Hamilton Ave. (1956) .. TO 1012-1 AB C Califarnla land TItle Assoclatlan Standard Coverage Pollcy-1963 SCHEDULE A Premium $ 52. SO Amount $ 2, 4 2 5 . 00 Effective Date December 23, 1965 at 11:12 a.m. INSURED Policy No. B-2 4 5288 Tidewater Oil Co. CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation 1. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation 2. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule C covered by this policy is a fee. SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: PART I 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. 2. AI1y facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the Issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. App1. No. B-2452~ III TO 1012-18 Cant. C Colifornia Lond Tille Associotion Stondord Coverage Policy-1963 S C H E D U L E B - (Continued) PART II I: General and special county and city taxes for the fiscal year 1965-66, including personal property tax, if any, Assessment No. : 306-17-18 Code No. : 10-8 First Installment: $837.47 Delinquent, Penalty $50.24 Second Installment: $837.47 Payable, but not yet due -I Appl. NO. B-Z4SZ8ð TO 1012-1-1056-1 C OC C American land Title Association loan Policy Additional Coverage-1962 California La~d Title Association Standard Coverage Policy-1963 SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: THE DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. dh .~ Apnlication No. 24528R A rXHfRTT l\ All that certain re~l propertv ~itURtc in thr Citv of r~mphell, Count\' of S:1nta ClaT;], St:lte of California, descriheò as follo"~: ('OM"1rNCT\C ;1t the South(,D~t corner of Lot 13, Tract ~o. 96, r. R. t:cnncdv C;uhdl\'i~inn, Unit I, :lS s;11d '~i1P is filed for record on Arri 1 1 ~. 1 ():,~) in Rank:' of "aps, ra~e 51, in the office of the Hccordcr. ~antrt Clar:1 Count\'; thence South ()o 30' West 40.85 feet :llong the he~terlv I1ne of ":inchester Roulevard (2S foot half-,~idth): thence \;orth ~()c :'0' Wcc:;t, '::0.00 feet to the true point of heginning; t h (' nee SOli t h () 0 :) (l' \\ est, 1 IS. 0 0 f (' e t, a 1 0 n Q the We s t (' r I vIi n e 0 f \\1 n c h cst (' r B 0 U I (' \' a r d (4 S f cot h;d f - \\' i d t h): the nee a Ion gat an g en t curvc concave \ortl1....'est, havinr;1 r:1dius of 20.00 feet, a central ,1n~le of (J()O (b' and an arc IcT'.\.!th of 51.45 feet: thence North 8()o 30' We,,-t. :::(1.00 feet. ;JIang a line (10 feet Northerly, measured at d rir,ht :lnrlc, or the center line of Hi1miIton Avenue: thence, Eélsterlv éllong a t:lI1\!cnt curvc convahe to the Northwest havincY R radius of !1S.lln feet, :1 ccntr:tl angle nf ~}(1° 0'" and <ln ,HC lcn~th of 70.7S f e c t: t r1l' n c (' 'J (' r t h i 1 " ~ [)' E a s t R q . l) 4 fee t, ;11 0 n ~ :l 1 i n e par all e 1 wit h (! n d .