CC Ordinance 2046 ORDINANCE NO. 2046 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AMENDING CHAPTER 14.02 OF THE CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL CODE, REVISED, TO PROVIDE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain that Sections 14.02.010, 14.02.020, and 14.02.030 of Chapter 14.02 of the Campbell Municipal Code, Revised, are amended to read as follows: 14.02.010 Purpose (b) The purpose of this chapter is therefore to provide minimum requirements designed to control the discharge of pollutants into the city municipal storm drain system and to assure that discharges from the city municipal storm drain system comply with applicable provisions of the Federal Clean Water Act and the current National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. CAO029718 including amendments and California Regional Water Quality Control Board approvals. Enactment of this chapter falls within the scope of the city police power to protect the health, safety and welfare of its residents. Nothing in this chapter is intended to preclude more stringent federal or state regulation or any activity covered by this chapter. 14.02.020 Definitions "Deemed complete" means that a project applicant has submitted a development application package for discretionary approval that is determined to be a complete and acceptable application by the Community Development Director. Public projects are deemed complete if funding has been approved by the City Council and construction has been scheduled. "Impervious surface" means a constructed or modified surface that does not allow rainfall to percolate through to the subsoil and thus creates stormwater runoff. Impervious surface includes, but is not limited to, building rooftops, pavement, sidewalks, patios, driveways or other hardscape where such surfaces are not constructed with pervious materials and/or are not designed so as to have zero stormwater discharge. "Major development or redevelopment project" means a project that creates, adds, or replaces an amount of impervious surface as defined in the current NPDES permit. "Project with significant pollution potential" means any project determined by the city to be likely to have sources of pollutants on-site and/or to contribute pollutants to stormwater after project completion, based on a review of the proposed uses of or activities planned for the site. 14.02.030 Requirements (e) New DevelopmenURedevelopment (1) Stormwater Management Required for Major Projects. Every applicant for a building permit and/or grading permit for a major development or redevelopment project shall identify the potential for stormwater to be discharged from the project site following completion of construction activity and shall demonstrate that the plans, drawings or specifications for such project include the installation of management techniques, practices, and control measures designed to mitigate the potential adverse impacts of stormwater that may be discharged from the project site on an ongoing basis including stormwater treatment measures. In addition, applicants for building and/or grading permits for projects with significant pollution potential may be required to demonstrate that sources of pollutants will be controlled onsite with appropriate measures. The stormwater management techniques, practices, and control measures shall be selected, designed, and maintained in accordance with the city's current NPDES permit requirements and the city's Stormwater Management Manual. (2) Issuance of Permits. The city shall not issue a building permit and/or grading permit for a major development or redevelopment project or a project with significant pollution potential until it has reviewed the mitigation measures proposed by the applicant pursuant to the preceding paragraph, where appropriate, and determined that they are sufficient to address the potential adverse impacts of stormwater that may be discharged from the project site on an ongoing basis. (3) Occupancy. The building official shall not issue a certificate of occupancy or other equivalent permit for a major development or redevelopment project or a project with significant pollution potential until it has determined that the mitigation measures identified in the building permit and/or grading permit issued for such project have been adequately implemented and that appropriate arrangements have been made to ensure that these management techniques, practices and control measures will be maintained on an ongoing basis in accordance with the city's current NPDES permit requirements and the city's Stormwater Management Manual. SECTION TWO: This ordinance shall become effective 30 days following its passage and adoption and shall be published once within 15 days upon passage and adoption in the Campbell Express, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara. PASSED AND ADOPTED this following roll call vote: 15th day of June , 2004 by the AYES: Councilmembers: Furtado, Watson, Kennedy, Burr NOES: Councilmembers: None ABSENT: Councilmembers: Dean APPROVED: c ~-'~Y. ~ Donald R. Burr, Mayor ATTEST: ~ Anne Bybee, City Clerk