801 West Hamilton Ave. (73-2) INTER- DEP )\RTI--IENTl'.L MBHOP,,'\HDill.'i TO: Building Department FRDr: Public i'?orks Department bee The requirements of the Public HorJ<s Department have satisfied for the following development: APP ICANT Po-.V"\ \=Jo...c:.\-Ç'\<:.. ?\('~ f~~-\\Cl:.~ ~ \ ~c... . Bur DING ADDRESS Be' ~. ~Q...V'V\.\ ~-\.ö V\ A ~Q. . CO .TY ASSESSOR'S PAR EL }'\1Uf1BEP~ 30C0-~~-~ ?D -r~- '2 .h'.~~\. \4- ~ULLïAH G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC \"JORI<S By~;j C~vk Date. :;; / ?q Ö 4 - RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA ~ME ~~~ ADDRESS Z £1- 73 - j.--- ~ X4....:b - JJ /; ~ 3~..:1? ~,If I' Jh~ /'1 $.3;r ~~ ~iJu ~. ~~ ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. /&: J' ðJ¿ ..3& V .~ , - FUND NUMBER If 9-CHECK 9\)- yrþ 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DA THIS RECEIPI' MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAR 19 - 74 61 020 A ** '* 364.00 51 02oA ***168.00 MAR 19-74 @>, 4100 ~ ~~1<". <em CITY OF CAMPBELL CITIZEN COpy r .. .. 'I .~ ¡r i fJ^'*- ( /, ') February 5, 1974 TO I L,~... : ?; D T:=: Capitola Investments, Inc. c/o Mr. James H. DuMond 552 Cuestrt Drive Aptos, California '-0"---'" ....- , 1T/o--f._...--.... .---, 0 "}~-{AJ \.. 't .-..--..-------.." wc:w / FTL --___0-_' SUBJECT: PD 73-2, Segregations of Assessments No. 5C-l, L.I.D. No. 12¡ No. 2A, L.I.D. No. 13 --- ....-.. ....-_.". -- . Gentlemen: Please refer to my previous communications to you on this matter. On the basis of information furnished this office from the Finance Department of the City of Campbell, the amount necessary to prepay the assessments to the 1.l84 acres parcel of land is as follows: Portion of 5C-l, L.I.D. No. 12: Portion of 2A, L.I.D. No. 13: $3,119.09 1,646.20 TOTl\L: $4,765.29 The amount necessary to prepay the assessments to the 0.738 acre parcel is as follows: Portion of 5C-l, L.I.D. No. 12: Portion of 2A, L.I.D. No. 13: $5,386.32 1,751.49 TOTAL: $7,137.81 All future communications with respect to the PD application, the parcel map or the segregation of the assessments are to be directed to Mr. Lawrence C. Versaw of this office. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER CSG:ls By Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Civil Engineer II'" .. . \,-Q-i4 ç E~ \2-B- G;¡ I'ð ~ lOw 0 F b ç<; Cçç \\.-t~ U,ç , ÇC- I) L l D4+ ('2; 1. ~) L l D~l3 S- C- II L l D ~ l2 P lL l ~ C l P /) L ~ 1b l, I $0: ß 4 t lJ 'TE rz-c-ç r ;: I,SS"4, ~7 'TO',bL: <Jl G S-OS. 4- I , -¿ ~)Ll Dt:F13 P r2 t u C l PIð L. : qo 02/ 7~7. "23 '~ UT~ru:=çT~ C:,~. 4.6 TOTbL:~ 3t 3/ ~C( I . lOci - . ÇC-l, LlD~I¿ To T~L or¿ tGl Uk L PC¿ lUCtl"/6C . b ~Se:ç~ 14 e- "-JT ~ 1: 12, 7-q -7. ç~ Is¡ O"2Z.c¡g S- L - l ~ :: <t- 4 i ç oq , 14- 4 (7 '1 ç. -7 '1 ~ O. 3~~ I tß '7...-iSð s c - 1 ß == ct --¡ I ì ô 7. 1:;L ~ 2. 4. ,. 2.2.. -= O. ~ -"3 -=s -¿ ð \ I -2 4- I ç c- /6 (c:t 8¡ ÇO:Ç, 41)( D. ~~~ 11 B ¿7~8) =1;3,I\Q,OO¡ 3¡IICLC,g çc- IB «t ~I c;OS ~ 41) (().CoSS'2 D 'l-Z 41.J =- t $/"3 Ë;>b.~"'L - - ¿ b, L l D# 13 lOT f::>L 0(2 \ G:ll W ~ L \=>r2. \ ~ClPkL /j~ç EÇS- l~Le ¡ur- ~ 1i 4,4-Q L IC) -z.. 6 - I "Z 1; L, \ lCo. 0 I 'z= ð. 4- ß4Ç 0 ~~ ~33 L 6 - L <::. 1£ L I "3 \~. lß -z. ð.~\S"4q:s~~~ ?ò-l ( tl; :s, ~ ét Î. ~q) (6. 4-ú4-ç (;Xo -:S"33) ~ 7:::$ I, (, 4-Co. 20 7..6--"2 (1; S, '3 (t", . CoLi) (0. S l ç 493 CoCo ~» r: 1t II -, ç l. 4-q A A s c..,- I ~ ~ -= it "3; tlCl,og L. ~ - 1 -= f I ~4C:, :20 TÓT~L ~ <]I; ~ 4 I f rc ç I --¿ 9 $:C'-Iß -z= dt- ~2 ó/' ?~ .Þ '~/../ C-"::> L..o. ,...J L L6-'2 ~ I, 1 S- J . 4-g TOT^L ~- 11: I, 1~t. ßt /:) ~çe5çMeUT WOo ÇC::I ~~I~ ~26 \Ç P6/L G~L ß ~ç S'k10u.J t--j () Ù 'D ~ E? pfJ r2-- eeL ~i tf) P n.-E é£) ~Dt:- 'J':) ~ /) '---f Co) l q lit lU--J t~QO\C L D'Z- OF- v~t~ps. ~' Pb &E? çÇ- t U ~ r2E~\2.