LaPradera Dr. (1955) tAB! l¡. ~n final ma~ is presented to City Co~.il. thefollo~ dO~~B vill .&cconroa.nY : 1 I ll)"l r!"-.,,d I-!". I Off-tract easements for storm sewer, if a'PT)l1cable. (8) ,..' 1 [~ 2. Resolution acceþting off-tract easements for storm sewer, if appli- cable. (]1) 3. Agreement between Subdivider and City for all improvements. (5) 4. Reimbursement Agreement between Subdivider a.nd City for off-tract storm sewer construction, if applicable. (5) 5. Resolution ap~roving final map and accepting all streets, avenues and other dedications to the public use sho'~ thereon. (E) 6. Papers referred to in Items 9,12,13,14,15, and 16, PART I Finel Þ'la'D and ell reQuired incidental documents and actions com-pleted. Signed: De.te PART III - 49tion immediatelY after City Council a-p~roval of ma~: 1. Deliver two ~rints of final map to City Clerk. Department and City file) (for City Fire 2. Check Agreement, record suspense matters in PART V, and ~lace appro- priate memoranda in official SUB-pense file. 3. Submit to County Boundary Commission Subdivider's letter requesting annexation to Campbell Lighting District. 4. Furnish ~~exation -petition and have Subdivider complete same. ? :'.RT IV ~ -~t ion U'T)on se.t isfactory completion of improvements: 1. Obtain Transfer of '1'1 tIe for off-tract storm se...rer, if a'D'Plicable (S); and present to City Council for acce~tence. (E) 2. Check to determine whether additional deposits will be required to reimburse City costs; and, if so, obtain same. .. -- 3. Letter to City Council recommending acce'Ptance of storm .ewer system. ----- 4. Notice of Completion of storm sewer system to County Recorder- within 10 days after acceptance. ... --- 5. Let ter to City Council recommending acce'Ptance of ropd"1ay' improvements" - - õ. Nt)tice of Completion of roadway improvements to County Recorder - within 10 days after acce'Dtance. 7. Arrange for City audit of cost of any construction under a, Relm;urse- ment Agreement. 8. Instruct City Treasurer to establish a~-pro-priate Reimbursement Accts. -.. - 9. Reimburse any remaining portions of de'Dosits. it.T_i[ - Matters to be recorded in Suspense File for follow-uP action: .1'1.:. e & : Suspense: ~.:l. tiE'ls: De.te : Descri-ption of Action ReQuired at SUS1)en8e Date -- Ins'Pect storm sewer - 10 months after acce'Ptance. Ins'Pect roadway improvements - 10 months after acceptance" - - -""- ~-- --" - -- - -" -" __n ---- _n_- n_- - - - --- --- -- ~- ---. -- -- ------ - -- MARK THOMAS & CO. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 18 N. SAN PEDRO ST., SAN .JOSE, CALIF". CYPRESS 2-4434 WORK ORDER Date......I~.v'(d.£Fmum . . .. ;:: ::e2J~:.k£B<..~. ¡~:/~3 , Work Or~er~d by: '. - V . j. OrderTaken by ~..../w.~'9..4.,-:J..~..----.C~-'f"J,.) Name .¿JIy...Ò!-&/Bfi~~/<:...¿?Ó..M../2.~d/.7~Ar...~.......¿;:tr /c. 7/' Address ....bT!6~.t:::.....ó..I:.....d?.62/¿L?.~~!'.~ ""'.""""'.".".".'.." Telephone._...._........._......_....._-"..._---_._"..-..-".. ~: (Complete only if different than above) Name ....-.. ..~k.~~..........P.~c....................................... .............................. Address -.../7?!~._.....I1/........~-?.&/'.1.L6..~~ ...__.~......_.._..... Telephone......_C'./.....2.~--.4..¿;;.~--' Type of work desired, and/or special instructions....&~.k.C.m...._..Q://.,u..!.~_/'..L_.....j.~C"L17.,s...--a.Q. /". <J:... 'd_.;.. ¿¿ '(.. -.. &~k æ.~. -&6....1 f/...,a:; r..:b ÙL ¿(¡r 4... ./:H.12 =-a co..if,;:" ~. "'-. .. . Ú.Ùl.7:f A. d.4~1D~...r:.~6 ~d:f:::jJ'..'a..i.li.)&)1j J:../L¿&ItfI.. _b...r:f .co. ,I' ./3, .li'./ jsf~.'./..~. jf ,: Lv ~,.. /;J...) ¿ . .............................................................-........................-...... ....... ...-..........................................-..........-.-. ..-............--.... "'-..... -.. .'. .... ..................................-.....................................-............................ .................................................................-..........-.... ... ... ... "- ""'-.. .-.... .... ..-..............................................................-.........."."""""'. -..........................................-....-................'."....-........ - -.... ..-. -.--- "'. .-.................-................................................................................. -...-.................-...........-.-...................--...-...'.""""-"".'--'-"--'-"-""'- Description of property: (sketch if necessary) (If a land survey, this must be more than the address. If no legal description available, obtain the following) : Fronts on "'.'....................-..........................-............."-'.-'."-"--'-'---"--'--'-- Between .............-......................................................-...........'.."'-."'-"--'-""-' Dimensions or acreage ....--.-....-.......-.............-.....-..-....-......--..-'-'-""'-"-'.'" Name of owner of the land .--""""'-"""""'-"""m_""__."--""'-----.----m--.. Other means of identification ""-'."'-""""""""""----'m"'m--..............---- ....................................................................................-..--...-.. "".-.. '."" -.. - - - ..-.. The following to be completed only when applicable: Starting date promised ."""""""-"---""'--""'-....-m......._.---.-.-.........---.---- Completion date promised """...""-_m""""'."'-"""."--""'."---.----"-_m.---- ESTIMATED CHARGE..¿p. -. d~...~ .¿ç-/: Dl.r h<;:U:(-- - r;? z:" .....¿~.-d.~c..m.~l.',~<::-:""""""""""""""""."."."",-""". .... ... -.... ....