700 McGlincey Ln. (86-06) P.W. FILE' NO. TO: CITY CLERK PLEASE COLLECT AND RECE I PT FCR 'I1-IE FOLLOW I NG MON I ES ~CCT . ITEMS ENVIRON\.IENTAL ASSESSMENT ($420) STaat DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER A~ I .875 ; MULTI-RES., $2,060; ALL O'I'HER,~2.t1r7At.... PLAN EXAM I NAT I C>>l AND CQllSTRUCT I C>>l I NSPECT I C>>l FEE (7'%. OF VALUE) 3372 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ( $300) 3372 @ ~ 3372 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEE (.290) 3372 FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ( .US) 3372 FINAL TRACT MAP FILING FEE ($275) 3372 VACATIC>>l OF PUBLIC STREETS AND EASEMENTS ('455) 3372 ASSESSMENT SEGREGATIC>>l CR REAPPORTION.ENT( .420 FCR FIRST PLUS. $130 EACH ADDITIONAL) e 3395 3373 3373 3373 3373 3372 3373 (";;y) 3521 3521 3520 3510 NAME LOT LINE ADJUSmENT FEE / CERT I F I CATE OF COMPL lANCE ($ 3 0 0 ) PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT ('I,097.00!) COP I ES OF ENG I NEER I NG MAPS AND PLANS ('.50 PER SQ. FT.) WORK AREA TRAFF I C CC>>lTROL HANDBOOK (' 2 ); ADD I T I C>>lAL( . t . 50 1 PROJECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ($10) MAP REVISIC>>lS TO MAP COMPANI ES .('10) EXCAVATIC>>t PERMIT APPLICATIC>>l FEE ('35) GFNERAL CamlTIQIIS, STD. PROVISIONS & DETAILS ('10; CR 'I/PG) CASH DEPOS I T FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE DEPOSIT MA I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I T FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ($195/EA) POSTAGE O'l1-lER TOTAL PHONE ADDRESS FOR CITY CLERK QIlLY RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECEIVED BY DATE' AMOUNT ro ~V 4/0 J c:> 0 F...a- $ ZIP .JULY 1984 - ---- - - --~-~-- ( I Hc- (7 ~ ~;JI I I ',Ii< ;! c~,' \/ Ii ' ~ '" i.l. "Ir, 'I' ~.~ jj.... :;' ~ 1\:'. ft' /' ~_j t";;. . i~i;.. p i';':1;; .oa..1 ;.;.." 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Planning September la, 1987 Mr. William Chalmers 700 McGlincey Ln. Campbell, CA 95008 RE: R 87-05 (S 86-06) 700 McGlincey Ln. Dear Mr. Chalmers: Please be advised that the Planning Commission, at its meeting of September 8, 1987, granted a one-year extension of its approval for your project, and conditionally approved the phasing of this project. A copy of the red-lined plans and the conditions of approval is enclosed for your records. A review of this application indicates that the following conditions of approval must be satisfied prior to a Planning Department clear- ance to issue buildiqg permits: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 29, 30 - per approval of August 12, 1986. A checklist for the submittal of landscape plans is enclosed for your consideration. This approval grants an extension of the previous approval and approval to phases of this project. If you have questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the ~ndersigned at 866-2140. Sincerely, ARTHUR A. KEE PLANNING DIRECTOR ~ TIMJ. HA~ PLANNER II ld cc: Public Works Department Fire Department ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: R 87-05 & S 86-06 SITE ADDRESS: 700 McGLINCEY LN. APPLICANT: CHALMERS, W. P.C. MTG.: 9-8-87 1. All Conditions of Approval to be satisfied in Phase I and all on-site and off-site improvements to be completed in Phase I with the following exceptions to be completed in Phase II: A. Construction of buildings #1 and '4 as indicated on plans dated August 27, 1987. B. Small landscape area to the east and west of building #1 as indicated on plans dated August 27, 1987. All other landscape areas to be installed in Phase I. C. Parking and driveways for building #1 and #4 as indicated on plans dated August 27, 1987. 2. All areas not covered by buildings, paved driveways and parking, and landscaping in Phase I shall be oiled and screened and made available for additional auto parking. Oiled and screened areas shall not be used for outside storage of materials, supplies, heavy equipment and trucks or similar vehicles. 3. All previously existing buildings and structures on the site to be removed prior to final inspection and occupancy of any portion of Phase I construction. 4. Plans approved Augus~ 12, 1986 by the Planning Commission, including all redlining, shall remain in effect except for phasing detail dated August 27, 1987. RECOMMENDED FINDINGS: R 87-05 & S 86-06 SITE ADDRESS: 700 McGLINCEY LN. APPLICANT: CHALMERS, W. P.C. MTG.: 9-8-87 Recommended findings for Reinstatement and Approval of Phasing 1. There have been no changes in the General Plan or the zoning for the area since the project was approved on August 12, 1986. 2. There have been no changes in the overall project. 3. Adequate parking and circulation is provided in each phase of the project. ( ,/ /// . ...J CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: S 86-06 APPLICANT: Chalmers, W. L. SITE ADDRESS: 700 McGlincey Ln. P.C. HTG. July 22, 1986 The applicant is notified as part of this application that he/she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the Laws of the State of California. 1. Revised elevations and/or site plan indicating items discussed in Staff Comment Sheet to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Planning Director upon recommendation of the Architectural Advisor prior to application for a building permit. 2. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on the plans. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. 3. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of irrigation system to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee and/or Planning Commission prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Planning DiL.ector prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performanr.~ bond in the amount of $7000 to insure landscaping, fencing, and stripir.~ of parking areas within 3 months of completion of construction; or (~j file written agreement to complete landscaping. fencing, and striping rf parking areas_ Bond or agreement to be filed with the Planning' Department prior to application for a building permit. 6. Applicant to 6ubm1t a plan to the Planning Department. prior to installation of P~&E utility (transformer) boxes. indicating the location of the boxes c~d screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval of the PlaT'.;.ing Director. 7. Applicant to submit a letter to the Planning Department, satisfactory to the City Attorney, prior to application for building permit, limiting the use of the property as follows:. 740 sq. ft. office; 12,718 sq. ft. varehousing/manufacturing and 132,386 sq. ft. mini-storage. 8. All mechanical equipment on roofs and all utility meters to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. 9. Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. 10_ All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell ~1un1cipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. 11. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. / / - / CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: S 86-06 APPLICANT: CHALMERS. W. L. ADDRESS: 100 MCGLINCEY LN_ PAGE 2 12. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water. Bewer. electric. telephone and television cables, etc. 13. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the Sign Ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by Planning and Building Departments (Section 21.68.030 of the Campbell Municipal Code). 14. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Creen Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. c 15. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the deyelopment shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a Bolid wall or fence and have self-clOSing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level and have a level area adjacent to the trash enclosure area to service these containers. o 16. Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. 17. The applicant is hereby notified that the property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash, debris and weeds, until the time that actual construction commences. All existing structures shall be secured by having windows boarded up and doors sealed shut, or be demolished or removed from the property. Sect. 11.201 & 11.414, 1979 Ed. Uniform Fire Code. FIRE DEPARTMENT 18. Automatic sprinklers shall be provided for all buildings. 19. A 20 ft. wide Fire Dept. emergency access roadway shall be provided and maintained in place during all future development of the surrounding property. 20. On-site fire hydrants shall be designed to supply the required fireflow of 2,600 gpm. 21. All access driveways shall be designated as fire lanes. All-parking. other than loading and unloading of mini-storage units, shall be prohibited. // / /. CONDITIONS OF APPRoVAL: S 86-06 APPLICANT: CHALMERS, W. L. ADDRESS: 700 MCGLINCEY LN. PAGE 3 '- FIRE DEPARTMENT 22. All gates in the project shall have lOCking mechanisms which are compatible with Fire Dept. master key. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 23. Complete the processing of Tract No. 7823 to create the proposed lot and dedicate the right of way on McGlincey Ln. to provide 60 feet in width. (ALREADY COMPLETED.) 24. Install standard street improvements in McGlincey Ln. _25. Pay storm d~ainage area fee. )6. Obtain an excavation permit, pay fees and post surety for all work in the right of way. 27. Widen Onion Ave. at McGlincey Ln. as required by City Engineer to provide turning lane. 28. Process a lot line adjustment. c BUILDING DEPARTMENT No comments at this time. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 29. Prior to issuance of building permit, applicant to provide evidence satisfactory to the City Attorney, that a 20' emergency access easement is provided between McGlincey Ln. and the mini-storage faCility. 3D. Applicant to provide an agreement satisfactory to the City Attorney that in the event a parking problem is determined to exist by the Planning Commission, that the applicant and/or subsequent owners will designate parking spaces as delineated on the presented plans. 31. Applicant is hereby notified that the Planning Commission approval of this project does not provide for any approved outside storage areas. The paved areas of this project are provided for the parking and access of vehicles and the loading/unloading of materials. Said paved areas may not be leased or rented for vehicle or outside storage purposes. I' l _j_'-J J-~-- --~ 1] ! f : '.' r i ' I ~ AVE ; : J [i I 'llJI:-~~ '.... ~~L:~7 I .~l ---.- I .: -X-" -:J; ,",' ~--=::~:-: J C% . Jr= -'~7:;1 / L-J __ I .... .'1 0..,"..,....11. . C'co- .... , / . .'. /L ,~ ;/ , , /' - - / ' . /// // R '87- OS / fIR S>>FD2 / / ~<~ S ~.6- 06 ,/ / / / // - I . . j ~ : ; , : -t ,', .. c .' _ _. J , : TK' I --- .' I I- I I . . I / ~''''-... . / - ,-- - .. ~''';. " ',' .II '- I , , I '--/-. Y ~ ,(; ",,- ..; .1 . , . I I ~ ~ ~- ~ '. ," . '" .... . , -.'#:.. ." . .' .... ~..".. ". / ~~~~~. . . . u . AI f ... ... ., , .. ~ ~. AI '. I ~ . ._J._~'.._ rfi. .., 'lITl ( r - . - I " . '.. ~ ____ -'" . i -0. 1_- \\ I . ... · .. ..., <I - , ; I. "- . - -- I - . r- IG , , -IEJ~ F=;=h W..IJ P'-- I . il I , J , J ..tlc/l I // /-...( ::;-/ EXHIBIT nAn 1. No grading, cuts or fills may be made without first obtaining approval of PGandE. This is necessary to prevent loss of ground cover around the tower legs and/or excess fill under the overhead wires. 2. unobstructed access to and from the existing tower must be provided for at all times. 3. No trees nor shrubs which could exceed fifteen (15) feet in height at maturity may be planted under the overhead wires. Nor shall any trees or large shrubs be planted within fifteen (15) feet of the existing tower. 4. Any light standards installed within the easement must first be approved by PGandE, but in no event shall they exceed fifteen (15) feet in height. 5. Appropriate barriers or other protective devices, approved by PGandE, must be installed around the existing tower. 6. Only transient type vehicular parking will be allowed within the easement. There shall be no parking or storage of -'recreational, blocked-up, or wrecked vehicles. 7. Any metal fencing must be grounded to PGandE specifications. fl/~: Me-C, (247) PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ]P)@~IE + 111 ALMADEN BOULEVARD . P. O. BOX 15005 . SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95115-0005 . (408) 298-3333 october 29, 1986 Re: Tentative Development of Lands of Chalmers off McGlincey Lane, Santa Clara County File 607/652 (SJ-LE1015-0) ~~c OC)'~ ~/t.-~ PI/ fY ./ .() (.. /:>, Tog ~.~ j .' l' 0;'.- <'/''''. ~ ,,'If:...., I..t;, <-- ',f u , ',I., ~"" I;',....... ,.,'1."1 ,A(,. v,/.. ......, C'/ (""j" I;, '1, " '/l(l Mr. James Penoyer Engineering Technican City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Penoyer: Attached are copies of plans for the residential and/or commercial development of land belonging to Mr. James Chalmers off McGlincey Lane in Campbell. As indicated on these plans PGandE maintains an easement for the Metcalf-El Patio 115 KV tower line. This electric transmission tower line was installed on this property by virtue of the easement granted to PGandE by John N. Stojanovich and others by deed dated October 26, 1956, and recorded in Book 3687 of Official Records at page 156, Santa Clara County Record's Office. The easement is an eighty (80) foot wide strip of land and, among other conditions detailed in the document, stipulates that the property owner may use the area within the easement for any purpose not inconsistent with PGandE's use, but the easement is building restricted and does not allow for any buildings or other structures. Some potential compatible uses which may be made of this easement would be driveways, public streets, vehicular parking and landscaping. Some restrictions which may be placed on these uses are detailed on the attached Exhibit "A". Written consent for uses within the easement must, of course, first be obtained. Therefore, please submit final design plans to this office when they are prepared and submitted for approval. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may telephone me on (408) 282-7105. The actual handling of this project has been assigned to Mr. C. Earl Nelson, who may be contacted on (408) 282-7449. Sincerely, _\p~ /2 C ?,>l r)ames R. Capel Regional Land Superintendent Attachment 'f o CJ --' --' .... ---1 :;:;/ CI~} ::II' /~ .Y \1'"\ :-'/~ '1;.(\1 Ui 7 '--' al ~ f>. .J) 0 f; z b' ;:) ~ ....J "'~ U1 ~ 0 ~" " ," -t>~ ", --'- '", 111 ". " \Jl c 01 --~ ~ "'" c" '"'" ~ Ui ~ ~" ~' ~ ~ )RIIIE. ,,~:~. ..~-? " ("'") o '- zt n1 /J " . . ,. '~J L~l ~~ CIl --------.-...-----. "., ... 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'?Y;~...r:~"j" ,,~ ,)'f/'J.~!! c.al ".'.~ ~r' [,\f., ~~~.". J: ~~ \" +.~. t'."l.' i If ~~} . f~ .~~ "l)~ ~L ..... .,\J . . ..... ,..,..,,<~.. ,~"', , - -:\...~ ~l -j f~G ;,;. .' ~"... -r. ~ .~~ ~ .... "c", '. ~ . .. - <. -~'. . '~'" ,. ;', ' ," i.I;' ..,_" ; ~ . . . ".' .' ','" 'j ! '>>.c" . :'~~...' ';'{;:'iU~t. .f" ", +};\F, ' '~~h' "..... " , . .....>.:il~b~:~:.T~~~11 .... m., o' :,..C"'P"'. tii~"'.. ,i. 'jo',.<<-. ,;, ". .J.,...."~ 'f: ...~.:;t.i:-Z ~:'.. ,::.:';,;"";:. 'i, .)~;; .'. '. 0 \~: "'.11< .'\o.:..:~: .:,. ..' . .~. ',~"" .' \~><C ~:J..::,..., .' m,_. .'w,...... ,..., ' . ~. r:.~ <. "';'.'1' co',,' . . "c':{ i;.....~ <.'...... .......\. : .... ;\</~l\.:..,( , :~\I. :'i:":~.' :": tv' :,'\ '" - . r' ,";' _, . ','_'.. "".' ~ . .;. :,: ;~~~'W', ~".; _ ~i ~~ ~ ~i ~ \.A ~. '"Q " r-- r CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 Department: Planning August 14, 1986 Mr. W. L. Chalmers 700 McGlincey Ln Campbell, CA 95008 Architectural Design Structure, Inc. 719 Stierlin Rd. Mountain View, CA 94043 RE: OUR FILE NO.: S 86-06 SITE ADDRESS: 700 McGlincey Ln. APPLICANT: Mr. W. L. Chalmers Conditions attached to "s" approval of the above-referenced project are attached as Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval. section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code provides that any approval granted under this section shall expire one (1) year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension or reinstatement is approved. Approval is effective ten (10) days after decision of approval of the Planning Commission, unless an appeal is filed. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON: August 12, 1986. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION c( d. 7~ ARTHUR A. KEE SECRETARY ld/lj Attachment: Conditions of Approval FILE NO.: S 86-06 APPLICANT: CHALMERS, W. L. ADDRESS: 700 MCGLINCEY LN. P.C. MTG.: JULY 22, 1986 RECOMMENDED FINDINGS 1. The proposed light industrial uses of material storage and handling and mini-storage are permitted uses in the M-1-S (Light Industrial) Zoning District. 2. The presented site plan indicates the provision of an adequate number of parking spaces to satisfy the code requirement of 1:225 for proposed office uses, 1:400 for the proposed light industrial uses and 1:1645 for the proposed mini-storage use. 3. The proposed project design with the modifications as red-lined and the required conditions of approval will be compatible with the General Plan designation of Industrial and will be a harmonious development in this area. 4. The provision of pre-cast concrete walls, landscape buffers and a lower profile building design minimize the visual impact of this project on adjacent residential uses. ( ~ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: S 86-06 APPLICANT: Chalmers, W. L. . SITE ADDRESS: 700 McGlincey Ln. P.C. MTG. July 22, 1986 The applicant is notified as part of this application that he/she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the Laws of the State of California. 