3374 Hazel Ave. (1963) -¿¡;Ji &7<-' :? 13 DATE: -Iv;{. ~3' ./ PR OJECT OR ,TRACT NO .(~;:/a~T;~ '7 r,? UN IT NO. STREET ~rlve FROM L~nl/7i..&.e TO Jo;-J Uø 4v~ MAIN OFFSET FROM CIL Y<7r/¿~f STREET WIDTH 56 I SIZE OF MAIN r:; AI COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA LATERAL LOCATIONS: . MAIN LATERAL Connec&ns House No. MH ¡Side IDepth &: Lot or No. Station Type Size of St Prop. Line Reference at PL Lgtt Assess.No. 4 6100 t4'J1- 70 ~~ "4-" Iw 5D 'o/? ,¡ ~ 0 Î £7 Z/ hr. 4~ ë3 ¿I z-/ bK J' zí/r! 4£ Ir:Jl.. ~ ... w. ,.3( ~ t ~ ., l~ .., Zl:. /-féJ S- If + W :?:r'. . .., ~ z~/t *3 4! '2.5 If 2..3 l.Jm ~ 4. W ' . zi/t 4- 41 $0 24 ZD I ~ ~ " , z~/z. 4£ l:S- " " ~ SW to ~ t t ~ 25 .. .. . , S /~ I ¿. t.. t, ., Z~u;. 4~ 40 " zç. .5 Âf.~ 0 ~ t>f6S' /lWIAt ~ "í4" S 1] ;:¡¡¿rn ~ t> 11..1 J! f. Æ 1 4S" :is- 41 z:.., - 61fl j , ;J' /1' 4£ " ,., Iv 17 " + A. " Z3 H)t, If'Z 3 " '" S 1.9 I h ~ If ~ ?~/z ~ 4£ s~ . '2/' 1~37 If. ., N 37' ~ ., t <to 3~¡4J 4:I. 'Z.3 ~ 3S' H-?/ '1 11 S ,ø' Ip ,., ... .., 2P/?1' 4C 33 . Z'f 'Z.fIJ ' 71-;'J' 4£ 23 s#!f If ~ AI 374- . I. to .It 2 -i?7 '" ". 'N Z-' ~ + ;¡z/s~ 4F 2.3 53' ~ t ,.. lot 3/37 " IV ' 3;/~ 14" ., Q./ ' t t If n.. of, 3'L', v - ~~/;7 ' ..J I, r J, Do not write below this line. . " , . ~... '~ .. ~ ß/~J 1;) COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunny oaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 Telephone 378-2407 March 25, 1966 Department of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Re: Tract No. ~ 3374 Extension: Notice of Acceptance Gentlemen: The sanitary sewerage system for subject development has been constructed, inspected and tested, and found to be complete in all respects. Title to the system has been transferred to this District and the system has been accepted for operation and maintenance. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer LEW : j encl. Resolution No. 434.4 BY~ Associate Civil Engineer --- '... 2791903 '. , -1jU..ø ' .. r' ~I.~ (. IIO'J'ICI 1. hereby 9i'l8\ tbat Clift 011 CMIt a. OWS the uncSctt819ft8d. ..' C1~y 8tag1nHr cau... ~ÞIC - 81 tit q to ... 'COII8tnñ81 upon the propu~ '.elDa!'-' ~CI'u.d. ' tha ~ the wozk - 88i 1IIprov~t.8 .. acmaal1, H~ day 0 , '!bat the n- of .,.. ...r 18 aceept8cl Oft tbe ~;.. .. " Baat taM ..~ of U~l. of au. c1- to ..1 18 ~, of ~ Þ f.. 8_~, *"4 the a"~. aa4 --..... of all 0Wftft'8 of ..i. ~ty ana IWI8 C1'ft ~ .. Jil .. 2191903. ., AU. , ... 3J9 .tuM~~, t' '£'ttJ1ST JF ' ... ' , . " . ~ . :', . ," .., ," ..' . ,~ ;~'I'll"'",. ! I I I , O"'c.... !.. .)1105 'i'-'fT' CI..j.IltA COUNTy It'IJL It T£ LM .r~Otlt .' ~. DoN .... .. ..~-... ,".",- JftNI... ,.' 8. Øt¿Wa1 ~ ....-u. . 11 tb.~ ~ prcpo&"~y "'.1-. c.,.!'" ~ ... - *1- ..14 ."'I1ft8Jp t-..