715 McGlincy Ln. (69-48) , i I I 7ffiiJ1 ' ~-c/-!/ ($ ,3)' o (,9'-~8 PL.L\NNING UEPAWfi,lE:.JT (;1 TY OF CAiW};ELL 7S NOIZTl! CE;~Tl{;\L AVENUE C^~IPnELLJ C}\LI FOI~NIi\ DATE: July 22, 1969 CONlJI T J ONS ATTACHED TO 11 S ff API'iWVAL OF PLA~S OF Nell Hamrn .-------------------~ -- --~--_._--...-_.-.- , FOR CONSTIWCT I ON OF warehouse building TO HE LOCATE]) AT: 715 McGli~~ey Lan~ CONDITIO;~S : conditions of approval attached "I , Seetio;l 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as 10110\','s: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eight)' (180) days after the date upon \1'11ich such approval was gnl.lltcdJ unless an extension for such approval is obt8ined by maki!l~: i'Irittcn applj,caUo'l for sa1:l8 to the Planning 'Comnission at least .fiftecIl (15) days prior to the expjration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a nOi\' [l,pproval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CA~.IPDELL PLA0INli\G COf.r:\lISSIO;~ AT A I(EGULAR MEETU:C HELD ON THE 21st DAY OF July, 1969 .. CITY OF CMIPDELL PLAN0! I NG C00!;.II SS I ON pka encl. 1 cc" Engineering 'w/encl. ,,<.~:,,-. By:. / // .,./. ----fi]:[flTuR -}\Yr;-StfRET.'\!~i ; "S" 69-48 N. Hamm 1. Property to be fe'lced and landscaped as indiL~ted and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be subQitted for approval of the Planning Di ree tor at tir.1e of appl ica t i on for buiJ ding permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking areas within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, feneing and striping of outdoor parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. An enelosure eonsisting of a eoncrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash con- tainer in an area approved by the Planning Director and Fire Depart- ment. Said enclosure to be 8' x 12' minimum with 6 foot self-closing gates. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet thefollowino conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the . 0 City of Campbell: A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indi- cate clearly the location of all connections for under around utilities ineluding water, sewer, electric, telephone and televi;ion eables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until appli- cation is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. Applieant to obtain exeavation permit for driveway.approach. The applicant is notified that he shall comply ~\ith all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. --~ -'''~.. .............. PLfdJN I ~~ G D~~ P Ar(f\1F:\iT C I rfY OF C: ;\~iP ~~ ELL, C !\L I FC.~H:"~ I l\ r1' () : . !~l~J~J~~.~.,>~';:J'.~:.): ?I.\,~,~.~)~~..L~I)i:'L~ ~:Y j.\~-:)_~..,:, ~~L{\~~:0 fLg~~_,~,L?~:.:. !),_~,~_~i:~i:~.~. ""111 P 1':c" ,.'\ (" ( c',) ? '. I' \ p" (" (\ -"(!".'~' 1 c;: .... 4 _':.". ..... .. '",........ ,~_, L.~ '" .. _J \1,F'lh-O)' 01'= 1 C\'') 1 .....,<\.. ~ - , . -. ...~,.... o\!:'!c r (5) of 1)~fCll)C:l-,t)f" I:IL1~}t l)(~ S II ,,) ., , : ".' .. _.,} j' ...., J. r.........1. r: .' .,) . - 'j ,,' '" OJ. 8.i)y. J.l-c :.].OJ.. A photo eo~y [! spa l' t T:l2.y b'-J ~',u1J;~15.t:ted for Uris infol'ffi:ltion. PICZ'58 fill In nec.t~SSD,::,'Y info!';,lation: 'h._Il2~(".~~!~(~ _.~.~.= l''''~~~-~' N-'l"l'" ~.) ':1 S <'''','','', 0'" D"o:'( (.....~J _> ....' .-.J~..\.,;\..1.. ~.;. t,;~'''' ._/l1e.,~)_" .... ,_~{)(X.LZ:./1___L:!...q~~..- Nr", '" lC' <.:~ ~""",\ 0" ""c-.' 4 ;':11.1... _, u_"l _,11\...,.J:' ..... vC\"..(1 !,~_..~_L,~^_t...'f_Z??.__,_,__.~CK: 7 S" 'I r pdL ~ e 59 Y ~ccoTdcrls NUMber I , ""1lJO"..t, ;;.:-. ~~ i ",-1 r...... J.._, . of (lc cd Filed as part of application for . __..____.______~_~.___.__....._._.,>.......______r4'_._....._~__~ For Offjcc Use Only ." ___._--:;.~~ __ .-___~__~...........,_>___~~-~--......, _....~__.......__.._..,____._.._-_i _v__ _~,._.~__.-'-~.--...--....--.------.------------------.-v-~--..,.. .---- for ----"~---, ----~._._--------;_.._-----.. .......-.-----...-----.-...-;..-..:.----..-..----...----- ...-<-~~..__.- Filed by . .......__"'_.--:-___.__..._h..'..'._.-.....__.___.._____,......~.------