Third St., NW corner (1968)PARTIAL RECONVEYANCE UNDER TRUST DEED (EASEMENT) WHEREAS KENNETH H. JESSEN and LILLIE M. JESSEN, his wife, as Joint Tenants as Trustee s , under the Deed of or Transfer in Trust made by F. L. Wells, an unmarried woman Trustor , and recorded on the 10th day of September , 19 65 ..... , in Book 7099 , Page 692 , of the Official Records of the County of Santa Clmra State of California, has received from the Beneficiary thereunder a written request to reconvey, in accordance with the terms of said Deed of or Transfer in Trust, all such estate now held by said Trustee__thereunder, in and to the hereinafter described property, said Beneficiary having presented said Deed of or Transfer in Trust and note secured thereby for endorsement. NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with said request and the provisions of said Deed of or Transfer in Trust, KENNETH H. JESSEN and LILLIE M. JESSEN, his wife, as Joint Tenants as Trustee s , do hereby RECONVEY, without warranty, to the PERSON OR PERSONS LEGALLY ENTITLED THERETO, all such estate now held by it thereunder as may be necessary to enable an easement for highway purposes and incidents thereto to be conveyed to the CITY OF CAMPBELL in the following described real property situate in the City of Campbell County of Santa Clara , State of California: BEGINNING at the northeast corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed in the Grant Deed from F. L. Wells, an unmarried woman, to Stephen R. Kagel and Lou Rae Kagel, his wife, recorded September 10, 1965, and filed in Book 7099 at Page 693, in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, being a point on the westerly line of Third Street, 50.00 feet wide; THENCE, South 0° 12' 54" West, 150.00 feet along said westerly line of Third Street, also being the easterly line of said Kagel parcel of land, to the intersection thereof with the northerly line of Campbell Avenue, 60 feet wide; 1 of 3 THENCE, North 89° 42' 36" West 40.0 feet along said northerly line of Campbell Avenue, also being the southerly line of said Kagel parcel of land, to the southwest corner of said Kagel parcel of land; THENCE, North 0° 12' 54" East 10.00 feet along the westerly line of said Kagel parcel of land to the point of its intersection with a line parallel with and 40.00 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from the center line of said Campbell Avenue; THENCE, South 89° 42' 36" East along said line parallel with the center line of Campbell Avenue, 14.97 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the northwest, having a radius of 20.00 feet; THENCE, easterly and northerly 31.44 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90° 04' 30" to a point of tangency with a line paralle with and 30.00 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the center line of said Third Street; THENCE, North 0° 12' 54" East 119.97 feet along said line parallel with said center line of Third Street to a point on the northerly line of said Kagel parcel of land; THENCE, South 89° 42' 36" East 5.00 feet along said northerly line of said Kagel parcel of land to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.027 acres, more or less, and being a portion of Section 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M.D.B. and M. The purpose of this Reconveyance is to enable the City of Campbell to acquire the right of way herein described, by Deed or Deeds from the owner of said property free and clear of the lien created by the Deed or Transfer hereinbefore referred to. This Reconveyance does not in any manner release or reconvey any of the property described in said Deed or Transfer, except that intended by the owner to be deeded to the City of Campbell for highway purposes which said property is herein described. The remaining property described in said Deed or Transfer shall continue to be held by said Trustee under the terms of said Deed or Transfer and as therein provided. This partial reconveyance is made without affecting the personal liability of any person for payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed or Transfer, or the effect of said Deed or Transfer upon the remaining property covered thereby. 2 of 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as Trustees hay(?_ caused these presents to be signed and executed this .,/~ day WITNESS: (Notary Certificate) STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. said Co,,t- o* Santa Clara On this ....... J,~i. ..... day of.--.-~k]~,ri]- ......... in the year one tho=and nine hundred and....~.~.~.l.~.i.~ ......... before me ..~.k~.~RfiD__~.~.._~.~.r~.gD_Q. ., a Notary P~lic, State of California, duly commissioned and ~orn, ~ersonally appeared ...... D i_~...~_~....~9.