102 E. Hamilton Ave. (1969) , .. .. ~ I December 29, 1969 Mr. Joseph A. Bonacina, City Attorney 611 First National Bank Building San Jose, California 95113 Dear Mr. Bonacina: In reference to your letter of July 12, 1966 concerning the City of Campbell vs. E.F. DeVilbiss, No. 178625, our office would like to know if the street dedication and agreement were signed. Very truly yours, FRAln< T. LEHIS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER by Roger A. Gr imsley, Junior Civil Engineer RAG: lw . a .. I GRANT DEED WE, E. F. and MARILYN DE VILBISS, husband and wife, hereby grant to the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation, for street purposes, all of that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most southerly corner of that certain parcel of land condemned to the City of Campbell for the widening of Hamilton Avenue, by judgment entered into the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, Case No. 100058, on January 20, 1958, a certified copy of which was recorded on February 13, 1958 in Book 4005 of Official Records, at page 518, Santa Clara County Records, said point being in the easterly line of Esther Avenue, 50 feet wide¡ THENCE, northeasterly along a tangent curve concave south- easterly, having a radius of 20 feet, through a central angle of 90° 341 an arc distance of 31.61 feet, to a point in the southerly line of Hamilton Avenue, said line being 43 feet, at a right angle, southerly of the center line of Hamilton Avenue¡ THENCE, easterly along said southerly line of Hamilton Avenue, a distance of 29.81 feet to the easterly line of land conveyed to Fred F. Fellman, et ux, by Deed recorded in Book 2364 of Official Records, Page 162, Santa Clara County Records¡ THENCE, southerly along said easterly line of Fred F. Fellman a distance of 32.00 feet to a line which is parallel with and 75 feet, at a right angle, southerly of the said center line of Hamilton Avenue¡ THENCE, westerly along said parallel line a distance of 50.00 feet to a point in the easterly line of Esther Avenue, 50 feet wide; THENCE, northerly along the easterly line of Esther Avenue, a distance of 11.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1,506 square feet of land, more or less, and being a portion of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M.D.B. & M. of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have placed our names this , 19 day E. F. DE VILBISS MARILYN DE VILBISS (Notary Certificate) I .t8t. ....... / . 7 /. N. - /<, ~( '-( I ì ¿. I¿t .. , i ) /J'" {J eity of eampbell Offic. of the State 0/ @alifornia Office of the City Attorney July 12,1966 611 First National Bank B&dg. San Jose. California 95113 Mr. E. F. DeVi1bi8s Attorney at Law 102 East Hamilton Avenue Campbell, California Re: City of Campbell vs. E. F. DeVilbiss, No. 178625 Dear Mr. DeVilbiss: Following up my letter to you of June 28th, I would appre- elate receiving as soon as pos8ib1e, the Agreement sub- mitted to you. Very truly yours, JOSEPH A. BONAClNA, City Attorney JAB:be ee: Mr. William G. Wren .a .. I C9ity of' C9ampbell Offic. of the ~ 611 First National Bank Building San Jose, California 95113 292-1722 State of' @alifornia June 28,1966 Mr. E. F. DeVilbiss Attorney at Law 102 Eas t Hamil ton Avenue Campbell, California Re: City of Campbell, E. F. DeVilbiss, Use Permit Dear Mr. DeVilbiss: I am enclosing herewith original and copy of proposed Agreement relative to your Use Permit. If satisfactory. please sign the same and have your wife sign in the places provided, and return to me. Very truly yours, JOSEPH A. BONACINA City Attorney JAB:be enels. (2) ee: Mr. William G. Wren P. S. The agreements should be acknowledged before a notary public, and if you have one in your office, you might have a notary stamp put on the original and copy. J. A. B. - .. { lC I June 27, 1966 Mr. Joseph A. Bonacina City Attorney 611 Pirst National Bank Building San Jose, California RBI De Vilbiss Dedication Dear Joe: Enclosed