1875 Hacienda Ave. (TR6809) TO: Acc t . 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3374 3374 3520 3520 3520 CITY CLERK P1ease co11ect and receipt for the fo11owing monies: P . W . F i1 e No. Items Pre1iminary Environmenta1 Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) P1an Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue Tentative Parce1 Map Fi1ing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Fi1ing Fee ($100.00) Fina1 Parce1 Map Fi1ing Fee ($100.00) Fina1 Tract Map Fi1ing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Pub1ic Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first p1us $60.00 each additiona1) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Comp1iance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and P1ans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Contro1 Handbook ($2.00) Project P1ans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit App1ication Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue 1ess $25.00) Cash Deposit Faithfu1 Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL NameJøun*o~"" Llln" 'R-oV"l....J1~5) Lt~, Address-6.1J"- t-l. '""3 ~ Jt;)S(/ ~e,. Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY 0 7 90.:2- ~ I '-J-~ 7. ot!) CLN 7- 7- ~ð Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date 0+0 7 Amount J ,f'Ð 7. to 0 ~ S'I/,. 0, 00 ~ /0 D ~ $ / 4 ~ 7, 0'0 2"2 - -, g---41 Cf5"I/ L February. 1980 (\) "'0 Q) . s.. 0'1 .,.... "'0 ~ ,- C'" co Q) s.. 0 ~ +J s.. 0.. 0 ft 0.. E Q) 0:: \ - 0 VI ,- >, .,.... 0.. 0 0 V) U ~genda deadline Council meeting Items needed to meet of Final Map: TRACT NO. ~BO9 ~genda deadline Council meeting City Council Agenda deadline for approval Date Rec'd letters: I Sanitation District No.4 (release) ~ P.G. & E. (easement approval) .3 P. T. & T. (easement approval) 4 Improvement Plans (signed by San. Dist. 4) ~Final Map (signed and notarized) ~ Agreement (signed and notarized) 8-13-eo 2-2."-80 2-29- R'o 8-[3-€O ß-I.3-~ 8 -7~rO 7 Bonds: Faithful Performance labor and materials Amount ~ /ú> Co"ð 8000 1 L~II~, .en( C.,~Jtf ~ - 7 - r-o 2- 7 - 8"CJ r c. ,C. and R. IS Fees (payable to City): Fi na 1 Map fil i ng Plan exam. & const. Fire hydrant rental Storm Drainage area Amount '-É' 100 insp. 54>0 -0 ~ ?fO7 ç- ~ 7 - /,"0 8'-7-80 ~ ~- "7 - Ç-p Total Fee (payable to County): Recordi ng ~ / LIb? /' )1<5" r--- 7 - U-' 0 Items needed before Final Map can be recorded: I Tax letter from County Tax Collector ì- Tax Bond ?; -t 3 -80 - - 3 Subdivision Guaranty II RECEIPT C'TY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA ~~ NAMEU ~ .k ADDRESS . c. .;.- -r::~ CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAMJ~ð. ß ..'. £~ ADDRESS)... L/- 7)) .:!> ~ ~~JP FOR~ M~~' d~ ?!O7.lJCJ ~~ ð ~D 5100,00 \ ~-L.M. d j ~ I 6J éJ t9tJ ,AP 1: y~ 7- ðTJ FOR 4 ~ 1;z ~~. ~ . -- ('P; r/. 1(0 ) , ~"::- ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ðS-/ /J" REVENUE ACCOUNT NO 3 3 70- ~ 3 72- FUND NUMBER FUND NUMBER . >f/Y ~~ECK (?> ') 11- 1,.-1 CJ {HECK D MONEY ORDER D CASH /I-y THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. D MONEY ORDER D ~ASH DATE AMOUNT OCT 31-79 010 *****25.00 OCT 31-79 51 o1oA ****25.00 DAAI3G -8-80 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. AUG -8-80 015 ~"1t67.CO 72 01sA ***660.00 AUG -8-80 7 o1sA ***807.00'" N~ 03724 N~ 07802 BY CITY CLERK CITY CLERK Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY OF CAMPBEll MEMORANDUM To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date:.j L" v .;,. ,:~:. (, I ¡ From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- " The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT" ì'-~ or I I' ¡ BUILDING ADDRESS Ii COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER .( >' -; I.'. ~,< 't, ',- (;. APPROV AL NUMBERr I' PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER I .. .,-' . ..' .,¡:':i-.'¡iè,<j ! " \/0' , \'.'. "I\,I~'Ò t""'iê ,;¡ /, ,. ¡'" .'-ì ",' T'f, / ,) JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: í Date: ". "-.--"'.--"'-."'. --- r CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Public Works February 7, 1983 Fountain Lane Properties 247 North Third Street San Jose, CA 95112 NEtMS ~IAZ --'Ii"..- " "':,:= - " CA~E -ì ---- ,;' --.----.--. t ,¡ Ii Subject: One Year Maintenance Acceptançe Permit: 81-112, TR 6809, QTO{9) location: Hacienda & Harriet Avenue Gentlemen: We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works /('}1 ¿ ,- / ill' ~ DAVID N. VAlKENAAR Project Engineer DNV: cc: Norm Samson Bank of America, P.O. Box 37020, San Francisco, CA 94137 RE: Irrevocable Standby Credit No. 102137 SPEEDOMETER STOP ST ART TOTAL DIARY ~ '/ Z DATE '2 ~~-.f:.;{ . a ,-~_:-L ¿ ~ j:Y/;-N-R // ~ P, JO. LOCATION "7 h 510 l' WEATHER TEMP MIN. MAX. ./;}rO c:Ø¡¿C ¿fl."" C~'-:2/ p ~~~~ 1/ e:¿~- 'f2 MBF WORKING DAY NO. SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED J~,¡- r~1 RESOLUTION NO. 6259 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 6809 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that all improvements in Tract No. 6809 have been completed in accor- dance with that agreement entered into August 25, 1980, concerning said Tract; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that Tract No. 6809, together with all improvements thereon, be and the same is hereby accepted, and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improvements. