60 W. Latimer Ave. (1963) ~ '~~l: ,.. >1 II 'I: \ 0: .. ..J oJ u l:''! >- .J ~ .....'\'? u lLI '~ \ r" ED ~ ...... .~ z ,,~ l- e. 0:: ~ ; ,\ C ~ '" ~ I&. 0+- \:; :L c :i "'~ ? w c( 0( .~ U tJ >. ci U J '-. z \,,; w La.. ..l ~rr. ' 1&1 Q) 'c I', ~ 0 m 0+- III D- O ~ :',~ >- >- < 11 co I- u \r," :J: (. In - .J <( U C'xlJ -. \~", '" 0 ~ '" w ~ Q) Q) > E ... W '" ,-; " ... ~ III " U III lJ c:r: Z -< w 0 '" ~ ~ 0 :J: 0 c.c u u. ~1 0" II :~ 0: .. -' ..J u .J ....J ~ ~ \ t Ll IJJ .." "- t- ED ~ .~v:) -:i ' t'\\ z o ",... l- e. 0:: ~ \" >-, <J c '" ->< I :L ~ I&. '1 0+- r:: ' tJ c :i ~ ) ., III u.'. ~ c( ....,; w 0( ~ '. f" U U " -. ci J , >-. U J ("' .'" z , I- \~ \l "< " U w La.. ..l " vi 1&1 ~ '\ _'vi. ~ \, ~ ~ CI m III :\ <' ~ D- O '-.J '>J \" \' I ::E ~ l'.\1 1 >- >- < r 'v co I- u \. ,\ - \ \ U \. '-....J '" 0 It:l '" w Q) f > 00 E W '" " ... III " ~ .!!! ~ Z -< 0 e.o ~, 0 .. ~f '. " -' CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF ,LAMS OF E. C. TANNER FOR A 36-UN I T APARTMENT HOUSE TO BE LOCATED AT 60 WEST LATIMER AY94 UE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA: 1. Oedication to LatiMer Avenue (60' wIde) 2. Street Improvements (curb. gutter, Ild~lk , plvlng) throughout frontage. 3. StOrM Orain Fee In amount of $805.00 4. Performance Bond In the amount of $2,600.00 CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISS!ON Hay 7, 1963 The real property reterred to i8 described as: All that certa1n parcel ot land situate in the City ot Campbell, County ot Santa Clara, State ot Calitornia, described as tollows: Beginning at , point on the Southerly line ot Latimer Avenue, distant thereon S. 89 461 W. 173.0 teet trom the point ot intersection there- ot with the Westerly line ot the Santa Clara-LOs Qatol Road; said point ot beginning also being the Northeasterly corner ot that certain parcel ot land described in the Deed trom Lloyd C. Shank et ux, to Roy J. Gray, et ux, dated June 14, 1945 and recorded June 21, 1945 in Book 1261 ot Otticial Records, page 436, records ot Santa Clara county~ Caliti thence continuing along said line ot Latimer Avenue, S. 89 46' w. 205.0 teet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set at a Northeasterly corner ot that certain 1.49 acre tract ot land conveyed by Roy J. Gray, et ux, to Campbell Union High School District ot Santa Clara County, by Deed dated and recorded on May 26, 1948 in Book 1621 ot Otticlal Records, page 306, records ot Santa Clara County, Calit; thence S. O. 06' ~. alona an Easterly line ot said 1.49 acre tract 234.l~ teet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set at a corner therein; thence N. 89 461 E. along a Northerly line ot said 1.49 acre tract 205.0 teet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set at a Northeasterly corner thereot in the Easterly line ot said parcel ot land described in said Deed to Gray hereinbetore reterred to; thence N. 00 061 w. along the Easterly line ot said parcel , so described in said Deed to Gray, 234.10 teet to the point ot begin- ning, and being a part ot the Southeast 1/4 ot Section 27 T. 7 S. R. 1 W. M.D.B. & M. , I ( ~ ~~ (~ J> ~ 2 t -i (: )> - :( (J r) r ~ p ~ JJ ~l }> ~ r D (JJ (jJ o ~ (1 ;; ~ :0 0 o () JJ o 'Y 'AA ''d 'c:; L 1- LZ NOLL 3<;;' -L8Yd CtI --- -.: tl7---- -:~.. '~ D (, .', , C, .0 ,/'; / (, 'JI ,Pi/ ,,~ U. 0- ,CL / c, ~ 'IJ ----.---- --.- 17 L)'Z ':.,' OJp. h..,' 'f0 : c;-u:;~.. l : IJ> :0 N' 0 c>;O .t:.6\ 0,11] ~{7/-LrlN 01 Gi ii.--f:LF~ .t,. - ~ '- :;:-- - ~ 0, f} ,~'I ~I ,<;02 '^^, "t;.o{,'d 'S' l .2'17 LII I .S!; I I" \~I ~I ,\I) r, tJ.1 ~ ~ ~ I- ',- ~17/ 'L//l'rri 01 I ':(\) I\} I /IJ :~ ("!..il ,f\ *' '" ~ ~I ~ ~~I '3^v t cr3~ IlVi ..