1830 E. Hamilton Ave. (89-14) ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 RECEIVE¡) AUG 1 9 1992 Public Works/Engineering Department: Planning August 18, 1992 Mr. Marvin Bamburg Marvin Bamburg Associates, Inc. 1176 Lincoln Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 Re: R 92-06 -- 1670 Grace Avenue and 1830-1836 E. Hamilton Avenue Dear Mr. Bamburg: Please be advised that the Planning Commission at its meeting of August 11, 1992, adopted Resolution No. 2812, approving your request for a reinstatement and extension of approval for the above referenced office project. A copy of the adopted Resolution is enclosed for your records. If you should have any questions regarding the Commission's action, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. S~ l~Ù~ Tim J. Haley Associate Planner tjh:lb a:r92-06/p12 cc: LMT Properties 1830 E. Hamilton Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 Public Works Department RESOLUTION NO. 2812 DRAFT COpy City of Campbell PLANNING DEPARTMENT BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATION ALLOWING CONSTRUCTION OF A PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1830 GRACE AVENUE, IN A PO (PROFESSIONAL OFFICE) ZONING DISTRICT, APPLICATION OF MR. MARVIN BAMBURG. FILE NO. R 92-06 (S 89-14). After notification and Public Hearing as specified by law on the application of Mr. Marvin Bamburg, for reinstatement and a one-year extension to the development schedule of a previously approved Site and Architectural Permit to construct a professional office building on property located at 1870 Grace Avenue Zoning District; and, after presentation by the Planning Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Planning Commission did find as follows with respect to File No. R 92-06: 1. There have been no new changes in the General Plan and Zoning in this area since the Planning Commission's approval. 2. The proposed project is an appropriate scale in relationship to the adjacent developed uses. 3. The project is well designed and architecturally blends into the neighbor hood. 4. The building design is considered acceptable and interesting by the Architectural Advisor. 5. The project is designed to minimize infringement upon neighboring properties. 6. The project is of high quality design and will be aesthetically pleasing. 7. Substantial landscaping has been provided which adds to the aesthetics of the project. Based upon the foregoing findings of fact, the Planning Commission further finds and concludes that: Resolution No. 2812 Adopted: August 11, 1992 page two 1. The proposed project, subject to the conditions imposed, will be consistent with the General Plan and Zoning; and, 2. The proposed project, subject to the required conditions, will aid in the harmonious development of the immediate area. Based upon the above findings, the Planning Commission does hereby grant the requested proposal, subject to the following Conditions of Approval: 1. Project and Site Design: Revised site plan to indicate 5.5 foot marginal sidewalks along Grace Avenue north of the driveway (saving all existing trees), 4 foot marginal sidewalks to match existing south of the driveway, and 10 foot marginal walk with street trees along the Hamilton Avenue frontage. (Planning and Public Works) 2. Fencing/Landscaping: Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on the plans. (Planning) 3. Landscaping/Irrigation: Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of irrigation system to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee and/or the Planning Commission prior to issuance a building permit. (Committee or Commission) 4. Fencing: Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Director of Planning prior to issuance of a building permit. (Planning) 5. Performance Bond/Landscaping, Fencing, Striping: Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $10,000 to ensure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas within 3 month of completion of construction; or (2) file a written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas. Bond or agreement to be filed with the Planning Department prior to application of a building permit. (public Works) 6. Utility Boxes: Applicant to submit a plan to the Planning Department, prior to installation of PG&E utility (transformer) boxes, indicating the location of the boxes and screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval by the Director of Planning. (Planning) 11. 12. 13. 14. Resolution No. 2812 Adopted: August 11, 1992 page three 7. Mechanical Equipment/Utility Meter Screening: All mechanical equipment on roofs and all utility meters to be screened as approved by the Director of Planning. (Planning) 8. Building Occupancy: Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. (public Works) 9. Parking and Driveways: All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. (Planning) 10. Underground Utilities: Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code. (public Works) Utility: Plans submitted to the Building Division for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. (Building) Signs: Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the Sign Ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by Planning and Building Departments (Section 21.53 of the Campbell Municipal Code). (Planning) Garbage Collection: Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish pmduced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple family dwellings, and all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. (Fire) Trash Containers: Trash container(s) of a size and