923 W. Hamilton Ave. (71-54) 'L...--. -' ------, PH-55 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public ~'Jorks Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT \\1\. \-\. ~(/ 1>cLL BUILDING ADDRESS COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ~ C:...; ~ - ç ç - C~ C~ 4- liS" APPROVAL NUMBER Þ <b -l C:! - B M l/ \2...- t: L ^ "-.J f) PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER WILLIAM G. tlJREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS // i: By ,,/~~<.I¿--- ? ".~-,- , J- . / C" ~ I' Date-" \ ;> \ ¿ I lC¡ I L RECEIPT CITY OF CAMP' :LL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPP CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA '.L NAM~ ~ æ." ADDRESS // r /ß~(./ ~,-€- ~Æ~ 7')/"£7/0 ~ . ~'~&~r ~~~-€.. J~ - /;/ß',4 ÆLI! - /LJ /0 -f ~/.). 6 (7..Æ: FOR ~-)/b62. ðð 1!::1J /tl',g' M Jlr21d'l2-/J Co. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. JC:/ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO.3.J-'l FUND NUMBER # !¿J3 ~CHECK THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 6004 CITIZEN COpy FUND NUMBER 0 MONEY ORDER ;# ()6~ )ZJ CHECK 0 CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. . "1-1-11 t"'.' . ,~,:-*"ì.I- .... ****128.00' Sll1Ù ...t26JKt¥< ~s 5611 BY (, ~ / / ' ~'k You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy ,/9 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT AUG 20-71 AUG 20.71 003 *** 3,162.00 61 oo3A **3,162.00 f1 ~. ". '(£~H~ CITY CLERK 7 Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL ' AJ /~1 fl./ f1/J / ~ (I)) / PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CiH!PBEI,L 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE:: , ,~"" ;;< , ~_"b~~__- CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLAt¡S OF _jH:,iLi.<~'!'_;;':~'c.:._.'~l1_- --,-------------' FOR CONSTl\UCTION OF ~.:.._..:.:..:-' ~ '- '1 ," ~ CO-"'i',lc TO BE LOCATFfJ AT '" ,.. ;.: ~ - t." I ----- -,- ---'. -,- -------, - -------' ------- CONDITIONS: :::"Jti ,',;: .:>r "¡I'-,\: ' "¡i.,,,;<-!;Ei Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this sec~ion shall expire one year after the date upon which such app~oval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapte~. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR l-! E E TIN G HELD ON THE 1 C t 12..-- day of --~, J' I , 19, . '---: L . L,;ó'¡~i~,. ¡""f.l. "\o/¿,u.~'ITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION Fi;-", L:",-;. w/",-;', BY: ,--.--- ARTHUR KEE, SECRETARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL'S" 71-54 M. H. Podell L Fencing to be provided as indicated in red on plans and type of fencing to be approved by the Planning Director. 2. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000.00 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking ar~a within three (3) months of completion of con- .structi9n, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. -. 3. Trash enclosures shall be constructed, of a six foot high sight- obscuring fence with six foot self-closing gates located so as to adequately serve the entire complex. Enclosures to be located in areas approved by the Fire Department. q. LandsCaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the ~ity of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan ~heck shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. Fire extinguishers shall be in approved cabinets. F. On-site fire mains and hydrants shall be shown on plans and shall be provided as directed by the Fire Department. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL "s" 71-54 M. H. Podell Page Two G. Proof of agreement with Campbell Water Company to be filed with the Planning Director prior to issuance of any permit. H. Storm drainage area fee in the amount of $3,700.00 to be paid. 1. Applicant to obtain excavation permit for driveway modification~ J. All other conditions of PD 70-8, which are still applicable, shall be complied with. K. Parcel map for minor subdivision to be filed and processed. