 - 78 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BelOW. 011 **~6,630.00 65 011 A **6,630.00 APR -]-78 000 ***1)489.00 APR -]-78 51 000 A **1,1.¡89.00 ~ BY /' , Ú' . "'ne,,"" Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL 15S01 BY /9t~ / ú '" ) CITY CLERK Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITIZEN COpy 0.. 0.. Mo 'oeedotoel @ Moof.. au"..... form" Inc,.m '16476 _.--Fo<_, Inc, 1'0_3.016.308; 3..29,127 r -RECEIPTj)JW- P;U CITY OF CAMPBELL -rr{ (;7- 3D RECEIPT CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NA rf:~~ (¿ ~a ADDRESS ADDRESS i, ~ ~\'-"~ '., ~,\'; ~2 FzJ, ~~ n ~ -ø /.;;2 .;:t., Ar . /¥, ~- .------- ~~4~ '~~ú~ -~- '/I'V:f ~ ~ # /':'- 'tI --- -- REVENUE ACCOUNT NO ðÍJ' ¿I 4- 3 ç .1--377 FUND NUMBER. ,?f--- / ~ ~ í!f ~HECK /" 0 MONEY ORDER (f'-- :5.f FUND NUMBER REVENUE ACCOUNT NO- DATE AMOUNT ~ CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH / I-JJ ---- DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT I AUG 28 - 79 024 **1 ~,OO(}.oo' MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND I AUG 28-79 8 024 A *1 ~JOOO.OO : SIGNED BELOW. 0 CASH THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JUN -6-78 JU¡~ -6-78 024 *** * 390.00 79 024A ***390.CO 16476 ,,~ ( . CITY CLERK ../ .01 Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL N~ 02842 BY CITIZEN COpy 0" .-.".._.-,--" CITY OF CAMPBELL To: DING DEPARTMENT A . \., """I C) 7 ~- Date: 0 P t" I \ ¿., 1./ '- ('J I i From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBL I C WORKS DEPARTMENT REQU I REMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- " The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT "VI' \\; (\n) s -Th: V. Cf, BUILDING ADDRESS I \ L.¡ :3 C Cl P I-, D.-, COUNTY ASSESSOR I S _\ PARCEL NUMBER 40,::.7" -2:;J ---7 APPROVAL NUMBERZ C Î 1 .- !?- P IC OR S I r L (\ ~ ' 1.-'- -#- Ir,.:;. 2'30 UBL W K F - LE NUMBER ~")' n I'- =) ~I ) , "'.. JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WOR~S /Î {j By : (,..i:1",'1"""1 ë..-<- ! c.-u :.0 - '--1 ,,- V / --- - ,.A Date :_--- Li .-, "2- 1.. 7 (! REr~'VED r. ~ I r 'ì I ~ ,III 1 Ii -97. CITY OF CAMPBELL " . , : J ~CAVATION PERMIT 75 N. Central Avenue F i ,,¡ :r. I,~"""-- Clmpbell. CA 95008 ~ ;-L '.'J ,¡UK lIS APPLICATION: E~\GIr:EERJNG Application is hereby made for In excavation pennit in Iccorda ce with Clmpbell A. The 10CItion Ind nature of work to be done is' " I '? '¿"f Pennit No. ? !l '9 '-I- Call 378-8141 x 220 for inspect ions, 11.04, B. Attached are four copies of a drawing showing the location, extent and dimensions of the work. The drawing shows the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground improvements, When approved by the city engineer, said drawing becomes I part of this pennit. C. The applicant hereby agrees by affhing his signature to this application to hold the City of Clmpbell. its officers. Igents, and employees free. safe. Ind hannless from Iny cllim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this pennit. D. The P it Fee is $25.00. This is to help cover the cost of inspection. Nlme Address I'! '- This pennit to excavate 15 issued subject to the following conditions: 1. NOTIFY the city engineer 48 hours before beginning work. 2. MAWTAIII safe pedestriln Ind vehicu1er crossings and free Iccess to privlte driveways. fire hydrants and water valves. 3. Any STREET CLOSING must hive prior, specific IPproval from the city engineer. 4, CONTROL OF TRAFFIC in the work area shall confonn with the Work Arel Traffic Control Handbook. 5. REPLACE IN KIND Iny damaged or removed existing improvements or pllntings. 6. SAWCUT for all P.C.C. or A.C. removals. 7. P.C.C. REPLACEMENTS shall conform with current City Standlrds. B, A.C. REPLACEMENT shall be either: £'4 inches A.C. on 12 inches R-78 bese rock or 9 inches A.C. deep strength; or. g. Miscellaneous conditions: - Imported. select backfill is required. . ..!C- The hours of work are limited to between q &t WI end .1(1Þ? ,;' fl. f/¡ U1 d þo. 4-v<--- .. ..L. Work to be stlked by I li censed Lind Surveyor or Civil Engineer and three copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Works Oepartlnent before starting work. - Open cutting of pavement will not be allowed; an pipes or conduit shall be jacked under existing pavement. L l1iff. "hll.lh-l ÐvI .rhl- I bu+o....u-Íh¡6Y1 ..sh.¡.. 3 """af /;7(,.. i~J'*llhlr ,/ All c?rr;¡{¡'k d~4(;"111° ("h'?r1 H--h';"'" { .J.o ~ .-f.p....- dVaf/;" .:iY.l~ _us-T 11,. W'l1. ~ f' 4- I:'\vc...¿ .?- A-.-. t/,¡c. (j ¡""...q ~H""- ..........h Cole. , 10. DEPOSn required to qUlrantee reStoration of puo1ic r,ght-of-WII. (Returnable upon acceptance of the work by the city engineer). S - 11. REQUEST a final inspection end acceptance in writing upon c_letion of the work. 12. Acceptance of the Pennit by the nlmed Penn1ttee constitutes acceptance of any and III conditions upon which thi s Pennit 15 granted. This Permit does not relieve the Pemittee of any ob1igltion to obtlin Iny other Pennit required by llw. "mit is not transferable. Work .ust be perfo...d by Dlnnittee or pennittee's agent. NOTE: TRENCH SAFETY hIS not been checked and is NOT I"'LIED with thh Pe",it. Contact: Stlte of CIl1fomia Division of Industr1e1 Safet¥ Oeplrtlnent of Industrial Relations (408-277-1260) ~ ACCEPTEotJ-V~' (t, ~- /~ ) : -cSignature of emittee) - I L E8ergency telephone n~r "-ED9~ NGI For .Pe",it to Excavate" ( 6, f (.' 7k- te (Date) Drlwing Attached? ¿ 5 Pe"'it FH Paid? Ivt£ Þ Deposit Received? 0 .;',.,1<> (-J~) Business License?--¥, ES ¿-1r/-7 f . M---- PERMIT MOT VALID UNTIL APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER. 4/7B f' (I" G- -/9 -) 7' j> :¡t G:L30 ..'t. J ...J.ð- v NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and Joseph Elliott the undersigned, as City Engineer caused subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the 14th of January , 19 80 . Above Space for Recorder day That the name of the Subdivider for said owner is Will iams Development Co., Inc. That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Tract No. 6230 and háving the following address: Dated January 18 , 19 80 1 of 2 ~ #¿;Ø 4os ph Elliott Director of Publ ic Works STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 55. and Joseph Ell iott being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer the owner of the property described in the foregoing the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof; are true of my own knowledge. for said City of Campbell, notice; that I have read and the facts therein stated Jf:f.