quality necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Resolution No. 2812 Adopted: August 11, 1992 page four doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level and have a level area adjacent to the trash enclosure area to service these containers. (Fire) 15. Handicapped Requirements: Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. (Building) 16. Noise Levels: Noise levels for the interior of residential units shall comply with minimum State (Title 25) and local standards as indicated in the Noise element of the Campbell General Plan. (Building) Property Security: The applicant is hereby notified that the property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash, debris and weeds, until the time that actual construction commences. All existing structures shall be secured by having windows boarded up and doors sealed shut, or be demolished or removed from the property. (Section 11.201 & 11.414, 1779 Ed. Uniform Fire Code) Parcel Map: Provide a recorded copy of the parcel map that combines the tree lots, prior to obtaining building permits. (Public Works) Street Improvements: Install street improvements on Grace and Hamilton A venue as shown on the revised/ approved site plan. (public Works) Traffic Control: Add right turn only sign on-site at the Grace Avenue exit. Revise site plans to show a right turn only arrow for the existing land at the driveway location. (public Works) Traffic Control: Install a physical median barrier on Grace Avenue to allow for left turns into the office driveway, but limiting office driveway to right turns out only. (public Works) Street Improvements: Prepare plans, pay fees, post sureties as required to obtain an encroachment permit for all work within the public right- of-way prior to issuance of building permits. (Public Works) Storm Drain: Pay storm drain fees of $1,395. (public Works) Resolution No. 2812 adopted on August 11, 1992 page five 24. Fire Resistive: Provide one-hour fire resistive construction where structures are less than 20 feet to the property line. Maintain one-hour separation between B-1 and B-2 occupancies. Table 5-B Uniform Building Code. (Building) 25. Tree Protection: Applicant to provide a tree protection plan to protect existing magnolia trees during constriction phase. (Planning) 26. Fire Sprinkler: A fully supervised fire sprinkler system i s required throughout. U.F.c. 10.308 (b)(5) 27. Occupancy: Plan review comments pertain to non-hazardous material uses. Approval is effective ten days after decision of approval of the Planning Commission, unless an appeal is filed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of August 1992, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Meyer-Kennedy, Higgins, Perrine, Dougherty, Alne, Fox None Wilkinson NOES: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: APPROVED: David Fox, Chair ATTEST: Steve Piasecki, Secretary DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FILE NO. R 92-06 APPLICANT: M. Bamburg SITE ADDRESS: 1830-1836 E. Hamilton Avenue and 1670 Grace Avenue P.c. MEETING DATE: August 11, 1992 1. Construction to begin by July 19, 1993. 2. Construction to be complete within one year of starting date. jif '" '" ~ I L ----¡=f R=1 .... ... .. '" ATTACHMENT 231/10 III > or ... .. "- on a on C '" 0 E .... .. a 0 '" E 0 ë .: '7 . u 0 L HOPPING I CENTER .; .... '" '" .. .... .' "",~ ~ ... .. .. '" . ,- 0 '" > or 'I 'J R 92-06 (R 91-04) (8 89-14) Er ~' " 1670 GRACE AVENUE HA MILTON E ) ,) I' « ;¡ .. :Þo 0 '" \D '" .. ~ oj .. " .. c::::J . c::=::JO .c ... ~~ a:: I~U38 > 0 20!>/'U :! ". .. .. .. ... 0 .. "- .. ~ " .... I) . .. '" % EI Public Hearing before the Planning Commission 0 on August 11, 1992, adopted Resolution No. 2Sî2~ approving R 92-06, (6-0-1) Wilkinson being, absent for the vote, . m 118 .. ~ N '.~ . \ 1--.1 I I I ~ '1.'" .k~~I(I'~~(L~ ('(! '. Of rYlrKt Fuller í CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 I I! c.: I: ì t.I "t:û JUL 1 6 1992 Þublic WOl'qIE . nslIneel';ng Department: Planning July 15, 1992 ATTENTION: Mr, Gary Schoennauer, Director San Jose Planning Department 801 North First Street, Room 400 San Jose, CA 95110 RE: PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE -1830-1836 EAST HAMILTON AVENUE AND 1670 GRACE A VENUE Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Campbell has set the time of 7:30 p.m., or shortly thereafter, on Tuesday, August 11, 1992, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, for a Public Hearing to consider the to consider the request of Mr. Marvin Bamburg for a one-year extension of a previously approved Site and Architectural Permit allowing the construction of a professional office building on properties located at 1830-1836 East Hamilton Avenue and 1670 Grace Avenue in a P-O (Professional Office) Zoning District. Planning Department File No. R 92-06 (S 89-14). A Negative Declaration was previously prepared for this project. Plans elevations, legal descriptions, and/or other supporting documentation is on file in the Planning Department, 70 North First Street, Campbell. Interested persons may appear and be heard at this hearing. Please be advised that if you challenge the nature of the above project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this Notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Campbell's Planning Commission at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. Questions may be addressed to the Planning Department at (408) 866- 2140. PLANNING COMMISSION, OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL SECRETARY STEVE PIASECKI PLEASE NOTE: When calling about this Notice, refer to the property address, 1830-1836 East Hamilton Avenue and 1670 Grace Avenue, and the Planning Department File No. R 92-06, Bamburg. í CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Plm~nt: July 15, 1992 ATTENTION: Natalie Wells Supervisor Rod Diridon's Office County Government Center 10th Floor, East Wing 70 West Hedding Street San Jose, CA 95110 RE: PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE -1830-1836 EAST HAMILTON AVENUE AND 1670 GRACE A VENUE Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Campbell has set the time of 7:30 p.m., or shortly thereafter, on Tuesday, August 11, 1992, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, for a Public Hearing to consider the to consider the request of Mr, Marvin Bamburg for a one-year extension of a previously approved Site and Architectural Permit allowing the construction of a professional office building on properties located at 1830-1836 East Hamilton Avenue and 1670 Grace Avenue in a P-O (Professional Office) Zoning District. Planning Department File No, R 92-06 (S 89-14). A Negative Declaration was previously prepared for this project. Plans elevations, legal descriptions, and/or other supporting documentation is on file in the Planning Department, 70 North First Street, Campbell, Interested persons may appear and be heard at this hearing. Please be advised that if you challenge the nature of the above project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this Notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Campbell's Planning Commission at, or prior to, the Public Hearing, Questions may be addressed to the Planning Department at (408) 866- 2140, PLANNING COMMISSION, OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL SECRETARY STEVE PIASECKI PLEASE NOTE: When calling about this Notice, refer to the property address, 1830-1836 East Hamilton Avenue and 1670 Grace Avenue, and the Planning Department File No. R 92-06, Bamburg. DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET SITE & ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMIT PLANNING COMMISSION '- [ ] [] . [ ] Reaarn co .. "'_. [ ] DtW1'I':JIJ"-$\'YJ.-t"""'UL .n.~tall:Y Public Works Department: [] Original Submittal MAY ~ ~~ 1991 [ ] Engineering [ ] Corporation Yard [] Revised Submittal Public Worb/EnQineerinø [ ] Building Division APPLICANT: Mr. Marvin Bamburg- TELEPHONE: 297-0288 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1670 Grace AvenueJ 1830-1836 E. Hamilton Avenue Date Sent Out: 5-23-91 Planning Commission Agenda Date: 7-9-91 Please Return By: 6-28-91 R it=C E IVE D PROPOSAL: R 91-04 (S 89-14) Public Hearing to consider the request of Marvin Bamburg for a one year extension of a previous Site and Architectural approval allowing the construction of a professional office building on properties known as 1830-1836 E, Hamilton Avenue and 1670 Grace Avenue in a P-O (Professional Office) Zoning District. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATIONS: CODE REQUIREMENTS (IF RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL): ~- aftëtekd. A1-temu- d~4/ 10 -2 7-1 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Planning Department has conducted an initial environmental study for this proposal, and [ X] A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this proposal. [] A Categorical Exemption has been prepared for this proposal. If your Department is of the opinion that additional environmental review is required, please attach an Environmental Impact Assessment Initial Study identifying your area(s) of concern. **Any environmental comments should be returned by: N/A TO: FROM: Steve Piasecki Planning Director Michelle Quinney ~ Senior Civil Engineer DATE: June 27, 1991 SUBJECT: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - REINSTATEMENT 1670 GRACE AVE. The reinstatement of S 89-14 is recommended with the following condi tions of approval: 1 ) 2 ) 3) 4 ) 5) 6 ) Provide a recorded copy of the parcel map that combines the three lots. Obtain an encroachment permi t, pay fees and post surety to install standard street improvements as required on Grace and Hamil ton Avenues. Revise site plan to indicate 5!' marginal walks along Grace north of the driveway (saving all existing trees), 4' marginal walks to match existing south of the driveway, and 10' walk with street trees along the Hamilton Avenue frontage. Execute a deferred street improvement agreement for street improvemen ts a long Hami I ton Avenue. Install a physical median island barrier in Grace Avenue to allow for left turns in to the office driveway, but limiting office driveway to right turns out only. Pay storm drain area fee of $1,395. MQ:HAMGR01 MARVIN BAMBURG 1176 LINCOLN AVENUE 408/297-0288 ASSOCIATE::;, INC. SAN JOSE,CA 95125 FAX 408/297-0384 14 May 1991 8703.2 Planning Department City of Campbell 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 : ;)) W rrv R n ~J7 'ç i f'\( t.'" . . ",~.. ,¡ .~ MAY 1 6 1991 ¡" '\ , ",' i ; I í: II I /' L:.