96-207 CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 North First St. Campbell. CA 95008 (408) 866-2150 Fax (408) 376-0958 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT (for working within the public ript-of-way) Issued r[-/HIo ~ Permit expires in 12 IDO . Permit No. 96-207 X-Ref. tile Application Date 7/18/96 Application expires in 6 months APPUCA nON - Applicalion is hereby IIIIde for . PlIbIic worts PIrmit in accorcIaDcc willi CaIIIpbdl MuDicIpaI Code, Secdoa 11.04. (AppIiraIiaa apUa in 6 IIIlIUbs If the permit islllJt issued. Applicalion Fee is ~Ie.) A. wort addreu or lrICt , 580 Hamilton Avenue at San Tomas Expressway Utility IrCIICh kaIion B. NIlureofwork fire hydrant repair, 4 I X 5' cut in concrete C. AIIICh four (.) c:opies of ID qineered pllDl sbowiDa the IocIUaa aDd ca.- vi die wort, aDd four (.) c:opilll vi die pnIiIDiMry JiDcinecr'I EatiIDe vi wort. Tbe pIanIlballlhow the reIaIion of die propoaed wort 10 cxistiIIa IlII'fac:e aDd lIIIIIerpauDd iqll'OYClllalll. Wbco appnmd by die City JiDcinecr, laid pIaD bec:oaIa . pin of lbiI permit. D. AD work lbaII confonn 10 lbc City of CmIpbdJ SIIDdard SpecificIUoas aDd DelaiII for P\lblic Worts CoaIIrucIioa; die 0caaaI Pamil Ctonditiftno IialDd 011 tbc reverse lide; aDd lbc Special Provisiona for this permit, lilted below. FIiIure 10 abide by lbeIe ClIlIdiDoIlIaDd proviIiODI may rauIt ID jab ....-down rII/IJI,. forfeiIure of Faithful PafOl'llllllCC SurcUes aDd casb deposits. (See GcoenI Pamil Coaditioas 1 aDd 2.) E. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE THIS PERMlT AND APPROVED PLANS AT THE SITE AND MUST NOTIFY THE PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE STARTING WORK. NOnCE MUST BE GIVEN TO PUBUC WORKS AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE RESTARTING ANY WORK. T~ 279-7900 Name of Applicant SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1221 S. Bascom Av~~~h Jose Address 24 HOUR EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. b this work bcin& done by the property owner at their own reaidencc? Yes X No Tbe ApplicantlPenniaee hereby IIree5 by aff'1XiDa their I~ 10 this permit 10 bold tbc City of CaIIIpbdl. ill offian, lIeDIIaDd llIIIployees free, life aDd barmIcu from any claim or demand for cIlIInaces reaultiD& from die work eovered by this permit. Tbe Applic:anLlPenniuee hereby ac;tnowledps thIt they bave nIId aDd UIIlIcnwJd both die from aDd bIcIl: of this pamil, aDd they wW inform their CIOIIInI:lOr(I) of lbc information. Acc:eplCd SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY (Jane - emerqency verbal) (ApplicaatlPermiuce) (lip) 7/18/96 DIIe CITY OF CAMPBELL FIELD ENGINEER' S DAILY REPORT ITEM ) J Ve . 56'0 W CONTRACTOR: DESCRIPTION cc: REPORT NO: PROJECT NO. 9~ -ole) DATE: 7..-'1C;-9~ WEATHER: PAIR. INSPECTOR: K. ~G:-51fALL CO/lC. J! Jrj tJ./(J~ ~ /~ Ik IT PAGE: I OF I