~ -~are located i8 .1~Ud 1a tM Ci'7 of ~.b8U, ~., 88Dta Cl..., ltau of calitc8a1a. and "..JI88d .. foll0W8l " ..".. '8. U14 , '~, .' ,'" ' " ¡ . ,~" " , ~' . . , , "~ " ,.1.' ., ..4 IwviDg the 1011""" ....., )' ~!h "'". '" Datect..l--... . f . 1'...:8... \ , . " "¥~' '"' .,~ I!. "', " .. - ;,.,- STATE OF CA!:IFORl.'JIA ) ,';;;¡ COuNTY OF SANTA CL]\,R}-'" ) ~ '", . -~ 'l'HOk~S B. WIU,IAMS- -.-- -- be'Ln'; duly s'V.'O.!"n, -.., , ; ¡ ! I I I I I I That I am the Cit:¡. Engineer for said City of says~ Campbell, the mvner of the property described in the foregoing notice~ that r have read the foregoj.ng notice, an:-l know tÍlE;.. contents thereof, and the facts therein stated are true of my own kr..owleäge. Subscr ibed and sworn to before me this ~ E ¿¿¿ d '. -Mdl:: ~óU~4;;;' 19~ ~'-B:' '\,11=-:= uct:ê\ry P¡.l1>lic in. ë\nd for said County City Engineer of Santa Clara, state of California. CHARLENE M. BARBANO, Notary Public My Commission .Expires October 1. 1967 I i I I I I I I t I I I I L ... I I I I I I Î ¡ I I I I i ¡ I ¡ I ì ¡ I ! I I I ! ! J , \ . ,. 4),-c Moo~mJr~~ ~o lR~~ JB\~~ lA UOO~ttnJr~N ~œ"~ TMiCT ~o 33\6140 MID) ~m~~ ~~N 0 ~~o tJ!iì@ iC1t;¿'f ~@EiJ~11 M~ ~)Th ~cdlw1~@@ ~ ti!I@ ~i~y ~~i)Th@~~ ~t ~11 ~~~~)Tht~ in ~~~t ~o 33\6I~o h~~@ b@~ ~~l@t@~ in ~~~~~~)ThC@ wit~ t~~t ~~~~)Tht @nt@~@~ ~to ~~il ~~o l~~3\o ~@n~~nfum~ ~i~ ~~~t~ ~n~o ~o t1h\@ ~it;¿'f ~~fuTh@@~ ~@c~n@~ ~c~@¡P~m\c@ i!dJJf th@ ~~~t ~)Th~ ~~@~nt§~ míWo ~~~o ~ffi] ~ UOO~~ ~ t~@ ~it~ ~\Q\m\cJLl ti'~~t ~~¡Ç;t ~o 3\3)1410 t~@t.lliì@~ wJLt1h\ ~ll m@ ~)fiQJy~¡rut¡;;jJ m@~@iQJ1TI\o b:§ ~tThdl tlD1@ ~ ~~@ 1m@~@1bJ;¿'f ~~~@JFt@(Q\ ~)fi\cdl tlm~t th@ ~ity ~~i)fi\~@~ i§ 1m@g~~ o~~~@cdl tiQJ E@@i!dJE~ ~ ~tic@ i!dJ~ ~l@tiiQJ1TI\ iQJ~ ¡;;jJ~JLcdl ~ßiQJ~~1TI\t§o ~M~~)Þ) MJþ) lAOO~ tlD1i~~~@@Y i!dJif January n l~lß1~o 1bJ~ i!;Jffi@ !£iQJlliQJwim\~ WiQJt@8 ¿~'l'Z11\]~ 8 ~\Q\)j'jj~i~¡m8 Doetsch. 'leU roy. r~ogers. Smeed. \{ose ~<Omi~8 OO~i~mJ8 )jone ~~~~8 @öJ@l!j)<Ç;JL~ 8 ;..onc ¿o,\IT»}J~8 ~~¿çl@§ ~@@o ~3f(þ))(" ~ lAftmi~~8 ~jciQJiÇJ1ï\~F -----~:~~it~ri)lD ~it~ ~l@E~ county of santa"'lara .. l C\ ' \ :' ,( . \'" li \\/\\ " '. (r 1 ~III Ç~'~~1' ¡I~ c '"I /] tt:. ~(I' 7 I ¿ Jð ~~ 4' (t / (1/L: þt ttr1 ~ /. \~lLl¡ ~I/( CITY E . T T,-, ý~\ uY[ ~ItEC£/::~::~,~'r ~~Py !t¡/1' .l~¿' i.I if 1953 .~ I III naDMRI1th I, .' I' ' ~ ¡,I' 1"'-«. J.J.Albright, Asst.Civil Bngr., City of Campbell \.) f(,\ L (~/yJ f , Q~ ~Q.~ I;; " ') , "--- . i/() I' r,., / . ,'-\' , /:( /\-j '\c, () \ ~ a'-I\( ^~~~ a ~ r' ~ JÞ 0 ~ 0 .\ °.. ,.- (/"O"~ ~~ i OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 70 WEST HEDDING STREET ROOM 524 SAN JOSE 10, CALIFORNIA 299-2323 December 3, 1963 , .:::; :2 r f/";;) ;>,) Mr. Kent Bonney ~ Street Lighting Enqineer Pacific Gas and Electric Company 86 South Third Street San Jose, California Subject. Blectrolier8 within Tract No. 3374- Aquino tark Liqhtinq Dlstrict Dear Mr. Bonney I '!'his is to advise that the Board of Supervi8ors at its regularly scheduled meeting on December 2, 1963. ~M eM~iz~ of el.