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. TO: Superintendent of streets, City of Campbell Application is hereby made that you apportion the amount remaining unpaid on the assessment set forth below to each separate part of the original parcel assessed as herein described. original Assessment No. lA. Local Improvement District No. 12 Resolution of Intention No. 1849 Adopted March 22 . 19 65 Original Assessment Anv;\",4t $15. 88l. 03 Amount Remaining Unpaid $ to be determined The original parcel has been divided as follows: In accordance with Parcel Map prepared by William Jay Hammond, Civil Engineer, at the request of M. Podell (Legal description to be prepared in accordance with the map by City of Campbell). It is further requested that the assessment as apportioned be recor:::d 0/;17/ 19- ,~ fMjjJ Received 19- By ASSESSMENT NO. lA-l LOCAL D~ROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 12 Parcel "A" as said Parcel "A" is shown, designated and delineated upon that certain Parcel Map recorded August 5, 1971, and filed in Book 288 of Maps at Page 3 in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara,' State of California. ASSESSMENT NO. lA-2 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 12 Parcel "B" as said Parcel "B" is shown, designated and delineated upon that certain Parcel Map recorded Ausust 5, 1971, and filed in Book 288 of Maps at Page 3 in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. APPORTIONMENT OF UNPAID AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT NO. lA LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 12 CITY OF CAMPBELL WHEREAS, an Assessment has heretofore been levied against property under Diagram and Assessment No. JA Local ImDrqvemeQt District No. 12, CITY OF CAMPBELL for payment 0 f the cost. and expense of the work of improvements described in Resolution of Intention No. 1849 adopted on March 22 , 19 65 , by the City Council of the City of campbell, State of California, and said property has now been divided into the separate parcels of land hereinafter described¡ and WHEREAS, pursuant to law an application has been duly filed with the Street SUperintendent, requesting that the amount remaining unpaid on said original Assessment be apportioned by said street Superintendent to said separate parcels of land described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, I, the undersigned street SUperintendent do hereby apportion to each separate parcel of land hereinafter described of said original property the proportionate part of the amount remaining unpaid on said original assessment that would have been levied on said separate parcels of land, respectively, had said original property been so divided at the time the original assessment was made. Dated: , 19 . Apportioned as follows: !ßh lA-I lA-2 AMO UN'!' $12,778.22 3,102.8l $15,881.03 I, the superintendent of Streets of the City of Campbell do hereby certify that the foregoing apportionment of assessment, together with diagram thereto attached, was recorded in my office on the day of , 19_. NOTICE OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NOo 12 CITY OF CAMPBELL TO: the original purchaser of bonds issued to represent unpaid assessments in the above project: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an apportionment of Assessment Number lA has been made pursuant to Division lO, Part lO.S of the Streets and Highways Code as shown below. You are further notified that unless you request a hearing within fourteen (l4) days from