¡ b . (i () fee t, i1 t ;1 rig h t ;1 n g 1 e, '\e s t e r 1 v 0 f the c e n t e r 1 in e 0 f \\' in - ch('c;t('r Pt'ule\'::nd: thence ~outh HC)o :,()' 1=(1st, 1.00 feet to the point of heQ1nninr and containin~ 4~2 souare feet of land, marc or less, and hclnp, i1 part of the Soutrlc;1st 1/4 of the :\orthe3st 1/4 of Section 27, To\\nshiJì ',' South, R<1nQc 1 he'st.. "'. 11. H. ~; ~I. ". ROSEMARY ~89°30'E - --- 1~ \ .15. ~ 1./ ~~,~rØ ~ I , "" "" I/) 1\ ~! <{ ~ I 0 &oul1"Y"1 V) \ ~.:' ,'~ 0 '! '4 1.,0 ~ ,..., J . Set '. g; 58 °30'E- 143.00' I , , ~ 0 12300 --";~ I \' <{ ;, \ 4:~, 0 ~ ~I n: -~\ rv "'Iou.. ~I « ~! I ' "-II J i . I I ~I Ù I 01 ' z: ' 1 I . '20' - 1 A' I / "/J! Set 7 \ I" I :'.:::. I' F"t()r~ Str~~t L/ae I r- : '~'::. ~---~) S89°30'E-' f.o¡.òil' j'2--1 ::: -f ..-- Oeedecl'f;'~'7;¡ ~ ~/ 18'/ A 1 . 0$. ' , . . campbell /Òr .slrt!!'el ,¿,\)(:o 'i'~ ~ Ç} 'I - ~, , 'd-' «' ~ (/) é:I .,¡ <t. ..' WI ê'nt/7.9' .,..J lJ\ ~ .-..:, ~~ ~- ~ 'f ~ c-,'fJ~ ~r:r' ~ - ,§'o~ 5 ,C>' Q,' , '., I 25' I 25' i.~ (I.¡ LOT 13 TRACT N!? 96 589°JO'f , ,t.\ , v.) , ,\, " ~\.. .,' A- I 'eo 0 , -, - '.. '., "'.. , - "" 0 0 u\ I') -' III ~' 0 0 z: ',- "'- ":. The beorino (IYOO}o'f) of the cen!er/ineof ./ the 50r7l0 {lom-Lo5 ÓO!tJ5!?OOd, 05S!70WflOfJ the mop of Troct /yP 96, E. R,l(ennedr¡ 5u/J- clivis ion, Unit rig/, WO5 u5ed 05 boyis lor beor- /1795 5hoYfn upon ¡hi; mop. Checked and appro ved, June - /9. -, /956 HARK/::. THOMAS, {il'f £nqínc,!r, (¡jtpØf°mpbe//, California A - A .---- LANE /, ,6.C M~l(i'!l?ef{? h~rebtj (. !?e(jlstered Or;! fnqlneer 0 that thi5 is 0 true al7d cor mode t7ntfer mtj 5uferyiJ for Tide Water 1J5sociotec monuments ..;hown ocluo!J /on5" are correct/tj ..f/Jow/ lImenlJ ore Juil/c/en! Ie be retroced. --~ f?er¡/ stereo , 7hi5 l77?P' ha5 been Pfom, the proy/slons of 5ec!lon!l Frofe551on5 Code and four. L£OtlARtl ßU.5ItItELL, (è Jon/a Ck June ,LI, , /956 blJ~ 2 HAMI L TON .------ AVENUE t2z'446.4- ' f'/ led at ¡he reooes! of ú. ( M~ï(/j , 8ook__19. - of Mops at poqe --3JJ_, (oun/il. Colifornlo, thís.?1!J.4- do $~o' , \J- 5>'L C. TULL Y, Countr¡ /fccc G't 4'~ 2 ------- --- !feeo! ,- , . -- .-------- ---------- pI '"1 --poP ------------ cLC;,F. __n---------------- IE.~~' .J., n_--p_--n_nun- L ",:; --p-p,p-"p----- 1,[ J' ,,\u,v-__n- CONSULTING ENGINEER ~;.l'<~;~ /'ro~¡¿-f[)8 North San P.drO S'b'ee' ::::-::,:.:::_:_--_. San ..10.8 10. Calitornia --- .pp F~:9 .._..___00------"" Ju.. 25. 19.s' r1le. o. Mi.. . ?'