please find the form of Agreement to be executed between the City of Campbell and Mr. De Vilbiss to resolve the matter of the land dedication on Hamilton Avenue. I understand that you will transœit the Agreement to Mr. De Vilbis8, providing that the form i8 satisfactory to you.. Very truly your s, WILLIAM G. WREN, ACTING DIRECTOR OP PUBLIC WORKS By Bill M. Helms, As8ociate Civil Engineer BMH:cb Enclosures r , ,-, ( ",-',' 'n " ~ ~ ") ) f ' , . """\ "'- / ¡l,,) . ' ì ..Jc, \ /. ~"--~-,- ~ I ..... C9ity of C9ampbell Office CSir1:81a CitI Attorney 611 Ftr8t Nationa Bank Bl~g. San Jose, California 292-1722 State of' @alifornia June 14,1966 Mr. E. F. DeVilbiss Attorney at Law 102 East Hamilton Avenue Campbell, CalifOrnia Re: Lity of Campbell VB. E. F. JeVilbiss, No. 178625 Dear Mr. DeVilbiss: TI11s confirms my telephone caLl to your o¡fice of today, advislnL; you that the motion for preliminary injunction in the above matter has been ordered off calendar. I have been advised by the City officials that you are now in complianc.c with the conditions of the use permit, and that there is only one furtner requirement, that be- ing the dedication. In this connection, you advised me earlier that to dedicate at this time might put you in a bad light with the holders of your security. You did in- dicate that you would a6ree to dedicate at such time as the City was ready to proceed with street improvements front- ing your property. I will. have the Public harks Department formulate the usual contract for this purpose, and submit it to you for signa- ture by you and your wife. When the contract is in our hands, I wil1 be in a position to dismiss the above-entitled action. Very truly yours, l)/' ,i ; JOSEPH A. BONAClNA JAB:be ccs: Mr. William G. Wren Mr. Richard V. Hogan .. .. City 0/ Campbell Office of the 8lale of Caliform'a 611 Fi~st Natloaa1 B~a~ ßullòin& San Jose, C¿11£Qr~i~ ?~113 ~Jov~mller 9, l~ 6'> MX. i. ï. De vilb1as 102 !.a~t i1.w.ãl.Î....ton Avenue Campbell, California Ite: Interim Permit Dear Mr. De Vilbias: On liaxch 19,1965 I wroce to you r~la~iv~ to VC~~ f.il~re ~O c~mply ~1th c~údi~i~u~ i~L 'UG Uae~rè~mit órauteè ~O you by City of Campbell. You subsequently talepnonad œe and indicated tbat you would write me a lette. anJ tl~~ i~ was your iuteution to comply.. Thus fat I have ~eceived no cor~ß~pondènce i~oœ you ù~ any otner word, and apparently you are stili in default of the condi- tion~ imp~seJ by th~ pd~mit. Thi8, of COUXiiê, leaveíi me with ch~ only alternative of takin¡ such ac~ion as may b. approp~iate in tne circumataucea. Very truly yours. ,. JAB: be ccs: Mr. t/Mr. Mr. Hr. JOSEPH 4. aONl\CINA, City Attorney Richard V. Hogan f) iJ.l rlelmÞ i.. L. Mvrser Robert C. Stephens ~ .. I I -I l IV Aj/l \./1 ~ April 6. 1965 STATEMENT Storm Drainage Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.$170.00 Mr. E. F. DeVilbiss 11"2 Eo Hami 1 ton Avenue Campbell, California This is long past due please remit. (/i~ \ ::. ~/~/.j .-jf--- //1' . I . -- , ) 7/ C- j -- ¿¿ ~-:) ~.¡., foil .V ~. li\;' i . ¡:ti .. - ". / l:ç t' {r-_- - <"'- " '.(~ I~ ¿u.{/) 1 ~ i CÙ!J o! Campbell Office of the 8tate 0/ Caltfornia March 19,1965 Mr. E. F. De Vilbi.. 102 E. Hamilton Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. De Vilbiss: With reference to the Permit issued to you in connection with the development of your propexty at 102 E. Hamilton Avenue, Campbell, California as a law office, the matter has been referred to me for attention by reason of your apparent failure to comply with the conditions. I may be obliged to pursue thi8 matter further if conditions are not complied with. Will you please communicate with me as promptly as possible? Very truly yours, JOSEPH A. BONACINA, City Attorney JAB: gg Cy to: City Engineer City Planning Consultant L- I CIty Manager March t 5, 1965 To: J. A. Bonaclna, CIty Attorney From: Robert C. Stephenl, City Hanager Subject: InterIm Permit - E. F. DE Vllal5S Attached 15 the flte relating to an interim pe~it granted to Hr. De Vllblss on December 4, 1962. This office has written a Jetter to Mr. De Vilblss remindIng him of the conditions with which, to this date. he has made no response to comp ty. It wou Id appear that he I ntends to take no act Ion, and so I am turning this matter over to you for enforcement by legal actIon, If necessary. I hope that this Is not another Baker Trailer Sales, but it appears that the people we are dealIng with are slmltar types. Robert C. Stephens City Manager RCS:kg ~: ~~ ~~::¡ ~ :;/?n;z) Bud Morser cc: , - . ¡ ,/~. .,,-,.' f '\1.. ")' ," 4J ¿--f_/~L, .' .