980 E. Hamilton Ave. (68-3) , z.. "3 4- £> '5 ..P J -J l, 7 8Vu_u_, CHKD, 8V DA"lE DA'TF N 8" S""") 00 w 'S J4-- ðO IN' 0 N g 1 S ø, () () vJ -s ~ !' '::8' 00 E: ~D 01- ~u \)) 8" I~ ~E ~ ~9 5"'" 00 E N () ! 4- 00 E ~UBHCT ~. '11 0002.,og'1 138. f;3 '1 '1' ') 1 ,'~) f 11 . 7 s: / '>00 1.'" C i &, ~ . '3 7',l 4- "'? ': io 3 J S. OD 0" at 2- f"o 3 /~. 00 ... t.~~~-:¡ 8°,0<'- 7 B. 7 ~ 0 ~,' '~ 10" l ~J 118.S3 """~"',ì. "1'1" "\ 4 c:; ~ c. -:' () ~ () -1 L 4 1.. ~"""".~",- ,~-<oT:- '-- ! ... 4--0 ,!4~t11..-'~ ~ ..- " 'Ï '" ., "I I.. "')4 (}--;..."'---- <;Hf¡ r "I(J ,JOH -.0 ~ OO.r>DO :. J!).!) I " \ !:./. 441) I ~f,4"b I ~ L. -1.. "'-J i l. Î <+ .., '\1 , l) ; . 4++ 4..8 o.'..~*- ~ì -~' "; . "¡ ~ I b 0) ./ ~ OF ~g - J 3 S-oo. 00 0 I') -S"1. 0<; () 4 11..- . ::;-' l. ~ 4--IL.l':\- '}, ¡ ~. 1 '1 ì ID4.1:)1 g 419. n..~- 4- '\'\ . I 88 .~1.-,ilt~ 4"~. ~8 1 ~ ~ 6 . 'h ì , oC'l wt1'" RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA /.'171 /4 «--., I- /~~u.....--,f z~~~~ j/Yd ~ ¿u~ ~,}-/~ <~-e- œ NAME J v-, ;' , :;¿ ¿:¡[ cd:.. - .. Àc '-¿,~~: /', ~;¿( yi 1-- /., (t!:(' ;/Y;¡é, NAME ADDRESS ¿',<-- ADDRESS FOR // /" ,/ c.- t' j " , /'" ¡;. / {, ,. '..-'" '- /' (t . ;lÂt~,~-( It: h C;!;Þ/,!, ~;~'i"- J:,-<~ FOR ----~-:!> <' , ~ .) J-:..( ","", ---;J if" 7 7 t:7.!- ~q c¡ -" 62 ~ ðz.. 9 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO, ,,:;] t (, FUND NUMBER (- REVENUE ACCOUNT NO,3? </' FUND NUMBER j- , ../l1 ø CHECK- ? 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH 1::fC ~ r y 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAR -1,68 MAR -1-68 001 ****253.00 66 001 C ***253.00 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, lIAR 15-68 lIAR 15-68 011 *****77.00 6/¡ 011 A ****77.00 Œ>, Œ>, 6525 BY- // ~. ,r /.. I J CITY CLERK ¡ 6647 dL¿ L" ,> Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL BY CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy ThaøII You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITIZEN COpy .. .... ~ ~f'\ld- l SANTA CLARA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL WATER DISTRICT 516 EAST MARTHA STREET SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95112 DONALD K, CURRLIN GENERAL MANAGER 1Þ August 17, 1970 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPI' REQUESTED / / / ~' Gerard Tire Service, Incorporated 6995 Central Avenue Newark, Ca l1fornia 94560 Gentlemen: Our records show that we issued Permit No. 68321 on May 24, 1968 for a 6-inch outfall into the Los Gatos Creek channel at your facility located at 980 East Hamilton Avenue in the City of Campbell. Our field personnel have noted several instances when oil and grease-bearing substances were dis- charged through this outfa 11. The discharge of 011 or grease into a stream channel is contrary to provisions of the State Water Code, Fish and Game Code, and local rules and regulations. Therefore, we request that you cease discharging any 011 or grease-bearing materia Is through this outfall and within 30 days remove the unsightly stains on the sacked concrete riprap and on the concrete wa 11 be 1 ow the outfa 11 . Should you fail to perform these steps or allow oil-bearing substances to be discharged through this outfall in the future, we will revoke your outfall permit and require its removal. If you desire any additional information concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very tru ly yours, ORIGINAL SIGNED B~ ~, Rona ld R. Esau, Director ~ jJ Public Services Department i cc:,JCity of Campbell Director of Pub lie Work s DEPARTMENT OF ADM]N]STRATION AND F]NANCE 299'203] CLERK OF THE BOAfW 2992-'3] i"]G"][ER"'G DEPT 299,384] PUBLfC SERVICE DEPT, 299,384] ---?'t . Cn', (). (b / ) STAFF COMMENT SHEET - PLANNING COMMISSION :,lEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1968 Application approval of on property (see MaD #1 - tf This property is located on the South side of East Hamilton Avenue, approximately 50' West of the Los Gatos Creek. The property to the south is commercially developed, the property to the East is developed as a Mobil service station. The property to the North (across Han,i1 ton Avenue) is developed by a service station and car wash operation, and the property to the West, adjacent to the Los Gatos Creek is undeveloped commercial property. The proposed building is approximately 4,110 sq. ft. and the applicant has provided 14 spaces which excee¿s our Ordinance re- quirement of I space per each 350 sq. ft. of builQing for this type of use. liS" 68-3 of Gerard Tire Service for tire sales and service building located at 980 E. Hamilton Avenme attached) The plans indicate that the building will be either concrete block or tilt-up concrete. Staff recommends that the building be staggered, multi colored concrete block on East side. Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plan. Adequate watering system to all landscaped areas to be provided. Landscaping plan, indicating type of plant materials and 10catian or hose bibs to be submitted for approval of the Plannjng Director at t~me o~ applicatiorifor buildin~ permit. 2 . Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping and striping of parking lot within three months of completion of construction or applicant may file a writtÈm agreement to complete land- scaping prior to final building department clearance. The applicant is notified that as part of this application, he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. 3. 4. Sign applications to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the sign ordinance for all si~~s. No sign to be installed until application is approved by Staff and B'lilding Permi t issued by Building Department. 5. All parking and driveway areas to be constructed in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 6. Construction of U~derground Utilities as required by Section 9110.6 of the Carn~bell Municipal Code. 7. Plans submitted to the Building Departreent for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of the electric connections for all un¿srgrounû utilities including, water, sewer, electric, telephone, televison cable, etc. 8. Applicant to submit parcel map for minor subdivision. Storm Drainage Area Fee in the amount of $253.00. 9. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all other appli- cable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which ~ertain to this application and are not herein specified. Note: It is recommended that the existing walnut tree at the S/E corner of this property be saved and incorporateu into the parking if possible. ~\;,)~"~::, f; ,Ii;¡ \ ~" ",- ~ ~~, 'i'ó:-"-"-" n,o ,'" '\ ~" -;, ! .~,'-)~,.:!:, \" r ~ '~""~~" " ~,\ t ~ú' " ,,~' -'--. " - ~ \ '\ ! '\"',""'\\\.,'" .,-,:,~,-~"----." , ,~" ~ \ :) ,~ ">"-'-\ ,-, '--. J '-'- '" ",I -'-, ,':;~-ç '~'~~~ ", -, ~"-'-, '\\ \, ! ~, "\\'"\6 "':~ '" '-.~~, %'\,' "-;..~ I ~ ~" "'\", d'"',, ,-"s'!.> \; ',~~) I "-- "-::' " "- Ç>" ~' '", ,,',,-- \ , ~ -.<', ,,°'.,"'-, .,' ," t "- . -r' ~. ' '~',', "-.', '\ ,',::--... """"-' í " ,-:(-, , ,\ ','--..., ""'-, ":;:) " , '-~ù ':;"'--,:~, '-"--,-'~"\,~ ¡{<;>'-- :> \\, ", j ,'" ~,-' --.'" ',"":;0 .~~, '. 98.04 \, " "'I 0 ',>', ""-"--'.'>/~':-'~ " ~, .5' '-',\" L:, /V;'<'ô'."" ',\ Q.;> " \', >- <. " '~, -- \ \, I ~~ ~'9. 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() ) V) 1, z .j Þ n , t> {; n () ( " j ..... þ r " () ~~ ~~ '", /~ -""'; ~:" " ,) cl ~ ~ ~~ t) -:;)~ ~I ó I ~ I ~!' ~! r I ~ ~i ! ¡ t ¡. r' _. - ~ .. .. 1 "' -.---:r-"----" SANTA CLARA CÒUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER DISTRICT & , Mailing Address: , 516 E. Marth/! Street S/!n Jose, C/!Iifornia 95112 PERMIT (Ordinance 59-I) Telephone: 299-3841 ----~~"-"" -------.. ,--'-"~' ---- ,-..- --_..--- -------..--- Strum Los Gatos Creek Telephone 243-3995 Permit No. 68321 Permittee Theodore Pizanis & Son Contractors 3053 Millar Avenue Santa Clara, California ¿q C'/2~ßD //,f--'e 5~wa=- U ~/-;?P/3e¿ L & / R~ Permits, Central Zone, Los Gatos Creek. Sly of Hamilton Ave; Wly of Bascom Ave. Encroachment I ! Purpol8 of Permit Construction X Temporary Installation of a 6 inch CMP storm drain outfall. Application Dated _,MaL_~~ 1968___- Permit Issued , ~~y 24, 1968 Expires -- May 24, !~6 9~ --- Approvel: -,--" ,'.. 'o'c",' -" '".. n.,." ...", , i ¡ ,.. ,.. ...... '. ' Ronald R. Eseu. Director Public s.rvices Department This permit is subject to the provisions listed on the reverse side hereof except as expre$$ly modified in the additional provisions listed below. 1 Permittee must notify District's Inspection Departmerlt, c/o County Department of Pubilc Works, 2U West Hedding Street, Telephone 299-2591, at least 48 hours before starting any work under this permit. Failure to so notify is cause for revoca- tion of permit. 