Hamilton Ave. (TR5932) .,<J It--- (7 RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME DURA STYLE HamS INC. 4102 MX>RPARK AVE. SAN JOSE, CA 95117 ADDRESS FOR TRACT NO. 5932 - File Mwrl (7) Tent. Map Filing Fee 351-A Fin::! 1 " " "~f)1-A Storm Drain Fee 365-A Pl::!n Rx::!m ~ rnn~T Inspection Fee 351-A $25.00 fiO.OO 1,700.00 1,052.00 REVENUEACCOUNTNO. t~AR 18- 77 A H¡~I1 1 Ô - 77 fJ Ou9A *"'*'If*8.50 57 O~ÄAs~*1 05Z.00 .00 FUND NUMBER 20425 e CHECK 90-86 0 M@.~E1 §~R OAT" , .J THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAR 13-77 57 Ga9A ****60.00 57 Ga9A ****25.00 NAn 18-77 10236 BY ITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy 0M \Y\~wÓ ~l ) Je (( J Lei: c / /fI"S-'λ ¿ NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and JOSEPH ELLIOTT Above Space for Recorder the undersigned, as City Engineer caused ~d subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the of November ,19 78 . That the name of the Subdivider said owner is DURA STYLE HOMES. INC. 13th day for That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: TRACT NO. 5932 and having the following address: Dated November 27 , 19 78 1 of 2 ~' ~¿¿¡£~ ~ ELLIOTT Director of Public Works STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss. I, JOSEPH ELLIOTT being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge. ELLIOTT Director of Public Works Subscribed and sworn to before me this .1 ',-:; ';b~ , day ofr8,¿;~!r:¿';(~ , 1978 ~, '}o ' l/!jkJ¿;~:, ff, L~lZ..? Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California. '-'-----"-'-'--"-----'----------'-'-'~ .------.-",.---""- --- ,,-." -- -. , .."".. ""-'," .... - ..--- '~z*J RESOLUTION NO. 5495 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 5932 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON. WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that all improvements in Tract No. 5932 have been completed in accordance with that agreement entered into on March 8,1977 concerning said Tract; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer recormnends acceptance of the Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t.he City Council of the City of Campbell that Tract No. 3547, tog(:~tlwr \vi th all improvements thereon, be and the same are hereby accq: tc,'c[ ,¡j l, t lide the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of CO1!<L'lc: t:.LOJ 1 of said improvements. PASSED AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: 1 J th -- day of November ,1978, AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek, Chamberlin NOES: COUll'-.'LLli,:n: r Ur1C ABSENT: Couü...:iL!ldl: done APPROVED: Dean R. Chamberlin Mayor AT'l'EST: PhylllS O. Acker City Clerk San~aCla(aVa"eyWa~e(Dis~(id ~. ~~: 1:~~/~~~ ..' L- 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOS~, ',~]'£.J~ERMIT ,LlFORNIA 95118 . (408) 265.2600 Date Issued Permit No, 77930 F cI ~ July 12, 1977 ~ Permittee Dura Style Homes Telephone 249-5454 File Permits, Pipelines "\ 4102 Moorpark Ave. Central Pipeline )' S~~t~~se~r~a~~~~ ~~~~~l :î~ ~~ ~~:~w:~m~~ton Ave; Applican5éorge Nolte & Associates -----~--'-"-- " Attn: Mr. Bill Sampson ( Re: Tract 5932 ~.- 77A583A, 77P583A . ~ ------...........,.... Stream Central Pipeline Purpose of Permit KJ Encroachment KJ Construction 0 Temporary Construction Expiration Date 1. Excavation and placement of street and paving within District right of way. 2. Installation of removable masonry wall across District R/W. 3. Installation of 6-inch V.C.P. sanitary sewer within January 12, 1979 ~~c/qé#J.é~t#ÞV¥i,ø'r/.ø~e ni !=:+ri r.+ R/W ;mn prlrrlllel to 66-inch R.C.P. (Central Pipeline). PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY: 0 DISTRICT'S construction DIVISION, TELEPHONE 265-2600 extension 323 DSANTA CLARA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AGENCY, TELEPHONE 299-2591 AT LEAST TWO NORMAL WORKING DAYS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT, FAILURE TO NOTIFY IS CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT AND REMOVAL OF WORK, EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREEMENT TO COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS INCLUDED HEREIN, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED IN THE ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS LISTED BELOW, VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE' FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT, 1, PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, 2, All work shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector, The work area must be restored to the séJtisfaction of the District's Inspector, 3, The quality of water passing through or below the site shall be maintained at all times and the addition of silt or other deleterious material to the water will not be permitted, 4, All backfill within District right of way shall be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction in accordance with California Test Method #216, 5, The location of the District's pipeline is to be verified in the field by pot-holing prior to construction. cc: Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works City of Campbell Approval. " ; ,,; ~.. '. FC60 (7175) DIVISION ENGINEER DESIGN COORDINATION DIVISION Fr I€-.. M¡wd (7) PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ,". ' + 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 RECEIVED . April 22, 1977 APR 26 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING . Mr. Joseph Elliott . Director of Public Works .75 N. Central Avenue . Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Junction Box Locations for Tract 5932 - Hwy 17 & Hamilton REVISION I . Dear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed are prints of our estimate drawing showing the proposed electric junction box locations for this tract and suggested means of serving the proposed electroliers. Sincerely, rØ/~c: J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent REA/lgl Attachments ( I , 2 , E \ \ ~ - J~ D 1 c U::@aJ 0 .. 3 4 1 5 1 6 L 7 . 8 , 9 I( 10 -- \ \ I ¡ ~ \ I \ I i\ \ \~~ ... :tfÎO \ ~ \ \ - \"'\ '-- ~') .. '" ~.J. "'2 () - ù d:-Z - Ct t~ 1ST 1""6. ~ '::> U ~~'- /7' ìt",LRELIMINARyA~nENT I \ \ \ In ~~ '-' ,,-I .