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1982, by the following vote: 16th day of February AYES: Counc i 1 men: Chamberlin, Hammer, Paul, Doetsch NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Counc i 1 men: podgorsek APPROVED: . 'l¿.. ¿¿ A--:,//' -- /<,,//,~ . ()~ ./' ~.' ~ ,.,/ . ,/.') /' RþlPh Doetsch, Sr., Mayor ATTEST: a/'A-- é/ ~ Phyllis O. Acker, City C1erk THE FO:,FGOING INSTRUMENT IS A TRUll AND CORRECT copy OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN TI~'S OFFICE, ATTEST: PHYLLIS O. ACKER, CITY CLERK CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA By¡2l';;/liJ IIJ .~~ DATt?D c;)/¡q / Î J- ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 17t.'"O"lT. f:" ': s r~-=-~-' I ': ,\: le::-,--'_.' --1>1;;;;7;;"°, ',l -, I. !C";"=-JJ ! Q-rn-~L~::! ! ! """"" .. -- ---J , I i , '-'--------_..~- I 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 March 19, 1982 , r------ - 1----- Department: Pub 1 i c Works "-- ""-.. - Bank of America P.O. Box 37020 San Francisco, CA 94137 RE: Irrevocable Standby Credit No. 102137 Tract ~---, Fountain lane Properties, ltd. b209 Gentlemen: In reply to your letter of March 2,1982, we are unable to return the above credit until we receive the required $4,000.00 maintenance bond. Until that time, in accordance with our agreement with Fountain lane Properties, the credit must remain in effect. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS /.", ~/ v , ' by David N. Valkenaar Project Engineer DNV: tlb cc: Fountain lane Properties c'~ ""' lt~EF-' . ~ ::... ;'~ ", <.., : L) m BANKoFAMERICA 1& '. i( " I-i. .," II " L',' 7Q!".. , 'j-) þ&. " . " l:"lI~;~~~t.Ut,'" ~'C:¡¡CItíl.:.;- .. 'e) tRiNe WORLD BANKING DIVISION SERVICE CENTER March 2,1982 City of Campbell 75 North Central Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works Subject: Our Irrevocable Standby Credit No. your favor. 102137 for $16,000.00 in Dear Mr. Elliott: In reply to your letter dated 2/3/82 requesting to amend the above Credit, we are sorry to inform that the request has not been approved. We did contact Accountee and lending branch many times regarding your request, and the result was that the extension to Credit has not been granted. Since the letter of credit is already expired on 2/28/82, we would be appre- ciate if you can return the original Credit for our cancellation. Sincerely yours, M~' '\ ~. ~~e Lo ':1 Assist!nt Cash er CL/ll BANK OF AMERICA NA TIONAL TRUST AND SA VINGS ASSOCIATION. BOX 37020 . SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94137 ~ITY OF CAMPBELL Department: Pub I i c Works 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 February 22, 1982 Fountain Lane Properties 247 North Third Street San Jose, CA 95112 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE--TRACT NO. 6809 Gentlemen: The City Counci1, at their meeting of February 16, 1982, adopted Resolution No. 6259, accepting Tract No. 6809, together with a11 the improvements thereon. A copy of this Reso1ution is enclosed for your fi lest This office wil1 file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very tru1y yours, Joseph E11iott Director of Pub1ic Works by Charlene M. Case Administrative Aide CMC/le enc1. 1 CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Foutain Lane Properties 247 North Third Street San Jose, CA 95112 l f L F*-; - ~~- i i i, ~U" . ----j'U_- ì . ...-....... .. -. ' . ..1 Ql-4-~ ) 1 /, s ,-'-'----. . . 'I.L..:=~-=[J' __i~. ,J '. 1" .. , ':, :- Department: Public Works February 2, 1982 Subject: Final Inspection and Acceptance location: Hacienda & Harriett Avenue Permit No: 81-112, TR 6809, Qto.(9) Maintenance Bond Amount: $4,000.00 Gentlemen: We have made a Final Inspection of subject public works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, we have recom- mended the acceptance of the work to the City Council. We will send a copy of thei resolution accepting the work upon their approval of same. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing Faithful Performance Bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works DAVID N. VAlKENAAR Project Engineer Q)¿ k. i DNV:a cc: N. Samson, P.W. Inspector C. Case, Administrative Aide Bond Co: Bank of America, World Banking Div. Bond No: Credit No. 102137 Suspense - 1 yr. , ~L.o.t & r~ cr' Qß-"L.k:J>'Q Servo Cent. #661, P.O. Box 37020, San Francisco, CA 9413 (Çtc..# Lf9,Sí5 ~ ß ~/;z g) Qc.C~ ;),313 í I CITY OF CAMIJ8ELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 February 3, 1982 C~;-.',T~.,.-, ' H,',^, Í'I.D,L,!'G I : :-'.- 1f;;;;;;;:_,:,::-:' -, . , , ,-------r Ii ___"0- I .