87-190 ,. ... '--.---.. -.. ...-....- PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT , J)Ate_ 8/(a!~~ . Addz-e.s ~q . . --- _. C Fermit oz- Project No. /finn, 'c..ro;.J . 67-/90'" ~ 2'ype of work. Stz-e..t StOI'lll Other (describe) SAnitAz-y ElectriCAl = o PJU:LIHINAR~ INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENC~ LIST (AttAched) o FINAL ~NSPECTION WITH DEFICIENC~ LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plAns? Y N (If signed, Council acce~~ance.) Chaz-ges against deposit? y Ovez-tim.. hrs. . $ Date '.reason. N /hr. .. $ ., BArriCAde rental (attach invoice)? y Date , re,t.on. N $ Other? = [JOHB YEAR HAINTEHANCB WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~ HAINT!:NANCE - AC~AHCE (Relea.e'&4inten~nce bond. Check aequest if cash.) $ $ $ · aefund $ ~otal chez-g.. deducted from deposit. (Cash Deposit $ les. chAZ-g.S $ ek. req., Engineer lEt ..... CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works August 18, 1989 Kent Kirkorian 106 Long Meadow Drive Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: One Year Maintenance Acceptance Permit No,: 87-190 Location: 409 E. Hamilton Ave. We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required, By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond. Sincerely, .~ Carlos M, Jocson Assoc ate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: Bond Co. G. Eaton