Hamilton Ave. (1955) /' , " Febn.. ry 23, 1961 MEMORANDUM TO CITY COUNCIL ON AGENDA ITEM #12 ( ß" ~ ~ 4-v-e. "\ "REQUEST TO ACCEPT DEDICATION OF SAN JOSE-LOS GATOS ROÁD SOUTH OF HAMILTON PLAZA IN EXCHANGE FOR PLACING CURB AND GUTTER AND TEMPORARY SIDEWALK TO ACCOMMODATE PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC?" Sometime ago the Council received a request from the Campbell High School District that something be done to establish a walk-~y In front of the lands of the Hamilton Plaza Company where development Is yet to take place. I For some time I have been in contact with Mr. Kuehnis., asking him to cooperate with the City a'd having this pla~ed for pedestrian safety. My Initial request was that they place the curb, gutter and grade the area to provide this safety. In addition, I a$ked them to dedicate the necessary widening for San Jose-Los Gatos road. Their reply to this was that until such a time as they actually developed at least a portion of It, they were reluctant to make any commitments. Three months have elapsed during this waiting period, and now I have discovered that there is no date set for the development, In spite of high hopes. A new approach was made to Mr. Kuehnis on the basis that he would dedicate the entire width for the ultimate wfdening of San Jose-Los Gatos Road immediately If we would place the curb, gutter and temporary sidewalk necessary for pedestrian traffic. It would be understood that at the time that he or his successors developed the frontage, or any portion of it, the cost of grading and the placing of the curb and gutter would be charged to the property on a pro-rata basis. The City Council does not have to be reminded of the value of this dedication when they consider the fact they paid almost $1.00 per square foot for the land at the corner of . San Jose-Los Gatos Road and Hamilton Ave. The public relations factor of such a move would seem to me to be Invaluable. The principal question lies in whether or not you care to Invest the money at this time, or walt until the beginning of the next budget year. I feel certain that an agre8Ment could be reached for the present or the near future regarding the dedication. The City Engineer estimates that the cost of this Improvement would be approximately $2200.00. If the Council is Interested. in proceeding, then an Agreement will be drawn up In accordance with your desires as far as timing Is concerned. Respectfully submitted, MSH/mie M.S. Hetzel City Manager EXECUTIVE OFFICES. alii O'CONNOR DRIVE, SAN JOSE a8, CALIFORNIA. CYPRUI 7-37117. CYPIUII 7.0880 February 16, 1961 Mr. M. S. Hetzel City Manager City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. Hetzel, In accordance with your letter of February 8, 1961, this is your authority to obtain whatever approval is necessary from the City Council and/or City Planning Commission in order to