-. Job File Copy WORK FILE COpy TO._..m"'h~"'hnmm_nn'hh"- QUAli'l'ITY 671 3,020 13,119 364 40 1 I 0< :" It fir,') ft- " ./"¿' /)C'-'lC ,¿ -, "> REVISED BSTIMATE POR COMPLETION OF LA PRADERA DRIVE CHARGEABLE TO LOS RANCHITOS, UNIT NO.2 TRACT NO. 1602 ~ ITEM UNIT PRICE TOTAL $ 1,174.25 1,208.00 Lin. Pt. PCC curb and gutter $ 1.75 Sq. Pt. 3 1/2" PCC s/W on 3" 0.40 cushion Sq. Pt. 2 1/2" PHS on 6" Class 2 Agg. Base 0.25 3,279.75 cu. Pt. Roadway Exc. 1.00 364.00 Lin. Ft. 2" x 6" Redwood Header 1.00 40.00 Ea. Rebuild catch basin L.S. 75.00 to curb inlet TOTAL $ 6,141.00 QUANTITY 465 2, 092 10,027 410 31 21 .Y!i!'l IBID UNIT NO.3 TRACT NO. 1617 1I!t! PCC curb and gutter 3 1/2" PCC s/W on 3" cushion 1.75 0.40 $ 813.75 836.80 TOTAL UNIT PRICE $ Lin. Pt. Sq. Pt. Sq. Pt. 2 1/2" PHS on 6" Class 2 Agg. Base Roadway Exc. 2" x 6" Redwood Header standard Guard Pence 0.25 1.00 1.00 5.00 2,506.75 410.00 31.00 105.00 Cu. Yd. Lin. Pt. Lin. Ft. TOTAL $ 4,103.30 UNIT 2 & 3 SUB TOTAL 10,844.30 ENGINEERING & INSPECTION @ 5% = 542.22 $11,386.52 r"í.....",,~, , .' .. .." '-, \, "\" lie'\.. M.C. J.=F. r" ", " "i.,'-./ \.~'. [, tic ., . ",...---.,..- V~' /~',1~': ,.. L:., ,,:":'.... v' C:'fJ' ~ .._"'~,-::_... .. .. -----"' ","- --" -h,.. ---.-", h--..h" --, -- - ..--..h----U M..]";, 1\1. ¡ '". MJ,V::~:~:CONSULTING DGINEER ÛHc.._v'~_18 North San Pedro street --,.JS8l1 Joa. 10. Calitornia ~:,Ci;~':\se..- r:> June 25.1959 rllet Calirp. 55-? . .55-10 -- Trojan Construction Company 241 Commercial Street SuM"..l.. Californ1a .fte: La H and Lol Gentlemen: This letter confirms our telephonic notlce U~t the C1ty ot Campbell 18 w1lling tC¡ do the following 1n connection w1 th com- plet1on ot improvements 1n Los Ranch1toø Gardens, Units 2 and ~: 1. Set,q r:lutually satisfactory completion date on the order tor TroJan Construction Co. to 1nstall the curb. gutter, s1dewalk, ~mtl pav1ng 1n the southerly hn.lf ot La Pradera Dr1ve. 2. A«,-cept theatreet 1mprovements wh1oh have been Com- pleted tor over 11. year 1n 1..08 PanCh1 tea HAl ta 2. ::md 3. Relea$e or reduce the bond. on all tiort1ons of the work sat19tactor1ly completed. The one-leal' t"tlaI'aU tee tor ftl.Ulty workmanøh1p and fl1ater1als should aløç be \ou11ved prov1ded 1nspection shows the 1mprovements still in f:oOd oond1tion. 3. Contact owners of prupert)' on south ald.e of La Pradera Dr1ve, m.dvlee them that ßtr€et le tüh'-:-1 1nstalled and give them a reasonnble time 11m t to have the1r san1- tr-tl"y sewer latí:1l"rtls. wa te r ~ervlees, and 9 aervices Inatalleð prior to 1mprovement ot 9treet~ at the 9r~e time not1fy them thn.t bor1nv êlnd J '~cklng' flil3.Y be z'e'1uIred l,qt~r. It they can anticipate th(~lr d,rlve\,¡ß,Y needs, th1St "'1111 be hel¥)ful too, beolu3f1> the sl<1e¡"lalk w111 be monol1 thie t rmdl iJr1 vet.:ay lfpproaeh can be prov1ded much ¡'¡ore che'1.nly ~lt the t1me ot curb, gutter. .'jnfi s1dewalk construction. 4. f<nter into '1!H'nlementnl tl¡:r'eernent 1d..th Troj'!I1 Con- ~truction CC). cover-lug 00 nstruct1on schedule for re- quired 1mproV(~::¡Emts, ;ind have them post el ther suf- fIc1ent new bond. 01" car'r,y prc,ne:rly reêiuc ~)ld bonds for L09 Panch1 toe r'nlts 2 3. .. ~ r~E. .T~ ~ ...................- l~,.l' ~). "-"""hh""" C,A,.\. ""-'-'-_'_-h_'_" a . 1 1./.. "'_'h'hhm__. l\~ 1"'1 lil.u. h'-h---..h..-... J.:.r. hmh--..T.J'..Qj M Con~truetlon 0(,)1I1011ny -2- June 25.1959 E.~-)(~ . , , L. ,.: r.J ,j , l-.¡1.]Y. - ' i\a re¡;7nrds Item 2 al.)(,}ve, I hn.ve e/ILused f'1 eln1Ulated one "'h_.---¡.aar ~lr.ter aCcentNu::e lnsneotlon to oe mllde. 1f',he following 1. tenul ....should he rernedled pr1ür to ClcceptlììrlCe by the City: t:.:c;:::)Cll3C """-'-"" F~lc a.. HepaLr pt1Vewent a,%';Jund monument box t>ppos1 te Ho. 1791 Villari tA CL.o s n.neLi tOg Unl t '). !-/ b. Plt-i.ce /I =;cotOh11 t~«f r~r.t€ct(n"A on fU,('Ú i'ail fence at nort!e,'!'f:,:st, end,/Cnl0 3erena AvenuE" ( S hlnchlto8 Unt t 2). c. :'V~ce .'1urVS) münumentbox on};lo~5~-+.rena Avenue oTm<H41 te lAt 1;;~7 (Loa i'1r\ch1 to!/! Poi t ;¿). . (1. 1ena.1:r !<:>rc'ken 'í~tal]f by r)(n\¡~r nole at -" Aqu1no roAd {Los ;t.!10hi tos tIn! t Þn.. (i. 0.1. '-\.:1 Hnon coml)letlofl of Items H, b, 0, and. d. all of' the Imnreve;¡,entl!! l.n ',(;9 i'1t.nohltfH'I 'Units ~. 2 :3 Nl11 ¡:~ccent'd)le exceptll1f tte souther h.a.lf of' l...i Pr/1¡.í.lel't'!. D.rlvø. 7hA ti:¡¡e S¡;¡t in ItE~m 1 w111 include Jl et1nu"Le.,tlon to 'Drc:v1de fcr time lost due t() Incleme!1t 'Wf:';o!1t.ber.. Fer;ard.ir¡,f'7 It€,;¡) h, 1tlndly;:tÚvlp.e th19 fice it you would r'reff~J:' to !'\romrrt1onately ¡'educe the bonds Gn LO8¿lnchl toe ne1l"'iens Un! tg 5). 2 r if you w(n.1là. p:ref€;r to ;êl,¡:,tce a cü¡;;nletel,y n~;~1 bcH1f'{. con;r,l..tlon (ì~r the aj;Ove wol~k items UDOll notlt'lce- tlon of y(;U,~' (leslre~ J:'e' rtf' the bond..s, ";e ",rill flat'Y to com- plete nrO(HH~ßlni' th€~ ¡H¡C€,i::; (loCuments rOl' accept,¿¡Jl0e ;.)f the ccìTl1")leted '¡it; 'tor) tx'¡f', s1!rn.Üt':m~J,'U$ f'111nr- of ju~¡ted bonda ')]1d av:reemen t the unoorc;',V'ted ~)o:r.tlone. YCIlJ:' e ver;y tru 1y, ¡, i( ThO " c'.. Consultinp . .TV: 'OJ co: Cl ty neeX' City of Campbell Office of the CONSULTING ENGINE&~S 18 North San Pedro Street San Jose 10, California 8tate of California August 14, 19.59 File: e~~~ j1 ~ CamP. .5.5-10 Property Owners Southerly Portion La Pradera Drive Campbell, California He: Notice to property Owners, La Pradera Drive Dear Property Owner: The City of Campbell is nreparing to have curbs, gutters, residential monolithic walks and pavement installed in the southerly half of La Pradera Drive which is part of Los Ranch- itos Gardens, Units 2 and 3 (Tracts 1602 and 1671). This pro- jeot is in the vicinity of the north1',rest corner of Sen Tomas Aquino Road ancl Campbell Avenue. If possible, it would be advantageous to property owners abutting this proposed improvement to have their anticipated sani tary SeÍlTer laterals, ~Tatel' and gas services installed prior to start of installation of the street improvements scheduled for September 1.5,1959. If the City is notified sufficiently in advance, it may also be possible to provide for suitable driveway openings in the curb, gutter and walk sections. Owners of property abutting La Pradera Drive are