540 E. Hamilton Ave. (71-31) RECEIPT CITY CF Ct MPB~ .L CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME A2~) .~~'( ¿~5(j~:t/ 'DDR'" 17 7-1 J .~!¿£ b¿¿L ~Á~~ r ~- ~Là/r¿ a~r~~ ~ /~ o~, - , ' .:J" Joo -- J-~, £, í Ø£'dlÞ¿ REVENUE ACCOUNT No.3 7 J--- FUND NUMBER Æ ~ CHECK 0 CASH 0 MONEY ORDER DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JUN 29-71 JUN 29-71 116 **13,500.00 75 116A *13,500.00 @> 5149 w~ /' , mvoc,," '--fhank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITIZEN COpy RECEIPT CITY Cr- CAMPP .L CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA /; // f¿~~ . ~ ~ rZ:~~ NAME - ~~ / 7/' ,rJ . t <J&< (..c. ý' ADDRESS . °', . ~ <-<,-,-c. <--<.--" ~ ~~,~-~.¡'/_/IJ¡~~ k- rdO~ ¡:Jtd~~¿ ~:!, ~~~-~' 1,L ~ . . - '3 c~ ~ Ik~~~ :;z-:r& [(~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. a r 14- J'.~. 0(/ ~:;.: '[it";) FUND NUMBER ~.jt:..11- - ~:;.,-"c) ~~ í, / II ;l-rc.. C' () ø CHECK 0 rJII~~FlðER 11m ~!~*752.88 DA-dUN 29-71 61 117 AA~~ZZ6.8a THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 56 117A ***1t73.00 51 117 A ****53.00 JUN 29-71 JUN 29-71 5150 @s BY CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPP '.L CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME~/:¿¿ t£, k. 'DDR>'S /71 J J ~ ç:;:L-æ: ~""~ ~ ~~~ FOR tf¡/~~~".Tf ~-- ê ~!?d. ~/&- I~~- £" '7 ?/- .;;1/- ~d(/ -= <.. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~/)/' FUND NUMBER 4- [2(CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE J1JN 30-71 004 *** * 300.00 VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JUN 30-71 71¡ 004 A ** * 300.00 5152 ,~4 Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL @> CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy Pv¡-65 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FR0!1 : Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development~ APPLICANT Lt':A Ice, I., { ("t' /",//~) "/¡ II ì('. . , -- If - BUILDING ADDRESS., ./..( ./ ~f>., -- - /--4, ,;"""", ,c' -, r: ~:, ,,' ) /{, '- ~ --.r, J. ",,/ ';.,":::; /-'->/ /,..' , i_. ",,"---' ", .l_-' /- ;/J /,>, /' -. ,,;';" --. ':: '\ - - COUNTY ASSESSOR I S -..', --- " PARCEL NUMBER ./~~/--:74)/~ ,I_(;/C.. IE7 ",1"" ê'/ /-" liS" APPROVAL NU~mER " , -, / ? ',' - " / PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER \. / ,,'; :"':- --, '-' '- -, ~, ¡ ',..- ~'7 ,r-: ,r---.,' ,/ , /. // ...' ~ - .~ , " ..) (,- WILLIAM G. trJREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS :Ç/ By' ,.",", 'À:'/ /, ~'-- , ~¡ j /~"A_-- , Date ~ - :".~. ~1- 7 / . ,- /- ..,., 'T~ ,// TRANS:.....TTAL SHEET. BONDED ASSE, ;~NTS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. City of Campbell Local Improvement District No. 16 BONDED ASSESSMENT NO. A -1 YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST 1971-72 1972-73 , I 7L~6 ,38 , 2,020 ,78 1,153 '80 , I 1,125 66 , 1973-74 1974-75 . 1,125 :66 La". 1,125 '66 . ! 1~033 :45. I 1,013 '10 . g42 ,?4 - . 1975-76 1,125 .66 1976-77 1977-78 1,125 866 872 139 1,125 .66 799 ,22 1978-79 . 1,125 .66 726 ,05 1981-82 I 1,125 ,66 1,500 '88 I . 652 .89 , 5rr9 .72 1979-80 1980-81 I 1,125 .66 1984-85 1985-86 1,500 : 88 \ 1,500 :88 I 1,500 '88 , 506 ,55 I 405 24 I 1982-83 1983-84 303 '93 , 202 '62 , , t 101 '31 t 1,500 '88 , , TOTAL 18,381 '72 11,363 '79 BY DATE - NOTICE OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT TO: GRANDE AND COMPANY, Hoqe Bui1dinq. Seat1e. Washington 98104 the original purchaser of bonds issued to represent unpaid assessments in the above project: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an apportionment of Assessment A and J Numbers-L-- have been made pursuant to Division la, Part 10.5 of the Streets and Highways Code as shown below. You are further notified that unless you request a hearing within fourteen (l4) days from mailing of this notice, the said apportioned assessment shall be recorded. Dated, :5¿'P7 1(,., 19:LL. u~/ø,Æ t~ William G. Wreñ, superintendent of Streets City of Campbell original Assessment No. A and J. Local Improvement original Assessment Amount $ ll4.096~43 Amount Remaining Unpaid $ to be determined Resolution of Intention No. 2l89 Adopted March l3. 