240 N. Harrison Ave. (1967) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME ADDRESS 7 ADDRESS -C- ('\> ~ ~ A ~ ~ r.:--t..- .... ~¿ FOR - -. - - - --~ ~ . d 02 tJ k . -i?_~--U -<-<' .--vU "R E C E I P T CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA ~g;v ~¿I?~~" /~ FOR¿j~ /fJ~'J~ rJoð~ / {ß - t: ? -- ~ 1" /'/ I! ({ tí ~~ fh ~VO 'd-~ ç: J(;y ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT N°.3&: ç; REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ C FUND NUMBER C FUND NUMBER AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. .Al 214-67 JUt. 214-67 00- ****359.00 66 °O-A ***359.00 4 LV CHECK Î ~HECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH No.4 9 8 9 Thank YOII CITY OF CAMPBELL f/J4~ CO" c".. No. 4871 a- DATE ..u. -6-61 JI. -6-61 005 ****500.00 66 oosC ***500.00 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH Thank YOII CITY OF CAMPBELL ., ð4;,~ ~,.. or ( ( ...' ,) , _J.'<". / l~ 3 '1 (' ()~t ('.:>7) v "-') IV" s tv PLANNING DEPART1ENT Cl '~'Y OF CAMPBELL 75 !;ORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C~i'BELL, CALIFORNIA Date 5-17-67 CONDITlmI~~, ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Sisler Construction Co. , FOR 'CONSTRUCTION OF speculative industrial building TO BE LOC'.;ED AT: CONDITIONS: 220 North Harrison Avenue RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Landscaping to be provided as indicated on plan. Faithful Performance Bond in amount of $500 to be posted to insure landscaping within three (3) months of completion of building. 2. 4. Landscape plan, indicating type of plant material to be submitted for approval of P¡lanning Director at time of application for building permit. An 8' x 12' (minimum enclosure, consisting of a conèrete floor surrounded by a 6' high solid wall or fence, shall be constructed to house trash container. Said enclosure to have a 6' wide gate. 3. The applicant is notified that as a part of this application he is (CONTINUED - OVER) . Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF C~~PBELL PLANNING COM~lISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING ŒLD ON THE 15th DAY OF May, 1967 CITY OF CM1PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION :bt Engineering ./' /'Î ! By: - ~,. r~/. ¡~ t';"'d:.v'o... ../ n. V. f'OO';1ñ Æecretary 6r ~I., .. required to meet the following additional conditions in açcol'dan,ee with ordinances of the City. 10. 5. 6. Building to be provided with sprinkler system, 'tnrouahoüt~ Driveway on south side of building to be one (1) way only. 7. There shall be no ~J1rÞ' :~1at on spu,~b¡~j.de: of buildinr~ Areas in front of loacJinl;,'O'O~.s a:tl'ea,r' of. building to be kept free 'of eaTS' "and 'to be used for loading spàce only. 8. 9. 33 additional parking spaces to be provided' on-site in accordan~é' with the Campbell Municipal Code. Parking and loading areas tobe developed in compliance with Section 9319 Œ the Campbell Municipal Code. 11. Applicant to provide underground utilities in compliance with Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 12. 13. 14. Excavation permit to be obtained for driveway curb cut(s). Storm drain area fee to be paid on basis ef $765.00 per acre. Applicant to submit and record parcel map for proposed lot split. The applicant is also notified that he shall comply with all other applicable codes or"'lnances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this develop- ment and are not herein specified. , , .' . , "i' , '. ,', ,,' ,.' , . .' *'.',; , " , , " , '\" '~, " " " d,. ' " " .. , ' ; ; , " " " ..:. ': ," '. " " . , , ¡, ò ,,', ," , .; " " ., ,,', . ";) , , .', , ': , !; " " ;' ' . ' , :. ' ' ; , ',' ". ',,:1 " ' , .' , .. , . , ,';" ':,. ,: ,'" : '.. . , ".. , " , A. . .' " " . . , .' ' :,,;', ; : , , ,,' '.. , .. (Iv! {-rn1, (S7 ) PLANNING DBPART>1ENT CI '~'Y OF CAHPBELL 75 HaRTH CENTRAL AVE~UE CAIv',:)BELL, CALIFORNIA 5-2-67 Date , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RCA Service Co~y~ny s~rvice/repair b~ilding CONDITIm>~ ATTACHED TO "s~t APPROVAL OF PLANS OF TO BE LOC,:,.,'ED AT: 240 Harrisbn Avenue CONDITIONS: 1. Fencing and additional landscaping to be provided as indicated in "red" en plan; fencing to be cyclone with redwood slats making sure that the school right-of-way is sepàrated by fence from the property with a fence coming all the way forward to the front of the building. 3. Landscape plan, indicating types of plant material to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at the time of application,for building permit. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $1500 to be posted to insure fencing and landscaping within three (3) months of completion of building. 2. (OVER) Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal C~de reads as follows: Any approval granted under this s'ection' shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after tile date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAIvIPBELL PLANNING COMi\lISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 1st DAY OF May, 196 7 CITY OF CNÆPBELL PLANNING CO~~ISSION cc .. Engineering By: _IZ r/. f4~ n . v. I '()fT:1r1 3'ecretary ,~ . 4. '¡',:: "" ,'" An 8' x 12' enclosure, consisting of a concrete floor"ä, 6-', high solid fence and a 6' wide gate, shall be const;ructed tcÞhousë:J trash c,:ontainer in å' location approved by the Fire 'aild,PlannìI1g Departments. 5. Parking along north side to be arranged as shown on plot plan in "red" tGp,rcrvj.defor àtwò"way driveway/or át; Ieast,,20' as ree.,. quired by Section 93l9.B (2) of the Campbell Municipal Code. " ~ "', ;,',;, ' " '", , " The appïIêåñi'ís Ïloiiliedihat as part of this app~ròval, he is required to J1leet.tþ.~ followingaddi tional conditions in accordance with ordinances of the Ci ty . - . ' , . ',- --. '. 10. 11. ,j", ,. 6. All fire extinguishers shall be installed in fire extinguisher' cabinets as directed by the Fire Department. (It is highly recommended by the Fire Department that this building be supplies with a sprinkler system to receive maximum fire protection.) Parking and driveway area to be paved in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 7 . 8. Payment of Storm Drain Fee in the amount of $500.00. Applicant to submit and file Parcel Map for proposed lot split. 9. Excavation permit to be obtained for adjustment of driveway widths (35' width maximum). Construction of underground facilities as required by Section 9110.6 of the, Camp>bell Municip:al. God.~.. ' ,..'}' , . " " , ,:fe,:fe" ~ '~ :fe, " '" ' : . ; " , " , """ , , .';" " ;)' , : ~ " " , , " '. , ", , ,', " ," " , ¡ ;'" ," , , , ',I . ;';,:; "; , .' " " . ~ " i ,'" , r; \, , " '" , " .., '" ' " ::, '." ;', ;: , . , , , " .""., ',' , : ., " .. / ;: , : ". ,: , ' , ,