525 E. Hamilton Ave. (1969) PLANN 1 NG DE! l'i T CITY OF CA1.1lJJ\J:J.l, 7S ì\!OfCJï! CE;~1'IU\1. ,\VU:UE C¡\MPJ;ELLj CALI FO¡~:HA 5/7. Pc. (Íg ) DATE :December _17,.1969 ---------~------ ------ caNDI 1'1 OXS ATTACJrUJ TO II S" APl1 JWVAL OF P LAÌ'\S OF . John:J!re_!mei.J;;9~Q!lJl.Y_- EXPANSION . ---"~-'--~-~----------------' FOR ft~Xiî~X!tj('íí)~ OF 2':-~tai1 ~a1es _:~ild ~i_~-,,-!a: 1'0 BE 1.0CATLlJ AT: 525 E. Hamilton Avenue --------------------- --~--¡-----~..- - CONDITIOì~S: " \ . . . cortditions of approval attached SectiO¡l 9316.1 of the Campbell ~runj.~},p3.1 Code reads as £0110\;$: - Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eigh;<,' (180) days after the date upon ""bieh sueh approvJl was granted, ltn}CS:3 an cxtcnsion for such approval is obtDined by r.iaking Hritten applica'~jQ;', -for sa):::; to the Planning'Conmission at least .fiftecn (IS) days prior tc tho. expj re-tion date of such approval. ' . ' . No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a nCí{ ~.pproval has been obtained in the manner prov.i.dccJ for in this Ché'l-pter. . " . ., GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CA(.!PßLLL PLA:\NING cm.¡:,!ISSION AT A REGULAR ~.ŒETU:C' - . , .. "" . HELD ON THE 15th DAY OF December, 1969 .. ". ." . . CITY OF CA~,lPßELL PLANNING CO~!~.fISSION 'By:. cc; EngineerÍnglJept. wIatt.. /,/P , Fire Dept. w/at~. AR'Ï1iUR -KEt:-SEÇRET..í.:~Y . : . I " . .'.'.:. ". .: . .. . '- '". - The applicant is nr+ified as part of this appJ to meet the follow' '1di tions in accordancE. .:> of Campbell. ation that he is required ,1'- Ordinances of the City P. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground Utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans suLmitted to the building departmeJlt for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities includ- ing water, sewer, electric, te1epJ10ne and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until applicatioJJ is approved and permit issued by the building department. The a;:>plicant is notified that he shall conply 1vith all applicable Codes or On~inances of the City of C¡:¡;-np he 11 F11 jell pert a in to t11i s cleve lopmen t anJ arc not herein specified. -~ ~,¡lc, (/~/Sk¡P) PLANN] j,G lJLPARDIEHT CITY 01; CM.!PBELL 75 NORTH CE;~T!{AL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALlfOR~IA DATE: June 18. 1968 -,----- CONDITIONS ATTACIJED TO "Sit APPROVAL OF PLANS OF ___ßreunerts ,------ --~._--,._._._---,_.._-----,._--' FOR CONSTRUCTIO~i~~la:O :r:a l~~ t si~P~¡îi~n<!~' TO ßE LOCATED AT: 525 E. Hamilton Avenue store -.- --' -----,.-.--------,.--- -- ----.,--.-.,----- ------ ....--- CONDY'TIONS: --...,-... "'-'--'-'-- None Section 9:516.1 of the Ca:npbell Municipal Code reads as foll(ìhs: Any :.il¡proval granted under th~s section shall expire one hundred eighty (1FO) days after the date upon t,\'!1ich such approval \,ID:3 grantE:r,1" unless an ,;xtension for such app'roval is obtained by making ì::ritten appJicat,ÍoJ; for samc to the P1anni!lg Comrnission at least fifteen (15) days prior to thç expiration date of such approval. No b~Ülc1jJlg permit shaLl- be issued after the expiration elate of any approval until a 1'1(;1.\ app,N)v~l has been obtained in the TfliUlHe::r provided for in this chapt(~r. GRA>.;fED BY TliE CITY OF Ci\I'.IPDFLL PLANN I NG Cm,I>II 5S ION AT A REGULAR ¡'.tEET I NG I!ELD ON THE 17th DAY or JUDe, 1968 --------.- -------- "------.----,----.-.---- -- cc: Engineering Department~ - CITY OF CA~ PBELL PLA~,:>JJNG CmI;,!ISSION By ¿£~~~.-'<?-~--."._,..,-----_._-,_..__.._------- ._-- G. ¡<'.SaIT!, Acting Secretary' "S" APPROVAL OF PALMS OF JOHN BAEUN!R CO. AS UANTEI BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN A .¡GULM MEETING HELl OCTOBER 3. 1961. Applicant to c:onfont with aU parte of Article IX, CNpter I, Part" of the """" MunlcI,a' Code C8ferlng developønt. CAMPBELL PlANNING COMMISSION Mf~ W. L. Mor..r, Director Urban De.,. JOpIIi8ftt De,artMent GEORGi: S. HOI.T:B;. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGIIlEIS, IBC. 110' E. E1. Oamino Real ~1Vale, California lull 25. 1962 Job 10. 113-61-1 Description of 1.251 Aore Parcel Bortherly Portion of BreuDer Property a All that certain real property situate within the 0.1t1 of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, state of California, being more particularly described aa follow.. Beginning at the northeasterly corner of that certain 9.}4 acre parcel of land aa shown on the Record ot Survey, a map o't which i8 filed in the office of the County Recorder, said Santa Clara County in Book 140 of Mapa at Page 36; thence from sald ~~i:;i~f9~;ti::;~gp~:eru~i~n~.::Š91{3fi;~~.t~~~~t~:~ir ¡~::ce leaving said northerly line ot said parcel. and running southerly, distant 30.00 feet easterly measured at rip:ht angles, and parallel to the westerly line of sald percel S.OO32f48"K. 401.11 teet; thence N.89027'12"E. 35.00 feet; thence northerly and parallel to said weeterlf line of sald palo-1 N.Oo32'48"W. 115.00 feet; thence 1.89°27 l2"E. 191.83 teet to the northeasterly line of said parcel; thence northe,eterly along said northeaster.1Y line N.20002.'59"W. 185.99 re.t;thenoe along the arc of a tangent curve to the ri~ht~ having a radius of 2,000.00 teet, thru a central angle of 3°18 48 an arc length of 115.67 teet to the point of begim11ng. Containing 54.507 teet of land more or lees.