1967 District No. 16 Apportioned as follows: No. Al A2 A3 A4 Amount TOTAL $l8,38l.72 1,297.04 5,32l.8l 89.095.86 $ll4,096.43 APPORTIONMENT OF UNPAID AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT NO. A and J LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 16 CITY OF CAMPBELL WHEREAS, an Assessment has heretofore been levied against property under Diagram and Assessment No. A and J. I.9cal Improve- ment District No. 16. city of Campbell for payment of the cost and expense of 'the work of improvements described in Resolution of Intention No. 2189 adopted on March l3 , 19 67 , by the City Council of the City of Campbell, State of california, and said property has now been div1ded into the separate parcels of land hereinafter described: and WHEREAS, pursuant to law an application has been duly filed with the Street s~erintendent, requesting that the amount remaining unpaid on said original Assessment be apportioned by said street Superintendent to said separate parcels of land descr1bed herein. NOW, THEREFORE, I, the undersigned street SUperintenden't do hereby apportion to each separate parcel of land hereinafter described of sa1d original property the proportionate part of the amount remaining unpaid on said original assessment that would have been levied on said separate parcels of land, re~ectively, had said original property been so divided at the time the original assessment was made. Dateåa ¿--¿'7 .-/--~ . /&- ,19-1/ . ~Jf.I1~~ 1 G. Wr , Superintendent of streets city of Campbell Apportioned as follows: ASSESSMENT NO. Al A2 A3 A4 AM<> UN'1' $18,381.72 l,297.04 S,32l.81 89, 095. 86 TOTAL $ll4,O96.43 I, the SUperintendent of Streets of the City of Campbell do hereby certify that the foregoing apportionment of assessment, together wi'th diagram thereto attached, was recorded in my office on the /S1' day of C"'crC'(il E/2 , 19....:z.L.. Scpt.orc.'bcr 15, 1971 , "'"-;" ¡ ¡ . '" I ,.': ,- ',-0 ,:' D"r~~ ,_._- --.----.--------.. .-.' --. -"- Vie,;;": _:~--" --,.--.---------.'---- n"r', / .;",',.,'¡ -----' -..-------.,---------- ...-- ï';ilson Jones, J.I.1or'con & Lynch ,;-...::\:orneys & Counsellors at Law 630 ~ûrth San Mateo Drive S~n M~teo, California FTL I ..; ----"'----------- .._---- ..,__--_--_m --....-. --' .-'---"'-- .- --,.----'" --- l';.'J:"i'Exi'ION: l~. George H. Maude ..._-- ---_..-- ~..--_.._-~ -----... ! ;:;:; r: . ,-'- -------...... --- ---'----" lŒ: Apportiomaent of Assessments Local Improvement District No. Acccssmcnt N~. A and J 16" Gcrrc lemen: Eùcloscc1 please find copieG of (1) }.'.pplicz:.'~:,o¡::' ()~ ,. .. ,. .:,' .;:'x,....-....:., (2) Apportionment: of Unpaid A-,:",;;Ju:.--rc of Origin¡:,¡,l 2'.:':;O'C;:';:_"-""'-':;': if (3) Description of Parcels Involved.. (4) r¡o'cic'j of ~"..:..'..-:J,:"::;.<,...-_..:.,,;~,, (S) I"lap sho'Vling the appor'c.ioned p;:;.rccl::; ¡::¡nd (6) ;j;"'¡:¿:CCC!" ~,,',i) u": ~J~,:cc01 involved. ::'ould you plc<:\sc have your officc: p:.~()p;;;r\~ the nüc\';,... ',r .;::,:".<..;:~'"' ),',1(:::,:t sheet,s that a:í:C to be ::m:';'mi;~:ted 'co the C'::>i.:m'i:y Co:',',.:.:~c.:~;.,.:: 'J O.:7:::i.ce and fOl.""Vlard three (3) co}?ics t:o t.h:Lc or:r:icc" { ',,:,;¿. i...' '\,';:;.11 put on the ne\'iT assessor c parcel l'iUrc.bers and £c~'\;,_.l.'õ.. i'~ .~.:.> t:h.3 County. ~lc~se submit your billing to this office. ']"-:::...::nk you for your cooperë':.tion and ¡.:;}).o111d you need L¡(,¿,:~'.:. il,¡formation or have any quest. ions, plea:.:>c con!cac'c t:'~û '~r.