1. Revised elevations and/or site plan indicating items discussed in Staff Comment Sheet to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Planning Director upon recommendation of the Architectural Advisor prior to application for a building permit. 2. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on the plans. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. 3. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of irrigation system to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee and/or Planning Commission prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Planning D{Lector prior to issuance of a building permit. (- 5. Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performanr.~ bond in the amount of $7000 to insure landscaping, fencing, and stripir.~ of parking areas within 3 months of completion of construction; or (~j file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing, and striping ~f parking areas. Bond or agreement to be filed with the Planning Department prior to application for a building permit. 6. Applicant to subm1t a plan to the Planning Department, prior to installation of PG&E utility (transformer) boxes, indicating the location of the boxes ~~d screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval of the Plan~ing Director. 7. Applicant to submit a letter to.the Planning Department, satisfactory to the City Attorney, prior to application for building permit, limiting the use of the property as follows:. 740 sq. ft. office; 12,718 sq. ft. warehousing/manufacturing and 132,386 sq. ft. mini-storage. 8. All mechanical equipment on roofs and all utility meters to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. 9. Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. 10. All parking and driveway areas to be developed 1n compliance with Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. 11. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. , CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: S 86-06 APPLICANT: CHALMERS, W. L. ADDRESS: 700 MCGLINCEY LN. PAGE 2 12. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. 13. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the Sign Ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by Planning and Building Departments (Section 21.68.030 of the Campbell Municipal Code). 14. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, ~anufacturing, and construction establishments. (~ 15. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level and have a level area adjacent to the trash enclosure area to service these containers. 16. Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. 17. The applicant is hereby notified that the property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash, debris and weeds, until the time that actual construction commences. All existing structures shall be secured by having windows boarded up and doors sealed shut, or be demolished or removed from the property. Sect. 11.201 & 11.414, 1979 Ed. Uniform Fire Code. FIRE DEPARTMENT 18. Automatic sprinklers shall be provided for all buildings. 19. A 20 ft. wide Fire Dept. emergency access roadway shall be provided and maintained in place during all future development of the surrounding property. 20. On-site fire hydrants shall be designed to supply the required fireflow of 2,600 gpm. 21. All access driveways shall be designated as fire lanes. All-parking, other than loading and unloading of mini-storage units, shall be prohibited. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: S 86-06 APPLICANT: CHALMERS, W. L. ADDRESS: 700 MCGLINCEY LN. PAGE 3 FIRE DEPARTMENT 22. All gates in the project shall have locking mechanisms which are compatible with Fire Dept. master key. I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 23. Complete the processing of Tract No. 7823 to create the proposed lot and dedicate the right of way on McGlincey Ln. to provide 60 feet in width. 24. Install standard street improvements in McGlincey Ln. 25. Pay storm drainage area fee. 26. Obtain an excavation permit, pay fees and post surety for all work in the right of way. 27. Widen Union Ave. at McGlincey Ln. as required by City Engineer to provide turning lane. 28. Process a lot line adjustment. BUILDING DEPARTMENT No comments at this time. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 29. Prior to issuance of building permit, applicant to provide evidence satisfactory to the City Attorney, that a 20' emergency access easement is provided between McGlincey Ln. and the mini-storage facility. 30. Applicant to provide an agreement satisfactory to the City Attorney that in the event a parking problem is determined to exist by the Planning Commission, that the applicant and/or subsequent owners will designate parking spaces as delineated on the presented plans. 31. Applicant is hereby notified that the Planning Commission approval of this project does not provide for any approved outside storage areas. The paved areas of this project are provided for the parking and access of vehicles and the loading/unloading of materials. Said paved areas may not be leased or rented for vehicle or outside storage purposes. r' 1'::'4..'. .. D.."..,.....II. C. t: i I ',1- e . j , ," I S3I~ , .. ' . ~. ---- . .., I I , t.. . I -.' /' -~ .' i . I --. , ...... / ,. / , . / /'" r / ~.y (; ~/ / / / EIR g s ~.~ ... I -I / . , '~9- '. I " , 1/"-.., " I-........~ - '.- , ,-- . I II' "I. , I I . . 1 I . .. _. , ~ T"; I! .. '. J .._.L_~ _. rfi~).m-L... r ~ I, . · < t- - ~ _~ t.- \\ .. _ ~ ' ., '~ - . ..... ...~ . . .- - DRAFT Focused Environmental Impact Report Prepared For: Project: Prepared By: The City of Campbell California Industrial Buildings 700 McGlincey Lane Campbell, CA Files S 86-06, EIR 86-02 Creegan &: D'Angelo Consulting Engineers San Jose, CA May 1986 List of Figures Section I - Section II - Section III - Section IV - Section V - Section VI - Section VII - Section VIII - Section IX - Section X - Section XI - Section XII - Section XIII - Section XIV - Section XV - Section X VI - Section XVII - Section XVIII - Appendix A - Appendix B - Appendix C - TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ii Sum mary Introduction Background The Proposed Action Project Description The Present Situation Operations of the Proposed Development Runoff and Drainage Noise Generation Parking Visual Impact Hazardous Materials Traffic Impacts Cumulative Effects Potential Impacts of the Proposed Action Alternatives to the Proposed Action Recommended Mitigation Measures Identification of Authors and Sources Environmental Impact Assessment Traffic Impact Analysis Preliminary Project Drawings 1 1 2 4 4 9 9 12 13 13 15 18 22 22 25 27 28 29 A-I thru A-6 B-1 thru 8-10 C-l thru C-6 FIGURES PAGE 1. Existing Si te 3 2. Proposed Site Plan 5 3. Regional Setting 6 4. Neighborhood Setting 7 5. Immediate Neighborhood 8 6. Site Plan 10 7. Elevations 11 8. Sections 16 9. Project Viewed from South 17 10. Project Viewed from East 19 11. Project Viewed from Dry Creek Court 20 12. Project Viewed from Regas Drive 21 13. McGlincey/Union Intersection 24 TABLES Table 1 23 ii Section I - Summary of Project and Consequences The owners of the Bay Cities Recycling Center (710 McGlincey Lane) and the Pipeyard (700 McGlincey Lane) are proposing construction of two industrial buildings and a 1,600 unit mini-storage facility on 2.8 acres on the south side of McGlincey Lane in the City of Campbell, CA. The two existing business will occupy one of the new buildings. The second will be available for lease. The owners will operate the proposed mini- storage facility. The potential for the impact of noise on the adjacent proposed residential subdivision can be mitigated by limiting hours of operation between 7 am and 10 pm and relocation of the trash enclosure away from the residential neighborhoods. Security lights will be positioned to avoid intrusion into the residential areas. On- site parking proposed is similar to that found adequate for other mini-storage facilities. There is adequate water and storm drainage for the development. With the traffic generated by this project, a new free-right turn lane at Union and McGlincey will bring the level-of-service to IICII or better. Hazardous materials used at the industrial buildings will be stored and handled in conformance with the City of Campbell Fire Department permit. Hazardous materials will be excluded from the mini-storage facility. Section II - Introduction This report describes the probable environmental effects associated with development of a 2.8 acre parcel on the south side of the 700 block of McGlincey Lane, Campbell. The initial environmental impact assessment was prepared by City staff on March 14, 1 1986. Based on this assessment it was determined that a focused environmental impact report should be prepared with particular attention to the following items: 1. Changes in the absorption rates and drainage patterns and the adequacy of the existing storm drainage system. 2. Noise generation and its impact on the neighboring residential properties. 3. An analysis of the proposed on-site parking. 4. An analysis of the visual impact of this project on neighboring residential areas. 5. Potential for storage and/or handling of hazardous material. 6. Discussion of the adequacy of the existing water supply. 7. An analysis of the project's traffic impact at the intersections of McGlincey and Union and McGlincey and Curtner. The environmental impact assessment is included as Appendix "A". Section ill - Background Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Chalmers have owned the property at 700 McGlincey Lane since 1978. There are several buildings on the site which presently operates as a recycling center and pipe yard. The recycling business is conducted in the area immediately adjacent to McGlincey. The business consists of customers coming to drop off materials which are purchased by the recycling center and transferred to bulk handling containers. At the present time only paper and aluminum is recycled. The existing buildings were formerly part of a fruit cutting and processing operation. The largest structure is constructed of sheet metal (roof and walls) and formerly housed the dehydrator operation. The other structures are a former cutting shed and smaller agricultural buildings. The pipe yard occupies the westerly portion of the site and consists of open storage of plastic pipe and a small office. (Please refer to Figure 1) 2 / ~ iJ D " ,\.~3 /"..../ r~\.; \ 1<$'"" \ AGlJRE 1 3 exl?TJ1JG- -:5ITG ftAN The Pacific Gas & Electric Company has a 80 foot easement along the easterly side of the property which accommodates overhead transmission lines. The McGlincey Lane frontage of the site is unimproved and runoff from the street is collected wi th the on-site drainage. A t the present ti me the only disposal of surface runoff is by percolation. The north side of McGlincey Lane is improved with curb and gutter. Section IV - The Proposed Action It is proposed that the existing recycling operation which presently operates mostly out of doors or under sheds be moved indoors to one of the two new industrial buildings. The rear portion of the site will be used for a three-story mini-storage operation to be housed in two separate buildings. These mini-storage buildings will be the closest construction to the existing residential condominiums which take frontage from McGlincey Lane and Union A venue and the proposed residential subdivision on the southerly portion of Chalmers property for which a tentative map has been approved. Both the proposed residential and the proposed industrial development respect the existing general plan and zoning districts. Section V - Project Description There are two distinct zones in the proposed project, two industrial buildings near McGlincey Lane and the two mini-storage buildings in the area at the rear of the property (please refer to Figure 2). The industrial buildings are proposed at 6,418 square feet and 7,514 square feet. They will be located near McGlincey Lane with landscaping along the frontage and parking at the rear. A 26-foot wide drive opposite Foreman Drive will serve as the primary access for the two industrial buildings. Secondary access to the industrial buildings, which will also serve as primary access 4 ~~ YIlIlIUM 11O IIlOMlIJI UlIUS IIlUMI ar .&~.B.1.:l3.&JH:Jl:f"d jNI SW3.lSAS 9NIH33N19N3 ONV N91S3[] S:UO,. HV1d 3.lJS dWN llINI:>IA, ~k . ..........nw:o ,.,.~ ......" ...~ >tt:lVd 'Vlt:I.LSnCNI aaVt:lC.LS-INIW ~ ~ ~~~l i'" , ~ lU; '. i . - I .~ " I i.... .... ~i I ;1 P i q I ~ IS i ! i ~ q dd d d ; ~ · I ~.. ,< , e t ~H!t!al ~): " . i ~ ~ ~ .s, g ~!~ i: I I sH II Ii i ~ I I' ,'. "I!~ I !j~! n ,t. ~. .. .. &. .. D. oj c( ~ ~ i > .. Z li > --'.--J . J ~.I . - - -_ II ~ ---- -- :~ I' iA. I' ~_oI'" __--~-...=:::---r-- }\Ti-rrTIIr.~: ..' II \! rr- -. - : b -'r ,.....,..~.... --~ It I-;} ~b I_I iJ=,!< . - "\ U."l\l~,ll i- aU] J :i-I ., r r---- I t fr~.- ,l\_:l> ~ n . :. , .f ,. h ' :... ~.. '1 · ~.! ) i I I ! I w 2 j I .- 11 .e ~H 3^It:lC NVlNt:lO;;i ..1 Y ~. -------------- --..,- .:~ "v- j . fr-\ 5 mil ~:I <t. q ~ , .. ~ <( u " z ~ a. zEB ~ FIGURE Z to the mini-storage buildings, is located along the western property line. The mini- storage buildings are set 21 feet from the rear property line and 25 feet from the westerly property line. On the east they respect the existing 80 foot PG&E easement. The existing residential unit closest to the proposed mini-storage is the Chalmers residence at 750 McGlincey which is approximately' 50 feet north of the mini-storage buildings. The closest condominium unit is approximately 100 feet to the east of the proposed mini-storage buildings. The area between the condominiums and the proposed building will be used for uncovered parking. McGlincey Lane is located in the eastern portion of the City of Campbell and is a main collector street for the industrial neighborhood east of Highway 17. Access from McGlincey is from Union Ave on the east and Camden Ave via Curtner on the southwest (ref er to Figures 3 and 4 for the regional and neighborhood settings). Immediately ~ 1'1 ~fA CUol'A south of the industrial properties on McGlincey Lane is a single family Lf)'J Cv' f05 C-AMf~~L- j<1ti J056- residential area. The tentative map recently approved for the Chalmers property will allow construction of 12 new single-family residences six, of which will back on the portion of the industrial lot proposed for the mini- storage buildings. A total of 23 existing residences are located within 200 feet of the project site (please refer to Figure 5). . R~OtiA~ 5GlTIH& FI&UlZt:: :3 6 rHAll(U .~^ U K r .'7 ~ ) 4 TI~URE -4 7 I1 m1 11 ,{}.- 11 ~ I~zr~ rl ~U"e ? 8 The proposed industrial buildings near McGlincey will be constructed of precast concrete panels with textured paint. Tile facing will be used for architectural accents along the parapet and over the window and door assemblies. The mini-storage buildings will be 33.5 feet to the parapet and will be constructed of precast concrete panels. Finish will be textured paint with a redwood facia below the parapet line. Exterior first- floor storage units will have direct access via overhead doors located along the north and south sides of both buildings. Access to the interior storage units and all second and third floor storage units will be via truck docks located opposite each other in the drive-aisle between the two proposed buildings (see Figure 6 for details for the proposed layout and Figure 7 for proposed architectural features), Section VI - The Present Situation The existing recycling center operates from 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Saturday and presently employs nine workers. These incl ude 4 in the management/clerical category and 5 in the materials handling section. The majority of the recycling activities are located within approximately 100 feet of I\IIcGlincey Lane. The rear portion of the site is used for miscellaneous storage activities which include storage of inoperable vehicles and surplus construction equipment and materials. There are nine trees on the property, eight of which will be removed by the proposed construction. The trees consist of four walnuts, one pepper and four sycamores. One of the sycamore trees located near McGlincey Lane will be retained. Additional landscape trees are proposed along the McGlincey frontage. Section vn - Operations of the Proposed Development It is proposed that the mini-storage building be operated between the hours of 7 am and 10 pm with limited accessibility over the weekends. In addition to the usual do- it-yourself storage operations, it is proposed that this mini-storage building offer pick- 9 - ! mtMEliII- ROM'YIIilll:lM lID lDIMlIJl1DllS lIIIYMII mr ' &I:EEINIEJNliII. B~'B.J..:Ja!Jt-CJtnt jNI SWllSAS 9NIH33N19N3 ONV N9IS30 WIN_nw::ll "'........wa '.N"" ....::lINMa::lIII\I "')ttlVcll "'Vltl~BnaNI aEJVtla.&.B-tNIW NV1d 31dV:>SQNV, AlIVNIWI131l1d ! ',! I ,I I '=11 I 1 '. :5 l'~ I I 'J '31"1 I. ~ ~ l, ~ I' l! , 'I cat ~ I .. & ':: e ' :I ~: ~l Ell. ,3 I ~II~I I~ ~_ fa ~ Uo h V ;, " " '" ' --- 1/ ( -- ,e", . t,~-_::"~~-t .... --- . . - ll~\ ' ,\ \ \'I,~,~,,,,.j)~~~ ~! ~ . -- 11 _ ( ._ _. " 1- tI ... - 1 ,/ ~r- I, ~t- ---- .. ). I .~ ,n 5 ". ' 2 . J ; " . . I .' ft --1- -1 ...... 10 :: ..~.':./i -Ll _"l '.'~f ~... nr __..il '!' l, .. r, ,i..... f - 1---2...- I nl [- i ~' , ',. ~ :> " . . a IIi I! , 4 I ! t t ( ,-- I ~ 5 ~ - .. . '1 ~.. ~ .J : I ~ . . .. ~ u !t z . -' A- lii A- C U en a z zEB~ c z :i ::::i III a: A- .l i =f1~UR~ ~ . mt19tl'i1t . [!1J)t W1nH1Y:llJD _ l1JIIlJ 1IlIl<<MII1ll Bt:f33N~. St:i31\11\nfOd.G.J.::)3.JJH::IO::nlf :lNI SW31SAS 9NIH33NI9N3 ONV N91S30 1 !r ,I ~I! f_c ~ II 3 ......tIC"""-:::J .."