1590 LaPradera Dr. (1976) ---..""""--"- .- ---,_., -,-,. ~-- -:INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM --rO: Building Department TROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT ~ RALSTIA.I BUILDING ADDRESS 15q)O L P. PR. A DER A, DR COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 3 D~ - 4-1 -c? tiS" APPROVAL NUMBER 7~- 14 t!Þ PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER '-.R. (17) JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 13y .~ J.j..IYV1Á./ J1. ~..¡JJ2it~ Da te --L=J 2.. - { '7 RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA )'1, ,/} NAME J/tL~6.~.~. k ¡¿~-:e;;~. Z:' / ,--.. . /'. ADDRESS ( . .~ 3 o1-/&-tJ()~ <:;;:-:- ¡;. <:: -<--- ((1/ , d // 6.!: ((- ¿oj I2i CHECK alA ....- c:J ,.--::; cí <.' ~ J (,./ ð REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOU NT JAN 12-77 021 *** * 211.00 JAN 12-77 6S 021 A ***211.00 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BElOW. ŒJ, 9098 ~4 Þ -<:/ \J' -"".. (JCITY CLERK Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITIZEN COpy ~ r\ - T , .....", :",~_/'" W 8472 page 3 BEGINNING at a point in the center linE' of San Tomas Aquino Road distant thereon S. 0° 07' 30" W. 52.95 feet from the intersection of said center line with the intersection of La Pradera Dr1~e as s~jd intersection is shown upon the map of Tract No. 1602 Los Ranch it as Ge.rdens Unit No.2, which Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on December 6, 1955 in Book 66 of Maps, pages 6 and 7; thence along the Southerly line of said Tract No. 1602 the same line being the Southerly line of La Pradera Drive the following COUrses and distances N. 890 52' 3011 W. 40 feet; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 20 feet through a central angle of 920 33' 30" an arc distant of 31. 96 feet; thence S. 87° 34' W. 381 feet to Çì point of CllrW in said line; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 270 feet through a central angle of S3 0 04' an arc distant of 38.01 feet to the true point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing upon said last mentioned curve thrOUgh a central an~le of 22° 22' an arc length of 105.40 feet; thence S. 32° 52' E. 154.02 feet; thence N. 87 34' E. 44.58 feet; thence N. 10° 30' W. 169 feet to the true point of begirilling. . r'" ""-n '~~ 'J D : : :,1 ,~ L., t; lf1 ~\II'\.l.I,:,r CiTY û¡- CAM¡;'d ;;.LL ,PLANNING DEPARTMENT """".._,-", , I BMB -,-,-....~--" - . r "") ~tSIt ':"", ,., - C) .~ '.'~ ; J.J '~. ù.J c<! U z: .-J ::J a :::> ~ z::, -:> ,.. ~ . - ì 76-14 L-ol ~.~ .0 r1) I r ¡ f I I t ¡ , ! TO / INmAl & DATE - -'-"-"-"', 0 ..~w > FTL______m. --",..--.,-- "--"""'.. - PLANN ING ~FPARn¡rNT CITY or ~~~BELL -----, -----~'--~~ '/5 NorTH CENTRAL AVENUIF: CAMPBELL, CALIfORNIA ~~w U U.I œ ~ - - ' r)/\ T E : .i. _co"""-' -- July-G.--t91&----_._,- "'.,,--. FILE CONDITIONS f.TTM':HED TO "s" ArPI~'~)VI\LÕr PLANf; OF -Heffift-Ra:k~flt-- . --------.-..-. ' FOP. C Ci N S T Rue ';:' ION 0 r -----oIl-ice bulUI-ftit- '----'------., TO BE LOCATED AT --1.590 LaP,....,.-ÞF-J-ve- -----. --"'----- -'----'-' .--------.- \ I i I I CONDITIONS; Approval, subject to attached CORdi tlons. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: i i i I. I i I Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date up~n wh~ch such approval was granted! unless an exten~iQn foX's U c hap p r () va J is 0 b t a in e d by 11) a k i 11 g \n' it,: e 11 a P r 1 :i cat; :::> n r 0 Y' S é! 111 e to the Plan~ing Commission at least fifteen (15) Jays prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after th~ expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in tIle manner provided for in thIs Chapter. BY: -- , "-"~' ,./ ¡ I f ¡ r , ¡ ! ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ GRANTED BY THE CITY or CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR 1-1 E E TIN G H E L DON T Ii r; II t day 0 f -'-"--.July ---.- . 