under no obligation to the City of Campbell to install or cause to be in~talled any of the above mentioned items ~t this time; however, these items and Dossibly more will eventually be required as the property develops. This letter is merely to serve as the City's notice of intention to have the street improved and to advise the owners that cutting of the new street will probablY be prohibited. Installation of future utility services and sanitary sewer laterals will be much more expensive after the street work is completed. For your convenieñce we are listing the proper offices to call regarding the above information: "Tater-- Campbell ~ater 00., FRanklin 8-0001, attention Mr. Hyde Sanitary Sewers-- County Sanitation District No.4, FRanklin 8-0008 attention Mr. Weaver Property Owners -2- August 14,1959 Gas-- Pacific Gas and Electric Co., CYpress 4-2828, attention Mr. Hanson Driveway approaches ru1d schedule for street improvements-- Mark Thomas & Co., CYpress 2-4434. attention Mr. Vigilant Please don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions regarding this matter. Yours very truly, l{ARK THOMAS & CO. Consulting Engineers for Ci ty of Campbell ftt..Lf /) 1/~,~ t ~ MichaeL J. Vigilant lJIJV:pj '. ,~:-II- ::> \, -) ,I -J""¡ ~ ,";¡ ./, ", ,.. ;./V ',-- ~) '!"~, . '11' .. ,<"" Los Ranchitos 3 & 4 Cont'd ~ 2/10/58 F. N. 0-57-2 '" ~~: 6. Place street signs on existing street posts. -",; " 7. Clear sidewalk areas to allow :' complete inspection. ~ ? Y C, 8. ',are electroliers. 3 9. Raise to grade storm sewer manhole JD[ number' on La Iradera. Ádjust to grade of adjacent pavement. - , 10. Cement interior of all catch- basins (joint between the castings and the base) and clean excess concrete from them. . 11. . C lean interior of storm manhole at intersection of Ensenada and Campbell Aves. 1 "-- 12. llace survey monument oppeeite Lot l~o. 227 (end of ret:l1rn on Campbell Ave.) D. H. Clark . .JL ... r r:--- - - : , '. . "¥ . " '..... '. ....' , ." 0 .' I" " , " 0"" "r°' " o',t" J.' r.o ~.jt '.'1" :, -=:'~;~~:J~.,' 0'" ~&.8"'" "" ',' ' GO Ct" 0"". ... OIt" ......... '. . 0', , ..,. <.' ' J ....,.;~ "ï.:.:?jf' ..... ,'J! :"~ ':'l~v'....."" j!, --n""""""""" . .. , I .........-........., A.C. J.B-F. H.D.G. ....-K .1. J.A.R M,J.C, v'b.i\.~... . ................... .................... ~::~:£~:::::: ................--" ::::ï~l.:: aIft UGtJtitlrt ...................... 18 10. San Pe41'O Street Suspense ..................".. h" Jo.e 10. 0.11 torn1. A'ile .................".,. Deoe.ber 11,1'" F1le t 0&1Ip. SS-W red..al loue1A1 A~.lnle'r.t1oa ,. 'aft I. ø. A..n- San franoteco. Oaltforn1a Re : v -20, 1Þ sftaaoh1 t.a G.rodenl, Ua1' 110.3. --'lr.U.L~ Gen'le.lu 'he public taproy..ente w1thin ~. ret.r~4 fr8ot ~o. 1611, 01'7 or Oaapbell, COURt, or ¡j.nta Clara. baY' 'be.. 1)0.- pl.'ea 1ft aoooJ"1anoe w1th 01t7 Stand...-da w1th the tollodlll .seep'ton8' 1. X.pray.ent or the 80\tthe..ter17 one-ba1t width of La, frad.,.. Dr1... 2. la8'allatlnn or .le.troll~"., Pinal ol..nlne up. ,. Sa14 1.9rO?~lntl eðnø1.t of the ln8tallat10n or the ."1' .,.,.. (1nolud1ag ulal, .e"lo,. and hfdranta). ,he .ton 4Nl"l'l .""', the ..01'.17 ..we,. colleottoR "a'.., .urb., ¡uttera. sldewalke, and ."..~, pay1ng. Atter th, abo.. 1'... br:., been eoapl.,.«, anti are ....ptCti! '" tl\e 01 t, ot Obp'bell, the.. ll1p1"O...ent. wl1l be 881a'ala.! -, the 01', thro.¡bÞut their nor8All1te. Although 'he _o.phtloR or the ,..181,. 1t... ot work 1. co.,red 'It, be84, tb... .'.t...n'. a1'" not to 'be oonetrued .a .eantn, tbat tlnal aor::.pt.noe of the 111p:roY.JltUltØ 18 ..ðe at thlg tim.. Yð\tJ"'Ø "tit.,..y trull. MAfiiX ¡;. TN OMA~ 01 tl hll n... B1 Jos.ph A. Reohen...hep '. JAR: I co TroJan Oon8truotion Co.pan, 01t1 Clerk It a i .. TESTING AND CONTROLS, INC. BUSINESS OFFICE: 156 University Avenue Pðlo Alto, Cðlifornið Telephone DA 3-1950 LABORATORY: 544 San Antonio Roðd Mountain View, Californið Telephone WH 8-5093 June 27,1957 F ;j~ì ---~ Mark Thomas and Company Civil 'Engineers 18 North San Pedro street San Jose, California -------ß'- ( ÇÇ-¡O File I~o. .¥I1' q T-o141-6 - Attention: Mr. Joe Rechenmacher Subject: Plasticity Index and % Passing #200 Sieve Tests Results as directed by telephone June 26,1957, Samples #l and #2 Campbell Avenue. See Report T-oi41-6 of June 18,1957. Sieve Anal.vsis Percent Passing Sieve Size Sarnple #l Sam l' 1 e #2:- #4 90.7 99.1 #50 66.6 88.3 #200 \'!ash 38.8 60.8 Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Sample #2:- 25.0 18.8 6.2 Plasticity Index Respectful¡Y suhl~tted, TF.STUJq. AND CONTROLS, INC. /r¡)¿J P 7;aÞk-.j i./ JPN :dw JOM P. Nielsen Laboratory Engineer SOIL MECHANICS CONCRETES AND PAVEMENTS JOB CONTROL CERTIFIED INSPECTION r A A I RESOLUTION NO 41 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP or TRACT NO. 1671, LOS RANOHITOS GARDENS, UNIT NO.3. BEING A SUBDIVISION IN QUITO RANCHO; AOCEPTING THE AVENUES .AND DRIVl;:S: AUTHOHIZING THE CITY ENGINEER AND CITY CLERIC: TO SIGN THE FINAL MAP AND AGßEKHD! I.N CONNECTION THERE\>JITH. WHEREAS. there has been presented to the City 00uncl1 tor approval and tor authorlzatlon to record a tlnal map ot Tract No. 1671, Lo. Ranohi toe Gudens, Unit No. " being a subdlvislon 1n Quito Ranoho, showlng avenues and drlves; and WHERF~S, there has been presented to the Clty Councl1 pro- p08e4 agreements tor the oonstructlon of storm sewers and drains, and tor other lmprovements, lncluding avenuet, drlves, roads. s~dewalks, curbs and gutter., and good and sufficient bonds having been presented. tor the tal thtul performance of sald woI'k and the carrying out of øäld agreements. and sald maps, agreements and bonds having been approved by the Clty l~glneer and City Attorney; NOW, THEREFOfŒ, BE IT RESOLVED that said Final Map ot Tract No. 1611. Los Ranohito8 Gardens. Unlt No.3. being a subdivislon ln Qulto Rancho, be and the same is hereby approved; and the avenues drives and roaÚs shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted: and the City Eng1neer and the Clty Clerk are authorlzed to s1gn laid Flnal Map; and the Mayor and the 01 ty Clerk are here- by authorlzed to execute the agree, ,ants herein referred to 1n be- halt ot Clty of Campbell: subject to the followinF: condltions: a) That the ent1re street of La Pradera Dr1ve trom the east- arly llne ot the subdivision to the westerJ..y end of the subdivl- 110n be dedloated now. b) That the agreement be modif1ed to contain guaran\ee ot performance ot the Ad-Mor Construction Company by the Trojan Construction Company. PA'j;'3ED AN]) AD;JPTE:D thi s 8~h (lay of Ap.ril. . . 