Hamilton Ave. (1960) c;klt rfJ;e I r </ fld11M/I:£r.A ~ r~,vzùð RECEI\-'1 C\TY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 19(¡ Na Address- ~4-. ~ RECEIVED Dollars ~:J'6)V Cen" J£jO ~- FOR ==1 Thank you, ~:;~ CITY CLERIC CHE,~ ~M--~ 5217 RECEIP1 RECEI\-'1 CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA CITY OF CAMPBELL I~ wi...;¿./ Dale ..~'V ....Y1..U.".' . /. .' ., I. .19# Name/" t' L tff< J (J .J \ Add,." du" dÄ.c e~~<-, ~ RECEIVED CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Add ress LV~~ . >--~~..I" c!v ~J7~->-~yL_~ /S.Þ RECEIVED '??vt CV.~~,~ ----- -~~' 'j Fu ... - ,J- ~~ Thank you, . . ~. _?F CAMP~ 5234 BYV--'21.A-<-M.- , Dollars / J. Cents ~ $ r-~. /' ,?<.- Ô ~ ~ ~f" CHECK V ¡CA5H re. ¡ FO~ V ~~7, ~ . . tZ~. ~ti J rY /{ 1 .P /t O--t!: 2< VJ' F""~ r *7~¡' f.. Tha.nk you), .' IT OF1::~PBltlL 5242 By j ,¿~;CU-£:1 CITY CLERIC CITY CLERIC ..' / I / / , - ; (I í " I ¡ I f . ¡ '1 ' /,. '" , - ¡ -~ / //~- l . J ,./:,' ,--t- I I ,. I I I " r ,:, ! ¡ / )"-: f ¡. .: '.. , / ¡ 1- -! 'J ¡. .,7 /1 I I i -I C.? ij ,I, .1 l - - . ¡ l r ( , / I ,I ! I i ¡ 2. ,.. / .., i / I . " ¡ i- , ' / I )' , / ,- ..' I ) v i" ' t' ( - ..-- ., - . -, I I :,. . ;' " "," '.0' ~ < I i I /, . , ,/ i. ,~ I ., :) - ..,- . ,< ..- / / -",' '7 ./. " ¡ " -. C-' ,/ '-'¡./ I -' -, -f ;- ,,? l / ,"" ,". - '..,; ¡ . , .' , -< I.' \ J -- " .. . ¡ " ~' I ,~ ~, . .'; ! ¡ .¡~ t è 2. / . i. " .' ., It .. .., S8pt..~ lJ, 1961 81mb Clara Couaq Board 0 f &up8rY J.8or . 20 w..ë .... su..t. S&a J088, C8.11fora1a AT'1'Dt'rIOl!h 1Ir8..reaa Pullan Clerk D8U' 1Ir8'O Pullan ¡ 'lb1a o1~1ce hel'eby r~8 8OU'4 ..,.....,ù, .. D8C88sary. too aUOW' tbe --.laiD9 of R8Wly .iD8tall8d elecuolJ.... at: the .tollew1a9 loc:R1on8 ¡ err pM1l L19hUal DJ.au 1ft . 1. S/W CCU"A8:r La )trader. .Dr1.. aa4 aaar,-=-m'8 Aqu1Do Road- 0JSa ( 1 ) , 250 11.. Mere .. V8p0r. 2 . .I'M COZ"" Lat. Ùll'r --- aa4 W1nda88t.er Roa4-Qa8 ( 1) , 400 w'O JlUc:. ....'O 3. Lat.:J_r ,AYWlW' 0JIPG81U 88t:her ~.... (1), 250 If.. IleJrc . ...... 4. s-ilt:oD -- ~ aout.e 17 Pr8euay-Olle (1). 400 W. .... e .. 'I'8pO'I'" 5 .. ftaci: *2308 .t.aclu4iJvJ t'1N .rcJ.al froDbg8 11 8/W corur 8aa11ua --.. aad ~ 8O8d-'Ib1rhen (13) # 400 1f. llel"c:. ..... Qu1- L1pt.1Dg DJ..u Let. : 1. ftaœ 2Uo-a1x (6). ~ 1-- ~ë.. 2. Tract: *2522-a.w.a (7), 4,000 1- iRcan4eac:ent.. Y8rJ' UU17 ycNr8, MYJtOK D . ..." c 1ft &tlClDUI. By 1U.l118l CJ.. --. "'818tu,t. C.U:y BøJ1..... -,. ~VI~ q /1 a a I August 11, 1961 Division of Highways District IV P.o. Box 3366, Rincon Annex San Francisco 19, California ,~ -------- ;-\ , / /)~i~ Ir-/ / , " ATTENTION: Mr. Dempsey I. Hattem Right-of-way Department Gentlemen: -.,..-----.----- ---- ------.. SUBJE~: Deed of Dedication-Shell Oil COIDPanY.'~" Hamilton Avenue ~ Route 5 ~ - .-"- Pur suant--to-yow:- ..t-elephaneE-eques1: ,there is enclosed a copy of the executed Grant Deed to the City of Campbell concerning the subject dedication. It has been learned that the deed has not been recorded as yet, pending some legal action regarding the deed of trust. At such time as it does become recorded, this office will forward the recording information to you. Sincerely yours, william G. wren, Assistant City Engineer WGW:cb Enclosure 1 r ¡ \ .