Hamilton Ave. (67-44) - 'V~" ..~ ~ - I Augut 25, 1967 Parker 8n91neer1n9 & Con.truction Co8pany 425 Pirat 8tr_t Ban I'ranciaco 20, CalJ.forn1a ATTJD1'1'IOH. 8U8JJICT Jb:. C. It. Clark North_,t Corn- ~,.~~ ton and Central Avel".' þ...nt AMndonaent.. . .Dear Kr. Clark: We are thia day 14 receipt of your let~ dated Augwlt 23, 1967, in which you request, on behalf of your client, tb8 Un1on Oil eø-.pany of CalifÅ“nia, that the City of Caltpbell initiate pr0C88cU.J\9s to abandon that cert.ainten-foot vide public utility eaa_ant which li.. within their property and contJ.þoua to the veaterly line of tract lIIo. 998. In exchange for the abandoml8nt of ..id eaa_nt you propo.. to de41cata a ten-foot wide public utility eaa_nt contJ.gu.ou. to the wasterly and northerly l1ne. of and within Parcel 2 a. ..14 Parcel 2 18 shown upon the parcel "P be1n9 prepare4 for the Union Oil ~ny by Tri-State £n91neer in9 Cc8pany. It i. our underatand1n9 that you are 88k1n9 arran9-anta with the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph eo.apany and with the .acific Ga. and 81ectr1c ~~y 80 tbat they can relocate the exiatiD9 utilitiea wh1ab are within tM ex1at1n9 --Qt. As soon a. we receive a request fr08 thea. ~niea aaka9 that the ea.. ant be aJ:Mt.ndoned and atat1ng that the __nt _ieb you propo.. to deücate i. acceptable to thea, then upon our receipt of the dedication by you client toeJ.ther with . cbec:k in the lU8Ount of one-hundre<l fifty dollars, to cover the proce.aing of the abandonment proceed1D9, we w11l proceed. Plea.. arrange for Tri-State Bn91n_rJ.n9 to abov on the Parcel Map the location of the exiat1nCJ and the propo..d puDl1c utility ......nt.~ a. .tated herein. Very truly yours, Will1aa G. wren, Actinc¡ Director of Public Worka .? ' . çl j} ¡ ) '--I f/ v By <:n1& 8. Gcae&, Jun1or Civil 8ncJineer ClGaJb . Carbon Copi- lent, to tM Pollov1n9' 'l'ri-ftate 8Df 1Deer1n9 Cc8pany 465 CoDYent,ion "Y, a.aJ." 1 88dwood City, Ca11fomia 94063 AftU'&IOIh 111:. WUl1aa B. IUncan Pacific Ga. and 8lecu1c CoIIpany 8' Iout.b '!'bird Street Ian Jo.., California Aft'8IIT 10.. JCr. a.t.c:bU'cI 8811 Pacif1c '1'81epbou and .,.l89raph ~DY 1tO Borth P1ft.b 8treet 8aD Jo.., California AT'r8IITIOK. 8ng1n88r1ng Department ..... 1 a .. I Parker Engineering S Construction 425 FIRST STREET SAN FRANCISCO 20. CALIFORNIA YUKON 2-8474 Co. August 23, 1967 ~-~¿j (~~7 C~,q- BRANCH OFFICE, 5770 NORTH ROSEMEAD BLVD.. SUITE 8 TEMPLE CITY. CALIFORNIA AT~ANTIC 5.1418 City of Campbell City Hall Engineering Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA SERVICE STATION #3879 337 EAST HAMILTON AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Attention: Mr. Cruz A. Gomez Jr. Civil Engineer Dear Mr. Gomez: On behalf of our client the Union Oil Company of California, we request permission to abandon the existing easement across this property and substitute a new easement as shown on the attached drawing. We hope this information is sufficient and await your reply. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, PARKER ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY eØo-1Æ C. R. Clark CRC/caf Encl. ~ .. 1 July 11, 1967 Tri-State Engineering Company 465 Convention way, Suite 1 Redwood City, California 94063 ATTENTION: Mr. James F. Carroll SUBJECT: Northwest corner Hamilton Avenue, Central Avenue Dnprovements Aqreement Dear Mr. Carroll: Enclosed please find the original and two copies of an agreement for the proposed improvements at subject location. Also enclosed i8 the original and two copies of a corporation grant deed for street purposes. Please obtain the neces8ary signatures for the8e documents and return the original and a copy of each document to thi8 office. Please review carefully the items which must accompany the executed agreement and grant deed. Paragraph "(5)" cites payment to City in the amount of $284.00 for office examination of the improvement plans and field inspection of the con.truction of the improvements. Paragraph" (6)" cite. the bond amount, $8, 100.00. we are enclosing a bond form therefor. Paragraph "(7)" cites the storm drainage area fee, $396.00. The agreement, grant deed, and bond must be signed in the presence of a notary public. I would like to warn you at this time that it appears to me that the floor slab of your proposed building encroaches upon the ten-foot public utility easement within Tract No. 998 by approx~tely l.79 feet and that the roof overhang a180 encroaches upon said easement by approx~tely 7.79 feet. The underground storage tank encroaches approximately nine feet. It may be necessary to relocate the exi.ting utilities, and for the City of Campbell to vacate the easement provided suitable arrangements are made. This requires a petition by a Ala. I Kr. James r. Carroll -2- July 11, 1967 the owners of the property together with a deposit .ufficient to cover the expen.e of preparing the legi.lation. The arrangement necessary would be an easement at a suitable location together with the abandonment of the exi8ting one. Very truly your., WILLIAM Q. WREN , ACTING DIRECTOR 01' PUBLIC WORJ<S " J By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer CSG I cb Enclosures cel Union Oil Co. of California Attn: Mr. Richard T. Green . ~ a. . .9' ~~Î~;A..Jr PLANNING COHMISSION CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA ~¡ ~J;( NG. (/2-) ~ USE PERMIT 67-11 19 June 1967 In accordance with Section 9328, Chapter 3, Article IX of the Camphell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, California, UNION OIL COMPANY is hereby ~ranted a use permit to operate a service station at 337 East Hamilton Avenue, suhject to the followin~ conditions: Applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and arc not herein specified. 