Hamilton Ave. (1974) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME ¿~ £h.ß Ú#~;..d./ ADDR,ss cf' <1 / ::;_Æ7f Kcß - ~. 71, ~w;.~ , FOR ~ .:ør /vl~(J.9-- ~ -$:;;:(; 'Þur ~A< ß - )#~ (¿;) ~~. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ,ðð/ /Î- FUND NUMBER g~ )-- ~CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER fó.- /cf5/ THIS RECEIPI' MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT OCT -9-74 OCT -9-14 016 *****25.00 51 016A ****25.00 ~ ~ " . -/fJ&Æ CITY CLERK 6989 CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL 1'\ U' i " :t tJ" II' . I V"""" ~, .; ~ ß 3 ..<¿, ? t~ - ~\ ~ \... ',,:"- .--- o-:-.~ c),O',,:!:'~;' 0'.'::.' ' ' ' . ,Co'!:, / ... ! t I , f I ! I~~~ \; II " ¡- t i , ." A r"-\ -" "'- /...,' oJ ~-, \-- -""- roO"""" \ . ç..1 10tJ\t \, " ---- ~>- ' ~r\Wí/ .~ \ I'; 1'1\ ~I n \'1 J," ,'i II,", '- Ii 1../: j! If 0 -t! /iJI Iff jl )0- If t <r~ ~ ) It / '2 ....."Y '\ ¡-,--;-- "--¡-¡-, I 'z'I/!/~, :1"." ).'Ii! ~o "." ".. 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CITY OF SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA 801 N, FIRST ST, SAN,JÇ>SE....CA 95110 T\~Þ'Hd~E'140B,1 211-4000" ' ~ TO & DATE "r ¿. ,-- :-' . , . JJ WGW- -i~~" sept~er ~r\ ~74 ~\~ ,~ ~-~ F . L - - I ,"J': , 0 __0--- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mr. William Wren Director of Public Works City of Campbell Campbell, California 95008 Dear Bill, , -\'- - - f'LE ----; ------- . -~. f My staff has reviewed the proposed right-of-way for Mona Way and Gleason Avenue as shown on the tentative plans submitted to us by Salle and Associates. We find that the right-of- way showing a 30 foot half-street on the City of San Jose side is acceptable to us. Since the project served by these streets is entirely in the City of Campbell, we feel it would be appropriate if both cities reviewed the plans and the City of Campbell collect the bonds, insurance and fees and provide inspection for the construction of the street improvements for the Salle and Associates Project. For us to issue the necessary encroachment permit for these improvements, the City of San Jose, its officers, and employees must be named as additional insureds on the insurance policy. As has been discussed between members of our staffs, the half- street in the City of San Jose should be built to our standard cross-section (minor variations from this to conform to City of Campbell cross-section is acceptable); I have excerpted a page from our municipal code showing our standard 60 foot ,~ street in cross-section and enclosed it for your reference.-~~- Dedication of the right-of-way to the City of San Jose should be in fee. Please submit the deed and copies of the improvement plans to our Engineering Services Division to the attention of Tom Boardman for supplemetary review and issuance of an encroachment permit prior to constrution. : PT:sd Very truly yours, Jf~~~ 5-\-, \\ ~-\-o.. ~lA-~ ~k~t\ ~ .. ~ I EXHIBIT "B" PARCELS TO BE DISANNEXED FROM THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AND ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SAN JOSE PARCEL ONE: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly line of Gleason Avenue with a northwesterly line of Parcel A as shown upon that certain Parcel Map filed in Book 348 of Maps at page 8 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; THENCE, along the northeasterly prolongation of said northwesterly line North 22° 15' 49" East 79,14 feet to the intersection with the westerly prolongation of the northerly line of said Parcel A; THENCE, along last mentioned prolongation North 89° 40' 03" East 19.65 feet to a northerly corner of said Parcel A, being a point on a curve that is concave northwesterly and has a radius of 80,00 feet; THENCE, from a tangent that bears South 0° 28' 32" West, along the arc of said curve southwesterly 93.85 feet through a central angle of 67° 13' 07" to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.035 acres, more or less, and being a portion of Section 27, T. 7 S., R. lW" M. D. B. &M. PARCEL TWO: BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Cal Pac Builders, Inc., a California corporation, by that certain Corporation Grant Deed filed in Book 7494 of Official Records at page 346 infue office of the County Recorder, County of Sdnta Clara, State of California; THENCE, along the easterly line of said parcel of land North 12° 28' 57" West 140.95 feet to a northeasterly corner of said parcel of land; THENCE, along a northeasterly line of said parcel of land North 76° 10' 00" West 88.27 feet to a point on the center line of Mona Way as shown as Future Mona Way upon that certain Parcel Map filed in Book 348 of Maps at page 8 in said office of said County Recorder, said point being the point of tangency with a curve in said center line that is concave