286 E. Hamilton Ave. (72-46) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM FROM~ Building Department Public Works Department TO: The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT k'o¿ ¿ l3ijÇ'/L/ES-<;- éE~TEkZ~ BUILDING ADDRESS -2 ~ ~:-;T /l6H/¿Tc.)~ rfl/E COUNTY ASSESSOR' S /:J/) /¿ Ll~L. /J l}1~:; /4 4- é/' PARCEL NUMBER It S" APPROVAL NUMBER II~' II -/ I 4 t:-.., ? -77 - 9~- PUBL IC WORKS FILE NUMBER A~-/?? J¿ ¿ d ~ /'::(~I;->-¿ C 'lZ- WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Date REC':IPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME 4;!<:~/cL~ &d~ AD~ "~ /(Ü t~¿ , <4 &{ , { FU - 1'<L~ tf~ - (/ 7~A: 7/-~ - ,.------,-- - ~- RECEIPT CITY OF CArvtPBCLL N t G V\MJ' (72) CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA "AM -> #:tL><1~ L-4~~"'¿~~ ~ ADDRESS ,(1 ¿) / ~.J'l- 'J,J"'7',Af ~¿ Y¿¿.o l' /1 FOR <: - ,/'~ -çt ,J ý ¿ -- £" // dh?!t:;¡ ~ P - æ/C/:#- / ~êl/¡ Chet!-/( ,/ç~/)¿) ~1.J} S7;rh1 ßYd J 'Jf~ee~ --1 L,-:?? ¿¡ (J 36/ ./ !7Ífe1;¡c!Y.J;'-;¡ ,¡f¿b. ¿J¿J .j7,/f REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. #r3 L/ c> ~c7..Ç ~Ò REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. --3 ~f , FUND NUMBER h- It:> Ý ~ CHECK ~- /t,. 'iff THIS RECEIPf MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 2230 CITIZEN COpy FUND NUMBER 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT SEP 19-73 1110 ** 34,035.00 SEP 19-73 751110A *34,035.00 0 CHECK THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. <!>, BY CITIZEN COpy 9J44 0 ~WI12ER oœJ ".4,820.00 DA"S{p 28-72 7J¡ 0O6AA~ftT390,OO SEP 28-72 61 006 A **3,636.00 SEP 28-72 51 006 A ** * 794.00 (è), 7 r . .. -Ic ê1í");-- (C;"J) , .. May 7, 1974 .,.. I ", ",,' "~, ~ ì V G! u'Î~ ¡ i:. /' t~~ . ... ! / ~VG'!\1 -__::-~a - '..' : .,",! Mr. James Adams Don Koll Company, Inc. 3000 Scott Boulevard, Suite 210 Santa Clara, California 95050 :;rv1H___- ,-' .-------------- 'TL -~,-- !_-~---_.__._._--,--- , ,---,-.---" ,,- ,----'.---.,..."" .. -- ---"' ,--.-,..-.",,----,.-.,.--.-- Dear Mr. Adams: , .1- ---"---.--------.-,--- ,.:îLE ---'~~- i ----'-'--'---'.-- I enjoyed our conversation the other day and appreciated your advice as to the trench failure which is in eviience on the Koll site on East Hamilton Avenue. I have had a chance, since, to investigate the matter a bit further with my staff and have discovered that there is a historical record of the situation in this office--even so far as photographs of the failure which were taken at a time prior to the loss of the large Spanish fir tree, which fell over during the winter. The discovery of this information has caused me to think that I was a bit presumptuous in agreeing to on-site repairs by the City since the evidence documented above would indi- cate that the tree and its root system were probably not responsible for the failure which now exists. I would feel, rather, that the subsidence is a re~ult of inadequate trench backfill methods on the part of your contractor and would, therefore, suggest that you go to him for adjustment. I wouldn'.t imagine any difficulty in your gaining restitution in this quarter on the basis of the circumstances which I have described. Very truly yours, William G. Wren, Director of Public Works WGW:ls ":¡;;:'e ~ i,'i- ;" :' ie' cor\! KelL COMPANY, INC. ( ,.., \ ~ .' ' '1 . ~,¡ >:.LL , . \.;:", , ' C 11'\ '\ '..' September 14,1973 Mr. Dean R. Chamberlin, Mayor City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Re: Koll Busilless Pa:ck, Hamilton Avenue Campbell, California Dear Dean, We're not quite ready for that grand opening I promised, but we expect to be moving in some tenants within the next thirty days in our