> CITY OF L~M¡-- :.JeLL PLANNING DEPARTMENT Attn: Steve Piasecki, Director Re: S89-14, 1670 Grace, 1830-36 Hamilton Ave. Dear Steve, The referenced Site/Architectural approval was given on 1/19/90. It will expire on 7/19/91. The current recession has affected my client's ability to acquire tenants for this office building in advance of construction. To build without some commitments seems foolhardy in this unsettled business climate. For these reasons, we request, on behalf of the Owners, LMT Properties, that a one-year extension be granted to the referenced approval. If you need any additional information from us, please call. Very truly yours, MBA ARCHITECTS cc: T ersigni " M B IN.:~:RGH ITEGTS RESOLUTION NO. 2648 PLANNING COMMISSION BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING A SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATION ALLOWING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS 1830 AND 1836 EAST HAMILTON AVENUE AND 1670 GRACE AVENUE IN A PO (PROFESSIONAL OFFICE) ZONING DISTRICT ZONING. APPLICATION OF MR. MARVIN BAMBURG S 89-14. After notification and public hearing as specified by law on the application of Mr, Marvin Bamburg for approval of plans and elevations to allow the construction of a professional office building on property known as 1830 and 1836 East Hamilton Avenue and 1670 Grace Avenue in a PO (Professional Office) Zoning District. Zoning District; and, after presentation by the Planning Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Planning Commission did find as follows: 1. Scale; The proposed project is an appropriate scale in relationship to the adjacent developed uses. 2. Design: The project is well designed and architecturally blends into the neighborhood. 3, Design: The building design is considered acceptable and interesting by the Architectural Advisor, 4. Compatibility: The project is designed to minimize infringement upon neighboring properties, 5, Design: The project is of high quality design and will be aesthetically pleasing, 6, Landscaping: Substantial landscaping has been provided which adds to the aesthetics of the project, Based on the above findings, the Planning Commission does hereby grant the requested development, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Section 21,42,100 of the Campbell Municipal Code provides that any approval granted under this Section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension or reinstatement is approved, Resolution No, 2648 - 2 - Approval is effective ten days after decision of approval of the Planning Commission, unless an appeal is filed, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Commissioners: Commissioners: Commissioners: Steve Piasecki Secretary day of January 1990, by the following roll call Christ, Fox, Meyer, Olszewski, Alne, Wilkinson Perrine None None APPROVED: Jay Perrine Chairperson CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FILE NO. S 89-14 SITE ADDRESS: 1670 GRACE AVENUE APPLICANT: BAMBURG PC MTG DATE: JANUARY 9, 1990 The applicant is hereby notified, as part of this application, that he/she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the Laws of the State of California, Additionally, the applicant is hereby notified that he/she is required to comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California which pertain to this development and are not herein specified, 1. Elevations/Site Plan: Site plan indicating 10 foot sidewalks, deversion device on Grace Avenue, and two additional parking spaces to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee and/or the Planning Commission prior to application for a building permit, 2, Fencings/Landscaping: Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on the plans, Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plans, 3, Landscaping/Irrigation: Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of irrigation system to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee and/or Planning Commission prior to issuance of a building permit. 4, Fencing: Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. Performance Bond - Landscaping, Fencing, Striping: Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $10,000 to insure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas within 3 months of completion of construction; or (2) file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas, Bond or agreement to be filed with the Planning Department prior to application for a building permit. 6, Utility Boxes: Applicant to submit a plan to the Planning Department, prior to installation of PG&E utility (transformer) boxes, indicating the location of the boxes and screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval of the Planning Director. 7, Mechanical Equipment/Utility Meter Screening: All mechanical equipment on roofs and all utility meters to be screened as approved by the Planning Director, 8, Building Occupancy: Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed, 8, Parking/Driveways: All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Chapter 21,50 of the Campbell Municipal Code, All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards, 9, Utilities: Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20,36,150 of the Campbell Municipal Code, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FILE NO. SITE ADDRESS: 1670 GRACE AVENUE APPLICANT: BAMBURG PC MTG DATE: JANUARY 9, 1990 PAGE TWO S 89-14 10, Utilities: Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables. 11. Signing: Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the Sign Ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by Planning and Building Departments (Section 21.53 of the Campbell Municipal Code). 12. Garbage Collection: Ordinance No, 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. 13. Trash Containers/Enclosures: Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department, All enclosures to be constructed at grade level and have a level area adjacent to the trash enclosure area to service these containers. 14. Handicapped Requirements: Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. 