864 McGlincy Ln. (64-53) ",;" 1964-53 .. //"2/-,(/./-). ~1) I?f 1 c . PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAi1P BELL t CAL I FORN IA Date '~GVel::-,cr 20, 1 :)64 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "5" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF \~orris LLHi;l\ln t FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AdJition to Existin;'. Catiget Sho) TO BE LOCATED AT: S tA ...JcGl incc)' L.ll};' COND I TI ONS: 1. ,rcVldc.) tc.td Or '-;;(, ,'lr'.J 'j .113ces, -IS Sf\(lI-fj> lei f'_',J '_'!! ;:lans. 2. hlprovc par king t loadia!~ and J r i v c.....1 y ar ca to C onl.' I y \dtll re- ~: u ire III en t s () f-; e c t ion 9) 1 9 0 f C ;-Im :) be 11 'en Ii c i. 0::11 ,~ u.! l' . .) . P r {.: V!.. .,,;, C J! ".,~ i: l' l i 1 ;,.l i l j ~ 1 t l ~ :') 1 i..I; l::f 'I Its i . '_:: ., y'; t 'I 11 . [,1;<' l:-'c:,tc ;~ ~ r e }e:);~rtf!'J(~i\C ,.:nllnh:ti:lft .1f1 Ii. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANiED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 17 LH DAY OF , .~ U Ill: L i () V r, .1.;; U 'i . CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: /. , J /(, //J-...j -/ ~'~/<r' a. / -'l7 Eve lyn.j(damsorl, Secretary I / I I ..I ./ ..~/ <," 'f -'''-I'~ I ., ... URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARiMENT CITY OF CAMPBE~L, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLI CANTS FOR "511 APPROVAL 1 VAR lANCE OR USE PERMfTS The name (5) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (5) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo copy of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: T"orris Burman and Henia Burmn, his wife Name (s) as shown on Deed Name (s) as shown on Deed 5602 Official Record~ lage 168 # 4496 Official Record~ Page 201 Recorder's Number For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Fi led by ',.:\ t ,- .j j, [j; , "r' ^ t 'lor-. r' r""\ I ~.' \) .~ !- ~~~ : pl. t. 1'; I , ',) 1 ,....-. '. ' ! '. -' , :(" l. t ,I.,' "I, '. . ~ ~, tr'~e":, ;~, ',./ .',.'. t ,j f",' .: _~ t , ....... " -,.' I ('1 V ", 1 i ~ t,) (l ( ~ :" (~ J. :-"OJ1 pJ !~'; j ,,__ L ~ ~: . ,.: r. r~p L~ ", ':';'1..-: .1 -'l.-:~.t;~ [i ;'!(.,rt. q7.45 t "'::> e t tr'l.C t r~1.C ~; c,r',~ ~;o r; I . j,.' 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",' j ~ 4 ' 0 4 '/ ,I' pst (' ,; 1 j n r e y 1/'1 e ~ (, ,.- t ~j L 1". l ""I (, J . ~ ~__' . 1-" l) '; ~ re :-3 1 J ':',' . ',e!:":' ,.-" . ~., -, . ,J.. :-j, () '-I ..J;! 1:( L ,~ b 0 "Jl J ~ ( ; It ,I:: ~~ t " . OC ::-' .' e t t 0 {": t;.. -: , I','J~',; T c., t" r:d {t C:; C.r:1 t-:c d ; tt-~\re i C ~1 + il~l'J.:':? jrr:c:I} , . 1: c~ C CJ ri 1 (~-.-. (l j'" ~ ~3,Y1 t~. ':f,:~eo '(: .t- "1:~/..:: 4-'5 (~ t:'J, ~ Il1n .~(:3 t ;H?nCe 1 c , ...l..) . S: -3 f c' e t Ilcrt" (,0 .' r- c;." 