~----- \---- ¡ ~~-t-~ r~ . - ---- Department: Public Works Bank of America World Banking Division Service Center P.O. Box 37020 San Francisco, CA 94137 Subject: Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 102137 Amount: $16,000.00 Expires: February 31,1982 RE: Tract 6809 Fountain Lane Properties, Ltd. Eagle House, 247 N. 3rd Street San Jose, CA 95112 Gentlemen: Please be advised that Fountain Lane Properties, Ltd. has completed construction of the improvements covered by subject letter of credit. We expect our city council to accept these improvements on February 16,1982. In accordance with paragraph 6 of the Fountain Lane Properties agree- ment (No. Qto. 9) with the City, this letter of credit must remain in effect as a maintenance bond for one year from the acceptance date. Please send us a document revising the expiration date on subject letter of credit to February 17, 1983, or later. In accordance with City policy, the maintenance bond amount required is $4,000.00 for this tract. The document revising the expiration date may also reduce the amount of the letter of credit to $4,000.00. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR 0;; PUBLIC WORKS dJlU By DAVID N. VAlKENAAR ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER DNV:lbp cc: Fountain Lane Properties, Ltd. /C)-Jr. , ()¡ \-'\ r <- I CITY OF CAMPBEll Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Project or Permit No. 9/- 1/2 i '% Page AJ W~~A #~ ~ //d~ Þ Date of Name or íR h f?Ò '2 Location 2-1- ? Z Sk~~~~ ~Æ ;/ ~ê~~ J~~?~ , '}uJ > PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT INSPECTOR ~ SPEEDO~' -T~R STOP START TOTAL CONTRACT DIARY ~ s/- //Z DATE Z-/-P Z ,r66ð'~ ~ ~ ~~ . PAc. ,). LOCATION </ K h X 0 '1 WEATHER TEMP. MIN. MAX. Á!Jo df~-;-p p~ ~ ,N4~- ~ . ~. \-^ V . .:1' t l ' c~y J- I v,\~,,¡V ~'1/ .' ,,\. < I ' ,,/ C {/ \ IN' / l 1/ ~~ J~L d-/1g2-!z- MBF WORKING DAY NO. SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED I I f~ITY ¿. c ~ :c ~, I" , (J F C!\ M I) II ELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Pub li c Works January 11, 1982 Bank of America World Banking Division Service Center #661 P.O. Box 37020 San Francisco, CA 94137 RE: Bank of America Credit No. 102137 for Acct. of Fountain lane Properties, Ltd. TRACT 6809 Gentlemen: Your letter of credit #102137 which we are holding has an expiration date of February 31,1982. Please be advised at this time there are deficiencies that must be corrected before the work on this tract is accepted. If these deficiencies are not corrected very soon, we will be forced to file a claim on this letter of credit to cover the cost of such corrections. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Original Signed Bl DAVID N. VALKENAAR ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER DNV:lbp cc: Fountain lane Properties, Ltd. Public Works Inspector Norman Samson 1 -' /'./; " f ~ ;, ~c c '" .' 'c...~ .,.. .',' , i ~ ',. ;r ,; .,? jj;" /' r'-- ,~ _ì ) ;, /. j )/ / (!.." 'r " )1,4.¡ ." , ,; /. --,_/ I , . /., .! 'iI.' I j Ij .;/, -..;,., - / / ..:~ ,,- S' " I - ,'-_/ c' '/ ' ,.' r' --- -- - ----~--~---------~ ------ ------ --- --- -------- ----- ------ - ---- -------~ \ i i ! I CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Public Works August 4, 1981 L & A Paving and Grading 294 Barnard Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 -', !- ELLIOTT, ¡! ~:~:J:~N:O- ¡- HEL/l3 ì' ---,=-+-, 1-- , ~-,-:r'pc, \ \~IAZ __1\", ,~--~~~'~ ----- , - \- - ì: Ct,)" '-:"-'----- ! Ii ! _-Ii - 1\ Subject: PERMIT #81-112 Hacienda & Harriet Avenue (TR 6809) Gentlemen: You have requested a final inspection on subject construction work. There are deficiencies in the work. They are indicated on the en- closed list. These deficiencies must be corrected to the satisfaction of Public Works Inspector Norm Samson before we can make a Final Inspec- tion for acceptance of the work. Upon completion of the corrective work, please submit a written re- quest for a Final Inspection and acceptance. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works 1lu/ DAVID N. VAlKENAAR Project Engineer DNV:a cc: Norm Samson enc. DEFICIENCY LIST PERMIT #81-112 1735 HACIENDA AVENUE 1) NjS Hacienda Avenue Repair all damaged curb, gutter, walk and driveways 2) " " " Remove driveway forms 3) " " " Pave around sanitary manhole 4) " " " Install bolt cover on street light standard 5) II " " Paint handhole cover 6) " " " Energize Street light 7) " " " Install pedestrian barricades as per plans i--~) \-. ,.- c?J ~- ---/,/ , " I ""\ --:I <"ì ~-- , I II " .--;r'- ll. / ,) -:;' ¿ / ,,' (_/ ) r-::Ç7 9, ) -'-ì ¡¿"f¡ :" '- ~ ,j «; ,P Î / - /.).,,<1 " / -,' , r i? 1-// '- þ " ':::> ))~¿C)1 --- / / // / /. ,-.,.;:." /:: '.::.. , ! , I / " -¡' -..Þ ;;¡!.~ / ,- ,,' ,F {;¡;} L , f~ l- />: .-- ~ j'r'~ r":' .' " ,.J.; ':--" , /, ,'¡ i '-.... . " i' , " 12/ / '....- ~~_:' ,-,,, ,-"'- " , (-', ,)- :"'¡, ""'¡.;r.. /' ""--'" ,'-~ 'I..",' "t,. T ¡ ,',i. .' ..--/./',/, i /!,,: d ,,- 2(-3- .V) ---. ) '.~--> /1,4': ¿~¡ r~ -, , ~'" / I "".j ,;.. .~ "1, """./ ~ .' ",/ ;' ---, ~ptember 17,1981 **REVISED** DEFICIENCY LIST PERMIT 81-112 1735 HACIENDA AVENUE '"' (1) REPAIR DAMAGED CURB, GUTTER, WALK & DRIVEWAY (2) REMOVE DRIVEWAY FORMS (3) PAINT STREETLIGHT HAND HOLE COVER & BOLT COVER (4) GRADE AT EAST END & WEST END TRACT FRONTAGE WALK FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY -t ~ -tv '1Yu . ~) ~ i?~ ?y-~ q-n-tf'J , LP ~ t+ f Iì . Ô ¡¿a 5;-6 . ~<::loý(.; q5//~ """",-",."""""""""","',,"".,"'..S""""'" DEF1 C1 ENCY LIST PERt~IT :131-112 1ì35 HACIENDA AVENUE /71 j,/7/.h1 ~ 1) NjS Hacienda Avenue 2) " " " 3) " " " 4) " " " 5) " " " 6) II II II 7) II II II Repair all damaged curb, gutter, walk and driveways (:. "-~ 6.../.;.....-) Remove driveway fO1~ms -'_/ R- Pave around sanitary manhole d:J;f c.S2- II@ I- 4&py?