Campbell Ave. (1963) I :l ~()6Î- 1o~'o RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA Dale . ~I~ NamJ1/.1~ !s;h~~~~) , Address..58¿:ð ~:£-"~ ¿~ ,-47'9" a~. RECEIVED . CITY CLERIC '~ - ," ! '¡/1-l." ',"J", "" '", ..... "-7:,,' :;; ,>// -"'J ' . "",'An <.l1- <;;", ""'L'I ,U".' ~ /,.¡:;., ,U;:-<:'"/h".",,,-";!., ?""" ~" "fð"""¡' . II (/.:;tlI a-r~tf I;, ,:Y-'o/{.2-) / _I' (-{'i'/1rt.tt¡.¡:f" ;¡:;i.;;:d' -ð-% '" CITY 01 Cl\l-¿PBELL - s(mnlvlGç~.: F:NJ..L Eo">? CIlJ!;v¡K LIST ", ' r' , '\., 1. ~ PART ~ -,Bef~e Eresentation to Citj Q~u~.~§cx to.ass~ Lhat: , " 1. Final map and agreaments inclu¿'e any c<?ndi~:\oJ1.s"imposed at time Date &, tentative map was approved.. (E) Initials "~ ¡" c ' '" '~ , ; I~ "'; , ,.. .:¡, 2. Final map is substantially samé'às.i~teritativé-'Ìuap, 'and it's filing date is within one year aft~rthe date.thp~~entative map was approved (E) ,\,..'~" ,""/:~~;'\;;:;"",' 3. In-tract storm sewer easements are shown on map, and off-tract storm sewer easement descriptions checked. ," (E), ' '" ~ ',4. Agreement signatures are same as those on final map. (E) .. " 'j:' ""'.. ",',\"" 5. Certifying Engineer has paid City business license fee. (E) 6. City Attorney has approved resolution, bon~s. and agreements as to . form. (E) " ' 7. City Engineer has approved resolution, bonds, and agreements as to sufficiency. (E) " 8. $ ¿be ( deposit paid to City for checking final map, and for check- ing and inspecting construction, except sanitary sewer and water, systems (S) .' " " , '9. CSD #4 letter received advising that plan-checking fee, and Construc- tion Bond for sanitary sewer system, which includes the general guarantee condition, have been delivered. (S) 10. City Fire Department letter receiv~d stating number of fire hydrants' required; and the amow1t of the 5-year rental therefor. (E) 11. $"Jr.... 'ji .. hydrants. (5) received by City as 5-year rental of 12. Water Compa~ letter received advising of delivery of required deposit for wate:p)s~em construction; or in lieu thereof, $ /(r, :,' - Bond, in favor of C~y, for construction of water system. (S) 13. Plans and profiles for all improvements have been approved Qy City \~ ( Engineer. (S) '14. $ ~t&, " ',. Bond, in favor of City, for all improvements except water and sanitary sewer systems. (5) 15. Report received from Title Company stating proposed deed restrictions ,",:"...,:: ,(2 copies). (S) '.., '" 16. Map Filing report received from Title Co~pany. (E) (Check to verify " , ,;' bo\mdaries, lien status and signatures.) : .., :,~" , ",' ' - 't'. f/ 17. $ ,;'/ j,' deposit paid to City for storm srwer construction in ac- " ' cordance with Resolution No. -----, if applicable. (S) \::' ' 18. Letter (4 copies) and/or petition received from Subdivider petitioning '". i '; , , County Boundary Commission tor annexation of property to Campbell " " '1~ghting District (6 copies of map, 8t", x 11" or 8i" x 13", and 6 íyrc~pies of legal description to be attached). (8) ,:Nt>te\ Applicable only when property is wholly or partially outside , 'lim'ts of Campbell Lighting District, or'another lighting district. , . 19,' ~eck P. G. & E. and P. T. & T. P.U.E'e. (E) oJ.' " .JI( ¡v1j~~ 2O. .Copy of letter from P.G. &: E. stating easements are sufficient. "'?( 7-zg-~i~:ifó~h,~lilfter from P.T. & T. stati~g,easements are sufficient. Key: Note: (E) (E) 22. ,Advise M. T. &: Co. bookkeeper of the::amount in "8" above and that it has been deposited with ..~he City~ :, (E), ' 2). '0 , , ,'~ ,', . ' , 24. (S) - Action by Subdtvide:r ,',' (F;) - Action by City Engineer Enter appropr1,ate amounts. a,¡d in J eft column X out non-required matters. .. ... :-> / I lJ KI? II I ) ,){{t-z( I RESOLUTION NO. 1317 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 2522 KIRKWOOD PLAZA UNIT NO. 1. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has reported that all work of improvement required to be done in Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Plaza Unit No.1, has been completed to his satisfaction, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Campbell that the said subdivisions and the improvements thereon be and the same are hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th 19~, by the following vote: day of March AYES: Councilmen: Chappe I 1, Llco, Kayne, Rogers, Weitzel NOBS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: ~-- - ~; - Cd. Mayor .v- -.:.L<..f ......