301 E. Hamilton (68-55) R. ,PT CITY Or C, :~1PBELL CAMPBELL CALIFORNIA :::" dLa:.,a;:;~ .Jl ú FOR ~ ~J~ :JP'L'/ "v ""/ '7 t'/ / ~- tt-JJ . REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3(; ç; FUND NUMBER e 3tÇ,o 0 CASH ~ CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPI' MUST BE MACHINE SEP -3-68 005 *.*. 1t70.00 VALIDATED AND SIGNED BelOW. SEP -3-68 66 005C .*.1t70.00 7971 ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL <!'>s CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy o~~ t~~ JÎ~' 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated on plans. All planter a as to have 6"' concrete ra~ ~d curb. 2. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $2,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is re- quired to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. 3. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 4. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Plans submitted to Lhe building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and tele- vision cables, etc. 5. 6. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the'sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. Applicant to pay storm drain fee in the amount of $470.00. 7. 8. Applicant to: (a) construct full street improvements, including underground utilities for entire frontage on Hamilton Avenue, (b) submit street improvement plans to City Engineer and enter into construction agreement, (c) post faithful performance bond to secure agreement. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City øf Campbell which pertain to this geve10pment and are not herein specified. . . , \~~ '. ç::i \,) , -i ~> J ..41i (/õ) PV.r,¡r..!ING LFF.,:(l'\íL?\T CI'rY ()~; Cf\:,¡ì;;)'_U,!-i l' \TC' 1); .. t~: ----Aü-gus-t-t9T'~&-'-- -c. 7:; j\)OLTJJ CE\'C~'\L ~\V¡,N;JE CA¡..¡FB1:LL~ c.\LTFOP.;.;L\ CONDITIONS Alj'l\CIJEU 10 Itstl APPROVAL OF PLANS OF ..J&5pe-T---S-.--Haw-k-in-s.,-J-r-..._.. .-------- ------.-.. ,.-.--.-- --_._.- ---' FOR CO N S T:W C T ION OF -..a-I'..&-t-&Uran-t--,--_._-_.......- 1'0 BE LOCA'rED AT: -31l~-E.+-Hami.1-t.on-..Au.nue-.-..-----_.._..._",_._--'--'-'_"__"'_-'--, -.,.-- COND 1 T lCHS: _. -."'..'--'-_<0'--.- See attached Section ~U16,1 of t]l(~ Campb':dl Municip::l Code rcads as fol1o);s.~: ADV appro\,'al ;>Télilt.cd lme1;;r this section shall cxpj;:e or,e iJUnùc"d eic;Ì1t.y (1"'/")' d',!,"".' '4/':;.','- t"-l". ".1',Jtn 111-,'0-1 ""ì,l'C¡" ,-ur-!l ~I'1"'-.";'Jl \".,',c O."(";l-,tr.,.j "p];'<;<'" ,U\ (..,J ,..L".l L- ",.. ~ ",/1 \.1. 1..) _1 ct_l,lV\C.., ,n", t,~.,L ,-,.., "".~,.". 't") ;~ytE'n: ior f"'r ';J".'¡' ?I,>TTO:'c'l is obVlined h\i p",'¡' in'" v...-:itt('lì :y,-."lir'l"i(~r cJ '._,' ,I,,', . ",.1, ,_I,.,., ..II', \a - . \.- ,,1<.,'- t> ".'--,. ji,L,..-<.,..." for 5"",'" » i,"~'(' -!';-L"'f'-,i,;'lO l"n¡..':';i!]'c<;,-,'OJ' .,t lC,,<;;t J17.;¡:'L"",""11 (11"" -1;,'Vc, ')'r, ~'-)" 1,() ~ .u.d~~' .d, .c"..,:>-\,I.I...;::>".."'" _"n" J,...-.. "')}\"-J'J),lJ.'. the expir~tion date of such approval, No bllilc:i:Jg p,.:ni:it S]1;Ü} b¿; issued ¡:¡ftc:r tì¡.: expiration d['c(,; 02 3H;' a,,-,p'r-o""'J. "'1+]'.,1" '-'('1,' ,,")".""l.""'.,' '¡-"", br-(.,'..', CI't"';11'¡."'ll 1'1'\ i.),,-:> J.,"'."1('1' prY-Ii (IE:'.: ¡JrJ \(). ,."_,,,\~,,~"\'.¡l'J.),.\L,,--' ".,j /1.<.<.1\, _J_~ ",..1..- ,C'L.\.' for in tlds chnptcL C:~A;,;TE)) BY THE CITY OF C;\,iPbELL FLANNING CO~,:'lISSIO:¡ XI' A RFCULAR ì\1EETi>;\.~ lIE!, n 0:, 'fIì E £!!!......--- !JAY 0 F ~.f!(¡¿£.._-_._...__..._-- -, --------"--"-'... CiTY or Ci\:,lPBELL PL:\N~n>¡G CO:,!;'.lISSIOX .. ;' By: "-~:!Z',u~~~æ.,...:--,- ....__.-,_......,...,..._"."..- C. F. sCCi';.'{7:,,~t 11' s~ S'.;~ c feÎ.:é! 1::