prepare the papers to dedicate the frontage along San Jose-Los Gatos Highway lying immediately south of the present Hamilton Plaza Development. It is our understanding that upon the dedication of this land the City of Campbell will place the necessary curb, gutter and temporary sidewalks which shall enable the students and general public to pass along the San Jose-Los Gatos Highway in safety. We are sincerely interested in cooperating with the City of Campbell whenever possible to obtain better public relations. Sincerely yours, HAMILTON PLAZA COMPANY C- ( Kuehnis , , .' ~.. ,'" £ " ehr " , " ~ ;; : ' ' " ! ," RESOLUTION NOo 1255 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREDENT WITH ALTA DAIRIES, INC., AND ACCEPTING GRANT DEED. WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council by theAlta Dairies, IDco, a corporation, an agreement for the construction of certain improvements and for the granting to the City of land at the Southwesterly corner of Hamilton Avenue and San Jose-Los Gatos Road, and, WHEREAS, the said agreement is fair and equitable, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Campbell that the said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the same on behalf of said City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Grant Deed given by said Alta Dairies to City of Campbell be and the same is hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27tq day of November, I 1961, by the following vote: AYES: NOES : Councilmen: L i co. Hayne. Rogers. Chappe II ABSENT: Councilmen: None Councilmen: We itze I ATTEST: APPROVIB: 1 '/1/,/ / U4iiy~ r '"? ""'L<' City Clerk 4 -.:.~ "-' .¡.- ~d;~ ,::", ----- ,I N ,\ : AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT. _de and ..tered Into at C..,bel1. California, Oft t~7A:M....y o~kJ , 1961, by and bet_8ft Aha Dairies, Inc., a Corporation, hereinafter referred to a. Alta, an4 City of CaMpbell, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called City, WIT N E SSE T H : That for and In conllderatlon of the mutual pr08llel. ten8S and conditions herein contained It II agreed as follows: , 'fIRST: That Alta IMll I.....at~ .. '.d, within ( ""1-- . ~~ the plan I~@MUI~ Its properties at the Southwesterly corner of H_l1ton \~ ~--6~ . Avenue and San .Jose-LOS Gatos Roed, e. shown on the attached Exhibit "A". SECOND: That City .hall ca8plete curb and gutter on or before J-Wol""'Y "',,-a "'e~e'. 1,61, according to City .tandards and City acceptable grade frOM the exIsting curb on San Jose-Los Gatos Road to the Southerly property line. . THIRD: That City shall place a temporary walk adjolftlng the newly placed curb and gutter according to t..porary needs. FOURTH: That City shall Maintain all that property deeded and to ell.lnate all weeds within the right-of-way so deeded. FIFTH: City shall r88OVe frOM the tax rolls at the earliest possible '0' DO ~ Del, date, .11 property so deeded. -~A.