new development on Hamilton Avenue. Unfortunately, we were set back, as you have probably heard, by a small fire on two of our buildings. I'm writing in regard to something brought to my attention by our in-house attorney concerning a corporation quitclaim deed which the City of Campbell gave to us in the course of developing the above project. I'm not sure of exactly how the mixup occured, but it very possibly could have been our error in not informing the City of Campbell that Koll Business Centers, Inc. was acquired in total by A. E. Properties, Inc., which was really a reorganization of our joint-venture partnership with a subsidiary of Aetna Life and Casualty. Further, this Hamilton Avenue parcel was conveyed to Koll Business Centers-Bay Area, a partnership. Although this is somewhat confusing, we are really requesting that a change in this quitclaim deed be made to identify the recipient as Koll Business Centers- Bay Area, a partnership. Our in-house councel informs me that this should be effected through the offices of your city attorney and city clerk, and that, apparently, there is some process which can be followed, which is not too difficult. I would appreciate your assistance in this matter and I will be in touch with your office early next week to ascertain what has to be done. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, /- DON '~?LL 7OMPAly,!INC. ,//...,,-: - Go' D \\~tb~'on ~ [ jr ~/-."_.- /:>~ Presi~ent/Nor\þern DiviJ')pn GG: cp \ r.... / cc: Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk./ City Attorney's Office 3D46 SCOTT BOULEVARD SANTA CLARA CALIFORNIA 95050 (40BJ 244-2811 CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR "s" 72-46 & "S" 72-96, KOLL BUSINESS CENTERS, INC. PROPOSED COM- MERCIAL COMPLEX, 286 EAST HAMILTON AVENUE PER PROle 71-2 PLANS & CONTRACT, FRONTAGE PER PARCEL 3,PM 309-51 1. Clearing and Grubbing: a. Lump sum @ 500.00 2. Earthwork: 92if cu. yds. @ $3.00 3. Underground Street Lighting System a. 1 1/ 2" rigid galvanized metal condui t with two #8 AWG solid copper conductors: .. line it. @ ($'2.25 ',,---- ' 616 b. 400-watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type III electrolier, with photelectric cell, 240-volt: @$500.00 5 4. Concrete Construction a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 616 lin. it. @ $3.60 b. Class A, PCC sidewalk: 4649 sq. it. @ $0.90 c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: (126.6) (9.5)= 1,203 sq. it. @ $1.15 5. Street Construction: a. A.C. Pavement Type B, 3/4" Medium (lO") (20,932 sq. ft.) (0.83) (0.075) = 1303 tons @ $8.00 b. A.C. Pavement Type B, 112 Medium (2") (20,932 sq. ft.) (0.17) (0.075) = 267 tons @ $9.00 6. M:isc. Surface Improvements: a. Adjust to grade: 2 manholes @ $200 b. Street trees, five-gallon size: 10 @ $22.50 Items 35,36,37,38,39= (Hem No. 40) Stlb Total 10.3% Contingencies: Total 500.00 2,760.00 1386.00 J 2500.00 2218.00 4184.00 1384.00 10424.00 2,403.00 400.00 225.00 1,54'100 29,933.00 3,083.00 33,016.00 u.) " HESOLUTIO:( l~O. 3549 ---------- N.~b. BEJ¡'iG 1> FESOLUTIO:: C,,' '1::;::'= ('ITY COU:;CIL OF TEI~ CITY OF Cl,HPBELL, COU~JT'l Ol~' SA¡\Tl~ C~-,P,J\, STATE OF CALIFOl<-"ill\, l\UThOIUZING TIE EXECUT IO::J OF A QUI'I'C1 - T ,. "T'J-'f) r]'() -TOT L PUr -'--"SS C~""n~l) I"'C ~ - ...-,-"...1'1 j).-,~. _. J'".1 ...J ..:.