ç,,-,:,:¡:,;....~:.;-,-,. ~i: your convenience. VOl.'Y :cruly you::s, BILL ¡..:. m::I.:1S I ASSCCL\'¡¡::; CIVIL I::NGI¡~"2B~\. By Cruz S. Gomez, Civil Engineer, ur. CSG:cc Enclosures ;:""'E WORK ST""""ED DEBIT ( . C()MPL.ETE~' MATERIAL. USED ON THIS AUTHORIZATION REQUISITION AND CREDIT CHECK NUMBERS DEBIT CREDIT REQ, SIGNED- FOREMAN L.OCAL. PURCHASE ORDERS MAPPI,NG RECORD AND OTHER REFERENCE NOS. POSTED TO: DATE CREDIT CHECK HSHEET FRAN. SHEET PROP. TAX REC. PL.AT SHEET SWITCH eo WAL.L MAP , FOR TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION - JOB FOREMAN SHALL SHOW FOLLOWING DATA ON SKETCH AT TRANSFORMER LOCATION: TYPE, MFG., SERIAL NO., KVA, VOLTAGE, NEW OR OLD, (IF SPACE IS INSUFFICIENT, ADD SEPARATE SHEET WITH SAME DATA AND TRANSFORMER LOCA. ~ION GRID COORDINATES OR POLE REFERENCE NUMBER.) 5.KETCH OF WORK - FOREMAN TO CORRECT IF CHANGES ARE MADE - OTHERWISE O. K, BY INITIALING HERE t\)o TE .. "l"& b~ -. Doue. I tù Lð OJO~TlðJJ liE 027531 -$- .... . WITH aJST ~- ! IJ2.11 S'n_. 2.lse.e 2.." PUt:.. m LD c... ~ 0 ' ot!CD A I- )( L..P I&. (¿, " t:)\) ¡- "" i-l A.MIL'TòIÙ A.v~ ..L:,- ,,'- , @ 270' t .r~T Z'b' ii-t.:, Ae. Du P Le '" "240 V I l2eM lC~T. I tJ~ PR.! . A2M~ 2.-BI2.K',r Po.sT 11.)'&L11 I-ß~K'r Pole. T'ap i-c'.4-12-<3 1- Dr I E..X'T: ead~ ¡¡/ (; T F...' , " 'Z:P!::.TI/l/t- TOP .LEVF- l- I S /~ ku 0 w p.'(,- 4/ (!o Jo'IsT. C ",k<l IIE.O2.9~ (-4 - I Co.. II (ßW\p bel\ I~c.. ~au\a CLaeaCo \ t-J.&uL B Q..ß r ADO AL.1 OETAIL.S NOT CL.EARL.Y SHOWN BY SKETCH IN MEMO, FORM TO: Superintendent of Streets, City of Campbell Application is hereby made that you apportion the amount remaining unpaid on the assessment set forth below to each separate part of the original parcel assessed as herein described. Original Assessment No. A and J, Local Improvement District No. 16 Resolution of Intention No. 2189 Adopted March 13 , 19 67 original Assessment Amount $1l4,O96.43 Amount Remaining Unpaid $to be determined The original parcel has been divided as follows: (See attached legal description.) It is further requested be recorded. Dated~ 191 that the assessment as apportioned , 19 7/ c~ ~ jI/'. ~~~~ . - Donald M. Koll, President Received , 19 By TO: Superintendent of Streets, City of Campbell Application is hereby made that you apportion the amount remaining unpaid on the assessment set forth below to each separate part of the original parcel assessed as herein described. original Assessment No. A and J. Local Improvement District No. l6 Resolution of Intention No. 2189 Adopted March 13 , 19 67 Original Assessment Amount $ll4.096.43 Amount Remaining Unpaid $ to be ~etermtned The original parcel has been divided as follows: (See attached legal description.) It is further requested that the assessment as apportioned be recorded. 7 Dated 1'1'1 , 19"7 I , Rcceived , 19 By ASSESSMENT NO. Al LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 16 Parcel "A" as said Parcel "A" is shown, designated and delinated upon that certain Parcel Map recorded June 30, 1971, and filed in Book 285 of Maps at Page 40 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California, excepting therefrom that certain real property conveyed to the City of Campbell by Don Koll Company, Inc., by that certain Grant Deed dated June 29, 1971, recorded July 8, 1971, and filed in Book 9409 of Official Records at Page 578 in said office of said County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, State of California. ASSESSMENT NO. A2 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 16 Parcel "B" as said Parcel liB" is shown, designated and delineated upon that certain Parcel Map recorded June 30, 1971, and filed in Book 285 of Maps at Page 40 