^ ~ f....-- ~1.t-t, SIXTH: Alta shal1 pay City the Mount of $2000 per^foot~e.s . developed Southerly frOll the prelent developnaent on the land. of Alta on the approval of Site Plan by the Planning COMMission and prior to the approval of the Site Agre-.nu by the City Council. SEVENTH : City shall Make no demands upon Alta for the payment of these expenses prior to developMent. -1- ,., ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have placed our hands 8ftd _.1 on the day 8M 8t the pIKe hereluMve written. . AlTA~IRI(S. INC. (~ 8Y " /, f' "" . CITY OF CNtP81!U, . M""fcflMI Corporation f BY , ,..../> /(' '/~ ' :~// "8Y':'?/I~ ' ~./ /. ~- L.~' --I~~ ...¿ -;j J M. , . '\ . " .... .i ,', .~. 1~' D' 27th -2- NovPf11bp-r, 1961 ',.:; '.. c; " , r" .. , (,.j" :vdm :a. 74e¡ Dorothy Trevet~an -"".-- ".. D::,':¡;;1Y \~:- ',j y... r;.;, (i," C}{,¡ ¡'_C¡C"'d . " 1'1 i " / B / (I <, ,/ ;: " I~ Y - -- -v:- ~-:-Shë-;j.Y;-1if.-r¡'u ty-IT~ r'k-' "~"¡,,~ :c',1 r !.1..I:.T. ."r""""'- r ~:Ä:r~áii:::::: ¡;, ~.k (C, ¡, ... H.A... ~'...... ........ 1\1.C. ,............,...... J.E.F. """""""""" Ii.D.C-. ....,............... ~Ijv ~::::iji:v ~~¡[jç vhf[s:::q:::~ ............ """""""""" CITY IHll&l1t Suspense ............,..-.- 1180. Ian '.4N .,"'", Flle ................".. San ,... 16. 0.11 tornl. - J-l¥ " 1'" Pl.l.,O-p. Map aq. ...11t. ,1&- IØppl,. c.,... 01', 0_11 0", or C..Jbel1 1J 18. C.t,.l A...n- Oamø-'11. Calitorni. 0..'1_.... ft.. _11t. ...ma. ., I.ue.'. Drift a..d _11'- IltIJ -,., 1! -- . the 4...10,.. or tb8 ._,..., ..rne.. or_'l_. A'f'8ft.. .04 ... "..,-Lea 08\0. Rø.4 '8 .- p..o..4188 .8 th, '.prey...., ot this ...,.ñ,. .. ta.' of .. oUP- &1- a..- t1toft ,..~. 1ft tront otth18 d,..10O888' will be l..talle' " t.., '.1Ith of 'h. ..n "1" U.. ,. a...rd. 114 U1 '"' ¡We"'" "8,,"1'48 or the 01', or 0_,_11. 'h. tae. et 'he exl"s.... 8\tP'b an4 ",'t.. ..., or \hllprepe"" (liD 'be C1', or C..p.11) 11 42 tee' south ot \he .ent.r li..--an 8-toot 41tterene.. A' 'h. 0_..11 ...'181 ot J._rJ 16, 19S', ,be a.....l1 au'bert..a 'be r.d....1 or 'he perU.. or the ..t..'181 "... 88« I'd"a. _tween tu prO-PtJ.... lhotJP1.88 0.'.. ant X"Aui' D.l.., .;»)"1r1- '.lr 120 t.., (tac. of ourb .n I..hal- 1PS...8 to aJ1ep- p1ne -.,.. propert)- 11..), 884 ..p1a..~.'" ot 'h1' ...'10. a' the our....n' .'and...... lecatloft. ,1\1. work, 81°- 1f1.'h 'he H- ,."pe. ""'..°, t va. tel be 9814 tor 181' the 01',. thA "880ft toJ' Hl..a'lA(( '1\1. ...'tift .r sur\) aN! p"... Wt!i8 '° pro...14. tft. ob.aAge or vid'h .t an 10,.,....'108. It 1. no' ,., po..th1. t. d.'erm1ae the ao~.l oos' ,. the 01', tor 'h1. work, tN, It 18 ..'1.'." to be .,proxl.Uk'.lI' 11,000.00. I a. ..11ine 'hi. to ,mar a"en'loa at 'hle ,..- .. that l' -, 'be ocns14.rtH! at the auclce' S...l... weda..4q, 3"17 9. 1'158. It \hi. work 1. to ... 