1. U ~_:. i l j.11 I'r;ccrc',;c1 ~)S JU:ty, "' kj't',-~\;8 'lei t nl:nimer J. 1: ~.; 0 .L 1L;~ ':? r: (; 0 ;~J 0 f 1 i cen', tu thE.' \':i~~1 ,nJ.Tl' .'Jli-'r~c~-;;.1 u-:---' I "- .... ~. ~~ lr-J ) . ~ - /J1~)j ./~ /4-) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ATTACHED TO PLANS OF MORRIS BURMAN FOR CABINET SHOP TO BE LOCATED AT 874 VEITENHEIMER LANE AS APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION ON SEPTEMBER 18, 1962: ,. Deed of dadication to 68 foot plan line on McGlincey Lane. 2. Owner to enter into agreement to join in assessment district to provide street improvements on McG1Tncey Lane. 3. Reduction of the 50 foot wIdth of bur ldlng to 39 fact to provide for future SO foot right-of-way on Veitenheimer Lane. 4. Storm drain d~rosit of $490.00 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION /J By: '~ ' \; ~~ ~ ,~~ \~ f~ \~,~ K ~ ~' ~~ ( , ~ 'J\ ~~ 'l, V\ I " -J ,,/ \/'0 ~ \l .~ ,1J! /1 k^<un 4 4/iNsr; ^ <tl (~A?'//,;;ft/d?? /~'" 7'1 ' g_ 21 ~ 0 2- r . - a LI,,_,;SC){ j [I i \)1'/ Iv "7 ll{:)j'; _ {] Ii A [i, KT U X , , CGld'; ,01 1A,lt:.. A'l' VI';L,\ J> 0., ,,',JL; ,.1.'( LA . CWUd ne8cri;:t~.un of l:)n iI,', the COUj]ty cf :Jante., 0it/ of Ga.' ell; Co.\>~_~.i.CJlcill(:: 'l.t '1, t<:1IJ-G i.~J tj';e cell.'t(~l~ ~l.irln () C~;l:Jle:i Jr~iIIe, 6ir-;t.?tllt thereon ;';ortc, :)1> 15 ',jest 740 ,45 i'et~tfr\J" ']1 iron j tJe :.4t thu center line of' <J'l,se:,r I{O'l(~, ;:,n,i, ;cint ~)elnc th,;" LIt rSEction 0.1" ..3:1ic! eonter :Line 1i!j t.h '1 line "!.ralIeJ 7JitL 'nci 6iBt'1llt l,O:r't}H3rl:'. :v'C'ct cn- ,(UTeri 'it =:.~i ,'t; ":,0,1'0:,', tIle Sc:utl'lCrJ.y :Lino cr' tl)at cert') in ? .695 . leI",,:: t'p let CO.1iv'yed to ,tevc Vrdtenl:r;i PI', '::t u'::, by reod :r(CCn-c'l!;::rJ. in oolt' 1~)4] ,:,-,(',;. l;~)6, ):?fjein.l :-?(~corcl~~ ,jtlflC Cl:r~, Cuunty; i.;;r;.ncc '1'10'1""" C!~i": ""'~'i-ll(>l lin(" ...,cut1, bOO 4f";' l~(l;:::t 2' ).v~'J f0(~t to, "11 iron '- ~ 1. <-_" ".", '. \ ....~o 'V...J~ .... __ u"...., .... ........ _) _ __ I j,,., j.;; t, ':'JJ':ter'J.,' :Lint; of cl.ilinc(~T J,;,111(;, 't;: I t :~iJ1J:l.il1 I) .~. i, ~Cc;()~l.. J_ n~"\ ~c ('e;~,-:,c~cj L:f3ct; t>lT!;' ,L:i Iii' (' cGIJl, C\"I j,,'m(';):;~th \/~ 15 I j.ll():"~ ';J."':;~ 'f~~_,'-<i')~~C; .;o-c~~-;J! t~~,~ 4'~\' .LJ~,-0t 16c;.lJ;_'J .,. r.:t "1;,: t:e:(: cctl' 0 15', 'o:<,'L 93.f4 f ct tr. ;,U" 1J'O; '.'lo:d~ '1"2.,)' cc."'j'r;]O ('o~' t t Cl,jrL,-,in t~"'ct convny:-:JJ -!~ :ill 1-:;::; .1] -r C().'C'~ ,:1 'J..::'J:; f' l~) J ..:"11::'[ r..", :)5;;~()44-, ','~rT'.. f::] 1 ,~_;'.:~CCT~f"'}:,.; (>1::. ;) :r:tL ;l'~,r',c ;( :l.Jlty; tl' CeO, 1 on,'" ,,(; hcm'ld 'or:; '):0 (r 'J.j (' 1; '.ct ;,Ie '.J',~n- v'(~::;'/ (~ t ~,v-u_ l..~(-~_~t; 0 4),:--;' .'-!~.'i~ 13 C',1.. tc ),,-: i:rc<{,'! ~.i. - .0 l't = U 0 15' ':;~; t 7'3. 3 0 f net t 4 ;::,017 ' true ",jilt of c {,; ,J :,j l~ f c t t C';}' J.-j i. :;"'''1 ,rl 1 {~; ,-,,-t tl.1f; ;:i :,:.l1-tlJ- . ..