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of Ca1 ifornia. ASSESSMENT NO. A3 LOCAL IVæROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 16 Parcel "c" as said Parcel "C" is shown, designated and delineated upon that certain Parcel Map recorded June 30, 1971, and filed in Book 285 of Maps at Page 40 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California. ASSESSMENT NO. A4 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 16 Parcel A as said Parcel A is shown, designated and, delinated upon that certain Record of Survey Map recorded May 1, 1968, and filed in Book 236 of Maps at Page 54 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California, excepting therefrom ?arcels "A", "B" and "c" as said Parcels "A", "B" and "c" are shown, designated and delineated upon that certain Parcel Map recorded June 30, 1971, and filed in Book 285 of Maps at Page 40 in the office of said County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, State of California, and also excepting Ccherefrom that certain real property conveyed to the City of Campbell by the Hamilton Land Company, a co-partnership, by that certain Grant Deed dated March 16, 1970, recorded January 19, 1971, and filed in Book 9191 of Official Records at Page 206 in said office of said County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, State of California. ðoa~ 9~119 l'fl[E 719 TO BE RECORDED WITHOUT rEi: SEC10N 6103 GOVEKN.vE~T CODE 'Ar HIE REOllES1 Oí' ClI'< o~ c.þ..',,'.?\>'1:;.U. RESOLU'I'ION NO. 3153 BEING A RESOLUTION OF 'IIBE CI'I'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, S'I'A'l'E OF CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TEŒ A~REEMENT OF DON KOLL COHPANY, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 540 EAST HAl-1IUrON AVENUE AND AU'fHORIZING EXECU'l'ION OF AGREEMENT. '\\7HEREAS, Don Koll Company, Inc., have submitted an agreement to this City Council for the development of their real property located at 5~0 East Harnilton Avenue in accordance with prescribed conditions; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with said prescribed conditions and as specified and recited in the agreement and concurrently herewith Don Koll Company, Inc., have submitted a Grant Deed of certain portions of their real property for public street purposes cmd related public uses; and, Nmv, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS F-ŒREBY RESOLVED by this City Council that said agreement, is hereby accepted and that, the Hayor be and he is hereby author izc~d and directed 1:0 execute said agree- ment on behalf of the City of Campbell; and, BE IT FURrrHER m';SOLVED by this City Council that the said Grant Deed submitted in accordance with said prescribed conditions be and it is hereby accepted for the purposes for which it is offered. PASSED UPON AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: 12th , July 71 day of____, 19__, NOES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Rogers, Smeed, Doetsch None AYES: Councilmen: None ",-.".........; lmp.n: r' \\ . \ \ I, Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk, hereb~certify that the attached ~: the C1ty of Campbell, do, , of ~~ -::"..c( <.. /c¡oc. //-d/",..T,j as a true and corre ct coP.-j.. " ,I m~)~~yg of the City Council o~ t~:dc~~d a~oPted at a reg~'lar ,- <~' ,"... .~ day of)f(C', ,/i""/ / yo Campbe 11 on the' t:) 'ç ,/'. < y--- / . .. ...", .., D~Î?'9' ,¿;.,~,~.}' /~; qrothy Ìr'evethan,' City,Cì~rk ,,".'" ~.<,¡.,;;. .-1" ..."",.,,, \~'/") "l\',' ',', ":~ ',;.,"': \)", ,.' , ~ , '. , " " ,r 'f-- I~Y 1\ ' r ... ~ .. ~'~ I \: . \"-J June 29, 1971 DOn Ko 11 CompIU\y 3000 Seo~t Boulevard S8n~a clara, California AT'l'BIfl'ION: Mr. Kenneth Cook / s~: .S" 71-31, proposed Office Bul1dinq ~40 Ea8t ~""J.ton Avepue Gentlemen: Returned herewith is your Check #5528, dated June 2, 1971, in the amount of $1,405.31. Your Checks #5515 in the amount of $50.00, #5516 in the amount: of $300.00 ~ dated May 21, 1971, and Check #5613 in the amount of $702.88 dated June 28, 1911, have been deposited 11'1 the City '.I!rea8\U'y. 