1957, by the following vote: - ~ I AYE g : NOE3: Councilmen Fairchild, Morton, Roee. 5ohm1dt, Charg1n Oouno1lmen--None ABSENT: Oouno 1lmen-- None APP~OVED: , ' Mayor . ....,. -4 ATTEST: C1~ I. Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk of the C1ty ot Campbell. hereby oertify that the above resolution is a true and oor- rect copy of resolution passed and adopted by the City Coun- 011 ot 01ty ot Campbell on the 8th day of Apr1l- 1957. ¿ <~----. ~_.- revethan, City Clerk -. - I !i!\!.1!!!l 'hil agreement, _de and entered into thi8 'Æ dal ot . r~ a municipal corporation at the Stat. or California, hereinafter 4elignated a8 'CITY' and !ROJAW CONSTRUOTIOB OOMPANY, 241 , 1957, b7 and between the CITY or CAMPBELL, Oom.eroial 8t1"8et, Sunn1Tale, California, and SURJ:TY TITLE AND GUARAJITY COMPANY, a corporation, 39 North 'irst Street, San Joee, Oalifornia, hereinafter designated a. SUBDIVIDER. WIT N E SSE T H ---------- WHEREAS, ..1d Subd1Y1der de.1re. to 8ubdiv1de certain land within 8ald 01~ of Oampbell1n accordance with the map hereto- fore tiled with the Oit1 Counoll ot tbe 01t7 ot Campbell, marked and de.ignated -Tract No. 1671, Los Ranchltol Garden., Un1t No. ). being. 8ubdiY18ion 1n the Quito Ranoho,- in ..id Cit1 ot Campbell, Oalltornia; and WHEREA8, said mMp showl certain avenuel and drive. whieh are ottered tor dedication for public u.e; and WHEREAS, ss.td fJub¡11 vid.t1r ¡iesires to conS trllct dwel11ngs on the lot. 1n laiti Traot No. 1671, Los Rknohit.o8 Gardens, Unit No. ), being a subdlvlsion ln the Q.ulto Ranoho; NOW, THEREfORE, lt ls herebr mutual17 agreed b1 and between the partle. hereto as tollows, to-w1t: (1) In conslderatlon of the approval ot lald map and the . . acceptance, on be halt of the publlc, ot all avenue. and drlve. oftered tor ðed1cat1on, that the Subd1v1der w1l1 construct at hls own proper co.t and expenle w1th1n and adJo1n1ng .ald Traot No. 1671, Los Raneh1tos Garden., Unlt No. ), belng a subdlvl11on in the Qulto Rancho, improvements as followa: 'IRST: Construct 01t1 or Campbell Standard marglnal thirty- inch ()OM) Portland Cement concrete curb. and gutters, and four and one-half-foot (4t.~ Portland Cement concrete sidewalk. -1- . . (together with a Portland ae.ent conorete drlve.., tor eaoh lot, extending troll the back ot curb throu¡h the entlre width of slde- walk) a. tollows: On the northwesterl, and aoutb8asterl1 .1des ot Palo santo Drive, Enlenada Drive and Vlllarlta Drlye; On the northve.ter17 .1de ot La Pradera Drive; and On the northerl1 aide ot Campbell Avenue, all tor thelr tulll'nct~e and wid'he within the aubdlvi.lon. Al.o extend curb, ~ltter and 8ide..lk on V111arita Drlve to meet ex18ting curb, gutter and sidewalk In Traot No. 1602, Los Ranchltos Garden., Unit No.2 SEOOID: Oonatl"Uot C1t;y ot Callpbell 8tandardpavement oon- .isting of a six-1noh (") untreated rook baae with a two and one-halt-inoh (2.-) hot plant mlxed bituminou. surtac. a. follow.: On Palo Santo Drlve, Inaenada Drtve, and V1llarit. Drive, for the full width or the roadway between gutters; and Oft the north.e.terly lide of La Pradera Drive from the gutter to center llne; all tor their full lengths wl thln the subdiYls10n. / In addition. extend the pavement northealterl, on Vlllarlt. Driye to lIeet existing r~verr.ent 1n Traot :~o. 1602, Lo. Ranchitos Gardens, Unit No.2. The oonstruotlon of pavement On the norther1, alde ot Campbell Avenue trom the gutter to existlng edge ot pavement shall oonsl.t ot plant mlx surfaolng aDd untreated baae rook of a thickne.. to be determlned b, so11 analYlll; loll anal/sl1 ~o be perfor.ed bJ a aol1s eng1neer and results forwarded to 01t1 Engineer for oaloulatlons to d etermlne pavement thlabe... All pavement ..otions for varlous avenue. and. drlve. shall conform with the re.peotlye section. Indlcated therefor on the improvement approved/plans, and all pavement construction shall be performed in acoordanoe With the Standard Speolflcat10nø and Detall1 of the Cit1 of C~mpbell. -2- . .. THIRD: Con.true' 01tr ot Campbell Standard Manhole', Catch Ba'ln., Storm Sewer. and appurtenance. to .1.e. and grade. a. I approved b7 the 01t7 Ingln.er wlth1n ..ld Traat No. 1671. J'C'.1:JRD: Oon.truet hor1zontal drr well. and appurtenance. to .1.e. and grade. a. approved b1 Clt1 &n¡lft8er V1 th1a the .ald. !raet Jlo. 1611. 