~rolic. in ~.~ ,~ . 33 hin the boundaries of the Aquino Park q inq District. The electrolier installation in this tract conslsts of eleven (11) 4000 Lumen Incan- descent Units. Very truly yours, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr 8. Jean Pullan Clerk of the Board COpy SIG SANCHEZ. 1ST DISTRICT SAM P. DELLA MAGGIORE. 2ND DISTRICT ED. R, LEVIN. 3RO DISTRICT RALPH H. MEHRKENS. 4TH DISTRICT (CHAIRMAN) MARTIN J. SPANGLER. SR.. STH DISTRICT JEAN PULLAN. CLERK OF THE BOARD . COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY .. $",(' ; J~~~ l.Jl A,A ' 1 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Telephone 378-2407 August I, 1963 City of Campbell Director of Public Works 75 N. Central Campbell, California Re: Tract No. 3374 Dear Sir: The underground portion of the sanitary sewerage system has been installed, inspected and tested and found acceptable. No sanitary sewer work remains that will interfere with paving operations. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer ~ Ass't. Civil Engineer \~\\~ LEW:dlc ItECE\VEDAU6 2 196J ÇlT1 ENGINEER fiLE. COr"! ..... .... I 'II, n- \, 1, 1 n , 19') j ;/f;!(.:et3... ~:!.:;¡u.i\...;lg ;\";u::'::'...1..øtration j:j '/1 ;~SS "J;;:' :'1,'; .........1 ~:":':"_l~...~::::O 2, CdJ...:.t.. i.::.l. j11.cà ve t~, .:.:L. ' :--:";r,,1..;l1.£ tratL)n 49 j:"ourtr. 5¡;;,.c~ei: :.:.an ;,:'.::.:U;:;ldC.: .:, "':'¿u.l.i":'¡rlü;,¡ Gaatl.~¡w,::-,. ' . . .., . ------ '\ () C A' t :'l¿: ,~r.:",) \',-~_jl!.!:':J t'1.:- '0 t..!~. '- i. C .1'. .-"',.... Ie "~ 1f&?1/7 ..:.¡i :'~;..):':.'11 ',a;:, ap')l:')'J;:;' ~ t'c'\1:'¿lt..LV-~ l~'~,~:,'~, ~,~~ I.~'\t~...t' ',',:.:, ."{,, 171,/ oy t"1,~L."~'::"r.J.)I 1..1;1 )(.t.(;.)t)~r 22, 1;}f2. ',';'~)n r~c,;r~~t1":'~" / Ll:' f .~.~ 'oO": l¿~L -1.g.;';'..;1"'.,:;;' '.:~: ';!:r-.'-~ 1:-':'l5~. 't.i.1.J-,nn.: ~çe~l i.iJ..~d. t~ .L:..bu.:.:: t.:l~ :....)=~st.":'..lctlor...)t imp.:::)v~r.,E:E.t$ J..ìlcld,...J..,"j i..l.~.~::":"¿ (...it.j. 3:??C)p:l.at-,; s'.::.:ec:. 1.1g;1tl~19'), St:OClì a,1d sanitary eawers, and water distribution syst"!'m. E",te.;:>1. x. ')~ '....c..Liity s2;,:vi':'~f 1.n,.:.lu:.i':9 ,-'l~c:::!':i'.::' P')\V,C' -~-:., '. ~ t::'.L:":;P.l,);'.:';; '.-.ill al&o c\.:' ::>,s~x~'~d. ',)1' ¡:.¿ t'j~,fa(t.(',..) con.pletinf! -If publ:Lc tmpt:""'?!Tn~:1tS. t:.1f: "._,f~ :..¡ 1. ~"..: ~::'.;:.e?tt~';' .3::":; p-.':::;,:"'Uì':::!1t.Ly rnaint~j :¿~ t? i.;h<.; .......: ,:':'«. .;.~.i....:j ",'1c.~,¡j:1(.¡€ ~.)::-p..<.;':i:~~ liY'í<lt::. cf "'-')":. Cit:r ,)4;: (:).q:mcli ..'lLl ,bt} aft,)¡;'J.;td police and tire pr;-,tection by t~¡¡,.: ..'espocti',e CH:.y dE::lpi!Ct.Ii1:;??1tS and ga~:'bage díf£p,-,~pl hy the scav.¿ng...u: un...k... C"'.,Jrt'{.;.~ C ':.1(..'! Ç.);lt:C;,"...'t. I!.¿:{:\ ::, \" .