- -, I - 7 , -- " -- ^ r I-' -' \ ,,--- ei--Is-r /I'JG. :r-'-' J::,o' (---- .H-A rJ\ \ L í ON \5f::> t:: I... é<:..:í, 'íÆ-f:¡\JGJ.J. ~e:-c. . ,~ 3/ f.. '5' '/... ¿;~\ fi ~II ðÞ"A B 0 ~ A 0 G(J ~~ <t ~ « \J U RETURN T P.G. & E. lG9QO [,I SLr~r¡EY Þ-,VE. CUPE.~-I~~O, C.~.UFOÍ(N\A e.t£C T. 5')~t::l- 1)IJCf ; 70' 0':: Z" ~ 7o'oP 5" .-. D:.1E - - 6\~ ~ f'¡\BLE T.V. BY i " DATE """""""""""""'-"""""""'-"'--"-""". , -tit ~f: r2-eV\sE:D reE\...IM IN~'t' '];" Ñ1t;N-r -N .,....~.~.""""".""...""""",.".""~.=,-""",=,,,,.,..<...-- ~r: 6JJ G.. í.::."'D ç:.',:,)!,,'ßl2. .. S D# \\ E (1::0 1"'2... ¡;;~I~TIÑ~ C~"50 - - - - - Pf?.ùPOse-ò 6A-~ ~iZ.,o\- - e;.."II...G ++c",,6~ -.-4 MiCROFILM BILL OF MATERIAL DRAWING LIST SUPERSEDES SUPERSEDED BY SHEET NO. SHEET~= : REV. =-~ GM OWN. \ CHKD.\ supv. APVO. APPROVED \ G~~ BY..--.J IYI šIT PV . ---=:-,- DSGN. DWN. CHKD. O.K. DATE SCALES TeAC --r ~~, q. '? r] \ L' ~ - -C (1 /' (\ Ç\ ~V~(}.r- l \.", ... ~- C -.If. I i ' \' ,1\ '. '('}'....) ì f\ '¡ ! - \;::¡t ~ l t UtL-V H L ,^I '--- . J .' ...... (..--C.- -- ). " '--"' c:.-/.. ¡~ ,r . ..,. ' -'-" PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA --. ~I I I I I . 3 ~ \ \ 1 \ 2 0 1 I J i! 3 I . ~ 4 f- : '00. '0$'>;"" @ 'it: "-gbo" ~ Hbo< @:: @UI - ¡I\ÒI', ' \,1 t+'~ ~ 7{'1A ---.- \ 'M~/' __I I" - ,---+- ,/ ~'I! I ',,<.", 'l" GJ ,T-S'}ß ~ ~ ":\ I : ~ I if ~ '", \I . ~ , o. f'\,! - 1l'1.3ò'~f.s < - ,'\ Ì - ", ,:oJLLJ'h.A. -f£c' J-.JT"" --r--, ~ . Q¿' ""'-. ~ 'I~T ~ S"Jou¡:T .:ì II - Q¿ /- €'-LI~T "¡G < '" .... 4J ,.... I' 11'i.?,ò' 8oÆ~ ~ _./\3 q¡ .Y !- ' 7JLG ~~, ~ r I R ,i~'~' .,~' ~t ø3 '- ~. - I - /3 t!Ð/ ==- .:ï i' ./ I r-;j°~ ~ 1580 ---- I. -412018'- f i~1 ~,1VI) ,............'6Z ----- J fS),' " s'¡' 1f3."-/:""-" 1A 'I ¡: "-.... r1) í'~ +--- , 1151 ISq " ---, '- X.' -- 1&1 1~ ~ I \ " ~1 , -------':':://63 " / ~ ":ï;\' I Þo 3,15B2,.,32.-~~Z53" ,(,ci.'CL2_',"2.0~" :tl' 1<~~12.o I õ77... ZQ-\",,'L-'60 zs.-< ;:;>:0'1 I ---I:::... r;: sf, LJ', Calf 2..S~ 2.1 ' \ CoNÑ~c.T lùs.:--rt- ~.ßf':.Â_ONä, lSoE.) I - ~, ío e>Ð~ a:;... -~- -~ lSd' , 1",1 1[5\ 3:--~ ~-'-~'-:--, A,.~--" --- 'ElI . b.L - ~ ---=-- :=-'-"~:":::':::---===----=- :;0 .. - ~~ ---.--. - ==--- - AI<£o1,¡"ç' '\,1/':'- I ~.U , J /.\ \\~. I'7YG,,'b-/ ~ "..,,¡ \""" - i ! Ir '. / '\¡¡¡~J" I ~' , ; iZ£1"\O~ 1t>L£ (D' <i;" i - -- ,)- t; / IE...a......£: L~N'" .lJ.' ,,9 ,',-'i;,; """",10,} ,,'CG~~ 'II/' Fof'-C¿ .I'04,,>lt:, .".J-~ fr¡ II! P"I-~- 'Ç'--- ..f-/Ji---- 1111---- ,Ii ¡ii it-- 1\ OJ I I ~'~ \",: U\1! N rJ ,I, ~ ~ I ~~ I '9 ~ I r<-¡. I "J I ¡ 1 ~ 2 T- B'-D5 E , _/ . I / -, 't :;.. "' D 3-H74L-I'1J(,,( 3-~Al-n«.'¡ 1'1,,' C fOU> LE:6£NÏ> -~... ~ "?>1'l-A-"\.."t.v:..J-<..\<' ... --?ð- INsí, 3(2A-1':2.-,?J -~c /lJ,..¡d-J 5'1W<J' 1. - "¡';í, '(,,¡,.-&-..o\J <D.~, >r¿¡f' B 1- + - INSí 'V"Þ.--!..ù?v - "DJ ß. ít.d~ r -:>-+ - Ir-J':::.ï. tloA- '-'Cl>-./ - t::.. B.ïR.\ P, /,.,) '2,"SíaL ~,.u:"J Ir 'r( tiT\" iZ¡,£c..Tt~E:.~ K (11.O(-a.otl>J -3..JII~£. -I COtoJll/£.c.l"/....s) ^\..L ~~ R.>J \C.eS T £:) e~ -at'l. Þt-L.-l..GðV -:J::¡J ~. TJ:..¡f'. \.hH.L~~ !toJ'OIC,A'-\Z1::I or~ ¡.Y \.s.C , i ! J i ! J ~ "- ~ \S ....Î~D '-.5.,;: H¡-"-'MILíoN AV'f:. . Q L.Þr S ~ -a:r ~~ ~",-,,<:::ì'OL- ::!;¡ÎA~fi" :STAt£:' @ E","-'U!:> c;c.>f'.-~ <iíp¡o..I~""T I..>I"~ l-INE' Gõøl...x..E:"s.T. M p.,C.~ \~~ 'b\6 r, ~'" ~ - <:'" I ~.D\..I.¡:rU-rt:.t.. v:..s\'~£) .....t?C.., ~r~~tJ. - ~¡,,)~~~ ~b\ "'Go, l/c:r;, - 35'í',.A¡LQ,~~(37~) - 32. KWi-\ IrJITIAL- .31 \(\J¡.} 'bES.\é\N r I. -' I ,..o.ç ""'T'A' 1>£S"'" - 'Lé',:.:j-~ ;Jó s.1f ~\..';'A",. Icù!>T \<......¡ ~"'I\ Ccz>K'..b. NO, ~r!8f:D3 50 IZK..¡.il::>/t<ÌC- lí 54Lflc..7Q 31:;;BZ7'5'-2'12B'1 ~,'<!,:~!, ß, ~,'~+ -~5 ' ~ i.,"-'-, ~315"-,';>}2Yß- '2.9'lßS "!'~" C;;"..r -{.::" IBI :;7/ /,'/', ",T;'¡",""__::'CJ?o-? ", -"j.> -, - ¡:¡ """",- ..J~L.f..~ -"--'- í-r.:-C L j)",c-'>,- A No,l DATE DESCRiPTION REVISIONS n-"" ,"',7-m ...,....D DH D""" 00, '_0-' c.....""'" ....,DUT "-TO ¡"Pr:C'~I-" ~l ~u:"", -r- ,;...... ! -¡ r<,...--.. A ,.-, ..- l" ,. ~ . . <. i ~D,s::;r,'" ~ '- I DWN~j¿¡.U>..... -'CRKc~ j í'\ " I r, (; ,r~ ~CK. I jL_AMP(:,.t:tL Nc..- ~t\Ni~ _l/;t.A LO IDA;~~:'-;-"'7J, PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 1~',;-,"L-,':¡ : I-::'~ ':.C" ~-;.J': SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA '.- 5C¡~2 GMiSPEC ~."\{'J, SV Di §! 5 t,,> ,,~:!,:: IN APt~ ~LL to: liC~ /' YES " I,"J,/,...,... CHEcr,: \,j /....~ --,. ,)(",--,~",;- , , , " ., ..-~ "/ " -, :/. :~\:., YES "'Q, -,- C;!f:CW. &y "/),--...- fOUl 5 . :I ::> z co IE I on ¡ '6LC>Q.~ MA~ }-t-16-12. '" . MICROFILM ! 8'Ll O~ATL I DWG LIST L.:- - ~UPSDS : SUPSD BY 1-- j SHEET-"!(), I 0;: ! ~HE_EV~5 : I R "': 1= i!: !llf 100\2.\' I I ì I I I " CiNCh ¡AYI ~ 3-L I ?-'" .PAC¿FIC GAS AND ELECj8¡ COMPANY COpy .. r;"le ..on. I MywJ (I) April 11, 1 ~)77 Dura Style Homes 4100 ~oorepark Avenue San Jose. California 95117 GentleMen: Attachctl is the revised desi<~n layout of the joint trench indicating gas. electric, telephone and/or C^T\' service and meter locations fOT your Tract No. 5932. Pirm costs and contracts will be sent to you upon completion of the design of gas and electric distribution systews. The house,; shall be pipeJ ant! wired to take gRS and electric service (rem the locations indicated on the plan. Also, because of the need for cner?y conservation and tho rising cost of ener!~y, we would like to remind you to ;'!lease consider energy conservl\tion measures in your plans as they ~evelo". J f you have any further questions. I,lease contact me at 298-3:;33, ext. 257. Sincerely, JaU'.os D. 1)1 Brien :~ew Bui Idin!, Representative i\ttach. cc: City of Campbell I' Public Works Department 75 t\. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 George S. Nolte anJ Associates r. O. Box 820 Stm Jose, California 95112 RESOLUTION NO. 5165 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 5932, DURASTYLE HOMES, INC. AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENTS. rYL- w cL (,) WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell final maps of Tract No. 5932 for approval; and, WHEREAS, agreements approved by the City Attorney as to form, which cover conditions pertaining to the approval of said maps and acceptance of the dedicated streets, have been presented; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer has approved the maps to the effect that they conform; NOWtTHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said maps be and the same are hereby approved, and that the streets, avenues and public ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is to execute the, said agreements on behalf of the City of PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s_28tþ day of March following vote: ¡YES: Coun~ilmen: ;JES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: None hereby authorized Camp be 11 . , 1977, by the I I Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek None APPROVED: William R. Podgorsek Mayor ~ """"",,'~,","'I,. "', ',"',""'~',',",c.,'i,'~.',",,~,",;=a--¡-',,',.., 1"""'1 ." v , ',"- i ","~~I:;=:-I ----'-""" , "",""'--', .,-,-_' \ ' -,-,,--'-- \--~ i r " : '. /{Ý'vv,-c :! !"~-:i ",--- ~r-\ \-- \" \\- "J L--- ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk r 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378.2407 SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY March 17, 1977 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA RE Tract 5932 Gentlemen This is the District's "Clearance Letter" for the record- ation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installation, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman Manager & Engineer (fJ~ {1. ~ By Preston R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN/pm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR TRACT NO. 5932 Clearing and Grubbing: a. AC berm removal: 186 lin. ft. @ 2.50 465.00 = b. 186 lin. ft. @ 5.00 = 930.00 Sawcut: c. PCC removal: 16 sq. yd. @ 2.50 40.00 Storm Drainage System: a. 12" RCP, Class 265 lin. ft. @ 15.00 =3,975.00 b. Standard manhole: 1 @ 800.00 800.00 c. Type II drop inlet: 1 @ 650.00 650.00 Earthwork: 500 cu. yds. @ 6.00 =3,000.00 Underground Street Lighting System: a. 1 1/2" rigid galvanized metal conduit with two #8 AWG solid copper conductors: 20 lin. ft. @ 4.50 = 90.00 b. State #3 1/2 pull box: 1 @ 90.00 90.00 c. 175-watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type II electrolier, with photoelectric cell, 240-volt: 1 @ 1,000.00 =1,000.00 Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 630 lin. ft. @ 4.25 =2,678.00 b. Class A, PCC sidewalk: 2830 sq. ft. @ 1.40 =3,962.00 c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: 1220 sq. ft. @ 2.00 =2,440.00 6. Street Construction: a. Residential streets: 1. Class 2 A.B., 1 1/2" max.: (6,625 sq. ft.) (0.25) (0.07) = 116 tons @ 8.00 928.00 2. AC pavement, Type B: (6,625 sq. ft.) (0.33) (0.075) = 165 tons @ 18.00 =2,970.00 b. Hamilton Avenue: 1. AC pavement, Type B: (1116 sq. ft.) (0.75) (0.075) = 63 tons @ 18.00 =1,134.00 7. Misc. Surface Improvements: a. Adjust to grade: 1 valve @ 100.00 3 manholes @ 200.00 100.00 600.00 b. City monument boxes: 1 @ 70.00 70.00 c. Street trees, five-gallon size 8 @ 27.50 220.00 Sub Total: =$26,142.00 15% Contingencies 3,921. 00 TOTAL: $30,063.00 1. Use $30,100.00 for bond amount. 2. Plan examination and construction inspection fee is $1,052.00. 3. Storm drainage area fee is $1,700.00. Prepared by: L. C. Versaw December 1976 PA.CIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY rp-.J WI ~~;r,4 Œ~ + 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 RECEIVE£) . January 17,1977 JAN 1 9 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING . Mr. William G. Wren . Director of Public Works .75 N. Central Avenue . Campbell, California 95008 Subject: Easement Approval for Tract 5932 - Hwy 17 & E. Hamilton, Campbell . Dear Mr. Wren: The Public Service Easements shown on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this Company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call our Electric Engineering Department at 225-9450. Sincerely, ~~ J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent RAndrews:ck cc: PT&T Gill Cable, Inc. George S. Nolete JO'Brien File & Assoc. SAN JOSE WATER WORKS RECEIVED 374 West Santa Clara Street JAN 7 1977 San Jose, California 95113 408/295-3205 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING January 6, 1977 City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Reference: Tract No. 5932 Gentlemen: We have been requested to write to assure you that San Jose Water Works will install facilities in Tract No. 5932 in accordance with standard water works practice to provide domestic and fire protection water to all residents. San Jose Water Works approves the plans for this tract, providing the proposed layout provided by Santa Clara Valley Water District allows us to lay in its right of way. The installation will be made in accordance with our regulations on file with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. Very truly yours, 'fr. ~ ~~-.. N. E. ANDREWS Vice President NEA:ds NB 76-335 NI GEORGE S. NOLTF Civil Engineers. '\J D ASS 0 C I ATE S .anners . Surveyors JOB NO. 1/5 '3.. 7?J ... 6 ~ATE 1'J.)"/1¿ DESIGNED BY ~f- CHECKED BY SUBJECT &ì I.("/'r" ~{ ("~-b" ¡, /{/'? //'" ~ ...,(..., -"'73---1 .J L. // / /-¿? c,; i. j'?- C44?r p..¿;. '- S"fr~s.s~~' q~' an.$' t-(:7:}J Is fi!~=-!:!/~~:_/(.'. ~.. Is' ~ 2:ð¡ r:;Jr;)O ;'$/ f~ ¡ --- 1t1 ø:: I, ? '" à /5 I !;, :-- tJ 5"'0 !' s / - "-' } é:.s- ~ .1~ "o,~ 0...'1(.) f-':'Jr n =' 40 £c ~ 75"~ Dd O/':J 1 I:, 'r ~~-l:f/ k ':": /.,f :g;!2-~~~ :=: '1-3 4 (J x 1.. -;;"c" / - I - 1/ .. II =- g,~ 1./ - ¡ .~ I~~ !::., :4.:.. -= !I-;;-;-"'),w. ?:? x 8þ =- 'ð7 "2... "f .:-:l.. -::: 120 x '1/9 =: 1141 /'2. 1!7i'/2 H-~;'-í. Al ,.., l;',v / Y /6 -'!cr ~ 1/7,;) /#/Ii or' )J:- /".X/X $1/7- -:=- IjJ15/'//.~ ¡J... ~._,¡) '~~ or-., r;) 4 2 fL ~/// ,~ ¡. 4l'.\/3 '=' ..D ~ï; !>J. ~ /It ~ / I 3.' If _.!d!r::: _Z.¿_- /)J..Ir (;) k.-'-? I e/!Þ ¡.- sites.:; es c.t. c..1?-, ú.f4N (5 /) w.. ~y (.;.õ?1 (!/r[. .~ --.... '-0 _.. -r; /::::- æO;) oö IS'; ~::- ~ r-:.óö f 5 I r-::;::-: /1 £-'5 /5'1 E; =- 27, OCX) DC> a (S I ¿ E:.. ~ 2; f5'~: öðó ¡?J I 5 tT;; ~ 55pð¡ /1::: 10 k --' ---~-- - ~ ( .-cJ -' I,,' '"'" -. / f '2-DOD,~ .. lox 1/25 , J-=-I-.3C~ r-,?! ¡'j¿x¡fõ =- 171 {f',D 1'1' /. A7c (.