-'llr'u}J::~i'/irl f ,:;; c'-t -t ;'" J. -,~ C" y; hi " c:ot Si'I.'<-5 -'- ~i..(':, tLC,.rW Lon G1_~'~3, {~ .~; t; l.:; J'~ G ,r,~ (;" C I;", :('-1;;: 420 o r :=l~':;~ i c; . Le l:ine <.'f ~_ J..;' j C ~_~- J j e y l' 2+; 1,1);)0 .:;, i:. lic t 1.28 j,:' '2.695 .,i.C'.'i'; ] ~l .()'~)5 'lC~C~~-; " . ' ., + ", 3:,0 ?, 1 ' J . '}, ,;1,1:1 ,': dO :"c u 1, C oJ ""J.. j" :";0 ," ...., "" ). ;'" " 'r <, .5:)(; ".-. 'I ," '" ,1, , i _.) u \.:f;:.. C(J .-:;':) /I ',~," , l in ~,', -~, ~~~ t,,"J,~'3'"[; 36.",).) !' ":e't 15 4 . '1~) 'C :::_'~ ~t' . G I,) ]'( , .t, J rt)Il 1 ~: '. ,.-.~ ~J ~ . , '.J"~ l 'c'()lJ_ I l 'tJ)"). e ~'j (~!:~ "~..:L"(;~?;j.~, 1 (1 l' j, ~ l"G (~: ' u "Lj,l.'1(; C () :1': "J ~:; ~:. Or' \,., _L \,,! ...~.tr) l~ :-1 " . e~C3 ~~:./.;. .it U':: I l- (, ~,) t C~'l ~ lc;:! 't .~ aX,r"C;Ol:,<,eu 45 L'; t ~I. e (;j I~I"f /1 jC; ;1.1:" . j iJ ,_ :') c '. \, "1:. j t, :r.il ~ :,';:,. ("C r -L JJ. 0('; -rt__:(}-t; IJU "'1, j. L~ i~ (~' :'; .:) .:..;. O.~'i: ,0 .i..,) ,i.i...c ~ e ~.~~ .15' ;- :=', i~ ; U . ~J .L. ,1-) OJ ,I \. .1,) j\ .:: c're:, (:~, -::-.":"} .t:t ()Ji j,..~~ of i;":{;.Cl r)e <'~ ~~, j! ~1 ~.1 : 44..6 cf i~ ~.. "::~, 'L c .~, ,. , J .1'J r (! c; 1'.1 C --,~ j, r.,: ,.-~: jn TIC i.'} tJtlJ.:T J_ :-):3 . i ,-'\ ,':-3 l':; Q (, .~..< (; :'~ .1 t C\ () I'll':": Ll.~:~:n, \."~ lJ -"" . (; t,,', _--->' ~ :l,r':_~ (; c: ~) ij c-,t(~ _; t ",;.ll1.i ::,; i y 0 r ~{ I'll"'" i)C;~) ~f c (; ~.i..".:; .,. cj (~ =~.:) ('j . .- .- ~ ~ (/) ~ .~ ~IC) ~ - (\/ .. ~ u ; .... QJ <.J o (/) QJ ~ ~ ; ._ 0 ... ~ ~ w . I 4~~' ffi'f: II :W L-30 'Z <( I ...J I~ ~ IC) l.&J ~~ U z :J 10 (!) 0. U '. u..:E I ': . ,-;0 II ~ I~ I ; I : I .' I : I:' t 0 0 g.. N 890 48'W Lands of Morris Burman,.t ux. 5602 OR 168 CASEY ROAD LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL II I Scale: I = 80 I Land to be granted to City' I Prepared by the Office of the City Engineer J Campbell J Californi~;,::: Dr. by: R.B.R. Ck. bY:~ Date:1*~~5 r . .. - . a i MDH: cb 2/20/63 PETITION FOR THE ACQU!SITIO~ AND CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, AND WAIVER OF PROCEEDINGS UNDER DIVISION 4 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE. MCGLINCEY ~JE AN~ CRISTICH LANE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (MCGLINCEY FE~M CASEY ROAD TO UNION AVENUE AND CPISTICH LANE FROM MCGLINCEY LAl\'E TO l~OO FT. NORTH OF HCGLINCEY LANE) To the Honorable City Council of the city of Campbell Campbell, California Gentlemen: The undersigned respectfully petition your Honorable Body and show as follows: 1. That they are the owners of the property set opposite the ir name s . 