~ Install bait cover on street light standard Paint handhole ço~er 11 c> j t!., VI' -ê. Energize Street light Install pedestrian barricades as per plans (.S~",- !.A/.-."") /,~c/ ." '- ( S/A/ ;.... >//J~~ -1) .' ~ LV~~ ." r .. -, , ' ;" .. ," ¡..' ,{c" \-'- ;- I... .-, ,(.' " ..- .> ,- " ,I. .:; f ,2<-' n""""-'~'J<"""/, -"'"-" - ( ! -'~' ~..¡,~ ,..' ~l----:-¿- "_"""':'~---'-." '", ) ¡ ......... ,-- , ) ,;' :/ .. / J ..... ",' '. /~ ", I' i I r~-? /" ./. "'1 J '-. -. ,;- - '1 ' ,-, , I ,¿,//..' , / '/i7~' / í I I ! i I I \ \ ' ~- J- .. e ..;;--, (Ç( (~s'Cj r (¡j! ( Vvv c¡ , (..(}J..I. t ~ I( (//v' J rj'f') / C [1 ".. ' ¡J (c. K,/1'ìvl:, "7, /!; ( VII > ( !¡ív( " . ¿'/ 77,-:'r -,,' F/..'? ..' '/' ,¿ ,," ---~ ,J .. ~. --, J.: ) é? :.{ (' (1' ,', f",- , .t' . <.-1 '--" / ~/ ..,., /.~ SPEED~"HER -E I STOf DIARY STAR, TOTAL ~ ìNTRACT ~ 25/-// z. DATE--i- /9- ? Z LOCATION J? I-,5?Ò9 ~M,,-,_A .Á1~ %~,ß/~7 ¡., - NO, WEATHER TEMP. MIN. MAX, R-~: ¿~¿--..,tJ C!J 6-) tU ~ 4; ~ ~ _~,ll ~- -4 fd£JÞ. ~-~ I, ,',,' -6'~ \\~~ 1/ ' t \J .;- " ,¡,!, , \ , ., l í:" I /' Ji,\/ ~ Ii' ;',/ <, , / , \ ,! MBF WORKING DAY NO, SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED CITY OF CAMPBEll Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Project or Permit No, 2/-1/2 PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT ~~c~~;~ 7?? b g 0 c¡ I 7 ~~- d ¡r /ß-/ g ~ Page of Date 7- Z-F- ~ / (;xd/£kJ- ~ ~~ ~~) S~~?<j q(j/5 .f~~~ ;/ ~~eJl C~duc/~. I~~ () þ /0 ~-4 jA'J . ~/ 7~29-P I :B~ -A ~cJ/~ ~L~ ~ /. ~~/ ~~ , fì1;W ---{ PROJECT ENGINf PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Project or Permit No, PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAilY REPORT ð' 1- //2 Name or -l::.- h location I 51 6 7' , /7~5 4?~ ~. Page of Date ')-ib- 9/ ~ ;¡Q~jJ~ A~ tuJ~ -4ch ~ ß-n~ Lk-7'-R cÞ-¿? ~~ L~ ~ - ¡::;)( aLl' ¡;:¿ ð - ~~J)~ß/~ .~~ß~ E¥ (J ¿¿..J ~ j), , ~....,...--~ 7-'?- J' / f'l)( a;:::¡1 E~ ..~ ()~dÌ ~ .-f2.;þ c7 .ß~- ~~ , f}f A.,I ROJECT ENGINEER ~/ PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Proje~t or 91 ¡',/7 Permit No. - I' <... PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Name or ,- 10 gO 9 Location j R' . r ,# O~-;.. d1 ~ ~-L Lùlò Page of l¡ ~ :# ,~, Date b - 9- F I /Ùh Jlo&-~fla- ~. , ~d¿J ~~ ;;; ~~~ ~, /~ ..-ß~~O' ~ - k~ß~q~ - ./ ~~ , ~-/o- 9/ /Ü¿ ~~~j}el ~ - ~ ~4/ ~~ y~ J.- rA ¿) L .) ?/ ~-I- Þ!~ Yrvi~ ~~7 ¿ ~(? p~;'/, ~ M e-¿;/-" () ~ ~ /C7~ ;;;~~ # ~~~ ~ c,-//- 2/ ~ ~~~J2-A;tJA ~. '-¡;..~c// '¡;~/9'"!.- /ÇJu~ A~ / + é'~ #.C. J;1¿~ - '7Jìw PROJECT ENG% PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION ~~~~ftt ~~. 517- 71 Z PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Name or 'IZ- 6 <::TA CJ Location tJ U # &.J2~ ßa ~ ~ Page of ~N--U' .# ~ ' , Date ~-. --2 t,- 9) 'Ç-/ k( czÞÞ .£k é~,¡f. ~~~,;¿1~~ - ~~c/l~~@ ffoJ?~ /rúr~/~ ~ ~'¡~J P?~£ ~~~~p/.~ ~C/~ ~ ~ M ~~.-' ;9'"'- Z 7- 57 / r~í !/J¿?ft / cL¡~æ¿~. "% M~ Á A-€ ~- , ~~Z>J-? 1 ~LN?cfJ tùó~ ~ ~ s , ßdß~ ~~~. CÁ)4tJ~- ¿(?~ ~J ~ ~ ~/ ,ß~ -W PROJECT ENGINEER ~~ PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION ~~~~~t~~. f / '- I J Z ~~:ti~~ oil? b 57 () r 1h ~#~, PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT 4~R~~ L Page of Date ~~-/9- J?) ~~¿:J ~c2R/~y ~~~::¡ ~L~ ¿~~ hx ¿)LI ß'~<,:/, B: ~þ ~ ~ ß~ ~CM_4~- ð ~ -.j"- ""2/- Y7 S::¡d~ -/J J? ~ ß)£' e~ , @ ~d?di ~ 1-~ ~A.J~ ~"'or- ~"'-2 z- rll .ÆJ ù ~ ~ ð->'\ ~f¿;AÞ ~ ~ PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION ~~~~ftt ~~. <;? 1- II Z ~:C~~Oo~ 7lé (; g 09 ~d Fb(!~~- ~ ~#~, PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT ~ Page of Date a-- §~ 'ð ) $~dl ~c~~ AJ¡$ 4¿?[?~¿A;¡J~ ~, ~~si!- ~~) lA9J CP? ~t , ¿/ /' // ~. e:J~ ~~e-ðcfL, M~ ;;---- 7- <¡? I /Úh þlc?(!~~~ ~ I? j1 fl r' ß d? -If d-<vL YK J . , .:;/addll~-q ( c r'~ ~ a:-~~ ~2NGIN~ PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBEll Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Project or Permit No. 5? 1- 1/ z... ~:c~~:~T? h 51 D CJ % de:, ~ ~~ ~ w/v ~P#~. Page of Date s-- / /-- 1?7 »0 ~ð7< e ø' ¿Ç., M~ §-/z-- f?; ~.P (! ¿~ !~ - .4-<1 ~a/ , ~j) c~~ ~~ ~ &\MJ PROJECT EN~G_IN;ER . :,.- ,,;' -- PROJECT INSPECTOR EX C A V A T ION PER M I T -.... i- 1~2- ~~.:¡~.. ' ~ ~~" 'I r-, CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARNENT OF PUBlI C WORKS 75 N. Central Avenue Campbe 11. CA. 115008 (408) 378-8141, ext. 220 APPLICATION ',!?611ö9 ! ¡: u ... '" '" ~ .... t; I Application is "-by _de for an excavation perwlt in accordance with ~11 Nun1c1pel Code, Section 11.04. A. Location of wort: /7L' ¿?~ -~.~ cI.¿.- ~ //o,v{l"-;-I- Aur I. Inure of work: C~w f .~6L//7~'- rI- ~c./ÞH '1 ./ C. Attach three (3) copies of a drawing show1ng the location, extent and di_ns1ons of the work. TIle drawing shall show the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground 18Prov8lents. When ap- proved by the City Engineer, said drawing beeGieS a pert of this permit. 0, The General Conditions for all pe",,1ts are listed on the reverse side. Special Provisions for this pennit are listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and provisions ..y result in job shut-down and/or forfeiture of Faithful Perforllllnce and Cash Bonds. (See General Conditions 1 and 2.) J: i ~ t c E. An application fee of $25 IIIst acccnpany this application. This is lIDn-refundable and will be applied toward the total pennlt fee if the pe""lt is conslllllllted. F. See General Condition 5 regarding cDllpletlon and acceptance of the work. .... of Applicant :'-=v '( Iv -;-/f ;- t~ "-/1,,., t-- /' A ,-,,<'{7/. !