¡ I GRANT DEED ~\f'E, HAMILTON LAND COMPA1:N, a partnership, grant to the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation, for street purposes, all that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, state of California, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set at the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Hamilton Avenue, as said line was established by Deed fram Rosie Mazzone, a widow, to state of California, dated June 21, 1956, recorded August 8, 1956 in Book 3572 Official Records, page 646, Santa Clara County Records, with the Westerly line of that certain tract of land described in the Deed from Rosie Mazzone to Hamilton Land Company, a partnership, dated May 29, 1959, recorded June 9t 1959 in Book 4443 Official Records, page 660, Santa Clara County Records; thence from said point of beginning South 89° 26' 00" East along the said southerly line of Hamilton AvenuE' for a distance of 198.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence leavHJ.':J said last mentioned line and running South 0° 00' 29" West 14.88 feet to an iron pipe set in a line which is parallel with and distant Southerly 60.00 feet at right angles fram the center line of said Hamilton Avenue and the true point of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence from said true point of beginning North 89° 57' 15" East and parallel with the said center line of Hamilton Avenue for a distance of 7q.88 feet to an iron pipe; thence Easterly and Southerly along an arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, with a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 78° 58' 56" , for an arc distance of 27.57 feet to an iron pipe; thence Southeaster I:}: on a reverse curve to the left, with a radius of 69.00 feet, through a central angle of 25° 53' 40", for an arc distance of 31.18 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 36° 57' 29" East 15.50 feet to an iron pipe; thence Southerly along an arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, with a radius of 9.00 feet, through a central angle of 36° 57' 58", for an arc distance of 5.81 feet to an iron pipe set in a line which is parallel with and distant westerly 30.00 feet at right angles from the Easterly line of land so described in the Deed to said Hamilton Land Company above referred to, thence South 0° 00' 2';)" West along said parallel line for a distance of 57.88 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 89057' 15" East and parallel 'With the said center line of Hamilton Avenue for a distance of 30.00 feet to a point in the said Easterly line of land so described in the Deed to Jaid Hamilton Land Company, thence North 0° 00' 29" East along said last mentioned line 54.68 feet, more or less, to the Southern:- I 1 1 :.,,~)st '.:orner of th.at certain 0,273 acre tract of land ..iescribed. in '~l1Ø Ùeed to sai,j state of Californ:,zl above referred to; then ::, <. crtlì.'..¡esterly along the southw(~sterly line of said 0.273 acre t.:act, along an arc of a curve to the right, with a radius of (:'4.:0.,00 feet, thro'!..19h a central Zi..1g le of 72° 12' 31", f()r an "cc Üstance of 80.66 feet; thence Northerly and westerly on a reverse curve to the left, vlitn a raJ.j.'ls of 25.00 feet, throu::¡l1 a central angl:'! of d.