~ ......................................................................................................... kn~ to me to be the person......whose ~me ........ i.~. ......... ~bscribed to the ~thln i~t~m~t ~ ..... ~tness ......... th~eto, who. being by me d~y ~orn .............................................. deposed a~ sa~: t~t .... ~.._reHde~.i,-.-~-~. ............................... C~,ty of ................. _~.~.~_~._.~.~ .................. st.te o~. California ; that_--~.~. ......w.~.~._.present a~ saw....-~.9.~9:g~.-~..~.....~.~.~.9.D-...~ ................ Lillie M. Jessenx his wife .......................... ................................................................................................................................ (personally kno~ to .... ~_~_._.to be the p~son.~_desc~bed in, a~ who executed the ~aid ~thin inst~m~t ~ part .............. thereto), sign, seal, and deliver the same; that the said .......... F~ D.~.9.g h._~.,_..~ 9.a ~ ~.~_..a D.~__b.g.~ l i.~....S=--~ ~ ~.~.9.~.,. ............... ._D.~.~....Eig9 ........................................................... a.ty ~.o~teaa~a i. ta~ ~e~.~ o~ said a~ant ......... that..~.~ ...... executed the same a~ that--..~.9 ......... the caid a~ant ......... ,ae,~o,, ~,~ ~, ,~ ,,q~t oi ~,~ ..... Eg.V_~k..~.~.....J.9.~.~-9-~-~VA-b. ik~-i~. M · Je s s e n , ~bscribed~.~me.-..~ .......... ~tness ........... th~eto. IN ~[TNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my ~nd and a~xed my o~cial seal c~tificate first able ~itten. ...................... ~wde~'s Fora No. ~6 (Acknowled~en%7~itness). CH~u~c,,Siate,~ ,C~if~n}a. (c. c. Secs. 1195-1197, C. C. P. S~ l~ ) .... ~,' :-~-, '.~, ,%omry Public (PRINTED 5/25/65) 51-I~96 My Commission ',!arch 26, Pacific Gas and Electric £ompany 86 South Third Street San Jose, California Attention: t4r. Jack Jayett Subject: Changes to Street Lighting System })ear ~!r. Jayett: You are hereby authorized and it is hereby requested that the electrolier on Pole No. 177, a **0~ watt mercury vapor LS-I^, be removed and that the pole on which it rests be removed. If possible, on the same order please install the lu.minaire on the existing pole located northerly from the return on North Third Street. Preferably, we would like to have a 250 watt luminaire at the new location, b~t if relocating the 400, watt luminaire will expedite the work, please do that. It ~,'ould be greatly appreciated if you would schedule this work at the earliest time convenient. Please see the enclosed improvement plan for our proposed work at that location. Very truly yours William C,. ;/ren, Director of Pub]ic Works C~z o. ~.,omez, Civil Engxneer Junior MEMO TO: William G. Wren, Director of Public Works FROM: Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: N/W Corner Campbell Avenue & Third Street Prop.erty of Stephen Kagel The vacant lot at the subject location is both a hazard and an eyesore in its present condition. It is hazardous to vehicular traffic because of the dif- ficult turning maneuver on to Campbell Avenue caused by the old offset improvements, and the haphazard parking on all parts of the lot by the college students. In addition, it is hazardous to pedestrian traffic due to the lack of a safe area to walk on the west side of Third Street. In an attempt to remedy the above hazards and "clean-up" the area, the owner of the lot, Mr. Stephen Kagel, was asked if he would consider providing the necessary rights-of-way (ten feet on Campbell Avenue and five feet on Third Street) to allow the City to construct a curb and gutter in the proper location, along with the necessary paving. Mr. Kagel has agreed to this proposal and in addition has consented to in- stall a concrete sidewalk on Campbell Avenue and a temporary asphalt sidewalk on Third Street at his expense. We have asked several local contractors to submit a pro- posal for the work and the best results are as follows: City's Cost: 1. Curb, Gutter & Paving 2. Fire Hydrant Relocation Total $2,375.00 200.00 $2,575.00 Kagel's Cost: 1. Land Dedication (Estimated Worth) 1176 sq. ft. ~ 3.50 per sq. ft. 2. Sidewalks Total $4,120.00 300.00 $4,420.00 Therefore it is proposed to: 1. Award a contract to K. F. Cushman for curb, gutter and paving - $2,375.00 2. Have Campbell Water Co. relocate the fire hydrant (approx.) - $200.00 3. Have Kagel hire K. F. Cushman for sidewalk - $300.00 4. Obtain dedication from Kagel BMH:cd ~ill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer Un I~: APP~ Urn4 ~np4~on pr~ I. 4~ YD. E¢~v¢ ~x~. Concr¢4z i ~ ~.00 ~. I~ L.F, P.C.C. Curb ~uk%~r ~. R.J. ZIPSE CONSTRUCTION u~lb I IL, ri LANE ~. P. O. BOX I025 CAMPBELL, O~F~ ' 4~'3~' ~ 40. ~VE-NU ~ LAND TO BE GmANT~= -:-'" .... ~.D i u THE Cor'~,,,,ir~ O. 027 C~cr~$ ~ P,'epa,ed ?i ;he Off,'ceof the