--;:-z~ Tilephone:)- C, 1- - 7 f (. I Address ) ~ 7 /v' -? ,t.') .i, - , S ,.~ T--C),' ¿,"1- "'l)- II L *Name of Contractor ¿'" ~ Il ~ I.h ~ 1. J (;,I'y, d ( (. ':. ( - Tllephone: ::2 "29 - - ?S> I Y Address .z C;y. ,sflZA/ I9'1.Þ 1711 - 'Z ,;J. '75"" as- \.5'1-7....1)Qj L. C ~9 - State Contractor License 110. :?:2 9c.¿P r City Business License ~. 0 0 L/ J. &-' / *IIOTE: TIle Contractor 8Ust IIIve a current State Contractor's L1C8ft1e and City of Clllpbel1 1us1.1S L1C8ftse. ~ .... SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Street ~al1 not be open cut for Illldel"9rouN1 tMtallattons. ,",,1- cuts _v be a11owe"Ì for COfIIIf'ttllW1~ or lçlornton holes. Such cvts 8Ust be specifically a'IØroved by the I"S!IeCtor. 2. 'aV8lent constrvctfon or rntorat1on sllll1 be: ~ ,'. - ----- . - ....- . V a. As shown on plans. b. Existing section plus 2-inches A.C. with 4-inches A.C. on l2-1nches R-78 base \"OCk or II-Inches A.C. held as a .lnl- section. c. Note - Existing chip seals shall be replaced to conform with the surrounding )Ivl8lnt surface. 3. The hours of work are 11.1ted to outside the hours of 7-11 a... and 3-' p... ,...,.,... 4, Work to be staked by a l1clnsed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and two (2) cop1lS of the cut sheets sent to the Public Worts Dlpart8ent before starting work. 5. J:.rl~¡"'d( Nc:;vt/(I:> br~d L(J5 J-Ira.+ fr&jhf- hlcxd, ! ¡: u .... '" '" ~ E I ~ ~ - ~ . . v IIJTICE "'ST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AT LEAST 48 HOURS IEFORE .EGIIIIING WORK. fItIOHE 378-8141, e.t. 220. I8cllpt 10. 's ;.37~ a.ount PERMIT APPLICATION FEE S 25.00 10M[) FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMNCE S .,' in ;"J '" :.... CASH DEPOSIT REQUIRED $ 21..'c;. (l: ::':~~':'..:~':-1:2 ~<Æ. I , " ( " or ty ng neer ,'1 Î~'(( .J-,It ').3"13 ." TIrl"(f 'b1( s-- S- -8 I Dlte ...; agrees by affixing his signature to this permit to hold the City of C81pbel1, its s a _loyees free, safe and IIIrwless froll any cla1. or ...nd for "'ges resulting ered by this ~ ~ ~J- R-I Date ;VV' ;;þ) -' ;;)7/ ~I TO: Acct. 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 Œ?P 3372 @D 3521 3521 P . W . F i 1 e No. d' 1- 1/ 2- CITY CLERK P1ease c011ect and receipt for the fo110wing monies: Items Pre1iminary Environmenta1 Impact Report Fee ($70.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue Tentative Parce1 Map Fi1ing Fee ($60.00) Tentative Tract Map Fi1ing Fee ($120.00) Fina1 Parce1 Map Fi1ing Fee ($120.00) Fina1 Tract Map Fi1ing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Pub1ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment for first p1us $80.00 each additiona1) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) Certificate of Comp1iance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Contr01 Handbook ($2.00) Project P1ans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit App1ication Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue) ($270.00) ($250.00 Cash Deposit Faithfu1 Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name r~~ /~~ Address 'l.- '17 A/ ~ ft.;l 3 7 Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date Amount t;-- 2- 2 ç', ðò ;/5, ö-V ;:2.. ò c) - $ .2 'J- S- - ()Ù 2- 72 - 7?ý:/ 951/2.... January, 1981 , . Acct. 3372 ~ 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 372 3373 3373 3373 33].ì 337.2 352rr ~ 352'1 ,P;W. File No. _f/-I/2- CITY CLERK Please c011ect and receipt for the fo11owing monies: Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($70.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R~l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) P1an Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3~1/2% of va1ue Tentative Parce1 Map Filing Fee ($60.00) Tentative Tract Map Fi1ing Fee ($120.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Fina1 Tract Map Fi1ing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Pub1ic Streets and Easements ($270.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first p1us $80.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and P1ans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Contr01 Handbook ($2.00) Project P1ans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit App1ication Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue) Cash Deposit Faithfu1 Performance Deposit - ~ ~ Maintenance Bond Deposit () ~ TOTAL Amount I I I \, --~"ð. ðO $ ~d".ÞD Nam~-To~ ~ 7¥7"1o,J/bp.s; Phone Address ;2."-I.:J. 11 ~ '~t7-" ~\..I - Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. 1/YS--~ Amount Pai#o?¿?¿ì . 00 Rece i ved by 11 If >(,L- Date ,P-,/~ -ð;/ JJ., q ~ - ? p4/ qS7J~ January, 1981 (----.--------.----....-------. ---.--.--....--- --- -------.. .-..-..----------.--. '--'----'---""'-- ---n...._- (~ITl' OF Ci\MPBEL[ ELLIOTT II HANDLING HELMS I RETU:<N TO- 1 --r . L ùiSU,RD DIAl II riLE .