2. All work shall be constructed irz accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. The work area must be cleaned to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. 3. All backfill within Creek bank area shall be compacted to 95% relative compaction as determined by test method California 216. cc: ¡Director of Public Works City of Campbell Exercise of this permit shall indicate acceptance of and agreement to comply with all provisions included herein. VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT LOUIS .. M. BINI I .. 173 NORTH MORRISON ST" SUITE A CIVIL ENGINEER SAN JOSE, CALIF. TELEPHONE 286'2552 TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM TO: City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, Cal if. Date: File: Re: Apri I 25, 1968 68-13 Attention: Mr. Gomez Gentlemen: Pri nts . .. '" ..... ... We are enclosing ................. We are forwarding under separate cover xxx Sepias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tracings ............ Prel iminary Drawings.. Specifications. . . . . . . Other xxx - As follows: Drawing Number Date Description or Title General Remarks: Cales. as requested for Gerard job. Sorry for the delay. Sent via: Blue Printer Engineer1s Messenger Regular Moil XXX Airmail Other LOUIS M. BINI Civil Engineer ec to: .. 1IIIIfIj~ rt!2 ~ ~/ 1 January 8, 1968 Gerard Tire Service 6995 Central Avenue Newark, California RE: tis" 68-3 Tire Sales Building 980 E. Hamilton Avenue Gentlemen: The Planning Commission of the City of Campbell has granted approval to your application for construction of a tire sales operation on Hamilton Avenue. In connection with this approval, you are required to file a parcel map showing the proposed minor sub- division of land and to pay a storm drainage area fee in the amount of $253.00. , Should you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer BMH:cd ~~vtî '\ (/ I PLANNING DEPART:1ENT CITY OF CAIvtPilELL 7S NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date January 2 t 1968 CQi-JDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF GERARD TIRE SERVICE , FOR Cû~'I1STRUCTION OF tire sales and service building TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: 980 E. Hamilton Avenue Attached Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one Hundred eighty (180) day~ after t~e date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CA1\1PBELL PLANNING CO¡\1;\;IISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 2nd DAY OF January, 196 R CITY OF CM4PBELL PLANNING CO~WISSION By: -(/?, l) ~ cb.Jf;a--.- " . V. ! ('rr~n 1 ecretary S,t j) if' I-€h",UlIlIllc::uds 1. 2 . WoVal-sUbTec~~- 1:110- fül \_r i n~-fX)Dd-it-i~: Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plan. Adequate watering system to all landscaped areas to be provided. Landscaping plan, indicating type of plant materials and location of hose bibs to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping and striping of parking lot within three months of completion of construction or applicant may file a written agreement to complete land- scaping prior to final building department clearance. The applicant is notified that as part of this application, he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. 3. 4. 5. Sign applications to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved by Staff and Building Permit issued by Building Department. All parking and driveway areas to be constructed in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 6. Construction of Underground Utilities as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Plans ~ub~itteà to the Buildinp Department for plan check shall IndIcate clearly the location of ~he electric connections for all underground utilities including, water, sewer, electric, telephone, televison cable, etc. 7. 8. 9. Applicant to submit parcel map for minor subdivision. Storm Drainage Area Fee in the amount of $253.00. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all other appli- cable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this application and are not herein specified. Note: It is recommended that the existing walnut tree at the S/E corner of this property be saved and incorporated into the parking if possible. // . c--' // /, c- -:> '-) (~f_) .1\ 1> p~ ! ,- ~"vT 70 P; l- I .