¡ at> 01t.. T1de- "at- 011 [,;.:;::::,se __--_n-----_--__n- ridewater 0110ollp&n1 55 New Montgomer7 Street San Franoi..o, Oal1tornia .Attentlolu Kt-. Pap., Eng1aee;rlng Departa.nt Ae: Tidewater 011 Statlon at H~nl1'on Ayeaue and winohe.'er Gitntla.en: The enclosed map. aDfi lntonation are forwarded tor lour u.. at the requeet ot 1>11'. Pape, In order to de.810p tbe Haml1 ton Avenue, lid.. ot Jour Itatlon at Wlnohester Poad and Hamilton Avenue IoU would first be required to eu'bm1t an .as. Zone applicat1on to \he Planning 00_18810n. At the t1me or re.,lew ot Jour .s' ZOne application, the Cltl Englneer' 8 ottloe will reOOmmend tbatlou enter 1nto a written agr..ment with the 01 ty Cotmol1 coyerlng 8\10h eond! t1ona &8 the 1.\t8r mal require. As Jou know, the8. conditione have alread1 been disoussed at tbe Council me.tlng ot June 1.5,1959. &rid fa. special property owner.' meeting or June 10. 1959. VOl' the record. probable requlrement. would be as toll ow.: a. Free dedioatlon of suttlo1ent land on Ha.m11 ton Avenue tronta~ to provide tor installAtion ot standard street lmnrovements. b. Installat1on ot 3tandard C1ty 01' Campbell curb, gutter, sidewalk, l'tlVeIaent and .tarm drainage t,lo111 ties liAS required. c. Installation of an eleotro11er &nd neceeStÅ“y wiring. d. 5utmJløs1on of e. øtreet improvement olan tor appro.,al ot the City Eng1neer. e. Post1ng of 9uf'flclent Faithful l'erforn.trAnce L,!'1bor and t4aterla.l Bo!"Hlg to insure oomoletlon of Imt')!'ûvements. . ,," uu.=:..=:: 1.'./.' \Þ.::: {;to u-----_u._u..---o fi?6. .......~... 011 OOllpaQ -2- ..... as. 19" f..,,!...,-,..,i_..\r.~_.:.. ::_::------_o:::::~~ (,I~.., belPO"I~l..~ ~~O.l. .~, 'be~4Il' t-,~"'1.~,a11 .:::':'. 0 ...,. ..... 1'-.8 ... - ...,. .a. . .. ..0. PI'-I' 0 I :::::::::::::::::::: \be Cl','. ..._tano. of IM44e410.tlon.) ,s,:"pense """""""""".... ,- ad4H 1DhftIat1ollt tJIe Rout. , Jl':reewa, 81IÞ1ra OIl File """¡;:'rjS;~.=:fr.:::;= ::' U8~::=:' ~.~ I 1. Let a oont2'aet to wtt.en liM1It.oa A.... fIt- Oenbal I AY..- t. the he...,. 2. ApPJOYed ... or bea4 twact. (""""'11 available) to Wi.... 1f-1lton A"... "011 the m.., to San Jose- to, Gate. Road., 1nol'tl41ng .. a." b.r1c1ge ov.r Lol Ol&tol Or..k. ,. Entered into an agreement '8r1th the Ooun', ot g8ftta Clara to parts.Ol])ato ln a W14eaUg proJeo, from San Joae-Lo, Gato. Road to }~.rldla.n ~oad. (plan. 8oh&4\aled to go out to bid In .11111.) - ~ 4. Adopted the COttAt,. Plan u.n. trom Llewell¥n Aven.. ve.t te 3an '1'om.8 Aquino Road vhero..e,p this plan line tall. Within the 01t1- ('1'1118 plan 110, uev.e eon'1auat10D of Haa11 ton Ave.. tJutougb to 88ft '°8&8 Aqu1ao Road, where lt 1. carried tbrouBh to C&JIþbeUAyenu.