--- _I I (;,f'tlt¡ CASE I: (I( -'-li I I i 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Publ ic Works July 29, 1981 Mr. Gerald Marozick Pacific Gas & Electric Company 325 Saratoga Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL LIGHTING DISTRICT ENERGIZING OF ELECTROLIER Dear Mr. Marozick: A new 240-volt street I ight has been installed as a part of street im- provements for Tract No. 6809. Please energize this 1 ight and add it to our billing. The electrical contractor is Fixall Electric. Luminairc Location 55-w., L.P.S. North side of Hacienda Avenue 615 feet west of Harriet Avenue At the same time you energize this new I ight, please remove the exist- ing luminaire located on Pole No. 3921 as requested in our letter of July 16,1981. Thank you. Should you have any questions, please contact the under- signed at your convenience. Very truly yours, Joseph Ell iott Director of Pub! ic Works by Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide LMS/le encl. 1 B\D~ " SPEEDOMETER DIA.. ( ~ CONTRACT ~ ~) -1/ z:. DATE 7 - '7...-9 - g 7 LOCATION y;e !:,gOi ¡t~ L. STOP START TOTAL PAGE NO. WEATHER TEMP. MIN. MAX. a~ - -,.P7~~ P ¡Ç if ~r7ð-jP / - :::J~- L-U.,,< ~S ~ ~~~~. a& ~ -,PY'~~,-, Q ø~~ ~,,¡ / ~ .o~ a,4 - , ,. F ~ a-Þ/ £-6., A A~~ ,. MBF WORKING DA Y NO, SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED / j,,' - y_-I/J , ~ , "/""" "-',~ );"'" ': ,. ' /, / LANDS OF XAR N ES ". ~' L' LANDS O¡= NELSON 'r " ~ ~¡ A CC'I~! q)~-, "f..)J\ ~~ (' á"~ ¿J , ()' CO 1- <::I J \\' COHS,ST£J. .....,.. ðARR./CADG ---- - . , , -i- - --'-~- ~ "'é)(,é.D6'£ PAVE, --- -< 1 ~ ¡ '~L- ~' , ~~ ~ l }ø.~ . t ~. fi ~ ..' '€:X' êO~ PAV£'". iL.--!:- --- ' -- I - > 99 \ ,"'" /-., /~S , .. " .. 1 ' '."" I.' " '... '" ' . t- ;..; -, --------st, , , . . .. . . 'I ~',' ~ 'II...,-CONS. 5TO, ~L1RRIC.4D£ 152 L~: '2. J-I.p, GA5 "l:X,C:'/'V7AIN ('6>,..1 w.w) I;¡. , . .. . '.' - I /I' P. J ""'" 25 (, K-C. . , .s I (): 00(;, / ../ -.1- /' / / , .. . 4 f. ""# /,', ./ ø ~~( ~ (-, d -þ -------~\- '1 1 ~ -- -----..... - ", ---- - 1-/k-' ,,~~ '., ~L "'~OVé.R¿AyÆs" d£~~R.'( , /' / / I I ~ r)... "- ~ ",OVeR .f%. NEe LAy' AS %{ ~. ES.54~ Y .0' --- -- \ '- NOTE: APPROX. /20 C,Y. EXIST. PAVE. r'I<OCK TO 8[; G:XPORT£D FROM J..IACIENOA 1-7-9--.R1 }/J! .' r .. ~ . I / I / (¡~. Yq ,. \V . , /'\t".'74!~ ~ Pub1ic Works Q ¡--o (~\X- "'Y ¡ . Janua ry 7, 1980 Mr. Roger Lehr Civil and Construction Consu1tants, Inc. 7246 Shanon Drive San Jose, CA 95129 RE: HINSON SUBDIVISION Dea r Roge r : This Is to aid you in designing the street Improvements for the proposed subdivision on Hacienda Avenue. We propose that the e1evation of the top of curb at the westerly end be 255.67 and 253.37 at the easter1y end, providIng a slope of 1.21% across the property. For your convenience, the existing curb at the end of improvements on the norther1y side of Hacienda Avenue approximately 80 feet westerly may be used as a temporary bench mark. The e1evation of the top of curb is 256.64. A traffic Index of 5.5 should be used to design the street section. Unfortunate1y we do not have an R value for this area so you wl11 need to have one determined. One e1ectr01ier is required at the wester1y property 1ine with conduit instal1ed across the frontage to the easter1y property 1ine. The 1amp shou1d be a Genera1 E1ectrlc LU 100 with an M250R c/o 1uminaire. Storm drainage may be handled by grading the property to drain to the street and a110wlng surface f10w to Harriet or by constructing a 15" R C P main in Hacienda to the manhole at Harriet. We wou1d recommend to the CIty Councl1 that the City contribute toward the cost of extending the main at the rate of $4.25 per 1inea1 foot of pipe, $230.00 per manh01e, and $155.00 per catch basin. A$~a possib1e third a1ternatlve, you may want to contact the Bui1dlng Department about on site dry we 115 . If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very tru1y yours, BI11 He1ms, Engineering Manager by James Penoyer Engineering Technician JP/1e ..11..J-1I b ~d'J RESOLUTION NO. 5899 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6809, HACIENDA AVENUE, AUTHOR- IZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6809, Hacienda Avenue, for approv- al; WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers certain conditions of approval of said map, has been presented; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that any real property offered for dedication for public use is accepted on be- ha1f of the public in conformity with the terms of the offer of decication. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbe11. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1980, by the following vote: 25th day of August AYES: Counc i 1 men: Paul, Doetsch, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Hammer NOES: Coun c i 1 men: None ABSENT: Counc i 1 men: None APPROVED: Russell J. Hammer Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker, City Clerk 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COU NTY August 13, 1980 city of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re TRACT 6809 Hacienda Avenue This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installa- tion, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer r;~ ):f, ~ By P. R. Nichols Assistant bistriét Engineer PRN~ í CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 - Department: Public Works June 20, 1980 Mr. Char1es R. Dean, Jr. Hoge, Fenton, Jones & Appe1, Inc. 4 North Second Street San Jose, CA 95113 RE: TR. 6809 YOUR FILE: RXD-13373 #35 Dear Mr. Dean: This is to advise you that we have no revision to request in your CC&Rs, Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the homeowner association for the referenced subdivision. Very tru1y yours, Bill He 1 ms Engineering Manager by James Penoyer Engineering Technician JP/le bcc: Hr. David Neal Fountain Lane Properties 247 N. 3rd St. San Jose, CA 95112 \ { ~ t '-...