150 N. Harrison Ave. (1965) Copies: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: File I Bldg. Dept. I ./ì 1 o¿ r¡ J.Îq~ 5 '1" INTER-DEPARTMENTAL RELEASE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC wom<s DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION &- I::>~ \ l- 7 ':2. I c¡ L-~ -'"I Co 0 N"r'-l <Ç \-\ ~€'t- (\...{ \:3" \/Ä..~ c (Subject) L . ¿., t:.-. C t,¿ 12 D E Ùt:;:;) ~ . érED. f ~C~EPI~I\.jE Qo(~eIL"'UE'2.. (Ownerls Name) t~ð ù. 1-+ ~~I'Ll ~OÙ é. èlL( ÞP~e~\.- (Address of prope!ty) The following conditions of approval on subject property are recommended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. bLL -rH-c>, C ITV co U r)\\lo~~ SeT! ~Ç\ EÞ ll.} t? ¿..e r<....~C( U I ~'2;~ l~ '( ~Ù& I ~ EB2. <:~ OP¡::t C~ CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEERING DIVISION By I of I .. . ,/~<.(:/" ,-.Î/; ~þ: :-. If ~ ~(./ RECEipT CITY OF' CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA /? Date ~~ 19?..r Nam. ~ ~4H¿ Address /.. 44 . t£-~~ ¿:/'¡:- tflu.t¿~ / RECEIVED Dollars .;;;) cY~V- ~_o CHECK X IcASH INCO ~~~f37v~<' Cents J1. $ ,~- }û~ ! - ~~ Fund' 'j:; 7613 CITY CLERIC By ., "S" 1965-24 PLANNING DEPART~ENT CITY OF CAI.JPBELL 7S NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA D ate Ap r i ], 21) 1965 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "SII APPROVAL OF PLANS OF County Sheet i,¡t,tal , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF l~':.L',r;;;llouse TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: 150 NO1.th Harrison 1. 2. 3. 4. StOIïll Q1'.in £~~ in 't:te amour, t of :;: 325.00" Addi~ion&l ~ar~iü¡ to ba providdd a~ indicate' on plan. i..anclscapin¡ to bû pl"ovidt:ù Oil plan. "", Lano5capifii plan, ipecifying typ~ of plunts to be.su~mlttad ~or Staff approval .t tim~ of applicatiun fQl tuilding Perna t. .. Fai tnful rt:rf(a.a.aí~C(; Bcnd in the aUiCJUfit of $250.00 to be posted to ins\..n.; h..ndscé1piu~ witiJ.iu :5 ¡jl(1ntl.s of completion of building. Frot. t of building 'to De ).' E 3ä.ni(¡l tYi/ß of COI~S tr'ucticw as t~\10 exis ting buildiuii(s. Any signs to bê appz'ovcò by tl.e Planning Commission. Parkih.ìS area to OCt Jevðloped in accordance with Suc cion 9319 of th<3 Campbell Munic.:.lpa.l CoJtJ. 5. o. .., I . 8. Section 9316,1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (IS) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a llf~ltJ approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COll,lí\1ISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE :GO April. 1965 DAY OF CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING corvlI\nSSION By: ~ve 1 yn~ár;S~~I, (S¿/~~~;~~¿"l~/ I ~ uLUKuL KUUKluUL¿ ana JU~L~hlNL KUUK1~UL¿, hlS as to an undivided one-half interest, and LUCAS CARDENAS and K TE \DENAS, his wife, as to an undivi~_d one-half interest all that realpropeny situated in the City of Campbell W 1 te , County of Santa Clara 1['I,:,"',','~,"'~"r,"':I." IL""""~'~,' "~,\> "-.:,> JAî '-- -.. --. ' IT ~:~', ,,'V'~}' ~-7- ',7',-"'"=1' ',\,~""~. ',~',",'" f ,""",""::;:¡%'I""""lp,,11 ~' ,.,.;, ,.. "" ,¿\ ' ¡;4~-'\:;;'ll":-JII' "'H"i,'~~i"'1:' , '~'~"'" --"'i il""~,'~[\:;~,: 'L'!:.'I,".'.J1 II,: §I'~J"',,',",,,."ti~,.',J.>, :Il~1 lœ1,~~,\'fìi]] i::J, ~\~'>~Jãl"""""",,~{ji::I' - , "" ê,~~~ State of California, described as follows: ' DEGI:mT;¡G at a IX)int in the CC¡¡ tf'..r J:Lnc: of Harr,ison f,'/cnuf?, as sai.