~ ~~ Director of Publ ic Works/City Engineer Subscribed and sworn to before me this ;<3AJ-- day of ~jY1JJ(vu'J ~~ íf1,CaM/ Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California. , 19~ " i!()Ti",-y PU;::LI;!:_!~ S';'I,SE --",,/"O:.:,'JIA ~,>,!~mì CLNit\ CQU^'TV ' r"m " 00,..1,1. expires OCT 1, 19B3 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 5723 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 6230 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that all improvements in Tract No. 6230 have been completed in accor- dance with that agreement entered into March 31, 1978, concerning said Tract; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the Tract and improvements, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that Tract No. 6230, together with all the improvements thereon, be and the same are hereby accepted and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improvements. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1980, by the following vote: 14th day of January AYES: Counc i I men: Doetsch, Hammer, Chamber lin, Podgorsek, Paul NOES: Counc i I men: None ABSENT: Counc i I men: None APPROVED: Norman Paul - Mayor ATTEST: Phylhs O. Acker City Clerk ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 [,; v' ,\'ý. Go '230 Department: Public Works " I' Ii _.¡I--_.... October 12, 1979 ---""'-"'- Mr. Gerald Marozick Pacific Gas and E1ectric Company 325 Saratoga Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL LIGHTING DISTRICT--ENERGIZING OF ELECTROLIERS--TRACT NO. 6230 Dear Mr. Marozick: You are requested and authorized to energize the seven 240-volt e1ectr01iers recent1y installed by Rosendin Electric at the following locations. The service point is shown on the attached p1an. 90-w., loP.S. North side of Hacienda Ave. 145 feet west of Capri Dr. 90-w., loP.S. North side of Hacienda Ave. 30 feet west of Capri Dr. 90-w., loP.S. North side of Hacienda Ave. 50 feet east of Capri Dr. 90-w., loP.S. North side of Hacienda Ave. 190 feet east of Capri Dr. 55-w., loP.S. East side of Capri Dr. 50 feet north of Hacienda Ave. 55-w., loP.S. West side of Capri Dr. 230 feet north of Haci enda Ave. 55-w., loP.S. East side of Capri Dr. 375 feet north of Hacienda Ave. Thank you. Should you have any questions, p1ease contact the undersigned. Very tru1y yours, James Penoyer Engineering Technician ~ J.{. .&Nj ckL By Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide LMS/1e attachment SPEEDOMETER STOP START TOTAL Dlj..,..~ Y ~ T"K h Z ¿$ 0 DATE /0 -1/- 7 ~ ~~~ ~ ,,/ C~' })/è PAGE NO, CONTRACT LOCA TION WEATHER TEMP, MIN, MAX. f--~,,- -: --t-O r~--jZ ¡:J ~/ £: -Ä. < 12-rl ð t¿?---" :> 0 -'/ - 7' G t, ~ Æ //,::;. - /V¿ ':96 ~ ~ '" ~ - :S~,) Ps c ~~ j) 1::, v~~ EébcA ,/~~ MBF WORKING DAY NO, SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED RECEIVfiA ~7¿ Sonia Clara vQnt::~ 'vva~er Dis~ric~ ,1"'f 1, ~ L':\ ¡078 PUbLllJ woaKS ENGINEERING 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE. CAliFORNIA 95118 TElEPHONE (408) 265-2600 May 31, 1978 Mr. Louis M. Bini Associates Consulting Civil Engineers 2785 Park Avenue Santa Clara, California 95050 Dear Mr. Bini: We have reviewed the grading and drainage plan for Tract 6230, adjacent to Page Ditch, which was hand delivered to us on May 18. The proposed grading should divert surface drainage away from Page Ditch and is therefore satisfactory. The drainage of the site into the existing 30-inch storm sewer should not be allowed as it would increase flows in Page Ditch resulting in flooding at San Tomas Aquino Road. As stated in our letter of November 16, 1977 to the City of Campbell, pertaining to the improvement of Capri Drive and the installation of the 30-inch storm drain, Page Ditch is only a 42-inch pipe from San Tomas Aquino Road to Smith Creek. The installation of an additional 42-inch pipe down Westmont Avenue would provide the additional capacity needed, (about 30 cubic feet per second). No Santa Clara Valley Water District permit is needed for the proposed work in this tract. Sincerely yours, ORIGINAL SIGNIrD BY W. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division cc: Mr. Joseph Elliot Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 ELLIOTT þlANDLlNG AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER 'SCARD Norn1 I ~'l(¡ SantaClaraValleyWaterDistrid ð Fer 'iL' fo. PERMIT 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 . (408) 265,2600 Stream , Page Ditch Dale Issued 3/1/78 Permittee City of èampbell Telephone 37P.-8l4l 75 North Central Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Attention Mr. Joseph Elliot Director of Public Works Attention Mr. Bill Helms Engineering Manager Purpose of Permit ~ Encroachment æ¡ Construction 0 Temporary Permit No. 78206 File Permits, N/C Zone Page Ditch Nly of Hacienda Avenue at Terminus of Capri Drive Re: Improvements of Hacienda Ave. and Capri Drive 78A192, 78P192 Installation of 21 feet of 3D-inch C.M.P. and outfall structure, outfalling into creek. Construction Expiration Date 3/1/79 Encroachment Expiration Date PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY: ' Œ DISTRICT'S Construction DIVISION, TELEPHONE 265,2600 Q9x K I){K« XXX KK XJO1IDCI XX ~~ X K JmC~XDEX ~ ~ ~ AT LEAST TWO NORMAL WORKING DAYS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT.. FAILURE TO NOTIFY IS CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT AND REMOVAL OF WORK, EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREEMENT TO COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS INCLUDED HEREIN, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS LISTED ON 1 HE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED IN THE ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS LISTED BELOW. VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIl 1. PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, 2, All work shall he r.onstrur.ted in iJr.cordi1nce wilh approved plans and 10 the satisf;-¡ction of Ihe District's Inspector, The work area must be restored to the s;-¡tisfaction of the District's Inspe<1or, 3, The qualitY of water passing through or below the site shall be maintained at all times and the addition of silt or other deleterious material to the water will not be permitted. 4. All backfill within~District right of way shall be compa~ted to at least 90% relative compaction in accordance with California Test Method #216, 5. This outfall is being itlstalled to acco~~odate future drainage systems. 