'I r.rø : Grade all lot. 80 a8 to draln lnto street. ln aooord- anoe with grades to be determined b1 the 01t7 Engineer. SIX'l'H: Pro.,1de 01t1 ot Oampbell Standard Monu.ent., monument boze. and Street Name sign... requlred by 01t1 Engineer. SEVltNft: Prov1de 01t1 ot Campbell Standard Guard rence .oros. the end ot dead-end .treets and at abrupt change. ln .treet wldth. where requ1red b1 the 01t1 Eng1neer. tIGH'1'H: ProTide end 1nstsl1 01t1 of Campbell 3tandard Eleotroller., inolu~lhg ov8rh.ad wiring oirouit to all eleotroliers within '.,14 Tract No. 1671, a8 required by C1ty ~ngln~er. Nlti'ftl: Provide water dlstribution system, inoludlng tlre hydrant., to .rve al110t8 within the sald Tract Mo. 1611. The number and 100ation of t1re hydrants to be determlned b, the Ohlet ot the 01 t1 ot Cêl.lUpbell "1'6 DepArt1'!'f"nt. .. (2) All ot øald,1mp:ro.,~mentl'l ßhal1 be completed Wi thln twel.,e (12) month8 trom the date f1rst above written, prov1ded, hove.,er, 1n the computation of sald twelve-month per1od, delaY8 due to or caused b1 Acts of God, Yl&., major 8trike. or other dela,8 beyond the control of the Subd.1T1der, 8hall be excluded. It 19 expressly understood Rnd agreed that it Subd1Y1der shall tail to coMplete the work requ1red bl th18 agreement withln the 8ald per1od ot twelve (12) monthe of the date hereot. the 01t" atter glviBg ten (10) daY8' wr1tten not1ce thereot to the Subdiv1der. ma1 complete the same and recover the full c08t and expense thereot trom the Subdivider. () It 1s further agreed that the Subd1vider shall take all neoelsary steps tmmed1øteJy to efrect the annexation of 8a1d Tract No. 1671 to the C~mpbell Lightlng Dlstrict, and further agreed that -3- .... the Subd1Ylder shall app11 tor the in8tallatlon ot street llght1ng at the earliest date legall1 possible. ( 4) It ls further agreed that allot sa1d 1mprayement. lhall be oonltruoted 1n aooordance with the tlnal plana .s approyed by the 01t1 Oounoll of Campbell, and under the inspection and to tbe satistaction ot the 01ty Eng1neer. It 11 further agreed that sald conltruot1on be ln accordance w1th exlstlng ordlnanoel and relolutlons ot the 01t1 of Campbell, and to all pIano; speoltloa- tlonl, standards, alzes, l1ne8 and grade. approved by the Clty Englne'r and all 8tate and County statute. applicable thereto. (5) It 18 further agreed that the oonstruotlon work of the laproY8.enta embraced b7 thls agreement shall be done ln aooordsnce 111 th the Standard Sp~olf1.o& t1ons or thtt Dept.rtIIt,:ìnt or P'lbllc Workl, Dlv1810n of Highwa1s, State of CalifornIa, dated AUgU8t, 1954, and ln accordance Wi th the sþecitloatloU8 ot' tlls 01 ty ,af Cio.mpbell, and Count, Sanltatlon Dlstrlot No.4 where lndicated. Whereyer the word 8State. or 'Dlyislon of Hlghways' 1s mentlon- ed in the State Speolflcations, it shall be considered as referring to the Oit7 of Campbell. Also, wherever the "Direotor' or "Direotor ot Pub11c works" 16\ íner.t1on~d. it shall be cons1dered aa referrlng to the Oit1 Engineer. In oa.e of conflict between the State 8peoit1oa.t1onl and the Speolf1oat1one of the Oit1 ot Campbell and Count1 Sanitation Distr1ct No.4, the speoifioations of the olt7 of Campbell and Oount1 Sanltation D18trict No.4 ahall take preoedenoe oYer and be used in lieu of suoh oonf11cting portiona. (6) It le further agreed thRt the Subdivider shall campl, with Section One ot Ordinance No. )5 ot Oit1 of C.mpbell b7 ob- ta1n1ng an e xoavatton perm1 t from the Oit1 Superlntendent ot Streets betore the commencement of any excavation ln, on or under the surfaoe at an7 exi8tlng public street, lane, Alley, 81dewalk or other public place. It 1øfurther agreed that the Subdivider shall notify the -4- . - Superlntendent of Itreets ot the exaot date and tl_when the pro- po.ed exoa",atloD ls to commenoe. (1) It 1s t'urther agreed that t:"e SUbdlYlder Ihall par the nece.aar, expen.e. tor inspect10n, checklng, etc., 1nourred br 01ty 1n oonnect10n with .ald Tract No. 1671 on the basis ot tbe folloving per d1em rate: a. 'l'hree-man field surY., part,--not to exo.ad $1.50.00 per da7. (8) Engin.era' t1..--not to exceed ~10.00 per hour. It i8 further agreed that the Subdivider shall depo8it b. with Oit7, upon exeoution of thiø Agreement, tor oft1oe checkin¡ of lubd1Yl.lon map, fleld checking of street monument 8 , field checking ot 1aprovements, 1nspection of improvements, and all neoeslary ~xpen.e8 lnourr~1 by 01 t:," If: c~nn(',: ttOt1 H'1th the sald Traot No. 1671, the sum ot One Thousanti Th:'e(~ }I'U'1(Wed Dollars ($1,300.00). (9) It is further agreed that t upon complet10n of the work and betore t1na1 approyai ot the subdivi.ion, the Subdivider shall be billed for and pal or shall be refunded the difterence between the actual cost of the necessary ~x[.ense& iaourred by 01 il in connection wi th SIf 1/1 Tr¿:D t :~o. :.6'll .J.Ilú, the total amount of the deposit. (10 ) It 18 further agreed that the Subd.lvld.er shall file with Oitl, upon exeoution of this agreement, a bond in the amount of !hir" 8tlnn 'thou.and Dollars ($37,000.00) to 1n.ure full and faithful performance of the construction of allot the afore- mentioned improvement work (exclu~ing sanitary sewers and water distrlbution system) and allo to insure reimbursement to 01t1 for an7 necessary expense. lncurred by Clty in connection with checking ot plana and inspeot1on of laid l~proYementø. Sald bond shall not be terminated without providlng the City Engineer w1th th1rtl (30) da18 prior notlt1cation. -5- . . (11) It is further agreed that the 8ubd1 videI' ,hall tl1e with the 01t1 apon execution ot \his agrEement a letter fro. a title co.pan, stating that SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY rIVE AND FORTY THREE ONE HUNDREDTH8 DOLLARS ($685.4) baa been placed ln .,orow .. parment to Pacific Ga, and Eleotrio Company tor in'tallatlOD of overhead wiring circuit to all eleetrollers within '.1d Traot No. 1671 (12 ) It i. further agreed that the Subdivider aball file with C1ty upon exeoution of thi' agreement a letter froll Count1 SAnltation Dlstriot No.4 stating that tbe Subdivider ba, entered Into separate agreement with the s.id Distriot No.4 to install sAnit.r, Sewere to 8erve all lots within 8.1d Tract No. 1671. and stilting that -bon"'. tt) 1n~..1re full e.nd tal thtul performaaoe ¡I of the oðnatruot1on of 1=1:9 ~!"\'11 tary sawert'! iñud to luaure the general guaran tee as a t8 ~ed. be lev in Psra¡raph (1» hE 5 been filtid.. (13 ) It is further agreed that the 8ubdlvlder shall, upon vri tten notice thereot. immediatell repalr or replaoe. »'1 tltÔU" cost or obligatlon to thl City ot Campbell, and to the entire 8a tietaot10n 01 ::.