~éÿ 'r//z/' ,- CITY OF CAMPBELL . ~#-¿;;3" í 2K}{¿ CAHPBEL~ c; ~F~¥t43 jr ~~.5 7 ~,~ 3 ¿ 'E,F.PEV/LI3J:55 D~~:øf:~3 1%2 ' ).1ð.rIJj'" " ,. In accordance with the provisions of Ordinance #301 of the, Clty.~f'---'""'.....~ County of Santa Clara, State of Call fornla,GY>M-keSi 7 ¿.~;¡~"f~ ~l' ,4 N 9 0"1 Y 5:" ì \ ,~ , ~' C Y % CJ"3 3 ~+~ .,..-.E. f. DE VILBISS.<t . , ð ( I" ~ EJ'-\¡ . 1/ ,-<'- ' .¿o 50 ,~,,~"_~ýL', ui~ """'" -(-- - ~f-tD . '\>e 5ð . INTERIM ZONE PERMIT #13 Campbe 11 , Is hereby granted an Interim Zone Permit to a11ow the use of existing dwe11ing & property 1ocated at 102 East Haml1ton Avenue for Law Office and re1ated parking area, subject to the following conditions: - - , ' .-- 3. 4. Dedlca~~ to u1timate Haml1ton Avenue P1an Line. Issuance of encroachment permit to be effective untl1 the City of Campbe11 widens to the u1tlmate P1an Line. StOMm Drain Fee in amount of $170.00 8ul1dlng to be brought up to City Code for professlona1 bul1dings. /---' 1. , 2. APPROVED by the P1annlng Commission of the City of Campbe11 on the 4th day of December, 1962, and by the City Counel1 of the City of Campbe11 on the 11th day of December, 1962. ) * t,)& p L 1('" '; Ao' (' : \ /,-'" CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION .... )\ . , ".I /'i ,-, -~ CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF CAMPBELL ~IJ\ ¡;, I' f'lJ r 'c- Od' /'~é~" v , .cO I, . ;. / ~ - 14- .,.'~,' --L-,., . t. ..-\ :-.. 1', t I ,¡,' .... c! 11 "12' EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description of 102 East Hamilton Avenue, campbell, California ~4.r \)-° \~4- 0 \ . / X~/ . tr..o/r>:-ll:J ~~o' BEGINNING at the most southerly corner of the parcel of land condemned to the City of campbell for the widen- ing of Hamilton Avenue, by Judgment entered in the Superior Court of the state of california, in and for the County of Santa Clara, Case No. 100058, on January 20, 1958, a certified copy of which was recorded on February 13, 1958 in Book 4005 of Official Records, at page 518, Santa Clara County Records, said point being in the East~rly line of Esther Avenue, 50 feet wide: thence along said Easterly line of Esther Avenue, S. 00 14' E. 110.85 feet to the, Southwesterly corner of the parcel of land conveyed to Fred F. Fellman, et ux, by Deed recorded in Book 2364 of Offici~l Records, at page 162, santa Clara County Records; thence along the Southerly line of said parcel of land so conveyed to Fellman, s. 890 26' E. 50.00 feet to the southeasterly corner thereof: thence along the Easterly line of said parcel of land so con- veyed to Fellman, N. 00 14' W. 130.85 feet to the Southerly line of Hamilton Avenue, as condemned to the City of Campbell, by Judgment hereinabove referred to; thence Westerly along the said Southerly line of Hamilton Avenue to a point therein, which is 45.20 feet perpendicular distant Easterly from the center line of said Esther Avenue; thence southwesterly on a curve to the left, tangent to the preceding couse, having a radius 0 of 20 feet, through a central angle of 90 34' an arc distance of 31.61 feet to the point of beginning, and being a portion of Lot 1, as shown upon that certain Map entitled, "Map of P. G. Keith's Subdivision", which said Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, state of california, on January 20, 1890 in Book "D" of Maps, at page 169. \~ "i) ~~~. ~ P \J'f A. i}~ /tf\bt.. ,