$ attar 8arak... Road 1q the 01t1 ot San. .108..) w. WiU be b'PP7 to aftber alii qu..t10ft. ;you .., haVe regu41ng the above lntoJ'm&t1on. &nd 1IIe hope that you decide to imJ)J"o't'e 10UI" Hamilton Avenue tront.e in the nee tuture. lour8 "'...v "11111. MAr« THOMAS &: 00. Ooonl t1 nS' Engine.1' MARl F;. fHOMA'3 MlVtpJ enc. r Ä /.~h 10 EH,/h~e-;-o';' ~~ I n""co' LIT""! ....~~ NO ~..I. r,:;:, ¡;¡ J. l..Ç¡ . ~ BEING Ii HE30UJTION ACCEPTING DEED To. PEAL l'HOp7~RTY FOR HOAD Fr¡RPO~2ES \'tm<:;~b:J\s, TIDE t,'ATEH ASSOCIATED 01 L COHPANY, B. Delaware Corporatio~ has tendered a deed of certain real property for road pllrposes to Oi ty of Campbell, a municipal corporation, and if; ; :~::AS, the acquisition of said property 19 at no cost &nd expense to said City, and the said land is reasonably necessary for road purposes, NOW, TE:::JtEl-' CHi'; , I1' J::¿:SOL'IIED that the said deed from TIDE7dATEH ASSOCIATED OIL CCH'ANY, a Delaward Corporation, be and the same 1s Hereby accepted and that the G1 ty Clerk be, and BIle 113 rlereby authorized to record or cause to be recorded the said deed with the CoLmty Hecorder of the COtmty of Sa.nta Clara, Gtate of California. PAgGED AND ADOP'rED this 11* th day of bJ the following vote: ,... ,1956. AYES: Councilmen: Are..1ds, Fairchild, lose, Char¡in CollnclI:nen: lone NOES: j\J3 NT: """"'no.' I.'ren' \.;...."" ,. ".:- . Marton AITHOVED: Jolm --. CM.. [,ïayor AT'L£ST: ~th.v ~rP'Ø~n Oi ty Cl E;rk I, Dont,q T:rnethan, City Clerk òf the Oity of Cøm.pbell hereby certify that the foregoing 1s a t..L"U~ and correct copy of leaolution passed and adcmted at a recu].ar meeting of the CitT Council of the Cit7 of Carnpbttll on the 18th day of June. 195'. ~ .' '.'. .;'.' ........., '~, " " ,.' '~ / ' ';'<. ' .. ... I ~L.:- ....:. ._. ~:~ ~'::::- "~}~b.. L:.t'£~~:E£ \'Tic. .~.er A~..o:~at..,. \..11 hitro>.!:;', a :.laìiare v()r'?,;.r.t~"jtl, .:",.;'" :eraby frlU~t /'..; (' (',nv.,. tC' tLe :'j t~ ,.f ;&JII:-.t.ll, a ~1Unjc~7'al :.or:),nUori, for roød purpo..., all that certain real property .1t,.te 1~ the City or Ca8pbel1, County of Santa Clara, State ?r Callfora1., de.cr1bed.. follows: t1ef1rming at a ~/J.8 iron pipe 1r. the ....terly 11M ')~ the ~a.Dta Clan-Ln. Getf). 1.0&¿, d1.tant thereon 8Outh OV 3C' ~ast LC.8~ te.t, fro. a 18 iron pipe eet at the .outhe.~t~rly oorner or ;~t 13, Tract ~o. 9t, . ..p ot ,,'rich 11" filed for record in Book J 'jf Map., page ~l, -ant". Clan >:',¿nty r<.8c('Jr:e; thence Boutherly aloni "aid w~.t~rly ~~~e ~f S~ta Clara-Loa Gatol fDad, South :-.0 JC'^e~t !.J~.~( fpet tf) a 3/48 ,teel bar; thence ~orth 890 3C" we"t 1.0. ((. tNt; thence nort.bM.terly on t'l~ 'arc ,:,," 8 curve to be j fOft of "diu. 2C r.et, ta..ng.nt t') t'ìe :-,".c.,dbf COUT" trr~ìlfh a central angle of 9(10 ((' for u arc dj,øtar.ce of 31.42 !.