215 W. Hamilton Ave. (1971) " ,', ~: iJ. Ù .YþCW-{j --rv "mm OF nIL FABULOUS ':,/\SïA ClI IìA, LULL:f! " \<, ,~, ,......n._, >~'_~"",..,",.,~.,,-,~.,~..," "a"~""~~'L'-"'~'L-="'.."." ..,"~-""'~-~'-"""~'">,-,,"'...~-.,,.,. 75 NCRTr i CFr--:Tkt,1 ;\VEì\!UE . CA\:~r'3EL!., C).\LlrOi?i,~!t, 9.500(1 . 1 ELlT'IIOrJ[ (i~O8) 37381 '11 September I, 1 '97 ¡ <C~~ ~j#S--ß Pch-?LJ (~ Mr. S. Prestigiacano 1095 C~rolyn Ave. Campbel J, California 95008 Dear Mr. prestigiacomo: This office has investig¿Herl the request for construction of a sidc',-:dk at lf9 H. Hé:1mi]ton þ,vc¡¡ue. It is a long-standing policy of the City to require construction of a side'....ralk, ",lith curb and guttf:r, as the ob1j.. gation of the ad.¡¿cent property owner ~t the time he develops 11¡5 proparty. As you I:nm', , your property is used for residential p!Jrpos(~~, but is zor:cd for CŒ1ì)lercia! U5'~. In line v1Ïth past City policy, w,~ boli,,-,vc th¡;¡t the. construction of the curb, gutter, sidewalk and street improvements in this area should be accomplished ùr th:; time yo:.! initiate (;(;i¡1Jr.tõ:rciðl development on this property. . It is my und'~rsttmding that you were alerted to the impro'li~meï ts to be made at the time the U-Save Liquor store ir,Jprovements W8r.e made, and it was your choice ¿It that time not to participate in this impr'ov,,"rnent project. As for the requ~st for crees, we be!ieve they should also be ¡nstal1ed at the time the curb, gutter, sid':',-¡'3Jk a:1C street ¡¡r¡pro'/f:¡¡-::nts are ma,je when development occurs. if we can je of any further 33sistan:e in clarifying o~r pc5iticn, please contact this office. SincereJy, ,..;:. ,t._/ '. . .~ - ,', . '~ RCS:db Robert C. Steph¿ns City Manager cc: MõY~í R~ ph Doetsch, Sr, ~am G. ~ren, Public Works D¡r~ct~r r .It ....... A <..- k~ .'" '_/~J-"1 "J - U Ç;') . L'~~YV ( Y ) ~--I AUgust 18, 1971 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert C. Stephens, City Manager FROM: William G. Wren, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Prestiqiacomos' Sidewalk--Your Memo of Auqust 12. I am returning a copy of Resolution No. 2146 which recalls some of the history of this strip of land. When the Phillips' Oil Companyredìd their corner, the City&nforced the payment of the $10,260 to Wistaria Development Company as a condition of a long-standing agreement to that effect. The whole thing resulted from Settimo Prestigiacomos' refusal, way back when, to participate in any street improvement work along this frontage. The City, at its cost, installed the curb and pavement which now exists throughout Prestigiacomos' frontage. I look upon the construction of the sidewalk as a very definite obligation of the owner, in keeping with our typical a.pproach throughout the City. The property is used residentially but is zoned commercially. It is quite normal that, barring some pressing public need, such frontages are improved only when the commercial development occurs. I feel that we have satisfied the "pressing Public need" by our construction of the curb and street in this area. Last year, when we widened and improved the frontage of the U-Save Liquor store around the corner on Winchester, we carried those improvements through the short (30') Prestigiacomos' frontage on that street--at no expense to him. This involved pavement, curb, some sidewalk and a driveway approach in this 30' frontage. We talked to Settimo and his son at that time and suggested that they install their Hamilton Avenue sidewalk with our contract. They considered it a bit but ultimately decided that they would wait until some later date. I would 8~ggest that we continue to wait with them until they decide to utilize their property in some other manner. As for the trees, I feel that they should be a consideration at that future time, also. William G. Wren, Director of Public Works WGW I cc Attachment t !