877 E. Hamilton Ave. (70-62) yYl u) D (J~ ) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY Of CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIfORNIA J ;,) 7"" .:'~,.. 7 " , 0 '1 J DATE: '_.'-'~.}' ,~'j. "'~" -------.------ CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO !!S't APPROVAL or PLANS OF ---#*~e-1-:l--R~h --------------' FOR CONSTRUCTION OF --a-h~f"l-w-t"~~*,,, ---.-- --"----n__-___------- TO B r L 0 CAT E D A T -~¡ 7 I-.~-t-h~J-t;..e..:R- "v (' \") U ~ --_. --- '-- --------. ------- -- -- -- ------ - ---- CONDITIONS: conditions of approval att3ched Section 9316.1 of tile Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one yea!' af'~eT.' the date upon which such app~oval was granted, unless an extension for such approval 1s obtaiI1ed by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall he issued after the expiration date of any approval until a ~ew approv~J- has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR ME E TIN G HE L DON THE 1 a t h day 0 f --.J..lt.ill.W.r-Y------' 1 97 _t "',/ '~tt-. /' CITY or CAMPBf,LL PLANN ING COMM I 55 ION cc: tn~ineerlng Dept. . ~' Fire U~Pt. wIatt. BY: ------AR'THÜjt KË:-E 5 ~~ECRETAR~-:----- .. .. ~ ~ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL "s" 70-62 1. Property to be f~nced and landscaped as indir~ted and as added in "~cd" on pI ~m ') - . Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system Rnd type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in tho amount of $500.00 to be posted to insure landscaping~ fencing and striping or parking area within three (3) months of cornpletio!l of construction, or appli- cant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance witl1 the approved landscape plan. s. Trash container(s) to be located in areas approved by Fire Depal'tmen t. (Said enclosures to be 8 t X 12 t minimum with 6' self-closing gates.) As indicated on the attnched map, the property is zoned H-I-S and C~2-S. The proposed building will be located almost entirely in the r.I-I-S zone \'lith the exception of a fe\'! feet of the shop building which projects into the C-2-S zone. Shops are a permitted use in the C-2-S as well as the lI-l-S zone, depending upon the type of use. The overall development would require 64 parking spaces and the applicant has provided 79. . The applicant is notified as part of tills application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to'be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Ca1ï1pbell ~lunicipal Code. Underground Utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. ~la~s submi tted to the bui~,cling department for plan check sh<'111 1n~1~a!e c!ea~ly.tl1e locatIon of all connections for underground U~l~ltIes Inc~udIng waterJ sewer, electric, tclepl10ne and tela. VlSlon cablcsJ etc. B. C. D. Sign ,:"pplic8!ion to be 5ul)Jtd.~ted in accordancc \'lith provisions of the ~lgn.ord~nance for all sIgns. No sign to be installed until applIcatIon 15 approved and permit issued by the building department. The ~ppl~c~n~ i~ notif~ed that he shall ~omply with all applicable Codes or O!dlIldIlCCS of the CIty of Campbell \v1nch Pert"in to thJ.s dc\rel . t ] th..' (". op,ncn. ana arc no orCIn specIfIed. . - - PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLICANTS FOR "S" APPROVAL, VARIANCE OR USE PERMITS The name (5) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (5) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. photo copy of deed may be submitted for this information. A Please fill in necessary information: MITCHELL RASKIN Name (s) as shown on Deed SHIRLEY RASKIN Name (5) as shown on Deed l 3020750 Ï~ecorCler 's Number For Office Use O~_!y Filed as part of application for -- for Filed - ------- by --- -. <-- --.-.--