2. That they respectfully petition you to take proceedings and issue. bonds pursuant to qppropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts far the fallowing acquisitions and improvements. !a) The improvement of McGlincey Lane from Casey Road to Union Avenue, except that side of McGlincey Lane adjacent to unin- corporated land near Union Avenue, by acquisition of land and easements necessary to provide a 60-ft. right of way: the widening of the road surfacing by construction of base and pavement: concrete curbs and gutters: installation of a sanitary sewer line, manholes, and laterals to serve adjacent properties, with appurtenances: installation of storm sewer lines, manholes, catch basins, cross drains, and appurtenances; installation of street lights. (b) The improvement of Cristich Lane by acquisition of land and easements necessary to provide for installation of a sanitary sewer line: the installation of a sanitary sewer line, manholes, and laterals to serve adjacent properties, with appurtenances. (c) The making of all acquisitions and the performing of all work auxiliary to any of the above which may be necessary to complete the same. 3. That you assess the cost of said acquisitions and improve- ments, together with the expenses incidental thereto, upon the lands fronting on said improvements and benefited thereby. 4. That we authorize you to exercise your proper discretion as vested in you pursuant to said acts, to make changes and modifications in said work prior to or during the course of said proceedings. 5. That the taking of proceedings under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code in regard thereto, is hereby waived. Respectfully submitted, lJJ, Ih A ~ /-'"l . j/jtvv.. (~~ e_ ee , I "S" 1963-4 -- MORRIS 8URMAN -- 261 VEITEtJHEIMER LANE CONDIT!ONS ATTACHED TO tlS" APPROVAL OF PLf~NS OF MORR~S BURMAN feR CABIUT SHOP TO BE LOCATED AT 261 VEITENHEIMER LANE: 1. Dedication to McGl:ncey Lane Plan Line 2. Owner to enter into agreenent to join assessment district for street improvements. 3. Storm DraIn Fee in ar.ount of $340.00 4. Reduce bui lding length to 132.,84 foot r.ir;imum. 5. P'ovide d '~injr~Ul:) cf 22 off-street pa,-k;119 spac(~s, G. Provid~ t',</l~ ic\adin'~ ,)1"'~,)S u" l~~st sjj(~ of bui lding -- 10 x 30 feet and unobstruct3d to a height of 14 feet. CI,MPBELL PL~M,! tiG COM/11 55 ION MEET I :.G OF 2/:,/63 flY: ~ ' " .,// ", -,' ;' 1~' .. - '.LI J:~ h- J C ," ~ --:/. r:> ;df':i?( ../ Evelyn A~anson. 3ecretary /1 V ..-- r .. .. -- -- 1 D~.:;(;~~L-'l\I \J f Uf<' dWl),,\i'\{ '''1' ..,,'cGL1 ~"{' Y L .n I.V. iiH A'(' V 'ITii,NHi,IM<H LMH: MJiiRI.:~ BUh:U,N, l~'i' DX, ():.'d,,;~RS ))< scri pt1 on of lend in C1 ty of Campbell, Santa CIa ra County, Cali f. Commencing at a point in the center line of McGlincey Lane, distant thereon North 00 15' ~e8t 740.45 feet from en iron pipe at the center line of Casey Road, said point being the intersection of saidcenter linf' with a line oarallel with end distant Northerly 20 feet mea- sllrp.d at right angles from the Southerly line of that certain 2.695 ecre tr'act