-P , (.11 Y II F (-:.\ l\\ P H ELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378.8141 HEIMS -~-- I' H,1.r.Dd~'G - ' j:[_~l~=~~T_~~ - --.. fI ¡) "~C/';:[J II 'r~;~-r -- ¡;----=-~o !/ i-h'V\s~V) Department: Pub 1 ic Works DIAl Mr. David Neale Fountain Lane Properties 247 North Third Street San Jose, CA 95112 March 6, 1980 RE: TRACT NO. 6809 - --.---- Dear Mr. Neale: Enclosed are the agreement and bond forms covering the street improvements for the referenced subdivision. Please return two fully executed copies of the agreement. The required notary jurat forms have been attached. Also enclosed is a check 1 ist of items that need to be taken care of before we can recommend approval of the final map. These items must be done and checked by this office by the second Thursday prior to the City Council meeting. The Council meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, Bill Helms Engineering Manager by James Penoyer Engineering Technician JP/le attachments : I I \ ~ ..----..-----....."..--.....--.--. -.,.....--.-..""-" HOGE, FENTON, JONES & ApPEL, INC. ATTORN EYS AT LAW MONTEREY OFFICE P. 0, BOX 791 MONTEREY. CALIFORNIA 93940 (408) 373-1241 4 NORTH SECONO STREET SAN .JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95113 SAN LUIS OBISPO OFFICE 1043 PACIFIC STREET SAN LuIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93406 (408) 287-9501 (805) 544-3830 February 29, 1980 RECEIV¡O MAR a 188g PUD~'t WOIKS INGmt~~tNQ Mr. James Penoyer Public Works Department city of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campell, California 95008 Re: TS 79-19-Tentative Subdivision Map Lands of Hinson ATN 403-12-25 and 26 Our file: RXD-13373#35 Dear Mr. Penoyer: I have been advised by David Neale Properties, Ltd. that you have asked to CC&Rs and the Articles of Incorporation Home Owners Association with respect to above-referenced property. I enclose a ments for your review and comment. of Fountain Lane review copies of the and Bylaws of The the PUD plan for the copy of those docu- As you will note, the CC&Rs are not in ftnal form. The form we have used, however, is one similar to CC&Rs which have been given VA approval. I would be pleased if you would give me a call with any questions or comments you may have. CRD/jc Enclosures cc: Mr. David E. Neale (without enclosures) & APPEL, INC. By: :"'"":::::; ---- /J 7:~:! :7.;-- P.¿~C I J:.-f' Ie G¡-..!..~~S _<.~ ~f D E L-1~a::; c: T T~:C c C 0 l.LL =-'p- }::r -T -10'<"(: ~;O, [,L;è;fCY A\'::~'¡!F' '~Iji':::!T!:;O. CAL:;:-O?,:,i,\ 9::,:':,: (,; 'j ;;;, :::?, ~.: 'j RECEIVED fEß 2 9 1980 PUBUC WORKS ENGiNEERING February 27,1980 1~. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 S'...;,bject: J:~ .:"pproila.l fo:c ~':rElct ,,:6809 - 'vJestmont Ave, Harriet Drive, Regina Way, Del Loma Drive, & Hacienda Avenue, Campbell ;j:~ë,::" -='113 ,;'.:,~;::':Lc U:,ili~Y~ê':,ic':"':.!:.lt=, :;l:o',;;; 0:1 -:-,:-:':: :.:':L:9,l~;)'~' :::'.:. -::::; -::r::~-: ;:);,'(::.-: ',,:~ ¡',' ,,',';:;:' t,) ;,"::'::"": ;; '-_: ',;,?:",,::,,: :',:-:.~ s.:::;::~,~~'[:c;":..-:".! .'::,-:- tt~ i::Gtall¿:tic'él u:;.' th":"" C()::-,X:êl:,'¡:" g::;';-3 ¿C~ '.;lsc.:tl,:.c ,:~i¿;t:ribu":.:i,'):: facilities. Should yo'.), llav8 ü:::'J ~U33tio::3, pIe'::>c call ~':::-. Don Dixon at 253-2010. Since::::-ely, IZ ¿,. .ß(;~ ~:, . ,j. '1. '.l';:'é'-'c; j,' -'2.;:: c,'i.'~, '.:":, L.-C.::C:: :.'i,.; .:,: :,;':'i:lt,; ;.u:::-:-,-;:' PT&T Company Civil & Construction APa squine IIi Tract File Consultants, Inc. FEB 2 t) '\~è)LJ PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING @)~7- RECEIVED Pacific Telephone 1333 LAWRENCE EXPY. SUITE 300 SANTA CLARA, CA 95051 February 21, 1980 Mr. Joe Elliott City of Campbell 75 North Central Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract 6809 Dear Mr. Elliott: We have no objection to the P.S.E.'S as shown on the attached map. P.S.E.'s do not, however, constitute "an easement acceptable to the utility", as described in our Rule 16 I.C.2b. It may, therefore, be advantageous for the developer to grant our Company a Right-of-Way for a portion of the telephone facilities to be placed on the property served. Anyarrange- ments for such an easement will be made directly with the developer. Yours very truly, y/~ T.F. SCHLINK ENGINEERING MANAGER cc: Civil & Construction Consultants, INC. 7246 Sharon Drive San Jose, CA 95129 ""9"' ;' (! /,' (!,' HOGE, FENTON. JONES Be ApPEL. INC. ATTORN EYS AT LAW MONTEREY OFFICE P, 0, BOX 791 4 NORTH SECOND STREET SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95113 SAN LUIS OBISPO OFFICE 1043 PACIFIC STREET SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93406 MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA 93940 (408) 373,1241 (805) 544,3830 (408) 287-9501 February 6, 1980 1 ~' " 1..