~:) 17 I 10", f,i!": aT' arc J.istance ()f ;;6.78 feet to ,:. p(:ir~'t .ì..1 tl1~ Sè.1~.i sout;~c.rly lin'~ of d.amilton Avenue, 'thence ,.¡arth 89') 26 I COOl 'v.jest along said last mentione.:.l line 20:: a distanCl~ ui 73.85 feet to a pOi.'::lt "¡!hich bears t7orth 0° 001 29" Zast fJ:om the sai,j true point of b(gi~1ning ¡ thei1ce continuing Nortn 8°" 26 I OO"v~est along the saiL souther 1)/ l:lp.e of .~ar;Ül ton Avenue £:n: a-llstance of 50.00 feet; thence }Bav~nq Sa:ll VIEt t' '1' '<' ...- ",0 C"" ~,." ":'2"- .¡.. men lone:Á ~ne .an-:J. runn~n9 .::;ou\o-l1 ') II.' ,¿';)' .':,~st. J.,::;'."~ reet,..G' a point ¡.,n a line -.v'hi 1::11 is pa..I:'allel 't.:.th anc.,-",l.Etant Soutl<¡er I';. ¿". 00 feet at .:::- i9ht angles from 'the f.;aL.!..:'en.t(~r .:. ",,;'J£ Lf~lTÜH:on Ave:'L.iC:; than,;"".'! :::outh 89° 57' LS." ~\est along SêJ..i. la.':',': ment:i<:med p.:ü:-allel line fo:c a .iistance of 5~J. 00 fê.et, to t.'1,:? t~}?; point of be9 inning, :?r .:,)';;l"~ a port.ion of SeC1:.:ì..on ,:~6t ';:;o\,.l¡¡snip ì Sou'th, aan'je 1. 'tf¡,:,:st, I'.. .J.D. <". r.. .J.a;.' 0:0. Ii;; W'ITi:~~SS 'V<, h:.R¿;.JF, we naVE J?lac'~d C1.U" ~1ames this / Jl r,( ~ ..__.._----___/~.9¡.)i. .' ., (~~-&:{:f¿;¡~=~- ('\ /;<7 . .,~,.-..:-:J;;:./ t~,-./.~.__~~L -.-....- --- :::::;.Jt.'Y W .. ; t"e} ~Ir- Qdbv e. ~~J!¡q ~"I/¡~~:':~-"~,' -'->,,~-:,-',:::'~:" l~"-'--'_.- -"-'--- )'<"'1,.., ~. [..t, .,¡'." ,'. d.'"-,,. .,..:4ì,L..J;aZ.....Q?...,'.,. ::~_26I)¡'~'4'Ji~". -'---"- -"",el4,~ . "",""" .~H ~ ~/~ ~c ¡ó D. rv/,:¡ x 1', '".¡ ~otary Certifi~a~~ STATE OF C~LIFORNIA. f ,.....................,.....c ounty ofL~?i...«...~................ f ss, On this"~"'f..~...........dJl of.... .~~ ' h. r t',;:, A'J- - - before meJ..c::::.~,......Z~,........,..,........1n t e year one ího~sand nine ~¡u~dred and,..~..t-..~... Count""~""'á'.~""'2&,.....a !votary P1tbhc In and for the........................................,..... ~:=;~ ~"~~:~:;;;:~:;¡!J:i~ïJt1;;:;I',,:~:: (;¡;;;¡¡ q:;;¡[ ~ ~ ~ dL Z :~t. .. ,.. ¡mown to me to be one of the partners of the partnership that e.;;cu~'~'~'~'~;':~'~~~~'~:'~~:;:;' and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same, J in the.~:..~~~..~~~.'~,.~~;o:=~~~.~~nto SJJ ry¡ hand and affixed m)' offici~l sea~. . y f ,....~.......~~..the day and year 1n tll1S ,,_1.+:,_1. +:_..J _'0M'. .....:H... ~ ,--. -- ,- ---- -------- ,---- ------,..,------ --.-- -, - --'-""-- --\- ----- - - - c.) Ii ! \ /~-.-';/;¡ /' ~ ---,)/y' // Vi-¡-/C-£' ------ ---- -'--------------------'---¡..- , ' \.ý ,,":> .-5 . D-Bt-"!,"¡,;" /J.."'-'}_.- - ------ -. . Ndr':;¡:" ,t' ,;::3,8..)- L' -%_715' '~": ~ ", ~it f!<>;~~:l'~;;EI~~;-:\ I - f ;¡;;"8'~)Š¡__'1 :¡¡; i.-;n,~7"'~,' - , . ~¡ - /)~;-" ~, ::25'_5.3'~Ç"\'\ ÌJ L-3/_/8' \', N. >if '"', \~->{ 7-~Z~5-¡ -. 3" 57'2~'¡. :..;;ð -':~-'\_'-'-', Æ.' .-- -,-..,,¿- "'-3(."57'51;"', /,-"\¡-- :Ò .)O,C'() , / ,'" :'O'ù',r?"w V Vf'9",.,-rr"\v / "~, -.- ':;0 - 30 r>;'"":,'~~~~ Land to be granted to City ~ LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL FOR STREET PURPOSES Prepared by the Of1ice of the City Engineer Campbell, California ,,- \~~ ,,\1 (J~ \(; . /' "\ \_-- ( :'\ 'é v --1:,'('- L \~ \ -/ ), \ '\ ,&O C ,,~ '-.