683 McGlincy Ln. (1959) I ....... .... 1 september 21, 1960 Sanco Pipelines 683 South McGlincey Lane Campbell, California ATTENTION: ~lr. James Byrne Gentlemen: SUBJEC'.l': Public Improvements, McGlincey Lane Industrial Area 'l"~'ts office has 'been informed that the development of plan~, for construction of the water distr ibut10n system in the, ,:l1j ect area is underway by the San Jose Water Works on the basis of an 8-inch facility with two fire hydrants located as specified by the Chief of the Fire Department. It would appear that construction of this facility will begin ~ediately upon approval of such plans and prepara- tion of appropriat~ 'n.dications by this office. Under these circt~mr't:;\nces, it is felt in order to remind you of one of the conditi:ms of liS" Approval for your develop- ment as stipulated in your agreement with the City Council concerning the improvement of existing streets in the area. It is noted that the expiration date for such street improve- ment varies in the case of the different owners involved and, in fact, has passed in certain cases. It would, therefore, seem logica: to re-establish a common expiration date for all parties. Such date is hereby established as February 3, 1961 which is the expiration date currently in effect on the latest of the agreements concerned. The time remaining is considered sufficiently liberal in view of the fact that co~~truction of the water facility appears to be ~inent. very truly yours, CARL J. MORTENSEN CITY ENGINEER /1. -U&0 By William G. wren Engineer WGW: cb , .... ~ I el'l.'}' l';l'H;I.NLhlt 18 Nortb ~an Pedro Btreet ~-'81l .Iosc. Cat itorula AI>ri 1 b, 1959 "":lIe: Camp. ~i tiC. ehecidnl t! .:';~ Zone Ar.tpr<,vn J II ~]anninc Co~~t8~ion City of Campbell 75 Nort.h (".nt ra 1 'ivatlue Clllilpboll, CuI if'nrnta Ke: "sn Approv~1 Ar~licAtton of Dnvid ft. 8chrnder tor ~teel Storace 8uild1nl ott }joG) tnoe)' l.f.ltl.. li-ent) f!IhOn : 'l'h~ parcel refp.rencel1 10 this aPI;) tCi;tton ist'arcel "H'" on the eo t tiachoo .Kccord ot ~urve:y. 80S ide. 'the 4() toot riiht ot wny uum$ioned by the .Plaollinl Con8ultilnt., ~f'C88. tfJ the l~rcel hB& ~6eu granted aloog the westerl)" 30 teet of Pnreol lie" and a ;10 toot right of way haa {teen provided on the southerHlt."rlyl joe of Parc(;} ":a" by 20 foot strip. on both sid... or thls 80u1.helJ.s1it,rly 1 ine. None of these rights of way are public or city 8trf:~~.,t8. n.ml llt b~tlt th.~y may preliently be OOllilldf'l'~J due")' 'trai Is. Tbe 40 toot right of way from McGl1ncey l..ane, within the land.. of tht:l So.ntn {'hua County '\~,atf)r Con- servation lf18tl'ict, doea not lie withillthe (~ity l1!sjits of cau;pbell ami can pmbably nevor be developed a. a tull industrial street due to 'the noar proxh.lty ot '~atf~r Cou..ervf\tton IH~t.tlct ponda Of} t.oth II hies ot the rl ght or W"1'. ~ltlce 1;111a area 1mB all been l'e(~eutI7 annexeu and newly 7.on~\i. it 18 r6(~o.htft(!lnded that this an.l1<~i!tion be rorerred 10 the C1 ty j :oun(; i 1 for f\(~t 10n regn rd inl wloiwum acceptabJ e 100u81;ri...l rOl;\d....H)' iWI,rovp,u,ent... aua/or tledlcaUons, Rill well a.~ requll'tlfh,mt& 1'01' u"...e'tIH.to t1xt,,'ll81owa of {"ubi it; lJ1iilitiea and .anl1iery ~ow~... It is ovhtPot till"-'" rt~'iuirement of fj full 1ndu@1.rial ~tr@et to be devfllo~~~ ~y thie R~plicant .llht be too great a bUl'df1o for the i l(ll'.ro""QiC)ot8 r8que~t ~il in this uP/'} leut ion; howeyer, i.. lli .di:!O '"'..hl....nt that close eootroJ /flust be Illatn- ia111t~:1 ovor this nrf>.u und till" (leer'fOll r()cllh~ thereto, in or',lor to preT8nt Ii ht~:ldr(lou& uod/or dust comHtioll. Yours vnry truly :;,.UU( E. 'fItU,\lA;< C i"&y J.:o,ln~.H~r !.JetY;uJ t;C: f'i1iy j'lerk A;teh~H~l J. rtf,ti Innt ,/" ~-:' 7 ',1 '- ~- j ..." ~ ... 1 I .-'" B v/~I7(t" i J;(" rn d ~~'"..../"""",.._---- CITY OF CAMI'IIELL 1---. 0 _. 9 0 d i ()l'S ) J ne , ~~.~~ENUJ! ,-S4()(() ! II ._ "s" APPROVAL -f~ "J.- THE ArrACHED PUNS, SUBMITTED ByfDa\V!D R. SCHlAPUJ FOR. AN INWSTRIAL BUILDING TO BE LOCATED OFF McGLINCEY lARE WEllE APPIlOVED AT A REGULAR HEETIHC OF THE CITY COONCIL. HELD ON THE 18th nlY or MAY, 1959. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLQJING CONDITION: THAT THERE BE A 24 FOOT R.0t\D or OIL AND SCREENINGS WITH 9 FOOT C(lfpACTlD BASE R.OCK SHOOLDERS ON EACH SIDE I / 'I 'i R(J~,/ Iv je /774,/;)r//}t? 'l 0#/7"'-:5. aJkcl 1# m/r}t/lr?-:J [)f CC?P/}L~ / Ji..n~ ~ /157 CITY COOHCIL / BY: A I. f ~.;~,.':-/ "~ ,.".t... .. _"~~'_ -' Dorothy Trev.e . City Clerk 6JJ $, AF&/IJC7 ~l1e By: ....;':'jtOJ<-- ~ (~" ~.' i ./ .::" _ ,/;,., Evelyn Adaaaaon. Deputy City Clerk DlTE: Mav 23. 1959 \ \~\.\\~. ,/.' \ /~ [\ ... \ (\J ./ 0t}/ ~ y0