< " ATTEST: I~~~i-~'{.A~ , / ~ '~< '.'I~"'~ City Clerk 8 . l 88pU8bu 11, 1161 Baa,. Clu. Couaq- Boar4 of "-rYUwa 20 Weat:. .... 8t.reet 8aD .JoN, Ca11.fonl.1. .A.ftSIítoIOllI lira. J- ..11- Cleñ our ..... hllaA a "'18 office ...eby ~. Boud. IIpprcwal, .. --nary, to a.uow the ...,La.1ag' of newly 1n8talle4 eJ.eeuoli8c'. at the foJ.low1D9 l00atJ.ofta s C 11_11 L1PtJ.atr at.ev Lei: : 1 . 8/W ØO&'I\C' La "'adera DI" 1.. aad 81m !Ie ,. . AquiDo load- ODe (l ) , 210 W.. llel:'c. Vapor to 2 .. 8/W ~ r.t..taer A.... and Wi.J:adåe8ter Roa4-Oae ( 1 ) , 400 W. "'0 .. v...-. 1. Lat.~ A...... ðJPN1u B8t:her AW8IØI8-On8 (1), 250 w. .... c .. ...... 4. .-11i:oD AY- . Roue. 17 Pr...y-QR8 (1), 400 w. ... c .. Vapor.. 5. Tract N308 1ac.l\1C1.i.ft9 ~fln Ilreal .froat.a98 8' I/W cor..- 188a11'toa Ann- aad Id.ac::befter ~1rUeD (13), 400 W.. ""0 .. ........ 0811:0 J..1Pt1Dg A18Ù'Let:; 1. !Tact. 212o-81x (6) , 4ÐOO 1-- ~t. .. 2. ft'act: *2522-"'" (7), 4,000 1-- iAean4eacent.. V8'y t.rW. Y your. , IØ&OII D. --, Clft' _ønP "11th c:)) By WU118a G. ._, .....1.8t.u.t. City BD91neer / '/9 1fJtrt' <.1 cr/! °1;" v r- .. . .. 1 Hh~Ol,l¡1' ION !1m. 797 - ,h.U¡!.. ,.. jtr..~uUjrll.;~ ~í~¡'\.J\"l!\1r i"INà," ~¡\f tlf 'fbAC1' Nu. 2522. 1\.1 ~~\'IUOU ì'LA.¿~. tilUr l'W. 1 ¡ .iCC»;P rl~G 'rut-. .~LNt~::-- ,d', uAl\"C-;.U;l'i-H.:t-.lllNtíl'Hr. Cl'tk tr.lHI\tMJt\Nil en. Gl!~B" Tv slYk'4 ruÎ!. i"l.t\A.L )tAP; ¡.~ i hol,'niuhI¡,HH1 Alíji~f~.,¡;li'r iN CUN~ðCi'l\;~ rHEA~;\\n'h. níH,j\t;,4b, 'here h.. been I)re"ented ~o the Ct \y Council tor avvroyaJ And for authnrlzfitton to ,.,eord a flnnl W6}) ot 'tract No. ;t5'~. Alr'k-o(Hl j )nza. Lnlt ;'0. ], a portion of the 'c4uito '¡~ncho. ti-hoW'tn( ú\'tHUleø .,na dr.".,..; and "H ~,j.;\;. there haa be*"u ¡rrellenied to the C it}" CoúDeJ) iJro- pOlled ø¡reeu,euts fOf "h"'- couti'>truct.ion of lœproTe'ftftu'ø, fncludtul I'l"t't"ouei:!. court~, Jnf\elll, álìtr8ftt.8, :1r1v"8, to~dtL!, liS LiMlftd kit, curtHIll. aud cut \-erE!, â.!kA ¡,;,oo¡J 811fl HU {f 1 chtttt bond. haTe h.,en proHPfltt',d for the (ai'tiful ¡iEtrllHn¡ÞtlCe 1)( ø:,1i1 work flm1 the oarl'y1ur, out of rqdd a:tree.,.,n".,; ,Hid Í'!~d,¡ !í,~tpli!, ø¡ree¡j (Hltlio, nn\..! hondø hnv1n¡( h~6n apì,ro"t'ed by tilt) \:1 iy ,uf;1o",..r un.! nlt~' A'ttoruey; N.) . di. I," ri/" ~J u. l'{' lí1YuLn"¡I, tJlft iH~l!ì ¡,-tnH,ì .Mf)l' ot 1'rìtot. iììo. .!5:l":, ~,jrl¡()"oo, ¡Jln2!,a. uni' ~o. I.. ill porthm of tile ,..òÌ'to ¡;(tuwno, be and UUt 80œ6 iA hereby approved; and ~he avenue. and dr1... øhoWL! eh.leoll lm i~..,l \ht~ 8:lmtt are Ò(J,."tJY uccCtpt.e¡~; itud, t,l~ Gt 'y fuc1oeer aDd t;he \;¡ ty .;ferk ar.., htfill'elry .",tl11.)l i'a6d to .,1j(11 ø5i,1 F11.1~,1 ~øp; tHl,j ,IJ" äByar ami \hø Ult.y '~l~l'k dre h.-.r~ÌlY ¡1}(jthûllzeÜ to eX..!Ðut.. ine li&,.,fll1<tHlh, heretn reterrtIJd to on behalf or the ;;1,ty or e~.J,b.ll . p,\"';:' \-:f.~1\¡ ~¡h, 'l ,'on thliiÏ.L:!b..- day of Augus t -_J 1959. by thf' follo'o%'lo-, ~'()t.~ ,Uh,t:\ : Gounol1œett : Chappell, 'flayne, Rose, :U:zel, Fa,irchj .hl ~ut,~ : '::ouuc t ) lI!en : NOne ,\.H:,,¡':\'1': GonruJ1 )t,eD : None U t b i- \,;\; : dyron L. Fairchild AiJi, yo I' A.'f'r ì..;.,T : D th T ,1- ora y _reveClLan ra 1. y ,~ 1 e r Ie ! J Uorot by 'freyet.tuHI. City Clerk orin. (;1 t7 of Ge8pbel1, hereby oertlr,. that tJJt"- attøched 11\4 a true (i,od correct copy or äeaolutton No.t2:1.-. ptJ,jJí18d and adopted at¡ a r.au, Jar meeUng "~~h" CUy (Jonncll ~ Glt of CluDPbe- 1 00 the ¡ J ,dAY 0 r u.