(}' . A All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of &~nta Clara, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE BEGINNING at a point in the Easterly line of that certain tract of land described in the Deed from Rosie Mazzone to Hamilton Land Company, a partnership by Deed dated May 29,1959 and recorded June 9,1959 in Book 4443 Official Records, page 6bO, Santa Clara County Records, at the Southernmost corner of that certain 0.273 acre tract of land described in the Deed from Rosie Mazzone to the State of California by Deeq dated June 21,1956 and recorded August 8,1956 in Book 3572 Official Records, pa~e 646, Santa Clara County Records; thence from said point of beginning 'Northwesterly along a Southwesterly line of said 0.273 acre tract along an arc of a curve to the right from a tangent bearing North 760 4~' 21" West with a radius of 64.00 feet through a central angle of 72 12' 31" for an arc distance of 80.66 feet; thence continuing along a Southwesterly line of said 0.273 acre tract along a reverse curve to the left with a radius of 25.00 feet through a central angle of 84° 17' 10" for an arc distance of 36.78 feet; . thence North 88° 54' 00" West along the Southerly line of said 0.273 acre tract for a distance of 73.85 feet; thence leaving said last mentioned line and running South 0° 33' 04" West and pãralle1 with the Easterly line of land so described in the Deed to said Hamilton Land Company for a distance of 135.00 feet; thence South 89° 30' 50" East and parallel with the center line of Hamilton Avenue for a distance of 148 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection thereof with the said Easterly line of land so described in the Deed to said Hamilton Land Company; thence North 00 33' 04" East along said last mentioned line 50 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, and being a portion of Section 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M. D. B. & M. 1"\ '< /vù --- EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Easterly 20.00 feet thereof. TOGETHER WITH and as appurtenant to and for the benefit of the above conveyed parcel of land, a non-exclusive easement for the purpose of ingress and egress over the following described parcel of land: ..,:J / ...J.:r YJ-' / ,~ ( "".J ~v Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of that certain 0.~73 acre tract of land described in the Deed from Rosie Mazzone to the State of California by Deed dated June 21,1956 and recorded August 8,1956 in Book 3572 Official Records, page 646, Santa Clara County Records, distant thereon North 88° 54' 00" West 50.00 feet from the Northwesterly corner of the above conveyed parcel of land; thence from said point of, beginning South 88° C)4' 00" East along the Southerly line of said 0.273 acre tract for a distance of 50.00 feet to the Northwesterly corner of the above conveyed parcel of land; thence South 0° 33' 04" West " ~ ~Y.. ~v/ B along the Westerly line of the above conveyed parcel of land for a distance of 10.00 feet; thence Northwesterly in a direct line to the point of beginning. PARCEL TWO