>J.,\e~, .r~l<lL\., b., A CALIFOR~IA CORPORATIO~ ----------.. WmlŒÞ,S, the City of C:Hllpbell did on July 30, 1971, enter int~o that cert¿lin agreement with the Westwood Co~pany, a partnership, recorded September 20, 1971, in Book 9509 of Official Records at Page 717, et sequens, in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara; and, WHERElJ,S, subsequently, said City of Campbell did on September 26, 1972, enter into that certain agreement with Koll Business Centers, Inc., a California Corporation, as recorded October 16, 1972, in Book 0069 of Official Records at Page 247, et sequens, in said office of said County Recorder; and, WHEREAS, said agreement entered into by and between said City and said Roll Business Centers, Inc., a California Corporation, supersedes the agreement entered into by and between said dity and said Westwood Company, a partnership, as it may pertain to the certain real property shown as Parcel A upon that parcel map recorded January 11, 1973, in Book 314 of Maps at Page 48 in said office of said County Recorder¡ and, NO'i'J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto Roll Business Centers, Inc., a California Corporation, all its interest in, right, or title, in and to said Parcel A as acquired by said City of Campbell by virtue of said agreement ent_ered into by and between said City of Campbell and said Westwood Company, a partnership. The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Quitclaim Deed on behalf of the City of Campbell as hereinabove specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, NOES: Councilmen: Podgorsek, Chamberlin None None June , 19~, ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: Dean R. Chamberlin Mayor AT'l'EST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: THE FOHEGO¡NG INSTRUì,1ENT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COpy OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. 1 of 1 ATTEST: ~:Yct~;y Trc'J:,!7han, Cit:¡ Clerk CITY OF Ç;'\;,:;)i3;:LL, CP.LlFOR~~IA / ~/( ~< . '7::- / BY '- j t:. - Irl. " /, ...' ¿ ( . -1...:.-,- . ' I -/ ,r " ¿~ -¡ /') DATED. J t. ,; .: ./ / II /~ 5 -r..._// -~.._- J. Robert Dempster, Cit-:.y Atto:.::ncy u N" z <> N" :s .A. N" ::H: South Orange County Regional Office 610 Newport Center Dr., P. O. Box 1758, Newport Beach. Ca 926601 Tel. 558-5000 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF COMMITMENT March 8, 1973 No. 138 COM City of Campbell Municipal Corporation of the City of Santa Clara State of California RE: City of Campbell Project No. 71-2, Hamilton Avenue Improvement Gentlemen: In accordance with our agreement with Ko11 Business Centers, Inc., this letter will serve to establish our Irrevocable Letter of Commitment in your favor to the extent of THIRTY NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NO/100THS DOLLARS ($39,700) available by your draft at sight, drawn on Union Bank, 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, California accompanied by the following document: Your signed statement to the effect that Condition No. Six on page three of an agreement (copy attached) made and entered into on the 26th day of September, 1972 by and between Koll Business Centers, Inc. and the City of Campbell has not been satisfied within the allotted túne period. There are to be no partial drawings under this Letter. This Letter of Commitment expires on March 1, 1974 and demand under this Letter of Commitment No. 138 COM dated March 8, 1973, must be presented at our office no later than March 1,1974 at 3:00 p.m. This Letter of Commitment must accompany àny demand made hereunder. We hereby undertake that a demand made in compliance with the terms of this Letter will be duly honored by us. Very truly yours, .~ By orge . Ochsner, Vice President BY'~ -;¡ ~ ' Reynold F. Brown, Assistant Vice President ""~ ,¡' ~ . .N I C¡Y¡~1.,- ^fd--=- (IS" I ~ ~W~\ h A ~ L-~ L ~c:.