northerly and has a radius of 300.00 feet; - - I THENCE, easterly along said center line an arc feet through a central angle of 20° 28' 17" to with the westerly right-of-way line of the San as same is shown upon said map as a curve that and has a radius of 1,945.75 feet~ length of 107.19 the intersection Tomas Expressway is concave westerly THENCE, from a tangent bearing South 11° 23' 03" East, southerly along the arc of last mentioned curve 153.72 feet through a central angle of 4 ° 31' 36" to the intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of said parcel of land~ THENCE, along said prolongation South 88° 50' 45" West 14.59 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.078 acres, more or less, and being a portion of Section 27, T. 7 S., R. lW., M. D. B. &M. PARCEL TO BE DISANNEXED FROM THE CITY OF SAN JOSE AND ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of Mona Way as said Mona Way is shown as Future Mona Way upon that certain Parcel Map filed in Book 348 of Maps at page 8 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California, with a northeasterly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Cal Pac Builders, Inc., a corporation, by that certain Corporation Grant Deed filed in Book 7494 of Official Records at page 346 in said office of said County Recorder~ THENCE, along said northeasterly line South 44° 25' 00" East 28.79 feet to an angle point in said northeasterly line~ THENCE, continuing along said northeasterly line South 76° 10' 00" East 54.93 feet to the point of intersection with the center line of Mona Way~ THENCE, westerly along said center line, being the arc of tangent curve that is concave southerly and has a radius of 300.00 feet, 74.05 feet through a central angle of 14° 08' 33" to a point on a radial of said curve that bears North 0° 18' 33" West~ THENCE, along said radial North 0° 18' 33" West 25.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.009 acres, more or less, and being a portion of Section 27, T. 7 S., R, 1 W., M. D. B. & M. .. .. \ ¡" 1 !-1 'rj \\ Crt /1" ~ \) '-1... \ <\\ ~ ~ It. ~ À ~ -:; ~~ ., ..\~:::> (ç,ç,::./ "':" 'ê'r.»~ /K< ~.) '-Î ~ ) ~o. y~':j~' & po') n f- ro' ., ,\, (' rJ <., ; ~. IV " /'- f7/ r' \y,-<ì l/ (, c' ({) Ie:' ~ ,/ " "/if ./' / ;:-::;.::':':..,F~, C::. í:'::é l..... ,..:'::\ 0, ,', " ol-_'~:-'-i,-:".",..,_i.---\ y", \ - ::":',-o' .r,":;,.- i':'~"'o"\i-"'.. " r:-:':, y'-..., " -; I P~R C. E. L.- c:> \'-t E:. ,..---.. t~:':~.~(: f c..1ntolns ~ ð~<'" ,>+, ,}, ~ i-~ ~ \~ \ \ 1 C:;:;,<::..""-... L... £:: ; if = ~:)'o':_", Prepar.d by the OffIce of the City EnQinur, Col'hpbell, CalifornIa .. - I þ.A..RC E::L- ,~<::> ~CA\.-Ç 00 I+' ""'~' ~ ~ c..- U. R'-,./ 'E=. ::r:')~ '\ A A' R,= \c:,,>-+"'::::,~ç:)' L = 1~3,r2:' 6-=- 4° '5\'3~" ~~ ~ E:; ~~ r ~ ~ -- ('or-.'" .E:::::.. <:::::- -~ --<'>.. -"') -:::.~'~ è~' \.'v c.""~" ~, ~£::- r j--'>~';oo' f:::( C~ L: L ""'~\" ,-, ' ," or:.:. ',/ ~','~ /'-~o' :\o-'~, .~- ,'~ 0'00. - - /\f\ ° F) (:!~ r:. " <fJ ,It 0 oi/) rffJ t/ì '.~::~i Contain, 0'"')(':00'-'> c.c:r P,epa,ed by the Office ot the City Enoln..,. CaMpbell. CoUto",'. .....-,-= -~~ foe! I F. co.., rc;z/,,\- t- - >' ~,'" /' '----, r / .I ,I -..----/ rOO., ... roo" Coo 10'" : i--:C::..r-~., '0" r.::' 1._0 Y:.;~':.o' ?0¡.4,E:\ < ~">~c,:c"," é' "'+4 ,- H "')0.' ê:~F'" (,-, (.--, 'ì (~:.~ ¡ '-ç'ntOI1ì$ S " L__._~,._-"..- . - -î - ,~ 0""::" -, (;// ø/ ,cf¡/~ 07 Y' lY.' ..) '/ -- ((1; ,...:\/\, F:: ':::1:' t~~: v ,,<- VJ if' it- /} ~' .../ "- Iß I.) V ø /T) rf! (jd' '::¿' -----; / 1".~'- '"[::,,.'J I ", I i ':> I IÒ/ [ / ~ \' I /-" C'J \ , ,'~j ,,- J - -ç: '\ /.,.Y: lo_;f>--ro::. , " / <ô+-- / - ( \.", ""~ "-"'" '-"-, "'--. ""', I ....¡ r( cr / I ~\{ ,",'C' V 0' ""'_I~',,~,::<\\. ,tÇI. '-, ' .c;::::> C~:,L."", L.. Eo. \ "'"" r:::::, C:i ,. .,j " ""f~ " \/', , . :'oO'~~ " .' "', .'-. I I , I I P,eq:HHld bøih", Off¡:;", ¡)t til. tî~y I _o,---~'Q , ::~:~~:~:'~~:o~ ~~- In ----,-,' ',_n .~. :... ..... Mr. Arthur Kee, Planning Director October 11, 1974 William G. Wren, Director of Public Works and City Engineer Tentative Tract Map Lands of Radin and MacDonald APN 306-56-001 This office recommends approval of the map subject to that: 1. The exchange of territories and adjustment of the City Ltmits line between Campbell and San Jose shall be concluded before recorda tion of the final map. All conditions for approval liS" 74-3 shall be applicable to approval of the final map. 2. 4. The C.C. and R.'s for this condominium development shall be sUbmitted to the City Engineer for review and comment. The final map thereof shall ba filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the SUbdivision Map Act. 3. WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OP PUBLIC WORKS AND C I'l'Y ENG INEER --...., ~.. ~ \~~ By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer BMH: tm ~