15. Noise Levels: Noise levels for the interior of residential units shall comply with minimum State (Title 25) and local standards as indicated in the Noise Element of the Campbell General Plan, 16. Property Security: The applicant is hereby notified that the property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash, debris and weeds, until the time that actual construction commences. All existing structures shall be secured by having windows boarded up and doors sealed shut, or be demolished or removed from the property. Sect. 11,201 & 11.414, 1979 Ed, Uniform Fire Code, Public Works 17, File a parcel map to combine the three lots. 18. Obtain an encroachment permit, pay fees and post surety to install standard street improvements as required on Grace and Hamilton Avenues. 19. Pay storm drain area fee, 20, Provide two additional parking spaces to meet City Code requirements of one-space/225 gross square feet of office space. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FILE NO. SITE ADDRESS: 1670 GRACE AVENUE APPLICANT: BAMBURG PC MTG DATE: JANUARY 9, 1990 PAGE THREE S 89-14 21. Install sidewalks to align with existing sidewalks south of the driveway; that this condition be brought to the attention of the Planning Commission prior to the Tentative Subdivision Map approval; and include a handicap ramp at the corner. 22. Dedicate an additional 17 foot width along Hamilton Avenue. 23. Execute a deferred improvement agreement for street improvements along Hamilton Avenue, 24, On Grace Avenue install physical median barrier to allow right-turn out only from office driveway. Building Division 25. Provide on hour fire resistive construction where structures are less than 20 feet to the property line, Maintain one hour separation between B-1 and B-2 occupancies Table 5-B Uniform Building Code. Planning Department 26, Tree Protection: Applicant to provide screenings to protect existing magnolia trees to be retained during construction phase. Fire Department 27. A fully supervised fire sprinkler system is required throughout, 10,308(b)(5). U,F,C, 28, Plan review comments pertain to non-hazardous materials uses. . '" ... 1- '-... ?!/ nr. " ~ c ... . ... ~ 0 ZC 89-12 1830. 1836 HA"'LTOIiII MOPtt,..G f CENTER Ull '8 III > C I' .... .' ~l Public Hearing before the Planning Commission on 1/9/90 ) adopted Resolution No, 2648 approving Site and Architectur 1 Approval 7-0-0. EXIiJ.ßIT B STANDARD DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FILE NO: S 89-14 APPLICANT: MARVIN BAMBURG . SITE ADDRESS: 1830 AND 1836 EAST HAMILTON AVENUE AND 1670 GRACE AVENUE 1. Construction to begin within 18 months of final approval. 2. Construction to be completed within one year of starting date. í CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Planning July 31, 1991 Marvin Bamburg Marvin Bamburg Associates 1176 Lincoln Avenue San Jose, California 95125 RE: R 91-04 - 1670 Grace Avenue .'e, 'tlEo AUe n , .:, 1991 1'."6/,(: ~ o'Ir./Eng' 'nee, . 'no Dear Mr, Bamburg: Please be advised that the Planning Commission, at its meeting of July 9, 1991, adopted Resolution No, 2760, approving your request for a Site and Architectural application to allow the construction of a professional office building on the subject property, This approval is subject to the Conditions of Approval and effective 10 days following the Planning Commission action, A copy of the adopted resolution and reduced plans are enclosed for your information, If you should have any questions regarding the Planning Commission's approval, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Department. Sincerel y, B~~ ~ Damon Golubics Planning In tern Enclosures: Resolution No, 2760 Reduced Plans cc: Building Department Public Works Fire Department RESOLUTION NO. 2760 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING A REINSTATEMENT TO A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE AND ARClllTECTURAL APPLICATION ALLOWING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PROFESSIONAL OFFFICE BUILDING ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1836 EAST HAMILTON/1670 GRACE AVENUES, IN A PD (PROFESSIONAL OFFFICE) ZONING DISTRICT, APPLICATION OF MR, MARVIN BAMBURG, FILE NO, R 91-04 (S 89-14), After notification and Public Hearing as specified by law on the application of Mr, Marvin Bamburg for approval of a reinstatement for a previously approved Site and Architectural application, plans and elevations to allow construction of a professional office building, on property located at 1836 East Hainilton/1670 Grace Avenues, in a PO (Professional Office) Zoning District; and, after presentation by the Planning Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed, After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Planning Commission did find as follows with respect to File No, R 91-04 (S 89-14): 1. There have been no changes in the General Plan and Zoning since the Planning Commission approval. 2, Approval of a Site and Architectural Review Permit is valid for one year from the date of approval. 