137 E. Hamilton Ave. (71-51) PH-53 INTER- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public \1Jorks Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT r --;, r- ~rE?- /-/. 7-?L1.c::'-) L ::-:: C:) .A/ BUILDING ADDRESS /5 7 ~,é) 1:/ II-~ £6 s'r //4,4?/L~T¿;~' Ave=," - ~~~ ~:~~OR S -2 B,7- :; ß- (:-(',/ " C'c"F, "S" APPROVAL NUMBER //< // 7/ - ¿--/ '-.-> L-) PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER 5/~¿ þ '7 4 c: /2.es 22- WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By ,&/ -c.. ~+/..- Date ~\ (-; ) / ! RECEIPT c:::;t,..W-G, CITY OF CAMPBELL (,;t:¿) CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA \ S I . / I 17 -5'( 7Æ/a/MQ~ ADDRESS &¥q . '5 ::¡;:/- /37-,//: ~ /6JûY. FOJ ~ ~;;;/7J1~ (2-;U;/¡Ù~ ~ $. ' . [ft~~ . é};(O'ClV :;~ ~.J â1/~þ- 33¿ . ð ð J bm -iÞc r¡ I Mi aß vm-~ 170/ 0/ ~ ~ 7&:-tØ. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ¿ ¿.;z . 00 NAME RECEIP j CITY OF CAt.y1PBí£LL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA ~ECK 0 .':J1<¡'7'1ER o~ wt¡. * 662.00 .cO 61 oosA ***366.00 57 oosA .**220.00 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ,~ 37F FUND NUMBER 4- ~fC~.Ç . ~J:E. CK J {£ 0 MONEY ORDER '~ ,... y Tt5 FUND NUMBER Jl THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 5101 CITIZEN COpy 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT DA THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. OCT 2it- 73 OCT 2it-73 002 .*.3,961.00 7S 002 A **3,961.00 AUG 31-71 AUG 31-11 (!i), (!i), V /Jr¡ hf, m"' BY 2544 Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITIZEN COpy BY ( ---thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK I " ,. - ( i, July 13, 1973 Mr. Peter H. Paulsen 137 East Hamilton Avenue Campbell, California 95008 SUBJECT : ~S" 71-51, Office Building,! 137 and 149 East Hamilton Avenue, Peter H. Paulsen ') I. \' /, Dear Mr. Paulsen: This letter is to advise you that the City of Campbell has prepared plans and specifications and has awarded a contract for the construction of street improvements upon Hamilton Avenue, Project No. 71-2, which includes construction of improvements throughout the frontage of your property at 137 East Hamilton Avenue. We wish to advise you at this time that the cost to construct the improvements throughout the frontage of your property is $3,961.00 based upon and plans and the contract. You are therefore requested to pay the City of Campbell that amount, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement entered into by you and the City of Campbell on September 7, 1971. Please contact this office at your earliest convenience if you wish to discuss this matter prior to making payment to the City. We also wish to advise you that we are in receipt of a Notice of Cancellation of the bond which you filed with the City and that the money should be paid to the City prior to the cancel- lation of the bond. WGW . " I .... - ....;. ¡W$~ BMH V . ¡ ~~~ ! fìL ._._.._--~-- ---------- , - Very truly yours, v BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER CSG=-ls _.....-- By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer ---------. - _.-.- - -.. ........-.---- FILE -.---.--. I ,--......--. PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: lL't.ttt....-p-:-, ,.:"'1.'-"- CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS ,OF p I,' t ",,' '...., ~ ,1 ~,.,.- -------,---'- , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ..". ":--'.. '.1 ! , .- !, -, TO BE LOCATED AT ------.c.. - :,} . ' , > ',', c,. '( '..'^ CONDITIONS: ~,:~~ ,iitiu,.s t';: -,",PPi';,v.il':!.tr cÜ(c Section 93l6.