mailing of this notice, the said apportioned assessment shall be recorded. DATED: . l~)j&n if Ú 11 su~erintendent of Streets C1ty of Campbell original Assessment No. lA Local Improvement District No. 12 original Assessment Amount $ l5,881.03 Amount Remaining Unpaid $ to be determined Resolution of Intention No. 1849 Adopted March 22, 1965 Apportioned as follows: ~ Amount lA-I lA-2 $ 12,778.22 3,102081 150881.03 ~ ORDINANCE if 767 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CERTAIN EXHIBITS TO A PORTION OF ORDINANCE #551 APPROVING REVISED PLANS AND DEVELOPt-JENT SCHEDULE AND ADOPTING MAP AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR fLANNED DEVEL- OPMENT ZONE ON HAMILTON AVENUE. (W. H. Podell Co.) The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as folloVls: SECTI~N ONE: That Exhibit "A", entitled "Plans and Elevations" and Exhibit "B", entitled "Development Schedule of Ordinance #551 are hereby rescinded. SECTION THO: That the following Exhibit "A" entitled "Plans and Elevations", Exhibit "B" entitled "Development Schedule" and Exhibit "C") map and legal description of said property attached hereto and made a part thereof) be hereby adopted subject to the following conditions: 1. Detail~d plans of the residential and commercial complex to be submitted for architectural approval) indicating dimensions of all buildings) landscaping, fencing and recreation areas. 2. Twenty foot Cõ.mpbell Hater Company easement as indicated on plan to be relocated in an area satisfactory to the Campbell Water Company and proof of agreement to be filed ~th the Planning Department prior to issuance of any' permit. 3. Composition shingle roof to be of a color resembling wood sbingles. 4. Area indicated as possible gasoline pump in front of market building to be eliminated and not to be considered a part of this approval. 5. paid. Storm drainage area fee in the amount of $3,700.00 to be 6. Applicõ.nt to obtain excavatioI1 permit for driveway modi- fication. 7. Parcel map for minor s~bdiv~sion to be file and processed. , 8. On-site fire mains and fire hydrants shall be installed as directed by the fire departMent. . . , .. 9. Access to Bismark Drive to be blocked off in a manner approved by the fire departnent. 10. No building permit to be issued for the commercial devel- opment until 50% of the residential development has been completed. 11. Access to be provided to the landlocked Cal-Pac Builders parcel by the applicant. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of --- by the following roll call vote: February t 1971t AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Rogers, Smeedt Chamberlin Podgorsek Doetsch APPROVED Dean R. Chamberlin -------~ Mayo!' ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan Ci ty Clerk ---- 1119538/ P¿),C(~ l} .f . . , BEGINNING fÜ a }nrrcy:¡ lo~th ;3et in the. center line of L:ltÜl!cr l\vcnuc di~;L:ulL N::n't:l 89" 2' EQ;jt 2653.3 feet fr~m an und~TCJro:mci gr':lYliLc monument set at the' point of intersection of th(; center line of Latirn or II. venue wIth the center line of S:m Tomas Aquino RO~Lcl (.i.nd from \vhich }Y1rro'/i tooth a (~ilX 411 v/it.no;:~::; post set. In the North Ihlc 'of Latiml,:r p, venue bears North 0° 50 I Vlcst 20 feet and running thence l'.Jorth 0° 56' Wost a distance of 1191. 8 feet to a lP X411 stake shncling in the Northedy line of thc~ l~C. 97 acre tract conv(~yed by the Beaucharnp Fruit Corr,paLY to W. S. nic1nrds é1.nd iI/. C" North by Deed d:::.ted Januo.ry 2G, 1889 and bc;ing the Southeast corner of that certa.in parcel of land conveyed by n~tlph II. Hyde, et ux, to Hans N. Hansen by Dced dated June 3, 1£)22 and reco:rded June 8, J,9~2 in Book 553 of V€eds, at palJc 105; thence on and along the Easterly line of l:1ndso conveyed to s3.id Hansen North 0° 561 West 469. 