260 Adler Ave.1. Date-2- 2. Site Add 3. For File 4. Project 5. Applica 6. By: ~ PRELIMINARX/ Prelit Right Publi~ ~ Easer Vacat Street CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION PROJECT EVALUATION finary Title Report: -of-Way for Public Street Purposes: Service Easement: lems: ion of Public Streets/Easements' Improvements: ~rbs and Gutters Si :lewalks ;iveway .ndscape Page 1 of 4 E. T~aff'lc Control H. Se '['4 I. S~ J. O Traff tvement sphalt Concrete Overlay ,,al Coat reet Lights ~er c Mitigation: ~ Utilit: g.-.[ Utilir Mainl Coon Gradi Drain Storrr "-'C~ Natio Installation Plan: enance Security: [ination with Capital Improvement/Other Projects: ng and Drainage Plan: ge System: · Drain Area Fee: hal Pollution Discharge Elimination System: Page 2 of 4 Sant~ Tent: Parc~ Tenu Final Mom Cond Dem( Reapl Lot Certil Vacat Reiml Plan Legal · Clara Valley Water District: ttive Parcel Map: ..I Map: ~tive Map: Map: tments: itions, Covenants, and Restrictions: dition: ~ortionment of Assessments: ine Adjustment: icate of Compliance: ion of Excess Right-of-Way: ~ursements: Anes: Lot: Page 3 of 4 Site F J:\FORMS\PRELPI~ OJ Rev. 8/4/98 Page 4 of 4 Distribution: F Comments: F ROUTE TO: Architec X Fire Del: Police D Redeveh X Enginee~ Corpora~ X Buildin PROJECT D! Pre-application DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ~bruary 8, 1999 :bruary 16, 1999 COMMENT SHEET Pre-application :ural artment ~partment ~pment Agency lng (Land Development and Traffic Engineer) ion Yard Division gCRIPTION for site and architectural approval for additional unit in four unit apartment. INFORMATIC N: File No: PA 99-04 APN: 305-38-41 Applicant: Richard Hermle ~//~/£/4: Project Addres: 260 Adler Avenue Zoning: R-2-S General Plan: Medium Density Residential PROJECT PL) qNER: Tim J. Haley DEPARTMEN FAL RECOMMENDATION: No Comment Draft conditions of approval attached or comments Status Initial Owner Site Mail Use Zoning Census Bedrm: :Whizin Gr~ :260 Adler :260 Adler :03 Res,3-, :R3S Res M~ :Tract:506! Bth: -: [pel Ave Campbell 95008 Ave Campbell Ca 95008 Family Units lti-Unit .03 Block:2 YB:1967 Gar: MetroScan / Santa Clara Pool:No Parcel :305 38 041 Xfered :06/28/96 Price : MapGrid :853 D7 Owner Phone : Tenant Phone : BldgSF:3,845 Ac:.23 T~e Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. ~0 ~$o _1 /._7 PCL. /.L.~ ~1 /5 I /~ I i ~ I i 6~ I G~ ~ HOLLIS I 33 I 3~ I 64. I 64- 31 L/ .oF. March I, 1~99 Mr. Richar4 Hermle Pacific Buil~ling Designs 102 Dillon ,~venue Campbell, CA 95008 CITY OF CAMPBELL Community Development Department · Current Planning Re: (PA 260 Dear Mr. Hi Thank you t approval of )9-04) kdler Avenue :rmle: or your submittal of a preliminary application for a site and architectural a new apartment unit on the referenced property. The subject 'property is zoned R-2-S (Multiple Family Residential) and is shown as a (Medium E ensity Residential) land use on the city s General Plan. Approval of a project will require approval of a Site and Architectural application. This action requires Planning Commissio~ approval and is considered at a public hearing. A review o~ the lot size indicates a lot area of 10,080 square feet. Under the current zoning, a maximumi of 4 dwelling units is permitted. This is based upon a calculation of 8,000 feet{or the first four units and 2,200 square feet per unit thereafter. The minimum lot square size for 5 urlits is 10,200 square feet. The expansion of the existing apartments and the conversion of the covered parking to living area may be possible assuming open space and parking needs are met and the net result is a reasonable ot layout and use. Parking: A 'our unit apartment project would require the provision of 4 covered parking spaces and ~ uncovered. Sprinklers: ~I'he expansion of the floor area on site may have an impacted on a sprinkler system reqt~irement as noted in the attached Fire Department conditions. Open Spac4: A minimum of 225 square feet of open space needs to be provided for each unit. I 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95008. 