'l'he 0 shier' s Check dated June 28, 1971, in the amount of $13,500.00 has been deposited in the City 'l'r...w:y and ~hat amount will be re1:urned to you when you pzovide UB with a Paithtu1 Performance BOnd in that a18O\1¡'tt or some other arr&ft94IØI8nt acceptable to this Department. very truly yours, TO INITIAL & DATE BILL M. HBLMS, ASSOCIA'l'B CIVIL ENGDtBER i~) ~/~ö l By cruz.S. aomez, Jr. civil Bn<Jin.er WGW .¡ BMH FTL CSGICC Bncloalre FILE ....... . .... I .. June 211, 1971 Jm Koll Carpany, Inc. 3000 Scott Boulevard Santa Clara, California AttentlŒl: lltr. Kenneth Cook STßJECT : "s" 7l-3l, proposed offlce building. 540 East Hamilton Avenue. Gentlemen: Enclosed, please find the or1g1nals and coples of an agreement for the CŒl8tructloo of the street 1n1:>rovements tJpOO Ham11tŒl and Salmar Avenues, and a Grant Ieed for the street ded1catlŒl Œl Hami1too Avenue. Please execute the originals and one copy of each of these documents in the presence of a Notary Public, and return them to this office. 'The rema.1n1ng copy is for your files. 'Ihe bood forms enclosed are to be s1m1larly executed by your firm and a1.cso by a Surety Cœ1p811y and returned to this office. Please submit a certified copy of the Corporate Reso1utlon which authorlzes the officers of the Corporatlœ to execute the above documents. This office wlll reccmnend that a Building Permit be issued when we are in receipt of the above documents, including the fees. The fees applicable to this project are as follows: l. Final Parcel Map filing fee, $53.00. 2. Apportiooment of assessments fee for assessrœnts levied pursuant to Local Irrprovement District No. 16" $300.00. 3. Street !n¡>rovement Plan Exem1nation and Constructlm Inspectim fee, $473.00. 4. Storm Dra.1nc1ge Area fee, 1. 837 acres at $ 765.00 per acre, $1,1105.31. This property has already been assessed $1,178.43 for storm sewer facilities constructed pursuant to Local Inprowment District No. 16, and therefor the storm drainage area fee of $l, 405.31 is reduced by the amoW1t of $l,l78.43 to $226.88. . . rm Kol1 Conpany, Inc. -2- J\J'1e 211, 1971 We will deposit your check No. 5528, dated June 2, 1971, in the amount of $1,405.31 and subtract all of the fees fran that check. 'The fees total $l,O52.88, leaving an overpayment of $352.43, which the City will retum to you. Your check No. 5515 ($50.00) and No. 5516 ($300.00) dated Hay 21, 1971, are herewith returned. Very truly yours, BIIL M. lIf~J:M), . ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER By Cruz S. C'ranez, Jr. C1 viI Engineer æG:br cc : Director of I?1nanœ C1 ty Clerk June 24, 1971 CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIr1ATE FOR OON KOLL COMPANY. INC. 540 EAST HAMILTON AVENUE PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING. "S" 71-31 1. Clearinß; and Grubbing: AC Removal: (160) (30) = 533 sq. yd. @ $ 1.50 2 . Earthwork: Excavate: (148) (48) (1.5) = 395 cu. yd. @ $ 3.00 = 3. Asphaltic Concrete Pavement. Type B: (160) (48) (0.42) (0.075) . 2ij2 tons @ $12.00 4. Class 2 Aggregate Base Rock. 1-1/2" 1m.: (148) (48) (1.08) (0.07) = 537 tons @ $ 4.00 5. Class A PCC Curb and Gutter: 148 lin. ft. @ $ 3.25 6. Class A PCC Driveways: (56) (9.5) = 532 sq. ft. @ $ 1.25 7. Class A PCC Sidewalk: (233.6) (9.5) . 2219 sq. ft. @ $ 0.75 8. 400.Watt. ~1ercury Vapor, IES Type II Electrolier with Photoelectric Cell, 24O-Volt. Underground Serviced: 1 complete @ $500.00 = $ 800.00 1,185.00 . 2,904.00 = 2,148.00 = 481.00 =- 665.00 = 1,664.00 :8 500.00 9. 