~ =-" '-ïz.-,J( ((,( = .'( . Ir>f 4-. NI' GEORGE S. NOLTT Civil Engineers. "JD ASSOCIATES .anners . Surveyors , , i 'I" / ,.) " , ' ,/'h","1.'/,,¡' I /, I",' /,/ , ( SUBJECT \/'/"" . '" /' "f ";/,,'¡ 77.1'<?: ~', ).~~ 2.. l ! l/ c., 'l, :JJY C/-?'t JOB NO. '2'53 --1'3 -c;;. DATE 12/t./7( , . DESIGNED BY -"7:.¥7/1 CH ECKED BY 8' 8/¿,ci: k-ltt'/" tf}ï d(I,i/'¡¿'d P~'lÇL_" , '¿a/'¿'I i' / /vrv-./'-,,-:.:; " I ¡"}lÍl1/?/~' l'I?"r ( ;: ~ /.;.(y l:~~ ~~ ~' /1ót> ¡:.. I ;/I/"'é J Û>Ù X 4. ~'4l t>D 1.#- /;' d-¡-. ~ø rIu:r:: e. Z p¿ F =- ,rt X 3 ~~'d'Jr' ~/ ~' .p 6.;" # ¡J1-=- -S-(.õY 4 .. Z t:-. 11..4õ I If /!tM~.. DLl(ì -:- [3:;)<, tfx /() ... 1,f,)~ #/~(/~ /1~J!4,r ~. 4l¿)¿) III / C!. ~ 4(/Jo)(' /2 =- Jjæð¡),r' 31( I ¡, ",.I I II /I f! t1 (I ç::{II()~ (} ~ .Ia. k'/s"CJ,'( /4- Y 1..,:; Y/, ~ 3 =- .:,J {~pO , , ¡, " fd'¿.;.Y)f;;)!)x1..'txI}OJ(f?;3 "::i. J¿l;(hO 14 ¡1-;;.i V T=- (;:: - Of..... -;-:' /'í {:.~{) - æ¡ DD ~ /i>/~) #- A It;.' ~¡,j rt5' = (24.:',':;)4),(/(:3 ~ ~ .~/ SJ-.h.1 d't. /-- #7 iJ1 g !t¡'/~ de .". -,"'("" ,~...,,"-_... .,---,--.. {!~~-!-c.?f~- fl<; ~' ,I 8/6<': Ir: Mt-t'( tí')¡ j)rt..({;l'l Pwr7'-J LA.t~1 /f /'-/~;'TC( -"-----,,--- Jl/ill"~ é' /5f7ð f F~' 16)('1. ,x ?~/l. -:::' 7Ó/)# 1'11~' t/()/) ,x .3 ~ '2.7o() I-F c..' -== "~2,,,(..).)l1? - I ¿'d'e; CJ 7f 3~ ... T -1 0/ ::-:. (- - l... ::-: /4fOD - ~j.~/1?!/D - °/" -#- - c> DO ¡J J"70õ 1. /is = ~ 40,,6.."'/ JJ ~ . t :51- J... dJt' /- #-s /'" r lfi/6('/c. . /'¥D -{ ~'t:. /l þ( <1 ¡IV ..._..___0___-_"-"""" - /:.: (V - , 310 ~ P() )11= 4~:)4 k == /-,511 -- ,Z/¡f4 h , ..., NI GEORGE S. NOLTE Civil Engineers. . D ASSOCIATES nners . Surveyors , . / f~t'ì',"¡""'/ ,..<~."" Il':"~ l ;:;131- rf4-"'ÿ j,j/,( (lA,l,(:f ,. ~ç¡'/¿"J'.. h.~ 1& II/é;'1~ , /l/:c. <k,"'J,) /1 ¿ ê '" /,711 IV ~ .-:,;'/()) #- J ¡{) / ,i ¡ré'/t 6p¡;5/ x/x 1/;'.;JvL (11('1/¡'f1-7'l:~ 4~ :-- 7/ ¡:,2 11 ,45 ~. 1/),)".77 SUBJECT - - J'V e ß¿ == 1(: { V- 37íl7f'-~'~) ç.) , / / 0 C-", ,=:7 $' '9/4 c?~, (x, =:-;- ",;. / I lc.'- == 9¿ lM /p -.)1/ 7: Cm ;<'~ lm .... ::: ,9(;0<'.1,44 x' 4J' O().~t.:!.?-... 415" ,co( /1' $ ~"";l¿) /,:5/ I r,¡"<) +i - /?{ ( ", 'Z -1.:(, . j ,') f1 -, "1- ") Þ' ,/ t - :.::.. r, -4'(,\ ð "7: ~,¡'-"'c>( 1.'(¡Îrfdx{ =. ,.. /,}.4;,;'~; ¡","; I ... ,"", - ,. " . JOB NO. 1. :;' :.; .' 73 D ¡-, /, ..,", DATE -'-/ - I / '- DESIGNED BY -~;:c;/: '~ CHECKED BY e /¡.? =- 2, ?-¿ ,1...t~., ~ ...... /" .,(J., !2ó:; ~ 1'/ == ~ - .<:>313 I' I ) ..... ( ) 4 r- J', C J"-"" y(e r) ./ /' 3ø-/4 NI GEORGE S. NOLTE '0 ASSOCIATES , Civil Engineers. . anners . Surveyors --' ( ~. 1/"'("'.( ,,' ; ?~' 2- "1 L .",,// (;.4'1-/ c¿4 /).'::;2~71_:/ JOB NO. ... .";:J ~) -- DATE /2-/';" /7 <- DESIGNED BY -- ,t\7Ï;~-- , CHECKED BY " , i . /;/ ,", /A",)-,,",'f'/ "1. ,f" \'i,' /1_; SUBJECT \,,',',,',"; '" ¡'(/-l: I /1,/' / g C/Ÿ:1zti" }).i/I /)1 ¿Z,""""; , ( ',' °, , ",..., ','. ,- l<'~ 1#4", r',"'( -?(~:~ 'C..____m --- , f --' ,'1 IP , ~';'", -,'~ / =- ,.-'... ," , ) _--0 .5, .) /I -:- ~', :;',/ ¥ /æð,:)..r 'ß_:::, /~Î-I1/ 'I ;; . , 'I ? ~ .J I.::-L :;; ..',--, ," '~"... v\. J; :-. 33 ¿¡~¿/3 ~i -::: _A, (/i -t JI -f ~Y- h '2 A ,i = Itfl,I!(/í -f / /..J.. 4,3,-'¡\' 4-,::L-- .. ~>t. " ., ----7'/,/'1 - ell=- ol!';.,,(~ T j1,lfj'¡ f- 17'09 I( ,(.~ 2 </2..- /9'(57;) ~ l'lJ9jl"¡ I 'Î,J'/C( (t ~ ~~ , ,(4.... /5Í'~//~:llf (/'1111 )7-- 0;:-:- (/I~I/f jZo {- (i /7, /'/ )~ .1.:)7c'¿ -¡. ) ,'Z- ./ 1, / d ~ ,.. Ill, /1?{ = 83. (, '1 d (;{:- /f,/1) -- J'3, cq ," I / I..I.V/ /,,) '7'~ / ~ ",,",/~ J'/ '.Û~o1 (~.. .(.>/;) ( tr:.. f..,Æ/:.r¿{'- Ch I ~ ?1'-!~L:(..!!"~:-/.- ~:t:.'~~":r:._-, A ~.- 113 <1-\' tl()t:...~~,.ê. ~ 14, ~~'~/:( ;~ ,1, /~ x' /1 ß 3 l(. d ~ /~',~~ (; -f il+- d¿!&r?-) .::.12 - / ~(.J':.'":"c 14.. 3 'j I + I 1// ::.{ ___0 '~ '~ "2- / "-/ j, ?>r:d -= (!4::~1~, '711 ..,. 4~ ,i'i~ /7~ (at:./ 4, ??cj ::= 4'-, <} (. d-=- 5/1 I ~(~ 4, '1 I 4 7>11 ,-"~ --- (" r , \ --" - , , '. , ",' :i:, 'r, . , "'.. .' .._"i',~" . \ ' " , ~-.C: , -'--... f'l.) , ,y, .~ ,<\ï'pL\-~ ,'- '.. .\ .' ,~\~.. ,~~~ " . .. RESOlUTIOO NO. 5075 RESJUJrIOO OF TIm CüUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBEU. ()');'¡"SENTIUJ 'TO DETACIDiENT FRQ,I 'I1IE CITY OF 001PBELL OF TERRI'IûRY SITIJATE WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN JOSE, m\~'TING 'ID ITS TR4NSFER 'TO k'ID 1W\T'£.'{ATla.~ BY THE C I'IT OF S AN JOSE AND D rnær IN G 'IRE C I 'IT CLERK TO TRAN$UT CERI'IFIED CDPY OF THIS RESOIlITION AND THE a:NSENl' OF OWNERS 'Iú WE CITY OF SAN JOSE. ./ BE IT REroLVED BY 'mE a:m-.'CIL OF THE CITY OF CA\IPBEIL: WHEREAS, there has been received by the Cquncil of the City of Campbell the ",ri tten consent of at least tw:r-thirds of the O\mers of real property within the hereinafter described territåry, holding at least tv.o-thirds in value of the real property in the territory, wherein said mmers consent to the detachment of said territory framthe City of Campbell and th~ annexa- tion of said territory by the City. of San Jose. ':, ,~,:;":':Y " IDV, 'IHEREFORE , ~. IT REOOLVID: . '. SECTICN Q.'Œ: The Council of the City of CwTIpbell, pursuant to the provisions of Section 35304 of the Government Code of the State of California, hereby consents to the detachmen.t fran the City of Campbell and the annexa- tion to said City of San Jose of certain territory situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California which is particularly described in the attached exhibits. SECTION TI'.'O: The City Clerk is hereby directed to transnit to the City of San Jose a certified copy of this resolution together with a certified copy of the arovanentioned written consent of said ovrners of real property within said territory.' ' .. , PASSED AND AOOPTED this 27th day of Septanber ~ 1976, by the foliowing roll call vote: I -AYES: Counci1Jœn: Chamberlin, Hamner, Paul, Podgorsek, lX>etsch NOF..8 : Counci}men: None .ABSÐ\ 'T: Councilmen: None APProVED : - . ,I J) .'.. 7:- -;- . . /' , / ,I' . . ,7-' . " f ('" - -;, _./ -- / ( , Ral DJetsch, Sr.. Mayor ATTEST: TI- '=' FO-':I"""!"~ "'<,..--. ,. -- - .... "~,-"",,,";¡"';"';"\"'-"I'C"'I\T:')"jC" . .. - - J..._,. I..J n ;,- AND Crì~~-'_rl C"~'( -,0:' -r:t- --'~. -,.._~ -. ~,"",' '-'>".'C'J -............,,' I FILE JiJ T~i¡S C;:-F:C:::. - ATT~~T: [;:~v""-,,. TiC"""lJ'" C"':¡ C,. . '~. II, ,. ,~r.