~ 6- ! ~) .J- P':/~).. D 'SG. .q b :,(' N ¡- r:::, 1</ I j::,' CIIT-OFCAM-PBF.LL P4:51; PLANNING COMMISSION :) .:/ ~'f>d.. . APPLICATION FOR !IS" APPROVAL "'---- -~ }y~ J7'( -,~~. ---1'-/_1_____---, 19£.;L '<0 )\\J~ In accordance with Section 9316) Chapter 3, Article IX of the Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell. the undersigned hereby makes application for approval of the attached plans. (OTHER THAN SIGNS) 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: (Insart or attach legal d~5çription) :::. ç ,;' t¡};;) é.~-/¡/;/Jjl¡¿;X/ 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed improvements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City Officers in considering his application): -r~ J.Ziv - s &-::> 1- ~ 3. ;yo The proposed improvements will cost approximately $ s-.O/t'JOÛ- 4. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of the site plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission, one by the City Engineer and one returned to applicant. ,/~) ~ ~ 5.1?~ 15J Filed in the Office of the Planning Departrn~~~~~ 19 {l / #;é/ eéretary ~( (!t6/- Ity tat ~~' Ii, , . - e ep one ~mbet Beginning at the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Hamilton Avenue, as describ.~d in the Deed to the Cit.y of Campbell, dated November 28, 1960, recocchd D'è:Cerr,ber 5, 1960 in BOOK 5002 of Official Records, at page 108 with the Westerly line of that certain 0.501 acre parcel of land designated Parcell as described in tha. t certain Lease, da tec1 July 9, 1964, recO1~ded April 20, 1965, in Boo};. 6926 of Official Records, at page 26, by and between Rayrnond H. and Ruth A. Schleeter, his ,,'life and Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc. i thenc'-,= from sð.id point of b~ginning along said Southerly line of HarC1Ìlton !-\,venuc--;, N.89°59'OO"Í>'1., 66.91 feet to the point of intersection thereof with the Easterly line of that certëÙn parcel of land described in the Quitclaim Deed from Lena Campisi to Salvador 'Thomas Campisi, et aI, dated February I, 1961, and recorded February 27, 1961 in Boo}: 5085 of Official Records, at page 513, thence along said Jast næned line, S.0014'W., 138.53 feet to a point in the Northerly line of that certain parcel of land described in the Dc:;ed from Maude H. Goulding to Rayrnonc1 H. Schleeter, et ux, dated March 9, 1965, recorded March 17, 1965 in Book 6885 of Official Records, at page 100; thence along said last DëllC\ed line N.89°59'W. 19.75 feet to the North','7esterly corner t.nereof; thence along the ~'lesterly and Southerly lines of said last named parcel, S.9°58'E., 9.37 feet; then~e along the arc of a curve to th'? right with a radius of 315.0 feet. thru a central angle of 9°17116" for an arc distance of 51.07 feet; thence S.89ö59'E., 78.79 feet, more or:- less to tl1e point of intersection of the Southerly line of said last nð.rc'.ec1 pë<r:cel è,;íth the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of the 0.501 acre parcel hereina~ove referred to; e1ence along said last næned line and it::; pl~olongation Southerly, N.ool4-'E., 158.20 feet, ITo:r.:e oJ:.' less to the point of beginning. Reserving therefrom a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress purposes over and across all t:hat portion thereof described as follows: 'Beginnin(:J at t..ne Northeaster:ly corner of the parcel of land hereinabove dè;,:;cribed; thel1ce along the Easterly line thereof, 5.0°14'00">;<1.,40.00 feet; thence n.4l002'47"H., 53.05 feet to a point in th,;? said Southerly line; of Hamilton l\venue;thence along said last named line, S.89°59'00"E., 35.00 feet to the point of beginning. 12/5/67 7:30 A.G. PLANNING DEPARTHENT CITY OF CAr-lPBELL. C^LIP(, P~JIA TO: {\PPLICANT~ FOR "s" APPROVAL.. VARIA,~.CE ,. 9RtJSJ:. P~g:iI TS The na~e (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (5) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo co~y of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: ~1I~t1(,-j!M!,.,ff,-~ItA!P __fdÙ_7-ff_.:t.,-- 5cJfJ..66-7£R ~~, sJ as snown on Dee Namê--(s) as shown on Deed it W\I)37~Ý Recorder's Num er tüfbRT1 ¡JðW, / ¡{J {fSC/ü)iÙ, TI7I-6 ö¡;://(Jij TfllP sFEI!R£Ó TtJ &-?((#j) 7/¡2L S6/!i//~¿ /A/C!. 6 1'1 ~- c,; M¡(11L 11- u ¡U ÞW If-I2..K / tEl4-L¡ ¡:::: For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Filed by