...."""'W::t __"'4"''' A.::aNI,a:::JW )4tj"d '''Itj.J.BnONI aD"tjO.J.B-INI,^, ~ il r h ~ r: II .J .h <l I> ; ~ .~ , ~ ' .: i i i IU I r ,--.-t ~ ~ . I i_ " 0 I l I 1 n111! 1 ~ SNOI.LVA3130NI01108 -~ ~j 'J3 ! t -- . . > ! i :.. q il r 1 : - 1 ~ io r . r II .J <l u II . r . .J <l U II CD Z o j: ct > W .J W Cl Z o .J 5 ID ... ci o ;,J III .J ct II l- ll! :J o z ..: .J III III Z Z q 0 0 j: ~ 1 il I- r ct ct , - ) . ) r W W II .J .J .J W W <l U CI Cl . I - 2 Z 0 0 .J .J III :J :J Z III III 0 ct j: III ct ci ci ) 0 0 h w .J .J III .J .. S W III ~ d; w g Cl Cl w i Z Cl ~ ct ct HH i ~ 0 II .J I- II ~ 5 0 0 l- I- III I III Ul ID 01 . , 2 Z ci ~ ~ 0 .J III .J ct it I- ID :J 0 ~ ..: I ..I I I :f1~UR E 7 11 up service for individuals and businesses which do not have the time or transportation necessary to move items to storage. A pallet or pallet-box would be delivered to the client, then picked up and returned to the storage facility and secured. The client will also be able to call for delivery of stored materials. An operator will be on duty at all times during the hours when the mini-storage facility is open. Forklift service will be available for the unloading of trucks and transportation of materials to the second and third story storage units. The proposed industrial buildings along McGlincey will be accessible at all hours. There are no specific plans for the operation of the business which will locate in these buildings however it should be expected that usual hours of business will be limited to 7 am and 6 pm, five or six days a week. Section vm - Runoff and Drainage A t the present time, only the portion of the site used in the recycling business is paved. Drainage from the northerly half of McGlincey Lane, the paved area on-site, and the general surface drainage from the unpaved area drain to the northeast corner of the site where it crosses on to the Chalmers residential parcel and percolates into the ground water. With the proposed development the majority of the parcel will be covered with impervious materials resulting in a significant increase in the runoff from the site. The existing 18" storm line in McGlincey was designed to accommodate runoff from this site. The existing storm system terminates immediately west of the site, this being the high end of the system which drains easterly along McGlincey to Union, there joining the larger storm system which flows northerly along Union and thence to an outfall into the Los Gatos Creek. Upon development there will be an on-site storm 12 drainage system with on-site inlets which will carry the water directly to the storm system in McGlincey Lane. Section IX - Noise Generation Noise generation at the existing operation is primarily associated with the recycling activities near McGlincey Lane and occasional truck traffic in the rear portion of the storage yard. The proposed industrial buildings are on the same portion of the site as the existing recycling facili ty. A ny noise impact on the neighborhood from activities at these buildings will be less then similar activities at the existing recycling center in that they will be within the buildings. The existing residential areas to the south and the proposed residential neighborhood on the south end of Chalmers property will be in the acoustical shadow of the mini-storage building for any noises from the industrial area. The three-story mini-storage building will provide an effective sound barrier for this residential neighborhood. Noise generated by the mini-storage facility will be primarily concentrated to that associated with the first floor storage operation. These noises would generate from the opening and closing of overhead doors, and motor noises associated wi th delivery trucks or forklift machinery. The proposed hours of operation (7 am to 10 pm) and the small number of storage units directly opposite the residential units will limit the potential for noise and will restrict any noises to hours when they would be generally compatible with residential activities. Section X - Parking It is proposed that fifty-one parking spaces be provided for the mini-storage project. These are distributed as follows: Three outside the security gate, near the office; twelve along the north side of the project; fourteen along the south side of the project; 13 and twenty-five at the east end of the project, within the PG&E easement. The loading bays provide an additional two spaces for each of the two buildings (please refer to Figure 6). Based on this proposal, parking is provided at a ratio of one space for 2,280 gross square footage of storage building; or one space for 1,700 net square footage of storage space; or one space for each 30 storage units. The City of San Jose on-site parking requirements for Warehouse establishments (including mini-storage) would require no more than ten spaces "regardless of the total area of the warehouse" (Zoning Ordinance, Section 20.32.400). The city's site development review process provides an opportunity for staff to recommend additional spaces based on review of specific proposals. The City of Santa Clara zoning ordinance bases its parking req uirements on the zone district rather than the use. In the ML (light industrial) zone district one space for each seven hundred fifty (750) square feet of gross floor area is required. In the MH (Heavy Industrial) zone district, the requirement is one space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of floor area. Requests for less parking have been approved by the planning commission. A recent 3-story mini-storage in ML zoning was approved with a parking ratio of 1 space per 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. Based on the experience of these other jurisdictions, the proposed parking should be adequate. It will be important that the one-way lanes to the south and north of the mini-storage buildings be adequately marked and that the one-way traffic restriction be enforced. 14 Section XI - Visual Impact The interface between residential and industrial zone districts can be a very sensitive issue because of the different setback and heights restrictions in the two districts. The R-l single-family district allows a maximum heights of 35 feet and for a two- story building would require a rear yard of approximately 12 feet. More typically a single-family residential rear yard will be twenty to thirty feet. The M-l light industrial district the maximum allowable height is 75 feet and no rear yard is required except where the property abuts a R-zoned property, in which case a 10 foot yard may be required. This could result in an industrial building which might overwhelm the adjacent residential neighborhood. A t the interface between the proposed single-family homes and the mini-storage facility, the height of the industrial buildings will be 33.5 feet. The set back from the property line will be 21 feet. North-south and east-west sections through the project are shown in Figure 8. The view from the southside of the Regas Drive extension, looking north, is shown in Figure 9. The mini-storage building will be visible between the homes where not hidden by the trees that will be planted in the residential backyards. Since both the proposed residential subdivision and the mini-storage project are in a common ownership, the responsibility for establishing a suitable buffer can be more easily defined than might otherwise be the case. The masonry wall along the common property line will be erected and maintained by the industrial development. In addition, a row of trees will be planted along the rear of the residential back yards, which will be incorporated into the residential landscaping. The residential properties will be responsible for the landscape maintenance. 15 f~ ~ ~ _ 'l.\ P4--=~~ ill,,,. ~ ~ f: 'J \ H~ 1 I I 1 I i i I 1 I I i I . i c;" ~'\ ! I , I \- .:-- 1 ! -rl II I I I -IT n- ! I 1- , I -T~~ ~ I ! -LJ I I __1.---1- i Ii -n' 1101 L-1~~ , -- i i ! ~-~- o ---~~, ~\:'! ii:'i 1: .. 2 ~ ~ '" i ~ " ~ ~ ~ 0) I=' ~ 1 '^ ~ III S: -" " '--' - ~ .~\ :;:: ~ ~ (Q) I = ~ ~ [? (Q! @ -)( r; @D Ob .-\ ~ - ~I fl x ,.. .,.-;' ~- < ~ '" ~ I I 11 - '---" II i I i I II II Ii -::.. llo:t:> i I 1 1 '''\1 "-I ,,, i I X ~'!I '~i r------..., l?"" - <~--',.:."'9' ~ i ~. i "- 'Si u Ii i Ii! ~ o . I &,1 I Q 1 1 i ~ x =s.~1 :.; .::.! ~ ~I -,)( I s .",1 : \ ~l :5EC1IQN.? T~KU P~OJ8C1 FI&URE- () 16 lU \~ .... ., r'~ (J.e ltl () \f) ~.- r, \f\ !,] I ~\-- ~L lL2. :7- Ct: (j ~- \f\ I \'-.) \\) C\, ',) In..j ~\ ~) ~) (') I' -:.:.. ()"{\ i\:: \..\\ ~i~ t-- .-i ~ > ....... t( C\ \f\ ~ h~ (~ .:;- u) Z I ui D ~~ rg~ @ ~ @) ~ [g ~ - 'S'> ~ :J '-=> \f\ ~ ~ lL ~ \\) ::> The northerly mini-storage building will be visible from the condominium project at the corner of McGlincey and Union, beyond the open space area of the PG&:E easement. The three-story buildings have a minimal impact on any views from that neighborhood (please refer to Figure 10). Similarly from Dry Creek Court and Regas Drive, the project will be visible, but not be a significant feature. (Figures 11 and 12). Section xn - Hazardous Materials The City of Campbell has enacted a hazardous materials ordinance which requires any individual or business which handles or stores hazardous materials to register the materials with the Campbell Fire Department. The fire department is presently reviewing a policy for the storage of hazardous materials in small quantities in the mini-storage type facility proposed for this site. The Cities of San Jose and Santa Clara prohibit the storage of hazardous materials in the mini-storage facilities in their jurisdictions. The mini-storage managers are encouraged to cite the City Ordinances as demanding and supporting whatever prohibitions the storage facilities include in the agreements with their tenants. The management of this mini-storage will provide each prospective tenant with a statement of policy including any information provided by the fire department. It is to everyone's best advantage that hazardous and/or flammable materials be excluded entirely for the mini-storage operation. Materials used or stored at the industrial buildings would be subject to the City of Campbell hazardous materials ordinance which requires registration of materials with the fire department, establishes standards for storage containers, and provides for regular inspections. 18 'm ~ u... ()o () ~ :.:.~'X _.:.vv'X -:- <1 If ~ ~g LW 2. fI./ 0"\ t= '5 ~ ~~ ~~ W~ 5~ G~ Zro c:::=1t::. ~ C ~ '2: F. ~ - m fu~ ~~ [: l' t ~ o N ~= ~~ (QJCC @ ~ tIDl1 lliJ1] (@ @ ~ @ ~ \f\ ~~ ~~ [ oon~ ..-l N ~w t::::1~ [g~ @tL ~/L ~ ~ '\'\: ~\l \~ ~ ~ 1 I ~ ,- ~\ ",.. X ~~) Section xm - Traffic Impacts The proposed 13,932 square feet of industrial buildings can be expected to generate an average of 112 trip ends per day; of these 17 will occur during both the A M and PM peak hours. The 123,146 square foot, 1,600 unit mini-storage facility will generate 448 trip ends per day of which 18 will occur during the AM peak and 36 during the PM peak. Together, the entire project will generate 35 peak hour trips in the morning and 53 peak hour trips in the evening. The inbound morning traffic will split 12 from the west and 9 from the east. Outbound morning traffic will split 8 westbound and 6 eastbound. The inbound evening traffic will split 13 from the west and 10 from the east. Outbound evening traffic spli t 17 westbound and 13 eastbound. The nearest controlled intersections of Curtner/McGlincey and McGlincey/Union presently operate at level-of-service "A" and "0" respectively. No mitigation measures are needed at Curtner/McGlincey which will continue to operate at level-of-service "A". McGlincey/Union presently operates at level-of-service "0" during both the AM and PM peaks. (See Table 1) With the addition of a free-right turn from southbound Union Avenue the intersection will be at level-of-service "B", through the morning peak and at level-of-service "C" during the evening peak. (Please see Figure 13) Section XIV - Cumulative Effects The majority of the McGlincey Lane neighborhood is already developed to the full potential of the land. The development of this site will leave only one smaller lot, 22 LEVELS OF SERVICE Intersection: Camden/McGlincey E E+A E+A+P AM Critical Movements 637 643 655 AM V/C 0.45 0.45 0.46 AM LOS A A A PM Critical Movements 757 759 772 PM V/C 0.53 0.53 0.54 PM LOS A A A Intersection: McGlincey IUnion, Present Geometry E E+A E+A+P AM Critical Movements 1157 1159 1167 AM V/C 0.81 0.81 0.82 A ,\1 LOS 0 0 0 PM Critical Movements 1169 1171 1194 PM V/C 0.82 0.82 0.82 PM LOS 0 0 0 Intersection: McGlincey I Union, Mitigated E E+A E+A+P AM Critical Movements 924 928 938 AM V/C 0.64 0.65 0.66 AM LOS B B B PM Critical Movements 1115 1117 1127 PM V/C 0.78 0.78 0.79 PM LOS C C C E = Existing Traffic A = Traffic From Approved Projects P = Project Traffic T A BL E 1 23 === ..== ------ -- ~ ~ 'K1&flT-OF-WAY~ ~~ ./..,,? ------- ~ - -;:::::::: ~~ ~ ~ -;, = ..-:= ~ )- ~u\ %:z: ~$ ~ 1: ~ UH\O~ AVSHU~ 181118 4. l?X\?TIt1& INT~R5UfIOH i.. , -===-- -- ~= --=- = ~ -------- UH\OH AVISHU~ ~ "II ~ II '-.) ~ i ~2: II sP~ /8 II (0 x: ~. .MITlGATf,t/ IHT~R?1?C\IOM 24 MC~~IHC~Yi UttlON INT~R?~110H FI~UR~ 1-;' immediately to the west, and the Winchester drive-in site in an undeveloped state. The West Valley Construction Company yard, could be further developed, but at the present time appears to be firmly committed to its existing use. Within the past few years there was an effort to develop a business park on the site of the former Winchester Drive-in, but this is no longer considered an active project. Development of the drive-in site is expected to have a significant environmental impact. This project and development of the other remaining open sites will have no significant cumulative effect. Section XV - Potential Impacts of the Proposed Action 1. Noise The proposed mini-storage will be approximately 50 feet from the closest homes in the new subdivision, separated by an eight foot high masonary wall. The only openings in the mini-storage building are on the ground floor and any noise would be originating within a few feet of the ground. The wall will be between the possible noise source and the residences. 2. Light and Glare Security lights at the mini-storage facility could intrude into the adjacent residences. Security lights should be mounted below the elevation of the top of the perimeter masonary wall, and hooded so as to shine downward only. 3. View from Residential Neighborhoom The proposed buildings are adequately distant from the existing neighborhoods to the east and south that they will not obstruct any significant views. With regard 25 to the homes proposed immediately south of the new mini-storage units, it is important that the buyers of the lots or homes be fully informed of the existing industrial zoning and proposed mini-storage project. If the mini-storage is built prior to the first sale of the lots or homes, the situation will be evident to the buyer, and there should be no claim of surprise. If the residential sales take place prior to the industrial construction, special efforts should be made to ensure full understanding of the proposed construction. 4. Traffic The proposed development will result in some increase in traffic over that generated by the existing operations. The traffic impact analysis (Appendix B) concludes that with mitigation the adjacent intersections of McGlincey/Union and McGlincey/Curtner will continue to operate at level-of-service (LOS) "C" or better. This analysis gives no credit for traffic generated by the existing operations at this site. 5. Public Service There will be no significant increase on the demand for police or fire protection at the proposed facilities. The mini-storage building will be sprinklered and subject to on-site security. 6. Water There is a 6-inch water main in McGlincey Lane which is fed from the west (Curtner) and the east (Union). This line is in the northern (lower) portion of the Belgatos zone of the San Jose Water Company system. Flows will be approxima tely 2,000 gallons per minute. 26 This system should serve the proposed development with no significant impact on the water available to other users in the neighborhood 7. Drainage The site presently drains to a pit in the neighborhood's front yard. After development, runoff will be collected on-si te and piped to the existing public storm drain in McGlincey. This system is sized to handle runoff from this site. 8. Hazardous Materials The City of Campbell has established criteria for the storage and use of hazardous materials. The occupants of the industrial buildings will be required to comply with the City's ordinance which is administered by the fire department. It is recommended that no hazardous materials be allowed in the mini-storage portion of the site. Section XVI - Alternates to the Proposed Action Alternates to the proposed action can be grouped as follows: A. No project, the existing operations will continue. B. Industrial development wi th no mini-storage, the mini-storage buildings would be replaced with some other type of industrial buildings. This would introduce an unknown, and almost surely less compatible use in close proximity with the future residential neighborhood. 