} of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD OH THE ~¡.t'; day of -'" ," , 19, /ITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ",:C; ;:'~",'¡'["i_,,(,"'lnF )~~ t. \o1/~Li:J/ r j ; :. ..~,. "1/' -:.0 BY: ARTHUR KEE, SECRETARY DESCRIPTION PAGE OF PRELIMINARY REPORT-ORDER NO. The land referred to in this report is situated in the State of California, County of Santa Clara, City of Camp be 11, and is described as follows: A portion of Lot 3 of P. G. Keith's Subdivision No.2, Map filed November 6, 1890 in Book E of Maps, page 49, Santa Clara County Records, described as follows: Be~innin~ at the intersection of the Westerly line of said lot 3 with the Northerly line of Hamilton Avenue as established by Deeds to City of Campbell, recorded in Book 3623 Official Records, page 76 and in Book 3630 Official Records, pa~e 224; thence S. 89° 26' E. along said Northerly line of Hamilton Avenue, 114 feet; thence leaving Hamilton Avenuel N. 0° l' E. parallel with the Westerly line of said Lot 3, 1~3 feet to the Southerly line of Tract No. 1799, the Map of which is on file in Book 73 of ~~aps, pages 2 and 3; thence N. 89° 26' W. along the Southerly line of said Tract No. 1799, 114 feet to the Westerly line of said Lot 3; thence S. 0° l' W. alon~ the Westerly line of said Lot 3,183 feet to the point of beginning. I I .. , '.. ' .. -?, , " ..¡ ,I! r " 1 .;,. I , .~ I ", j z ') /1 I ,} ¡ i " , ¡ '-:.':_-- í ~ I I, , ¡ ^ }f\ ,c",' <7<.3 '::: --1. -, "\ " 'F . ,J.,! ,\ ..Ý , ,J, ß u r 3 j " LU , '._..'ltí-èl\ì Tf;lE GUARANTY COMPANY SANTA Clt\"4 COUNTY OIVISION SAN JOSE, CAlIFORrtlA " I, ¡ __..L, -,-------,-,..-_....._- I " '" .. _J ,- ,....--- ):~ Iii,:., .~ UI LiE PJdllC HCCJ<1új, I.\C', '. -,' ) } .",... I"; I/!]! A '.lJ'", , C, T'n !"'HI, ""! ". ,~,)M,'Il.'11 """ p.,.. "'"1.../1 t., !HI, "Ii HI II. ;"l(i'I-I"', TI.', f) ", , I "-,\.. ('. " - ì .", ,;' ). " ", ' 7ë:-'..,-¿, i, -7 ,. . 'i ,f) /, \~ .. ¡,-; '11 \r, c \J] J (¿ ! ~ ...... : ,) 'J) \ :, I , ~) r. :1 '1 ':~ I ;>-- I ? 1- /' I), I >-j i ..1- //4 s ; :;; -',' '-<.) '. r) -< ",' ì. 'lei,'. <.-' ~ 'f ". i ':, \~ I '¡ ;; :. ., .. ' , , 't .. - ',' :! I?~. i I --~, \ \ í ) t'. OJ', L .-)- C) ~ f) \J ì':.. ? r. ";:--:: \ ........ .... ,J O'F .,' '-' )-< ': \ '-r; "'. ~:-: :="~":""\"~"'.J\')':" -'."- ..- , "J .., -, , ..- \^/lSlf,':U: I'jìtr GTd";'.Hfv(:Jrì;;'i\t."( '"",: " ',I -'I," v'"" II , , """ ", ,,'" ¡ , ~! " , ¡ í I , ~, ' -.... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "s" 71-51 Peter Paulsen 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2 . Landscap~ plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be sub- mitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of appli- cation for building permit. All planter areas to be enclosed within 4" to 6" raised curbs. 3. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the- approved landscape plan. 4. Faithful performance bond in the amou~t of $2,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three {3} months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 5. Trash container{s} of a size amd quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area{s} approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, said enclosure{s} shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and having self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. Conditions of Approval "5" 71-51 Peter Paulsen Page Two E. Construct street improvements on Hamilton Avenue frontage. r. Payment of storm drainage area fee in the amount of $265.00. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.