~t to a point; thence Korth CO )C' ~~st l:~.OC f..t; thence South 3Qo JO' 68st 20.('(, fe.t. to tn. t"oint ,:H oefL-uúnt:" con""'~r.:.". ~ .;):~ jf u. acr., ~r.)r l"-'!'IfI, ~:",(, r.eint a Mrtion .J! l..<'t f, or .~ .1. Ruck.r Jut>d1vis1on, a ur .,( wt:~ct: 18 recordeJ in book 81. of :".a":'~, .,age >;;7 t ~~ru Clara CoUDt:, ~'~C')r18. l~ '4ITn("'~--,.-)~.~EJf, T:da ...ster U8vchted dL Con'j&ny, t.... cal.>8er". . ",.!!Ie pl"e!!.Dt. to '.>e executed a. of t.h18 21rd. day of Anr i 1 STAl1 Of CALIFORNIA \ ... Ot., ... c-ty eI s.. ~.tI&Ma 0. AD'!' . 23 ,12..5~ .-- -. .... """",884. . "".ry '-Wic. Ie .841 fer ..w CIty .M c-ety ..tI s....: ,."...lIy ."....4 Thoe. L.War~ - ----- H. N. Hal vers().r?-, -¡.JI .A'!"KR ASSOC-UTI.l) C:l ~":)Á;"; ') Thos. L. Wark (Signed) -V1o. he.neat ... --- .. - .. IN --- --- - ViM"........M""'" s.c. ""'" ~eIY eI TIll. w..., .....1ektI 011 c-,.ey. .... .er. ,..." .a... .~ .... .""1. 1....,-..., .M .IM k-. .. - .. IN .. ~ .... -...... It .. ~ eI ..14 c.,..,.t\etl, ~ .......-... .. - ..... ..141 ....,....t\etl .-...II tile ..-. M. Wilson (signed) w, WILSON Net.,., '-Wi« Ia .M fer .... CIty ~ c.-ty eI $e. ~.ItCItc8, c.Ii*." h.od' H.N.Halvorson (Signed) "iHI irtu t ~ " ... . 'Y.II.. ..............,., 1" I'" , r }\..1. E. T. _.' ..iI. A. P. s..<~ E. M. D.---Þ -------. J .A. R. -------. H.D. G. -------- M.C. -------- M. J, s. - - -- ïrL~~ at..., . -----Ah 10M 1O~Cal1toml. ~ ..". Suspense______-- File -------... -------- Ap.11 ".' .lf56 ftlK Ifo. ~N Campbell Plann1ag Co81.alOli Ct~f Hall CallpHll, Cal1'orn1a Gatleun: aetenmoe 1. 8848 to the appl1oatlOD or tbe 1'148 Water A..oO1ate4' 011 Ooç8Uy tor arOb,it"'_1 approval of plafta ot a 88"108 atat1oa to be OOJJ- .truGtad at the aoptbweat OOJ"ner of Wl1lOheat81"'Boa4 and Hamilton AV81'N8, wà1ob -. 1'8terre4 to tbl. ottlce tor "O~'lora. Enolo.ed. herewlth'tlÞd three oopi.. or l~ro..- ant plana showing thereon the 1mproYementa wbloh an NOO_n4e4 to 'be 1Jlolu4e4 ae II Goad1 tton to ~t1.nc arohlteotual approval. \ In a44ttloa to tbe 1Itpro'feIDerl'. ehown on the attached plan it 1. reOORl6ll4ed that tl1. T148 Water A..oot.tad 011 C~"'84 to the Clty of OaIIpbell that atr1p ot laJtci between the exlst1ng propert, l1u and. the proposed property I1ne tor the tull width ot the property ¡;l1hloh fronts on W1noheste:r Boad.. In- . eluded. in th1s deecl shouldbð the portion or tbeourb return whloh \1111 be located at the northwest Cornel' ot W1nohEl.tar ROad and Hal111ton AY'8IIue. . Very truly yours riABK E. THOlîAS. C1ty Engl11eer ~MD: mb enol By Elmer M. D'Angelo