607 McGlincy Ln. (77-15) " '4 /' ,."/ ; . F I{" . " I. '.., i '. '. ~ , . INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM . '. TO: Building Department .' FROM: Public Works Department .. The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT r\ \: ., BUILDING ADDRESS n; I i t I ! (f :. / .I J.,~.,,' ',' :..- f I COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER /...} i , --, , I , .8" APPROVAL NUMBER r PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By If Ivl;7 -- / Da te / "It fl'.-z4 . I ; (,_ I J r :[1' :/>,CL ~ ! t ( E.. :~ GA\) /, ,,: ( i" I ~. ./ f ' "''> " i r ' ( , f j. ( f j N ! /. , " , f ~l/ , / , .t'j ( ! \"'. -..-,----...,..,............ 1/ liS" 77-15 ~1~ /9 P L p, N N J !1 G D I: P A ~~ T!~ L .j T C I T Y 0 r C !d1f' B t L L 7!) NORTl! C[liTE/\j) !\\'J;tWE C M1 P 13 [ L L, C Ill, JT 0 I:! 1 U, ))/1'" May 5, 1977 CO H D I T 1 0 J~ S ^ T Tile Ii 1: D TO " t' " '-' Al'l'IWVAL or PLlri', I)r Russell J. Valenti , fOR CONSTRUCT i liL "." an offlce.....rehouse 1..11 TOP 1: L 0 C 1\ T :~ )) /I, T 607 Hc.G II ncey Lane CONDITIONS: Approval: subject to attached eondl tlons. Section 2 J. . 'I 2 . 090 0 f the Cum ph € J 1 Hun 1 c i pal Cod e l' e i1 d s as f 0 11 0 H 8 : Any approval granted under this section shall expire one yp~r uf:cr the date tlpon which such approvul was granted, unless an extension for s\lch approval. is obtained by makinp, written applicat.~on for Siine to the Planning Commission at lc~st fifteen (15) days prior to th~ expiration date of such approvaJ.. No buildin!?: pC'l"lTdt shall he iss\led after the expirutioll date of clny approval until a new approval has been obtained in tIle manner prov5rl0d for in this Chapter. '~~~~i~~ ~~J,~II~NC~;;~~ )<f.a CANP~r;~~yp~~NNI~C~!.n.l~SSION AT A ,R~~UtljR CITY or CAHrU~LL PLANNING COHMI~SJON GC: FIr.. illlpartmont / J! Pub lie Work" Department Triangle Assoclatea. Los Altos. Dy:g~/? :.\~i...'-."--"--'--" . ARTllUI, KJ;L, ;c U, 'AI\Y CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "S" 7l-1S Ydl~J.~~Ji!Jsse_1LJ_,___ ___ ___ 1. Property to be fenced and landsld~ed a~ indicated and dS added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape ~lan indicating type of ~lallt material, location of hose bibs or spt'inkler systenl and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Landscapi ng shall be ma i nta i ned 1 n accordance with the approved landscape plan. 4. Faithful perfol'mance bond in the amount of $3,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of par'king area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to comf)lete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area pt'ior to findl Building Department clearance. 5. Applicant to Slgll agreelllPnt satisfdctory to the City Attorney that the property will be used for warehouse purposes only. 6. All Illectldnical equif.llllent located on t'oofs shall be sCt'eened as approved by the fJlannil1lj Ilin.Ltol', The applicant is notified d~, IIMt of this clPl']ication that he is required to meet the following condition" in dl'conlanLe Witrl O.'dindnces of the City of Campbell, A. All parKing dnd d,'ivt'way L1thi.... tu t,t' ejpvl'lop1e,J in compliance with Sectioll 21.5[1 of the CailJritwll ~1l1111li~IJl lode, All parking spaces to be provided with appt'Opriate lonCI'etl' curtis 01' bumf)er guards. B. Underground utilities to be 11t'OVlLit'J d" requin'd by Section 20.16.070 of the Carnpbe 11 ~1un i c i pa 1 C udt' , C. Plans submitted to the Ruildintj I:L'Pdt'tlllt'nt fl1r pldn ched, shall indicate clearly the locat ion ot ctll Cl~nnl'lt iLlI)S fOt, undergl'ound utilities including water'. ',eWt't'. electric. tl'lephone and television cables, etc, D. S'ign application to be sul)ll1ittt'd in dLCOt'l1dnlt' \vith pn)Visions of the sign ordinance for all sign". NlI sl~1n tl\ bt' in....talled until application is approved and permit issued by t tH' (Ill i 1 J i Illl llt'~)d l'tllll'1l t , E. Ordinance No. 782 of the Cdlilpt'lell Munilipal L'l)c1t' stIpulates that any contract for the collection and di<"pliL,.\l ld 1'l'tUSt', l1dt<baqe. wet garbage dnd rubbish produced within tht' 111llih nt the ['ity ot Campbell shall be made with Green Vallt'Y !11spu',,~1 l'r)lll~\any, Thi<., requirement applies to all sinqle family dWl>111nLJ'" IllUltlpll' apartment units, to all corTlnercidl, business, indu....tt.ial. 1Il(\nUfJL'tlll'inlJ. dnd construction establishments. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "5" 77-15 Valenti, Russell J. Page Two F. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shal I be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a sol id wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. G. Appl icant shall meet State requirements for the handicapped. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT H. Obtain excavation permit for driveway relocation and landscaping within publ ic right of way. FIRE DEPARTMENT I. Provide 2-2A-IOBC fire extinguishers. The appl icant is notified that he shall comply with all appl icable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.