3, A Negative Declaration has been previously issued for this project, 4, The proposed projkect is an appropriate scale in relationship to the adjacent develped uses, 5, The project is well designed and architecturally blends into the neighborhood, 6, The building design is considered acceptable and interesting by the Architectural Advisor, 7. The project is designed to minimize infringement upon neighboring projects, 8, The project is of high quality design and will be aesthetically pleasing, Resolution No. 2760 Adopted: July 9, 1991 page two 9, Substantial landscaping has been provided which adds to the aesthetics of the project. Based upon the foregoing findings of fact, the Planning Commission further finds and concludes that: 1, The proposed project, subject to the conditions imposed, will be consistent with the General Plan and Zoning; and, 2, The proposed project, subject to the required conditions, will aide in the harmonious development of the immediate area. Approval is effective ten days after decision of approval of the Planning Commission, unless an appeal is filed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of July 1991, by the following roll call vote: A YES: Commissioners: Alne, Higgins, Perrine, Dougherty, Wilkinson Dougherty, Fox NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Meyer-Kennedy APPROVED: David Fox Vice Chair ATTEST: Steve Piasecki Secretary CONDmONS OF APPROVAL EXHIBIT A SITE ADDRESS: 1670 GRACE AVENUE APPLICANT: MARVIN BAMBURG PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: JULy 9,1991 The applicant is hereby notified, as part of this application, that hel she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California, The lead department with which the applicant will work is identified on each condition, Additionally, the applicant is hereby notified that he/she is required to comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California that pertain to this development and are not herein specified, fmject and Site Design 1, Revised Conditions All previous conditions of approval contained within the Planning Commission Resolution No. 2648 shall remain in effect except that the following conditions have been modified to read: 1. Revised site plan to indicate 5.5 foot marginal sidewalks along Grace north of the driveway (saving all existing trees), 4 foot marginal sidewalks to match existing south of the driveway, and 10 foot sidewalk with street trees along the Hamilton Avenue frontage. 17, Applicant shall provide a recorded copy of the parcel map that combines the three lots. 19. Applicant shall pay storm drain area fee of $1,395, 24, Applicant shall install a physical median island barrier on Grace A venue to allow for left turns in to the office driveway, but limiting office driveway to right turns out only, EXHIBIT B Standard Development Schedule FILE NO, R 91-04 APPLICANT: Marvin Bamburg SITE ADDRESS: 1670 Grace Avenue p,c. MEETING DATE: July 9, 1991 1, Construction to begin within one year of final approval, 2, Construction to be complete within one year of starting date, NOTE: Above Development Schedule is a standard used by the Planning Department when applicant has not submitted a schedule for his project, ~~~ " .... .. ", --~ -.-- 231 110 III > or <: <: ,.' 'J ..1. I. -'- ~ " ¡. ... .. "- on a '" c '" : "- .. a 0 '" E 0 ë .: '1 . .. 0 - ". ~ lfêr R 91-04 (8 89-14) HAMILTON 1670 GRACE AVENUE SHOPPING I CENTER ..: .... '" N ~ "- .... ¿,;., ~ .... ~ .. '" 0 "5~/38 :0. 0 Q) '" '" <1 .... ~ u .. .. 0 .. > '" .... '" <1 .::1 0 u /J) or a:I a: .. . ß: u c:=:J c:::JO ~ŒJ '" <1 .... ... .. ," en Lo.I > <t --- Ave, w > C( :z:: (:I ~ 16t1 11 20~/43 (V '" "", ,"' ~ rI. ., .... .. u 0 ~ '" "- ~ N '.~ . /, ,~~'k)J-- l/C".lol,--- ( I) j",/ (-'- CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 RECEIVED JAN 1:~ 19<30 2ublic Works/EnginO8ring Department: Planning January 10, 1990 Mr. Marvin Bamburg 1176 Lincoln Avenue San Jose, California 95125 RE: S 89-14, 1670 Grace, 1830. 1836 Hamilton Avenue Dear Mr, Bamburg: Please be advised that the Planning Commission at its regular meeting of January 9. 1990, granted your request for Site and Architectural approval to allow construction of a professional office building located at Hamilton and Grace Avenues. subject to the attached Conditions of Approval, Please note that revised conditions were indicated at this meeting, as follows: 1. Development Schedule: a. b. Construction to begin within 18 months of final approval. Construction to be completed within one year of starting date. 2, Condition No. 21: Install ten foot sidewalks along Hamilton Avenue frontage (include ramp at the corner), and install 7! foot wide sidewalks along the Grace Avenue frontage to the driveway exit, Install 5! foot wide sidewalk south of the Grace Avenue driveway. The approval becomes final 10 days following the Planning Commission meeting date, A copy of the approved plans are enclosed. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Department at (408) 866-2140, Sincerely, ¿/ /~-:z~~ &Ù¿~,,'- ~ia Sciara Planner I ks , r CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FILE NO, SITE ADDRESS: 1670 GRACE AVENUE APPLICANT: BAMBURG PC MTG DATE: JANUARY 9, 1990 PAGE THREE S 89-14 21. Install ten foot sidewalk along Grace and Hamilton Avenue frontages; and include a handicap ramp at the corner, 22. Dedicate an additional 17 foot width along Hamilton Avenue. 23. Execute a deferred improvement agreement for street improvements along Hamilton Avenue, 24. On Grace Avenue install physical median barrier to allow right-turn out only from office driveway. Building Division 25. Provide on hour fire resistive construction where structures are less than 20 feet to the property line. Maintain one hour separation between B-1 and B-2 occupancies Table 5-B Uniform Building Code. Planning Department 26. Tree Protection: Applicant to provide screenings to protect existing magnolia trees to be retained during construction phase, Fire Department 27. A fully supervised fire sprinkler system is required throughout, lO.308(b)(5). U.F.G. 28. Plan review comments pertain to non-hazardous materials uses. ," - I ABBRE~ATIONS I . AT AB. ANQiOR BOlT AC. ASPHAlTIC CONœElE ADO AODEHDUII ACOUST ACOIJS11CN.. ÞDJ. AD.1ISTASl£. ADJACENT AGGR ACCREGA TE AU AI. TDlNA TE AUJI AlIJ INlJ APPROX APPROXillA TEl Y AROi AROtTECT ASB ASBESTOS B. SPl BAO<SPlASH BEAW BTW I!