( CITY ~ê;'¡';:<~..':ll ... '\' 'r""':"'J , (' J - , , ~. -. ......'J: D~í /-, -fl.>' /{:dTt-'I'.:-- OAT~D '~~.." y- ;'¿ I' "" ,/ .' , ' ./ " ' , ,.. ~ ' I J , .- -::,- , IX>luthy l'c\'eth:U1, City Clerk (., ~ ' ( -'ì~'--'--'-- \""'/;. ~:~, ~ I~-_!:~.~~!'----~---:.I- ! ".. ' ~I':---:-.' ~--'-- : ' . . . ': ~~'" ' . . , " .' . ,.., 'I.,' . '.'.' '-' ",.~ I ;";', r.U,l/!:.l t.'¡-t::. ': ;..,' . i ¡:: . :' 'r"':-:-"l~,~;,~;.~~ ',,; ~... ~".. I !~': J~I~" "..- .' ' ;;:, II"'\":--;"'s~. I'; '.., -' ,.' ... f ~ /~i: 'in ':,: : . . ," 'I - ,~ ..' ~'" " "'" -I .r,'" 'J"D, ',f';.1 :-: ' Dt.~~ &.VE, I ' '-I'" '. ". :. .. ", '.. 'n . x' 'Roo? .' ::~þ .,,'~. " - rr¡i~ '. . 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" , , '(I.:~!il::::t:!r; ;; ' it.:: rrorft;c.:i)~-I~rly corm:,- of 111'1t ccrt.Jin IH:rcc:l of I¿IIHI ¿',::'!!J~:d(:'.1 ;I~ ,t"",:,-,! "rr".l!". ~I,r..:.¡ñ c;,-:-m 1h<l. ccrl¿lill ¡'acc!.:! I-LI;> ~,I1Ïçh \:iI:> ~il~:<.1 rm' rec;rwd in II;:: .. ..', ('J!i..;" o~ :Jor:: !';?:J:1ly R:cold::r, O":m-:-,, of SilOti'l (:1<:(';1, C¡¡liforni., in 1J~;Ij!< 3J2 of . '-,,'.::::;::::- Pi':;;: (" s.,id I'oillt of [:~;Jillni!l:J tJcin:¡ in'1IH~ City li:!1il~ <IS c~1L1hli!'".h':d t;'.¡ , Ct':'¥'~ .':\:1lY,-JI i;õl t';,)Y\I'J~~ r:? 13-';; -¡ho::ncc rro~n :;'ilid Poi,,':' of P.cgir¡;¡jfl9 <:!O:IQ '[hi,; s.~"lh~¡,'_¡'~rly 1;~::"d<Jry ! int: or s,dd Pdrc(d "0" (;¿I'!ing the City lir.ai1:; S "2" W' 3:;'" \i, 21.:>.13 rc:~t to ëI point, ~ë:id point b!:ing pèr;¡! lei to i:nd (,(1.00 feet to 1he ccn-:'.::rli,,~- ~o¡ ['J::>1 tI.J::I! Ito,"\ l\Vcnu~ \oIh':.::1 In<.:~:surc:d at rig!.t <Jnglcs; -:hcnc:: frc:n !'.<.Jid point the , ,i'otlo-,~ing 1= (2Ycour~cs .md di!'o1<Jnc£".s: U [;9° 30: 5:)" ~-l, 313,91', fcc';' <Jnd , Ii £}o ,I,~' II" U, 125_"'9 feet -to the Þcginning of ù curve 'to 1h~ ri~hl; thcn::c c:>ntin:Jir.~ <sl!i;'\f; ~::Jid curve to the rig~lt having i: r<Jdius of 200,01 feet, thr'u éJ c.::dt'ilJ éJn::¡lc oj 53° ...,,' W", .10 <:Irc !£".õ1gth of 137.59 Teet to õ point of të:n£ t::1t; 1;-":::1'::0 fro-'!! :;aic! point of tangent tJ 33" 03' 53" \". G9,8ó feet 1'0 the point -ôf intcr- !o~tipn tl.i~h tk: t!orth~;-Iy !Jound;:r.y I ine of ~¿ id Pù;'"ccl "0". s<lid point of ,ioter- , s::ction bcir.g in the City limits as cstiltll ishd by Ci1y's éJn:1,.:xa'ticn t.:aY~/ood 1-:0. l::i-A, fil'stm::ntioncd; thp.õ1ce fro::\ said point of in1cr$cction <Jlor.g the ¡1ortncrly b::>cndary I¡he of said ?ùrccl "0" t.cing in the City lir;¡i1s 5 89° 3D' 50" E. 77C.78 feet to tha Point of CegJnniö:g <:nd containin;;¡ 2.457 ëlcrcs of Ië:nd r::ore or less. I j : i I . ! . ! . . . . " , . ,- , . ' -. - " " ,'. - . , . . . . '. .' . , ... . - - . -. .. . . . . ~. . . . r:)(!H 1 13 1T B ~ ( . , : , ~:-::,::', :,1- ~/ I ¡ ! r - ORDINAî.""JCE NO. 18724 r/J C,I LtC ¡1{',.]~ i 11// I (}~~"'. .Þ1 ,/ '7 'l/d7 ORDINN~CE ÓF THE CITY OF SAN JOSE APPROV- ING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SAN JOSE OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNA~ED Þ!A'n'i'OOD NO. 21 HEREIN DESCRIBED AND AtillEXING SAID TERRI- TORY TO SAID CITY, AND TAXING SAID TEP~ITORY FOR BONDED AND OTHER INDEBTED~ESS OF CI~Y. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF. TIlE CITY OF SAN JOSE: WHEREÀS, the Council of the City of San Jose did adopt, on the 10th day of .-' .a Resolution No. 48747 l',:'1.v 1 CJ77 - wherein it:' (a) gave notice that it had initiated on its ovm mo= tion wherein it: (a) gave notice that it had initiated on itso\VTI . motion proceedings to annex to tpe City of San Jose certain terri- tory therein and hereinafter specifically described, designated by the name !-lÞ3i'I00D ~;o. 21 i (b) made cer- tåin findings respecting said annexation proposal; (c) set forth its reasons for desiring said annexation; and (d) gave notice of the time and place this Council woJld' hear written protests against said annexation; and ~~EP£AS, prior to adopting said resolution, a proposal was filed vlith the Local Agency Formation Commission of Santa Clara County, California, to annex to the City of San Jose and detach from the City of Campbell all that territory which is hereinafter described, including a map and a specific legal description of the boundaries of said territory, and said proposed annexation and detachment was approved by said Local Agency Formation Commission, pursuant to Chap- ter 6.6, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5, of the Government Code of the State of California; and ~1HE:REl\.j\ this Courlci1 has received evidence sho\.:ing and finds that: (ò) said territory is situated i~~~diately adjacent to and touches and is contiguous to the boundaries of the City of San Jose; and -1- - . - , - _00' . '.- - - (r (I ... " , _-.0.' ... ,.0_. - --.-..,-- ORD. 18724 -. // ..J/O/T ..1Ann to SJ ,/ .. (b) The territory is included within the City of Campbell, and the Council of the City of Campþe1l has received the written consent of at least two-third~ of the owners of real property within the territory, holding at least t\~o-thirds in v~lue of the real property in the territory, wherein said m.mers consented to the detachment of said territory from the City of Ca~pbell and its annexation to the City of San Jose, and wherein said O\vners requested that the Ci~y of Campbell consent to the detachment of said territory from the City of Campbell¡ and the Council of the City of C~~pbell consented to said- detachment by Resolution No: 5075 , adopted Septe~er 27,1977 vlliEREAS, the City Clerk has caused a copy of said resolution to be published and written notice of the proposed annexation to be mailed to all persons or bodies to whom such notice is required by law to be given, all in the manner and as required by law¡ and WHEREAS, this Council, at the time and place specified in said resolution for the hearing of protests, or to which such hearing was continued, did hear and consider all protests, and did close said hearing of protests on June 28 -' 19 77 ¡and ~mEREAS, this Council on J i . June 28 --'. 