-Dç 12.. ~ 6?-1C- l CE ~ )) ç SEÇ<; t~LeUT +---.Jos. ç c- (~ /':::; UD ¿ 6-1 ~ \ s P~t2ce'L l) (LIß4--+ ~CfZ-ES) b S <;HOLù ~ UPC)~ T H E ? 'b [L C E=L ~i!:>P pr¿b'P b f2ED By b LLleD E~G:dl uet=-lLLkJ~ ". 1Y16&1) , November 28, 1973 Capito1a Investments, Inc. c/o Mr. James H. DuMond 552 Cuesta Drive Aptos, California /?/J ,~ "7 ~ / ~-) - - / SUBJECT: PD 73-2, Hamilton Square Associates, Segregation of Assessment No. 5C-1, Local tmprovement District No. l2, Assessment No. 2A, Local Improvement District No. l3 Gen t lemen : We have notofñcial1y or legally concluded the segregation of the assessments, as per your verbal request; but we have calcu- lated the amounts which would have been apportioned to each of the properties as shown upon the parcel map prepared by Allied Engineering Company, their Job No. 7323. Parcell, the 1.184 acre parcel of land, will be identified as Assessment No. 5C-lA, Local Improvement District No. 12. Its assessed amount would have been $4,509.74. The same parcel will be identified as Assessment No. lA-l, Local Improvement District No. 13. Its assessed amount would have been $2,l76.0l. Parcel 2, the 0.738 acre parcel of land, will be identified as Assessment No. 5C-lB, Local Improvement District No. 12. Its assessed amount would ha'".a been $7,787.82. It will also be identified as Assessment No. LA-2, Local Improvement District No.l3. Its assessed amount would have been $2,315.18. The amounts of assessments given here are the amounts of princi- pals only which would have been levied against each of the properties originally if they existed in the manner in which you now wish to divide the property. You may wish to confer with the Finance Department of the City of Campbell to determine the amounts still outstanding as to principals and interests and to be informed on the procedure for prepayment 8.S assessments. .. .... .... Mr. J~es H. DuMond -2- November 28, 1973 In order to prepay the assessments on Parcell, it will be necessary to first record the parcel map and then officially segregate the assessments. Timewise, it will take probably not less than six weeks to officially segregate the assessments after the recording of the parcel map. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER By Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Civil Engineer CSG:ls r - <', \/ J '\ ..-:-' - ~ "x...~-7 r Ii {- >', t¡ll-ó' ( (þ-4- ¿'-é"'~(Ç;r ( ) I' V'J( ) O? D I ¡¡flIt c: E 1.;0. 896 B[II;G AI¡ O:::¡Jl:;¡..¡~CE or THE CITY COUNCIL or THE C I T Y 0 r c:'-. ~,! F' :~, ::: L L I, D 0 P T 1 11 G P L A:~ S, E LEV A T I 0 ìJ S t.:;U ì;;,';:':;,(:: ;;¡,;;';' :';CiiL:üU;,E fOR A 1'0;\1101;' or THE PL/,,;;;:::D [;,v:'::lJcr:,;:-:;T ZO:;[ AS ESTr,3LISHI.:D BY ORD1;;i\;;CL ¡;O. 455 ADOPTED ON TEr: 22ND DAY OF JUNE 1964. (Application of Pan Pacific Properties) T e City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as folIo IS: S 'CTION ONE: That the Zoninß !'~ap of the City of Campbell is he 'eby changed and, amended by adoptin[, the attached "E>:hibit A", entit ed r:PlaIls and Elevations, "Exhibit B"! entitled "Developë1ent S c h e dIe ", and 11 Ex hi bit C" 5 en tit 1 e d " I-I d P 0 f s û. i d Pro p e yo t y", as per a~plication of Pan Pacific Properties on property located at 80 Hest Hamilton Avenue. Copies of said exhibits are on file in th Planning DepartmEnt office. S id approval groant ed subj ect to t11 e fo110\-1 ing conài t ions: A Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as a,d cd in "l'ed" on plans. Landscape plan indicating type cf plant material} loc3tion c bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencin£ to be sub- for approval of the Planning Director at time of appli- for building permit. c. Land~caping shall be maintained in accordance with the appro ed landscape plan. D. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $l~OOO to be poste' to insure laDdsc~pinE, fencing and striping of parking area rithin three (3) months of completion of construction! or applicant may file Viritten ag;x'ce;nent to complete lülldscap,'LD,g, fen c i 'J g D n d s t rip i 11 g 0 f par kin ['; are a p r i 0 r to fin a 1 b u i 1 d i Ii [; department clearance. E. Trash containerCs) of a size and quantity necessary to serv the dcvelcp~ent shall be located in area(s) approv~d hy the :irc department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosurc(s) ~h~11 consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or f~~cc and avo self~closin~ doors of a si~e specified by the fire depd,'tmcnt. Provide completely auto~atic f.-ire extinguisher sy~;tem, Prov:i.d(; "¿AbC" fir.:;'; e>~tinguis¡,er~3 as rc('¡u:Îr'ed by the lire df>!,,"ri:in(~1"l. <ii~cn'1¡¡l )'.,11 , . ~, " '; -; .-i ,,' ( ; :r'(~:~:¡,1~ ",:\:C,Ciì ";';¡,ì::C"'" d;'" U I: '.. ,,',: ,è, ~.-;' c "'~' I. Construct balance of standard steet improvements on total fronta¿c o~ development. J. Pay storm drainage area fee based on $765 per acre. K. /.11 pa.rì-:i¡:¡; and driveway area's to be 'developed in C'O:~I- p1ian e with Section 21.50 of the C2mpbell ~unicipal Code. ~ll parki¡g s~a.ces to be provided Hith appropriate concrete curbs or bu¡per guards. Underground utilities to be providej as required by 20.16.070 of the Cacpbe11 Municipal Code. M. Plans submitted to the building depart~ent for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for under- groun utilities. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with pro- visio s of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installEd until application is approved and permit issued by the buildin~ depar ment. O. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipu- lqtes that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garba e, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the C'ty of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Compa y. This requirement applies to all sinflle family dwellin~s, multi Ie apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manuf cturing, and construction establishments. P Detailed plans for Phase 2 shall be approved by the Plann'ng Commission and City Council prior to issuance of a build',ng permit. The aplicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this devel pment and are not herein specified. P SSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of June -- 1973, by the following roll call vote: ,- ) A ES: Councilmen: Doeb;ch r Hamr,\E,;r, Paul, Podgorse]ç, Chamberlin None. N r.:S: Councilmen: A S E Wf : Councilmen: None APPRovr;D: Dean R. Ch,-)rnbQrlin -,. - --------- .. Nayor ATTES : Dorothy Treve'than --.. - cI 1~y --(:1 ë- ;~k --.---,---- , (" -I ',;' - ,_I !' ,'I _I. " I ";':',,:'-..1,:- /' <\ "\-: -" ~ ", ! l : -. .-- '- :-- " ~ ..,.. ,: ,~ \, . ',-, \ ';, - ,\ j , -- " ... " -- .,. ~ -,"7 IJ , - " , " ¡ I I , ' ", i ' ..O,,:o.\I",y I : m '" " .. r, , ¡ -:-'7' 1,¡:ïr."O. , II I 'J lIT:: II I , . , ,. I:J I . ~" I '! , ~" i I .' u ¡ .:,. . ¡,:' I ¡:'.: I I I I 0, ,~~"<":"~"~'!~""\"O:H f).\~ ¡'."I'" ,. ".. ," ",'" ..,' ""'-':~! '.¡o«r"~n¡,~c,rY~I"'¡T$- <.1' p , , , . '~/' r¡¡x.,:"...:.-..,L I 1 P;'\P,C;:L A ~,Oß}: ~, , II; , ! .", I.. " \ 0, ,..', ,... ..' 0,1 """""11 , \.. ,. I" / ~,,~~.:;~.t i' ,;.,:, 1 ~.:' ! ;;1 :1 I VI' :.. P D "-:1~Z~' , 1,! I ....I ,~ !'; , ;:, I \,:'.,..:;, . f'j ':-, ---í /,r" !,'-; .01 ! 0 ~"C~'.' r,:' ¡~ ': ..J ¡ ,.....,., -.- V ) ,;.. >. ! \'\:~~:'~:"iI'~, !":-.:; I '...........' "~I' I tf: ; . 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