£TWŒH BU«G) 9l0CK(1NG) BO BOARD B.W. 8OlH WAYS; BAa< Of WAlJ( BOT 8OTTOIot BlDG BUILDING B.S.L BUIL.DING SI:1BACK UHE CAB CABINET Col. CAST lION C.B. CATOI BASIN; CORNER BEAD; CASING I!£AD CU<G CAUU<lNG ClG CElUHG CO. CEWÐH CAB. CDÆNT ASBESTOS 8OAAIJ CTR CENlER C.L CENTERuHE C.Co CENlER TO CÐ<lER C.T. CERAMIC TlI£ ClR ClEAR C.AH. ClEAR All HEART ClO ClOSET CO!. CO!.~ CONC CONCRETE CONH CONNECTION CONSTR CONSTRUCTION CONT CONTINUOUS CoM.P. CORRUGATED METAl. PIPE CTSK COUNlERSINI< CoJ. COlD JOINT; CONTROl JOINT CPT CARPET C.O.T.G. a.£ANOUT TO GRADE DET DlAG DlA DIM OW DlSP 00 DR 0Bl O.f. ON 0.5. DVoR owe O.f. 0 DETAIl. DIAGONAl OIAIoIE1ER OUoIENSION DISHWASHER OISP£!IS£R OITTO OOOR DOUBl£ DOUGlAS FlR 001ON 001ON SPOUT DRAWER DRAWING DRINKING fOUNTAIN DR'f£R EA EAOi E. EAST El.£C EI.£CTRlC; EI.£CTRICAl EW.C. EI.£CTRlC WATER COOl£R El El.£VATION EI.£V El.£VA TOR EWER EWERG£NCY ENCl ENClOSURE EO EQUAl EOPT EOU1PIoIENT <E>: EXISTING EXP EXPANSION REJ. EXPANSION JOINT EXPO EXPOSEo [xT EXTERIOR EN. EOGE NAiUNG f.f. fACE Of FRAME; fACEFRAME; F1NISH flOOR f.O.C. fACE Of CONCRETE f.O.f. fACE Of FlNISH f.O.M. fACE Of MASONRY f.O.S. fACE Of STUO f1N f1NISH f.O. flN SH£D OPENING f.A FlRE AlARIoI f.E. FlRE EXTINGUISHER fPRf FlREPROOf FRT FlRE RETAROANT TREATED flASH f1.ASHfNG LB. flAT BAR fl flOOR f.O. flOOR DRAIN flUOR flUORESCENT FTG. foolJllG FT fOOT fON fOUNDATION f.C. fRAIoIING alP fUR fURRING fUT fU1IIIE f.CoO flOOR a.£ANOUT GlB GAL GAl V G.I. GA GI. G.B. GR GNO G'rP GlUlAIoI BEAIoI GAll.ON GAlVANIZEO GAJ.VANIZEO IRON GAUGE GI.ASS GRAB BAR GRADE GROUNO G'I1'SIJ\,t RAD RADIUS RWI. RAINWATER I£ADER RYID REDWOOO REf R£fERENCE RfG REfRIGERATOR RGTR REGlSlER R.CoP. RElNfORCEO CONCRETE PIP' RÐNf RElNfORŒO(ING) RS RESAWN; ROUGH SA\\N REf RETAINING R.A RETURN AIR RAG. RETURN AIR GRIU£ RESIl RESlUENT REo. REQUIRED R/W RIGHT Of WAY R RISER R.O. ROOf DRAIN R.5. ROOf SUMP RIo! ROQI RO ROUGH R.O. ROUGH OPENING SCHEO. SOiEOUI£ 5.N.O. SANITARY NAPKIN OISPENSER 5.N.R SANITARY NAPKIN RECEPTAa.£ S.C.O. SEAT COVER OISPENSER SECT SECTION 5.5. SEI£CT STRUCTURAl 5.S/< SER\o1CE SINK SHT SHEET S.M.5. SHEENETAl SCREWS SH SHELf S .. P SHElf.. POlE SHR SHOWlõR S.O.V. SHUT-Off-VAlIIE SlM SIMIlAR S.O. SOAP OISPENSER S.C. sauo CORE S SOUTH SO SOUARE 5.f. SOUARE fEET SST STAlNI£SS STEEl. SID STANOARD STA STATION S1l STEEl. STOR STORAGE ST STR£ET STRL STRUCTURAl 5.AR SUPPLY AIR REGISTER SUSP SUSPENDEO SYIoI.: SYIoIETRlCAl TEl TEl.fPHONE T.V. 1EI.£\o1S1ON TER TERRAZZO THK THICK TH THRESHOlD T.P.o. TOII£T PAPER OISPENSER T .. G TONGUE" GRooIIE T.Co TOP Of QJRB T.P. TOP Of PAIlEMENT T.w. TOP Of WAlL T.5.B. TOP-SET BASE T.B. TOVÆL BAR TRO TREAD T'r!' rtPICAl T.S. TUBULAR STEEL T .. B TOP" BOTTOW UNf UNFlNISHED U.B.e. UNifORM BUlLOING COOE U.N.O. UNI£SS NOTEO OTHERWISE UR URINAl V.T.R. IlENT THRU ROOf VERT IlERTlCAl v.G. IlERTlCAL GRAIN IlEST IlESTlBUL£ V.W.e. VINYl WAll COVERING V.e.P. VlTRlOUS ClAY PIPE V.C.T. VINYl CONPOSlTlON TlI£ WSCT WAINSCOT W WlõST; WASHER W.C. WATER ClOSET WI' WATERPROOf WT WEIGHT \\NOw WlNOOW WI WITH WID WITHOUT W.5. WOOO SCREWS W.W.M. WOllEN WIRE MESH WWf WOllEN WIRE MESH fABRIC W.I. WROUGHT IRON W.O. WINDOW OIMENSION HD HOlOOO\\N H.R HANDRAIL HOW!! HARDWARE HOYID HARDWOOO HOR HEADER HGT HEIGHT H.C. HOI.l.OW CORE; HANDICAPPED H.M. HOI.l.OW METAL HORIZ Hœ1ZONTAl H.B. HOSE BIBB HWH HOT WATER HEATER HR HOUR IN;. INCH; INCHES 1.0. INSIDE DlMENSlON;(DIA.) INSUL INSULATION INT INTERIOR INV IN\/ERT JAN JT JST JANITOR JOINT JOIST KIT KITCHEN LAB LABORATORY lAW lAIoIlNATED LAV LAVATORY LT UGHT Lf. UNEAL fOOT LKR LOCKER LG; L LONG LB;' POUND IS) UN. UNEN M.B. MACHINE BO!. T M.I. MAll.fA8l£ IRON MH MANHOLE MfG MANUfACTURE(R) M.O. MASONRY OPENING MAX MAXIMUM MECH MECHANICAL M.Co MEDIaN[ CAmNET ME\18 MEMBRANE MET METAL MIN MINIMUM MIR MIRROR MISC MISCEl.LANEOUS MID MOUNTED MUL MUlliON N NORTH NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NTS NOT TO SCAl£ <1<> NEW NO.;# NUMBER NOW NOMINAl DBS OfT o.e. 0.0. DBSQJRE OfflŒ ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIMENSION (OIA) OIlERAlI. 0\iERHEAD; OIlERHANG OPENING OPPOSITE OUNŒ O.A. OH OPG OPP OZ P.lAW PLASTIC lAIoIlNATE PR PAIR P.T.D. PAPER-TOI'ÆR DISPENSER P.T.R. PAPER-TOWlõR REŒPTACLE P.T.DIR COWBINATION P.T.D. ... REŒPTACLE PTN PARTITION PROPERTY liNE OR UNE Of PARŒL PlAS PlASTER P.f.B. PlASTIC nNISH BOARD Pl PLATE; PROPERTY liNE PL Y'MJ PLYWOOD PT PONT POI.. POLISHED PRCST PRECAST P.U.E. PUBLIC UTIUTY EASEMENT P.T.D.f. PRESSURE TREATED DOUGlAS FlR PTN a.T. OUARRY TII£ LMT BU~LD~NG AT GRACE AVE. + HAMILTON AVE. CAMPBELL, CA FOR LMT PROPERTIES 1830 HAMILTON AVE SAN JOSE, CA SITE INFORMATION GENERAL INFO, APN 288-25-60 288-25-61 288-25-62 _. LAND: BUILDING: .62 ACRES GROSS AREA I b. 1ST R.CCA ~2ND fLOOR 4176 SF. 6304 SF. 10480 SF. P ARK;¡I.JG : COVERED 18 UNCO'lERED 27 (CQMPACT;16 . STANDAADZ9) COVERAGE: TOT Ai.. BUILDING COVERAGE PARKING AND DRIVEWAYS lANDSCAPING AND OPEN SPACE 45 CARS lCA.l'/~>;?'5 ""'!". &, 4176 sf 15.6\ 15309 sf 57.1'\ 7327 sf 27.3\ TOTAL 26812 sf 100% CONSULTANTS R 91-04 (8 89-14) 1670 Grace Ave, & 1830-1836 Hamilton Avenue I INDEX I SHEET NO SEQUENCE OESCRIPTlIJ'< COVER SHEET. AB9REV lATIONS lOCATION ""P. "DEI. SITE INfORMATION SITE PLAN fiRST flOOR PlAI< SECOND flOOR PlAI< EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL ïO it FIRST ST, Cl,MPPP !L Cr. m;ong >1'" :.¡...L, .",:;~ U 7 / i g /q ~::}"l,'£CTIVE DATE: ~ ~ fë' ~ ~ n ~f¡ rei'") ITJìr.., I L'- II'" ,? . . - I I :.' ¡ r ~ ¡ ~ MAY 2 3 1991 .!