--~& CpJ U~& '--/ ~r rLL-G-. ~ t THE C"I\IPBFLI. \V ATFH CO. S55 WE51 CAMPRFLL AVE NilE P. [J BOX hh7 CAMrRELl., ~ALlF[]RNIA 9500A February 27,1973 VTN Bay Area 2056 El Camino Real Santa Clara, California 95050 Attn: Mr. Ben Garrison, Project Manager Re: Hamilton Ave. Project for Don Koll Company Gentlemen: We are enclosing a copy of a letter dated February 22, 1973 from the City of Campbell. The letter is in reply to our request for a permit to install a 10 inch fire service on 3rd Street to serve the Don Koll project. As the letter is a refusal to grant this permit, please indicate desired new location. FRK/rj Very truly yours, t THE CAMPBEL(¡ ~ 9°~ ). -- 7~~ V k{~, Frank R. Kukuk, Engineer --'1 Enclosure cc: Bill M. Helms, City of Campbell =:O~C, ~I c:. ~: l, i::; <,., t r ~ ~ HAMIL TON <èi, v. I ," '" ~~. -~- ".,.... ~..< AVENUE ~ " T t ~--4'-, :.......... -,~: ,-, ~~I;:) £'xlsl1n9 C:nr~r'ne ' ~_--_--!:!ß9.3110'W -~--i\ ,,;'4i¿ R-opo..J~d C",nle,hne , ¡~ !~ 1';'(, 10' - - ~Æ'J5ro x oJ' .,..45 ù,;,- .~ ~~ '!'\' ~R.... ,~ ,c:. ~ 8c;_NC!.9'~/'~O'W R i~""-" 30' ~O'- ,". u ',' 10." . 4J~~ II " ~ :..'~ ::: - 'ri" ,-'& ' ~ l:' ,,' , ,¡<C~'I --, ' '-', ,,', "" ' , , " ,,' ' , E= ," L, i ,/1 f ,., ¡ .- -,ç 1" ?/' /11) ~< --"':"f'i::$>- 7~ /\Ið9..JIIO'W -Þt/!'~ /& -- ;>J:;, 7,' :' ¡pI kJ' ~ ' Æ", ~ -B- ~. , ':>.,... A J~,...,-, or.R./ :,.-'0' - <J, J' '-Y I' ..;::: ",,<>- <:: , J3~ ':"9- ',...'" C' ~ ~. )~I~," 1<:"" -:<",V<> ?-i~', "i. V' ,1'----, a , -'0/ ,---=-C .y ?/' :'II ~ -P,<? "'90 I i.;¡': ,4",.,40, ,~.~ ~ ,"'-.( , .5. ;;OJ ,,';b' ,~ ~ \:f J; , --C/~y, 'J- ",- , , I - ' ' ~~,~,'I ..,--<07<.:1-'7.--,', -"W ~ ~.... A'I ' ,~ç'.,..~. I ,:s: ~, ,J I I ,VV,'-p./ ,~"", .: .,- " ~ ."" "'J ,"'", I ,:" I ~«,-, ~- ,-,: '\i I , 'EC Nð9'5ðJ9'E ~' ~-:-,' ~---- ,..,- ',:T, EXlsll"9 Monu/77enr=:l Lm<:: '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '=; ¿Z9 ið "'-¡>:jjXvt" ~" \:ii~ ~',~~\' N-k.<:: ¿J' .J"Jt.J4' ~' -- ---134519,' - ~ ,rÞ ~ 1~500:' ~ ~ " '" ,..,&" 5/-IC,',IN6 ,rHE SüðD'/,5,ùN &1,L ,';LJ¿:' LA:','),," .7,.=r¡.,fC NOTE5 KOLL BUSINESS C¡;NTERS INC All d,sfanc~s and d"m""s.c".,s ex", s"ow~ ,.~~! c,'?;' ::'='--, 7; ,"""""'0"" , tJE/II,G -4 PORTION 0'= PAPC¿:~ THPE'E' OJ: ,rHF PAPC!'L YAP 0/= ,'HE' LAI'/05 ac THE "/¿::5TWOOO COI.lP':/,/ P¿::CC';::'...-'£,O INßa:J, XJ90,c,ldAP5 A,rPAGE51. 5ANTA CLARA C¿;¿,N--Y P;:CORO5 , Nð9'Þ1O'W 'oJ J'~'5 v(p 'f ~',,'; 3 - '.... -- 1~/2¿' ..,...,~ It, R'3440Q:J' «";-:"". ~ .ó,/J'aJ'JZ' ~~,':.o G L 'ð54 . ',.¡, Nð9',P nJ'W " ZIt. TIff."" -, ldoI4':"'~ C) ~ Ç:, - ~ ", I (Ji ~ ,Vi C) 'Ii '. '" .~ ',. . ~ ;;: ~ d .'~, ~~ ~ 8;~ ::"~ .:;; J..,.; ~I i ~ ~ ~ r, ".¿ ~, . , <:., ;;> ", 1 fr!~ . .\ (':",'" ~¥? ~ <: ,I., ~ ., _:> ("'; ~. "- ,', "C( Q.: 4. ~ Ii) '-li, " ""Ii' ,,»i.. -~ ~~ ! P-ODC .5~d -=" " ~ ~ck5fnon_- EO5~rn<=n/ '.... E,<,- u: .' ~ ~ ..' ¡J"1° PAPCEL 3582 ACP£:S A PAPC EL B //7/ ACRF-5 ~<:'::.~- <>~-.c" , Db If ~ CI,¡ Ç:, ~~ 't-, "" ~~ .--_(Í~J~5' " " " " " ' ,~' , " ' ",~ ' " 7 u ..",.. ! 5¿.PVEYOP3 CEPT/F/CA TE RECORD¡ÇR5 CERh;:iC~¡E F:~::1f:r -""- -~7 ,"';' 5~¡¡j!.- 7~. :Jf_~IJ"II.L" '174, 0'_..-80:: -. ~4. r! Book~'¡_:; :,'ops ~-f CC9~- ~- c' '~'"' "'"9u-~- '- ,-, "', 0- .c, :C": C,.:;a'; Pfe'!'/~ ~. -; -""'-", "-c:';.;;(-' h.ã)"~ if,!;!9Lf~1 ,y~ .;' I,. . Ý ~ ~~ BY'--~/r~ ,-" ..-- ,'- -,-- r,c, ~:JC,V'7J::r~CQ-~d --','.-,:;,-c-' C:"? -- "u". c',c'?.,' ti~~!j;;J~~-':~r~'~; ;;~;;~~:~t:~~-êV~;~:~~:~~{;'~:;:'Z-, Ó ' '~cc/lc,Jb/~ s,'.;7'~ '.7", and ..:..-~C' ",-C-'~::J,c:C""5~J',: 0""'- "-r ,',- ",- -=:' .~, ~'...~_:::... '-"~><.£'--- Franl(' ¡; ?':;ùr>::' ;Pc T-;;'>9b~ 8,45/5 0;:: 8EARING5 CITY ENGINEFP5 C¿:PTI¡::¡CATE ., , 1-::11 dI ' Î4,. .. -' ',?< ""'--a5O,",-~-"-' ,d '-5"¡"'¿--- .