7 feet to the Nol'tk"3.sterly cornel' of the pJ.rcel of lClnd so conveyed to said II ansen, said corner being- set in the Northerly line of the 49. 30 acre tract, conveyed by VJ. S. BIch3,rc1;.:ito F. NI. Burlcholder and 1111'S. R. A. Pattersonby deed elated November 6, 1890 and recorded in Book 131 of [;€cds, page 230, records of S,3..nta Clara County and rUnrdJ'lg thence along the NDrtherly line of ;:;aid 49. 30 acre tract North 89° 3' East a distance of 637 feet to a 211 x 41: reel:,; ood stake; thence South 0° 561 East a distance of 1661. 2 fed to a ha1'1'O',"1 tooth set in the CC:lter Ene of L~:ttir:£: r Aven'J.'?- and from which harr:y;/ tooth a 2" x 4~! vJitness post set in the J\Torth line of Latimer }\ venue be~n's Ecrth 0° 56' 'vVest 20 feet; t11::-1 ce along the center lÜ:c of Lath,:-;er Avenue, South 89° 21 West a disu"lnce of 637 feet to the point of begÎl"mirjçJ, and being a portion of the Quito Rancho. EXCEPTING TlIEREFROJVI a11 that portion thereof JyLYlg Sol1theTly of the Northerly Jjne oî that certain p2xcel of land granted to the City of C~mpbell, a munid p:ll corporo.lio:î, (Hamilton i\veYlue) by Deed recorded October 28, 1964 in Book 6718 of Oificial Records, page 711 and being more parUcubxly described 2.S fo1101.';8: BEGINHING ä the most Northeasterly C:JY'nl~r of that certzirc p3Tcel of land desi9n~Üed as Lot 29 in tlv::t certain 1.1ap entitled, "'Tr,ict No. 22:32 Cla:rilJnda, a portion of the (vito Rz¡ncho in the City of Campbell, C:3.1iforniall, vlhich I\/í2p VIas ~3cord¿d Septel':;b3r 23, 1953 in Book Ð7 of :Maps, pages 51, 52 and 53, S::Lnt::l Clara County Records; thence N. 89° 02' E., 637. O'J feet to a point on the ~Nesterly lill'c of that certain p::lrce1 of land ccmveyed to Robert Kumaki T2J<:atL~, et al by deed rcco:rc1ecl December 28, 195G in Bool: 3695 of Official FU;cords, p'lCJe 203; thence N. 0° 53' W., 120. OJ fOGt alonCj ;:;~Üd Westerly line of 'Takata; thence S. 89° 02' W., 637.00 feet t,:) the mo,st Soulhec-_é3terly corner of thClt certain P:::'1'c;:;1 of Lmd designated as Lot 30upon tl e a.r "'C111O' t1'o""'r'J 'l'_'~'ct "10 2,","Q, 1"'10" ce (' 00 I;'"'1 }:;' l<):ìOO fcv..,t rl1ong- Cal"cl1-'"a~L-'l"-1 1 ,LO1' 11, LC\..l i d.. 1\. (,c)C" 1 d, ù. vU..1., ¿jl~l.. .;.,\,; c:. ..'- "'c: - :: ~)L\,; l~ line of Tract No. 2232 to the Point of Beginni.ng ond containillg 1. 7518 acres, more or less, and being' a portion of the Quito R..tncho. ALSO EXCEPTE\.rG TIIEnEFEOJvT that IxJrtion the:cco£ for street purpose:3 as conveyed by \112.ho PrnvJch, cL ux, to the C;ty of Campbell, a murdcipal corporation, by deed ctLtcd October 31, IDljG J,ncl rccorcl:cl N::)\fC'l?lb.:;r 30, IDGG in Book '7577 of CHicL"l:, t,)""'C:ì1""...1.-, Pr"-J" " ~Cì Y-'Jr-l"" I"l t't]'C~'ll'l"lrly c1"':¡"'-l']"1)nr1 '1("' fol1c)\"C'" ,I'--'-,U,~, "'~"-'--V, "_,,-.".,'"... V'J\.."".'C~~', 'J.), l')'1ï~I~~lrl<:i'JI',\r~~ r,lL ," lL!¡ì'(-'('-()lJ"'!'! (,-,' l"J"'}'! ("~/!111) 1""'),'] fJ'j:"" ¡r> """J, .,t t1'1" ~"":ltll;\.'r('c'fl"'-l']'.r r',""¡',"¡;.'" -'J-"",'L',tL",.~ .--~'~ Iv ~~ ,'-' -~'--,C"",_'hhJ,-c. ""')"".I~~' 01' t'¡'lt C:"l't"l]"Jl ~ n}cj '1 ('r(" i)'I't"c'el 0" 1"1'('1 tJ"c'J"C"""Jf"tl 'ì'~ f"l""','ll1("11 "C' c'}'()"/ll '¡n,-' I. [',. ",<" u.èJ"". ,. ,J.",c." -',) Jd..L,l,; ,~,~"._Cc I..-',u,uul", <..,) dcliJli~~.Lt.Cc! l'pcm thLt CCl't~tin r,-;cot,c1 0[ ~~llrVCY Ij)~li) for thc' City of Campbc:ll, filed [C'l' (Cont'd on J\l~':'.t Tn!.!,.:;) '( llf9G3ü/ paGe S rec'::>l'd MQrch H, Wc\(j in r~CJo1( 20C ~rr }I/~tp;;, at p.go 29 in the: offi CC~ of the County Bccci'dor' of said County of~';~nta CÞ,:c'a; thence I'Jorth 0° ~)5' 201: \Vcst 311. Gl fed along the \Ve;3Ü~rly UW) of ~:;J icl"3. 