1. This use permit shall become invalid if construction is not begun within one (1) year from date of approya 1 . 2. Plans for the service station to he submitted for approval. 3. Applicant/owner to process and file Parcel Map on the 50' x 118' strip being leased or purchased from parcel to west of original site. Dedication to 60' from centerline on total Hamilton Avenue frontage of development. 4,. 5. Construction of street improvements on total Hamilton Avenue frontage of development. 6. Storm Drain Area Fcc in the amount of S170.00. PASSED AND AUOPTED by the City of Camphel1 Planning Commisison 111 regular session, on the 19th Jay of Ju~, 1967 SAILi US}: PERrHT to become e ffecti vc on the 29th day of June, 1967. RVI¡ :bt CITY OF CM1PBELL PLANNING COt,FUSSION By: R ."v--,flo gai1;"--Sccrctary ------ PLANNING DEPART:iENT CITY OF CAi,.fPBELL 75;.JüRTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMiIBELL, CAL I FORN IA Date 6-¡2-67 CONDITIm~~; ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Union Oil Company- , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF service station TO ~E LOCA~ED AT: 331 East Hamilton Avenue , CONDITIONS: 1. Landscaping and fencing to be Ured" on plans...a slumpstone plans. provided as indicated and as added in wall to be constructed as indicated on 2. Landscape plan indicating type of trees to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Fat*hful Performance Bond in the amount of $3,000 to be posted to insure fencing mId landscaping within three (3) months of comple- tion of building, or applicant may f1 Ie wr! tten agreeen t to complete landscaping prior to final Building Department clearance. 3. The applicant is notified that as a part of this approval J he is required to meet the following additional conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City: (continued over) Section 9316.1 of the Campbell ¡.lunicipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF C~~PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING T 19th DAY OF June, 1961 HELD ON HE CITY OF CM4PBELL PLANNING COW4ISSION cc - Enginee ring By: . n . V. 1'(1 fY:1n '-"'" Secretary 4. Underlround utilities to be provided as require. by: "'..'108 "tllO *.. of the Campbell Municipal Cocie. "'" ", ' " Parkinl area to ,be:paved in coørpliance wi th Se~ti.~<;~:{~~, ';~f .t;¡.e Callpbelli4mtic:ipal Code. s. 6. Canopy to be cut back IS' from property line or cut back to C8ver one pua, only. 'do'}":":' .','~,in;'I_",,-, " ',;" - . "'-'" "', The app,licant is also nøtifi,.4,:.~,t.;~ s~al~:ç,ollpl, y wi thall other applie_ie eM.. 'Or '-Grii:18ft~e.' "I 'the City òf Cj1llpòell which pert-ia. . to this development and are aot herein specified. ',"-", 0 . . . * . . . . * * * ,:',;' f ¿,.; , :'~':; ::: ~.' 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" '.. . , " " ." , .í , RESOLUTION NO. 1523 BEING A RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCE FROM PLAN LINE AND ALLOWING ENCROACHMENT TO '... UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, Union Oil Company of California did heretofore apply to the Planning Commission of City of Campbell for a vari- ance from the official Plan Lines of Hamilton Avenue in said City of Campbell and to allo..v an encroachment on said plan line for the maintenance of a canopy covering existing pump islands, and to permit addition of lubrication bay to its existing ser- vice station at the Northwest Corner of Hamilton and Central Avenue, and t~EREAS, after a public he~ring before the said Plan- ning Commission, the said Commission recommended to the City Council that the said application be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. Dedication to ultimate Hamilton Avenue Plan Line. 20 Issuance of encro~chment permit to be effective until the City of Campbell widens to ultiú~te Plan Lineo At such time as Hamilton Avenue is wide- ned, pump islands and canopy shall be re- moved and relocated at the ovmer's ex- pense, and vffiEREAS, the City Council has fully co~sidered the 3. application, the Planning Commission's recommendation, and the reasons therefor; NOW BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the said variance be granted subject to the conditions hereinabove note¿ì and that the acceptance of the said conditions by said Union