19 77 , did a~opt its Resolution No. 48977 wherein it found and declared that a .majority protest to said annexation had not been filed or made; WHEREAS, owners of more than two-thirds of the value of the above designated territory have filed with the City Clerk and ex-officio. Clerk of this Council, prior to adop~ion of this ordinance, pursuant to Section 35319 of the Government Code of the State of California, written consent to the taxation by the City of San Jose, upon and after the annexation of said territory to said City, of property within said territory to pay any and all bo~ded and other indebted- ness and any and all liabilities of said City contracted prior to or existing at the time of annexation of said property to the City I of San Jose, said property to be tax~d for said purposes equally with other pro~erty in said City which is t~xable for such purpose; -2- -- - ----- .- _.. -. -- - q-- - - - ._-/, -.. - . ... - . - - (, - - ---. . OP.D. 18924 ,J SJ , r. /' / nmv- THEREFORE, the Council of the City of 'San Jose ào~s hereby approve the annexation to the City of San Jose of all the territory designated ~~Y1'lOOD ~O. 21 , hereinafter describ- '" ed, and does hereby ordain that said territory be and is hereby de- tached from the City of Campbell and annexed to the City of San Jose. Said Council does hereby further declare and order that all prop- erty within said designated territory shall be taxed by the City of San Jose, upon and after its annexatfon to said City, to pay any and all bonded and other indebtedness and any and all liabilities of the City of San Jose contracted prior to or existing at the time of an- nexation of said designated territory to the City of San Jose, said '- property to be taxed for said purposes e~ually with other property in said City which is taxable for such purposes. ,The above designated territory is all that territory situate in . the County -of Santa Clara, State of California, described ås follows: /' -- -)- ( OPj). 1872~,;./ I .~.t' '--, -:/ -/' ",' ,. EXHIBIT "A" AN;--JEXATION TO - CITY OF SA~ JOSE NAt-iE OF ANNEXATION - f.jAY¡';ODD NO. 21 DATE 8/12/7ó BEGINNING at the Northeasterly corner of that certain parcel or land designated as Parcel "0" as shm.¡n upon 1'hat certain Parcel Map \'/hich \'I3S filed for record in the Office of the County Recorder. County of Santa Clara, Cat ifornla in Book 352 of Maps at Page ó, said Point of Beginning being in the City limits as established by City's annexation Maywood No. 13-A; thence from said Point of Beginning along the Southeasterly boundary I ine of said Parcel "0" leaving the City limits S 42° 18' 35" \'1, 228.13 feet to a point, said point being parallel to and 60.00 feet to the centerline of East Hamilton Avenue when measured at right angles; thence from said point the follo',.¡ing two (2) courses and distances: N 89° 30' 50" \'/,313.94 feet and N 83° 48' II" W, 125.49 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; thence continuing along said curve to the right havirg a radius of 20a.01 feet, thru a central angle of 53° 44' 18", an arc length of 187.59 feet to a point of tangent; thence from sa i d p~ i nt of tangent N 30° 03' 53" ~/. 69.86 feet to the po i nt of i nter- section with the Northerly boundary line of said Parcel "0", said point of inter- section being in the City limits as established by City's annexation Maywood No. 13-A, first mentioned; thence from said point of intersection along the Northerly boundary line of said Parcel "0" being in the City limits S 89° 30' 50" E, 778.78 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 2.457 acres of land more or less. Passed for Publication of Title on June 28,1977, by the following vote: AYES: Colla, Garza, Pegram, Runyon, Wilson, and Hayes NOES: None ABSENT: Self Janet Gray Hayes Nayor ATTEST: FRANCIS L. GP~INER (J ,( j ¡ [llIi} ¡" ~P¡!J' '/1ß....7 7 by Helen E. Jackson - Deputy , County of Santa Clatd California June 26, 1976 City of Campbell 75 North ~entral Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 ATTN: L. Versaw Engineering Technician I SUBJECT: Tentative Subdivision Map of L. Borello, et a1 and Dura Style Homes, Inc. A survey was condúcted of this proposed 10 lot subdivision. Our recommendations are as follows: 1. Water is to be provided by San Jose Water Works. 2. Sewage disposal is to be connected to Sanitation District No.4. Health Department 2220 Moorpark Avenue San Jose. California 95128 297-1636 Area Code 408 R'ECE'VÈD JUL 6 1976 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 3. The abandoned well on proposed lot 1 is to be sealed in accordance with the requirements of the Santa Clara County Water District and Santa Clara County Environmental Heàith Services. i) Î\ ~~( l!. ~~;~:V~~I~~~~: PJN: leh jAÜ¿Ú~~ R.S. ~ SANITARIAN An Equal Opportunity Employer 'I Sah~a Clara Valley Wa~er Dis~ric~ RECEIVED JUL 1 1976 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING ~O,-UTfOA¡ «'~~(\ <- ~ '" ~ U m ã'. :? ~ if:: 1/1>- ~ 7;>76 -191~' 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 June 29,1976 Mr. Bill Helms Acting Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention Mr. Lawrence C. Versaw Engineering Technician I Dear Mr. Helms: INITIAL TO & DATE BMH FTL RLD FILE ---.-- We have reviewed the Tentative Map for Dura Style Homes and Borello, adjacent to the Central Pipeline, which we received with your letter of June 15. This site is within the Los Gatos Creek Watershed and is not sub- ject to flooding. The 66-inch Central Pipeline is located as shown on the attached marked plan, and has a minimum of 10 feet of cover. Please show the correct location and alignment on the improvement plans. We understand that street divider planters may be installed. Planters should be designed to clear the center line of the 66-inch pipe by at least 5 feet to allow room for a future pipeline. Except for street improvements, only shallow rooted shrubs and ground cover is permissible within District's easement. The loca- tion of the proposed pedestrian walkway and emergency vehicle access is acceptable. Underground crossings of the pipeline should be minimized and de- signed in accord with the enclosed sheets 25,26, 26A and "Special Conditions". The restrictions to the use of the 50-foot District easement with- in the proposed lots should be recorded with the lot deeds. Please contact Mr. Donald Lawrie at extension 261 for recording procedures. Please submit detailed improvement plans, designed in accordance with the above requirements, for all work within the District's easement and submit for review and issuance of any necessary permit prior to construction. AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - ti Dt's;fr,'c.f'6 þ~I' d.a, Cè'f\tt'e.,\ :Pt?