--.,kt::'-, - ' ;~~i~':.5""~;'-;':;'~;~~c-; ,- ""x ';...,e,--:'j ~7~:-:::Cr"Y7575 7~ ,- W./I.y,.., 6 Wr~'7 Dry Ero '-~- PC E 17950 ¿j " ,2ft / ì ) ~4' / ' !Jt; : - ~ V,L~ r¡;:;c~-e;;;;;-'\~~:;~ê'U:Z::;~~--- ~~'::,:o '---;;~ ,:-';,?':/~"fx7' Hop.:> J! A.'9~.J ¿~ ,""'¿, '?-">5c7-' '? L' ,7'2 C::~'rfy F-.CO--:'S MAP " ,~..,- PARCEL 0- Ind:c;;""'-,j ~J',-O-" P'D~ S~i c;.,-ao nð'~'7 .- hd'c.J,'~O 3r,-0",--'x'~-:...~d or 0,5 7;.'~d - -- - Indlco/~ 5.":;,-:-::100"0::::', ,',dc.~~rT!~7,' ,'~r!C' LY/Nó WITHIN THE CITY O,ç CAMPBELL 5.4.A/TA CLARA COUNT'/ , CALI'=OR/'IIA SCALG : r.Øð' OCTOtJER,1972 ÞRANK PISANO ANI) ASSOCIATES J:.4N JOSE, C4 L I,çORN/A ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ¡ I I j I I-, I ¡ I ', ~ h: < ~ fi ~ I -; ~ - ;:: &-72 I ". ~ .& I December 8, 1972 VTN Bay Area 2056 El Camino Real S"nta Clara, California 950Sl ATTENTION: Mr. Ben Garrison SUBJECT: "S" 72-46 and 72-96, Proposed Commercial Complex, 286 East Hamilton Avenue, Pon Koll Company Gentlemen: \ This office has reviewed your plan entitled "Grading Plan, Hamilton Avenue project for Don Koll company" dated October 25, 1972. Inasmuch as only minor work is proposed within the public right of way, we do not feel that we should devote much time to examine the plans nor have them signed by the City Engineer. The work, for the most part, will be limited to installation of the necessary utilities such as sanitary sewers, gas, electrical, telephone, tele- vision, water, including fire hydrants, and storm drainage facilities, all of w1iich can be handled by the application for a street excava- tion permit. The plans can serve the purpose of bed,.úq an attachment to the permit itself. We ask that, as a part of the work to be done, you install a stoz:m drainage inlet at the north~d of the most southern driveway on Third street with a small size pipe to the flow line of the gutter to avoid surface runoff over the sidewalk area. It is also requested that you modify the curbing at this driveway as it appears hazardous as it is shown. \ INlTt:~ 81 DA I t. -"- \"'G\" j' \ --r \ill ,,; -. -::V---,b..-- BM'H -~-,.: ~~~---- I FTL .._,,--_.-,~-_._- -----..---- ì ---- CSG: ls .-----..., i ._d'" .-...-"------" Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER TO By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer ------- -..- ,--- ,_. ..----..--...---.'------- .-.-'-- ~I'- --..-.-.--.-.-----'--.'--"-- -----.--" -", ,- .------ - ..--' --------- ^ I (1 I I v I i./Y>" Ii , c<::; (~ .:t RESOLU'rION NO .-33~L- BEING A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPB.ELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA,' ST1\TE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE AGREEMENT OF THE DON KOLL COMPliliY, INC., FOR DEVELOPMENT OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 286 EAST ~~MILTON AVENUE l\ND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEl\1ENrr. WHEREAS, the Don Koll Company, Inc., has submitted an Agree- ment. to this City Council for the development. of the real property located at 286 East Hænilton Avenue in accordance with prescribed conditions; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with said prescribed conditions and as specified and recited in the Agreunent and concurrently herewith the Don Koll Company, Inc., has submi tt.ed a Grant Deed of certain portions of said real property for public street purposes and related public uses (including public utility easements¡ public service easements, storm sewer easements); and, HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by this City Council that said Agreement is hereby accepted and that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agree- ment on behalf of the City of Campbell; and, BE