27 C. Mini-storage with no industrial, the entire site would be dedicated to mini- storage. This would require relocation of the existing business which plan to occupy portions of the proposed industrial buildings. There would be no significant change in other impacts. D. The proposed industrial buildings, wi th a smaller, one or two-story mini- storage facility. This would reduce the potential visual impact on the proposed residential subdivision to the south of the mini-storage building. Other impacts would be unchanged. Loss of some storage units may affect the feasibility of the project. E. The proposed industrial buildings with a different orientation of the mini- storage. The project as presently proposed, places the loading operations between the two buildings, thereby sheltering the residential neighborhoods from the major source of potential noise. Presently only 33 units face the residential neighborhoods. Any change will most likely increase this number. Section XVII - Recommended Mitigation Measures 1. Relocate the trash enclosure, presently shown at the south-east corner of the project, to the north-west. This will place the trash enclosure near the office and at a maximum distance from the surrounding residential neighborhoods. 2. The security lighting shall be located so that the residential neighborhoods are protected from light or glare. The lights should be mounted no higher than the top of the perimeter masonary wall and directed downward from the horizon. 28 3. Control hours of operation between 7 am and 10 pm to minimize possibility of adverse impacts on the residential neighborhoods during the night hours. 4. Hazardous materials in the industrial buildings shall be stored in compliance with state law and the City of Campbell Hazardous Materials Ordinance. Hazardous materials shall be prohibited from the mini-storage facility. 5. Restripe intersection of Union and McGlincey to accommodate a new free-right turn from southbound Union onto McGlincey Lane. (Please see Figure 13 on page 24.) Section xvm - Identification of Authors and Sources Creegan & D'Angelo staff involved in preparation of this report: Lorri Field Barbara Hale George C Heeg, PE Text Preparation Graphics Project Manager & Traffic Engineer Individuals consulted in preparation of this report: Jim Chalmers W.L. Chalmers Tim J Haley Don King Ray Larson Kei th Manley Fred Skamoto Wayne Warren Michael Young Bay Area Recycling Center Owner City of Campbell, Planner II City of Campbell, Public Works Department City of Santa Clara, Planning Department City of Campbell, Traffic Engineer Design & Engineering Systems, Inc., Architect San Jose Water Company City of Campbell, Fire Marshall Other sources consulted: 1. City of Campbell Zoning Ordinance (1985) 2. City of San Jose Zoning Ordinance (1984) 3. City of Santa Clara Zoning Ordinance (1984) 29 APPENDIX A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ::::NVlRO:~NTAL iMPACT ASSESSMENT ENVIRONMZNiAL CHECKLIST TO aE USED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBE~L IN MAKING INTiTA~ STUDY aAc.~~Ol.'ND N.WE OF PROPONENT: W. L. and Betty Chalmers -, /.DDRESS OF PROPONENT: 75\.- McGlincey Ln. TELEPHONE: ( 408) Campbell, CA 95008 377-7431 DATE OF CHECKLIST SUBMITTED: March 14, 1986 AGENCY REQUIRING CHECKLIST: City of Campbell NA~E OF PROPOSAL (IF APPLICABLE): Light industrial buildings (13,932 sq. ft. anQ 123,146 sq. ft. mini-storage facility) L ~ I J . El'o.'VI r.1ONMENTAl. IMPACTS (EXPt..ANATIONS OF ALL ~ AND ~ ANSWERS ARE: REQUIRZO ON ATTJo.CHED SHEEiJ YE:5 MAYDE NO 1. ~;~TH. W~ll the proposal r2~ult in: a.. Vr:.st::___'_~e eartj, condi tions or in changes in geologic substructures? c ...; :"~: Disr!';p-:ions, displacements, compaction or over::overing of the soil ? 0 ::J :0: Change in topography or ground surface re:lief features? 0 ::: \--.." The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? C 0 -=-( Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils. either on or off the si te? 0 ::J ;a b. d. f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or char.]8s in siltation, deposition or erosion whi~h may modify the channel of a riVEr or str2~~ or the: bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or l~ke? . g. Exposure of people or prJperty to g201og~c hazards suet as earthq:;3.J.:es, lar.dslides, mudslides, gre.md fail~:r:e, or s~.'7'il3.r hazards? o c . ,,:t -. c:- .... A -1 2. ll.IR. Will proposal result in: i.t.. Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture or tempera- ture, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? D. .... 3. WATER. will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? / ), b. if c. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any altera- tion of surface water q~ality, including b~t not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or 'turbidity? d. f. Alteration to the direction or rate of flow of grc~nd waters? g. Change in the ~Jantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cut~ or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? i. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? 4. PLANT LIFE. Will the proposal resul t in: d. Cr~nge in the diversity of species or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants)? ~. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, ~are or endangered species of pla~ts? c. Introduction of new species of plants inco an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? ; '". A-2 YES MAYBE NO o ~ o o j3.X o o 19C o o o ~ D< o o o o ~ o o ~ o CJ :~ o c ~ o o ~ o o :c( o o ~: o o ..:-: o :: :~~ c [] .0: o :l :Co: "] of ':) _",..::.:., ,'V \ 5. A.VIMAL LIFE. Will the proposal result in: u. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of .any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisrrs, insects or ~icrofauna)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? 6. NOISE. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? 7. LIGHT AND GLARE. Will the proposal produce new :Light or glare? IS. LAND uSE. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the presen~ or planned land use of an :::rea? 9. NATURAL RESOURCES. Will the proposal resul t in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? b. Subscantial depletion or any nonrenewable natural resource? 10. RISK OF UPSET. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous sub- stances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? 11. POPULATION. will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? 12. HOUSING. Will the proposa.l affect exisdn~; hO'.lsing, or create a demand for additional housing? <i ~. .- A-3 YES MA YBE NO o o :tfC o o ::c{ o o ~ o xx o o )QC o o o }Q{ o )Q: c ~ o o o :c o o )Q:: o >a o o ...., ~ .{:'. o o ;.0; 3 of 6 r:_;...:~ r -";0 'J' , ," 13. TRANSPORTl.TION/CIRCULATION. will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement. b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c. Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? d. Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? 14. PUBLIC SERVICES. will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? ~. Maintenance of public facilities, includinq roads? f. Other governmental services? 15. ENERGY. will the proposal result in: / a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon existinq sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? \ / 16. UTILITIES. will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? b. Communications systems? c. Water? c. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? ; "" A-4 YES MAYBE o o o o o o o o o o o o D FKx ;{x o o C! o o o o o o o o o o o ~ o o o o o ~ o o o ~ o o NO :J o o o [Xx rxx o s ~x OX OX ~x ~x ~x o ~x ~x R}: o IDe 4 of 6 p;;.7::::: \1 : 1:' ;1' ! ' 17. EUMAN HEALTH. will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? , , 18. AESTHETICS. will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? 19. RECREATION. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. ARCHEOWGICAL!HISTORICAL. Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? 21. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eli~r.~te a plant or animal co~nity, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future. ) c. Does the project have impacts which are indiv- idually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environ~ent ./ is significant.) "J d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on hUff-an beings, either directly or indirectly? . ~. A-5 YES, MAYBE NO o l:lX o o we o o ~ c o ~ o o ~ o o o ~ o .D< o o o n: o ;ex 5 of 6 :-:;..:.'-:';:?~ III. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATICN r -, SEE ATTACHED SHEET L .J IV. CET""-RldINATICN AF~R REVIEWI~~ THE ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMAY10N SUBMITTEO BY TH~ APPL,CANT. ~D AFTER COMPLETING THE ENVIRONMENTA~ CHECK~IST USE BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELl.. IN MAKING AN ENVIRONMENTAl.. ASSESSMENT o ~ find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. o I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the miti- gation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION ;-,TILL BE PREPARED. ;QC I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. /1 :";' ,'::' /,.-'j ", I DATE ~'k.::ch 14, 1086 SIGNATURE .' '- .:..... .~ c" '-_ TITLE Planner II P'OR A. A. Kee . ~-~ 5 ::;f ~ ;;a_ c, _ A-6 APPENDIX B TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ;I~ . TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH CIRCULAR Number 212, January 1980 ISSN 0097.8515 Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20418 INTERIM MATERIALS ON HIGHWAY CAPACITY modes 1 highway transportation 2 public transit 5 other subject areas 12 planning 21 facilities design 54 operations and traffic control 55 traffic flow, capacity, and measurements . . Critical Movement Analysis DISCUSSION Introduction Critical Movement Analysis is a procedure which allows for capacity and level of service determination for signalized intersections. The analysis incorporates the effects of geometry and traffic signal operation and results in a level of service determination for the intersection as a whole operating unit. The ability of a line of vehicles to discharge past a point is the key principle involved. Rarely can a discharge rate of 2000 passenger cars per hour of green be surpassed. Because of time lost due to queue start up and signal change intervals the maximum discharge of a single lane at signalized intersections typically varies from 1500 to 1800 passenger cars per hour of green. The 1965 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) (1) states that a single lane at a traffic signal can accommodate 2000 and 1500 passenger cars per hour of green respectively, for a perfectly coordinated signal where all vehicles pass through without stopping, and for a signal where all vehicles must stop. Definitions Approach - The portion of an intersection leg which is used by traffic approaching the intersection. Capacity - The maximum number of vehicles that has a reasonable expectation of passing over a given roadway or section of roadway in one direction during a given time period under prevailing roadway and traffic conditions. Change Interval - Yellow time plus all red time occurring between two phases. Critical Volume - A volume (or combination of volumes) for a given street which produces the greatest utilization of capacity (e.g., needs the greatest green time) for that street. Given in terms of passenger cars or mixed vehicles per hour per lane. Cycle Time - The period in seconds required for one canplete sequence of signal indications. Delay - Stopped time delay per approach vehicle, in seconds per vehicle. Green Time - The length of a green phase plus its change interval, in seconds. Hourly Volume - The number of (mixed) vehicles that pass over a given section of a lane or roadway during a time period of one hour. Level of Service - A measure of the mobility characteristics of an intersection, as determined by vehicle delay and a secondary factor, volume/capacity ratio. Local Bus - A bus having a scheduled stop at the intersection under analysis. Passenger Car Equivalency - For a given vehicle, the number of through moving passenger cars it is equivalent to, based on its headway and delay creating effects. Passenger Car Volumes - The volumes expressed in terms of passenger cars, following the application of passenger car equivalency factors to vehicular volumes. Period Volume - A design volume, based on the flow rate wi thin the peak 15 minutes of an hour, and converted to an equivalent hourly volune. 5 Peak Hour Factor - A measure of peaking characteristics within the peak hour, equal to: PHF = Peak Hour Volume . 4(Highest 15 minute Volume) Phase - A part of the cycle allocated to any traffic movement or combination of traffic movements receiving right of way simultaneoQsly during one or more intervals. Probable Phase - A phase within the probable sequence of phases which represents the sequence of a multi-phase signal controller lOClSt likely to ocelli' under given traffic conditions. Through Bus - A bus not having a designated stop at the intersection under analysis. Truck - A vehicle having six or more tires on the [Xtvement. G/C Green time/Cycle time ratio HV Hourly Volume LB Local Bus (Number per hour) LOS Level of Service L T Left Turn PCE Passenger Car Equivalency pch Passenger cars per hour PCV Passenger Car Volume, in pch PHF Peak Hour Factor PV Period Volume RT Ri ght Turn T Truck and Through Bus (Percentage of HV) TH Through Traffic U Lane Utilization Factor v/c Volume/Capacity ratio VL Left Turn Volume, in vph Va Volume Opposing a VL, in vph vph Vehicles per hour (mixed traffic) W Lane Width factor Background The development of Critical Movement (then called "cri tical lane") Analysis was first reported in 1961 by Capelle and Pinnell (2) in a study of diamond interchanges. In 1971, Mcinerney and Petersen (~) explained the technique as applied to traffic planning work. In 1975, Trout and Lautzenheiser (4) reported on field tests and questionnaire results related to application of the method. Messer and Fambro (5) proposed a detailed procedure for critical movement analysis to assess design al ternati ves. In 1978, it was determined by NCHRP Project 3-28 (6) that many planners and engineers were usng the-method, both for detailed traffic signal and geometric design, and for planning studies. The technique seans to be gaining greater acceptance, not only in North America but also overseas. For example, the Swedish Capacity Manual (7) contains a form of critical movement analysis in its chapter on intersections. ~ ;,J;n. - 6 Critical Movement Analysis Figure 1. Critical Movements, PLANNING Applications 200- :.._500 : (incllOO LT) o o co I I o 10 2 l~ !J + I + ~ _417 -417 lincl. 60 L Tl ...-166 (incl. 50 L T) 280- 460- 460-----. .- tit -' 810 o 10 <t ... I I I I I g,g\g 1:1 ~ -200 '. -200 (No L Tl (No LT) 200- 300- ................: 'I'i d g gig - W1t.D I I I I - Single Lane Approaches _ Two Phase Si gna 1 - Crit i ca 1 Movements: 500 and 600 vph _ Sum of Critical Volumes: 500 + 600 = 1100 vph -Two and Three Lane Approaches -Two Phase Signal -Critical Movements, by lane: 400 and 460 + 50 vph - Sum of Critical VolufTIes: 400 + 510 = 910 vph -Two and Three Lane Approaches . Fi ve Phase Actuated Signa 1 . Note: For the east-west street, the critical volume is 300 vph. For the north-south street the greatest demand for green time will occur with the conflicting movement totaling 800 vph (600 + 200 LT). The con- flicting movement totaling 500 vph (400 + 100 LT) would require less green time and will be satisfied if the 800 vph critical volume is satisfied. t N .Sum of Critical Volumes: 300 + 800 = 1100 vph. Note: The above examples relate to PLANNING applications of Critical Movement Analysis. OPERATIONS AND DE- SIGN applications of the method use a somewhat different procedure for combining critical volumes, and express volumes in tenns of passenger cars per hour (pch) instead of in terms of vehicles per hour (vph) Analytical Base There is at each signalized intersection a combination of conflicting movements which must be accomnoda ted. Figure 1 shows several examples of critical movemant combinations. Regardless of the complexity of the intersection and its traffic signal operations, the critical volunes (when placed on a per lane basis) cannot physically be accomncdated beyond the 2000 passenger cars per hour of green (pchg) limit, and in practice cannot be accomncdated beyond about 1500 to 1800 pchg. The latter values take into account the time headway between successive vehicles, the starting delay for a queue of vehicles, and the lost time due to signal change intervals. Time headway (average headway, once the initial queue start-up time has been experienced), starting delay, and the arrount of lost time due to yellow and red intervals must be considered in order to assess the capacity of a single lane. NlIIIerous researchers have proposed formulae for calculating capacity of a single lane based on these factors. Table 1 gives several of the more prominent formulae for Critical Movement Analysis Table 1. Capacity Calculation Techniques Reference F onnul a Calculated Capacitya , 1. Be rry-Gandh i (~) Method 2. Capelle-Pinnell (2) Critical Lane Method 3. Messer-Fambro (~) ) 4. Bell is-Reilly 01., 11., ll) Method 5. Bri t ish (11.) Method 6. 1965 Highway Capacity Manual (1) a Ca p (i n vph) 3600(G + ^Y - 0 + H) CH 3600 [40 + (0. 