9lS acre p"lrccl of land, said v,r csterly 1jm; l)c.1ng the Westerly line of lint cert~i.r; pJ.l'cel of land ¡2onveyed to he City of CamplJcll by that certain document recorded July 10, W3G in Dook 7417 of Official RcCDrds, p:::.ge 50, insaid office of said Co~1nLy BccoTcÌ<Jr, to a point \'lhkh b~.:'ên'S South 00 55' ~¿Ol! East 93. 75 feet from ~ threc-qu::u'tc>l' inch (3/1") iron pipe set at the Northwe;:c;terly corner of s':Üd 3. 91(3 acre Vlrcd of land; thence South\\j(;;,;terly and Southeasterly from a tangent which be::~rs North ego 0/1' 10" East along a CU:CVe to the left v¡ith a radius of 42.00 feet through' a centrZtl angle of 1260 14' 5311 an arc di:::tance of 92. 55 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence Southeasterly along a curve to the right with a 20.00 foot radius throL:gh a central angle of 36° }415811 an arc distance of 12.65 feet to the point of tançrency with ,,1. line parallel wilb and distant ~O. 00 feet Westerly f1'01::1 said v\TcsterJy line of said 3. 913 acre parcel of ]ancì; thence South 0° 55' 2011 East, 213.02 feet êJong said last descrHx~cl p:::.raUel ]jne to the point of tangency with curv'o; to the right; thence Southwesterly along &dd last d3SCÔbcò. curve to the rr-;:!ht: \'Ii th a 20.00 foot radius, thrmgh a central angle of 89° 55' 0-1" an arc dist2.nce of 31. 39 fe3t to the point of t~j,ng'ency v¡ith the I\JrUlGrly line of l1'lmiltcD A venue, 120 feet wide? as sho~.'!l1 on said rc?corcl of survey for the City of O:~rnpbell; thence North 8So 59' '1~:11 East 40.97 feet along s~icl I\orthel~ly Ene of Hcunilt'on !.\,vellue to the point of begjnnin;r. ^ISO E"Tcr'DTI-,,7r< 'I'TT'LC'F'Tf'-'RO-¡'( ~ll"~ r'"-n tl 0 '-'0'" ,.,s cO"'TP\,-r:>r1 b\T TcDlr-,'" J:L J ':"L' ,1:',',c 1',...::; ,,;,1..:: \I::l~J, _'.1 ~ ._-t~ p'Jl'Llv l",lt:.' 1 c. '11\ ::.-j~'-t J "do c,:y l..!. Thompson, ct \LX, to ITnryblc Oil & I<ofininç)" Cornp:::.ny, a D?la1.'!ar,::. corporal: ion, by deed d~ted Jö"lIlUary 9, 1937 and recorded January 11, 1967 hI r,o~k r¡ ôlO of Ofîici3J Records, p'~ge 607, more p::n'tict,l2.r1y déscriùec1 as follO'!Js: Beginni;1ç at a p'Oi~1t in the Northerl y line of Hamilton Avenue at tt~e SolJth:2:lSt cornel' of that cerlcdn 5. 977 acre pJ.rccl of land cì.3signö'tted as P1J'ccl /0, on that certain Record of Survey for the City of Campbell, which n;ap \'ias filed for record on March 11, 196G in Bo:Jk 2'J6 )f Maps', page 2~; thence alon} said NOl'thedy line of Hamilton P,vDnu~, South 88° 59' 4411 West 49.97 fe,ct to a paid of cusp tlnd the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing oJorl'} s:lid IJortherly line S:-'l:Lh 830 59' 11"West 130.03 feet; ther;ce péJ.ralkl \'lith the Eastedy line o£ s:licl rúrcel, l\iorth 0° 55' 21Y' V/es: 150 00 í""'l' ~11"O"1r"" P"r"11el "'I't"ll C"ì icll\T"'('trlrn~]y lin..=. nlO I.T-:--'l"'l'lJL'(ì" b\Tc:r1l1r. ~l\T'"'r'¡ll 8po . c\.:- , ~, ",1 ,-,t, c-- 0., -" ~'c,. ....h, ~Á, ~L". '-' "," d ..)1" -, ,.. '-:-, ,U ~ - ~I 59 I 4411 East 150.00 feet to thG intf'_'rsectiŒl then?oÏ with a line drav/r. p:=~rallcl \~7iLh ar:cl dl'c.t~nt ':>0 On 1"'-"oT \!TeC'icY'lv ~ "l'g11t 'nllj'lQS fl""r" t'n(~1".'1c~¡-r:.'I'1\T lU"lc' C~f Sell'a' r; Ç)(J~( '-"cr'-l'a oJ <- v. .J ",,--~ v, '::hC~ J ,_L ~ c_" <.;:, J. U..-J ..~---,....."', J ~ '-'. v, '"' V '- ,-", '" parcel; being the Vlc;;!..crly line of Mara.tho;-l D,CÌve as e~=;t~Lblished by that certain deed from Pruvlch to the City oÎ Camp:)(?ll \']lÜch clcc::d was recorded in said necordcT r s Office on Novc?mber 30, 1966 j-~1 Bool\: 7577 of OHic1~Ü Records, p:Lgc 339, thence ~ÜcrllJ s~id Westerly line, South 0° 55' 2Cr: East 1:30.03 feet to the b3g.:nniIHJ'o[ 3. tang-eLt c:cve; thence alon<) thG arc of a curve to U-Je l'itJht with a x.'::.clius of 20.00 feet through 'J, ccnLr:',L an<Jlc of aDo 55' 0111 for an arc lc:1ìJ[h of :11. 3,D fCé:t to Lhe True Point. of Deglnnin'j.