&1.1 ca t.y, all dufot: t& and .:ulip<;rtEiot1ona aris1ng out ot or due tt; ft.'ul ty WÚ1't-,liu.l.u;;hip all~Vor me. terial. appear1ng in .a1d work within a period of one (1) year after date ot f1nal completion and acceptance. (14) It 11 further agreed that the Subdiv1der .hall be re- 1mbursed tor the expense. Wh1ch he has incurred 1n the con8truct10n of storm sewera descr1bed 1n the THIRD and FOURTH 1mprovements above with1n said Tract No. 1671 in accordance with a separate agreement to be executed between the City nd 3ubdlvlder. (15 ) It 18 further agI'eed that the Subdivider ahall pay to the Clty of Campbell the tire hydrant rental for a period of tlve (5) lears tor tir~ h1drants. Sa1d rental shall be paid at the tlme of the execution of this agreement. -6- I A a ( 16) It is further agreed that any easement and right of way necessary for the completion of the project shall be ac- quired by the Subdivider at his own cost and expense. It is provided, however, that in the event eminent domain proceedings are required for the purpose of seouring said easement and right of vay, the owner or subdivider shall deposit vith City a Sum covert ng the reasonable market value of the land proposed to be taken,and to be included in said sum shall be a re4sonable allov- anoe for severanoe damages, if any. It is further provided that in addition thereto suoh sums as may be required for legal fees and costs, engineering, and other incidental oosts in such rea- sonable amounts as the City may require shall be deposited With City. ( 17) It ie further agreed that the Subdivider shall in- damnify and save harmless the City ot Campbell, the City Council, and the City Engineer and other otticere or employees of City of Campbell trom any suits, olaims or aotions brought by any persons for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or pro- perty lustained or arising in the construction of the work due to any acts, omissions, or negligence of the Subdivider, his officers, agents, employees, or contractors. (18) It is further agreed that the above named terms and conditions for said Traot No. 1671 shall bind the heirs, suocee- sora, administrators, or assigns of the Subdivider. The assign- ment of this agreement shall not be made without approval by the " City Council of said City. ( 19) It is further agreed that the Subdivider shall guaran- tee the construction ot Standard City of Campbell Street Improve- ments in the southerly one-halt of La Pradera Drive in the event that the construction of these improvements is not completed by Ad-Mor Enterprises, Inc., the purchaser of the commercial property at the northwest corner of San Tomas Aquino Road and Campbell -7- I .. ' ~ -. Avenue, Santa Clara County. It is to be noted that the oonstruo- tion of the street improvements .peoified above i. set forth as a condition to the sale of the commero1al property from Trojan Construction Oo~ to Ad-Mar Enterprises, Inc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City ha. caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk, thereunto duly authorized by resolution of the City Coun~il, and said Subdivi- der has hereunto caused his name to be affixed the day and year first above written. SURETY TITLE &: GUARANTY COMPANY TROJAN CONSTRUCTION 00. ¿#dL; /,r! ~ ~ ~'" ' - --<"~ ' ~- /ð--Jf.c~ ' . "- '/7-<.1-'~-???' -4:: , SUBDIVIDER a~~~~ crT( i,F", CAMPB" E~ iÎ,// B7--YÍ--ìJk l f~1'--: I ayor !! f \ ¡ an~/~~ . ty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: l\'~. "-:r. A..P.:7. -------- . . -------- E.!':. --"'. -------- J.Þ, --. -------- I-I.E. -------- r~1. c. - - - - ---- i\1 J ,~ h. OL' CITY ENGINERB u.u-TS North San Pedro Street uuu&n Jose 10, Cal Itornla ".., " .. J,E,F, -..-.... -------- --~.-_. :;/,7 -------- -~._.... April 16, 1957 11'11 A No. C5.-2-HL - SuspenH.._..___- ""'1 t,¡ 0,. ---i;¡":- Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk Ctty of Cmnpbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Dear ~r'. Trevethan: Herewith are City fUe CO1,18& of the following paper~ in connection with the final map Approval by City Coun(~il on ,\pril Ç., 1957, of Tract. :\0. ¡(¡7I, 1..0& banvltit08 Gardens, Lnit So. 3. 1. Check io amount of ~.lÂ29~.50 for Ch..eoktOgandinspectl0n. 2. Chock in amount of ~'5~5-nO for fire hydrt;nt rental. 3. Pa'thful P~rformnncp Hond. 4. Map f11inK report. S- !'eclarøtiotl of need Heptri(~tton. 6. c!--.u #4 Jetter, Ftattng tOHP anù bond for pao1tary power lwvo been filed. 7. ~,;urf"tyr1tle and (inaranty C'olll}lany letter, fltfltin~ Pacific Ga~ .'£ Electric depoflljt haA been placed i u eFlero"'. ~. Cawþhell Fire f'hief'p letter, 8tBtlo~ number of fire hydrøntp to be required. A copy of the if.ubtUvislou all;rfH'wont wi I J be sent when it baii1 been fully executed. ïourp. very truly ~lAHK Ii;. '('HUMA~ City Engineer "'1 :dc encl . 8 8 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 531 E. Campbell Avenue CAMPBELL, CALIFoaNIA Telephone FRanklin ~ , . ~::O':: '~ :.-;;')70 . Cl~y E.ngln~t"r ~~ty o~ CkmpbP:l ~~- tv he 11 ;a1.:1.-.fll, ~"ll:'C~T.I3.. Lf>.Yr Si;' ;1...' I':t; .1ar:d"1-;O~ .~(). " : r' 'j ~'t ~'() . If,' - i . . WI':'. n'1'¡t'! l'eceiv""-G a .:h:': f cCv~rln€ the plaT. check... lOi: :'tF'., J.:¡~i1f'.ctl::::; d!~f',,~;:,'; '1.'d C,ir,!,P~!..~cn ;"pefor 1:)5 u"'n"'~\rr"',,~' 1 """"""0. 'J, t,,"" rot., r," ç"";-:"'"t't:_, :. ~":"'" ~"'...' .'.., ,0. ,,1,./, - "1 ~.~/ "'.. "",.p - TrlE' subdlvldf:':r ¡-.83 a1 sc 'ÇiJsted ~:tr!, us a l)()nd 1.:J'1 th~ amount o~. $9.~C,ì..OO.bel:¡g a sufficient eJl¡ount it'> , ln~urE' ~or.st:"1.l::,-tl\)r. 0'- tr;~ santtary s~.er8ge syst,. for t~e Abov~ tract~ ':'he D1str1ct will 1r.~p...ct tne oc.nstruetion and will accept the sewerage sy st~ for ma1ntel!8r:ce and Jp~n 8a~lsfactory ccmp:eLlv~ t'~reor. S¡~í] : ::. .... V f~ ry t ru] y Y:;¡U r"5 , ~t""r"'len H. Goodman [;ls'rt~;; MAn~P'fr r '. " . ".., -( ,.,0/ I,if ',. '¡j'1~' ": ';,1 .,,' f'fJ" ~'.: . , 'i ,', í;, ()f I , . ,.' ,:¡¡ ': ::-, <. ", . C" I .,¡ ",' . ¡ I , ... (1 rnlì "N'; ! I ,:""", ... . . , ,¡ .' .. " ';'. " .' ¡ " . l" .. it ~ '. " t-:" ih,:,. , .., , ~','" . 