/ CITY ù¡'; L... -". ; -~ ._L "'LANNJI'\!G DEPAh'-ll'.".J~T LOCATION MAP ~.<;;:;:;;;.;...~". MARVIN BAMBURG ASSDCIATIS lilT 1£110111 lIE SII JOSE. CI 95115 101011 161.1110 ARCHITECTS !MIÀ U."MBURG c-.... ... ~".".' "" ...." v.n', ""...v. .,." ,'w', .. ..., "."" -"".,,.., .,..." .." "Co.". .... ...., ., - -"" .."C .,.. ., .-, "'..', ",," ...".."-' .... u.I I.LI = ~ a:: u.I =- = u 0 z .. w E " A :; -__œ 'i' ~ - 'i' ~ Ò I j:¡ ';' ~, HAML.. TON AVE 16'-0' 5'-.' 5'1. I. 15'-0' 35'-0' 5' 58'-0' <1<> SlO£WAU< 10' WlOE ~ l' ~ ~ ,,<> ,- 0------ ... #/' ,2NO STORY ON '"/ <P." 55' " L-31.3.' 10 ~ I Þ I Þ I I /J L .!! J!D~]o~ - - ---1~-]1' , 10--0-' : 9 ¡ I : ~~ I : q¡ I : I : Q: J : -:-J - 0 I , ¡II , II a: -J'. I 16'-0' r;¡; I~ I i I NEW 6' H'GH t- . PROPERTY PROPOSED OffiCE BLDG. a ~ ~ .. co ~ ~ " I .. ~ 28'-6' ~ 115'-6' EXIS"NG HOUSE ~ ~~, :~N ~ g ~~ I.o eI---- <1<> CROSSWAU< LOCA""" HCRAMP <E> POL£ BIKE RACK - NEW 6' HIGH "ASONRY FENCE . PROPERTY UNE 'i' 1;; 7 N C_T . ..e>'! -------... ò , ~ MARVIN BAMBURG I_liTIS 1811 .ElI.11I AlE W.IIS(. Cali In .4181 211'%111 IRClmCrS æ õo EXlS"NG omCE EIUILOtNG 2 STORIES . ~ u < .. :s a u .. CE .~.. C-- .... ........ ... VlITTDI ......... .......... 00£1. _mUTE 'HE 081""" ... "_1"" .... OF JM[ "CHIT"'.'" .., .., " co.... DO .... .IT"" '" "IT'" """'" OF no: MOII""'_' 'i' ~ t. = . .. CD I I - - - -- - - - ------ - -0----- - - - - --- ---- :z c ...I A.. ..... Þ- 0 s- ~ 0 SEQUENt( ~ -_~œ i 58'-0- t 5'-0" I I I iU--Ul 2ND STORY OH ---=-þ b I ~ I I Þ I I Þ L ~- /0 / I I \ \ '- 0 "-- - OFFICE SPACE iU--lIrl q- - I I q- - I I q- I I q- -1 "'-<1' 12'-<1' I 0 LOBBY --_-.J OFFICE SPACE "" 0 c Q' "" 0 U I I I I I I 0 IIi I I ---.1 I L--t-- I (I I I '1, _1_.----( 7'-<1' If!] PARKING 15'-0" 1 -+ 1 I 1 fl 0- -+ I L_- I 1 --t----.J PARKING 6'-0" .'-0" .'-0" .'-0" 15'-0" .8'-0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1/8"= 1'-0" 4176 S.F. 5'-0" b I ¡., b I ., b I ¡., b I ¡., b I ¡., b I ;., b I --------., ;., 0 -'-- , \ \ b I ~ I / 0 - /- ~ - -----/' ~I ~ b I ., b , ¡., b I ;., b , ¡., 7'-0" REVISIONS b " .-. ,.ß'I ---- b I ~ MARVIN BAMBURG 1IIIIIITEI 1111 IEllII.1 AYE W.IISE. CA 8SItS 14111 211-2711 ARCHITECTS ~ .........,.. c-- au. _'815 ... ".T1UO M1UUL """'.. _II _mut[ ... ......... ... _IS." .... .. T1O( ..",mCT, AN' NAT DOT .. C."" .. US" U"..UT ,.. UI"'" _.."""",mCT, a c::t . .. - .. . GO - - :z c ..... a.. a:: c::t c::t ..... Y.. t- .,.. a:: - Y.. --L-- C . 0 ~ SEQUENt( -_.~-,~ 22'-0' S'-O' 'f § I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rL I/O ""- 0 Lj I I I I I I I I ------- 5'-0' 22'-0' OFFICE SPACE 12'-0' 22'-0' --- OPEN TO nRST flOOR OFFICE SPACE a:: 0 a ir 0:: 0 U -" " , 0 0 / ' t-J OFFICE SPACE 2"-0' 22'-0' ",'.0' 1 "=8' -0" SECOND FLOOR PLAN 6304 S.F, If!] ~ ~ REVISIONS 'f õn '0 I ~ .-.,.e>'! ---- b , 10 'f b ~ MARVIN BAMBURG I_liTES 1117 1011111 An III JIlL CH51l5 14811 nH7n ARCHITECTS . b I ~ .....- c -- 'f 10 .... -.... - ...no OAm...."""""""".- e-TlM< no< aUO1.... ... _1S..a .- Of TO< MOimeT, Ma KAT lOT " coma OIl us.. .. """ TO' "ITT" ("'SU"" M .....1"", 'f ~ R ~ - .. - .. .. CO --- - b , õn z: -c ..... A.. a: ~ ~ ..... ..... CI z: ~ ~ LI.I ~ D ~ 0 SEQU(NU ;- EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE KEY MATERIALS MANUfACTURER & COLOR fiNISH REMARKS OJ METAL ROOf TERNE GRAY ~ fASCIA TERNE GRAY ŒJ STUCCO K-M 8-18-2 ~ STUCCO K-M C-37-1 @] STUCCO K-M 8-16-1 m STUCCO K-M 8-35-3 [2] TINTED GLASS GRAY 8UTT GLAZED m METAL RAIL 8LACK 6 FT HIGH MASONRY WALL AT PROPERTY LINE ~ ~ 8 - ç:::::::::: n <e.)~ ~ EAST ELEV A 1lON CARPORT DRIVEWAY - a.E\lA11CH 0f'f'0811! HAlO) ~ It ~ r-ŒJ U1ttirm ~ ~~I ~~ Hili.....' ... ~ ~ L- r-... -DJ ~ PARKING UNDER BUILDING ~ ~'/ ~ ~ 6 ornCE BUILDING m 7 s ~ -ßJ Æ ........ r -1 STREET DEDICATION 1 6' HIGH WOOD fENCE 4 5 DD GRACE AVE I NORTH ELEV A 1lON EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS --~œ -~- 1/8"= 1'-0" HAMILTON AVE STREET ....-. ,.e.1 ---- MARVIN BAMBURG IU811118 1117 IUIIIAI AlE W.IISE, CA 151Z5 14111 217-%111 , IICRITfCT8 !lJIA .....- C -- .... -.... - "'TTÐI M..."" """'.. ....¡. _TlTUT[ THE 01'0"'" - .........., .... Of THE AI"""", AI' OA' IO' II CD"" DR US" "n,ur nE "ITT" """"""""""lit". R ~ . .. - II I: CO -..... - ~ z: ~ ..... tIC =- LI.I ....II .LI.I a:: ~ a:: LI.I ..... >< LI.I E- . 0 SEQUEN" I('> EXTERIOR RNISH SCHEDULE KEY MATERIALS MANUFACTURER'" COLOR FINISH REMARKS [!] METAL ROOF TERNE GRAY ŒJ FASCIA TERNE GRAY ŒJ STUCCO K-M B-18-2 ~ STUCCO K-M C-37-1 œ STUCCO K-M B-16-1 œ STUCCO K-M B-35-3 III TINTED GLASS GRAY BUTT GLAZED ~ METAL RAIL BLACK 2 5 TRASH ENCLOSURE NORTH ELEVATION CARPORT --{]] GRACE AVE 5 7 6' HIGH WOOD FENCE ~ STREET PARKING UNDER BUILDING PARKING LOT SOUTH ELEVATION EXTERIOR Ek.EV A TIONS 1/8"= 1'-0" __~œ ...- . ,. e,q ___no MARVIN BAMBURG IIIBIITEI 1111 IEl1lm AlE IUJnE,CAI51Z5 14811 211-2181 IICIITECTS !NfA .............. C -.... AU. ........ OM> "'TTDI ..TO"" ......,'" ...... """mUTI T", ""'IIA&. ... .........., .... OF TIt( ""'IT£CT, '" .., IO' IE CD"" .. USE' ....,ur '"' VIm" CIIISOIT Of M """TtCT. i = . .. - .. I: CO - - I It C4 Z = .... C =- ..... ..... ..... II: = II: ..... .... " '..... 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'0 I..: '--_/ ~ x e, .. - - - - ~/ ----- --- -- ,O-,ZL ,ç .O-,çz .O-,O~ .,-,01 -B'- ~-B'- g ::J :¡; z -B'- ~ .. tj 3 -...--- ~ >- .. z 0 ~!¡i :> ::; H .x ~ ; ::: !¡i 0 I 1,- ~ 'f 'f ~ ~ 'f ~ 'f ~ 'f ~ ':' ¡" b .~ '0 , g b í t: ¡" 0 0 .. .. ~ ~ '" .0 .., I, ::: z ; 0 :: III NVld 311S I ----------1 I ~ g, .. u ~ III g " z ¡: In Ô z :3 a.. ~ en .-- a I CD II ~ 8 II ,6 Ii