5 ~ ~ 4) - 3 + 2. I ] (80 2.1) where: 881 vehicles per hour Cap = Capacity of the signalized approach 0= Starting time delay, in seconds, elapsing from beginning of g",en indication to the instant the rear wheels of the first vehicle cross the refe",nce line (usually, the stop line) H = Average headway time, in seconds, for all vehicles in a com- pact platoon that cross the refe",nce line. A = Proportion of the length of yellow indication, for a loaded cycle, which is utilized up to the time the last vehicle in a compact platoon crosses the ",fe",nce line C = Length of signal cycle, in seconds G = Length of g",en indication, in seconds Y = Length of yellow indication, in seconds vph = Vehicles per hour pch = Passenger cars per hour Cap (in vph) (~+ 2)(3600) H C (40 - 5.0 + 2)(3600) 2.1 80 where : = 840 vehicles per hour o = Starting delay--the time for the first two vehicles to enter H = Average time headway for the third, fourth, fifth, etc. vehi cles to enter G = Length of g",en indication, in seconds C = Cycle length, in seconds Cap (in pch) = SG/C [1800(40 + 4.0 - 4.0)]/[80] where: 900 oassenger cars per hour C = Cycle length, in seconds S = Saturation flow, in passenger cars per hour of green, measured empirically as in the Australian Method (9, 10) and assuned as 1000 passenger cars per hour of green in thiS-example (a typi- cal value for a through lane) G = Effective 9",en time, in seconds = green + yellow - 4.0 seconds Cap (in pch) = (36g0)(G ~ 3) whe re: G = Length of g",en indication, in seconds C = Cycle length, in seconds H = Average time hea~aYt in seconds (3~gO)(4Q / /) 921 passenger cars per hour . 160WG Cap (1n pch) = --c-- whe re : W = Wi dth 0 f lane, in fee t G = Effective g",en time, in seconds = g",en + yellow - 4.0 seconds C = Cycle length, in seconds (160) (12) (42) 80 1000 passenger cars per hour USE: Figure 6.8, p. 135. Use a 24 ft. width to place the analysis in a more representative section of the charts. Assume no turns and no trucks or through buses, and no local buses. Also, assume PHF = 0.85 and Metro Area population = 500,000. THEN: Cap (in pch) (2100 vphg)(G/C)(PHF/Pop)(Location)(Left Turns)(Right Turns)(Trucks and Buses) (2100)( 40/80)( 1.06) (1. 25) (1.10) (1.10) (1.05) 1610 passenger cars per hour oer approach 805 passenger cars per hour aproblems based on suburban arterial street with 12 ft. lanes, headway average = 2.1 seconds, starting delay for first vehicle only = 3.0 seconds, G/C = 40/80 seconds, yellow tine = 4 seconds, with 2 seconds used for tra ffi c movement. All results are on a per-lane basis. (1 foot = .305 meter) 7 ~ 8 Critical Movement Analysis estimating capacity,and includes a numerical example. The computations in Table 1 indicate that very little variation exists in the value used for capacity of a standard 12 foot wide (3.7 m) lane at an urban signalized intersection with ideal traffic cond i t ions (no trucks, buses, or turning root ions ) . Three of the models shown give capacities of approximately 900 pch for a green time/cycle time (G/C) ratio of 0.5. The British method, which has been known to give considerably higher computed values for capacity than North America methods, shows a computed capacity 12 percent higher. The 1965 HCM yields a capacity value of 805 pch (G/C = 0.50), or alx>ut 10% below the other methods. Because of the close agreement between Berry--Gandhi (8), Capelle-Pinnell (2), Messer-Fambro (5), and Bell~s-Reilly (ll, 12, 13), an average value of 1800 passenger cars per hour of green ~ for a 12 foot (3.7 m) through traffic lane--with no trucks, buses, turns, or pedestrian interference--can be used as a base value for capacity in the critical movement analysis technique. It should be noted that the British capacity procedures use-for a 13 foot (4.0 m) wide lane-a capacity of 1950 pchg. The factors which are considered of prime importance in modifying the capacity value of 1800 p~hg for a single 12 foot (3.7 m) lane are as fo::' '.ows: 1. Lane Width 2. Buses and Trucks 3. Bus Stop Operations 4. Left Turns 5. Right Turns and Pedestrian Acti vi ty 6. Parking Activity 7. Peaking Characteristics (Peak Hour Factor) Other factors-such as vertical grade and type of driver using the intersection--may be of importanCE in modifying the capacity value, but little research has been accomplished in these areas. Also, field measurement of saturation flow allows the HCM user to establish a capacity value for any intersection approach or lane without explicitly defining each rnroifying factor. 1. Lane Width. The critical llDverrent procedure proposed by Messer and Fanbro (5) includes a reduc- tion in calculated capacity of-lO percent for lane widths between 9.0 and 9.9 feet (2.7 m and 3.0 m). For lanes 10.0 feet (3.0 m) or wider, no adjustment in ca;:acity is made. Note that these adjustments increase the passenger car volurre (PCV) rather than reQuce capacity. Using the Australian procedures (~, 10), capacity adjustments are made for lanes not falling in the 10.0 to 12.0 foot (3.0 m to 3.7 m) range. Adj1lstments for the value of capacity ar~ Lane Width (feet): Lane Width (meters): Adjustment Value: 14.0 4.3 +4y,% 15.0 4.6 +6% 8.0 2.4 -12% 9.0 2.7 -7% 13.0 4.0 +3% " "plication of the 1965 HCM, with the assumed '.;oilditions used in Table 1, gives adjustment values of - 29% for the equivalent of a 9 foot (2.7 m) lane and + 19% for the equivalent of a 14 foot (4.3 m) lane. Table 2 combines these concepts into a readily applied set of values. These adjustments rely principally on the Messer-Fambro work, but include upward adjustments in capacity for wide traffic lanes as included in roost other methods. One important concept to note is that under peak traffic conditions, lane widths in the 10 to 13 foot (3.0 to 4.0 m) range have little effect on sa tura tion flow or capacity. However, it is likely that if comfort and safety were to be considered in intersection level of service (LOS), lane width differences would have a greater impact on LOS than they wi 11 in the proposed new HCM; with its emphasis on llDbility rather than quality of flow. 2. Buses and Trucks. Trucks, and buses not !li,.ving a designated stop at the intersection under :malysis (called "through" buses), reduce capacity uecause the time headway of these vehicles tends to be longer than the 2.0 second average implied by a capacity set at 1800 pchg. There are two means available for including the effects of trucks and buses. First, each truck or bus can be converted to an equivalent number of passenger cars, and the volurre used in the analysis Table 2. Lane Width Adjustments Reference 8 16 Adiustment Factors to Capacity for Lane Width (ft.) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (Suggest use of Australian factors) NAa 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 NA 1.12 1.07 1.00 1. 00 1.00 0.97 0.96 0.94 b 8.0 -9.9 feet 10.0-12.9 feet 13.0-15.9 feet W = 1.10 W = 1.00 W = 0.90 Berry-Gandhi (~) Messer-Fambro (2) Australian (~), (10) Recommendedc Adjustment Factors aNA denotes data not available. bFor 16-foot wide approaches, two 8-foot lanes would be assumed. cRecommended for use in Critical Movement Analysis (OPERATIONS AND DESIGN Application, Step 8) Source: As cited above and W.R. Reilly (NCHRP Project 3-28) 1 (1 foot .305 meter) Critical Movement Analysis 9 t stated in terms of passenger cars per hour rather than (mixed) vehicles per hour. Second, the r.apaci ty of the lane can be reduced and the analysis carried out using vehicles per hour. For PLANNI~ applications of Critical IOOvanent Analysis, average gecmetric and traffic conditions are assuiled and the work is carried out in terms of mixed vehicles per hour (vph). For OPERATIONS AND DFSIGN applications, the analysis is perfonned in terms of plSSenger cars per hour (pch). The p<l.SSenger car equivalency (PCE) for trucks and through buses in the 1965 HCM can be inferred from the adjustment factors used. The approximate PCE value is 2.0. In essence, this means that the time headway for these vehicles is twice that for passenger cars, or 4.0 seconds if the assumption of a 2.0 second average headway for passenger cars is used. The recarmended average PCE value for converting trucks and through buses is 2.0 (recall that six or more tires on the plvement isthe working definition of "truck"). >> 3. Bus Stop Operations. As with trucks and through buses, the effect of bus stops in or adjacent to a traffic lane is to increase the average time headway. In the development of the 1965 HCM, PCE values for local buses ranged from 1.0 to 7.0 (16). Future research is expected to result in a clear definition of the llnplcts on delay and capacity of bus stop operation. For an average value to apply in the critical movement analysis procedure, a PCE value of 5.0 for each local bus appears to be reasonable. This implies an average headway of 10 seconds per bus, and would be applied to all buses having a designated stop at the intersection. . For example, if 30 buses per hour s top at a nearside bUb stop, with 33 percent of them stopping on red, and 67 percent on green, a total time headway for all buses is assumed to be (30 x 5.0 x 2 seconds), or 300 seconds. The 300 seconds of headway might principally be used by only 20 buses having to stop on the green for an average of 13 seconds each. The remaining 10 buses, stopping on the red interval, would create only 40 seconds of time headway, or about 4.0 seconds per bus. This latter figure relates to the recommended equivalency of 2.0 PCE for through buses and trucks. The actual effects of a stopping bus will vary C;u"::i.LUerablY depending upon bus stop location, bus dwell time, parking activity, lane configuration, and traffic volumes. However, until further research is accomplished, the figure of 5.0 PCE per local bus appears to be useful average value. 4. Left Turns. Left turning vehicles are treated in considerable detail in mos~ capacity computation techniques. The reason for this is simple--left turns (unless removed from through traffic lanes by provision of exclusive turn lanes) have a large impact on capacity and on vehicular delay, which will be the principal determinant of level of service in the new Hal. The lIDst direct means of taking into account the delaying effects of left turn vehicles is to convert then to pch using PCE values. It is anticipated that future research will lead to a range of PCE values for various conbinations of gearetry, traffic volures, opposing traffic VOlUITES, and signal phasing for left turns. Different methods use varying PCE values for left turns. The British method sets 1.75 PCE as the average value for lanes with left turning and through movements. The 1965 HeM uses adjustment factors which show an approximate PCE value of between 4.0 and 2.0 for narrow and wider approaches, respectively. For a single lane, the typical effect can be on the order of 3.0 PCE per left turn operating from a left-through lane. The actual effect varies depending on geometric and traffic factors and especially on the volume of opposing traffic. The Messer-Fambro method describes a detailed procedure for considering left turns ill critical movement calculations. Three distinct factors are described for left turn adjustments. Included are a PCE adjustment to all traffic for approaches without left turn bays, a PCE adjustment to left turn traffic for approaches with left turn bays, and a PCE adjustment to non-left turn traffic for approaches with left turn bays of inadequate length (thus creating blockages in the through lane). Although this latter factor has not been included in the critical lIDvement procedure, the user may wish to refer to Messer and Fambro's research (5) for details on the effects of left turn storage bay lengths. Table 3 gives the PCE values for left turns for use when applying the critical movement procedure. These values are to be considered as "average" valt~S for a broad range of traffic and geometric conditions. Future research may lead to a more precise formulation of left turn PCE values by incorporating other variables, in addition to "OI:JlOSing traffic." Table 3. peE Values: Left Turn Effects Left Turns Allowed from Left-Through Lanesa 1. No Turn Phase Opposing Volume, in vph: 0-299 300-599 600-999 1000 + 1 left turn equals: 1. 0 PCE 2.0 PCE 4.0 PCE 6.0 PCE 2. With Turn Phase 1 left turn equals 1. 2 PCE Left Turns A 11 owed from Left Turn Bays Onlyb 3. No Turn Phase Opposing Volume. in vph: 0-299 300-599 600-999 1000 + 1 left turn equals: 1. 0 PCE 2.0 PCE 4.0 PCE 6.0 PCE 4. With Turn Phase 1 left turn equals 1. 05 PCE a apCE Values are used in Step 5, PLANNING applications, to develop a distribution of volumes among several traffic lanes. PCE Values are also used in Step 7. OPERATIONS AND DESIGN applications, to convert left turn volumes to passenger car volumes prior to adding them to through and right turn volumes, in pch. bpCE Values are used in Step 7, OPERATIONS AND DESIGN applications, to convert left turn volumes (operating from a turn bay) to passenger car volumes, in pch. Source: W. R. Reilly (NCHRP Project 3-28). based on a synthesis of various data, including Ref. (~). r 1 . "",~ 1;<;.4 ;J ;:~i~ "..tl "~i l~t, Ii 10 Critical Movement Analysis 5. Right Turns and Pedestrian Activity. For simplicity, the adverse effect of right turns on intersection capacity can be considered as zero if little or no pedestrian interference occurs in the parallel conflicting crosswalk. If considerable pedestrian activity exists, then a right-turning vehicle has a similar effect as a local bus, creating a greater average time headway and producing greater vehicular delay. A study of the Australian documents (9, 10) indicates that lanes with right turn activity might show a reduction in vehicle capacity of from fifteen to thirty-five {:'€rcent. The 1965 HCM (1) indicates a PCE value of approximately 1.5 for right turns on a two-lane approach. However, for one~lane approaches this value may rise to 4.0. The British (14) use a PCE value of 1.25 for right turning vehicles (actually left turns in Britain) when the right turns comprise greater than 10 percent of the total traffic. In Australia PCE values of 1.25 and 2.50 are used for right turns of automobiles and heavy vehicles, respectively. In the Messer-Fambro (5) technique, a right turn adjustment is made, based on the radius of the corner and the percentage of traffic making the turn. Also, an adjustment is made for the vehicles which may turn right on red. Such adjustments are not of prime importance and have not been included in the critical rrovonent procedure presented herein. The PCE values for right turns recannended for use in Cr~ t~cal Movanent Analysis are given in Table 4. The values listed are considered as "average" for a broad range of traffic and geometric conditions and are based on a synthesis of information from many sources. Future research may lead to a more definitive set of PCE values for right turns relative to pedestrian activity. Table 4. peE Values: Right Turn Effects Type of Activity PCE Value for Right Turning Vehicle 1. Little pedestrian activity (0 to 99 peds. per hour) in parallel conflicting crosswalk 1.00 2. Moderate pedestrian activity (100 to 599 peds. per hour) in parallel conflicting crosswalk 1. 25 3. Heavy pedestrian activity (600 to 1,199 peds. per hour) in parallel conflicting crosswa 1 k 1.50 4. Extremely heavy pedestrian activity (1,200 or more peds. per hour) in parallel conflicting crosswalk aas detennined from local conditions. 2.00 ora greater Source: W. R. Reilly (NCHRP Project 3-28), based on a synthesis of various data. 6. Parking Activity. Little or no definitive research work on parking nnd its capacity effects has been completed. However, the British do use :l fOrmJla to compute these effects, as follows: Loss in Approach Width, 0.9(Z - 25) K in feet, = 5.5 - where: Z Clear distance, in feet, from stop line to parked car K = Green time, in seconds (1 foot = .305 meter) The British formula, assuming a green time of :n seconds, infers that there is no effect on the approach capacity if parking is approxima te ly ~oo feet (61 m) or more away fran the stop line. Most North American techniques do not explicitly consider a reduction in capacity due to parking, if the parking ends 250 fect (76 m) before the intersection. For a curbside lane where IXtrking is allowed, 8 feet (2.4 m) should be allowed for the parking lane and its friction effects, with the remaining width being assigned to the rroving lane in the capacity computations. For parking which extends into the 250 fcot (76 m) area, the HCM user must use judgment on the value or lack thereof of the additional width gained at the point where parking is prohibited. Because of the lack of definitive research on parking effects, this factor has not been included in the critical movement procedure . 