573 W. Latimer Ave. (76-19) CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: S -- 3:.;; Y¡E~, From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLI C WORKS DEPARTMENT REQU I REMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- , The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the follow; ng development: CC1,' ," c' ;'7~°~ APPLICANT ('Ii¡iLfé, l-Ir-t';'}",!,/, I,:: ' BUILDING ADDRESS <' I'; /. .'-Î T,' I'/¡~' A lIE. COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ::" C- 21 <1 APPROV AL NUMBER ; , :~-..! '-'-- PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER (' , I Tt,1 . ':) JOSÊPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: !,. J ' ,- ,,/ .. - ", ~' D ' , ate: "",.'/;-j ~ -S; ¡:;. W '" "'" -.;;.. \ ~ T-- --<. '--', ~ ~. ~ ~ d ~> -" '-' \"'> ........ pD '7¿-/ej ,A/! L T tv' -(~.:¡) tITY OF CAMPBELL 75 N. Central Avenue CI~be 11. CA 95008 APPLICATION: Appl1Cltion is hereby _de for In ucevation permit in Iccordlnce with C~bell Municipil Code. Section 11.04, A. The locltion and nlture of the work to be done is: C;'7 -1 .1-/17-//;'<!- A(//:: , EXCAVATION PERMIT P , '~~ 9 en",t No, - Ca 11 378-8 1 x 220 for inspect ions, C¿""--f(!S cvr -{u r c<>7'r2y l' P ¡¿'-.J\,. I. Attached Ire' copies of I drlwing Showing the loclt ion. utent end dimens ion~ of the work. The drawing show~ the relation of the propo~ed work to existing surflce and underground improvements. When Ipproved by the city engineer. said drlwing becomes I pert of this permit, C. The appliClnt hereby Igrees by Iffhing his signlture to this application to hold the City of Clmpbell. its officers. agents. and employees free. safe. and harmless from any cllim or demend for damAges L resulting from the work covered by this permit, ~~-...-)l' /.L4t'l-þf. ~ D. The Permit Fee is $25.00. This is to help cover the cost of inspection. J ~( .'2 - '1.2(;, cJ lllme cA/"\I:':-c c.~/;; ~E/l ('0.-1/).( T 'fJ-;f-S:-ç¡tl! Address -9J -¡ ,/:'vr-o/::/l /-/7'éC -¿JÆ:' .7: -'7 {J Signlture of App11cant PERMIT: /4 This permit to exclvlte is issued /ject to the fo"owing conditions: 1. NOTIFY the city engineer 48 hours before beginning work. 2. MAJlITAJU 5Ife pedestrian and vehiculer crossings and free access to private drivewlYs. fire hydrlnts and wlter vlhes. 3. Any STREET CLOSING IMIst have prior. specific apf)roval fl'Olll the city engineer. ~. CONTROL OF TRAFFIC in the work lrel shal1 conform with the Work Area Trlff1c Control 5. REPLACE IN KINO Iny dlmeged or removed existing 1l11Provenents or p1lntings. 6. $All/CUT for III P.C.C. or A.C. removlls. 7. P.C.C. REPLACEMENTS shill conform with current City Standards. 8. A.C. REPLACEMENT sll811 be either: - ~ inches A.C. on 12 inches R-78 base rock or 9 inches A.C. deep strength; or. j)-.- , ~-//<//g.¡ d-f- ' "'-~c. ~ \ " ~ '" \l ~ \~1~ ~~~ ~\)R~~ ~\\ \?)\..\~\~t.~\~Q, í.\\.\)\\' 'I 9. Hisce1J.þ1Ieous conditions: ~~orted. se1ect backfi11 is required. (; ('" f' /h - The hours of work Ire lillited to between r5/~ and ..0, - I', . - Work to be staked by I licensed Lind Surveyor or Civil Engineer and thrø copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Works Deplrtaent before starting work. - Open cutting of plvetnent wi" not be al1owed; 111 pipes or conduit sill" lit jacked under Ixist1ng plvenent. V lr,v/ ;t.C u ~ HI. ¡) / ¿i.n + '1 / ç (1C'/ if c.,., /' (I y k ':A..../C'~I-1-v-lj, <; - -- 'í - I I 'Î, /, /, I,; / '5' ' I 'fLit -f /o(-4-¡--u<)(.