40R. afti1 ,.1:1 top -T 'tbe Cl'I, the funds 1110'114 hay. to co.. tPß'IA the aene"Al had.. l"tue '0 tb8 tect 'h1e aotlon wa. taken ap\;,rox1lUtell two and oM-halt leal's .Co. and the dey.loper 4.1d not procMd 14tb 'he de.,.eloptl8.' ðt the sbop,1- c.,... a' the' t188, "' .., be that 1OUrHøno1".ble 1041 w1.11 "'8b 'o con.l.de!" delaying ~h1. re- lee.tieR unt1l the ~.lanoe 31th. eurb and ,utter can be ...100.\.4 or ru.~. a~ ava1lab18. ~ . 'I ~ . ~ .. Ot.,,0_11 -2- 1_11' 't 1'" I. ,. ...., ,.. ... a.e,.. ,. 481&7 ...... ...'"-"... " .-14 - ....1\)1. to ...""" - 4...,18". ,. .......,pru- 1""11 tea t.., ot .. .xt.",.. tN.- 884 p"... ..t. ,.on... . 8M" ,"ftat'tea .--8ft ,be .. CU"- 11.... fbI.. tran81". ...,1... ..'114 1801... . þ&I'\I ..11 "'* .erl....... beat '" e118t.aa'18I panl.8I (to.r ear. .......) ....- "'18 po"'" .. .. 'M ..!'Ia.. of 1...1a BPi.,.. tiut tNtt11 tlMt or patN" wtt14 'De \.... ...a. it a.. ....tÞ U.. ...- ...1...,.. ..... parkin¡ "1'- Ml"" up '° tu eo.... ot I. ,Ute Ori.... Aa ...11 4..1..... o. 'hi. .".. 18 4..1.,..4. al..e ,.. a.....lepel' 18 aoY181 .M .4rapld 11'. ... it ,be 01', 18 .. Hl.... _18 ...'1- ot .f"D 1M 1'1""" l' .-.14 '- .... ., tà.... '1.. .. ft. e"l. i..pro......" 18 .rI.I" ,. .....øe the .., to 'he 01',. %. "'. ...at ,- «. 488148 t. ,..... With tilt,s ..rk. I walt N"~ 1"-.,' ¡ _..thorl... to n...""', Vi'" \M 4....11.,..1. oo8t...,0,.. ro. 'n.l. york. Tfmr....erl "'11 f KAH.K ~. THallUS f"l*", if' ...... .... er ." ... ".....-. t1AA,8 o. Ma,or 30h.~. ah.~lA C_ao1lun ".ok t. 0....11 Cowao11.1NmM,..... L. ra1"b,i14 Oeuotlaaatt1ehar44. Me,... 00\10011.811 Ourl.. Ro.. I)-~- n <UtJ~ ~J7?;/i~ ~e, ,¡./ /a þ a ~:s';;:.J PP¡;/'J '"'"' I!"" ~ /2-2 -~~ : ~ /1Ió k h", ¡w.¿=. T 7f, Æ,Þ!J, ,.. ¿//¿ ~ Mp/*, ~I"? ø 0 tI /c/ // ~ .,,¿ 4~-y'c. J Ò J I n C~.6 Cf I j!: W t' J1t1/j ..::; h Clpp.il? f c~ /? k ,,'" Þ.e. cY I Kw~ hn d ¿:iJ041 v~) ~UJ,' '.. ~ ~ . >1I~s'-kI- ßàt'Y€ H t //..,1 fJ. c. Corl<.Ct...-er" ,;f'l { ~,. ¡t '¡h¿ Ie frt'c7rÆ".., MIC4'>""! I!Âi,J Wi If-! ~", t"'",'-a /{n..) r~~ In foo<l '6 Sv.'¡'J~,¡~, {J.A/ eJï ~ 1/4.} f:> ('7 /V-,/ &"7 ¡ I f,.; {' "> ~ /Z-3o-~ ; . LP /:':-, ,;://t"'/7/:' r' ("',. "'. 7?W! c: h¡ 6.p-u'ur I '" /6,,'~"'1 '/£ "J ~Ge"nm'Il,':l~1! 7"1:4 À c.<-'Ýb ,6G h/;V",r ¿,)(zrl'.'¡;;.$.c p,"'" 'Ç: {i/O/", ,4(,f77II~/' ¡(A",.;. h/.:>rv'I/',b 0 ;?1m/i! ..:sahj/O:'f;'7 ..{,"II'O/,'" '/-!5"-~ P/ðhhl~1" Cll;!-'~IS¡'Q" (/flr;-'Y"¡ I/..t.. b~ don-z. ('1/ /Î/t;. C:':/ ( l"'ft..,tL. ,.~ hi' , ~',; ;, l iP~~f/1' .,.."",/ I-/~-~{. : ~., ~~".(.<:,,-) /ÄJ '¡(;'W'/~,I / l'.eét'C.AIl:, 1 /;u ¡../..,I i ,;" /,( ý 0<-'61<'1- ¡. - /. . ~,'4~~ .z."./'Y-l' '.,.<'-. r""~"""""""",Ù,¿ u~£ l.,ýt:"'~t~~'I" ;/. /:.._r .~/~' ~ ! fl,(, ......f- QI ,r"I, < 7"7.,.... (:;¡ ;/..'1.':f /1'1 !_JýtV.- ,."f' .--'..1'.,1,.,' Iii (', ~f P . , " fi/) /' , ' . . .- :::- 0 ~ . '-.0.....:1 ~~, c:f~ n., .,,{h'1.- .e..G.oJlN'J WI / C(l..l.,i,i1 * /V(,',/ ("It ! ¿;: ,; , ,/', .' ,/"" t1'.f' // .1 II 12.I,j~ a t "r'" ,r.. 1-( \ .. ~(".