6. Due to existing channel conditions, this outfall may tend to become clogged by silting. Santa Clara Valley Water Dis~rict will not be held responsible for the maintenance of this outfall or adverse flooding ponditions due to the siltation at this outfall. cc: Mr. Melvin R. Hill. Civil Engineer 3130 Impalla Drive San Jose, California 95117 FC.50 (7 175) ¡¡/~ø{~~ DIVISION ENGINEER DE51GN COORDINATION DI\/I';.~ON" . CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 May 15, 1978 Department: Fire RECE!VED Will iams Construction Company 2300 lanker Road San Jose, CA 95131 Gentlemen: MÞ,Y 1 . ': PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING ) '..J Re: Capri Estates Townhouses 1143 Capri Drive, Campbell There are two fire hydrants that will be installed on your property noted above, as part of the townhouse development. Before these can be installed by San Jose Water Works, a rental fee of $390 must be paid. This was a condition of the Planning Commission approva I . Would you please contact the City Engineer's office and arrange to have this fee paid? Sincerely, E. W. Borden, Fire Chief Campbell F're Department ~eo ardi, Acting Fire 'Chief Fire Prevention Bureau EWB:SAL:mm cc: Engineering Department V "t - ~ .. Santa Clara Valley Water District 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265.2600 May 11, 1978 t. . -,., ' " "" . ; i ~,r J\ I ~J r HANDLING R E C ~ j ~J E DJOTT Mr. Arthur Kee Planning Director City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention Mr. Richard L. Schneider Planner II 'RETURN 10- : r : (.' ¡;D Dear Mr. Kee: We have reviewed the site plan for the Lands of Williams, your file ZC 78-5 at 70S-and 725 West Hacienda Avenue, received with your letter of April 26, 1978. Whe site would not be subject to flooding from the 1% flood on any District fac~lit~. The site is loc4ted about 14 feet southeJ:'ly of Page Ditch which is a trapezoidal section eartrh.chãnnel cqntained within as feet of the right ofwaya,8 's~Q~~)o* the encl<l>sed copy of the site plan. OVerbank drainage would have an undesirable effect on the opera- tion and maintenance of the ditch. Please design the site grading to prevent such drainage. Details of the grading should include the cross-sectional view at the property line and should be shown on the improvement plans. This site is part of an area planned by the City of Campbell to drain into Page Ditch. Under existing conditions, the area should not be drained into Page Ditch because it would result in flows exceeding the Page Ditch (42-inch pipe) capacity at San Tomas Aquino Road. The installation of an additional 42-inch pipe down Lovell Avenue would provide the additional capacity needed. The ditch may be a potential hazard to small children that may be in the proposed development. We, therefore, recommend that for the safety and privacy of the people in the development, the site be fenced off from the ditch. Any fencing along the ditch right of way would require the property owner's approval and the sub- mittal of topography showing the location of the top and toe of the ditch bank and about three cross-sections of the ditch along the site. AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER '-',. r~ .. ~ ... Mr. Arthur Kee -2- May 11, 1978 In accordance with District Ordinance 75-6, the owner should show any existing well(s) on the plans and inform us regardinQ their proposed use. Please contact Mr. Nichols on extension-259 for information about well permits. Please furnish improvement plans for our review and issuance of a permit prior to construction. Very truly yours, bRtGINAL SIGNED ~ W. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosure: Marked Site Plan cc: Mr. Joe Elliot Director of Public Works City of Campbell \ \\ ~':-. ,',~~ }~'. \~: ) , .', :,~ \,,' \ \ \ -.. :". '..: . ~" \¡,. f~ \. \ '.:',::... ,':- I\~~' : \\\\ 'T~,:.' ',', L\ \ \ ", ',' . r \ \ \ .,' , . " , .. \ \, '.\"- ", :- ^ \ \, "- 'J \ 'I' , ' \ \ i \\1 ~" " 11J'4"_:~\Y\¿ ,.;/¡~, /.~' <'h.--.\l,~' 'f? '~f' /'l\~~' ("',~ ~ .'/!/)I\' \.,:;\' ('C~:~ ! (, ~I, /Lo;, ~-, ~~. - ",< ' «,...,:>0,.- \'<.. "'-ì'. , '- ...-1'õ"~, '-, , ":""l~ . . '2 ~ --..0: .--\ - - .. I . J ~~1/ :: '~I-~ , . . -\1 ":"",, ',' ',', "",'!'l r, ' ,. ,','Y", . ", " """'.' )~ (III-. -, '~\';,.V'\'i>(,- .: "0...,. '- ,I ';2/::.- , ..."""'(,-- '... - " \ '--{\ ,,~. .. , ¡', ~7- j \, ..~\ -~,,( J i "'~' '/, '{I\ ¡\\ ' ,(\ ~ .,'- ",:. Co"" \. ~. t, ¥,tjl:), ~f\~¡;:"t--1E.tJ\ 1 ~ (;f u\\ t\-\ - ,,:, (" :.. I :' ", , ~ 'V') ill I (j I 2 I ~ " f) }, {, --- ~ti { J ~',,~ -1 Ì' f) J~ ~j- :Ill {tt ~ J 7 rj'i (j <{«. Q !LV ~ .. w ~ <1 . ~, -<[ ~ ~ r ~ ill ; ~')~ _J <1 ~ "-J 7 :z \\~ P'J 7. 2J 4 J I - '. , \ 'ß .~ . . '; " ': ',' , " . -} " .i . , , , ; , '. '.', , .. -" I " '. " t '. " ,,; " . .. . °, ", ', " - .:-.,;,--,._, , ;. ',I ., 5an~a Clara Valley Wcler Dishid Jo PER M IT V 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 . (408) 265-2600 Stream Page Ditch 3/1/78 Date Issued Permittee City of Campbell Telephone 37B-8141 75 North Central Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Attention Mr. Joseph Elliot Director of Public Works Attention Mr. Bill Helms Engineering Manager Purpose of Permit ~ Encroachment Œ! Construction 0 Temporary Permit No, 78206 File permits, N/C Zone Page Ditch Nly of Hacienda Avenue at Terminus of capri Drive Re: Improvements of Hacienda Ave. and Capri Drive 78A192, 78P192 Installation of 21 feet of 30-inch C.M.P. and outfall structure, outfalling into creek. Construction Expiration Date 3/1/79 Encroachment Expiration Date PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY: . Œ DISTRICT'S Construction DIVISION, TELEPHONE 265,2600 []x X I)ŒlX X XX U XJ{):K!~ X X ~~ Xß KlXOCKXDEX K~ XID<I AT LEAST TWO NORMAL WORKING DAYS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT. FAILURE TO NOTIFY IS CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT AND REMOVAL OF WORK, EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREEMENT TO COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS INCLUDED HEREIN, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED IN THE ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS LISTED BELOW, VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT- 1, PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, 2, All work shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector, The work area must be restored to the s;¡tisfaction of the District's Inspector- 3, The quality of water passing through or below the site shall be maintained at all times and the addition of silt or other deleterious material to the water will not be permitted. 4, All backfill within District right of way shall be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction in accordance with California Test Method #216, 5. This outfall is being i~stalled to acco~~odate future drainage systems. 