conveyed to Steve Veitenheimer, et ux, by Doed reoorded in Book 1243, page 456, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along said parallel line South 890 48' East 20.00 feet to an iron pipe in the~';asterly line of McGlincey Lane, and the true point of beginnin~ of the parcel of land to be described; thence along seid ~a~ter1y line of McGlincey Lane North 00 15' Wast 50.00 feet to en iron pipe; thence South 890 48' East 160.00 feet to en iron pipe; thence North 00 15 t West g3.84 feet to alj iron pipe at the South- westerly corner of th at certain tract conveyed to Bill W. Furukswa by deed recorded under Serial Number 552044, Official Records of Sante Clere Cuunty; thence along the boundaries of said tract so con- veyed to .Furukawe South 890 48' F.;ast 130.00 to an irc>n pi}:)e, North 00 15' West 73.30 feet to en tr0n }:)iPH", enel N0rth 420 47 t West 97.45 feet to an iron pipe in the S~utheestprly line of McGlincey Le.ne; thence ~longsaid line of McGlincey'LRne Nnrth 660 05' East 21.28 feet to an h"on pipe in the NRrtheesterly line of seid 2.6f!5 ecre trect; thence along said NortheAsterly line of said 2.695 acre trect South 420 37' hest 203.27 feet to en iron pipe, ond South 30031' hast 36.03 foet to en iron pipe; thence South 390 43' 30" West 154.79 feet to an tron vipe; thence South 00 15' East 20.00 feet to a point on l:l Southerly line of tbFt certpin parcel of land described in the deed from Robert C. Herschbech, at ux, to Steve Veiten heimer, et ux, recorded March 28, 1945 in the Office of the hecorder SAnta Cle1'fl County, Cali fornie in Bo k 1245 of Officif'll Recorda at page 456; thence North 890 48' West along the last mentioned line 303.93 feet to a point on ~Bid Eesterly line of McGlincey Lane; thence North 00 15' West 20.00 feet to the oint of beginning. Above description is a description of the two prrcels of land which are described in Volume 4496 of Jffic1al Recors B t page 201 and recorded July 29, 1v59. Ibe seoond0percel is described in the deed Steve Vei- tenheimer to Morris Burman, et ux, and recorded June H, 1962 in Volume 5602 of Officlal Records at pa~e 168 L '../ . j/ , I rt........ . . ", - ....'""1 I ". ~,' ! !, (i~1 " " \ t"r',' .;J CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO II SrI APPROVAL lOR. PLANS or MORRIS BURMAN FOR CABNIT SHOP TO BE CONSTlWCTED ON N IE CORNER or Me GLINCEY LANE AND VEITENHEIMER LANE, AS APPROVED JULY 5. 1960. 1. Parking in front of building to be eliminated. Building can be moved up to set-back line if owner desires. 2. APPROVED SUBJECT TO C<IG'LIANCE WITH FOI.L(MfG SECTIONS or ORDINANCE 1260: Sections: 9129, 9129.1. 9136. 9137. 9138 (Improvements to be for standard industrial street, to be installed when adjacent properties are 80 improved and called for by City Council). 