'i (ç(ate of Cal./ornu:J .\~.Jr_: 1 Ii ;,' - " 19::'" . ~.~, , ~lr¡¡. :- ;¿1':, '1 ~ t:'fi tt.: ';~f' í: i :, ',' ,- , " . , , .; ,'\f -_'1' ';1; lu "...::, ,.""..',,:~,;. .t:/~: ('~.J",,~"i, ,< ~ " ,1.:1.~ , ! , ~' . ,.),'1. . Y " -,' " I)" I., rlt,,:';4,', 't '"' '-' .~ . c,Jr.'t, ¡~ ,'~ 't. " ... 11.E.T. -------- A.P.;--' -- IrÞ . -------- £.1'/. ~. - --,.-,- ---, J ~ --', / .' ('"I .J. . --__L_'_!- ~ ~.. , / rid- 'r" , , .' ~¿/ (",', , .. ,~ .. . o~ ~_.?~ -------- =-.~---- ;->-£-¡~::..;naCi. u- ---- Fib -------. - 1 t '- . \'¡.'~ ;1\ ií }'... \0. "all '~lil'o .." trül't n ,j\F'ft lO, ("~)irorl1iH arch :¿i{¡, j,1 C ;)fj-.10 i ),1'. i¡ol¡;or dyde ('¡!i¡t;e)} n,tfHCompany -:4h F a. ¡ii, t c¡:¡ ,iipile 11 \V~~UU~ C. 1Ì<¡,í¡nl , CuI j foruia h('; lr,JC\, \0. ]\)71, l.o~ ¡lfHJ(: ¡ i to¡ió; h!:U'110Hi:". Lult \0. ì)~i¡r ; r. Hyde: >,j'. :~cott, Fire ~'hier of' C¡q¡¡I;I¡el J !'Jrp 'epHl't- i¡,('riL. Iwf'l ,'l'lvl¡;;ed mf' th"t fivH (:,) rife hyùr¡~nt~ will !J!' rí~ìuireí1 for f~ub.p~ct Truot \0. Ib71. :u:. -,cott rurtlwI' l'fhìIH'At('Ü ttut the fire hor-it' lit" bi: JO(; tf~í1 ¡H'twe~~n thn t'ol)owi¡¡:;. ,lotF; ¡. 1 ")4 i:HJ q J. .:. 1(,7 ;Htd HI"; 0 r 17 1 lid ~ 7- 0 I' 157 ,¡¡lit F;'" 0 T 1, 1 :,1 ¡¡ L1 ;;" . . J ),1 (t nu I'} é) ,j. ;. ";. -: and J. ~)4 :> . 1')(¡ H nd 1 -)'\ '\our¡;¡ Vf"ry truly ~; ,\1;!, E. '/'nliJ,»\ f'ity \':n",inp,~r k I : de c(; C. J. HurühfteJd 1-0":> ¡¿';Jar) e,/,!'/. 6arz;JcYJ.j- if;,),!' }v;:r/~~, -- L I!.J~- (c,~. /~:..-'.~,:_.. :1-/ -1' t) 5'.5 5 L, F. in E.::r ¿p I' ÞV¿:¡ I~I'- "n¿? U ì /-I-c: (.JC .5(""1 v'.-->.: F; I~(::" 1'7 ,'¡l ¿? J 11~ . " ! / "-'~ L. J" J :;'. 7'" ...¡. ,\ /':'" " r. - r.::? c I / v;... ,¡ "';' " c :J ...;¡ () '~ ,"-, u ;¡; c/ . ("~i /r" '- £3 .fL' . .:'> ,: ',' l '. t '-". C /{,% It'/) '1/ . 0' ~ '" / " '~;..="-.-.,.".. Þ"1 : ;';" / / :r, 1-,/-7 ì +-r 1-1 ,II J IJ «. $'. 7.4-10 .DC :t -;¡ -.J, -' ð' e> . ~ð , J,7,so.or- I -, o. -'-" ".' ,JI /:¡,.. 540. c) <; ¡t ,LA..., (r¡U"~/}-'--(~' J ----------, !i'e \'1" 'J c q\.)C\nT',+'-j 2 JI9¡O5/ 73¡clf& " (:¡ 2/ - I -' 72 3 4- !. '7 / ,- .,P 7 / 3 /7.4 'I /0 II -1- f- :: ~:' -/<-=:; /2. I 2 I /3 325 4- / //0 /'/ Ii:. , , ¡ '" /7 2 1/'7 ! I,"", - / I ¿,; :: 5- , / '? , ~1 L ... -,,---- Lc,s !cr,<.-".r, .' .-,' .." , lJrì~t :s, F. 5F L., F: !..,F. .::::q. ,.... C'.."1, /- , L,F. ¡ / - I ,;..,,-. . L,F E,q I ! CI'1. L,F Eq, ¡~~~~-';:SõèoT~~~~:, Foke. U~T ~>- . ?, ('.-5'-;0 .. FEB 1 2 19571 HARLAN H. HEATIi vj {O ~ / 2-/4- '.;7 TR.AcT r--JS ¡Co71 CAr '1 r':" !;'- L, I I '" .'~r ',~' , " '" ~ " ..' . ,m ,- i -:.' '<'/ 0' ,t.'I},'-' .. . 0.. I 1,r , - I j I '-,' } " . ~,) 1+ .-- '," "utDo e rn '-.'~ .:..crl F'~ I 'ê'--_____------__,+_'2I----=-r--1 c:= , , '. ~. c:it l-:( c:1¡ I/J . .. 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"'T, /, o. 2:1::'~/,5(J / /. :3 5 é¡ . .. , C ,~. .- "r ., ( " :) p ,/ ::; 5 /J', Co J--;¡-;;' ç~ 11 r ;... ~'> {~();t l' ) , I' , 10 I /.;::c N (. /1/!/( ~" t'-/ 4'3 ,,~,t"i,l' , I - , . 4 ZÇ2./.~' it ) =::... - 17)-;(6 () ,00 .£.1 7 l~' (I 0 j ,- / II ('>7 :.,-0 ¡; ,'-- ; 5, 5"/. C' (] (¡ . / OS, 00 .;rl'/O? ~ f '-.- ,. 0 ,'/}'/,'? ::: , I " it' ¿/-;?~/6/'4~'/~.; -..- --- - 0,' ../1"1..::;/",..., '-, , y- ! ee /~l, , ','.... " , / c.!{' 7.,.., f"'. -..- 7v,-' .-t--. .... M.c. cc_~"c_--- 8 i F::;~, ,.?- E 1\' 'c'.. \ - . J 'c'. ~,-- ---.. 8 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY A.F.., ---_c_--- J.A. '_c. "\.. , .ì-':".._-;;;;-'" H.D M.C, M.J., '.....----.. .' ..----- "'----~ 375 E. Campbell Avenue CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Telephone FRanklin 8-0008 ¡f"'t 'c,-. - _c- .~---- j. E. F. ---.----- -------- -------- February 26,1957 -------- -------- ("u'tJ'e"- ..... v~. .-----"- FH!"' u--Yrôjail Construction Company P. O. Box 184 Sunnyvale, California Attention: r1r. C. J. Birchfield Re: Los Ranchitos - Unit No.3 Tract No. 1671 Gentlemen: Before the subdivision map for Tract No. 1671, Los Ranchi- tos Gardens, can b~ recorded it will be necessary for the Dis- trict to approve the improvement plans for the sanitary sewer- age syste~ required for the said tract. In regards to this, it should be noted that the preliminary plans for the improvdment weren't checked and returned to Mark Thomast office on February 15.1956. Also the following fees and bo nd apply to the proposed tract: 1. 3. Pl:~p~~~;~i~~ ~~~e (11)°rrD) \V7 Construction ins~io~p~ LJ due prior to start of construction Connection fee due prior to start of construction; 10.4 acres ~ $45.00 $117.00 2. $374.00 $468.00 A bon4 in the amount of $9.800.00 will be sufficient to insure con~truction of the sanitary sewerage facilities. There would be no material savings in the amount of the plan checking fees or the inspection fees should both tracts 1671 and 1782 be processed jointly. SHaak cc: Mark Thomas & Co. Very truly yours, £ 1!a~ District Manager ,8 1 7 1£)56 e 'e ; i. E. T. :;0---. ~P.S. z:rj~~-- / COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 2. Vi. D. .1.1, )~. ~f-=='~: /. r1' ¡¡ ,.. "'..", <I. -------- ~.. ," . ;,¡. \..:. -------- 375 E. Campbell Avenue CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Telephone FRanklin 8-0008 r.t J. S. -------- February 15, 1956. -------- ('0 ,)USI/nse__u__-;-" ," .::, Filo'-"",'~2~'_-~;1~~~" 'l'hornB s Cornpqny Consulting Civil Engineers 18 North San Pedro Street San Jose, California. ,.4. ð// i , ,¡: , I "-ì,L, ., / '" I t, He: Los Ranchitos Gardens 'Tract No. 1671 ¡ ..-"'. .""11,, {1 ,Iv ~.