è cent"or line is c1c~crijE'd in tite Deed to tLe Coud'LV of ;~a:~ta C1éu\), rcc:Jrc1QcJ~n Dr)ok ,~G, Pd9c 557 of Offic~;aJ Rp.coròs, '..Jdnta Clar<J COl.4;'~Y lec~)'rd~; dista:-'it t¡":c:'eon :fort:, Go 17' East CJï.87 feet: Tl'O¡;¡ tLe p('J'Ì.nt of }:1terser;tio;,,¡ of [,a~,è center lj,lC'. Iri.t:l tIle center L~1ìe of C:'-'.];1t ¿)¡:reet, alG:') 1<..nO\,'.l a~ >inn¡, Street:; the'lce U:)rth ,,0 17' Ea'-" l' "'r1"' t~'" c('!'~c'Y" 1':nn ~" .')"ris"" "'Ien¡"..' 10" .r:ce" ""Ol'e v ~dL(...v~ "L: ¡'"""","'",.t,."L.'-h,l\,,.,,":,V~ .,'" Dr' less, ;:0 bK' ;JoutÌ1\/cs\e':'l\¡, COl'ïlCl' or tÌ'l?t: certòir¡ parcel of land con,'eyed 1.~o:J::,lUcJ.m F. Stock'Jill, by Deed rc:c~)l'C;cc] ;,:l ~j:Jok 253, pa(~G 272 of Dc:ec!s; t:¡,cl1ce Easterly a:¡u aloi1q the Southerly li.nc of l.1nd so c~;n','c\'~'cìo ~;tockcJill, 165 feet to ':~¡C ,3~)u:.:hcas"erly cor,ler thcl'eof; ::-11c:nc~e conti:!;,,<i~ì'J Ea~l:er!.y Sout~l J(jO 43' t~as\: 52.22 feet; the:-tce :JoutheY'ljl ¿¡:ld ?\lrallel \,!~>:Ìi '::;:10 ccr¡ter l.i,le of :!arrisor: AvenuE lOG rGet, ¡:lore or less, to c1 poin, \h:i.ch is-';:Juth (;9° 43' East 217.?? ",,¡:: , 't f:1" I ,. ¡r-,,04""J d ¡-eel: .l.rO:¡l tde pOlì1 o£ oeguìilln,]; t.lcr,~€ ;nrt,l tU ,:¡ ,est an pcJra 11e1 \,¡i th the ìJorther1y 1 1,nc of Lot 27 of the SI-Jope Trac t, cJS S:lCiWiì on (J :';<;p recorded Ìi¡ ¡"ook :rE", pcJge5 106 anJ 107 of ;1a1)s, Records of Santa Clara C~)Urlt;, 217.22 feet to thcpoint of beginning, EXCEPTIIJG THEFLITD¡¡ the i:lter'est in so l1Jch of the premises lying r"ri,thin the bound~ of I1.:11:,r::,s'x1 ¡,venue \\'1~ich ,,¡as conveyed to theCounty of Santa Clara, a ~oc1y po1.:ttic a,1d cc)rporete of th(~ State ()f Califor- nia, for public roùd B:1(J higl:\,oy pU'£'po<;e~, ~)y Deed recorded Octo¡,er 24, 1923 ill Book 4G of Official I~ecords, page 557, and being more particu1a rly described os fol10\'¡5: BEGI~tJI1'JG at 'che Doint of intcr:':,í?cLic,n of U~e ce¡,ter linG of Halor.ison ,,¡,...c:,ue '...ì~,th the c(,nter lit'le :¡f C:cùnt, 0::.' ~\ililìù ;:)tr'cet; and runni;ì'.j thence along the ¡)orthel'lj' llro~_J¡ljat::,on of t:le center li1¡e of ¡lü:;:'rison [\Venue, North 0° 17' f~,-:.:;t 3/].3,25 feet Î::J the Southel\l:,.-' line or t:le lands now or fO:L"'merly of J. C. ~30u 'co; t;,e a},.JOJE descri>ecJ line be~l1g the ce'ìter' l:;,;~e of a stl':;P of land of 'C;;e u;¡iform \,.'idth of 5a feet, 25 feet on each s:'..de of said lil1c. /~ known to me to be the þerson.~.. whose na-"'~,~:::~~:~:::~~~~;~;~~~';~ 't~~~i;~~;;~~;t;~~;;~~:;:~~:~~~~;~~;~~~~~:?t~:;:~~:~~~~~~.~. executed the same, /~ )/ I Y , " / WITNESS my hand and official seal, UHUU- "<';:H,_J~C"'HHH;"-:...:i--:';:;'H(-'( (SEAL) Notary Public ,........ My commissi011 exÞires:u---.....~I~'?/~'?""""""'HH,u,uH' A, D, Smi th "'" '" ""i;r'i~'r~;~'(y'p~d'~~;';~'~iÑ;;r~~i;P-';bii-'" ""'H"', ,.' FORM 3 I:ITY TITLE INSUHANI:E I:()MPANY CT Application No....¡.~.~.J",ß.QmERP., J-~ . .~.- PLANNING i)EPARTt-fENT CITY OF CMiiP3ELi., CALIFO!1NIA TO: APPLICANTS FOR "s" APPROVAL, V-:2-E.IA;\JC§_9~ USE PER~nTS The name (5) and RecorJer's Number, of legal owner (5) oi subject property must be supplied as part of application. may be submitted for this information. A photo COì))' (\f deed Please fill in necessary information: Cct;;rt;r '1f:..J¡'-IV~C~ -p ~5(,¡';!jj¿4~' /r;;d~fÜ()' Nam~ ~as'shm~n on eeð 1, ~ (;~J,,#,>3 "- f{; Ii:r {'ð- d.'/'(~ j NaQe s as shown on Deed R 2'/113"0 - lic",' 65:]0 - ?¿lJ e 652 Recorder's umber For Office Use Only Filed as part of applIcation for for Filed by