6. Due to existing channel conditions, this outfall may tend to become clogged by silting. Santa Clara Valley Water District will not be held responsible for the maintenance of this outfall or adverse flooding conditions due to the siltation at this outfall. cc: Mr. Melvin R. Hill Civil Engineer 3130 Impalla Drive San Jose, California 95117 FC60 (71-75) ¡¡/~¿¡~~~ DIVISION ENGINEER DESIGN COORDINATION DIVISION p; I ~ . S'"k) Qtt) COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY -, "" "'" 1 f- "'- :t."::. v . UI , , .:' SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GA ros CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA i ! 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 , ,..; " December 9,1977 Louis M. Bini Associates 2785 Park Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050 Attention Lou Bini RE Tract 6230 Gentlemen We have reviewed the tract map and improvement plans and have the following requirements: 1. Indicate the stationing on the plans for the manholes and vertical risers. A. The termination of the 4" building sewers will have to be construction staked also. 2. Indicate distance and slope from manhole 1 through 3. 3. Install 4" building sewer to recreation building and to facilitate draining swimming pool. I think the Health Department still requires that the pool water discharge from public and semipublic pools is made into a sanitary sewer. 4. The remainder of our comments are indicated on the improve- ment plan check prints. 5. If possible you might consider raising the storm drain~a little as it will be tight in the sanitary manhole 6-7 area. Prior to recordation of a tract map, the following will be required: Plan Check Fee Inspection Deposit Frontage Fees (Hacienda Dr.) 240.24' @ $8.65/Ft $ 531.00 1,064.00 2,078.05 Acreage Fee 2.28 Acs @ $150.00/Ac 342.00 LouisM. Bini A&__ciates December 9, 1977 Page 2 Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bond or Assignment of Investment Certificate in the amount of $26,600.00 Upon application for a sanitary sewer connection permit the following will be due: 37 condominium units @ $72.00/unit Permit 36 Inspections @ $2.50/EA 37 small Cleanout Boxes @ $4.50/EA $2,664.00 7.50 90.00 166.50 $2,928.00 ** Above will also be service charge for **Permit may have to Units 7 through 14 protection. subject to applicable prorata sewer the remainder of the fiscal year. be issued for recreation building. and 25 through 32 may require overflow We are forwarding the Bond forms, Certificate of Investment, and Transfer of Title to Williams Development Company, Inc. for execution and return at the time the fees are paid. Very truly yours Stephen H. GO°6r~~E ~n]Jl1~n~ By Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services RLM/pm cc City of Campbell, Public Works Dept. Attn: Jim Penoyer Williams Dev. Co., Inc. 2300 Zanker Road, SJ 95131 f~ l~', Snk~ Q~) San~a Clara Valley Wa~er Distrid 0 FLOOD HAZARD REPORT FC S9 (08-10-77) November 22,1977 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118. (408) 265-2600 RECE'Vro t'-~ n\f 2 ~ 1977 State of California Division of Real Estate One Hallidie Plaza Suite 200 San Francisco, California PUBliC WORKS UiG\tlE.ER\NG 94102 Gentlemen: A request has been received from Title Insur¡::¡nC".p ¡::¡n(i 'T'rl1st Company report relative to Tract 6230 located within the City of Carnphpll in the Page Ditch to prepare a flood hazard Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the Federal Insurance Administration. IX] The site would not be subject to flooding in the event of a 1% flood flow from a District Facility under either present or foreseeable future conditions. (This is a flow having a 1% chance Df being equalled or exceeded in any year.) D The site would be subject to flooding from Creek in the event of the 1 % flood flow. It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year. No assurance can be given as to date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additional Comments". D A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present cDnditions. A 1 % flood hazard to this site may develop as cDnditions change. Additional Comments: 1. The design capacity of Page Ditch is equal to the runoff esb mated to be generated by a storm of 10 year return frequency. Due to the con- veyance or detention of flood flows in streets or open areas, flooding of the site should not occur during a 1% flood. 2. This site is a part of an 85+ acre area that has been planned by the City of Campbell to drain into Page Ditch. Upon development of this area, the resultant increase in flows in Page Ditch would result in flooding downstream in the vicinity o~ .San T~mas Aquino Road. For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of IDcal. or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact the Ci tv of Campbell Public Works Departmp-nt cc: Title Insurance and Trust Company Attention Mr. Richard Lloyd Public Works Department City of Campbell Sincerely yours, ORIGINAL SIGN,_...; J ¡ W. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division ELLIOTT If HANDLING HELMS .i.-- RETURN TO- I "'h.,M./í{-- ...." I-D'SCARD D:~ I í-:LE _/ -- CASE F I ¡ ~ ' \ S I) l" 14 THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 1531 Parkmoor Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128 RECEIVED' November 17,1977 N 0 V 2, 3 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERIN~ City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract No. 6230 Gentlemen: The public utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for Tract No. 6230 have been examined by this office. The easements are adequate and satisfactory to this Company. Very truly yours, ~./ r ,? "U~ F. R. Ziñniel Engineering Manager cc: Louis M. Bini Assoc. 2785 Park Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC .ø ~ ~~1e(L. ~ FI't~: fnk, J-- ') ~oJ (!. 4\) COMPANY }}D @ ':cC;/ IE + 10900 NO. BLANEY AVENUE CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 (408) 253,2010 R.ECEiVED November 11,1977 N nv 1 5 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Hr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention: 11r. Elliott; Subject: Easement Approval for Tract # 6230 - Hacienda and Capri, Campbell. Dear Sir: The Fliblic Utility basements shown on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call Y.r:r. Don Dixon at 253-2010. Sincerely, l2ð.,ß,.~ R. E. Turner District Electric Superintendent PT&T CO. Louis M. Bini Associates RSmi th File ~: '<: / /A.