1423 · TEL 408.866.2140 · FaX 408.866.8381 · TDD 408.866.2790 PA 99-04 2{,0 Adler Avenue March 1, 1999 page 2 If the owner · Fire Dep~ Please do not information. Sincerely, Tim J. Ha'lcd, Associate Plapner is able to acquire additional property and achieve the minimum lot size of 10,200 squa~'e foot lot, a park impact fee of $7,035 is required for any new residential units is required. Conditions and comments outlined in the memorandum dated February 23,1999 from the Public Works Department trtment and Building Division Comments hesitate to contact me at 866-2144, if you have any questions regarding this enclosures: Public Works and Fire Department Memorandum CC: Sharm Fierro, Senior Planner Harok Housley, Land Development Engineer FIRE DEPARTMENT SANTA CLARA COUNTY 14700 Winchester Blvd.. Los Gatos, CA 95032-1818 (408) 378-4010 (phone) · (408) 378-9342 (fax) CONTROL NUMBER BLDG PERMIT NUMBER P~., REVi~, NUMBER 9 9' 0 3 5 0 .LE.O..E. PA 99-04 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENTS CODE/SEC. SHEET NO.REQUIREMENT ReView of proposed 964 square foot addition to an existing multi-unit apartment building. 1 Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access andi water supply as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be con~trued as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work the applicant shall apply to the Building Department for applicable construction permits. UFC 2 For ithe purpose of assessing fire flow for the project, the applicant shall 1003.2.2 as resubmit a site plan depicting total current area to include livable floor area as arnmaea well as garage space. It would appear that by scaling the plan provided, the total bY17.04.040CMC building area may exceed 7,000 square feet. As such the required fire flow will exceed 2,000 gallons per minute which will cause the installation of an approved fire sprinkler system throughout the entire structure. DISTRICT PLANS SPECS NEW RMDI~ AS OCCUPANCY CONST. TYPE PERMITTEE DATE PAGE CBL [] [] [] [] I[] RICHARD HERMLE 2116199 I op~l SECJFLOOR I AREA LOAD DESCRIPTION BY Commercial Development Hokanson, Wayne NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION APARTMENT 260 Adler Av ,4 California Fire Protection District serving Santa Clara Count:k' and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino. Los Altos. Los Altos Hills. Los Gatos. Monte Sereno. Morgan Hill, and Saratoga MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Tim Haley, Project Planner FROM: M H~ PUBLIC WOR2 OF APPROVAl Site Address: 260 Adler Avenue For File No(s): PA 99-04 Project Description: Add unit to existing 4 unit building Applicant: Richard Hermle (Architect) COMMENTS: the area has been fully developed to the then current standards. improvements arb in good condition. DATE: 2/23/99 ichelle Quinney, City Engineer ~~.,t~ trold Housley, Land Development Engineer ~ .~S DEPARTMENT COMMENTS AND PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS Public street Water Metgr(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s): Existing and proposed Water Meter(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s) shall be installed on private property behind the public right-of-way line. Street Tree1 Install one street tree and irrigation if it does not create a traffic hazard as determined by the City Engineer. H: \WORD\LANDDEV\260ADLER(JD) Page 1 of MEMORANE~UM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Tm Haley, Project Planner DATE: 2/23/99 FROM: M ichelle Quinney, City Engineer '~/~~-- Hl~rold Housley, Land Development Engineer woRKs DEPARTMENT COMMENTS AND PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS PUBLIC OF APPROVAL Site Address:/ 260 Adler Avenue For File No(s): i PA 99-04 Project Description: Add unit to existing 4 unit building Applicant: Richard Hermle (Architect) COMMENTS: ~?he area has been fully developed to the then current standards. Public street improvements are~ in good condition. Water Meter(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s): Existing and proposed Water Meter(s) and Sewer Clea~aout(s) shall be installed on private property behind the public right-of-way line. 1 Street Tree~ Install one street tree and irrigation if it does not create a traffic hazard as determined ~y the City Engineer. H:\WORD\LANDDEV\260ADLER(JD) Page 1 of DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Pre-application Distribution: February 8, 1999 Comments: F~bruary 16, 1999 ROUTE TO: [ Architec~ ural X Fire Dep Police D, Redevelc X Engineer Corporat X Building PROJECT DE~ krtment ~partment pment Agency ing (Land Development and Traffic Engineer) ,~'~ on Yard Division Pm-application INFORMATIO q: File No: APN: Applicant: Project Address Zoning: General Plan: PROJECT PLANNER: DEPARTMENTAL Status ;CRIPTION for site and architectural approval for additional unit in four unit apartment. PA 99-04 305-38-41 Richard Hermle (/~2Z,c ~) 260 Adler Avenue R-2-S Medium Density Residential Tim J. Haley RECOMMENDATION: Initial No Comment Draft conditions of approval attached or comments