BEGINNING at a point in the Easterly line of that certain tract of land described in the Deed from Rosie Mazzone to Hamilton Land. Company, a partnership by Deed dated May 29,1959 and recorded June 9,1959 in Book 4443 of Official Records, at pa~e 660, Santa Clara County Records at the Southernmost corner of that certain 0.273 acre tract of land described in the Deed from Rosie Mazzone to the State of California by Deed dated June 21,1956 and recorded August 8,1956 in Book 3572 Official Records, page 646, Santa Clara County Records; thence from s3id point of beginning Northwesterly along a Southwesterly line of said 0.273 acre tract a1ong an arc of a curve to the right from a tangent bearing North 76 4~' 21" West with a radius of 64.00 feet through a central angle of 72 12' 31" for an arc distance of 80.66 feet; thence continuing along a Southwesterly line of said 0.273 acre tract along a reverse curve to the left with a radius of 25.00 feet through a central angle of 84° 17' 10" for an arc distance of 36.78 feet to a point in the Southerly line of Hamilton Avenue (86.00 feet in width); thence South 880 54' 00" East along said last mentioned line to the point of intersection thereof with the said Easterly line of land so described in the Deed to said Hamilton Land Company; thence South 0033' 04" West along said last mentioned line 8~.44 feet to the point of beginning, and being a portion of Section 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M. D. B. & M. T¡ _E.f~~_Qn~QS~-P- -- -~..~Y_Ç?-_LJ_T___QE__I:-U.~I-LYYA'Yn__- 17 &, HA.,~ ~ TON Ave. CÂMP~Et..!.. C,A,LI F- --'-"-'--'----- -'...- -- ----,,----' .. ------,-'- -- --------" _n - ~CAl.~ \"= ~ ~ 20.0C' ¡--- i../28.0C'f S89°30'50"E .. - ---- '1 -- ,- _..n - ------.-.---..----------- . r, . ' <:., c~ t Ff---r lþ' , I . , I I - ;- ~ -- -- A: I " , , I ; ~ ,/! : ì \: I .. \ ' , I ¡ r--"-' , j , ".'~, I , ./ \! I '- - -, '" ..ë.~__n¥_:u_- -J::.... j I ::.. Ii, 2 ßA Y S-20-f!., .'"..U/L D/.V(:, ~: t I ~\ , I "'" "'¡ ~; 11): ,...... \ , \ \ I " \ \ \ hJ '- \ /-, PHONE 800TH... " ,I 't-. ;1 ,q '. t--. Ó I ;~I -.....-j ~\ -~ ~ì i-", "'>, ()I 'I' ¡ ....,.. . "'t' i () "4-.: \: I, I ~¡ , ~ .~ , (»oj I I '(~ 'l\ '0 , ~ \\::)' 1', oQl R...Z5'" '.t-... t:/4SE'UC'V~ ~,,"""" t :/'...'" /11"'1". ¡ "..",,4- ~' #,' t.tÞI!J4 .^ " ~..! ,. " .... ."- , , -,:. ¡ . - ,-- '\ \ Q, ! '~¡ !' " " -1-- I I' .. q;" \ _..-t-;~';~fV~WA YJ"'" u:-.w4'- ¡¡;bN~í~ß~;;~:/~:::':11~~:~~;~~ ~ .. fJ' ,---'--'----- --"""=="-----1 ---, ",.c. ,-~,-,,-.c..ll____n___________~L - ----,-__,_....J.b , ¡ I~ , 57'-O~O(/"" ,'~.'.O"IN ':5', ,.. , ., ,....- -..,.. .. --_.-- n 'eo¡ ......, r- ~ t ~ . {.:;, ~, ,(¡ 11')' If"¡ , \ ,,! \ ..\ ' '{}II - r , \ " -'" .... =t \:j' ,.... /71 S,""t?!E.- . WIDE/.lING LINt. (,C(jTLJ/(E) ==-.... _~~.n_~-~-V-""'~~~'==--="'~ H,~ M " !.. TO ,v AVEl"¡UE JUI..Y I, Ig~O ~', ¡:.. IISII APPROVAL REPORT OF MEET! NG OF 3/21/61 L. J. MC REYNOLDS & SON SHELL OIL COMPANY HAMILTON AVENUE 3. 4. 5, 9. ~ 7. SHELL OIL COMPANY N!W CORNER LATIMER & WINCHESTER RIELLY M. REYNOLDS , ( (,-'.(. < ..l.t Applicant to enter into written agreement with City Counci I covering the following: 1. 