879 McGlincy Ln. (64-28) E~~JJp S"II . / q ~, 1- ,;< g PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA Date ~jul '/ ~. 1 S04 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF ,\.1 _:.... Ul'00" c: l,~' t ructi on C:(}H111:A ll)~ . FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ., ~::I...'!lUUSC Bui Idin2 TO BE LOCATED AT: c; 7:. >k:r:L,w,,:C''f u;"L,,:; COND I TI ONS: ;'lD Cup'li,Li{)HS Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANiED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 7tj': DAY OF ..'uJ.y. 1~~64 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By:'--l fl~ l ....., '\li" '.. " {" 'l> ~, .. ... , ~, ',,,i, " .' M' " :- _._'/'!f~ ...;. . .,~'... '{t..;~t ',., ,t:;"'~ 1 "'. ..' '" 11 " i .."J .' . '"' t: ., ( ~\."... '~~'i.:, .!: ,\ ... ,'.' ~( .' ... 'y~r:...~. ~ ",,'" " !f " ,." . ,~ ';")~..j ~.4 .:~, ~::,,, 11' .:;:.;;, ..,' '.' ... \ ~i:J' I'" ~~:"&7.~~' ~'4'~.' ';'~{.; . . ~. '. ~ l\, ~ ~.;,.... i:.',.i...;..' .....' .~~; . , },~.t: · 'l"ll "'~ '- :)4 !.... ) .:.-.... :~~ ,+ .- , I,; -;. '1:...:,:'" <'~, ~ ~..' 111C/ b/t,;~A (~ tJ) ... --.---- I RESOLUTION NO. J 282 REU1'J A RE SOLlIT I 01; .\UTHORIZING M\YOR TO EX.LeUT!:: I.GREL1"IEI;cl' OF .; IL,\Ui\OC}U cm~STiUJCTION COo Fm:l~f.s, t:lcre l1a~ been p}:escatc~ to the City Council an agrecnent lJetween ~,,'ILBURDON conSTRUCTION COo, INC. and the City in connection with S approval of said conpany's developmcat in City of Carnpbcll, and, HHERE.\S, by the terms of said a0reement the said company will participate in the formation of such local improvement district .:l3 may be necess&ry, or do the work of improvement in said agreement set forth in the event the local i~provcment district cannot be formed, and. WllERE.AS, said ag1:eement is recorJflended by staff and has been approved by the City Attorney, NO\.J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of City of Campbello PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of February. 1962, by the followin8 vote: AYES: Councilmen: Chappell, lieo, Heyne. Rogers. we i t.ze 1 NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen: None Councilmen: None APPROVED: H. A. We i t ze I Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ~ .. - Ag.B.I~!!~NT o~. ~ ~,Ij)l ~9J'.J~lb 1; tJ~ ~~. THIS MREEMENT, made alld entered into this day of , by and between Wilburdon Construction Co., Inc., a California Corporation, hereinafter referred to as .'DEVBLOPER" and the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation of the state of california, hereinafter referred to as "CITY." vJITNESSETB WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is securing' "S" Approval from CITY in order to obtain a building permit for an office and warehouse building to be located on that certain parcel of land conveyed t.o Wilburdon Construction Co. by deed recorded September 26, 1961 in Book 5308, Official Records, Page 569, Santa Clara Count.y; and WHEREAS, certain conditions of approval were stipulated by Planning Commiss10n of CITY at their meeting on October 17, 1961; no'" therefore, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the parti.s hareto as folloWB to wit; (1) DEVELOPER agrees to enter into and to participate in any Local Improvement I>lstrict which may be formed for the ."Press purpose of constructing publiC improvements in the area concerned; including storm and sanitary sewers, street an4 sidewalk tmP,rovements, utility installations, anQ/or any installation which may be prescribed by such proceedings within the pub11. right-of-way. 1 of 3 ".