500 McGlincy Ln. (64-16) IN'lIER-DEPART~1EiilTAL REI...E~ FROM: TO~ ENGINEERING DEPARTME~TT BUILDING DEPARTMENT RE: ~/ // - // ____5__ (Subject) /Y? 4- /6 ~/?, t-<.J // ~ Rr- (OtJI'ler · s Name) _--5O-Z:) 41 ~ & ;; d c ~ ~ ~~/l~ (Address of pr9.Pcrty) The following conditicns of approval on subje~t property are recommended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. -1LI (?&.-?ti/-~4 5 L'~ ~e~ 4~~ ~ "-2 :5", .t+/ 4'? c;;,,,, //'r'""r '7 Prr ,/ _./2-_L~-z'~~~d'__.________ .. CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT By,~zL, eJ !k~~ ~ - lJ //1'. {i b -/~-~ v "S" 1964-16 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITV OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBEll, CALIFORNIA Date April 22, 1964 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL Of PLANS OF R. W. Heeter , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Warehouse TO BE lOCATED AT: COND I TI eNS: 500 McGlincev Lane. Campbell. Calif. All conditions are cont~ined under provisions of Local Improvement District No.4. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided ~~I.J for in this chapter. \\\l\ GRANTED BV THE CITV OF CAMPBEll PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 21s t DAY OF April, 1964 CITY OF CAMPBEll PLANNING COMMISSION By: ,/{/I? /\ , ./ I " Evelyn Adamson, Secretary / I '.. ~1!.t24> fA" 'My-&1 ---9 h ;., .... '~ CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF R. W. HEETER FOR WAREHOUSE TO BE LOCATED AT 500 Me GLINCEY LANE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA: 1. Execution of petition for ....s...nt district. 2. Subject to approval of Minor subdlvl.lon of lands of Menge-Flcarr.. CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION May 7 J 1963 ;) City 0/ Campbell - F; l ~: ~ c c4 ~s-) ~'R c... 1-\\" IE S ] 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAf>\PBELL, 95008 PHONE FROM SUBJECT DATE ::;- b - 7 Y / 2, 3, REPLY .~~ I " '? f\ \<,\ \ (::: .5 L~on Z e-H't \- v~ ~ t 2 2. ~7 Cell ;0/ fa J... Dr/vL (C\ rn Q b~ H Cu. ~,. 00 B .p hi ~ 7 1- 0/74 o be r t l~ e. e.. t c r 149~1 Je.rrje.s 1)r, S (\\(\t 0 ~ La . SIGNED DATE RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL tt ( CAMPBELL. CA:IF'DRNIA I:/Ie 'A'" / 1 _, Date / ./ .~(S /. {!;/'/ // " ./' / f -. v~./ . Name _:/2 tL't' ;/ cC;t:(y-, F , } c' . ;' , -:l ". {j 1I. "'> /~:";- /'1';< (.0, /1; /i~t~, I . /' 1'=1 Addres~ RECEIVED Dollars / ':. . .:.~ L ------.,;:..., <t'. ./....... { ... - - .. Ie .,' I~/' CHECK Cents E! $. ~' 1?J ~r CASH NO. FOR dl/I,.., , ' ) u~ ~ /', . ~,,( (: / If It" 35- OClZ- .. ~]Tha.t.r:u, Ct7_,<pr~.~M~Ll !_/ (~ i) ltt' --l- / ....1.1 Fu~~JL),(tJ I 6593 By CITY CLERK I ~"N ~ ') 'i\,~' SiC. .~~ \' v~~ )~ '~z 'fli H.e. e.f(~ \~ IE ~', I 1-' zoo' @ kbQ ~.. ' :: :1 &.&!! a l~ n ...1 'r- - ;-_!II!.-:..~ \ J-' ... . t' 11 II ., .....~ '.,...,'. I' L' - S ~, - 1'7 :...:.:;.t~-: ___IttIf!___ > ,~,f ;, 12 '" ... Stf. " ;:: - _.._;!,_._~f--~- ;111 ~ ........... .!!. I' i---~--- ''.l .....~'t ~s II B _ .. .". !!. ~ !! -'. t--_lOt_-- - .~A-!}.-. ___oj:' ". " ," -..-.-.,-_"'JL~- ' 20 :::; 9 ~ : 2 : . : . : ~---:-'1!"-T-i----~ I ' . ' ..' ,10-- ;~I:!!I;,"' ' :':. I .: - ': ~ '; ~ 'i !! ~ I ~ : : ~ I ~I! =11 ;1 ... It I 1 : ! ..~' ___Jlll.___ .! .. ----Ip---- : "".K "..An ...... LANl ,:;~/ 1! : : ~ ~ ~ E .. .: ~ ! 17 : , 60 I . I .. , ' !! ,: 2. ,: ,- , 16 ! II : tit I _," : I." ... : ~.'I II e: ~ :. I ~ II : 10 : . tf. ~ I .. , !! ~ to I .. I I .. , .,: I - I ~ ~ . I I .. -~ : : . IOU," o f,(-<- I' ~V ; " ~f It! tf< y . ....~. ./'" 13 7, 1/ ~I' ~ 14 r.c. ,,:. :.11 Le.II(r"1tl~sf @ j tf'.K,,\ -W- SCALE I ~ ,'0'00' o COf1