- . . i , i (;",.:.. I "-:-~-',~:--'---I-¡~' ~-~-~.=~-~-~:- ." , ,.:' ---7-- ~_.ß-=Ll '-~ . -- -\ '~\ ~~:J~ v ---I ==--=---=--=- -~:-- :_,:~--==--.~-- :.11 _.~= -~- - -. ~ ..--.---- ! """"\ , c.J Mr. Roy prestlglacomos 4440 Buckna II Road Campbell, California 95008 Dear Mr. prestiglacomos: -. ~ ..8r. ... ¿{-~ H> -=5C &- _. J '} - ¿ ( r: " í i&") P ?-t . #Í J {/ . rl..l!ty"s August 12, 1971 I have asked the City Manager to investigate your request as outlined in your letter dated August 8, 1971. His office will respond to you of his findings and recom- menda t I on. RD/RCS:db Sincerely, ,~ /,/ n <C~---7 /./ ...~-~/ ~-'-:?1-~/:.;..øPI.. Ralph Doetsch, Sr. Mayor cc: Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk ~illiam G. Wren, Public Works Director Bill: Would you investigate and report on this item at your earliest convenience. / I , ~r . ~1 # ¡J-V ~~ -/ß~ ~ -, ý~~ ~~~~~~ ~;þ'~ ~ ÆA~~ ~ ~ ~~ 07$?;«~ ----; - ~ Y-«J ¿JZ?c~:) ~ ~-' L -. ~~~ ~ ~~J' Pw~ 4 ~ L /;l:;~ ~ ~--nZ;¿ ~ ..-~~~. ~? {ß-Pt/ ¡;O ~ ~--" ~~ c£ ~, ~ß- ~~ ~ ~£ . " . . c/~ ~~~~<;V ~ ~. .--/f!!y~~~~-~ ßy- y ~- ..1 ¡ . , ¡, i L>,.... \ - I (~ -,- ~ . I GRAbrr DEED WK, SBTTIMO and BEATRICE PRESTIGIACOMO, husband and wife, grant to the CrrY or CAMPBELL, a mun i,cipa 1 , corporation, all that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, state of California, and more particularly described as follows: COMMBNCD1G at the point of intersection of the SOutherly line of Tract 96 sai4 tract recorded on ~ril 17, 1939 in Book 3 of Maps, Page 51, santa Clara County Recordsì with the center line of Eden Avenue 7 THENCE, S. a9° 30' E. 125.00 feet, along said southerly 11ne of Tract 967 THENCE, S. 0° 35' W., 101.35 feet to the TRUE POINT OP BEGINNING, THENCE, S. 0° 35' w., 55.00 feet; THENCE, S. 89° 30' E., 60.00 fe.t along a line that is parallel with and 5.00 feet at a right angle to the center line of Hamilton Avenue; THENCE, N. 0° 35' 8., 55.00 feet; THBNCE, N. 89° 30' W., 60.00 feet to the POINT OP BEGINNING and containing 3,300 square feet of land, more or le8s, and being a part of Section 27, Township 7 South, Ranqe 1 west, M.D.B. & M. IN WITNESS WHERBOP, we have placed our names this day of ,19. 8ett18o prestigiacomo Beatrice Prestigiacomo (Notary Certificate) , ~ a I LLI > « z 30' ~ . "!' ""'. ::::r::, I "\. '..' '... LLI I .. (~ , P.O,C:, I-,... S 89O30'E 125,00' .,'-t I I PRESTIGIACOMO .1/) TR ;2.:~)OB It) Settimo 8 Q Beatrice 2594.0,R: 599 ILl ~ I/) I/) It) I ° It) 0 ° 0 z ~ N 89°30' W P.O.B:,,/ -" 60.00' ,-,.-" \ .0 .0 ~ 0 .0 I/) I/) .0 u:> I/) \ : S 89° 30' E J -~ - - ,.. ../ - . '60.00' HAMIL TON AVENUE ' -0 .0 II! Ii scale: I": 50' ¡ [\ f',¡r To S, r- r..R f\ r-..rTFn TO Ti-¡ç:: L. ¡ .4., ¡ ',¡ I...J I 1..., i..- '..J ,,1-\ ¡ \, , ......l.l I I ~- -, '._--,------_. ---_o_._~---,_._- --- rlTY r¡c C'A. r nPRE'L L '...ft í ~",d V \; II u - - - ---, ----,. _.°"-,___-'.".'- .."---..-. ¡--.... ~-'--', ! I' I ,-,,'1 t, 1"" ;c; \.: oj '\,' i ...,---..,....,' ..-,' . , I ","---------_."___0_"" '_'_0.'__0'- ;'1 epored by the Cff,çe of the City :>,(!,nE:~!: ¡ Campbell California .._~-----_.." ._._o_-~?!~!_~~:L Ck.by: .~~ OC!3.~~~..-J ...- --., .. -.-. L f \, ~' " ,. ¡ _"_'_d +-- ',.. .., <Ë- -,J1.. () 0' 11/1 ~d) f,r-: =r- ~~ \fir 0 ('II CO~FO 2.M ïD ë)( I(:'T. e.OG.or PVM'T ~ c.¡ - I~ If!< W A.M\LTON ~c' 321 10' TO EX-If:,T. PAVE:., LTA~~IT~ ~F GAMPB E::~L. CUI2f!t, 6UTTE:I2.,161D&WALIt. TVÞ,c..I.::I.L ~¡:c.ï ION ~O ~c::.~L.~ 411 A.c.. PAYf:-. 0"-1 \~" "LA~~ '2 A~f::l, BAiòE: ,..-,.,,--- -. -- ..--.. 0 O:un- MÄ"CH At.lD CONFORM TO ~ ~o I ~t; I::~I~T. GUIZE::>, G.UTTE:2., ~ .