~.,i J}J/¿ Ml~~ /- ¡;r f'~t' IH I' ¡: . &Y ~ ~ ~t..' ¡:u~ .fr'.c¡ ~,~n ;/4 /ÎYÆ, :/;-/ ,/ /Í'J. / ,/.Þ' ,r .-,..: /lc" /0 tj~~.. 4' ~ / t:J. 3 j S"~. ~I. Jp HA F//e: COrY1pb<!// /'vI/sc,:# 4 / n 9 1-1/ r /1'" :;, F,'/e MARK THOMAS & c o. FILE MEMORANDUM , ¡ .. í VI .." ; /~, ../ Date )' - , /-, - c, () .:.- .... ~' -'" :By: Re: },' ! : " /riA': /1/,'" ;" ~ ,~ S)",.op'¡, c,.-.,f...-v I , ~J~", .:. ,;', .. r,! .: :,/, , +- I: ,'/ - /1 r" .' I 5 L ;I"... j~ ~ ;/ 1'( tv /i1¿ ! iJ¿ i' n" I &: (.' I ;' S c<.' Ii. : f E' ," i .) éÇ;'., 7.::>, I¡'" ~ I }: (J! r-. . ,/ ./:::' ,.if " ~ ' ,.' C Pr j~y ,~,,{,~ fL' l) b ~- ($ (e/~t\ h~/~kV' £-c,:s f 73 l c" I S~)' -; t/ ,'..:.' - ie <, (-;'ß J;"e f ~ ~ 1 - ,¡. H,,¡o;,;/lpl1 A /~ ~ ~ ........ ~; " R/W./ f "ì ~I ~ \'1 '1 (\ 'oJ j Q¡ '" 0 ') <;; ~I ~ ~7' n._- '~ 73' r JAN 11«5,6 i -= - .. M E T "~:- , . ~. . -';",...,,0.--- Å.P.S. -------- E.~,;,J. ..-----...; ~J . II,. -, . Î-'_!I::==~ [I ~ -.;/ r. ... -------- "~-am CXIIIIJ8IOII r -. ,'- ------..- r"f~.'; .3. ~-ë4;'--- ( t, A Cf>'~\.1 ( aJ:.(+~,-'~~ry-I(.>Îp..Æ-i~'T:"~"'!/ I...,. 6, 19S5\ C ,¡4 - --...---- ../ - //J' "--, ,"'" -1",",(I-'r,;;,-"~,~-,,,"'..r/ì"""/"',"- "L-f~':¡":"~""'4-ç-,-~.---,.._~..t,'--"'J'\ \ ~.Y- .,/ 'j' ,.'~".-¡ ....'\ ""'-'~'.-" .. ,j ...' . ,/ . --""--- " 5ìlspenle.._""""iJØ'! COUICIL ffiire ~cm, (fI CAHPBELL , ca¡tPBILL, CALIFORnIA 0Dl'L.DfI11 IDtloMd ple- t1IId. a let tier !'Jtc8 the C1t Dee8b8r 30. 198, 1a wh18h. ,be eeta forth h18 ~ of' Iíìín 1ioa AT8DU8' euterq tNI i;he p1Da eeDtelt to I...,. DIrt...... At their -et1DI 01 J8mUII',Y S, ec-ta81OD ........ th18 --" .... ~ - ", the C1 V .~ .... that th18 1IOIk be ~ ape.. of ,the C 1 V of Camp1:MÞU . <.. / ,,'V ~]"~ ~ .., ~ youI'8l1 , ( 0 \ ~PJIILL fWJII»'J 00IIII8II10. Û " '------- I, . W. H.ABJI)JI, SICRIT ARt (\ 1ft B.A. . ) ./ ,- ~-- ", dat84 eM te th8 ton P1ua Sbop. LVS... .. . 118ft tboM8 I88te Banet, 18e1. 1 -l ,; .. M. E.T. A. P. s. A.M.D. J.A. Ä. 1" t.~ ,":, ,. .u, '.,. , ---- ---- .L. - ! -- I -------,- --1l--- -------- -"------ .'.- C. n -------- J~g' ~~¥~= CITY }i.1f(;INRER lq No. San Pedro St. San JO@8, California -------- Su,ponae___--_- - fil. -------- Deoember jO, 1955 File: Campbell Planning Com- mis.ton Reportø- ¡bullt Iton PI aza Shopping Cet,ter P1anntng Conni.eion City of Campbell 41 North Campbell Avr>nue Campbell, Californ1a 8ir8: nfl/tAr.mea Is made to the })roposed improvement plans for the Hamilton P1a,7.a Shopping Center, and my letter to your Honor- "bl e Body of October 20, 1935. j,ndioat ing 111~' Rugg~Øt ion. in re- gard to the ¡lovaloI\fuent of this project. As indicated on Raid hlproveolfmt platl8. the position of the face of curb 011 Hamilton Avenue Is proposed to be 5° feet South of oentQr 11oe of right-of-way, or 10 feAt North of future property line. The ar~a between the propose(l curb and