1 9 76 . CITY OF CAXPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION cc: Fire Dept. L/JÞub lie Works Dept. ---AI~T;TÜ-i~ K f:E-;--S L eRr: 'Ì' A l~ y'--'- CONDITlor~s APPROVAL "$" 76-,14 Ralstin, 11artin 1. Recommend that some protection be provided at building corners of auto drive- through to prevent danßge. 2. Recommend that some protection be provided to prevent cars I, 2 and 3 from backing into bui Iding. 3. Ceiling of auto drive-through should be a materia] compatible with the building. 4. No exposed plumbing from toilets over drive-through. 5. Property to be ,fenced and landscéiped as indicated ¿md as added in I'red" on plans. 6. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the P¡an~¡n9 Director at time of application for bui ¡ding permit. 7. Landscaping shall be nlaintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 8. Faithful pe~formance bond in the amount of $3,000 to ~e posted to insure landscaping, fencing and stripin9 of parkiilg O¡-Cd vJithir; three (3) ¡r:onths of cornplction of const:r-uction, or appl icant 1':'3Y ri Ie written ag¡'ecment to complete l¿ìrlOscaping, fencing and striping of paddng are,) prior to final bui Iding department clearance. 9. [\11 mcché1nic,,1 equipment located on roofs sk:i11 be screened 35 app,-oved by the Planning Director. The appl ¡cant is notified as part of this application that he is required torn:ê"d the follm,/ing conditions in accordance ~vith Ordinances of the City of Ca!ì1pbe 11. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Compbe1] Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided Idth apPI:opriate concret(~ curbs or bumpc¡. gu31-ds. B. Underground uti litics to be provided dS required by Section 20.1.~;O70 of the Campbell ~\unjcipÐI Code. c. PIons submitted to the building department for plan check shall indic<1te clcarly the loc¿Jtion of all connections for underground utilities, includin9 \\';¡tcr,se\ver, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Si~l!l Ðpplic¿!tion to be submitted in dccord.:1ncc \'lith provisions of the sì9il ol'din,1ncc far all si~Jns. Na 5i911 to be Înst¿)llcd until appIÎ,Gi:Jlian is approved ':1I1d pcrmi t issued by the bui ldinq dcptll-tnK'Ilt. ., CONDITIOr~S OF APPROVAL - "511 76-14 Martin Ralstin Page Two E. , Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garb¿¡ge and rubbish produced within the Jimits of the City of Campbell shaJlbe made with Green Val ley Disposal Company. This requirenent appl ies to aJI single fami ly dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, nEmufacturing, and con-- struction establishments. ' F. Trash containcr(s) of a size and quantitj necessary to serve the development shall be located inarea(s) approved by the fire department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall cons¡~t of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid waJ lor fence and have sel F-closing doors of a 'size specified by the fire department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. G. Applicant shall meet aJI state requircment6 for the handicapped. BU I LD I tiG DEP¡'IRHnJ-rr ---------,- H. East and t'"est vJalls and m.Jnsard shall be minimum one hour. Table 5-A. J. I'1inimufìI 3Ó" parapet \tJall aboVt~ roof on east and \\'cst waJ 15. Section 170<]. J. Roof covering (not s1io\'m) s;ìall be fir'e retéHdant:. Scòcrion 1603 (a) 3203. PUDL Ie \,/ORI($ DEPARllHJH _._------ K. Storm drainage area fee at $765 per acre. L. Obtain exc~vation permit for driveway and street trees. The applicant is notified thêít h(~ shall co:r:pJy \..¡ith é~ll applicable Codes or Ordinances of d)(~ City of Campbell vJhich pertain to this development and are not herein specified. . . . . r ('" - \:[J --- "{"0O' :> ~-_. OHI{( (>1 (W~" "/".',./A ~~'.T~ ".0.. '(;<.;""'.{""'O"h'A. @ @ /6 ., ',- r---"_nl : Pel Þ. ' ~I', 20 ~ i I I 19 {J ~~ r"'~~~'!:L..- , r ~I f., è ~ ,=" - . ---_.J_!;":d:'.;--~) .: 2/' _I \~-~o_--~ -~, P,M, 30~'M"24 ':,." 2';'" tJ,'25 'DO P.M. '~, AVE. w. CAV.PBELL , . P;iJ:ïl .: '.....-"...,..,.., J I 1,"'",0136 .. -- ~ ;';'9~ ;,>"" 4- Ó « 0 ex ¡:; ; . to ¡: 0 z :::> a '<i (/) -4: ¿ 0 ¡..- Z <t (I) @ Z' -------- -1 r..~-, ,"