520 McGlincey Ln.(1963) RECEIPT CITY OF C'AMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA Address "--:7-, Date /4'~~}, ~ f -', /'/ ( ,'." ,--" ,__' '-...,../ 'f (;'~?l It ,-"'7- j<. .Ac..{ t;,;;' I"> L./ /~fj: Y .J/ ,({~'--O~ -<r<.~/ 1 <- '~l-c.jf.)" , ~/ 19(;;- Name RECEIVED Cents b~~$'j-r~r- /, -;0 Dollars .- /~7.r- (~~/ CHECK CASH , )l~c-:',/(.':;.~- FOR ItPN il'Zd3.~" 00 3 . Oof ;:-T~. I 6507 Thank YOl,l, , "C ',.IT,1, ,?F ~M~P,.' ELL /" .l~~{~. I' , By . L , CITY CLERK MDH:cb 2/20/63 PETITION FOR TIiE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, AND WAIVER OF PROCEEDINGS UNDER DIVISION 4 OF Tfm STREETS AND HIGHW~.yS CODE. MCGLINCEY LANE AND CRISTICH LANE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (MCGLINCEY FROM CASEY ROAD TO UNION AVENUE AND CRISTICH LANE FROM MCGLINCEY ~E TO 1500 FT. NORTH OF MCGLINCEY LANE) To the Honorable city Council of the City of Campbell Campbell, California Gentlemen: The undersigned respectfully petition your Honorable Body and show as follows: 1. That they are the owners of the property set opposite their names. 2. That they respectfullype~ion you to take proceedings and issue bonds pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts for the following acquisitions and improvements. (a) The improvement of McGlincey Lane from Casey Road to Union Avenue, except that side of McGlincey Lane adjacent to unin- corporated land near Union Avenue, by acquisition of land and easements necessary to provide a 60-ft. right of way; the widening of the road surfacing by construction of base and pavement; concrete curbs and gutters; installation of a sanitary sewer line, manholes. and laterals to serve adjacent properties, with appurtenancesi installation of storm sewer lines. manholes. catch basins, cross drains, and appurtenances: installation of street lights. (b) The improvement of Cristich Lane by acquisition of land and easements necessary to provide for installation of a sanitary sewer line; the installation of a sanitary sewer line, manholes. and laterals to serve adjacent properties, with appurtenances. (c) The making of all acquisitions and the performing of all work auxiliary to any of the above which may be necessary to complete the same. 3. That you assess the cost of said acquisitions and improve- ments, together with the expenses incidental thereto, upon the lands fronting on said improvements and benefited thereby. 4. That we authorize you to exercise your proper discretion as vested in you pursuant to said acts, to make changes and modifications in said work prior to or during the course of said proceedings. 5. That the taking of proceedings under Division 4 of the streets and Highways Code in regard thereto, is hereby waived. Respectfully submitted, '/.? Y "-, A<' / ,~" / r"- (~...A"f/J..LI ,--<"7, "'"' / //~rt-b ~ CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF O. H. NELSON FOR OFFICES AND WAREHOUSE TO BE LOCATED AT 520 Me GLlNCEY LANE, C~PIELL. CALIFORNIA: ~Agre~nt to .nt.r future .s......nt district. ~dlc.tlon t9 McGllncey L.ne Plan Line. ~//~x.cutlon of petition for a..e.s..nt dIstrict. ~,., Stor. Drain Fe. In MOunt of $975.00 ~' Perfonnance Bond In HIOunt of $1.700.00 CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION May 7. 1963 ~.,"':'!i"~<;~.-';,,'" i? "t, ; ~ i ... 1\ 1 n~' !':;-" rai~f' 4 Jl,.~I:;' 1'1.; at a [Joint in the ..0utl1l'astcrll,' lilH' ot ;,c~litlcf>'" Lane, .10.'iO :'eet wi(le, as said line ",as estat'li;I\E'd \ '. t1H' : cf'd from 1aul - , . ;:1 11. a g 1: e r , eta 1. t (; 0 U n t y (\ l :-; ant a CIa r a, \;1t (' \ U i; u s t ) S. It} 4 ';' a tl cl l'e\..orded Octol,er 14, 1')4~, 1n ClUj( It;; 4 (d O[li,,',all,:cco;"\s, page 7:" ':;(\".ta (Lac-a ....ounc~."c'..:('r'~s, a', the i'1ter'~,'cli()'l tiH'reot' \oJi!h the \ort\1('r1/ 1 i n e 01 t hat c e r ~ a i n :1. S \ a\ r e 1 r act () i 1 a. wI des c r i 1." d rt s arc e 1 T h r e e :1'1 L"'1C ,..;eed 'rom :~ax .erwl;.. et 1.1X, to> I'aul T. .tllarrher, el UX, dated \:3' 10, lli4u l.n:l rc 'o;-,icd ..L;!te :', 1 41', in Luok IJtl~~ 0' Ct'tici31 11('(on15, P3i:e 1", a'1a C:lara "nunt:' ;.f'lords; th"n'e fro;n said point 01 hCLinninl', ~Ur:[11n,': ,( ) n4' L':" alorJg tete sai: :ortherly Lne (If said 4.:-<4 3.'::'[:::- trac~, 11~. Hi teet to an 'ron pipe ,'it the :;()rt)leas~crl; corner ;:, her eo;; t h:',~ : C" ()' 171 ~ -1'! a1 on;; t he i.a s tel h 11 11 e 0 t sa i cl 4. ~ 4 a ere tl'3.Ct, 431.'<1; teet 10 <1<1 inlll P]pc' on lfH' ;,ortIMesterly line nf Kirk ';~'i7.C]); ttenct: ~:. '.10'~ 16'" alonl~ sa,d la:;t ilamedl.ine 2(10.CO teet t!iei'd,:e 1n a direct 1 i,'e "::)l'LliV'H>sterlv to a point in tLe . uutheasterly line 0;. s?iJ ;',;ca n.ey !at1c. 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