(,v~4-I"~, 1959. A....... - ...... .f A - I A G R E EM EN T -------- This agreement, made and entered into this 24th day of AuQ:ust , 1959, by and between the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a muni- cipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter designated as "CITY, If and IRA KIRKORIAN and MARGUERITE KIRKORIAN, his wife, hereinafter designated as "SUBDIVIDER," WITNESSETH I WHEREAS, said SUbdivider desires to subdivide certain land within the said City of Campbell in accordance with the map here- tofore filed with the City Council of the City of Campbell, marked and designated "Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a, Unit No. I, A Portion of the Quito Rancho in the City of Campbell, California"; and WHEREAS, said map showl certain streets, drives, ways, courts, and roads which are offered for dedication for public use; and WHEREAS, said Subdivider desires to construct dwellings on the lots in said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla%a, Unit No.1; now, therefore, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the parties here- to as follows, to wit: (1 ) In consideration of the approval of said map and the accep- tance, on behalf of the public, of all streets, drives, ways, courts, and roads offered for dedication, that the Subdivider will construct at his own proper cost and expense within said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla%a, Unit No. I, improvements as follows: FIRST: Construct City of Campbell Standard separate thirty- inch {30~Portland Cement concrete curbs and gutters, and four and one-half foot (4~') Portland Cement con- crete sidewalks, together with a Portland Cement concrete driveway for each lot, extending from the back of the (1) J - A I curb through the entire width of sidewalk as follows: On the northerly and southerly sides and all around the circumference of WHITWOOD LANE; and On the easterly and westerly sides and all around the circumference of FULTON STREET and WINSLOW COURT; and On the northerly side of BUCKNALL ROAD; all for their full lengths and widths within the subdivision. SECOND: Construct City of Campbell Standard pavement consist- ing of six-inch (6") compacted untreated rock base with a two and one-half inch (2~") hot plant-mixed bituminous surface as follows: On WHITWOOD LANE, FULTON STREET, AND WINSLOW COURT for their full widths of roadway between gutters, all for their full lengths within the subdivision Construct City of Campbell Standard pavement con- silting of seven-inch (7M) compacted untreated rock base with a two and one-half inch (~") hot plant-mixed bitu- minous surface on BUCKNALL ROAD, from the center line northerly to the proposed gutter, for the full length within the subdivision. Construct City of Campbell Standard pavement con- sisting of nine-inch (9") compacted untreated rock base with a two and one-half inch (2~") hot plant-mixed bitu- minou6 surface on CÞ.MPBELL AVENUE at the intersection of FULTON STREET, as required by City Engineer and as shown on the approved improvement plans for said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a, Unit No.1 THIRD: Construct City of Campbell Standard manholes, catch basins, storm sewers, and appurtenances to si~es and (2) r .. .. I grade. as approved by the City Engineer, and as shown on the approved improvement plans for said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a, Unit No.1. FOURTH: Grade all lots to drain into streets. FIFTH: Provide and install City of Campbell Standard monu- menta, monument boxes, and install street name signs provided by City, as required by City Engineer. SIXTH: Provide and install City of Campbell Standard elec- troliers where required by City Engineer. SEVENTH: Provide and install or cause to be installed water distribution system, including fire hydrants. to serve all lots within the said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a. Unit No.1. The number and locations of fire hydrants are to be determined by the Chief of the City of Campbell Fire Department. EIGHTH: Provide and install sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a. Unit No.1. (2) All of said improvements shall be completed within twelve (12) months from the date first above written, provided. however, in the computation of said twelve-month period, delays due to or caustd by Acts of God, vi~., major strikes or other delays beyond the control of Subdivider, shall be excluded. It is expressly understood