2. Dedication to 50 foot plan line on Cristich Lane. Owner to be responsible for construction of 24 foot double seal coat pavement and 8 foot rock shoulders along frontage. ]'7 I./¡¡ik- . - " f. -J~tI. . 11ò"f' <7'td¡ '<j~'-.1~'¡ ¡ r Y iT' 'j Applicant to enter into written agreement with City Council covering the following: 1. 2. Storm Orain Deposit in Amount of $230v Dedication throughout frontage to 120 foot plan line on Hamilton Avenue and 60 foot plan line on new street. Construct curb and gutter in relation to ultimate plan line. Relocate one fire hydrant. Relocate one power pole. Install one electrolier. Cash deposit in amount set by City Engineer on unimproved portion of property -- to be refunded upon agreement of Planning Commission and property owners that there will be no street east of service station property. ,.--._,...-_._~_...._...._--".., Storm drain deposit in amount of $315. L' ~.. /1 {:i{,L '(;)1);/ ¡ 1. Applicant to enter into written agreement with City Council covering the following: a. Provisions of Ordinance #260, including dedicat- ion to 90 foot plan line on Winchester Road and 60 foot plan line on Rincon Avenue. b. Standard curbt gutter, paving and commercial sidewalk throughout frontage on Winchester & Rincon. c. Improvements in alley throughout depth of develop- ment to satisfaction of City Engineer. d. Storm drain deposit in amount of $214. 3. Cash deposit in amount of improvements as estimated by City Engineer. Building to be placed so as not to exceed 10 feet front yard setback. No curb cut to be allowed in front of building except for all ey. 2. 3. -" - -"{ I~"I'J,,"":I Ý:I#/ j l ,ø> "SII APPROVAL REPORT OF MEET! NG OF 3/21/61 W. M. WILSON 1. Removal of curb and gutter and construction of driveway to City Standards 2. Water meters on Lot Line (20-21) to be relocated out of driveway area. (No excavation between curbs) (,-/'" , /) l, ie',' 3127 I ALL PLANS SENT TO ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT FOR PREPARATION OF NECESSARY AGREEM~TS,'? 'TO BJ R~TURNED WHEN AG, ~EEM~NTS ARE P~~PARED ,AN, D S I GNE~,. " . ' ,,~,.-, J 1Îa;;,'t:Rj41 /~~;p,:¿/1] ~;a (;.t..~ ~l.> {'¿¡.a.é':~ a,/~",--, ? ~pU<7-L,?(./ .Þ ~ :..Jf:t2-4!~TYV - ~, V . (/ RELEASED 3/22/61 ,~ EveCfy~Aâamson EDWARD P. AMES WILLIAM M. BROPHY OWNERS AMES BROPHY & CRANSTON j itd-U'taHœ :h epalJim eni MUND, BROPHY & AMES ;/....;.\- / I v' REALTORS - - ESTABLISHED 19D8 463 UNIVERSITY AVENUE PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA PHONE DAvENPORT 3-6111 IOTe.ber 3, 1960 1Ir. .11 ton Hetzel Cit,. JlaDager Campbell, California Dear Milt, I .. enclosing a proposed la,.out of the Shell Oil COJIp&D7' s station develo¡aent plan for Bamilton Avenue and JI1&hwa,. 17. This new la,.out oontain8 the reali«Daent of the proposed iDgress and egress street to be planned for servicing both the O'Beill and the Bitne,. properties along the comaon propert,. line. This new plot plan shows the set aside of 66 ft. for the proposed street, when and if the propert,. is to be developed in a aanner that would require a cit,. street to serve the propert,. and circulate traffic b,. means of a properl,. planned. street systea for the two parcels of land. !he Shell Oil Co. are anxious to get started with