\: ~, ,::,}:::(\~'. ~ '" :J!'\ ~;: ,;:':;',I.",:":~ ~.:t ~allialt\ (;.~,('~:1. 1981øtant C1,t~l B~c;i)ìtjer i ;(.H'¡: ~';-, GRIßAlDO, JACOBS, JONES AND ASSOCIATES 333 Bayshore Frontage Road, (P.O. Box 669), Mountain View, California. YOrkshire 7-6982 . REgent 9-5823 Oakland. Stockton. Watsonvil/e J ,1" Albert C. Gribaldo, P.E. ~ 'V Myron M. Jacobs, P.E. William F. Jones, P.E. Daniel J. Rhoades Alvin A. Rathbun File Noo E709-Ml January 29, 1963 Mr. Mel Routt 18970 Greenbrook Court ~ Saratoga, California ~ Subject: Tract No~camPbe11, STREET p~ DESIGN. California . Dear Mr. Routt: As requested we have sampled on-site material at subgrade elevation of the proposed streets and performed fiR" Value tests on two representative samples. Sample "A" is typical of the material at subgrade for Hazel Avenue and for that portion of Wellington Place, between Allen Way and Hazel Avenue, while Sample "B" is representative of subgrade in the remainder of the streets. The test results are shown graphi- cally on Figures I and 2. 'Soils on this site are quite s~i- lar to those in Tract No. 2891. Myron D. Hawk, City Engineer of Campbell has informed us that the Design Traffic Index for Hazel Avenue is 4 and the Traffic Index for the remainder of the streets is 3. Based on the test results and the Traffic Index for the streets, the following Pavement Sections have been approved for Construction. Hazel Avenue: ......"" ""'--""""""""""""'-...... Three inches of Plant Mixed Surfacing on four inches of untreated Base Rock on properly prepared sub grade. All other streets: Two and one-half inches of Plant Mixed Surfacing on four inches of untreated Base Rock on properly prepared sub- grade. In each case the untreated Base Rock shall have a mini- mum uR"-Value at 300 p. s.. i., Exudation Pressureoof 78. Very truly yours, ACGllb GRIBALOO, JACOBS, JONES AND ASSOC. ~~4 Albert C."Gribaldo C.E. 8412 cc: 4 to Hel Routt, 1 to Jennings & McDermott and 1 to City of Campbell .10 ., ~ ! 18 I II: = II ., 8 0 ~ 14 ¡ C .. . II ~ . : /0 ., Z ¥ 2 . ~ .. : I ~ ø - - File No. E709-M1 January 29,1963 Figure No.1 SUMMARY OF RESISTANCE VALUE TEST RESULTS SAMPLE A (Lab 100763) t4 e:XUOATION PRESSURe: (P81) 800 700 800 1100 400 500 200 100 I ! t-- -JI- ~-t- -f-- J 2.2 V I i 2.0 Vi - -t- ---j ~-r-- i : / /, 1 ' I I ¡ T.; ¡- ~ + -t 18 1 1/ I: . ",: I ! !.,/ I~ r r--'( I ! ,/ I i ¡ i i "",! , ~-'-,,+ ¡ 1/1 . i I . "I I T/ Ii I ¡! : '7 , T, .J~--+ --r" f-T I /, ! i If, ' ""- ; /' ,Ii i ~---+-T I" i V I Ii, I~ i -1 L i I ! I /' i I I I I , : ¡-t I :!/. I ~ I ': ~-/- ~--~-~ ! i I." i 6 I i/ i ' I ' I Ii ./[ +-- I : I I / -L I : ~ I 1/ I I I I ! l/ I I I ~ --+ / I i J! 00 ! +- , I u f._I 1 I I I I - I ! I : '" I 4 -t- f--i-- - ' . I I I . , , -+-~'~~-r- + , . I I t t + 2 I 4 6 . 