and agreed that if Subdivider shall fail to complete the work required by this agreement within the said period of twelve (12) months of the date hereof, the City, after giving ten (10) days' written notice thereof to Subdivider, may complete the same and recover the full cost and expense thereof from Subdivider. (3) .... ..... I (3) It is further agreed that all of said improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the final plans as approved by the City Engineer of Campbell, and shall be made under the inspection and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. It is further agreed that said construction be in accordance with existing ordinances and resolutions of the City of Campbell, and to all plans, specifi- cations, standards, sixes, lines, and grades approved by the City Engineer, and all State and County statutes applicable thereto. (4 ) It ~s further agreed that the construction work of the improvements embraced by this agreement shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, State of California, dated August 1954, and in accordance with the specifications of the City of Campbell, and County Sanitation District No.4, where indicated. Wherever the word "State" or words ttDivision of Highways" are mentioned in the State Specifications, it shall be considered as referring to the City of Campbell. Also, wherever the "Director" or HDirector of Public Works" is mentioned, it shall be considered as referring to the City Engineer. In case of conflict between the State Specifications and the specifications of the City of Campbell and County Sanitation District No.4, the specifications of the City of Campbell and County Sanitation District No.4 shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. (5) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall comply with Section 7101 of City of Campbell Municipal Code by obtaining an excavation permit from the City Superintendent of Streets before the commencement of any excavation in, on, or und8r the surface of any existing public street, lane, alley, sidewalk, or other public place. It is further agreed that Subdivider shall notify the Superintendent of Streets of the exact date and time when the proposed excavation is to commence. (4 ) ... ~ a 1 .. (6) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall pay the nectseary expenses for inspection, checking, etc., incurred by City in con- nection with said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a, Unit No. 1. (7) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall deposit with City, upon execution of this agreement, for office checking of subdivi- sion map, field checking of street monuments, field checking of im- provements, inspection of improvements, and all necessary expense incurred by City in connection with the said Tract No. 2522, Kirk- wood Pla~a, Unit No.1, the sum of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2000.00). (8) It is further agreed that at the completion of the work and before final approval of the subdivision, Subdivider shall be billed for and pay, or shall be refunded, after completion of the work and final acceptance of the subdivision by the City Council, the differ- ence between the actual cost of the neceiiary expenses incurred by City in connection with said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a, Unit No. I, and the total amount of the deposit. (9) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall file with City, upon execution of this agreement, a bond in the amount of FORTY- SIX THOUSAND DOLLt~S ($46,000.00) to insure payment for labor and materials, and a bond in the amount of FORTY-SIX THOUS~~D DOLLARS ($46,000.00) to insure full and faithful performance of the con- struction of all of the aforementioned improvement work (excluding sanitary sewers and water distribution system), and also to insure reimbursement to City of any necessary expenses incurred by City in connection with checking of plans and inspection of said im- provements for Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a, Unit No.1. (10) It is further