7. Peaking Characteristics. To convert peak 15 minute flow rates to 1 hour volumes, same type of factor must be applied. Messer and Fambro indicate that the peak 15 minute flow along urban arterials consistently exceeds the average 15 minute flow during the peak hours by twenty to thirty {:'€rcent. In the 1965 HCM (1) an "average" condition at urban intersections is assumed to be that the peak 15 minute flow will exceed the average 15 minute flow by about 15 percent. This results in a peak hour factor (PHF) of 0.85. Because the HCM user may wish to use either a 15 minute {:'€ak flow rate or the peak 1 hour volwne for design or analysis, a relationship between the two is needed. Generally, ?HF will vary with such factors as volume/capacity ratio, size of city, and type of adjacent activity. The data leading to the pJblication of the 1965 HCM indicated (16) that the average value for PHF at all sites was 0.85. Thus, the "average" PHF (if no additional information is available) which can be assumed for analysis is 0.85. The HCM user can easily develop a set of specific Peak Hour Factors by taking a limited amount of field data on different classes of streets . Critical Movement Analysis 11 , The importance of PHF is that the mse figure of 1800 pchg per lane is 00.sed on the assunption that the PHF is 1.0 (i.e., flow in the peak hour is uniform by 15 minute period). If we assume one hurrlred percent green tilre in an ideal traffic lane, the maximlln flow rate in a 15 minute period would be 450 (i.e., 1800 7 4) passenger cars. If a PHF of 0.85 is used, the corresponding flow rate expressed in term3 of hourly volune would be: Hourly Volume (HV), in pch, (PHF)(4)(Highest 15 min. Flow) = (0.85)(4)(450) = 1530 pch This represents a fifteen percent reduction in volume on an hourly basis when compared with conditions where PHF is equal to 1.0. Lane Utilization ) Critical !.bvement Analysis is based on "per lane" volumes. Thus, for movements (e.g., left turn, through, and right turn) which take place from more than one lane, it is necessary to estimate the volume in each of the lanes affected. In this manner, the highest lane volume can be identified and used in the analysis. Reilly and Bellis (11, 12, 13) indicate that a traffic movement carried Tn two lanes could break down into a 55% / 45% split, by lane. A traffic movement carried in three lanes might divide into a 40% / 35% I 25% split. In the critical movement analysis proposed by Messer and Fambro (5) a lane utilization factor is applied. For two-lanes, a 55% / 45% split in volume is assumed. For three lanes, 40% of the total movement is assumed to occur in the most heavily used lane. Many HCM users have used analyses based on the assumption that volure is distributed approximately equally by lane, especially under peak corrli tions . Lane utilization factors (U) were developed by the NCHRP 3-28 Project Team, based on the research cited above, and modified according to operational experience. The value for U when 2 lanes are utilized represents a 52.5% / 47.5% split. The value for U when 3 lanes are utilized assumes that approximately 37% of the volume is carried in the most heavily used lane. This represents a compromise between the HCM and Messer-Fambro procedures. Table 5 contains the adjustl1J2nt factors to be applied for lane utilization. For use in OPERATIONS AND DESIGN applications, average adjustl1J2nts for lane utilization of 1.05 and 1.10 are recommended for two\lane and three lane situations. These ad- justl1J2nts increase the passenger car volume for ve- hicles in the two or three lanes due to volume inbalances by lane. Table 5. Lane Utilization Adjustments lanes Utilized 1 2 1.05 3 Utilization Factor (U) 1.00 1.10 , Source: W. R. Reilly (NCHRP Project 3-28), based on a synthesis of various data. An example of the effects of lane distribution can be seen by assuming two approach lanes, each capable of carrying 900 pch with a GIC ratio of 0.50. When a volume of 900 pch is reached in the JDJSt heavily traveled lane, a volune of only 814 pch will be using the second lane, assuning a 1.05 lane utilization factor. Thus a total capacity of 1714 pch (five percent less than the ideal 1800 pch) can be achieved by two lanes. Levels of Service As part of the critical moVEment technique, a set of guidelines 011 volure/capacity (vie) ratio, average delay values, and sum of critical volumes is presented for use, review, and ccmnent by HCM users. Table 6 gives the recomnended thresholds for the sun of critical voItmes for Levels of Service A through E for both the PLANNING and the OPERATIONS AND DESIGN applications. Table 6. Level of Service Ranges PLANNING Appl ications (in vph) Leve 1 Maximum Sum of Critical Volumes of Two Th ree Fou'r or Service Phase Phase more Phases A 900 855 825 B 1050 1000 965 C 1200 1140 1100 D 1350 1275 1225 E 1500 1425 1375 F ---------not applicable--------- OPERATIONS AND DESIGN Applications (in pch) Maximum Sum of Critical Volumes Two Three Four or Phase Phase more Phases level of Servi ce A B C D E F 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 950 1140 1340 1530 1720 900 1080 1270 1460 1650 ---------not applieable--------- Source: W. R. Reilly (NCHRP 3-28) and Ref. (~) In comparing the vie ranges used in Table 6 with those implied from the 1965 HCM (1), the following can be noted (using the example conditions given in Table 1): Levels of Service (I.a3) A, B, C, D, and E are represented by v/c ratios of approximately 0.71. 0.75, 0.81, 0.92, and 1.00, respectively. Thus, the recommended values in Table 6 clo~ely follow the 1965 HCM for defining I.a3 C, D, and E, but produce roore ample ranges of vie values for levels A and B. The threshold volune levels of Table 6 are expressed in vehicles per hour (vph) for the PLANNING application and in passenger cars per hour (pch) for the OPERATIONS AND IE3IGN application. The levels of service defined in Table 6 relate to the critical approaches and/or lanes at the intersection. "Non-cri tical" lanes will tend to operate at better levels. ~"."".""""""""""",,, ..f.J\',;: -',' ' i,.f i':~.'" , '. ,. 12 Critical Movement Analysis Delay Because delay will be the principal determinant of signalized intersection level of service in the new HCM, Table 7 is included. The delay values given are not yet an integral part of the Critical Movement Analysis procedure but are presented as an initial step in developing a range of delay values which can be related to intersection level of service. The values of Table 7 do not take into account the offset relationship between adjacent signals. Synthesis of data fran a number of sources has been used to produce Table 7. HCM users may find it useful to compare the table with locally obtained delay data. Table 7. Delay and Level of Service Le ve 1 of Typi ca 1 Del ay Rangea Service vlc Ratio (secs. per veh.) A 0.00-0.60 0.0-16.0 B 0.61-0.70 16.1-22.0 C 0.71-0.00 22.1-28.0 D o . 81-0 . gO 28.1-35.0 E 0.91-1.00 35.1-40.0 F varies 40.1 or greater aMeasured as "stopped delay" as described in Ref. (17). Delay values relate to the mean stoppea-delay incurred by all vehicles entering the i ntersecti on. Note thattraffi c signal coordination effects are not considered and could drastically alter the delay range for a given vlc ratio. Source: W. R. Reilly (NCHRP Project 3-28), based on a synthesis of various data. Summary Table 8 contains a summary list of values used in the conceptual and applied aspects of the critical movement technique. Critical Movement Analysis: Strategy Critical Movement Analysis can be used in two general categories of problems: PLANNING applications and OPERATIONS AND DESIGN applications. In each case the fundamentals are the same. However, the level of detail is greater for OPERATIONS AND DESIGN applications. Cri tical MJvernent Analysis is a tool to be used for study of the intersection as an operating whole. For specific analysis of a single approach, the procedure outlined by the 1965 HCM (!) remains a valuable tool. The key assumption in the technique is that there is a combination of lane volumes wh:i.ch must be accommodated in 1 hour through the middle of a signalized intersection. The sum of these volumes, termed "critical volune" by Capelle and Pinnell (2), cannot exceed the saturation flow characteristics-of the intersection. In essence, 1800 pch would be the maximum value under ideal conditions for the critical volume, with 1500 vph being an average value for typical conditions. PLANNING Applications In these applications, an important reference work is that of McInerney and Petersen (3). The only tabular material used is that found inTable 6 which gives a single value for the maximum sum of critical lane volumes, in vehicles per hour, assuming "average" traffic, signal, and geanetric conditions, and Table 3, which is used to apportion traffic among several lanes. The focus of this tool is to allow for a rapid approximation of level of service. None of the detailed individual adjustment factors need be applied to obtain a solution. The solution is for typical average conditions and should not necessarily be used for detailed design or operational decisions. OPERA TlONS AND DESIGN Applications A principal source used for developing this more detailed application of Critical Movement Analysis is Messer and Fambro's 1977 paper (5). Many of the concepts and values fran this work have been revised or extended to reflect work found in other source docunents . Table 6 gives the level of service standards which apply to this detailed application. Previous sections contain descriptions of various adjustment procedures and factors used. Table 8 provides a sumnary of these factors. An explanation and exaIq)les of the step-by-step procedure is given under the heading of "USER APPLICATIONS" later in this section. Element Table 8. Summary Factors for Critical Movement Analysis Val ues 1. Capacity, per lane ideal conditions 2. Capacity, per lane average-to-good urban conditions 3. Green time 1000 pch 1500 vph Assumed as actual green ti lIE plus change i nte rva 1 ti lIE 4. PCE values for vehi cle type 1.0 2.0 passenger car or motorcycle truck or through bus local bus = typical, or use actual field measurements Left turns (see Table 3) Right turns (see Table 4) 5. Peak Hour Factor 5.0 0.85 6. PCE values for left and right turns 7. Lane Utilization (u) Two 1 anes, volume di vi des 52.5% I 47.5% Three lanes, volume in heaviest lane is 36.6% of total 8.0-9.9 feet, W 1.1 10.0-12.9 feet, W 1.0 13.0-15.9 feet, W = 0.9 8. Lane Width (W) Source: W. R. Reilly (NCHRP Project 3-28) t >> a Critical Movement Analysis 13 USER APPLlCA nONS Methodology The intent of this section is to set forth the detailed procedures, with example problems, to be used in Critical Movement Analysis. The examples are divided into two groups: PLANNINJ applications wi th quick and simple solutions, and OPERATIONS AND DESIGN applications with more complex detailed solutions. A Calculation Form has been developed for each of the two groups of applications. These forms are shown in the following pages. Detailed definitions, the analytical framework, and references used in Critical Movement Analysis, are described in the preceeding section entitled "DISCUSSION." PLANNING applications are carried out in tenns of mixed vehicles per hour (vph). OPERATIONS AND DESIGN applications are carried out in terms of passenger cars per hour (pch). Definitions The abbreviations and symbols used in critical movement analysis are defined below. A more detailed set of definitions of concepts and terms is found in the preceeding "DISCUSSION". G/C Green time/Cycle time ratio HV Hourly Volume LB Local Bus (Number per hour) LOS Level of Service LT Left Turn PCE Pas'senger Car Equivalency pch Passenger cars per hour PCV Passenger Car Volume, in pch PHF Peak Hour Factor PV Period Volume RT Right Turn T Truck and Through Bus (Percentage of HV) TH Through Tra ffi c U Lane Utilization Factor v/c Volume/Capacity ratio VL Left Turn Volume, in vph Va Volume Opoosing a VL, in vph vph Vehicles per hour (mixed traffic) W Lane Width factor PLANNIN G Applications: Procedure The PLANNING application of Critical Movement Analysis is based on average or better conditions of geanetry and traffic. The solutions can resolve the following questions: 1. What is the operating level of service for a signalized intersection as a whole? 2. If a design level of service is set, what changes in lane geometry or demand volume wi 11 be necessary to achieve that level? 3. What changes in lane configuration or signal phasing will have the greatest impact on operating level of service? Step-By-Step Approach The steps followed in solving a problem by this technique are described below. Figure 2 contains an illustration of the steps followed, which are: Step 1. Idel1t.lxy Lane Gearetry - the assumed or known lane configuration for each approach is identified, by type of lane. Step 2. Identify Volumes - the assumed or known traffic volumes for the design hour or analysis hour are identified in vehicles per hour. Left turn volumes, through, and right turn volumes are identified for each intersection approach. Step 3. Identify Phasing - the signal phasing to be used for analysis is identified. Figure 2. Procedure for Critical Movement Analysis, PLANNING Applications Step I. Identify Step 2. Identify Step J. Identify Step 4. Left Step 5. Assign Lane Geometry Volumes Signal Phasing Turn Check Lane JI o/umes . + I I I I I L_______~ (R) I : Step 9. Recalculate Step 8. Intersection Step 7. Sum of Step 6b. Volume Adjustment for Mulli- Step 6a. Critical Level of Service Critical Va/umes phase Signal Overlap Volumes r",'.,! , rJ to ..- 14 Critical Movement Analysis Step 4. Left Turn Check - for an assumed phasing with no left tuIn phases, a check is made on the probability of clearing the identified left turn volume. On the change interval, 2.0 times the number of cycles per hour gives the maximum number of lefts that can clear on the change interval. Use 90 left turns per oour if no information on number of cycles per oour is available. Additionally, the number of vehicles per oour that can clear through opposing traffic during the green interval is estimated by: VL = (G/C)(1200) - Vo where: V = Left Turn Volume, in vph, that can clear L through opposing traffic on the green in- terva 1 G/C Green time/Cycle time ratio for opposing flow (VO). If no other design informa- tion is available, estimate by lane vol- ume ratio. Volume of Opposing through plus right turn traffic, in vph. Va Note that the green time in the GjC ratio is considered as the green interval plus the change interval. If the sum of the two left turn volumes described above is less than the analysis volume, a separate left turn phase can be considered, by returning to Step 3. If the sum is greater than the left turn analysis volume, no special left turn phasing needs to be considered and the analysis moves to Step 5. The purpose of the left turn check is to determine whether all left turn movements not controlled by an exclusive turn phase can be accommodated. If not, the assumption on signal phasing can be changed to provide for left turn phasing. In many cases (e.g., analysis of existing cooo.i tions) , no change in phasing is assumed and the analysis continues, with the analyst knowing that the non-satisfied left turns will create operating difficulties and be subject to excessive delay. Step 5. Assign Lane VOlUlIES - the volumes are assigned to the appropn.ate lanes. If no left turn lanes exist, the left turn volume is converted to a pch volume (Table 3) and the remaining through plus right turn volume is assumed to be in pch units. 'The 'The sum of these two pch volurres is then divided equally annng all approach lanes, However, in all cases. the entire left turn volume must be assigned to the lane(s) from which the turns are made, and the remalnlng pch volume for through and right turl traffic is distributed equally among the remainin lanes. Following this distribution, the pch vol un is converted back to vehicles per hour for the lan, carrying the left tuIn. If a left turn lane exists, the left turn volun in vehicles per hour is assigned to that lane ar: the through plus right turn volume is divide, equally among the through and through-right lanes For the special case of a double left turn lane fifty-five percent of the total left turn volume j assigned to one left turn lane and forty-fiv percent to the other. Step 6. Critical VOIUlIES - for each signa' phase, the highest total of conflicting traffic (01 a per lane basis) is identified. For a two phas( signal, the "highest total of the through (OJ through plus right turn if no exclusive right tUTl lane exists) plus the opposing left turn volume" i, selected. For a three-to-eight phase ("mul tiphase" signal, each phase listed in the typical (Le., rIDS 1 probable) phase sequence has one critical volume. The llDst probable phase sequence represents the se- quence of a nultiphase sir;nal liost likely to OCCU! under the volwne conditions assigned in Step 5 Where an exclusive right turn lane exists, such lane is often not included in the critical analysi.c if right turns on red are penni tted. However, sue! a lane can be included if the analyst believes tha, it might carry the rIDSt critical volume for tha approach. Some reduction (3) percent is typical) i. the assigned right turn volume (Step 5) may be mad, to allow for right turns made on red. If right turn on red are not permitted, an exclusive right tUTl lane is included in the analysis. Note that Calcu lation Form I contains Step 6a, which is used fa two phase signals, and Step 6b, which is used fo rnul tiphase signals. In Steps 6a and 6b, a. stree' operating without separate turn phases IllUSt have th opposing left turns added to the through volume t, obtain the critical volume for that street. Step 7. Sum of Critical Volumes - the cri tica VOIUlIES, for each phase, are sumned. Step 8. Intersection Level of Service - the s- of critical volumes is compared with Table 6, and intersection level of service is identified. Step 9. Recalculate - depending on the solutio found in Step 8, a change in geometry, damnd volume or signal phasing can be made, and a recalculatio --Stepsl(R) through 9(R)--is performed. Calculation Form 1 is used for PLANNI~ applications. BYuu...........u...u..........OA TE .................. CHKO. BY................OATE.................. 5 U BJECT ........................................_...._._...................................... I '? 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END DATE - ~ 6" ~ - tY ('.l - + \ z (j) fT1 /" "'-!!'":'-.' - 1> s:: ~ z ~ 0 0 z r - "'0 ~ s:: ,~ - b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + 0 - ~ 0 l. N =:J ..:... ~ " ~ ~ 0 Z '\ t-' o ~ St D 8-4 & $ - N o :x: :0 ITI i5 ~ 0 .... !!j PI 1> ~ ::or-o - Z mom 3:("))> -f l>~^ rn ::o~ ::0 ^-:r: (/)00 en .. ~ c rn ::0 (") en ~ - c 0 3: Z s: l> ::0 en -< ~ C 0 -< ro Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 fA ~ c: '--: ' ): ~ \/ -.' fttersection Problem Statement @ C. uCTNER.. Design Hour A/A. Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry Step 4. Left Turn Check ~:O"h3L ~ 1: o .. o C. a. <( ~ ~ 1 Appm"" r Approach 123 a. Number of change intervals per hour b. Left turn capacity on change interval, '" in vph J:: c. G/C :;l Ratio o d. Opposing volume ~ in vph <( e. Left turn capacity on green, in '"ph f. left turn capacity in vph (b + e) g. left turn volume in vph h. Is volume> capac- ity (g > f)? Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vph Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes, in vph ~I~I':~I Approach 3 RT = ~t7 ~~rO"h3 L + .... TH = 27'? " II II LT=~ l- I I- a: I- ..J l~ 11 ~ 11 LT=~ ~I~I ~I I Aoo,o"hl TH=3l RT= ~ APproact 4 II II II I-I I- ..JI- a: Step 3. Identify Phasing 3 t I ---'"',. I i' ,; ,c' ,,~'. \ \, ..... I ~ i-\ '~ I -l, t~4 I I I A1_ A3 ~ 61 r 63j A2_ A4 t 62.J 64 l. '. ',' 'r, 4 Step 6b. Volume Adjustmentfor Multiphase Signal Overlap Possible Volume Adjusted Probable Critical Carryover Critical Pha se Volume to next Volume in vph phase in vph - ! - ...~ Step 7. Sum of Critical Volumes (+ 8) (.4-r;. ) I ~:; + ~"8 + /-;G, +_ (~~7) 3,0% = "" , 1 vph -to' Step 8. Intersection Level of Service (compare Step 7 with Table 6) GO (Po) Step 9. Recalculate Geometric Change Signal Change Volume Change Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in vph Comments (two phase signal) ~~rO"h3L ~~ il I Aoom"hl 8-5 Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 '" fttersection M ~ GL 1 ,\)CEY Problenn Statennent Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry Step 4. Left Turn Check ~? ::2..U(i-Ti'JeC Design Hour PM ~ :'."h3 L Approach 123 J: u ., o a. a. 4: .L a. Number of change intervals per hour b. Left turn capacity on change interval, (\I in vph or: c. G/C ~ Ratio o d. Opposing volume ~ in vph 0( e. Left turn capacity on green, in vph f. Left turn capacity in vph (b + e) g. Left turn volume in vph h. Is volume> capac- ity (g > 01 _.J 1 App~"h 4 r Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vplz Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes, in vph ~ \':[+ [~~[ Approach 3 , + .,I. II n II I- J: I- a: I- ...J ~ ','" LT=~ TH =--1..l.L RT=~ APproac~ 4 ~ Aj'."h3 L 11~ 11 ~H)[ ~ r- 1111 II I LI ~ ~ ~ Approach 4 RT=~ TH=1.I.f'; ",. LT=~ 4 Step 6b. Volume Adjustmentfor Multiphase Signal Overlap Possible Vofume Adjusted Probable Critical Carryover Critical Phase Volume .to next Volume in vph phase in vph ~~ Step 7. Sum of, Critical Volumes l-r11) (+1-;') '2y[ Z"c.;. ':z,. ~ + ~ + 1./+ 1.1 e;) - = 1$1 vph T4.o~ Step 8. Intersection Level of Service (compare Step 7 with Table 6) [A] (F'\) Step 9. Recalculate Geometric Change Signal Change Volume Change Step 3. Identify Phasing e~ Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in vph Comments (two phase signal) ... ~~P'."h3 L --. o:t:- ~ I. ~ il L ''O' I APP'.,,~r- ~j A1_ A3 ~ B1 r B3j A2_ A4 t B2.J B4 I.. '. 8-6 Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 ')!J l Of.) e.. {P.:- ,-<;!_; ,'..J ~,~ 'i fttersection Problem Statement E:.Xt ";,;, 11 rJ ~ p.....u ~ " .-r-. \ \-r!....; D ....j~'.:...,.. .! tE.~ Silf'-/,<:; (-_'..~ ,;,:,J/A"= 0 ~ '-f Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry Step 4. Left Turn Check Approach 3 ~4 Approach 2 3 . 4 ~ .c <) .J III e 0. 0. ~ <( a. Number of change intervals per hour b. Left turn capacity on change interval, C\l in vph .r= c. GIG :; Ratio o d. Opposing volume 5. in vph ~ e. Left turn capacity on green, in vph f. Left turn capacity in vph (b + e) g. Left turn volume in vph h. Is volume> capac- ity (g > f)? I APP'~h 4 Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vph ~ " ~1'1-11 ~. ~\) <~ t * ~~ ~ ~ ~ a: I- ....J Step 5. A ssign Lane Volumes, in vph Approach 3 + ~:: ~ '" l~r"h3 L LT. -- ~j 1~.r=~ t'~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ (7) - ~ e e I/Z,J ,'l\, e 2: c 2: ~~ ~'~~~ ~ ~ ~ A"'O':!. l~ -' LT =11'::' (1) -"'-" TH =-=:..- RT=12..f!J. ...,~II r-.., 1.<:) \!) '\) \.... ( ~' II II II APproac~ 4 Design Hour "P/;\ r~ I~" z: Step 6b. Volume Adjustmentfor Multiphase Signal Overlap Possible Volume Adjusted Probable Critical Carryover Critical Phase Volume to next Volume in vph phase in vph ?D Step 7. Sum of Critical Volumes (7) (3: (1-;;') ~13 + 4~9+ 11'-' + . ,,1:) -".. \ 'I/~ \..-+-"2.10) = !.~ 1 vph Step 8. Intersection Level of Service (compare Step 7 with Table 6) Ip(~11 Step 9. Recalculate Geometric Change p;-,:: (,' :.--:- ...,., ----." ,. \4'~ ~ -',I ;' .." Signal Change Volume Change Step 3. Identify Phasing Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in vph Comments I I (two phase signal) -It ~~P'O"h3 L I ~ I I .J I I I ~~ r II I I .,' I I ~LI "i A1_ A3 ~ B1 r B3J A2_ A4 t B2J 84 l.. Approach 4 B-7 Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 :. fttersection (J ~j \ QtJ problenn Statennent .'.~.~' A t" ~ --::, ",.\.;; ',I :""" t.:::!- - L--,~_, ,..I ~.-- .' t::xl...;.....n ~J eve.. u ~. /; I' r7 ..~:; e :..:- Design Hour h( ,~~ (/ I .' ;...; .... I .~ -...._ ,____ r-." ._" ., ,-., 1-')./1 "-',. .... (.J _-*'"_ I , .- ,~_- ,:__ A, ,-Jf'r~f ~~~ ""'j Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry Step 4. Left Turn Check ~JA:""h3 L r. lJ III o C- o. <( ~ '""4. 11i ' 'PP ",,,,,h , Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vph '\. [:13111 \j.'\. I II n II oIl' l- X I- a: I- ..J l~ Approach 3 + RT = :3- TH = -&- LT = .e- 11 ~~~~I II II II I- X I- ..J I- a: LT=~ TH = ..:r RT = q 1 APproac~ 4 Approach 2 3 a. Number of change intervals per hour b. Left turn capacity on change interval, '" in vph .s:: c. G/C ~ Ratio ~ d. Opposing volume ~ in vph <( e. Left turn capacity on green, in vph f. Left turn capacity in vph (b + e) g. Left turn volume in vph h. Is volume> capac- ity (g > f)? Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes, in vph ~:I'O"h 3 _ )l il "U ~ 1~<(1 j}-19~ "'.....; ~~ I A""J. 4 Step 6b. Volume Adjustmentfor Multiphase Signal Overlap Possible Volume Adjusted Probable Critical Carryover Critical Phase Volume to next Volume in vph phase in vph ,.. 'I Step 7. Sum of Critical Volumes -70'+ + -!.:.;.:::. + II ~ + . - = ill.:? vph Step 8. Intersection Level of Service (compare Step 7 with Table 6) W Step 9. Recalculate Geometric Change Signal Change Volume Change Step 3. Identify Phasing Step 6a. Critical V o/umes, in vph Comments I (two phase signal) ~~rO"h3L -- I I I 1 ~ II I .... I I A",o"kl ... f r A1_ A3 ~ B1 r B3j A2_ A4 t B2J B4 l.- 8-8 Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 ,. fttersection U \\.j \ D rJ {;i; f}, ~ G~! U~1S"/ Problem Statement 1=,,(1 ';... -;-\ 7-.) ~ : P:.A; '_rC ,:.....~ ; , J , Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry Step 4. Left Turn Check Approach 3 ~~. Approach 2 3 ~ r. 0 '1' .. --l 0 a. a. -'"' <{ '~ a, Number of change intervals per hour b. Left turn capacity on change interval, (\/ in vph .c c. G/C lil Ratio o d. Opposing volume is. in vph :t e. Left turn capacity on green, in vph f. Left turn ca pacity in vph (b + e) g. Left turn volume in vph h. Is volume> capac- ity (g > f)? I 1 Approach 4 Step 2. - ,\ . "-~III ",t'- '" ,~ !'. ...... 1.\ ~ II n II I- J: l- II: I- ..J i~ Identify Volumes, in vph Step 5. Assign Lane in vph ~ APP, ,~'"' t .' 4-~ . \\ ~ ,,~ I rr' _ T -a -...J - N as , ~ 4E(:0 <( ".7(1.-r"1 ?, j~ 1'1'" t1 " ..... q;) st" i"-L Approach 4 Volumes, Approach 3 t RT = .e.- TH=~ LT=~ 4, (7 '., LT=~ TH = -e- RT=tJ...!.!J.. APproac~ 4 11 .:::,1, -I, -I : :': ~t II II II I- J: I- ..J I- II: 11 ~- e: , . ,'. . . Design Hour ';'\//1 s'\;o "-i~ . c'" I ,.,/ ~ .:.:~_-. I~_~,.; (,/ ';;~ 'T"" r'"'~' j 4 Step 6b. Volume Adjustmentfor Multiphase Signal Overlap Possible Volume Adjusted Probable Critical Carryover Critical Phase Volume to next Volume in vph phase in vph "'? I . --f ( Step 7., Sum of Critical Volumes ( ?-): :".' ... ": " ~--' +--r..::: + ~= + . //:"5") , " f .~ 7 i' + I =; = '. vph \. . c , Step 8. Intersection Level of Service (compare Step 7 with Table 6) ~l~ I , , Step 9. Recalculate ;-;-, Geometric Change - .- Signal Change Volume Change Step 3. Identify Phasing Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in vph Comments I I (two phase signal) J, ~ App,p"h' L . t I ;r; I .. I 3 I I I ~~ . iI ! I I .,.. I I ILl ,q A1_ A3 ~ 81 r 83j A2- A4 t 82.J 84 I.. Approach 4 8-9 Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 ~: fttersection Problenn Statennent I ) f" I' ) 'JJ /."J } ~ ". v' - .i; .. I. ! " _ )r.';;V r=:v' p(~ ~ ~! C "~-~ 1::.-":': r'. ~-- ." I' ; ~,,'" p,- iJ '::: Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry Step 4. Left Turn Check (, ppro,,' , --Y1 .- ~ 0 -1 III 0 Ci 'J, c. <( ~ I App~oh 4 Approach 2 3 a. Number of cha nge interva Is per hour b. Left turn capacity on change interval, (\j in vph .r::. c. G/C g Ratio o d. Opposing volume 2: in vph <C e. Left turn capacity on green, in vph f. Left turn capacity in vph (b + e) g. left turn volume in vph h. Is volume> capac- ity (g > f)? Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vph Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes, in vph RT=~~. ~roach3 TH = ::) - ,- . ~ . -~ LT= --I. ~ ~~ J 1 '" '" ,:::- / All. ...~ o 0 '" .,-.l' Q. ~ :i- :~ ~ <C 2.1-:]" ~ .I-. ~hl'\1 I :1 "t~:J ~ 1111 II L ~ ~ Ii: Approach 4 I-I :~:I ~I Approach 3 "- " t "". ---- \, ..I. " n " I- 1: I- a: I- ..J l~ LT= '5""1 TH = :,:;:. RT=~ APproaJ 4 Step 3. Identify Phasing l~. A1 _ A3 ~ A2_ A4 t :ft , j ~ ~ ;. r ~ 11 r- i.; -1 r .-"'" - ;;,- ;..... Design Hour .:... /'JI t::"'rLE:6 (2! dHi ..-. Al':(I:.!,(: ~H '~:;c 4 Step 6b. Volume Adjustmentfor Mu/tiphase Signal Overlap Possible Volume Adjusted Probable Critical Carryover Critical Phase Volume to next Volume in vph phase in vph - - .. ..) I Step 7. Sum of Critical Volumes -:~1 (' " , + ...; - .? . + := I + - '1 It.f vph Step 8. Intersection Level of Service (compare Step 7 with Table 6) @] Step 9. Recalculate Geometric Change Signal Change Volume Change Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in vph Comments (two phase signal) 81 r 83 i 82 J 84 l. ~ 4P'P"" L ~ II I APprooot,1 B-10 f't;"""'1" I"' j .,'1 .. M Example 1 Intersection Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 LI~COLN AND CO.-tHEeGE Design Hour 4:30 -5 Problem Statement FIND EO)(I~TII-.l(" LOS. CA.W LT BE 1-I"'-t-JDLeD W IHl 2 ~ Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry Step 4. Left Turn Check Step 6b. Volume A djusb Multiphase Signal ~t""'h3~ Approach Possible Volume Probable Critical Carryover 1 2 3 4 Pha se Volume to nexl U~~T a. 1\iumhcr of in vph phase change int~rvals 40 10 40 4-0 per hour O. Left turn capacit\ 2-~ on change intcrvitl. eo Be> Bo eo -~ ~=T in 'ph .c _.<: c G/C .55 .55 .45 .+5 u _ ~ Ratio Cl -'" y- 2 d. Oppo\ing \ oil/me 910 15~ 530 ~3o ~ - a. in \ph a. _ a. 4~~ c. I.eft turn capacity on 0 0 ID 210 greell, in \ ph ~ I f I.cft turn ~ I capacity in \ph 80 8D '0 Z'O (0 + c) ~ I g.. Lcft {urn \oIUIllC 50 +0 90 120 \J Approach 4 in \ph h. h \oIUIllC > capac- No ~o N: No it, (I' > II" Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vph Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes, in vph Approach 3 ~~IPProaCh3 L + RT = _ 1-0 TH = 84~ LT =~ t591 N .<: .<: ..- 'I-~S .<: ~ g :=:J:?f - ~ 2 2 ------ ~D 4<> ~ 2 2: 2: 1'J5 -- 2: t ~~~ I~ ~r Approach 4 '..J I- a: Approach 4' ~I~l~l !I It II I- I I- a: I- ..J l~ LT=~ TH=~ RT=~ Step 7. Sum of Criticall "1 ')~ + 4-0 + 355 + /31D vph Step 8. Intersection Lev Service (compare Step 7 with Tablr ~ Step 9. Recalculate ADO L T l Geometric Change A PPll.D"'Glle~ Signa I Cha nge Volume Change Step 3. Identify Phasing 2. 4> Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in vph Comments (two phase signal) lJKon~ 'Tl1"'- L-E-FI Tu~ 1:0 I~<-I I ~ t I I I 1 I I I I I A1 _ A3 ~ A2 - A4 t '" \ Bl. or Az. B I ~-r2L :;;~ \ ~--- ~ g \ _ u o '- ----40 Cl ~ _!?~-=-~ ~t ~ I~tl A' 134 or t>v+B3 81 r 83 i 82 ---1 84 l.. FOR- kPPR-o,.,c--H 3 E4'uM..' ~P"'c.-'TY -' Critical Movement Analysis PLANNING Applications: Example 1 Problem Lane configuration and peak hour volumes are shown on Calculation Form 1 for an existing urban intersection. The following three questions must be answered: 1. What is the intersection level of service? 2. Can left turns be handled without installing an exclusive phase? 3. If left turn lanes are added on Approaches 3 and 4 what changes, if any, may be expected in the level of service? Analysis Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry. Existing lane configuration is shown on Calculation FOrnI 1. Step 2. Identify Volumes. Existing peak hour volumes (vph) are shown on Calculation Form 1. Approaches are numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4, from the west, east, north, and south, respectively. Step 3. Identify Phasing. A two phase signal operation exists. Step 4. Left Turn Check. A 90 second peak hour cycle length is used. Forty cycles per hour timas 2.0 left turns per cycle result in 80 left turns per hour rmde on the change interval. Additionally, left turns made through opposing traffic on the green interval, assuming a 0.55 G/C ratio for Approaches I and 2 and a 0.45 G/C ratio for Approaches 3 and 4 are calculated by the formula: V L = (G/ C)( 1200) - V O' For all directions, the capacity for left turns is equal to or greater than left turn demand. Therefore, the two phase signal operation is adequate. Note that for left turns fran Approach 3, demand and capacity are equal at 90 vph. Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes. For Approaches 1 and 2, left turn volumes are assigned to the left turn lanes and through plus right turn volumes are di vided equally between the rEmaining lanc"S. For Approaches 3 and 4, factors fran Table 3 are used to convert 90 and 120 left turns (with 530 vph and 330 vph opposing, respectively) to 180 and 240 pch, respectively. Thus, a total pch volure of 510 (from Approach 3) and 770 (from Approach 4) is computed. On a per lane basis, 255 pch and 385 pch, from Approaches 3 illld 4, respectively, are computed. 17 For Approach 3, the left lane is assigned 255 pch, of which 100 pch is due to left turn vehicles. The right lane is also assigned 255 pch, comprised of through and right turn traffic. Therefore, the left lane carries 165 ~ (90 left turns plus the difference b2tween 180 and 255) and the right lane carries 255 !Ilt!. . For.Approach 4, the left lane is assigned 385 pch, of which 240 pcb are due to left turn vehicles. Table 6. level of Service Ranges PLANNING Applications (in vph) Level Maximum Sum of Critical Volumes of Two Three Four or Service Phase Phase more Phases A 900 855 825 B 1050 1000 965 C 1200 1140 HOO 0 1350 1275 1225 E 1500 1425 1375 F ---------not applicable--------- OPERATIONS AND DESIGN Applications (in pch) (deleted) The right lane is also assigned 385 pch, comprised of through and right turn traffic. Thus, the left lane carries 265 ~ (120 left turns plus the difference between 240 and 385) and the right lane carries 385 ~. The per lane volumes are entered in Step 5 of Calculation Form 1. Step 6. Critical Volumes. Critical voll.llIes for phase A 1 A2, on Approaches 1 and 2, is 795 + 40 LT or 455 + 50 LT. Use 835. Critical Volumes for phase A3A4 on Approaches 3 and 4 is 255 + 120 LT or 385 + 90 LT. Use 475. These volumes are graphically shown in Step 6A on the form. Step 7. Sum of Cri tical Volumes. The sum of critical volumes is 835 + 475 or 1310 vph. Step 8. Intersection Level of Service. Using Table 6, this value falls within the range of 1201 to 1350 vph or Level of Service D for two phase signals. The left turns can be handled using the geometry shown and a two phase signal. Step 9. Recalculate. To determine the effect on level of service of adding left turn lanes on Approaches 3 and 4, return to Step 1 and recompute. (Continued) r fO' ~. il>1WM h;"/~:I Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 Example 2 Intersection UNIIIE~SIT'1' A~D t'I APLE Problem Statement FI"-ID EX. I::.TI tH=J LOS Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry UNl'E~mJ}lr~ ~~ ~~--- '" J::. -- - - J::. U ~ ~ '" - 0 e _____ Q 2: - - - -:! ~ <( ----- ---:1 r"!t11 ~I~ ~ Approach 14 Step 4. Left Turn Check Approach 123 4 4::;0- 5:: Design Hour Step 6b. Volume Adjustr Multiphase Signal Possible Volume Probable Critical Carryover Phase Volume to next, in vph phase BZe\ \2.0(. szy If{)-IZo'' Ill: AZel 1'-0 (61) ~1o-1(i)"ZI< Alt...7.. =t~AI) oil Zloll'\z..) MB3 2.00 l fA) ll:J)-l..J:>o~& Mf'>) 1,0(\;3) 400 -bO:?'\C l\3~ 32-5(A3) of. 3Ao lA Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vph Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes, Step 7. Sum of Critical in vph ~ Approach 3 RT=~ ,~I L TH = 1000 I " L LliJg- JX:~ ~ ". '" ~ pc> W;; ZOo 'l)J> ~-i\% - '" ~ t ~ ~~ - -5 '" '" u.o~ '" o 0 I~ 0 a. a. =1,.-0::;. a. ~~~ JiLl 81~1~1 Approach 3 + 11 II II I- I I- a: I- -' \~ LT=~ TH = \1-30 RT = 4l:o APproact 4 a. Number of cha nge interva Is D J., per hour 0, b. Left turn capacity on change interval. in vph c. G/C Ratio d, Opposing volume in vph e. Left turn capacity on green. in vph f. Left turn capacity in vph (b + e) g. Left turn volume in vph h. Is volume> capac- ity (g > fl" 200 + =t?D + 2(00 + 1(,;,10 vph Step 8. Intersection Lel Service (compare Step 7 with Table FA"LLJ~E ~ E Step 9. Recalculate \ Tt\e.tl LA~f--1 Geometric Change \ t.1 '-^'le-"l'f Signal Change Volume Change Step 3. Identify Phasing exp Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in vph Comments IJ' r I BZl>l (two phase signal) jf I N1 t:~:;ecTI 0 ~ 'N IL.L NO' ~ 4",0",h3 L ol'~e.^\E vJ I n~oUT \lEV I~ at. r I ^18Z Ol A2BI L\>ueo.ES Au f) ~c e:ss.c v { I~<-I AI A,1. I\.') I ~ e>'3 \~ 6~ ii I~~ Oll-\ t\ A? B'l- 01. A4 B3 I t f I A3M I A""o",hl A1_ A3 ~ 81 r 83i A2- A4 t 82J 84 l- 1 Critical Movement Analysis PLANNIN G Applications: Example 2 Problem Lane configuration and design hour volumes (with left turn lanes on all approaches) are shown on the calculation form for a major new suburban intersection. The following information is needed. 