\ . 11 1 \><:s.. . Mr. Bl He ms~ Englneerlng city of Campbell 75 North central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Manager RECEIVED F£8 7 iLl;..! " ;"J\JI.) PUBLIC EltGIIi¡:Z~S Re: TS 79-19-Tentative Subdivision Map Lands of Hinson ATN 403-12-25 and 26 Our file: RXD-13373 Dear Mr. Helms: Our office represents Fountain Lane Properties, Ltd., the proposed developer of the above-referenced property. We under- stand, that you, as the City Engineer, are required to review the proposed CC & Rls to insure provisions for maintenance of buildings and common area. A copy of a CC & Rls are enclosed for your review and, hopefully, your approval. Please contact the undersigned with any comments and suggestions you may have. ) CRD:ks cc: Mr. David Neale Fountain Lane properties, Ltd. " UNITED SOIL ENGINEERING, INC. i r~ ",' \ - ?j;P'fÞfFh9B ~ _:,' Soil, Foundation anti Geological Engineers 3476 EDWARD AVENUE. SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95050 (408) 988-2990 File No. 9-449-S3 January 20, 1980 Mr. David Neale 501 North Santa Cruz Avenue los Gatos, CA 95030 Subject: Proposed II-Unit Townhouse Hacienda Avenue near Del Loma Avenue Campbell, California PAVEMENT DESIGN FOR DRIVEWAYS Gentlemen: Per your request, we are presenting herein alternate pavement sections on the driveways for the proposed II-unit townhouse located on Hacienda Avenue near Del loma Avenue in Campbell, California. The following alternate sections are based on our laboratory resistance "R" value test on near-surface soil samples and the traffic index (T.!.) of 5~ for the driveways. The results of the "R" value tests are presented in Figure 1. Alternate pavement section designs which satisfy the State of California Standard Design criteria and the assumed traffic indices are presented in Table I. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact our office at your convenience. Very truly yours, UN TED SDIL EN~~k Farhang Ha di-Fard ~ ?;)f~~ Max M. Gahrahmat, P.E. FHF: MMG: em Copi es: 4 to David Neale File No. 9-449-53 TABLE I PROPOSED ALTERNATE PAVEMENT SECTIONS Location Driveways Design "R" Value 51 Traffic Index 5~ Gravel Equivalent 11 Recommended Alternate Pavement Sections: 1A 1B 5 P.M.S. Asphalt 3~ Class II Baserock R=78 Min. Compacted to 95% Relative Compaction Native Soil Compacted to 95% Relative Compaction 3 8 8 2 United Soil E~ineering. Inc. File No. 9-449-S3 EXUDATION ffiESSURE (P.SJ.) I 0:: 18 &IJ ~ &IJ :E 16 0 ..J iDI4 CI ~ (I) >-12 CD :10 &IJ z ~8 % ~ 0::6 &IJ > 84 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 RESISTANCE, R.VALUE TEST V / STATE OF CALIFORNIA / TEST METHOD N2 CALIFORNIA 3OI-F / / V / V '" V I\. / V \ / V \ 1/ , / / I~ 1/ / / / V / 1/ / 60 24 100 (1)22 &IJ % ~20 90 80 70 &IJ ~O ;:) ..J ~ 40 I 0:: 30 20 10 0 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRESSURE - INCHES 26 SAMPLE: DESCRIPTION: B Red-brown sandy silty with gravel SPECIMEN A B C EXUDATION PRESSURE (P.S.I.) 208 226 391 EXPANSION DIAL (,0001") 8 13 19 EXPANSION PRESSURE CP.s.F.) 35 56 82 RESISTANCE VALUE, "R" 30 48 67 % MOISTURE AT TEST 10.5 10.4 9.8 DRY DENSITY AT TEST (P.c.F.) 124.4 126.0 127.7 "f( VALUE AT 300 P. S.I. : (51 ) EXUDATION PRESSURE Figure 1 3 EE-r I rI»O. , .-...' . or. .' "~', ~ ~ ....' .' ',~~,.k_~.~- "j' ~ , r- so I: IIAo ~ :. II '0 . 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Sou t"" . f ~ (0\ ( ." .~ 8010 1&: ~ '" hI 0 J;:',-----_. _..._--,..---,_....-~.-.,~ .~~--""--- ... - " - -------->-- --'--'- -'----".-"--'.'-" - CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: ARTHUR A. KEE Planning Director Date: N,ØVt! mb£ r 21; 197' JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works Subject: Tentative Subdivision Map lands of HINSON t - - - - - ~P~ A 0"3 - 11.. - ';2.$ :2." , The following conditions of approval are recommend~dconcerning the subject tentative subdivision map submitted by ~l A"e! cÞ( s~ on Con",I.)~D From: ----------------------------- I . Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. ~. Installation of a water distribution system to ~~~ej~s lot~s w~hin~e S~b- ~~~~~i~~r~~c~o~~o~~a~~~v~~~~ ~~e s~~~ns ~,~hj~+-:~O~J o~ j Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and instal ed at the 10cat10ns specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195.00 per fire hydrant. ~. Subdivider shall create or provide any public service easement and any other --- public utility andlor public service easements as may be necessary for the installa- tion of-any and all public utilities and/or facilities. ~. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions of the Campbell Municipal Code. ~. Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee. ---. Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. -'L. Subdivider shall execute an agreement and post bonds to either install street if!lpro~ements on )-\lll.\~nL:\ð... ~~t'n 1.)<.. . . - . or join a local Improvement ~- D1 str1ct for J-;~!-~ AII~__e- Avenue. ~ . Dedicate additional right-of-way to widen feet from centerline. to ~. C.C.&R.'s to be approved by City Engineer to insure provisions for maintenance of buildings and common area. ~. Provide a grading and drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer. By: BIll M. HELMS Engineering Manager