110 (1976 PD76-9)ORDINANCE NO. 1035 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF' THE CITy COUNCIL OF 'FilE CITY OF CAMPBELL ADOPTING PLANS, EI_EVATIOI~S, AND DEVELOPHENT SCltEDULE FOR A PORTIOH OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPHENT ZONE ESTABLISItED BY ORDINANCE NO. 983 ADOPTED ON TtlE 9Tft DAY OF JUNE, 1975. (Application of Gordon Craig Fisher). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Hap of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adoptin9 the attached "Exhibit A" entitled "Plans and Elevations", "Exhibit B" entitled "Development Schedule", and ~'Exhibit CTM entitled "Hap of said Property'~, as per app]ication of Gordon Cra]9 Fisher for approval of plans, eleval:ions and development schedule to: (i) move a residential structure from 53 North ]st Street to IlO North 3rd Street, and (2) to convert the present residence into an accessory "rumpus room~ structure on property located at ]]0 North 3rd Street in a Planned Development Zone. Said approval granted subject to the following conditions: A. Proposed residence to be located as indicated in '~red~' on plans. B. Removal of all kitchen equipment in existing residence. C. Existing residential structure or rear portion of property to become an accessory building as defined by Section 21.02.010 of l:i]e Campbell Nunicipal Code. D. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Nunicipal Code. All parkin9 spaces to be provided ~itb appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. E. Underground utilities to beprovidedas required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Hunicipal Code. F. Plans submitted to the Buildin9 Department for plan check shall indicate clearly tile location of all connections for undergrou[id utilities including water, sewer, electric, telepl~one and television cables, etc. G. Sig'n application to be submitted in accordance with pr~)visions of the sign ordinance for all si.qns. No sign to be installed until appli- cation is approved and permit issued by tile Bui Idin9 Department. H. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Nunicipal Code stipulates that any contract for the eol lection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet 9a.rbage and rubbish produced wi lbin the ]imits of the £i ty of Campbell shall be macie with ~reen Valley Disposal Company. 1his requirement applies to all single family dwelling,;, multiple aparlnent units, to all con~ercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. I. Trash containe'rs of a size and quantity necessary to serve the developn<;nt shall be located in al-cas approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise holed, enclosures shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wa|J or f(:nce arid have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. d. Apt)l icant she11 meet al 1 State requirements for the handicapped. BUILDING DEPARTHEIIT K. Buildings moved within the City comply with provisions of the latest code for new buildings. Section 105, 1973 Uniform Building Code. PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR'FMEHT L. Storm drainage area fee of The applicant is notified the! he shall comply with all applicable Codes OF Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this deve]op- ment and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ]] day of October' ,1976, by the fol lowing rol 1 cai 1 vote: AYES: Councilmen: Chambe'~].in, tIamme¥, l~u], ])odgoz'sek, Doetsch NOES: COLinc i linen: NoI~o ABSENT: Councilmen: Nolle~ APPROVED: ,' C i t~/.~C lerk Mayor ® E." ' t C/dvq't;l Lt. FX. tl I BIT public henring held before Campbell Planning CommiSs'ion on Septen~ber 2, ~976 Resc~lution !~o. 1535 GRANT lb A'/L 3PN 279 39 10 *' RECORDING REQUESTED, . 1-75 ~ 1978 WESTERN TITLE INSURANCE CMPY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO .A.. Mr. Gordon Craig Fischer ADO.E.. 110 N. 3rd Street C,.v&S.A.E b_Campbell' California~l~AI ~/ Title Order No Escrow N MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO .^ME Advance Mortgage ADo. E,. P.O. BOX 146 cl.~ Detroit, Michigan STATE L Loan # 550603086 * 11.00 5071978 Recorded at the zequest ot Weatern Title Guaranto Co, AUGI 119;'5 8:0OAI GEORGE A, MANN, Recorder SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORI R'S 3 Documentary transfer tax $ .... 11 · .0 0 ............... [] Computed on full value of property conveyed, or X~] Computed on full value less liens and encumbrances remaining thereon at time of sale. 48232 WESTERN TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN~f WESTERN TITLE FORM NO. 104 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, OSCAR LEMUS AND ANA MARIA LEMUS, his wife GRANT to GORDON CRAIG FISCHER, a single man all that real property situate in the C i ty o f C ampbe 11 County of Santa Clara , State of California, described as follows: Beginning at a stake which bears S. 0° 13' W. 100 feet from a stake marked "14" standing at the Northwest corner of that tract of land deeded to Lionel T. Lenox, by Deed recorded March 1, 1920 in Book 505 of Deeds, page 245, Santa Clara County Records; thence Southerly parallel to and distant . 150 fee~ Westerly from the Westerly line of Second Street S. 0" 13' W. 50 feet;'~ thence on a line parallel with the center line of campbell Avenue and distant Northerly 567 feet therefrom N. 89~ 44' W. 150 feet to the Easterly line of a proposed Street called Third Street; thence along the Easterly line of said proposed Street, N. 0, 13' E. 50 feet; thence on a line parallel with the center line of Campbell Avenue; S. 89° 44' E. 150 feet to the place of beginning; being a part of the Southw est 1/4 of the Southwest t/4 of Section 26, Township 7 South Range 1 West, M.DM. 0% Dated August 7 O~cai- L~mus 19____75 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ ~ Ma'ria LemUs