10 12 14 18 18 20 COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRE88URe: - INCH!' u 24 u Specimen _A_-t- B C Exudation Pressure, p.s.1. 165__+ 382 I 637 I Expansion dial (. OOOP) 0 I 2 1 7 --r-----¡- 38 Expansion Pressure, p.s.f. -q-L--- l! ! - Resistance Value, 8R8 28 I 48 69 Test - ----r- 12.3 11.5 % Moisture at 13.2 ' p.c.f. 122.0 i 124.0 ' 126.0 Dry Density at Test, I 8R8 Value at p. s. i., Exudation Pressure m__- 41 - 300 i 100 80 80 70 60 I :II 80 ~ . ,. 40 Ii T 30 20 10 0 1012 .10 III Z 0 ! II , II: = ,t I 0 ~ 14 i C ... . 'I ~ . : 10 III Z ¥ 2 8 z ... : . ~ 0 A - File No. E709-M1 January 29,1963 Figure No.2 SUMMARY OF RESISTANCE VAWE TEST RESULTS SAMPLE B (Lab 100763) 14 E (UDA TI 0" PltES8UltE ("81) 800 100 800 &00 400 300 100 100 I V , V: 2,2 / 2'0 V ,1/ ,~ 18 1/1 1/ I~ lI' I V I~ / 1 / 1 I ,/ ¡ IF / I I !/ 'I I~ /1 ' I , 1/ i i ! ~ i /1 !, , I 1 !/ : I: ~ I / ! ' ! ' I I 4 V ,I / I I I 1/ i ~ ! ./ I u I I J- - I ! i i - -1 L + r-- f I '- i l~ I I ---t--- --- -- I ! : I - --+-- e---. - 1 : "': i ! ~! I I I",¡ i ! i -+- ! ! I : , ¡ : i ! 4 ! I +- , I I 00 I 4 8 8 10 12 14 'I 18 20 COVEI' THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PltE8SUltE -'NCHU It 24 u Specimen A B C Exudation Pressure, p.s.i. 222 -1 318 462 0 0 Expansion dial (. OOOP) 0 - -- Expansion Pressure, p.s.f. 0 0 0 Resistance Value, .R. 51 57 I 67 % Moisture at Test 10.3 ' 9.~ 9.4 Dry Density at Test, p.c.f, 130.5 131.0 132.0 .R. Value at p.s.!., Exudation Pressure_- 300 56 100 .0 80 70 80 . 50 :c þ r 40 i 30 20 10 0 1012 .. .II i THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY ;::.) ¡;:,' C' ¡:;- ¡ \ ; ::-' ¡ j ", ï;,;. --,.- < < --- D :: C 1:~ " :} S :? J",,~I!.,,¡'(~-; "(;'".' 1,...":"",, .",",..,. Sunnyvale, December 7, 1962 Mr. M. Hawk City Engineer City of Campbell Campbell, California Dear Sir: The public utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for Tract No, 3374, have been examined by this office. The easements are adequate and satisfactory to this company. Very truly yours, ftx.~ ~. District Plant Engineer ¿7 494 S. Bernardo Ave., Rm 3 Sunnyvale, California ~,~' . . Î SAN JOSE DIVISION 86 South Third Street San Jose 141 California cy press 4=2828 In reply please refer to December 10. 1962 Mr. Myron D. Hawk 75 N. Central Campbell. California Subject : Tract =H'3374 Dear Mr. Hawk: The Public Uti lity Easements shown on the final copy of the tract presented are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this Company's electric distribution faci I ¡ties. Sincerely. C. E. GINOCHIO DISTRICT MANAGER '\"" \;\ BY: Cpt ~'U C. A. Carlson kt cc: Telephone Company. Sunnyvale Office. Attn: Plant Engineer Valley Title Company. 38 No. 1st. San Jose Jennings-McDermott Engineering. 601 No. 1st. San Jose '1 e e "- . ..-¿ '.-¿ ~ (; (..-'. .,' ID.. /11-- ..- ..~ Ç7 ?