{ s ~ F;l... . Sl")l~ Q~) COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 November 10, 1977 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attention Jim Penoyer RE Tract 6230 Map Gentlemen We have reviewed the proposed tract map and find it to be adequate. However, we are requesting that you withhold final approval until we have reviewed the improvement plans. The Developer will have to extend the sanitary sewer from the southerly boundary of Tract 6183, then westerly across the Lands of Torres and Capri Drive to his proposed development. The Developer has obtained a sanitary sewer easement across the Lands of Torres which the District has accepted. Also, I believe I was informed that Capri Drive is public right-of-way; thus an easement for the sanitary main would not be required. Please con- firm this. Upon completion of the improvement plan review and payment of fees, the District will issue its standard clearance letter. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman Manu:ri~ By Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services RLM/pm cc L. M. Bini & Associates 2785 Park Avenue, Santa Clara 95050 «'~~o\..UTlOtV ~('\ <' ~ <:( '-i () m E. <: ~ ~ Yþ.- ~ 7'>76 -191Q ~ Santa Clara Valle~ Water District RECEIVED S E P 9 1977 PUBUC WORKS BfGINEERING 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 September 7, 1977 Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention Mr. James Penoyer Engineering Technician Dear Mr. Elliott: We have reviewed the tentative map for Lands of Williams on Hacienda Avenue sent to us on August 11, 1977. The site is located about 14 feet southerly of Page Ditch which is a trapezoidal section earth channel contained within 35 feet of the right of way as shown on the enclosed copy of the tentative map. Overbank drainage would have an undesirable effect on the operation and maintenance of the ditch. Please design the site grading to prevent such drainage. Details of the grading should include the cross-sectional view at the property line and should be shown on the improvement plans. It would be desirable to incorporate the site's drainage into an existing storm drainage system. If a storm outfall into the ditch is necessary, please design it to serve the general area to minimize the number of future outfalls. Please submit outfall structure details for our approval and permit prior to advertising for construction. Design guides for outfalls are enclosed ~anta Clara Valley Water District Sheets 8 through 12). The ditch may be a potential hazard to small children that may be in the proposed development. We, therefore, recommend that for the safety and privacy of the people in the development, the site be fenced off from the ditch. Any fencing along the ditch right of way would require the property owner's approval and the sub- mittal of topography showing the location of the top and toe of the ditch bank and about three cross-sections of the ditch along the site. AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Mr. Joseph Elliott -2- September 7,1977 In accordance with District Ordinance 75-6, the owner should show any existing welles) on the plans and inform us regarding their proposed use. Please contact Mr. Zozaya on extension 379 for information about well permits. Prior to the start of construction, please forward site grading and improvement plans for our review and issuance of any necessary permit. ü?7-S' y 4:Ç. C~rlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosures: (1) (5) Excerpt of Tentative Map SCVWD Sheets 8-12 cc: Louis M. Bini Associates 2785 Park Avenue Santa Clara, California 95050 r (' ',.r-' /"" , /'J?(fV i <~ -'""ii'?:-=- ~ r. ,J. ~/;:, n l.....fi,..:7.:.-.,:"A;-~---l L--- - f- '-;..- :"--,j , r .lIe... '_'.;./:'1 <,.-' '--"" ~i",>-_"-' /. I, C,- (.1(:-' ~-,/'.,~-..'/ ! It)!:",-..)~.-/..,---,/ I O/>£;Is/r/c/ !Zþ?1/ I/v/;-;ì1)k?lt? I . 0"" /7 Of" r, [,c., CO//O/"'r P/ac& sacks /1'1 C'Ol7formanC'.!? I.J./¡ff¡ e,YI.5'/ll?q SIde-slope. Trl/e eX'lsT/no b:1nk robe sl7own on "hIs ,see-l'/on: ~ "'- II II -¡ II Row II ~II I ;Þ4 éhl'S (see /Vol"? 5) FI ~' Cui O/JfiC,M,p'* -1'!/.<::, . . '£(lsi. Chal?þ"1 I I ,,~,Y? "Villi socxs ßollom, "e/ ".... ' " " - 9"( M, .c'-) '7")""'1",:, n()""'.~ I .B -~._,., :5'"...,0)( ,. &e mAle on -5ñê:'l!f!r It? , ~ --------------,._-,-----_..------ ;-~.', ~....~-~'-~.......- .. ) \ \ ~/l :tr ':=J \, / I~\ C¡t1l:~ ff ¿/~7"'/~ss,/6qo. 1"-::-4"- ':¡O" I 0 " '~ ~,-/' ::'4'" í~ C; , -----A:7.'?ho/e IS OpII0170/' NlJen Ä~"- ~~,/ ,(/\ ~cJ. mol7J?ok IS 1701 to b6' / n- l,?'J rc. IVC¡O. J ,II J C AAp'1If.... ./ J ?~'¿': IlL) 8 SI'CJ//~OJ .II'/,. /0 s/oím, - ,- . -</- ,qo. d/'tll/7 {"Olí/J&c:';'/O.~ 6-:/;0// be ~:~):] S::>cked Còl7cl'ele h'¡P,RClP' moc/", .N/IIJ p¿:C: Co¡,~ !- SocAs 10 b<> p/oc6'cI /lol'lzonlol/y os S.i;;OII//? on f)¿7ÇlI/ : " 01' .s/oP//7,? Þ;¡¡ol'ds LV,.,A. .5/--( TI N (Ã\, ,1? /.5 £: 01' 8/2) /¡//;JIC/J&tlé?~ 15 sino/Ie/'. '- 0 W E (ê'ml/?)'~ ,~S /~~L/I/6'd doe 10 é?I'OSIO/ì. A . Cor/'l1ßúíed A/u/i'(/num or 5TèC/ Pipe '0. ~ ......1 " I - i a ~ » 2: ,-I » (') r- » :JJ i' » it (') ") 2: -I -< " r- 0 90 [ 0 . (') !f 0 2: -t :JJ 0 r- » 2: c :E » c -t ! m ~ 'XI C ~ ::c (") ~-t g: Z ? VI en :T Q) :I ;:, .. ~ z 0 ? ~ lto ~ ~ Q . ;:, ¡:¡; P.I ~TA CLAR:: /;:. ~~O:kdC:NTROL AND WAT~ DISTRICT, S::::,~:ia Subject () / ) T ¡:- A I J Job No, R(!V'-s~d/ 3/9/77 ( J ( ~' ': ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---J ~ ¡ I ---J ~I¡ ~ <.r) ~I¡~" ~,.~~ G ~ ~ ""- \) ~ ~ \j li. '\:)<::'1 ({¡Q: -\::' ~~ V)Q:: c) ~ ~ ~ ' ~~~ {:~~ ~~} 'U~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ '\i:t:: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~"'V) ~ ~ '" :::: ¡ ~.' / ~ . " ~ -,.;: , o. ~. . . ~Ií r:: - -.: ','i ~ . / 1V' '.,- :'~ - :..Jd 7'"\ ~,~ 't""' -,./ ' )--:.-- ',,"" I~'.., ':>\.'\\ ~-, . ~( ~ __n..,¡ - :.. """'--'>'~--'"I ~~~ ' ",,~-,'-".." ; .-,' ~l..-' ""'b~ ~ \".- li:,.../'" ~' /"'\1'7"" "-' -,: ,-\ \) ~ ~.....- '---~(~i" ~ '" I ê~MI~ ~~ f7cìN \')"r'¿D~".5.oi"I1: .;' ¡:¡;;M""" I.¿.._.I \{)~V) 4. L' "I . tJI/rr"'~_1' Sp~CI 1 . -1.""1.-"'1 "~I" ~¡4 ~CI "( ,-,.Þ--'-~:,""r ..- ~~ \. I, .. ~....-..':-'-'r-'~\ " - )1-'-"": ", '('- -- ::~.""Þ ,~ "r-.!Å<-,"~.,._{( - ~ ,~- I.~I.L-"-~ ... COrr¿¡.9G.ied A/Llminum or Siee/ Pipe, (") ) / ( P-I By OEAN Subject Date ~ -l f.D ~ ì 0 Chkd. By SANTA CLAP" COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DIST~ICT, San Jose, California Sheet No. /0 of Date Job No. ~ CtJl'~¡"'I/(}1ltJa' A/t/I'I'J/l7tJl17 or' steel PIpe Ie? II 6/~1 n --.r.3"mll7. (typ) l ¡ II / LJ ì C::-;?C.C. Co/lor Ac'(~ ([;) COLLAR DETAIL ,-,,~ ;Vo 1" TO Scale 1r1/!):' / M tJ M ALl.: OWA BL E SLCiPESfFr:,Çf c.