Hamilton Ave., West (1967) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CAUFORN~ RIVERSIDE INVESTMENT CO. NAME 2600 El CaJhiJio Real Sui te 500 Palo Alto, Calif. ADDRESS FOR Sutter Hill P-D (336-C) (364-A) 2,616.00 150.00 Plan Check Fee Storm Drain Fee 2,766.00 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. "r/OY r:i $1103 >4 CHECK No. 4464 I MAY -9 -67 61¡ 018A *** 150.00 HAY -9-67 66 018C **2,616.00 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH BY Thank You 5I2];BELL CITY CLERK L/ ,~. '! . ¡Exercise of this permit shalJindicate acceptance of and agrJement to comply with all provisions included herein. VIOLATION 09' ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT ~~~, ':C ~, ~ :~. :7:"" }~~ 13)1;}'\'. 601 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95112 PHOHI 2~1922 ~' JENNINOIJl&cH.." . HEISS CIVIL VEt' ~INO June 20,1967 , & Tel. Co. - & E1Efc .Co. - '.~Ð ..' ,"'. Transmitted herewith is a copy of the sidewalk & driveway plans for the improvement ö;f the Riverside Plaza Shopping Center in the City of Campbell at the North East corner of Hamilton Avenue/and Darryl Drive. Should you contemplate any work in the sidewalk area to extend service to the site please make the necessary arrange- mentsto complete this work prior tö the sidewalk construction~ which will be in the very near future. 11m sure that th~ servicing of th coordinated by Mr. James Foug, A.I.A. ;te has been already ite architect. If you have any questions or commerits regarding the plan please contact the undersigned as soon as possible. ~",";,,"""""-~""":~"."";""-~ -:'" ,', ;~...,.,...,....---..~._~. '" .....,---~,}L~c.r:i, ~"t~!:',') .',', ..X,I?,MJ::L.".._-""-."--.."",.".",.......,,,,.,~~:~¡:'i4"'..' ~',. ø/~'/":¡;;'; /" t", ""',";",/ !~_.' .. " .' / William E. Heiss WEH/jm encls. c. c . James Foug / City of Campbell V Sutter Hi 11 Co. SAN JOSE ANl' f'RLMONT ...