$ ff ;;!~ ~IDE-Wð.L~ 4 'b1ï2ë1::T ~ ~ ,. ~ :::I!! -",/ ,,;>=c,50r.--I~""""" B.M.- A ot>l ëL&(.'Tf2.0\...1~rz... e,À'be ,~ 1I-I-=3sÞ =LEV. 1780.154- d, I "-IŒ"LOGATE =XI~T. 9 B~ 2.t2.ICADi:. d q \B' .. w.-- ,-.," , , -w..-.. .0. ._~..-o~~""""---+ i 1 ! I , ! I I t..----.- , t ¡ ,II ;-----. À VE N U E: \ \. \ '/1."A.(,ÞAVE. ON . 4 Ii CL? Q. A&6, BlII:oe '-.. '. , ---. -------" - .. .------..- .-- ---~ ~-rt2~E.T IMPt2.ðVE:M~NT~ PI2.E.~ ì 16IÄC,DMO .__.,,~--~-, CITY OF GAM~8e.L.L i!:.N6INE:éI2.INé1 DIYI~IOt-.1 ?c.ALE-: I"~I!)' Pt2..ßY: FTL- , Oc.T,2Q, l~b2. . c.~. B,(',~ , , "dO' -----.. ----.. .-,-'.---.----.--."-, .._.4..,..,. .. '.'4.""-"- ""\ ~I ~ ... ~. W1 ':2 ) l ) / CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "5" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF S. PRESTIGIACOMO FOR THREE UNIT DWELLING TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT 215 WEST HAMILTON AVENUE AS APffiOVEO BY CAMPBElL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1962: 1. Dedication to Hamilton Avenue Plan Line. 2. Storm drain fee in an~unt of $170.00 3. Improvements at this time to City Standards, Including curb, gutter. sidewalks and street paving. 4. Relocation of barricade. CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: ¿;;2 . Application No. . 129 EXHIEI T A All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, state of California, described as follows: PORTION OF LOT 6, as shown upon that certain Map entitled, "Map of H. T. Rucker Subdivision", which Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on July 16, 1907 in Book L of Maps, at page 87, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Southerl y line of Tract No. 9~..E. R. Kennedy Subdivison Unit No.1, a Map of which was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on April 17, 1939 in Book 3 of Maps, at page 51, distant thereon South 82()--~t 12!).00 feet from the center line of Eden Avenue, as"s"aIa-Avenue is' shown. upon the Map of said Tract No. 96 above referred to, said RQi.n:to-Í "Qe.gi_l1Iìif1..g__~l so being the Northeasterly corner of that certain tract of land described in the Deed from Se'!:timo Prestigiacomo et ux, to Charles P. Prestigiacomo, dated September 14,1953, recorded May 18, 1954 in Book 2875 Official Records, page 621, Santa Clara County Records; thence from said ~oint of be9innln~ South 89° 30'_~ along the said Southerly line of Tract No. 96 for a distance of 0.00 fe(i.t to the point of intersection thereof with the Westerly line of Tract No. 2308, a Map of which was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on November 3, 1959 in Book 113 of Maps, at pages 34 and 35; thence S9~th.Qo ~~. We£t along said Westerly line of Tract No. 2308 for a 01st:ance of 156.29 te~i to an angle corner therein in the Northerly line of that-certð1n tract of land described as Parcel Two in the Deed from Sam Prestigiacomo, et ux, to Kenneth R. Camp, et al, dated February 18, 1953 and recorded ~arch 9,1953 in Book 2594 Official Records, at page 599, Santa Clara County Records; ~tu~.QçLN.Q,Á!J:L.69.° ~Ol Vt~§t along said Northerly line of Parcel Two for a distance of 60.QO feet to the point of intersection thereof with the Easterly line of land so described in the Deed to said Prestigiacomo; thence-tlorth 0° 30' East along said Easterly line of land so described in the Deed to said Prestigiacomo for a distance of ~5§~3~"i~~ to the point of beginning. 5()C; 2'34- TO 236 VC 96 "f f- III .1 JJ 0 ¡;J ! \ -r c::) t---.J. Þ--... '-../ E. ~~ \~\ \,j , -', \,> "- ". "" ~~ID Th;s;s not 0 s,"""y 01 the lond but ;s compHod Ia< ;nlo,",otioo by the Title Insurance and Trust Company from data shown by the official records.