~h~e Ë ( , 0 It. CD ~ ;y ~ I I ¡ f1£LLO I I i I J I I i flU}i?~J '~ 778.8' '" ~ ~ (-.¡ m ~ I / -::--ïï- /40' ;' ~ ..- '~A' "",NON ACCi!$ ~.~ _OHm 51 fú&¡;¡: pole ~Mr .; dthfls s~ ~'2':7s. c.~. ?I~ ~. hrtl' l't1tt1'1'f affl Of ef/?t 1 \ /JJ7' ",9' -~ to 'E OEmCATEO / !.:;~.- '., . /44.7' . I s~ . . ~' SO7.z~ ~ 0 G , , r ( ! ~ t ~ES I DIEGO fS-9392 '--r\// r J.I/---.J~ f5c,J J q / '-~ HAMILTON AVE TENTATIVE MAP Lands of Du ra Style & Bore: CAMPI!J£i.I. " ,I, - "-' , " SANTA CLARA COUNTY FLOOD GONTROL'AND WATER DISTRICT,'S8~ Jose, Caìiio¡'tiia , By E L Date Chkd, By Date Sheet No. ~ of Subject ,', /J / S T-I¿fLIÆl£R~~lZLLLr7;ç'R 0551 N6 -l- Job No. ,(.5t:~ a/~(),.AlO'¡'~5-'-.11 on,Sh~t!~~J!!c'-2~à) ",' - . , , " ' , =....0-.;;..", f_..,._.,_~,,: ,,~;~~k¡~~:;~.,~~",{ Ú:~~,'~~~~~;~;';JX:::~,;;),:'.,,- :- ...".,,;:<: ~;,~J.(~ ~:~:¿;;¡',,>~~;~~~~:., ,-'-;:;,.i; ~~~,}.;~~\ '-1 ~ P/t7C'/ng or' bock!}// /Co/77jJocllon above 11715 Brode p6'I'/7~dled 4Jdh Slc7l1dtlM é"lt/IPmenl. r C i:;¡~ I' m '; ii I!'~ ;4 f' 4 ' '-,,<-,-.,~--¡-~.""-';"I' ç(..!,..'(."",,\,.~:.,-,,( .; .. ',:.' ,."._,--:r.l.'~',:' -.('-",,' '-' t - [',,' o( ?:~ r, :~,,~/,;,: , ¡¿" ,kiln. ,1/ .4¿ I¿ rll/1, -- ' ...SC J/. AI. £) P/,.o~ ,:"'-;'...,'>((',~":", [(;"'",,-,:,.',">',:- " . { '(', \ r ,¡',) -', - ~i ; ",-,' . ' ',"'" ^, ' '" ,"¡ ,- ,s- ,', " , ,:' ,',', ' ~c AI. T. S. ~, , /;;1".1 ", , .. ¡ -- ,- ',,',- , ,:~.:~,:~,:¿~..;:<' .:~'~'~>t "~?f"?/~'»~, """,,- , ,- ... $" '" t?, "',,2 I /"?'Ú'7I in w rY1 (cel1-kred éJ~J'" ~/Þ~.J I ~ , ,~I ff¡r. ~" ,l,"'!/"'}"t":f-«.,c>:J.":',Ji "'I ~/ ,~"',.r,'",:,;",,:"U,,¡1.r,(,(I, ' ~,¿' ,,' '" ,', r' ( -"'-> .c"';";::' ", /'(íJl",~( ""~"i "..~~\/,( ¡'\¡{,~~í' \ ,t<'lq, l)"r,(¡-' "'/,dt ¡ "þl,~., J ¡,I' i, r ~ ':<c- \{¡ t(~, r,l ,>'~"é-I .I'",~,! ~,'<!"~' ("..p" !<I' ,!,.- r;,~ "[ ,i I' '-(J' -, ~¡'f":""'I_I-::ß!¡t)( '11",.1,1(11 ,'_/.:) ( ", (, í'> '::' ,,\ i ,,' '~' r "'2- ,,' ,,1,',-"-', ,"'Ct';"""',""'-"",' --,~¿; ;-'-:"'...-;'" .1fl" ,:"" ""..' "I, :'/" ;,',f ; '.:.,/ tr r r ~,-. ,,;;:'( , " "c, "',, '.-'~ ' " ExIst Stl!Jd O¡;,,9'f1r~71. See lion C, C ',0,; .. " "~--'-r-' --.....~.. , ..' ,PLACéMéN7,' CoMPACT/oN o~8At:KRLL PERMITT£O WITH STANDARD GRADING r'ROLL/NG Æ'QUIß. A/30I/¿- Tf/IS GK'ADE: r--A . , A!:RMITT E£ PIPE", NOTE .BACKFILL. / COMPACT/ON OF PERMITTEE PIP¡;: To BE' COMPLETED B,f'FO~E BAc/Ç - FILLING DI5TRICT PIPE, N. /: S, /z,l/ 4 ".BéDDINc;, MIN, L.A ; '\ :j "'-..../ , , .'~ :.<V"", .~-, ;;:,0...., ~8ACK,cILL WIDTH I 7.11 ~ /,1 .- ('ONSOLlDAT£O SANI) OR PEA 6RAIIG:L 8ACK~/L'- SectIon A-A. NOTES: v 2. 'wi v SHEET 26 These Notes are to Appear on Plans 1. The Contractor shall comply with the rules and regulations of "CAL OSHA" California Labor Code Section 6300 and following. Compaction equipment shall be either vibratory compactors or pneumatic tampers. Jetting may be allowed. Standard excav- ation and compaction equipment is not permissible within 30 inches of District pipe. If, in the opinion of the District, the compaction equipment used is improper or improperly used and has damaged the pipe, the pipe shall be exposed for inspection at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall then repair damage, if any, and proceed with the backfilling with equipment approved by the District. In general, hand-operated power equipment will be considered satisfactory for use within 30 inches of the District's pipe. 3 . Pipe trench excavation and backfill shall conform to the provisions of Section 19 of the latest edition of the California Standard Specifications except as herein modified. 4. Compacted sand or pea gravel backfill material shall be clean, hard, sound and durable. It shall have a sand equivalent value of not less than 30. The percentage composition by weight shall conform to the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passing a. Sand 3/4 3/8 #4 #20 #200 100 75 to 100 60 to 100 0 to 40 0 to 5 Inch Inch b. Pea Gravel 3/4 Inch 3/8 Inch #4 #20 100 70 to 100 10 to 25 0 to 5 The material shall be free from deleterious coatings, clay balls, roots, bark, sticks, rags and other extraneous material. Sand or pea gravel backfill shall be compacted by approved methods to a density of at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. 5. In general, Type A backfill shall supplement the use of sand ~ u~ v 10. 11. ~ SHEET 26A backfill and shall and in other areas along the pipeline be substituted for be used in areas of public traveled ways where vehicular traffic will pass over or trench. Sand backfill or pea gravel may Type A backfill. . Type A backfill shall be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent of maximum dry density if located within two feet of finished grade and to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent if located below this level. Jetting or ponding shall not be used for compacting Type A backfill. This material shall have a sand equivalent value of not less than 30 and shall conform to the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passinq 2~ Inches #200 100 0 to 20 6. Type B backfill material, composed of excavated or imported material, may be placed above the Type A backfill. In general, Type B backfill may be placed in trenches located in unimproved areas where vehicular traffic and utilities do not pass over the pipeline. Type B backfill shall have a minimum relative compaction of 85 percent of maximum dry density. 7 . Backfill and compaction requirements above the noted limits shall be to the specifications of the agency having jurisdiction. 8. All excavation within 12 inches of District's pipe is to be by hand methods. 