- . a CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO 48 LOT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP OF LANDS OF MEL ROUTT LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HAZEL AVENUE BETWEEN SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD AND A NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF SONUCA AVENUE AS APPROVED BY CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ON TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1962: 1. Compliance with Article IX, Chapter I, Part I, of the Campbell Municipal Code. 2. The North-South street between Smith and Hazel to be named Wellington Place 3. The Cul-de-sac street between Smith & Hazel to be named Allen Way. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: Evelyn Adamson, Secretary .. ... I MEMO TO: Planning Commission FROM: City Engineer sua¡ ECT: Agenda Item No.6, October 16, 1962 Some question was discussed last TUesday night concerning why the subdivision to the south and east of this proposed subdivision had not provided a 40-ft. right of way for Sonuca Avenue at the time it was developed. After review of the subject subdivision, we wish to report that Tract No. 327, which is ~ediately south of and adjacent to the proposed Mel Routt subdivision, dedicated half of Sonuca in 1946. This dedication controlled the centerline of Sonuca and would have required the subdivider on the east side of the street to purchase, dedicate, and develop 10 ft. of the property of Mel Routt. Since Sonuca is to be a 60-ft. street,we did not recommend that the short-half block developed by the subdivision to the southeast provide a 40-ft. half street. Myron D. Hawk ~~ ~ . santa clara county FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT CCNAL.C K. CURRL.IN October 8, 1962 MANAGER-COUNSEL 70 WEST ROSA STREET CYPRESS 9-2031 File' City of Ca8pbell Subdivision San To... Aquino Creek i/1Y of San Toœa. Road between Ua&el Ave. &: LoTell Ave. / Re. J:~it1"...p for Mr.(JJt..l /Routt . . SAN .JOSE 10, CALIFORNIA Campbell Planning Commi..ion Urban DeT.lop.ent Department City of Caçbell 7' North Central Avenue Campbell, California Gentlemen. orbs Uiatrlct hall reviewed the tentative -p and has the fol- lowine comments to make. 1. There are no flood Control facilities adjacent to or concerned with the developœent of this subdivision. 2. The intract drainage system should conform to the City of Campbell's Master Storm Drainage Plan. ). It ia entirely po.sible that the Northerly part of this subdiTi.ion might be subject to overland storm flows until such .... a. Smitb Creek i. iœproved and diyerted into ~an To..s Aquino Creek in its tinal alignment. Very truly yours, Gf.ORfa: H. PRIME Di.*riot ~n8in..r '! '. ,"- " EUGENE H. A..istant SULLIVAN f /II C1vil Encineer CHlP. E.HS . .b CC I J ennings-.McUermott Engineering V Myron Hawk, City En.r., Caapbell '1<1&lcolm Burns COpy