¡'1P. O:/TF'ALI.. e - -, '- C,M,?, Sm....J: C. M, P. 5"1"7 (Jr (. f. C. /r1. F. S mel(, ~ - /2(( .0778 42" .O4SQ 72 If ,O3~5 /6" .OGS'1 48" .0432 78" ,O35~ 24" ,oser> 54." .041( 84" .0343 30" .0530. GO" . ()3'14 <?ð" .0334- 36" .C4tff (;~" ,0,37<7 q~.r .O52~ ~ The aboLle s/t?pes- are' bt:lsed eon CHoP. U/llh SI(1'/?da,.-d Cb,..rv9a~Qns, í,c o,her rhan S'ro"1daret CoM.A 1$ vsed: IftP n7- 6' rnax =:: 01/4 (mev:r.s. /17 1'-1.) P-1 SANTA CLAF :OUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DI~ ICT. San Jose. California By 'ù Eo A W Date rt; - 1.. 1 - "\ D Chkd. By Date Sheet No.1L of Subject Job No. ( : &';d~d.' 41477 ,,-., ~ .~ //7\), ; i/ ì:! tl, ~ '-- S !: 5 ';) 0-. ~ t ~ \I') \. ~ ~ IJ'(AJ.",~¡ ( ....-:'\ _C: _i 7'77:'Ç-,.,- n~ . ¡'li,I\I;,. ~ ~ ~ t " Q '3 I~ ~ >1 ~ ¡¡I~ ~ \. "'{ 0 (l / '/ r 6' f)ejJres..; Ion - --+.- .- ,._,=J-.:J,"-~--.~t--. . ---¡'--L ---1---.-1:., :-J..-..--^-- ~oc*ed! RIP- Rap Cu f- Oft ¿Jail SEe nON CD ( I ( , /11,\'" /~, NOT TO scale , ! ~ L.5ac/::'t\-! x//:;' -RaD .c ./:" '.. ¡ Cat - 01" {L-'cd ~ I 'fJ.".l! t""?E /" -'r,' /7 -"..,/ ~ "'" I ,. / " '-.J '- / / <..., I \ I ! Not to $ccz/e CUT-OFF It/ALL P-l SANTA CLARA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER DISTRICT, San Jose, California By IS Dot. o-2~,7' Chkd. By c Sheet No, II ¡:¡ of Subject P/Æ /NS"I'9LL~rJCJ.) IN €:I¡CS1IiIC, R;p- ,R'.4P Job No. ¿;'I/I 5('<1: 4/'-/7'" ( -:- ( I (' SACJt.ED C{)}J(. R/P- RA P TD í3¿ £EMOI/E D f eéP¿JiCéD -~,...-~ \-(. '~~~r~~:~()~a_~ ~r~~~~(- ~:~~ -°(:'- ::~~~:r~~ -y--- J' J , , ¡, l ,\ I , -,.. - "- -i'/' - ... -=:. ,/ . <-- ",. - ,-;r...: .::z -v-(" ,- ~- -/ J""",-..;,~' - '- ,r- ....-...... ...-,- - - - V-"" '- - -- :.: =--ÿ -~. "r _.~- ~~ ~ -ÿ _/~ -y ~ b- -ï-"-^-- -"<r - ,L-- -- --¿--- "". -~,~ - J ~ ./~ '-, '"".A, J - ::;-~--~'i'......-..,...-J--':;r ...--~,...--'" ---.;-(--~?--....- ~ - '- - -'-- - " - -"- , Ý- "- ' j- ,,--- - -¡;-- -,..- - -y- ~ - -'( - - -y- - - ~7 --<- --=;, --'---~ , . --";'--"'7 --'~ -q.,....!"- -r -! ~ ~r ..L'- -',-' ""-, - ,.--A.. -., - .... ~ - -r -~ -",- <'-:: - --:-^- - .., -..1-' - -- --J::.'- r":o.. ;: -"",.", - ,--,-'~ 'ï - .!-- ~ - - - ---.V - 0', ---> - --',. ~ -" - ^ J "-- EXìST/l../G SACY-ED CONe. RJP- R4P TO .eEM AI IV PIP¿" ¡-ì/j-¡ {ilL I,vSTIl¿¿,.9 T/¿;A/ IA..I DETJl/L é)(/:5 T/Æ/6 £IP- RA P lJ pol (; Subject ( <...J SANT j-, --LARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, San Jo Californid By T. Dean Date 3 - 20- 73 Chkd. By M.E. Burns Date 3-20-73 Sheet No. 12 of Job No. NOTES FOR AN OUTFALL INTO AN UNLINED CHANNEL Ré//. 4-/9-7~ g)///~ THESE NOTES ARE TO APPEAR ON PLANS 1. All work to be in accordance with the Standard Specifications State of California, Department of Transportation, January 1975, except for sack size and capacity, and as modified hereon. 2. Face of riprap to be coincident with existing side slope of channel. Do not pack until smooth; leave as rough as possible. 3. Carry riprap to top of bank, unless otherwise specified. 4. Install cut-off wall (2 foot minimum depth) at upstream and down- stream ends. 5. In all top three courses, drive one #4 reinforcing bar 18" long through each sack. Do not leave ends of bars exposed, nor drive into dirt or joint between ends of sacks. 6. All backfill within District right of way shall be with material from excavation and shall be compacted to 90% relative compaction in accordance with California Test Method #216. 7. Sacks shall be placed so that they are horizontal or sloping towards bank. Sacks sloping away from bank will not be accepted. 8. It is mandatory that S C V W J Inspector be notified at least 48 hours before construction begins. Complete removal may result if this requirement is not met. THE FOLLOWING NOTES ARE TO BE ADHERED TO BUT ARE NOT TO APPEAR ON THE PLANS. A. Obtain Encroachment Permit from the District for all storm out- falls by submitting improvement plans before contract is awarded. B. On plan submittals show sufflcient informatlon so that the sectlon of existing creek at the outfall and for a dlstance of 20' both upstream and downstream of outfall can be determlned. c. Show all information requlred on Section ~ (Dimensions A, B, C, 8 D, E, F). D. Plan submittals not showing the lnformatlon requlred by Notes B and C will not be processed. ~'f tV / I , ~ ,/ I OJ 2! .\ ., 2.4 " "8" 2~ 0 '* ~~ ~~,. .. , i' " .. :" .'.. ?,r . .. ... 11 " cIs, I~ l-:t I I I 7-- 2: i- --'--i;;¿"--- - .. ~I , i !,¡' ,0 I I ! I - -j -1- l.- z~ ;\ -~2. ¡.. ------ -----,~ r--~ -1--~~ -- -- OJ ..J I .,J . v:- i 6'\ 1 : 0 ..... [-.J.-I -j- -1 , i Z., " ... J If) - -'--;- "-ou 1,Ii ~ 5 . , ¡ / - -------,-'u_- , i 0 ... st. ?l'. ,/ -------):4, ;tÞ z~ 2.:": , I " l ..i . l ' l____~ --_. -l :' 1 1--------\.1: I .1 I 0 ~~ --- ---~ô~~--- r -, ...~---~._--, -"'--""-------"------'--------,,-.------ '.-------------------.---..-.,-, '-"" ,. ,.....,:0 R I \/ E:- "-..-, - - ....-- ,--- - '- , ------ -.---' .------..-------.---.--.--..--- _... -.. - , Llpp.. ;>°3' D, >,.. OU~ ,0 ~ \ s-js¡'- ( v.h, t.-'\. \.~) ~ LOUIS M. BINI ASSOCIATES -- 8YI L fv1 ~ -~! 8 ; , consulting civil .ng;neers - 8'1'. ~ -_.. 71..-a.., 2781 paø AYINUI SANTA ClMA. CA1I'08"I" 9!O!ID .... SH IUT ---L- OF ....L t . , ~'-:¡'~'M.e :..'" "....'. '...',.."~." ",..~ .. ~ ' . . . """,., J , ,~.¡ -..' ,-,. .. .' ~'~U~D/vj ~J((.N -- ,.;"".'."'~"-"'r,'" .'..."'.A1-l/!!!!'" ...',' ~. .~~' ... ,. -' ...... .,r-.-, , m ,'7 chonntl rr'l°'l.tt b:~_ld hi- hOz.O,.elOLI ~ o 5. oJ ól'- J..M c,t..."., ., -fr1'l~¡'0' ""Tf' at:t: 0' e} w,o/ ., nJood..., ~ ,'1 b",oJ ísc,Jf,AJOS h~" : " " 6r-/o"" w~ ("eM dr'¡""""" YJf- "*l uMn'ttiN 11/...,) Cf)~ ý u, d -IÎ?,. ~>f, S ~"" Cl"t't' L: ~p 'Iif,o,P J,.,~ ~"'~Ir ,¡,J". IrJco-hol'" -f- Mt' ..f.oe 0,., eI -Iø,. If! &".. /' Om:! #". 0;::' 01- ~~ :' cH." ¡>""f"'~ --'-'("'11"" It l. 0 1/ t " r -l t; '7.-' I I ¡ I i ¡ 7 ¡-;..~ _XI " ..' ~I fr. ' J ....; cJ Ó () (J vIti NN _J i'l (I ~1. \f¡1 .....1 I I (> rJ -- ---- - -- -1 I I I -- ;,"~~ : I )i .{ 'h ~~ 1.1 't 1 ". <.. !'" -, ~ ! - ::..-:. ,-', ...- / ,-,4 ,;, F- ~ ---- ~;J '~, J~ ", '.- ..' " . c,/' .4 c::' , ! \. »)í I"~"~ .'. ¡:).' ~ " . ., . " J '~í i.i .. "\ ',; ~ ¡; " it i' , ; '0' i' :: ,~ " j:,~ , , '; .~ 'j': ~~ '"' I!i f~ :if ,-¡¡ ,..} ",;~, :I ~ I ~. ~ , -., 0 ...g ~ , '.1 ~. :¡t " J. :;'* J: . .",' If- APPORTIONMENT of sToRM "DRAIN R£IrY'IBURsSmE:N,: MARTIN I : "PETRI C,K..: VJ I t...LI A-MS: I+AC.I EN ~ , GARPEÑS' ÆI< es .581 I. ~I Z o/ó 01=' TOT~~~ 5' . "I IS. 58 2...540 2.4-.54- 5+. -z.. 7 5", bl," -- lO.34-~ 100 COS'í 5"Sí,/V\ATE', (!tC(.o¡¿Þ/NG TO Re. ~"2.,) S~3 L. F, (v...pri) ~D" Rc..P @ fl. 2..