- A .. (2) DEVELOPS further agrees that if such aases-.nt district proceedings are not effected prior to December 31, 1963, he will pay, upon demand of the City Council of CITY a storm drainage fee as prescribed by as.olution No. 921 in the amount of ONE HUNDRED SIXTY NINE OOLLARS ($169.00). (3) DEVELOPER further agrees that if the asaes-.nt district is not successful prior to the above date, he will install str.et tmprovement8, including curb, gutter, and pave- ment, when called upon to do so by the City Council of CITY. (4) Cln &cJr..s that the participation of DEVBLOPER in proce.dings as described in (1) above fulfills his obligation as to public improvements and nullifies any cIa1m whatsoever to the requirements of (2) and (3) above. e 5) It. i. further acp-eed that DEVELOPER shall indemnify and save harmle.. the Cit.y of Campbell, the City Council, and the City Enqineer and other officers or employee. of City of Campbell from any suits, elaiJU, or actions broWJht by any person. for or on account of any inj ur ie. or damages to per sons or property sustained or arising in the construction of the work due to any act., omis81on. or negligence of DEVELOPER, his officers, agents, employees, or contractors. (6) It i8 further aqree<!l that the above naaed terms 2 of 3 r. . a .a and conditions Shall bind the heirs, successors, administrator., or a..igft. of the DEVELOPBR. APPROVED AS TO P'ORM Joaeph A. Bonacina, Cit.y At.t.orney (Hot.ary Certificate) CITY OF CAMPBELL By Mayor By Cit.y Clerk WILBURDON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. By Cl14- R, ~L S t?L. Tit.le ',' ./? B~l';;7-t~l~~ C A'~~ :::::> "'/~"'L.A>':I. 3 of 3 '.. .. e . f... L1" O. ~," f> 'Z"...' 611/1 ~",\1.1 'bv-' 'II)' ORA1ft' DBBD WK, WILBURDON COJllSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC", a California corporation, grant. to 'the CITY 0... CAMPBBLL, a municipal corporat.ion, for sueat purposes, all of that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell; COunty of Santa Clara, stat.e of California, and more particular ly cle.cr 1bed a. follows: COMMENCING, at the point of inur.ection of the center line of C.aey Road with the monument line of McGlineey Lane; THENCE, N. O. 15' 30" W. 700.00 feet; THENCE, N. 89. 06' 30" if. 15.00 feet to the true point. of beg-inning; TBBNCE, N. 89. Oi' 30" W. 10.00 feet to the point of intersection with al1ne parallel with and 25.00 feet at a riqht anqla westerly of .aid monument line: THENCE, N. o. 15' 30" w. 100.00 feet. along said parallel line; THENCE, s. 89. 06' E. 10.00 feet; Tm!:BCE, s. a. 15' 30" E. 100.00 f.et to the point. of beginning. ~ R. ~ See;. Dr awn by Et: 1/,11/ Checked byflir/JIJ/Il'f// C /j ,.,/ . .,-"',;7 -:?t ./~. .6'~~ &'. /. '1v:/~ /~~:..<< . (NOtary Cert.ificat.e) e .-. S 890 06' E , I 17900' 10_001 i -_._-----_._._----~_._------=,.......:.. o o o o -0 o o o ~I WILBURDON CONST. CO, 5308, OR 569 3 w -0 -0 r<1 r<1 -lO -lO -0 r<1 -lO o o z o o z L.o------_________________ _____.__.. .. -- N89006'30"W 179.00' 10DO) P.O,B. ': CASEY ~---- -- ROAD LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL I Land to be granted to City ~~ I I I I I I J .