9. Contact S.C.V.W.D. two normal working days in advance of any work withinD~ foot of tRo~centcr line of thQ Di~tric~ ~ Phone 265-2600, Construction Liaison Division. For undercrossing, S.C.V.W.D. pipe shall be supported during trenching operations if deemed necessary by the District Inspector, Slopes shown are not to scale and are intended to indicate natural angle of repose of backfill material. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR PIPE CROSSINGS OF DISTRICT UNDERGROUND FACILITIES A. WITHIN -- - .. ",r ~ . ,- ---I Irv- ¿/¿,J 1 DISTRICT I , permittee is to install rigid steel. cast iron, or reinforced plastic mortar pipe with welded, flanged, or mechanical joints and enclose all cables (telephone, electric, etc.) in rigid steel conduit. By electing to do otherwise, permittee thereby agrees that the District has no responsibility for damage of any kind to the crossing, including that which may occur during future maintenance, repair or replacement of District's facility. B. CORROSION CONTROL - CATHODIC PROTECTION: 1. Permittee hereby waïves all claims for damages to f' ,. facilities being installed under this permit, from electrical interference or similar action, resulting from or connected with the District's operation of any existing or future cathodic protection system on or in the vicinity of easements owned by the Distric,t. ") "'. By exercise of this permit, permittee agrees to be responsible for any damage to the District's facilities which may occur as the result of the install~tion of the permittee's cathodic protection facilities. 3. Permittee hereby agrees to remove by electrical drainage or other method approved by District, at no cost to the District. cathodic interference occurring on the District's facilities which, in the opinion of the District, results in damage to its structures and which occurs as a result of the herein permitted installation of underground structures or cathodic protection devices. The amount of electrical drainage required to remove said cathodic interference shall be determined by field tests mutually conducted by District and permittee. . -2- 51 ',C' C':'," "~'.,, BlJo!NbS AND qAN~PORTA'!CN AGE:NC( fDMUND G. BRC N', " -- -- . - --- --.---------- --- ---------- --------------- -.---- _.e.-- -- --- ----- ---c==-----=-~=,,~ -------. !JH'.~RTMENT OF TRAN3P,- ATiON '. 1\')\ jj5S i\t:':l)N A~!r'JCX J",r¡~ :25 /:31~ ) I e/JI. ., -~¡, ,.~ ,.....", "'-~i'~. >'~ PRAr,,_IS:::() ';4,19 . L~:( 0/ (:717(;>// £/¡¡Y"-:;~o;.-fov .:¡f 0 10 I. .J (- í<.. )e... IJV<!JVt--::> ~ /Joy' fir L~Þ1 /-vc(. I ~ ve . l.. ~ n? r J:J...:." I~ <..~ i f;J- 00 ¡ Ll)c..I'~ oS -1-, It? ~"bd/; /~ /; J1 1--14. f ßor(?// J D /o;¡' t./ V4 Ha vv¡ E?- ... ...;¡ /,.., <- Gentlemen: ~he subject plan or proposal is not in conflict with any State highway planning. 0 The material received is bei~g reviewed. COn1Inents by You may expect our [Jlt is requested that we be glven an opportunity to review and cowment on grading and drai~ase plans for the subject projecl~, prior to your approval of SllC:, plans. We wish to evaluate t:ll: effect on State highway drai~age conditions, ~It is suggested that considerations be given to possible effect of freeway traffic generateè noise on future residents or occupants of the proposed development, Any noise attenuatin] measures or devices deemed necessary, should be 'provided as part of the development. []This application appears to involve a change in ownership and/ or use of the subject property. As such, any existing drive- way encroachment permits will be null and void upon approval of this application and a new encroachment permit will be re- quired. [JNo work may be done within the state highway right of way un- less authorized by a State highway encroachment perIni t. Appli-- cation for such a permit should be made to Highway Maintenance Superintendent, (naIr,e ) (P ,0, Address) (Telephone) 0 It is suggested that consideration be given to the effects that t~e "develop~ent g:nerated" traffic may haV'ê on adj acent -~~tc hlghways or lntercnanges, ~~~ ,S\S" .~. 9 '916 ~IÌ\ Q\I~ ~ 1~~f&.R\ N~ -1- . '-, J . . []There is insufficient detailed information to permit an evalu- ation of the effects the proposed plan may ¡lave on State faci- lities, 0 Other comments: Very truly yours, T. R, LAdi.lERS District Director, BYU~.< (t!~ ~ ~ / '. . I¡ Jo h r;-//J. Ll; r7 /J I r~ h £-/ v¡// ?~Ð Je~ f t- Y7..:J In ee-v- ?r-o J\..::.,...:. f D V~Y1 f. "d "/J r<.{Þ? '-.J ~ -2- COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECEIVED 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 JUN ?4 1976 TO SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA I ~,~;~~RPORATED AREA NBUC W0RKS June 23, 1976 E*GJ'NEERING f' ~." 1 ",. '0 :_- --- ~ r:Tm -- -- --- -- ------ city of campbell Public Work Department 75 North Central Avenue -------- campbell CA 95008 V~A'w_-- RE Dura Style Homes at FilE ¡-- Hamilton & Southern Pacific Railroad ~ i.:': ----..- ----------- Gentlemen We can only estimate the Dura Syle Homes will sewer the lots to the north through the proposed subdivision in the city of San Jose. This causes no jurisdictional problem. This Sanitation District has a reciprocal agreement with the city of San Jose whereas Sanitation District 4's wastewater can pass through the City of San Jose lines and, of course, vice versa. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer ffJ/I ~ By P. R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN/dd MEMORANDUM June 17, 1976 TO: Larry Versaw, Engineering Technician I FROM: Sa1 Leonardi, Battalion Chief SUBJECT: Dura-Style Homes - Hami 1ton Avenue, East (Between Hwy, 17 & Bascom Ave,) Section 13,308(0) (11) Uniform Fire Code states that automatic fire sprinklers shall be installed in dwelling garages, if a gas water heater or a gas furnace is installed therein, This would necessitate that a larger size water service be provided to each dwelling (larger than the standard 3/4 inch), One sprinkler head for each 200 square feet of garage space is required, head shall be a minimum size of 3/8 inch. Each Other alternatives to this requirement are avai 1ab1e to developers if they wish to alter the design of the garages, b1h