agreed that SUbdivider shall pay to City upon execution of this agreement, the storm drainage fees in con- nection with said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla2a, Unit No. I, in accordance with the requirements established by Resolution No. 217, (5) A .. I , a I as amended, in the amount of THREE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED FORTY-NINE DOLLARS AND FIFTY-EIGHT CENTS ($3,149.58); said money to be paid at the time of execution of this agreement. (11) It is further agreed that City reserve the right to revise storm design shown on approved improvement plans, provided Subdivi- der is given reasonable _Titten notice of City's intention to make revisions. Subdivider will payor be refunded any difference be- tween revised storm design and presently approved storm design, in acoordance with City of Campbell storm fee schedule. (12) It is further agreed that Subdivider will grant City an off-tract storm sewer easement from easterly end of Whitwood Lane to vicinity of LaPradera Drive and Campbell Avenue. In the event that said easement is not required in the future development of the area, City will quit-claim easement back to Subdivider. (13) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall file with City upon execution of this agreement a letter from County Sanitation District No.4, stating that Subdivider has entered into separate agreement with the said District No.4 to install sanitary sewers to serve all lots within said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a, Unit No. I, and stating that a bond to insure full and faithful per- formance of the construction of the sanitary sewers and to insure the general guarantee as stated below in Paragraph 14, has been filed. (14 ) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall, uPon written notice thereof, immediately repair or replace without cost or ob- ligation to the City of Campbell, and to the entire sati¡faction of ¡aid City, all defects and imperfections arising out of or due to faulty workmanship and/or materials appearing in said work within a period of one (1) year after date of final completion and acceptance. (6 ) .A , . .. 1 (15) It is further ~9reed that Subdivider shall pay to City of Campbell SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS ($780.00) for fire hydrant rental for a period of five (5) years for four (4) fire hydrants. Said rental shall be paid at the time of the execution of this agreement. (16) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall pay to Pacific Gas and Electric Company any and all fees required for installa- tion of overhead wiring circuit to all electroliers within said Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a, Unit No.1, when Subdivider is notified by either the City Engineer of Campbell. or the Pacific Gas and Electric Company that the said fees are due and payable. Electroliers shall be equipped with luminaires which include twist- lock receptacle and integral photocell as requested by Pacific Gas and Electric Company. (17) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall file with City a bond or certified check in an amount satisfactory to the City to insure the installation of a water distribution system, includ- ing the installation of fire hydrants. to serve each lot within Tract No. 2522. Kirkwood Pla~a, Unit No. I, or shall file a letter from the San Jose Water Works stati~g that satisfactory arrange- menta have been made to insure the installation of said water dis- tribution system. Said bond or certified check. if placed with the City, will be released by the City immediately after receipt of sald letter from San Jose Water Works. (18) It is further agreed that any easement and right of way within Tract No. 2522, Kirkwood Pla~a. Unit No.1, necessary for the completion of the project shall be acquired by Subdivider at his own cost and expense. It is provided. however. that in the event eminent domain proceedings are required for the purpose of securing said easement and right of way, the Owner or Subdivider shall deposit with City a sum covering the