9140 ($170 minimum), 9144. CAMPBELL PLANNING CCH4.ISSION ./ /./:' By: (j;+ 6:b.'an~,J Evely~( Adam8on. Deputy City Clerk i !~~ -ft, Je!clt/f~1) ~ SO ~/'ll,/1t';1/" /} ai I,:/J t1.~ If I '-UL- "I ') r , (j' I, ~lr o . V' r IV / ~ / /./ -{ ;1 /1111L / hCY-S ../ ... ... ... CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING C01~ISSION NO. ~:021ication for nSn Zone Approval June 13. Date , 19~ In accordance with Sections 19:286 and 19:287 of Ordinance No. 43 (the Zoning Ordinance) of the City of Campbell, the undersigned hereby makes applioation for approval of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: (Insert or attach legal ~ DES9RIP~ON OF\J:lROPERTY. MORRIS ~.BURMAN, BT AL " i*.J ~.; t Descripti0n of land in the County of Santa Clara, City of Campbell: COMlv1:::;NCINC, at a point 1n the center line of McGllncf>Y Lane, distant thereon North 00 15' West '740..45 feet from an iron pipe at the centel' line of CAsey Road, seid point being the intersection of said center l1ne with a lin~ parallel with end distant Northerly 20. feet mea- sured at right angles from the Southerly line of thet certain 2.695 Bcre tract oonveyed to steve Veitenheimer, et us, by Deed reoorded in Book 1243, page 456, 0 fficie1 Records of Sante Clere County; thence along said parallel line South SSo 48' 'F';e.st 2Q.00feet to an iron pipe in the Easterly 1in~ of McGllnc~?y Lene,eM the ~rue l)oint 01 __begi nn tng of th e parcel of land to be deserl bed; th~nce along 8aid l<,;asterly linf:' of McGlincey Lane North 0.0 15' West 50..0.0 foet ;to e.n iron pipe; thenc'e South 89048t ~~Bst 160..00- feet to en iron, pipe; thence North 0.0 ,15t Went ~3.84 f'eet to en iron pipe at tbeSoutl:- westerly corner' of thA t cet'tn1ntract .,conveyed to Bill W. Furuk8\lvEl by deed recorded under Serial Number 552044, Official Records of Santa Clare County: tr.ence along the boundaries of said tract so con- veyed to Rurukawe South Sgo 48';<,est 130.00 fept to an1ron pipe, North OQ 15' West '73.31 feet to an iron pipe, and North 420 4?' West 9?45 feAt to an iron pipe in the Southeasterly line of MoGlincey Lane; thence along seid line of McG1incey Lane North 660 05' East 21.28 rAPt to en iron cipe in the Northeesterly line of said 2.6S5 ecre tract; thence along said NortheBsterly line of' said 2.695 acre tract Sout1" 420 37 ' Ee at 2n3.97 feet to an iron pip(", and South 380 31' TEsst 36.03 feet to An iron pipe: thGnG6 South 3g'3 43' 30" West 154.?9 fElet to en iron pipe; thenc e Nortl' 890 48' WO!"l t 303. ~'3 fElet to the true point of beginning. J.-------- ~..-- v..." y '-' u.....vuo V.L }.IJ.'V J:-i1..ll:H:;:U .LillprOVemen 'ts . une oopy will be retained by Planning Commission, and two returned to applicant. , ~ ..IY1 l) V?.-1 J. \ /) Y ~ Signature or pplicant ESsex 7-6'720 1983 Schre4er Drive Address of Applicant Filed in Offioe of City Clerk. San Jose. Ca1ifornie City state Telephone