1 1/2" Rigid Galvanized Metal Conduit with Two #8 AWG Solid Copper Conductors: 173 1in. ft. @ $ 2.75 10. State No.3 1/2 Pull Box: 2 at $ 40.00 ea. 11. Standard Wood Barricade: None 12. 2" x 8" Redwood Headerboard: 30 1in. ft. @ $ 2.50 13. Street Trees. Five-Gallon Size: 7 @ $17.50 ea. 14. Type II Storm Manhole: 1 @ $500.00 15. Class V 12" RCP Storm Lateral: 26 L.R. @ $ 4.50 ea. Sub Total: 15% Contingencies: Tal' AL : Use $13,500.00 for bond amount. Plan examination and construction inspection fee = $ 473.00. . Storm Drainage area fee = 1.837 acres @ $765.00 = $1,405.00. less amount of storm sewer assessment levied pursuant to Local Improvement District No. 16, $1.178.00 = $ 227.00. . $ 476.00 = 80.00 = -0- = 75.00 = 123.00 = 500.00 = 117.00 $11,718.00 1.758.00 $13.476.00 )</(')/1';' // /.." A /-/'¡L:>~;F¿.l- (~~ t-/.) I 1'- , PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY or CAMPBELL 7S NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL) CALIfORNIA DATE: " , .l. '.l. CONDITIOHS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROV/IL or PLMiS OF .1. - ' .. ------------' FOR CONSTRUCTIO;'¡ OF C', ":\ .'.c 'i: . . . TO BE LOC;\TED AT-" r,~L . '.it,:."" r,.' ----------'---.-.-.:.. ------------ ~--'----------- --------.--- CONDITIONS: -.: :) 11 ii.. i <J ,. S ~.' f ~'uv.. ... ; ¡: t. .. .' . '. Section 9316.1 of tliC Cempbell Municipal Code reads as folJows: Any appl^ové.!l grunted under this section shall ezpire one year after' the d ate 11 p 0 n H hi c h s u c hap 11 2' 0 val.., as g I' ant e d) u 1J 1 C s s a!l e :': ten s 5 0 n for sud¡ approval is obtained by maJ.:ing ,:rittcn ¿~pJ>licatjon for sa.;;:c to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior ~o the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued. after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has heen obtained in the mallner provided ... no. fQruin ._t ld.s Chapter. GRANTED BY TIE CITY Of,CAHPL)ELL PLAIUiING CO~';1nSSIOi¡ AT A REQULAR BEETING HELD Oìr THE ~~---- day of____~_~-----------, 19 ~ CITY or CAli?¡IELL PLAnnING CO1.I1USSIor¡ <..:...: .,1.L,.,ri¡ 'T.. hi t:..'/ r i l' .: ~. ., t. ',.¡ /:.' t t . BY: -------A-':;;'~'¡-[ U r-;----1<-;-; ;;---r:¡;-C-¿:-E7;:1;-¡--~~;i'------ r,¡ ",r",) '::>['.'" If" , . 10. 11. 12. 1. CONDI .INS OF APPROVAL "S" 71-31 Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "redH on plans. 2. Fafthful performance bond in the amount of $3,000 to be Dosted ~? i~sure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking a~eas w~th1n three (3) months of completion of construction or . applicant may file written agreement to complete land;caping fencing and striping of pa~king area prior to final building' department cledrance. - 3. Landscape plan for Exhibit HAil to be submitted for approval by Planning Director prior to securing a building permit. Exhibit "A" be implemented. Approved trash containers to be located in areas approved by the fire department. 4. 5. 6. Recommend system. (not required) a complete automatic fire sprinkler 7. Comply with Campbell Fire Prevention Code. 8. Hamilton Avenue frontage driveway to be used for ingress only. 9. Storm drainage area fee on the basis of $765.00 per acre. Dedication to 120 foot plan line on Hamilton Avenue frontage. Construction of street improvement on Hamilton Avenue and Salmar Avenue frontages. Process and file ~arcel map for minor subdivision. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell: A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building deþartmeni: for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water) sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. The applicant is notified that he shall comply ,lith all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.