their eonstraction, and would like to obtain their building penait at the earliest date possible. Will,.au therefore please direct me as to what aclditioJ2&l iDf01'll&tion or appearance is necessary' before ,.our Cit,. Pl&D1'tiTig CClllllission or Councilor possibl,- with ,.OU and lIre Barrett in order to conclude the details in connection with this project. I will be pleased to meet with,.au at,.our convenience. Very' trul,. ,.ours, AIlES, BBOPHY &: CBAIsroI Æ{ E. P. Mes EPÅI8IIW Ene. ,. , IASIHIft MUlHlft THIS AGIIIMlIr, dated , 19 , bet.en California (herein called 'Grauter' . on8 or IIIOre.) &11d 8HEIJ. OIL COMPAI!, . Delaware corporation with officea at Street. 8&11 franciaco. Calif --4 (h . onu.a erein called ItlheJ.llt). whether 100 Juah WITlUI8ITH: Grantor, for valuable cenaidaration received. hereby granta to Shell an aaaement over and acroea the following d.acrib.d premia.a in Campb.ll, County of Banta Clara, Itat. of Ca11fo~a: 1 '>,' ,,-, ,:',", ',', ",:.,',." , },-",¡, .:;,,'. ""-';':"';¡i~"-C',,'" BEGI8INØat at point in' the F.:asterly line or thà't JCerta1ntractqfi}",'~;,'. , land âescri bed in the Deed from Rosie MaZzone to Hamilton Làftd':"":I:i\f~<~,~t: ':, ",;:'~ Company, a partDership by Deed dated May 29,,19S9 and recorded June ~" J <;']'9 in Po ok 4443 of Official Records, at pa ge 660, Santa Clara Co~Jty Records at the Southernmost corner of that certain 0.273 acre tr&ct of land described in the Deed from Rosie ~azzone to the State ('f California by Deed d"Jted June 21, 1956 and recorded AuçYust 8, 1956 in Book 3572 Official Records, pa~e 646, Santa Clara County Records; thence from said p~int of beqinnin~ Northwesterly along a Southwesterly line of said 0.273 acre tract 3long an arc of a curve to the right from a tan~ent bearing North 76° 4~' 21" West with a radius of 64.00 feet throuph a central angle of 72 12' 31" for an arc distance of 30.66 feet; thence continuing alon~ a Southwesterly line of said O.27~ acre tract alon~ 3 reverse curve to the left with g radius of 2t:J.OO feet through a central angle of 84° 17' 10" for an arc distance of 36.78 feet to a point in the Southerly line of Hamilton Avenue (36.00 feet in width): tQence South 83° 54' 00" East alon~ said last mentioned line to the p~int of intersection thereof with the said Easterly li~e of land so described in the Deed to said Hamilton Land Company; thr.')Dce South 0° 33' 04" wes, t 31ong 3aid last mc>ntioned line 82.44 feet to the point of beginnin~, anò being a portion of Section 26, Township 7 Scuth, Ran?e 1 West, M. D. B. & M. ~-... -~-- ---'- --------- r----- -- .-.- fI\(\' t\ )/V ~I \ð aouthwe.t; together with the right to t cona ruct, maint*in, raplac. and r.."e a driveway on the eaa...nt premiaea. for ingraaa and .gre.. to Hamilton Ave. The .aaement and righta herein granted ahall continu. in .ffect ao long aa Shell i. entitled to po.....ion of .aid adjoining prami... Vbethe- d i , . un er t. pr..ent laa.e thereof, a ID81IIOrandum of which i. recorded in the County of Saitta Clara, Book Pas. , in the Office of the Recorder of aaid County. or under any extenaion or renewal there.f. OT otherwi.e. Grant.. r...rv.. the right to u.. the .....nt premi... for the purpO'.. of iø.