~i -g il o ~I I Q c o E o o (f) ~ I I >- , w :t 1'0 () fi.jl3: z : 8. ..J -01 let ~ 0, I 01 r RII I I 3=' -0 -~! o ; 01 z! - --~-,- . w Z <l ..J :' N Scale' i" = 40' Prepared by the Office of the City Engineer) Campbell, California Dr, by: FTL,E.B. CkbY~O-22-61 ~ ~ .. NOVEHBER 2, 1961 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF \\ILBURDON COtiSTRUCTION CO, INC,. FOR OFF I CES AND WAReHOUSE TO BE LOCATED AT '378 He GL I NCEY LAt~E. AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLAN~JNG COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 17th DAY OF OCTOBER. 1961. AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAHPBELL AT A REGULAR HEETING HELD ON THE 30th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1961: I. Applicant to agree to enter Into Local I~provement District which i~. being fonled in this ar'.~a. 2. Applicant to make cash deposit I~ amount of $500.00 to insure removal of existing buildings. 3, Existing 50' x 25' house. garage & shed to be removed from site within 18 months of th I s liS" approva 1. 4. Applicant to conform with all parts of Arti:l~ IX, Ch~pt-e'" I, Part II of the Campbell Municipal Code, CITY OF CAMPBELL PLMHIING COMHISSION W. L, Morser, Urban Development Director CITY COUNCIL. CITY OF CAMPBELL Dorothy Trevethan. City Clerk A .'W '" '\' I I '.Ih~ re~11 ~'r0,'t:rI.J .;'efer'rej :c, 15 jt:.:sel'lbed as: All Lnst cert.aln ~,arcel;)f jq:'),.J slL.ate in the City of Campbell. CO~~i.i of Santa Cl~r3, State or Cal~.0rnt~, described 8S follows: Ge~1nnlng at tn~ ;;rj1r:t of lnt.:r2f!rt100 Jf the cel1t€r line of ":;ssey RC'ld \<;1 th the SC'lJ.trler'l,y i!!''-Jlr':1,.z;8 t 10n of tn~ '';ef.i t.erly line of McG11ncey ,\venu.?, 38 BRid :':':~linc('y ,C;Vend" exh;t.':d ";!.'-' feet. iHhie; said poInt also ve:n,;~he .)C..ltrl~at-ter'ly ':.):':1.'-"': l:H!.. ('ert31~. t. acre tract Qf land conveyt>d oy H. f. ',dleeler 1 ;,~t ,...1, to ~.(j\'I;~rd ;\. tJ'11 b~' Deed dated Ji.41y ~(I, .J. .142 ;jrl1 re~ordej t\:,.;;r,..l.f:! 14, ,:,,;,42 lil j(,IOK 1099 cf Orfic1al Records, ~ge Sj6. ,)ant? ::l:n',fj Cl,H'ty ~ecor'~8;!".J.nnln~ tt1en'''e along said ~i.hl\.~.erl,i plr.., ""3.4,1 )"l.f a.n.;i ..:dvn~ ',Le saId ,,';sterly 11re of :vIcGl~n.:'ey AlJenle,{'."l~, :1'>:,. ',h,; r::",ter.:; iine cf sa1d 6 acre tract ot lanJ, N. (I" 3:' N I' ~l'i':, d~..:riC~.: leavln~ sald Weste:'l~' I1n~ ~f ;.'::G11nce~' P.VellUl::' Ani l'.'d,:,_ u<lra11el w1~h the said center 11ne - C'" "'ey L>oac. ': ,. .o.;~'" . I' 'e+ '- .....'e '1'UUE' f'" 'NT OF :L:'GINHL'IG. '" L . (;l,,;; n "". :; . ~,. f, ,.. e .. .~ { " '. d' .....A. ;...II::. 1'1 4'1 , l'"r:ldng :.nen;;e ~i. :,' ::; F'i., :.IlKl :,=n~,llt::'.i w1tn ~Fihl line of McGllncey Aver-up, h)C'.. fePt; '.'le.1"R .;. ,',;0 <tr:' '.~. anrj ~dr?llpl wlth sahi ~en1...E.l' line 1..1 (ab'~'" Rc<:t ,.:"1 :.. t: L\en(f~ ,';. (') 3j' E, and pa.rallel w1tl1 R!'U )~tW or :,. L;'~;l(:~'. ",..,,',..,~. 1'.);., :'eet; U:e:.c~;", 8S1Q ltd' E. 1;.4', feet, tv tt'lt;> 'r.t!' .,1". uP,\~~,:':,:l~: Rnd ')~,1t;~ a port1on of t;::I;.j 6 8C're t~'d\.' :'1',t.3'.,"'.: ::..., v~lh'''''~.q. J... or '::' Section j~) Town8h1~, l :'~outn" Rarlge 1 ~__:"B'. r~''''i " p . /1 / I / /- - . I-- --- j / / I I ;' / I / / I / / / .- ~r I I ! i I __ ___ _J-i' f-?~~.,.,.=:. / / / /-- I / I PORT/t;)!V ..5~CT/O/J/ ..35 T7.5 R / ~,V ! ! i~ ! i- I I r. . - - !t\ ,...; ;\ L__ t - i' , ! I l- I ! .. of .. 1,1 I '~ 'fil\l-'~; (I f-- I~' I; "",' .--4 I I.' , '_' r,y ,r/II',,;' ,-1" il! ti I, d I ~. 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