-'J h? v:J~/ ,,'1[,.4-";(;/' j::I.." 77,1.-{ (;:::i/7C)lru:.{'~. /1 f I I . J 10. DEPOSIT required to quarlntee restoration of public right-of-way. "2 " ," ¡ 22.5- h J¡.;;, 'ruM (,¡,. (Returnlb1e upon acceptance of the work by the city Ingin..r). S .;- U(J. L/(J ,- f " 11. REQUEST I finl' inspection and acceptance in writing upon c0llP11tion of the work. I y r 1.... / 1"-«:' lOk/f!-" , t', 12. Acceptance of the Pennit by the naNd Pel'llittH constitutes acceptance of any and 111 conditions upon ¡"'~ which this Permit is 9rlnted. This Pel'llit does not relieve the Plnn1ttee of any obligation to obtain any .:L, à'7, Cj' other Pennit required by 'IW. Pll'llit is not transferable. Work _st be, perfol'8ld by Dll'llittee or ~4.' L pennittee's agent. f , c:. IIOT£: TRENCH SAFETY hiS not been checked and is !lOT ¡If>LIED with thh Penait. For "ll'IIit to ExClvate" ,.-p Cont t: ~tlte of C ifornil D,vis of Industr1a1 Slfet) , - /'lplrtllre , Ind~il1 1ations (408-277-1260 ' /" : ACCEPTED /t7'/', v...j!-t';., ; / gnlture tte L Þel'9lnC1 ~.Phonl n /7 '] 1 APPROVEø:~~ ----- PERMIT IK7T VAlID OOIL APPROVED IY em P6II1EER. z~ ~~7£) Drawing A Þ ( ~ 'i- ;.'\ Plna1t Fee Paid? ¡; t/,') Deposit llecehed? ' lusilllSl UC8ftslfìÎ, (~,' 'c ~ t~ ,./ /') '1-[1'1 L- 17> ~L- _'78 (¡J)')-~-71' t i\ ' ~l \ C l_,--, ,,>, ,'\ ,- Clc;~l.)/j , ':~ lie::::" '" ~(( 1') , ~ ,} '" ,",' " ,." ',' -I l_~ ~),) :;¿ '-" i .7 (~ . l ~-"'-:"'I g1 f C: f ,)' - - I ,'1 / td ':":. iJ /r;- 7,j"¿-' '}, )D' ¡,,' I [' e i. J I ,l:"¿1 J r~ '- t' '-¿. 2,:> e I Of) - ' > .~)C) . ./. , I' ,OJ ¿, _. /'\ 4' ..:..' ,,' . " ,\'/ (Y --' " .. )<' ,,' r, t 75,{)Ù " 7 '- '7 . /,~¿ ~ ,,' I --- 1L/.y'iJ 00\1, ) / ¿' ", '/ m~G O~N C~~ ~ ;;;~ ::~;: ~~~ ~ C ¡~ ig~~ ~ ~ l M~~ ~~\~X:- - /' . ¡ \ CITY OF CAMPBELL BY ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS,"'" .. \ AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND MAP FOR A PORTION (THE.. '--, . "'-', \ PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE AS ESTABLI SHED BY ORDI A~~.. .. , ,,:,1 NO. 946 ADOPTED ON THE 28TH DAY OF MAY, 1974. ~_:_~,-_. ',",,'" jJ", (Application of Mary-Lyle Rempel and West Valle, . " ;'....-'------',.'-\'--"--' Open Doors). -_"--'--':. \. , / \1 -~- ' , -'11.. ,/) m I +V). (~}).' ;- " i /7,:, ,..I (L// '. , / J /. ':i,-¿1/1.-/'" ..¿ {.--c--~:-<' <--, // x~,~~./ . PDì"-(~ , --. I, The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell being a part of Chapter 3, Article IX of the Campbell Municipal Code as referred to in the Appendix of said Code, together with amendments thereto is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached IIExhibit A,II entitled "Plans and Elevations," "Exhibit B" entitled "Development Schedule and "Exhibit CII entitled "~1ap of said Property," as per the appl ication of Mary-Lyle Rempel and West Valley Open Doors on property located at 573 West Latimer Avenue. Copies of said Exhibits are on file in the office of the Planning Department. Said approval granted subject to the following conditions: i A. Applicant to submit a report for approval by the Planning Colmnission prepared by an acoustical engineer, certifying that adequate sound attenuation measures are incorporated in the design of the building to insure that the residents will be protected from excess noise generated by the adjacent land uses. B. Property to be fenced and landscaped as in~icated and as added in IIredll on plans. ,~ - + C. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs, or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. D. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. ' E. Additional parking shall be designated on the plans for future use, if necessary, and the additional parking area shall be approved by the Planning Director. F. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to conlplete landscapin9t fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. G. All mechanical equipment located on roofs shall be screened as approved by the Planning Director. H. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. I. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. J. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. . . K. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for alì signs. No sign to be installed until appli- cation is approved and permit issued by the building department. l. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage, and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. M. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the fire department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the fire department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. N. Applicant shall meet all State requirements for the handicapped. ,'" " PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT O. P. Storm drainage area fee at $765 per acre. )(. ( CLC- -= ~S3C::. Obtain excavation permit for any work within street area. r' . FIRE DEPARTMENT , ' f / ,{.. [ 1 . Q. Provide a yard hydrant system'connected to the street water main. Section 13.30f--tC} Uniform Fir~ Code.' R. Provide 112ABCII fire extinguishers. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of February , 1977 " by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: \ .-" .. Councilmen: Chamberlin, Hamœr, Paul, Podgorsek, Doetsch Councilmen: None Councilmen: None APPROVED: Ralph' Doetsch, Sr. Mayor Ibrothy Trevethan City Clerk , ---1 en ):> z -t 0 :: » (J) @ ~, '. :r I' .~ FT1 ~ S X A "U ~ :0 . ~ (TI (J) ! (J) a :E , ?<, ~ r . < \~~~ 1) ~ . 0 '^ ,~ 0 ~ . ). < 0 I...' '~ ? . t~ ,. £~- ' '.r, @ , ~~:~:, ~ , ~ tiC ."'" .," ¡'Ie,' n\O,., --.- AV ë: - . - --. - ';" -,-' --:.._- . . ,.. " , r---------------- I . tc.e,41 I ' .,. I . I CD I 0" I:: ~ þÐ ...~o or I r-O . " ZÞ I oÞ '" I P .... I z , '" I -i . t_-----~~~------- r---ï~-----~--~~~-- : I , . , . I : r-r- , NCÞ I: ~ cD - I::-. ,~ r- Þ Þ ~ '~;"pP I , 2: I '" I -i I , ~ I . \." . " .', .~. ,,{ UI ..' III:" ",7 I -: ------------------4i-.:¡1-::'-----------~--"": I ¡ ~ .to, , :: . ...-':--...14',41 ~ .---- '»'J. KIN" ' Pub] k heAring h~~á :beforè tfië:," -,.; , r. ,coù!r-: . Planning Commission ofthe City of ~ . , .! Campbell on January 4, 1977 7:' ~r~ t ~ ,~~ . . ~l~ @ ,: " --- W HAMILTC1t~ .- ~ . o. IG ". ) , ;.. f ", ~ '. . .S 81 I. " , I -----~~!..----_J "~I I'i : ~ ~ .. !. ~ I I ", , -" '. tA ". ". LATIMER rñ7'. ....or '.. . .. l! f ~ , r , Ð f. ;1 . ..' 01 , . 'OCt "~!' 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