edge of exietlng pavement 18 then to he pav~;¡d in acoordnnoe with Oit;. of Campbell Standa,rde. It is my reoommemlation thfit thlF toetho!l of hnprovement be extended 68....terl;\' fron! the F!hopping center to Kuehn]s !)rive. where a more sa.tlp.tnotory tran«!.tttion in ourb Jocat;ion can 'be made. In order to continue the propoeed improvemont"" easterl;~,r, it ..11 J be OeCÐSF!ary to remove apprH:dmately 132 feAt of exiAf;tn~ ourlÞ anel ~ut tar, which i 8 located 18 fef~t North of the exist i ,12; South property Jlne of llardJton Avenue, instead of 10 re~t a8 propoøed. ,.. M. E. T..., - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ A.P.S. ---."",-" E. r.1. D. - - - - ""'..,. ..... ~ -I J.A.n. -,~~"'.",. H . 1-:- ,'-;. . <,~..,,"";; M.C. ----,""", M. .þfiaIJDill.~ .00_1..100 Pace 2 Deoember 30.1955 ----~=== ----==== Suspen.._---~= = File ---'_,"~'.' Mayor Morton baa Indicated thAt he feA). the Ctty of c._pbe11 øhouJd pay tor the oost of the extra paTio I inTolved in the area between the shopping center and Kuehnle DriTe. It may al.o be the opinion of the CIty Oounotl, and yonI' Honorable Body, that the 008t of removinl the existtng curb QI'Ul )rutter. and mlocat tng tlame between the ehopplng center and Kuehnle Drive, should be borne by the City. YOUI'8 very truly, :Mark B.. Thomae, Ctty Engineer JJ.R/J'III T - I AL. £.T~ :. ~.~~ A.P..s" -- I'.. M. J)(" ~ J .A.1t. ..................... ".0. Q, ............. 1'7. ê. ............ r~J.8. L._.~... . 1 "'......."'.. CIft Uo.IJŒIR 18 Iorth San .hVo .'re., Baa Jo.. 10, aalltera" "".."'... r--'.1Bp@ft9@~ :::::::::::::<8 r "Ie :C::::;=::a: Plana1Dß 00"11411011 01 ty of Camøl>ttll 41loJo. Oentl'r.l --venue CUPbell. Oal.trorn1a 0o" bel' 20, 1'5' 811-81: bter~o. 15 Mde to the ~~'Ment Ð1.M ~p ~ .~U~ Pl~u ~O~lng a.our ~b~tt'd ~r o~nh and 8UCf)'.t1t)nl: 1J'!'J.8 tol1o"1ng ruggegt1on8 Are lub/1!1tted: 1/1. ROM...., hprov.menta to OGfttor8 with au, fJt Campb~ll at.nd~r~$ ¡,.' ')3 t%'.", ¡""iee to GOllto"" "itlt "lÞIT>bel1 OtflCl&l Gp.~e8. , II Co.pl"t, au Dr 8tH" 18p>'O"'.'II' p1aJle 8hoWIng 8:1111'1.. :>l'Otll.. "lid !>l'<tpo88ct &1'84.8 lWei 1r-81nage subml tted to C1 ty F'n(Un..,. top l1pl)1"'O'~&.l. vc) CI~~.~;..~.:orr!..~;f:rs.p. ~:.II) C~.1. ..t.~:;m..,'.. <iW..,.~.H~.;;r~.. '. ../ ~tß, ,A.t~.:~~7IJt:.~ .. '. "<"Ú.,¡ -,U; f¡......f/(.U"."""."","( '."" t '",.'. , i '" 2. The. ""I'll cIJoalu ¡. .hall ~ 1A "'¡O¡O<fanc. Vith \ the J'_tr....e" ts Of th" 0 it, E"€1I1e..,.. ""../ ;to rho I'lann1nt¡ \:O!MI1£"l~m !.Jay '~1s¡-, to <>on01<101' ' $h. ..eqU1rem.nt. ot .1o0t...,11.,,« 81(1111... to tãø.. pmyUed torth 'M ah~ell ~~1v~.toh 8b~.. j;l"o~olhrn Iwve not be".. proev1<>uoll requi".d ot com.ere1.1 deyalopmenta. \ l'j¡ðfrJ 0+ 91tC f --A d 0111/ tldcl e . J I' M. tl1 'tf.lf, ( cllf 1-51)- -\, Yourß very t~uly, l-!APJr. If.:. Tr!mMf3 CITY bG-INu.R Bl JAR: 8 00 Mr. Nestor Barrett JOleph A. Rechenaaoher