~~ ....'" -------- Unit No. J Gentlemen: I am returning herewith a print of the improvement plans for the above captioned tract, indicating thereon in red pencil the changes necessary to meet the approval of the District Engineer as far as sanitary sewerage faclli ties are concerned. When resubmitting the plans for approval, please send the tracings of the improvement plans along wi th two copies of the tract ffiap. The following fees will be payable in conjunction with the proposed sanitary sewerage facilities: 1. Plan checking fee due prior to approval of plans .tþlCJ .00 2. Construction inspection deposit due prior to start of construction ;~J29.0C J. Connection fee: Frontage: Acreage, 10.4 acres ~ $45.00 None $468..00 A bond in the amount of $8,600.00 will be sufficient to insure the construction of the sanitary sewerage facilities. ~ i 8 . Mark Thomas ComDany -2- February 15, 1956 I am enclosing the approved form for the sanitary sewer- age improvemellt bonds within the City of Campbell which should be used in preparation of the bond. Very tru¡y yours, /:" / -./ .~/#ø~ I~' -- -/,r::.//',(ø/i./ Stephen E. Goodman District JVianager SHG : 1 enc. ~. "....-- JAN 2 0 1536 62.6224 / , '-' PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY COpy I I , ", , M.)",:;. ._@......... p - 1-\.. i . :), .-......- E, ;, " '[, ?,,' -l!:-ZZ .'. J.¡\.""--"- ,'ï '. 1:. "-::. .:;.. -~_....-_.. I , i. ,>' , . I. .' , /" / .' / / I r\~, C. ,/ .~. ---..-..-- 1,,:..1.:::. ----....-- ---......-..- n Rio Development Co:mpa.rv- 1906 West San Carlos street San Jose, California ;' "II ., il/;, ,., í/ t , ! ,.,. ~ ,,~; tç~ "" it .' 4-- "¡/ '-- ..---.......... Janu.a1'7 19, 1956 Suspense ---..-.... ...J." I ' -~:t-i-o":,; J24N('JIJ'f'ð':J-', ~ile -~-----,'::') fl,' l/ '" (/?{.,f,//'.x ... " . j" í I t) /'" ,/ /,,/ /' It is understood that you are to iDsta1l nine (9) multiple type e1ectrol1ers in your subdivision known as - Ranchitos Gardens, Un1~ Tract 1671, Ins, enada D,rive and ~ëIrlvenue. as de ted by the City of Campbell. The electJool1erø are to be complete with lœinaires and wiring designed for am of sufficient strength tor attac1Rent of an overhead circuit and provided nth a .au ot attaching an over- head circuit at an e1ew.t1ona of not less than tb:l.rtö" feet aboYe ground. Oentlemc : Peo1tic Ga8 and Electri.c Company will install an overhead cirœ1 t to sat d 8le ct.roUers upon an outri.ght payment to this Company ot 866S.h3, payment to be made prior to an;r construction of distribution qatea in your 8ubdi 'Viaion. Thi. payment is not subject to retund. Pac1t1c Gas and Electric CoMpany will own and maintain said circuit and will serve 8id electroliers under its fUed eåctrol1er rates. If for aq'f reason your -p i8 changed., it MY be necessar;y for us to reTi.. our es\18te and øub1ll1t a corrected bill, or it thi8 propo81t1oa i8 not accepted within . 90 day period, it will be necesaary tor U8 to ret1gure this job aDd 8\1bm1t corrected tigure to you. 10urs very truly, qJJ( ¿¿~~ A. H. AITON DIVISION OFFICE MANAGER A.MA!gr ..- oc Mark Thomas ~. City Engineer Campbell, Cplif .. .... I ... . COUNTY A W. BROWN, '8T D'8T"'CT SA", P. DEL-LA MAGDIOIU, 2ND Dln'lIIln' ED. F;I. LEVIN, 3"D DI.TltICT oJ. M. McKINNON, 4TH D'.T"laT WAL- TEIIf S. GAII~AIIf, 5TH DI.TIIIIn', CHAI""'"," AICHARD OLaD..., CLII:"K 0,. THa .DARD OF SANTA CLARA ~ Office of the BOARD OF SUPE~:.'~ SANTA CLAIIIA CoUNTY O""'CI BLDG. . CIV'C CE"-' r P. "'R.T AND RD.A STREET., SAN JC8[, CALI'-OR', ,.. " r 1:) .,/" JauuaPJ 9, 1956 Re. Annexation or ¡\u theðaló J1'("})( To Campbell L1gbtlQg Jj.tr!~t Pa 1t'lC GfU ;c Llectrlc (,on-.pany (~., :'0 L:~l'Ó .~trf'et q,w ¡cat< 14p C:Ûlfol'r,1a. l..1entle'1.:r¡~ Attl Wm. A. Add1.')n lnclo8tJÕ please find map and oertlf1Bd copy or re.Olutlon for 8ubject annexation. . Ljght'ng .ervice .87 begin Ju1J 1, 1956. Y8PJ truly your., . PCAHD 5'- ~rRVJ30RS --. I' , ~' ,--- '/ Ii';." ---,~,/ .' /' r~y , ,;,/I'( ,.A ," ,of' ' ,'-' ,- . - '- "'..... ..... 'X.- ' 8r 0 the Joàrd ~-- CC: ,ark T~oma. 'r (;oropao1 @@~W ..... JAN 1 4 rJ:JO THE f~ I, - /.ç .. /« /;/ W}/ . -" /1 PACIFIC TELEPHON E AND TELEGRAPH <- l' ' ia:~~7~' COMPANY ;1 IN ¡L"t, :r / , , ,"" , -, San Jose, Ja.nu'~ry 6, 1956 Hark I'homas, Ci ty Engineer 01 ty of Campbell Campbell, California Dear Sir: The public uti] ity easements as sho1!m on the final copies of the map for Tract Number 1671, Los Ranchi tOg Gardens, Unit No.3, and dated December, 1955, have been examined by this office. The easements a-opee,r to be ade'-_l1&.te and ¡;a.tisfactory to this company. Very truly yours, kl '" . /'-- 'J' / C¡/' 7' ./ O¡-..-., Dist. Canst. & Engr. Supt. Room 220, 190 T'-Torth Fifth San Jose, Cal:ifornia II""" 1956 ",""".. JIW 4 M. I, T, ------ 4,P.S. -------- it M. D. J,A.!l. H,!), G. ------- M, C, ------- O~ICES ft4,J~-_e__- Burlingame 224 Ca'if"rI¡jioW~ia- A. L. Imgrund Local '1¡¡'I '/jjr__- h§~!~t:gre¡j'e~~~et Ji iM R. a.Mead_- -e_- . D<stnct'tr'a"ðger . d~þ~#J V I I Half Moon Bay 655 Miramontes Street H. R. Wind Local Ma"ager Los Gatos 65 West Main Street P. J. Straub Local Ma"ager Mountð;n View 743 Dana Street H. L. Smith Local Ma"ager Redwood City 2120 Broadway D. Reynard Local Maoager Sðn Jose 86 South Third Street A. M. Aiton Uivisio" Office Maoager San Mateo 87 East Third Avenue K. W. Van Gundy District Maoager Sðnta Cruz 1543 Pacific Avenue F. S. Thomas Distrid Maoager Sunnyvale 348 South Murphy Avenue G. R. Gunn Local Maoager Watsonville 618 Main Street L. C. Rausch District Mðoager p SAN JOSE DIVISION 86 South Third Street San Jose 14/ California W. R. Bowler, Division iV1anaser In reply please refer to January 3, 1956. Hr. Mark Thomas City Engineer 18 North San Pedro Street San Jose, California Subject: Tract 1671 Los Ranchitos Garderß No.3 Dear Hr. Thomas: We have examined the public utility easements as shown on the copy subject tract presented this date. The easements appear to be adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this company's electric distribution circuits. Very truly yours, cl )J/ ái;¡ A. H. AITON Division Office }funager GS:th