¡re.. and egr... to and from the r...inder of arantor'. premi.... '.ither araDtor nor Shell .hall park vehicl.. in or ..truet the ea.an.t premi... or p.rmit the parking of vehicl.. in or any other ob.truction of the .a.ement premi... ~y ite Le...e. or LiC8D8.e.. Thi. aar.84U1t .hall rtn with the land. aDd .hall bind and inure to the b.nefit of Grantor'. heir.. admiDi.trator., executor. and ...igaa and Shell'. .ucce..or. and a..igna. I. WI!lBS8 WHlRlOP. tbi. Agre8m8ftt i. executed a. of the data fir.t barein written. WITBS8&S: SH&J.1. OIl. COMPAft WITNISSIS: Iy (Add Acknowledgment.) -2- r . 8 I " SHEll Oil COMPANY P. O. lox 111 San Jole, California ÂUgult 12, 1960 ^/ . i . it . . , ,f '! Vfjl/'- !~H(lí¡',/ t, ,,' ! : / I"¡ .'.' L '" The Honorable City Council City Hall Campbell, California r .. ,.y, /) " /] ~' ,.- , I . i I: . Gentlemen: Our company i. preaeently negotiating for a .ervice Itation location on the louth lide of Hamilton Avenue, jult vest of State Highway 117. Thi. location is .hown outlined in red on the attached State map. Our .ervice statton lmprovements will be situated on tne premise. ae IhoWft on the attach4d plot plan. The State of California pre.antly owns the land as shown on the State map in orange. This wae purchased by tham at the time of the conltruction of the fre.w~y. buL we are informed by the Dlvieion of Highwaye of the State of California that within the next few weeke this land will be relea.ed to the City of Campbell. We are told that the two property ~lers adjoining thtl land (Iitney, et aI, and O'Weil) ... in agre8m8Ut to diecu..ing their purchaling this land from the City of C.-pbell and that they will contact you in this regard. In order that we may pr.gre.. with the devel.pment of thi. location and prier to our eubmitting complete plana and Ipecification. to the City for nee...ary per.itl, we find it ne.a'lary to .ubmit to you thie re~u..t for an Ea8ement Agreement in the attached ferm. 80 we may U8e the land for driveway purpo... and ingr.../agre.a to Hamilton Ave. The St~t4! hAS informed us that they wi 11 be in agreement with any decision you make in this regard. This has been discu.,ed with your City Raginear, Mr. Carl Morten.en, City Attorney, Mr. J. !euacina and Hr. Mester Barrett and théy all indieated their agreement as to the faaaability of the proposal. We would appreciate your early eon.idaration in thi8 regard, since we are molt anxiou8 to proceed. Very Truly Your., SHILL OIL COMPANY I.. DIUJRY Di.trict Sale. Manager °ROF'OSED L,~YOUT OF H:GHVYAY 17 --L-'---.--------------,- ------'---.------0-_-----'------- ,,- -,---- ,- u_'- &. H~IX'P~JO~---~Y~_. --,ç~~f:'~~t..L. CALIF, t'" i: '-.. \ -". :: ->- , " 20.00' r ! PHONE 800TH........ -SCÅL~ \"/11 ~O' ~ t : ..;: f OC' .£ - ---po. =t \J " "'t. " " ;1 C) 'fI t, "ì "ì ~ fL. ""t'" "} ('" ¡. R'~' 5 89 ø 30' SC" E - - - -- - - ..---.... rJ . () (", - , r R' I . , ,.I r-n-- ---1 N\ " 1 '-I- . , <'C.. : .,":' ~: ~ I ~I \ \ ¡ I ! .-" ~) Q <:) 11) =\ ; I ~- J(' ; ~ ¡ j----- __n .;.. J .:. /1. 2 BA Y S-'20-ð ß~'.'u'):,'::' '-- (;. ~.. \r¡, \ ~! I \ ',£) ç-' I .. I ~: b- ~, , , ,_'__T ~: I r- '. 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