I'l' FURTEER RESOLVED by this City Council tha_t the said Grant Deed su.!Jmitted in accordance with said prescribed conditi.ons be and it is hereby accepted for the purposes for which it is offered. Pl\SSED AND ADOPTED U1is 10th day of the following vote: October -' 19 _l_~_, by AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgo1~se}: NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: --,--- William R. ,Pod~ors6~ Mayor I\TTES'I' : --- ,-~,-._--- --- DCl'ot hy 'I'1' eve t h ¿¡ 11 City C lcrL tV ICn.J) q:;,) ,? r" ., .) /) .16 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY or CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: , .. , ò,., ",,:, ., 7 . J.. , CONDITIOHS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF ,:, . .(11 '0. i,C. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF l, ' i..:U "i.:;~i.~~L_~ ,,:il,Ü¡¡::;; TO BE LOCATED AT <~¡,""'U' .ii.,.. -..--------- CONDITIONS: ;,,8,> ,1tt;;.,..;" co. :i. ;:,:c,,~, Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such app~oval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for s~me to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR NEETING HELD ON THE 'It day of"u"t ---------' 197 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: 11"-' ..;I'l'¡'J,tt¡:'"ìC t I ",. '" ,,". C,i. "~tLd.."",, C-:J:d:..'Cc:"- ---,._--]\ k ";-H tTR'KE-r;-'s-t eRE T A RY---- ¡ '.:.,:: ..i; L CC. c-- .,;;'; c,' ." J --.---- 2 'J ..... ---- -------- I~ 5 ------- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL liS" 72-46 (Revised and approved Aug. 7, 1972) Property to he fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "x'cd II on plans. Lclndscapc plan indjcat.inf~ type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sjir5nklcp systcrr: and typ'.) of fencinr, to be ~;;ubmittcd for approvù.l of the Planniní~ Diy'cctor at time of applicotion f C l" b u i J è i n g per L' it. 1111 P lcm tel' are ¿¡ s to he en c 1 0 sed wit hi n 4" to (jft r'ùised concrete curbs. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance \-lith the approved landscape plan. Faithful performance bond in the amourit of $5.000.00 to be posted to insure landscùpinr;, fencing and stl~-ipfñg of pé1X'ki!ìí', area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions on accordance with Ordinaces of the City of Campbell. A B c --)) ----- All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Se~tion 21,50.010 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs ot bumper guards. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly tJle location of all con~ections for undcr~round utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and tele- vision cables, etc. Sign application t~ be submitted in accordance with provision of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Buildillg Department. he ap~licant is notified that he shall comply with all applicÐblc Codes or rdinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are ct herein specified. E. Street and yard hydrants to be installed as specified by fire Departr.ìc-n t. -_.~--- f. Class 2AHC fire extinguishers shall be installed in cabinets in all buildil1G5 with 75 feet of travel dictance from any point in Duildinr,s. G. Applicant to dedicate to 120 foot plan line right-of-way on ¡¡ a T;ì i 1 ton A v e n u e . H. Applicant to construct street improvements on Hamilton Avenue frontage and modification of street improvements on Third Street frontilge. 1. Applicant to pay storm drainage area fee on the basis of $765.00 pCl' acre. ,J . Easterly driveway approach on Hamilton Avenue to be constructed to total ¡,lÍdth. ----.-- j(, Applicant to proceGs and file parcel map. :ið --- -,--