70 W. Hamilton Ave. (74-20) "". , , ,t' ~u' ""4J'<Ja¡..."""""'"":~":,.:"" ""-;<"¡!,',.~, ,I':J .~. .. ,,(,:~lW ':,~\,,\..¡;1 ' 1,' ., P }.RCEL ONE: .. . .t> e} ;;i ,¡ ,j : ,. 'ï The Easterly 122.88 feet of Parcel B as shown on that certain Parcel Map' recorded Uay _13, 1970 in Book 268, paBa 6 of' Haps, Records of Santa Clara County Cà1ifornia. 'I '"" ') " , <, ; .' Reserving from the above described Parcel One, as appurtenant to the remaining lands. of the grantors lying contiguous and Westerly, the following easements: '". . , ' , i ..,'~ '. a) A non-exclusive easement for ingress"and e~ress over a strip of land 20 feet wide, the centerline which is described as follows: " .,,';' ,;." . ' COMMENCING at the Southeasterly corner of parcel "B" of the above mentioned, Parcel }fap, thence North 0°28' 40" East 34 feet to the True Point of beginning ,'" thence froM said true point of Beginning North 89°27'20" West 122.88 feet the Wester1~ line of the herein above described Parcel One. to, ;' ,#.,", b) A non-exclusive easement for'ingress and egress over the Westerly 35.58' ,feet. front and rear Measurements, of Parcel One hereinaboved described. .., : c) A non-exclusive easement for 12 parking space, to be made available at all times over the Westerly 35.58 feet, front ànd rear measurements, of Parcel One hereinabove described. PARCEL TWO: .. I .' , I A non-exclusive easement for ingress and e~ress, over a strip of land 20 feet wide, the ce~ter line of which is described as follows: . . Commencing at the most Easterly, l~ortheast comer of Parcel A of the above mentioned Parcel Hap, said point being a point in the Westerly line of Winchester .Boulevard, as shown on said Map; thence from said point of commencenent South 0°30' West along said line . 10 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence from said point of beginning North 89°25' Hest, 116.16 feet; thence on a tangent curve to the left, with a radius of 250 feet, through an angle of 15°25', for a distance of 67.27 feet; thence South 75°10' West, 4.97 feet; thence on a tangent curve to the right, with a radius of 250,feet,throur,h an angle of 15°22'40", for a distance of 67.10 feet; thence north 89°27'20" West, 96.20 feet to a point in the Easterly' l:Ì.ne'of said Parcel One, said point being North 89°27'20" \.fest 349.92 feet and North 0°28' 43" East, 34. feet from the Southeast comer of said Parcel A: " ,(f , , " I J. ", PARCEL THREE: ~" , . A non-exclusive' easement for ingress and egress, as appurtenant to Parcel ,,' On~ above, or any por~ion thereof, over a portion of Parcel B of the above meationed Parcel Nap being a strip of land 20 feet wide" the center line ., of which is describèd as follows: ~~tCING at the Southwesterly corner of the herein ~ove mentioned parcel' one distant thereon North 89°27' 20" West 472.80 feet from the Southeasterly corner of Parcel A; . . thence dong the Easterly line of Parcel One north 0°27.' 40" East \ 34 feet to the True Point of Commencement; thence Horth 89°27' 20" West 125 feet more or less to the Easterly line of Dunster Drive. ..., ,"", .. 'I"~ :0" .." .~:'J . ",; ,,", ,," ..'<., ,j '. -.. I I I. _.~Jn71" ~/r "~~U"- w, ~ .1 10 l J .J !!I = n - -.. ... 11' :: 6 ;¡ õ.J L Z Lù 0 @ L&J .. HAM\LTON 0""£ or tauNT" "~~t~sO.,~,,..TA t.\.Aa" COu"'T.,.u.~lrOQN'. ROSE MARV 10 t 8 2 9 .í: r . ,¡r"r I , Is: ,- 12 I , I . 9 -, a '---.~ I 7 I I I 1& Ir 'ð 10 Ig ,- - I I , 1 !1 !/ '0" .., . 0\-. 'l AVE. ,,~ I -----.a¡¡¡ I I I I I @ Ii. " ~I .. ! 11 fj -I I I I 11 I 88 I KAMSONL_._ "\ .J ~~ ~ < a Z ~ ~ PTN. R,T QutKER SUBOI"":IOH !£J 9 I I 1 -,., I XI'n I : 's I '* \ I~ '... I", ,... 1"" I"' I~ 2g :; ~ I~ I - I I , I , I I '" 'lilt, "OJ I iå' 6 e.! ~W) -to: ::: ¡: .. .. !' :! ~ 12 'I 13 I 118 I 'tOJ'Z WAY II 306 II 'iF 11 I hereby approve said Map showing Easements of record' and Easements to be created together with parking area I Easement and Buyer Telco Credit Union, a California Corporati~n acknowledges that no access ~sprovided over the Sellers i ~remaining land~ along Hamilton Avenue, WISTARIA INVESTMENT COMPANY, a BY: LAN E ! !1 I I 101 - :0 .3 I I I. ?! I:;: 1= I , I '001 ,... TRACT ;¡ ~ W a~ w !¡; Z :> () (L California Corporþtion E. ROSEM¡\RY ,~E' l~NE ')Q 1114' 11' I I~ I ¡;? 1'2 I, "101 "10 ')Q '10 '10 I 1 §. 1 {J :l TR.C r N'"- 96 E,R KEN~EDV SUB Ntl 70 I ~s I ~& I 10 I '10 I I It?' I f) - I I \ I I ' ~ " ! "'.~~ : " I ., I~ I,^ I ?f' ,= t2 43 I . I "110 1 t: '.1 ~ .. :'s/ 14~ ~ ~ ~ !4 ~r ~ NC? '2308 L...- PARCEL MAP 268-M - 6 ~19 '.0) .00 II . pt~{ "i~ cJ¡, {-. 1.19'7 Ac.N:.!,-- -- . P~l..A \03,21 . ...> .c.:('? -"("'7r-'---u ~ ."..,~& , @ (\ " ( ~ :2: .... ;- ii E. H~MILTOH !;+:e AVE. " .. .. \4H. t§ 51 ~ 13 'e' '" v:¡o- ~ S? å- >ò .-J ct cD, " ,j I U vi l~" - €J I , > .. ... ¡ -, 110'07 ~ c:r: uJ .- Ln UJ ::L u :z ~ -, '~:~;¡;,,";"-"'-;1 4SJ iii 17 0 g ,~ Jl<I""H..c ~~ Iz871 I 'I (rt, -W' . ~LE I :. I ",.. mIll > ... t..o CllnlPI8d tor !he --a ()tf.c:a .. &wq cw. ~ ....... dol. . cI nerd - qI ... fnt of AWdI. 1912. 1w. .... ... t..o ..... in ~4.... ,,"0 wlrh IecrIon 827 of .... -- tnd 1....- c...- wod 18 uMd for ~ IdontificMon cI .. - n>II .- 01 ,>, ,'- I.. ~