~ = ~~,) 44". 2.5 30 L. F. (~) I" II r<-eP @ 3. ZS ::; 40 L., F. (~) '"2.." R.c.-P (? 3. 2S ~ CAr~ BASiNS (,Ncl.., C('~NI)Uì) 4@ IS"S.oO= MANHoLES: 3€> '-30,00 97.5'"0 130.00 '=> -z...o. 0 0 ~~. 00 11 10," ï~. IS- 7} ~ß3. '75' (¿£I m B U£$Em e NT A-MO\J NTS : MAR.TI loll 1 : 'DETR-\ c.", : WILl-lAmS: H Ac.1 éN ÞA . ~A~t>EN.s. .II. 441. 8~ ~ ~ ( NOT fè.E. I M &J RsA-BLe ) I Z 4.3. ß"l ...4 J. dI '--' ,c... I ~5~. oz., ...J. J ~ , 8. ~~ +. 33Z. 78 5, 'Ç 31 . '7~ ~~-~ 'I 33. ~s- / CAP R\ HAc 1 END A .'" .. 1 .48w ELuon I) lwANDUNG HElMS """'-: RETURN TO- Ir- : D,S(ð RD -I - DIAl I ,E Ii Arthur A. Kee Planning Director CASE August 30, .. ~-:- " Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works I ~ I Tentative Subdivision Map Lands of Williams Dev. Co APN 40S""25-007 The following conditions of approval are recommended concerning the subject tentative subdivision map submitted by Loui. M Bini Associates. 1. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said San Jose Water Works. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195.00 per fire hydrant. 2. 3. Subdivider shall create or provide any public service easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facilitdès. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions, of the Campbell Municipal Code. 4. S. Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee. Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. 6. 7. Subdivider shall execute an agreement and post bonds to install street improvements on Hacienda Avenue and the extension of Capri Drive. 8. Subdivider shall pump and backfill thn existin~ septic tank to County of Santa Clara standards. ,. 10. 11. LMS/cs Å I ~ 9. Subdivider to provide a bus stop pad on Hacienda Avenue at the location and to the specifications of the County of Santa Clara Transportation Agency. Subdivider shall dedicate additional right of way required to widen Hacienda Avenue to 45 feet from centerline and to widen the extension of Capri Drive to 30 feet from centerline with a 20-foot radius return at their intersection. C. C. & R.'s to be approved by the city Engineer. By Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECf' VI. ~ AU G 24 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 August 23, 1977 City of Campbell Public Works 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE Proposed Projects Other Capri & Hacienda-Lands of Williams APN 405-25-007 Tentative Map Gentlemen Pursuant to the above subject, sanitary sewer service can be obtained from Sunnyoaks Avenue. The Engineer and or Developer have made contacts regarding the proposed development of APN 405-25-014, Grattan's proposed development, which would provide a portion of the sewer main required. They have also contacted the owner of APN's 405-25-006 and 047 in an effort to obtain an easement so that remaining portion of main can be installed. The following fees will be due prior to recordation of a map: Frontage Fee 240.24' @ $8.65/Ft $2,078.05 Acreage 0.72 Acs @ $150.00/Ac $ 108.00 A plan check fee and inspection deposit, 6% of the estimated main con- struction cost. Improvement bond in the amount of 100% of the esti- mated main construction cost. Upon application for a sanitary sewer connection permit, the following will be due: 37 Condominium Units 37 @ $72.00/unit Permit 36 Inspections @ $2.50/EA 37 Cleanout Boxes @ $4.50/EA $2,664.00 7.50 90.00 166.50 $2,928.00 Plus applicable sewer service charges for the remainder of the fiscal year. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman ManI:L:r~PA- By Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services RLM/pm cc Lou Bini Associates Williams Development Co., Inc. County of Santa Clara Ca Ii for n i a R£CETVEl) AU G 24 1977 Environmental Management Agency Environmental Health Services 2220 Moorpark Avenue San Jose, California 95128 297-1636 Area Code 408 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING August 22, 1977 Public Works Department City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re: Tentative Subdivision Map of: Lands of Williams, Capri/Hacienda Gentlemen: We have reviewed the tentative map for the proposed subdivision referenced above, There is an existing structure served by a septic tank system on the si te, Water for this development is to be provided by the San Jose Water Works Company and sewage disposal shall be by sanitary sewer, The existing septic tank shall be pumped and backfilled to County standards. sin,c7L~ ~s~el, Supervising Environmental Health Sanitarian LEE: fa s An Equal Opportunity Employer ¡:;./¿ , Sl7ks (jA. ) '-IEMORANDUM Augus t 12, 1977 To: James Penoyer, Engineering Technician From: S. A. Leonardi, Battalion Chief Subject: TSM - Lands of Williams, Capri/Hacienda The Fire Department is requiring a fire service connection for a yard hydrant system. The exact location of that con- nection to the street water main has not been determined yet because of the inadequate size water main on Hacienda Ave. I have been in contact with Mr. George Spitz of the San Jose Water Works and he indicates that they may be installing a water main on the Capri Drive extension. If they do this, then the fire service connection will he made there. No decision has been made by the San Jose Water Works yet. Neg~ otiations are in progress with the developer to see how the domestic water, fire hydrants, etc. will be supplied. Until such decision is made I will not be able to advise you of the exact location. kvw ORDINANCE NO. 1109 5YJ:.s ~t '4- - _(1 4) zc, ~'1"'1 '-' BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS, AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FOR THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE ESTABLSIHED BY ORDINANCE NO, 1108 OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL. (Application of R. A. Woolworth, Coleman, Myers and Will iams Construction ). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached "Exhibit A" entitled "Plans and Elevations," Exhibit B" entitled "Development Schedule," and "Exhibit C" entitled "Map of Said Property," as per appl ication of R, A, Woolworth, Col~man, Myers ard Wi11iñms ConsTruct1on for ~~~rova1 of pI3~~, ~levatio~5, and development schedule to allow construction of twenty-two cluster homes and sixteen townhouses on property known as 681 West Hacienda Avenue in a Planned Development Zoning District. Said approval granted subject to the following conditions: A. Driveways to be widened to 38 feet to allow adequate width for parking, B. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans, C. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit, D. plan. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape E. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. F. All mechanical equipment located on roofs shall be screened as approved by the Planning Director, G. All par~ing and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21,50 of the Campbell Municipal Code, All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards, H. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20,16,070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. I. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities, including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. J, That the driveway entering from Hacienda Avenue either be eliminated or reduced to an emergency access only. K. Sign appl ication to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs, No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department, L. Ordinance No, 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage, and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company, This requirement appl ies to all single family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing and construction establishments. M. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved ~y the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a sol id wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department, All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. N. Applicant shall meet State requirements for the handicapped, BUILDING DEPARTMENT O. Appl icant shall enclose the pool area with a fence minimum of five feet in height and gates as per Section 18.24.060 of the Campbell Municipal Code, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT P. Process and file a subdivision map. Q, Dedicate Hacienda Avenue to 45 feet from center and Capri Drive to 30 feet from center, R. Execute an agreement to install street improvements and post bonds guaranteeing the work. S. Pay storm drainage area fee of $6,460.00, T. Provide grading and drainage plan. FIRE DEPARTMENT U, Provide an on-site fire hydrant system. The appl icant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbellwhich pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED th i s 22nd day of following roll call vote: August , 1977, by the AYES: Counc i I men: Chamber 1 in, Doetsch, Hmrrner, Paul, Podgorsek NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Mayor William R, Podgorsek ATTEST: City Clerk Phyllis 0, Acker -,S I ~ ,I ~ ': ~ , i£4PR/ ,W4LNU't ; 0 -=c . I-¡~ z;:-.. ......" r=ii c:'fg !;~"'~ %~'c ;;.-~.. ~~;~ z,." ..~;:;: =¡~! "'~n¡ :-1- i :; ! 1'\ ~, ~', ~~~ CJ' '\. '¿' ~>" ~ò" , é' ' " ..., '-'If ~ . ~G¡--_. No~ ~...,: ...... I ~ ~ f. þ~ , c, (') .. I ,: z' , :z: "' I z: "". ~. -----_:lW-"-------~ .1: '" 41' .. ...i: JD' ~~ I 1.. . Lïl l:J~o-,. I 0 , -. :'0 , I ~ ...~ i!!; .1 .- I, . : i '~ ~ I of I w ,I. :; I ~ þ < ~ n-su Z C '" I I c' t I - :r; Þ n "" Z 0 þ I I ~ I r=;:.-"- ' ~. Ii :. 4: OR. ,'-. -B , - . J 1 ""' ~ 'I ,. i J (f - -.-AVEN\Jk.- I\Þ ~ ØI I t J- 11 ~ 11 ~ ... ~,.. " !¡I '. -I ~ ¡'j;:'-,Z \:V'" ~ ... I ,~ A,I'" -.-J -, 0.& 1 .. ij ~ <ÌI c z z 0( 0 þ '" (f\ ~ ... p:; .. let R-2-S to P-D ... ': C) ; ~ CD . of... ,.; .. z ~ 7 ,., z. ~;@ ...,., ~ !t 0 0 ! -.. -- ~ ! .. !&'. ~ I ii ,~ ~ j' ¡Ii: - I I I..., i . 1L..._ð ., 14; 1 ~ ., '0 .. IC: . 0 ,i~." 1 .. i @ nO r'~-~-,""--'f~::" ---:~--- " .1 -" ! ~ i I - =:" ; ¡-- r 111 f -... l.,~NETM -~ ~ ~, AVE f -"""!'.'~', "'G; -, ~ ~..;.....- ~~'rt-~--~ : 5 ,I; : f" a;~ - ~ ".:'"11 ." -,. t:; . I ,,"7 ,~. - 1 . . . - I! . ;~ [" ~ ~:oo¡,' : ~ . I - - -, -~----~------ ---~~~_u_-- ~ 1 ~ I IT" ~ W i OF CAfPBELL 1 . . i . ~ ç i 't I :< '" '" .. 1; ! @ --- it G EXHIBIT C @ PUBLIC HEARING HELD BEFORE TH~ .. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI~ ON JULY 19, 1977 . ------ --- - '------ ----~----------- --- -----. __-on -- - l:eI C:I DJ:CK FJ:NNEGAN N c 0 R p 0 R A T E D June 27. 1 977 City of Campbell Planning Department Re: Capri Estates Job #77/30 DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE: We propose to begin construction within one year of receiving final zone change approval. and complete construction within two years thereafter. Respectfully, DICK FIN~~~'~INC. I ~ Griffin ~~~~ident Darrel Coleman Gary Kimmet RWG/km cc: EXH I BIT liB II ". '. '\ ",' I !..' -,' . -" " \.' : ~: '¡ ~',: 'r' ~ r- r;'¡ C -: c þ,~, '¡ !',':~ ::.~~. ~,' DEPAR~W~NI é<-,:,,'~ ;::= 3238 McKINLEY AVE" SANTA CLARA, CA 95051 e 408/984-0121 r; I~ Sl-¡kJ (/1/ COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY Of SAFìA TOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Carnpbei:, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 April 3, 1978 City of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re Tract 623d This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of svbject development. This District has reVi9\:eèl and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer systß~ installa- tion, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer (}R~ By P. R. Nichols Assistant Ùistriét Engineer PRN~ EXHIBIT "A" All that real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California described as follows: PORTION OF LOT 9, as shown on that certain Map entitled, "Map of the Sunnyoaks Tract", which Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on January 18, 1896 in Book "H" of Maps, at page{s} 149, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Northerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road, where the same is intersected by a line dividing Lots 9 and 10, as the same are shown on the Map hereinabove referred to; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road, 3.64 chains; thence leaving said line and running parallel with the line dividing said Lots 9 and 10 Northerly 8.244 chains to the Southerly line of that parcel of land conveyed by J. H. Henry, et ux, to William Snyder, by Deed dated May 31, 1905, and recorded June 2,1905 in Book 295 of Deeds, page 454; thence Easterly along said Southerly line 3.64 chains to the line dividing 8.244 chains to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a strip of land 14.00 feet in width across the Northerly portion of the premises, as conveyed by J. H. Henry to Orchard Irrigating Company, a corporation, by Deed dated November 15,1904 and recorded November 22, 1904 in Book 286 of Deeds, at page 148, and as granted and confirmed by Deed from J. H. Henry to Orchard Irrigating Company, a corporation, by Deed dated August 22,1906 and recorded August 28,1906 in Book 310 of Deeds, at page 159. As per title report.