reasonable market value (7) , .. . ..i. ... I of the land proposed to be taken and to be included in said sum shall be a reasonable allowance for severance damages, if any. It is further provided that in addition thereto such sums as may be required for legal fees and costs, engineering, and other incidental costs in such reasonable amounts as City may require shall be de- posited with City. (19) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Campbell, the City Council, and the City Engineer and other officers or employees of City of Campbell from any suits, claims, or actions brought by any persons for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property sustained or arising in the construction of the work due to any acts, omis- sions or negligence of Subdivider, his officers, agents, employees, or contractors. (20) It is further agreed that the above named terms and condi- tions shall bind the heirs, successors, administrators, or assigns of the ~~bdivider. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk, thereunto duly auth- ori~ed by resolution of the City Council, and said Subdivider has hereunto caused his name to be affixed the day and year first above written. CITY OF CAMPBELL By Myron L. Fairchild Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: and Dorothy Trevethan Ci ty Clerk T(H~Pffi. t~- ~~~~~~~~a ! ( .. ,/ /' (YL?~'" /t:...-c L ,fc'L.- "'¿~/l -""- - (1't"ãKirkoriãñ) ¡ íJ SUBDIVIDER (8) I . .. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 793 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT FOR STORM DRAINAGE PURPOSES FROM CITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY - WHEREAS, CITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, has tendered an easement to the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, for storm drainage faoilities; and WHEREAS, the acquisition of said easement is at no cost and expense to said City, and the said easement is reasonably necessary for storm drainage of Traot No. 2522, Kirkwood Plaza Unit No.1; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the said easement from City Title Insuranoe Company be and the same is hereby accepted, and that the City Clerk be, and she is hereby authorized to record or cause to be recorded the said easement with the County Reoorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2¿~1-h day of Au~us t , r 1959, by the following vote: AYES: Counoilmen: Chappell, tltayne, Rose, j,Jeitzel, Fairchild NOES: Counoilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Myron L. Fairchild Mayor ATTEST: Doroth'bZt~e~elte~a: I, Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk of the City of Campbell, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correO' copy of resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Campbell on the 2¿¡ th day of August,1959. ) ¡ e e MAP FILING REPŒr E801"OW No. 13241; Atter an examination of the Official .a.a..d8 of the County of Santa Clara, State or Cal1!orn1a, in Wl1ch the property h in referred to i8 situated t CITY TITLE INSURANCE CQtPANY, a corp.oratiœ, tar the ole benetit of the County of Santa Clara, Stat. at California, hereby ports that the œly parties necessary to pass clear title d property are a8 to1lOWSt N orE t County CITY TlTLE INSU & corporation, &8 The property reterred That certa1n real pr at Santa Clara, State of TRAa:t' PLAZA UNIT NO.1 nts, whiah are a lien and payable, DATED. r:,ITY TITLE INSURAN CE CCMPANY cmt By (?f I ii<. - /' W. 'B1ocmqu1st Vice-President ,-t>'/ ).. 1 . ._,.- . .. 11 S/\N JOSE DIVISION 86 South Third Street San Jose 1+/ California cy press +~2 82 8 In reply please refer to !12þJ1t 13, 19;9 Mr. Mark Thomas City Engineer - Campbell 18 North San Pedro San Jose, California Subject: Kirkwood Plaza Tract 2522 Attention: Mike Vigilant Dear Mr. Thomas: Enclosed is a copY of OUI"" proposed plan for the extension of electric service to this subdivision for your files. Sincerely, C. E. GINOCHIO, Manager Central District C ,.,':7/' ,~ By ~¡( //1t7/ti>/t/{/V\--- ,.. '. '" ERMonahan: lli Enc. cc: TPT&T Company, Sunnyvale Attention: T. Ashbey