1. The whole intersection level of service if an eight phase signal operation is used. 2. Olange in level of service if an additional through lane is added to Approaches 3 and 4. and a right turn lane to Approaches 1 and 2. A nalys;s Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry. The assumed lane configuration is shown on the form. Step 2. Identify Traffic Volumes. Design hour volunes are shown on the form. Step 3. Identify Phasing. An eight phase signal is planned, with left turn arrows for each direction. The left turns are allowed only on the arrow (in a protected mode). Step 4. Left Turn Check. Each left turn moVEment has a protected phase. Therefore, the left turn check is not needed. Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes. Left turns are assigned to left turn lanes and through plus right turn volumes are distributed equally to the remaining lanes. Step 6. Critical Volumes. Using Step 3, the phase sequence which most likely will appear under the volunes of Step 5 is: B2B1, A2B1 , A1A2, B4B3. A4B3, and A3A4. For example, since left 'burn volume from Approach 2 (B1) is greater than left turn volume from Approach 1 (B2), B1 will continue receiving a green arrow after B2 has been 21 Table.6. level of Service Ranges Level of Servi ce PLANNING Applications (in vph) Maximum Sum of Critical Volumes Two Three Four or Phase Phase more Phases A B C D CD F 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 825 965 1100 1225 1375 855 1000 1140 1275 1425 ---------not applicable--------- OPERATIONS AND DESIGN Applications (in pch) (deleted) terminated. Thus, A2B1 is selected as the most probable phase, rather than A1B2. Using the most probable phase sequence, the through plus right turn volume which moves during the concurrent display of a left arrow is subtracted from the total through plus right turn volume and the remaining volume is carried over to the next phase. This calculation is listed in Step 6b on the form. Step 7. Sum of Critical Volumes. The sum of critical lane volunes for all phases is 120 + 160 + 7'.)() + 200 + 60 + 340, or 1610 vph. Step 8. Intersection Level of Service. Using Table 6, the critical sum of 1610 vph falls beyond Level of Service E (1375 vph) for eight phase controL Therefore, the intersection will not.operate without unacceptable delays. Step 9. Recalculate. Return to Step 1 and recalculate to determine the effects of adding a through lane on Approaches 3 and 4, and a right turn lane on Approaches 1 and 2. (Continued) I o ~l ,j l ,4 " '1 .1 ~ Critical Movement Analysis (Example 2) Note: "(R)" denotes a recalculation. Step 1(R). Identify Lane Geometry. The new lane geanetry ~ be analyzed is shown on the form. Step 2(R). Identify Volumes. Design hour volunes are shown on the form. Step 3(R). Identify Phasing. An eight phase signal is assumed, with left turn arrows for each direCtion. left turns are allowed only on the arrow (in a protected mode). Step 4(R). Left Turn Check. Each left turn movement has a protected phase. Therefore, the left turn check is not needed. Step 5(R). Assign Lane VolUIreS. left turns are assigned to left turn lanes and right turns are assigned to exclusive right turn lanes, on Approaches 1 and 2. Remaining volumes are distributed equally to the remaining lanes. Step 6(R). Cri tical VOlUIreS. Using Step 3, the phase sequence which most likely will appear under volumes of Step 5 is; B2Bl , BIAl . AIA2 , B4B3 , A3B4 , and A3A4. For example, since the left turn volure from Approach 2 (Bl) is greater than left turn volume from Approach 1 (B2), Bl will continue receiving a green arrow after B2 has been terminated. Thus, A2Bl is selected as the most probable IiJase, rather than AIB2. Using the most probable phase sequence, the through plus right turn voll.llre (except where right turns have an exclusive lane) which moves during a left arrow is subtracted from the total through plus right turn voll.llre and the remaining voll.llre is carried over to the next phase. Note that exclusive right 23 Table 6. Level of Service Ranges Level of Servi ce A B C D C0 F PLANNING Applications (in vph) Maximum Sum of Critical Volumes Two Three Four or Phase Phase more Phases 900 855 825 1050 1000 965 1200 1140 1100 1350 1275 1225 1500 1425 1375 ---------not applicable--------- OPERATIONS AND DESIGN Applications (in pch) (deleted) turn lanes are not included in the critical volUID2 analysis when right turns on red are permitted unless the analyst considers this lane to be critical. In this exanple, right turns on red are permitted. Step 7(R). Sum of Critical VolUID2s. The SlDTI of critical volumes for all phases is 120 + 160 + 577 + 200 + 00 + 217, or 1334 vph. Step 8(R). Intersection Level of Service. Using Table 6 1334 vph falls within the range of 1226 to 1375, for level of Service E for eight phase control. Step 9(R). Recalculate. Recalculations could be made to determine the improvement in level of service from other geometric or signal changes, such as addition of double left turn lanes. .... .... ! I 24 Critical Movement Analysis OPERATIONS AND DESIGN Applications: Procedure The OPERATIONS AND DESIGN application of Critical Movement Analysis allows for specific adjustments to be made for traffic and roadway conditions. In essence, there are five adjustments, related to the following factors: vehicle mix, peaking characteristics, turns, lane utilization (i.e., volume distribution) and lane width. This procedure follows a similar pattern as the PLANNING application, but works in passenger car units (pch) rather than in nixed vehicle units (vph) . The level of service is taken fran Table 6, using the listing for this application. The OPERATIONS AND DESIGN procedure can be used for determining the following: 1. What is the operational level of service for a signalized intersection, given information on denand volume, lane configuration, signal opera tion, and traffic and geometric cond i tions? 2. What will be the effects of geometric or traffic signal operation changes on intersection level of service? 3. What changes are necessary at an intersection to achieve a desired level of service, given a known demand volume? Step-By-Step Approach The procedUl~ uses a step-by-step approach which is briefly explained below, and sho.vn in Figure 3. Step 1. Identify Lane Geor.etry - the assuned or known lane configuration for each approach is 'identified. Lane widths are noted for all lanes. Step 2. Identify Hourly Volumes the design volume (or existing volume) is identified by llDve- ment (in vph) for each approach. The percentage of trucks and through buses and the nurri:Jer of local buses is also indicated for each approach. Phasing. Movements information shown are i,' in St, Step 3. Identify tified according to of the form. Step 4. Left Turn Check - for an assUl phasing with no left turn phases, a check is mad. the probability of clearing the identified left 1 volume. On the change interval, 2.0 times nur.ber of cycles per hour gives the maximum nun1' of lefts that can clear on the change interval. 90 left turns per hour if no information on num of cycles per hour is available. Additionally, number of vehicles per hour that can clear thro opposing traffic during the green interval estimated by: VL = (G/C)(1200) - Vo where: G/C = Green time/Cycle time ratio for opposil flow (Vo). If no other design informa is available. estimate by lane volume ratio. Vo Volume of opposing through plus right traffic. in vph. (Right turn volumes be excluded from Vo if the exit is wid enough to minimize interference with V, Note that the green time in the G/C rati( considered to be the green interval plus cha, interval. Use 0.50 as a value for G/C if no O. design information is available. If the sum of the two left turn volu described above is less than the analysis volum. separate left turn phase can be considered, returning to Step 3. If the sum is greater than left turn analysis volume, no special left 1 phasing needs to be considered and the anal) moves to Step 5. The purpose of the left turn check i, determine whether all left turn movements controlled by an exclusive turn phase CUI accommodated. If not, the assumption on sig phasing can be changed to provide for left 1 Figure 3. Procedure for Critical Movement Analysis, OPERATIONS AND DESIGN Applications Step I. Identify Lane Geometry Step 2. Identify Hourly Volumes Step 3. Identify Signal Phasing Step 4, Left Turn Check Step 5. Develop Passenger Car JI o/umes Step 6. Calculate Period Volumes i I L_______J (R) Step 12. Recalculate Step 11. Intersection Level of Service Step 10. Sum of Critical V o/umes Step 7. Turn Adjustment.. Step 9b. Volume Adjustment fo< Multi- phase Signal Overlap Step 9a. Calculate Lane Volumes Step 8. Adjw-ted Volumes If i; ! ~ ~: l (" ~I'.'..' ..' Critical Movement Analysis lIlOV'es to Step 5. The purpose of the left turn check is to determine whether all left turn movements not controlled by an exclusive turn phase can be accommodated. If not, the assumption on signal phasing can be changed to provide for left turn phasing. In many cases (e.g., analysis of existing colrlitions), no change in phasing is assuned and the analysis continues, with the analyst knowing that the non-satisfied left turns will create operating difficulties and be subject to excessive delay. Step 5. Develop Passenger Car Volurres - hourly volumes (HV) in mixed traffic terms (vph), are converted to an equivalent number of passeLger cars per hour (pch). Each through bus and truck is 2.0 PCE, each passenger car or motorcycle is 1.0 PCE and each local bus (those with a designated stop at th8 intersection) is 5.0 PCE. The volumes, in pch, are computed for each traffic movement (e:g., left turn, through. and right turn) served by one or more lanes . PCV HV + T(HV) + 4(LB) where: rcv Passenger Car Volume, in pch HV Hourly Volume, in vph T Trucks + Through Buses, as a decimal percentage of HV LB Local Buses (buses which have a scheduled stop at the intersection) per hour Step 6. Calculate Period Volumes - from the passenger car volumes, design period volumes are calculated. The following formula is used: PV PCV/PHF where: PV Period Volume, in pch PCV Passenger Car Volume, in pch PHF Peak Hour Factor A PHF of 0.85 to 0.90 is average for many urban streets. The period volume implies that the analysis is based on a peak flow rate within the peak hour. The peri<Xl volumes are assigned to each movement served by one or more lanes. Step 7. Turn Adjustrrents - the period volumes are adjusted to account for turning movements. For left turns, there are two general cases. First, for left turns made from left through lanes, a PCE value is obtained from Table 3, item3 1 or 2. Item 1 is applied for cases with no turn phase where the opposing traffic (from Step 2) is the principal determinant of the PCE value. Item 2 is applied in cases where a turn phase exists and the turning movement is the determinant. Second, for situations with an exclusive left turn lane, PCE values are taken from Table 3, item3 3 and 4. For left turns having no phase (item 3), the opposing volurre must be detennined, fromStep 2. 25 For turns made on an exclusive phase (item 4), a single PCE value (1.05) is used to account for the effective increase in volume due to the turn. The peE values obtained are multiplied by the appropriate left or right turn volume to obtain a total PCV vol\Jlle (in pch). Step 8. Adjusted Volumes - the pev volumes from Step 7 are multiplied by "lane utilization" factors (U, from Table 5) and by "lane width" factors (W, from Table 2). For movements having more than one lane, the average of the lane widths is used to enter Table 2. This averaging is a simplifying assumption for this method. Note that only the width available to moving vehicles is used. For example, asSUIIE that an in- tersection approach has two lanes for through plus right turn traffic. One lane is 11 feet (3.4 m) wide and the other is 18 feet (5.5 m) wiele, with 5 feet (1. 5 m) striped for a bike lane. The average lane width would be (11 + 18 - 5) /2 = 12 feet (3.7 m). The 12 feet (3.7 m) would be used to enter Table 2. The lane utilization and lane width adjustments result in a final passenger car per hour (pch) vol- UIIE for each movement carried by one or more lanes at the intersection. This volUIIE, in pcb, has been derived by applying five adjustments to the base volume in vph. Adjusted PCV = U x W x PCV Step 9. Calculate Lane Volumes - the adjusted volume for each movement, from Step 8, is divided by the number of lanes available for the movement in Step 9a. For exarrqJle, if a left turn lane is provided, one (1) lane is available for that left turn movement. If two additional lanes, for through and right turns, are provided on the same intersection approach, then two lanes would be used for the through plus right turn adjusted volume. For the special case of a double (two abreast) left turn lane, two (2) lanes are used and the lane utilization adjustment accounts for volume inbalance by lane. The conputation for lane volume, in pch, is as foll=: Lane Volume = Adjusted PCV ~ Number of Lanes For analysis of two phase signals, only Step 9a need be cOlTpleted. For signals having multiphase (three to eight phases) operation a calculation of probable phasing and adjusted critical volumes in Step 9b is necessary. The most probable phase sequence repre- sents the sequence of a mul tiphase signal lIDst likely to occur under the volume condi tians assigned in Step 9a. The "volUIIE carryover" computation is perfonned by subtracting the through plus right turn volurre which moves during a left arra.v from the total through plus right turn volUIIE for that movement. The re- mainder is carried over to the next "probable" phase. The "adjusted critical volume", in pch, is then selec- for each probable phase. 26 Critical Movement Analysis Step 10. Sum of Critical VOlUllES -' using Table 9, the critical caIbination of lane volmes for each of two streets is deternrined. The nDVenEIlt descrip- tions in Table 9 relate to Figure 4. Footnote c in Table 9 makes an important distinction between this OPERATIONS AND DESIGN application and that of PLANNING. Care rrn.lSt be exercised in carefully fol- lowing the cri tical VOlUllE surrmation procedure given in Table 9. Step 11. Intersection Level of Service - using the sum from Step 10, a comparison with level of service values given in Table 6 is made. based on the type of signal phasing used for the analysis. Step 12. Recalculate - changes can be made in the assumed lane geometry, signal phasing, or volunes and a recalculation made--Steps l(R) through l2(R). Summary The step-by-step approach described above is illustrated on Calculation Form 2. Two example problems utilizing this form are presented on the following rages. Figure 4. Identification of Intersection Movement~ Approach 3 . ,- C")-.;t <(en ~~ ~A2 rB1 .. ~ u co o ..... Q.. Q.. <( B2J A1~ IY C") -.;t en<( L Approach 4 Table 9. Combining Critical Movements, OPERATIONS AND DESIGN Applications Signal Phasing and Intersection Geometry One phase, no left turn bay ~ One phase, with left turn bay Two phases, no overlap, with left turn bay 1. Leading or lagging left turns, from both directions 2. Leading or lagging left turns, from one direction Two phases, with overlap, with left turn bay 1. Leading or lagging left turns, from both di recti ons 2. Leading or lagging left turns, from one direction Approachesa Critical Movementsb 1 and 2 3 and 4 1 and 2 3 and 4 AIB2 or A2Bl A3B4 or MB3 Al or A2 or Bl or B2 A3 or A4 or B3 or B4 1 and 2 3 and 4 1 and 2 3 and 4 Al or A2 + Bl or B2c A3 or A4 + B3 or B4c Bl + Al or A2d B3 + A3 or Md 1 and 2 3 and 4 1 and 2 3 and 4 Al + Bl or A2 + B2 A3 + B3 or A4 + B4 Bl + Al or A2d B3 + A3 or A4d aSee Figure 4 for an identification of intersection movements and approaches. bBy approach, on a per lane basis. Select the maximum of the alternatives shown. cNote that the critical volume on a given street is the single highest volume. Combining through traff and opposing left turns is not done in OPERATIONS AND DESIGN applications. This is a major differenc between these applications and PLANNING applications. Messer and Fambro have established, through ac tual use of the method (particularly, the identification of critical volumes) that the results have conceptual validity and are useful for design work. dAssume arrow is for movements B1 and B3. Other combinations are possible, depending on intersection confi gura ti on. Source: W. R. Reilly (NCHRP 3-28), based on Messer-Fambro (~). APPENDIX C PRELIMINARY PROJECT ORA WINGS ~ - ~~ ~ ---~ ~~ \J - -- -- _--tl..-------- ------- r IQL~"" LlrJO.Qt li__~.----r-~ __ r ;~:IT\--n-rn-ill \ i ..I_U \ \ r7-- .~ I L.. '-.",,;'LI .,""1. i)."""" -I I I oR I' \-- A-- I d- f-~ h ~I t T i;wrrCnl I-l~j ~'-- I I -- - . ~ I ~r- ~I. ."" -''''1 --.~ -~ ,. ~, ;IP I ~I I ,_f~'l I J.~ :1- I---~ --- . .~~. -- ~j -ii: ____-._ :1 \~ I i ~tH9[(51tl · [90t6 VINHOm\'3 1m OOOM03H mIllS OUOJOVllH mE Bt:I::EiNISN3. Sti3N~d.s..L:J3.LIH::Jti'tf "INtiO::lI''':::J "'3BdW":::J '3N'" A3:::JNI'EJ:::JW '3NI SW31SAS 9NlU33NmN3 UNV NmS30 >lti'tfd 'Vlti.LSnCNI 3SVtiC.LS-INIW Do iii ~ ~ ~ z > t: 2 U :; I I I II ~- ...... l~l ~-l J ~~ ~ ft~ --- ~~ n ~! ej tit ~::r ~p. ::l'" D1. . -. d. -9 __D1 ~ ;-1 - ~ ~ t:'~ ct ~ --- IE-" . o..~ ........ .~~~~ ,,-'1 ):. ~f:'. .~ " ~ w 2 ct .J > W U 2 ::i ~ u ~. OJ ? ~ .. 41 ~" : ~ ~" " i~i .> I:l~ ~ 1:: 3^ltiC NVWtiO::l I '.1 1, ,0,'1... 4'" -- ,""."" '-~I----- -- ,0-,-0< t. It Q . ~ ~' 3 ~ ~ S ~ '~ ." ., ~ I .t-n-'; I ~ . ~ -~ . 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