655 McGlincy Ln. (65-73) Copies: File 1 Bldg. Dept. 1 INTER-DEPAR~mNTAL RELEASE TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPART1-1ENT ENGINEERING DIVISION DATE: ,I Z " /1- .- Cs RE: (( If S /9G~~7? (subject) t<'/V6 y (owner'S Name) G 5 SAc (;:"Lt /Y' C6Y (Address of property) The following conditions of approval on subject property are recommended to be c~~plied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. ;E-/XC - F,L'" .? --- ......1 /...... { / . Te? !5L 0 R /'1'9/ /'v I-E {) F(}[ j)/~ c<..--/ CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEERING DIVISION By 1 of 1 /~ L .x~ ~. ) / -7~2-- A /' !1.1/t<'f' /}.. yjYV- '/I/~LI I. .1'- ,/r<- . ./ ::; ./! ,/ /- y L. j )10". -ri s .. > '" 4~"J? /,. H - f!-€~.I" <:; r2ce ~ J;/l' (J'Yl S - '(Yt<; 1J (40) PLANNING DEPAR~1ENT CITY OF CAHPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 7th December 1965 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Walley Viney , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF cabinet shop 65S MeGlineey Lane - Campbell, California TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: 1. Pwovide a miaimum of 8 - 9' x 20' parkiag space. or l-9' x 20' parking space/each employee, whichever is greater and install decorative wall or renee on the east and west property lines as shown in "red" to depth of parking lot. .2. Improvement of parking and driveway area in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 3. Landscaping to be installed in locations shown on plan and added in "redu. Landscaping plan specifying types of plants to be submitted when applying for building permit. ~. Faithful 'erformance Bond in the amount of $500 to be posted to insure completion of landscaping within three (3) months after completion of building. (see over for continuation of conditions): Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval grant~d under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) day~ after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extenSion for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building ~ermit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COM;vlISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 6th DAY OF December 1965 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By. -...,/ J (.1 ,,? V ....~x.&....., Secr~tary R. V. Hogan RVH:bt att-lset plans .. .. ixxxl.i..falx..zt.Z..KEaXI..jxi.xxa.x.....tx.fx s. Make application for excavation permit for driveway cut in existi.ng . curb. jxxxiRst.ltxaax 6. Provide a metal container to house all construction debris. 7. Rear half of property to be cleared of'al1 trees, leveled and disc.d. 8. Building location as shown on plans may he altered so as to set the building on the front property line providing the street trees are installed a. approved by the Public Works Director. * . . . . . . . * . . . , ." . , . A 1 PLANNING DEPART~1ENT CITY OF CA'iPGELL, CALIFORiHA TO: APPLICANTS FOR "s" APPROVAL, VARIA,'liCE OR USE PER~nTS The nane (s) anJ RccorJer's N~mber, of legal owner (5) of subject property must be supplied as purt of application. A photo CO?y of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: Narlle (;~. ~aQe (5) as shown on Deed it 22J71f/ Recorder's Nu~ber For Office Use Only Filed as part of applicatior. for for Filed by r . A "./"V,/'7.t. / ,/ v ! k . /l ~/ ) L/ / . /)tud. C 40) l 16 November 1965 Mr. W. Viney 2104 Sheraton Drive Santa Clara, California Re: Your application for approval of plans for Buildin~ at 655 l-fcGlincey Lane - Our File fluS" 65-73 Dear f\1r. Viney: At their meeting of 15 November 1965, the Planning Commission of City of Campbell has approved your subject plans with the following conditions: 1. Applicant to submit improved design for front elevation for approval by Planning Commission. 2. Provide a minimum of 8-9' x 20' parking spaces or 1-9' x 20' parking space/each employee, whichever is greater and install decorative wall or fence on the east and west property lines as shown in "red" to depth of parking lot. 3. Improvement of parking and driveway area in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 4. Landscaping to be installed in locations strewn on plan and added in "red". Landscaping plan specifying types of plants to be submitted when applying for building permit. 5. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500 to be posted to insure 4ompletion of landscaping within three (3) months after completion of building. ~. Make application for excavation permit for driveway cut in existing curb. 7. Install an enclosed trash area with concrete floor as shown in "red" on plans. Design is to be submitted for approval by the Planning Commission. . 8. Provide a metal container to house all construction debris. - continued - .~ ~ .. l To: W. Viney 11-16-65 Re: "s" 1965-73 9. Rear half of property to he cleared of all trees, leveled and disced. 10. Building location as shown on plans may be altered so as to set the building on the front property line providing the street trees are installed as approved by the Public Works Director. Very truly yours. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ~'--':J '" //5Z:y~ ".. I I, ' .' \ , [ " '------ '- R . V. II 0 g an , Jle) ( ~ Secretary ( RVH:ht