911-925 McGlincy Ln. (77-51) CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (4081 378.8141 REeEl\J e1) FE8 i6 1978 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Department: P 1 ann I n g DATE: February 16, 1978 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO IISI1 APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Richard B. Pasek S 77-51 , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF a lumber storaqe yard TO BE LOCATED AT 911 and 925 McGlincey Lane CONOllIONS: (See attached conditions) Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Munjcipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (IS) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 7th DAY OF February , 1978__. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: (J~tlllMA 61ftc / file ARTHUR A. KEE, ECR€TARY cc: Fire Department ~lic Works -,,~ t ~ \! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t \..., ~ " t: . ~ .. Q ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ 'I .., ... ~ .... IL ~ " " '" t .... ... '.: '.0 ~ i , -a '\ ... )., ~ " ... II " " ~ ~ ~ .. t::: ~ ~ " I, Il.. " ~ " ~ ~ ~ " ... ~ ~ ~ "" V .... '-' '" I .... ") '::::: ."l. :::" 'f= ;"." '1.. ,I 'i ;.;. t'.~. ~- .\.. Vi~11') U.. q,2 r ,,~ O.\L- CL~...I2.l..~'\.- FtPCt ();J frlllntTEIi C'j "OI-lL I !, 'i:. 'j.lS1,tl V ~,.e.Not. ~ OW I - ,- . t...Ar.JO o r 1 c=J. ~ '1~' ~. PI t. ~ ? I J i> ~ WM~t. F,..,,-r {l) WI~" '00' tlo~t_ F (:..(>,,1" ""Ii'~ of S1ocA'" :l"'~O TO t1f\IJ' e;"'o S,,.,..S LMID~'''I'L P.""fUI lYl'I'T",./t' ''1 I;..,,, .. ......ttTC.L\.. .i':J ~" , q I ( , ( ~ l..d"'K.''''C-t. '\ '''Ii CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA "S" APPROVAL OF THE PLANS OF jf2lC.l.>,P.\<'-"tJ .-p A :;:e.!oL- HAS BEEN GRANTED BY THE PLANNING .cOM. MISSION OF THE ORNlf\ AT THE THE r- DA OF r<:. '-'~__1 9' , SoL'SJECl TO THE FOdJ:V!ING C.;'Jl::'IO'I(.Il"S, ; 14.-,. -~~ ,....,.' ,:.; / SEE ,^,TTl>,CHEO LEn ER (., (!(! 12. ( K'1 .. . , -'7 ~( /. . , ~ I ..; - , , J c---t ~ , S.:CRET~, ,",'" ~~ st""~ "'l II *~ , ~ I ~ - , , - 'I . - ~ - " , (. l :1 c=1 .... "t,,~:~. .... I ,.r R€"'S~ RE1)vC~'O)A./ 0 ?LNJI'''IVtr, ~Ja",,-rre'lJ 70 O.-.J ..IAN 18, /..76 _ Pl._.s TJe/r >' ') CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - S 77-51 Application of Mr. Richard Pasek 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as IndIcated and as added In "red" on plan~. 2 landscape plan indicating type of plant materialo loeation of hose bibso or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at tIme of application for building pe rm it. 3 landscaping shall be maintained In accordance with the approved landscape plan. 4 ~efundable de~os~t-tn the amount of $3,000 to beyo~ted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of approval. ' 5 Landscape plan to be submitted to the Planing Director for approval. The applicant is notified as part of Chis application that he is requIred to nleet the following conditions fn acenrdahce. with Ordinances of the City of Campbei A All par~ing and driveway areas to be developed in compl fance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with approprlal~ concrete curbs or bumper guards. B Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 ~f the Campbell Municipal Code. C Plans submitted to th~ Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities, including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. - D Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provIsions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be Installed until application is approved and per"mi t issued by the Bu i ld in9 Department. E Ordinance No. 782 of the C~",pbdl Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage, and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Dispos.sl Company. This requirement applies to all single ,family dwel ting~, multiple ap&trtntent units, to all commercialo business, Industri~lo manufacturingo and ~onstructlon estab Ii shments. F Trash contained,) of.. size and quantity neceuar"y to serve the devel- opment sha II be located In are.. (!t) iJppr.oved by the F'I re Department. Unless otherwIse noted, enclo~ure(s) shall consl~t ~r ~ concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and h4ve .~If-cl~slng dCk,rs of a size specified by the Fire Ol"partlftl'nl. All enclosurt's h' bl' co"~truch'J at grade leve 1. G App 1 i can t sha 11 mee t S tat e f'P.qu i rc.'nlen h ..." t hl' h.md i C;.I"I'I'''. . -,,-- ." CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - S 77-51 - Page 2 Application of Mr. Richard B. Pasek FIRE DEPARTMENT H. All lumber storage shall be kept a minimum of 5 feet from all property lines. I. Provide water barrels with 3 metal buckets for "first aid" fire fighting. J. If storage is in excess of lOO,OOO board feet, a permit from the Fire Department is required. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT K. Obtain an excavation permit for any work in the street right of way and submit drawings showing any such work. L. Construct standard driveway approach. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. AGENDA DATE 'P e- c.... . 2..0 APPLICANT---.PA S€K ~~:::'EG~:;l liS" NUMBER il-SI A. p.N.~13-'2.-ZS- ADDRESS TYPE OF DEV. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS - l:"'Lv,-c;~~ D.l...a ~il~ .. m"'[' -Ih;;J.l-=~ Le L l'li/l rt-nf WrlY -- Pa~. bt.o~Driii\~R.~Q AYcaF~ fr #l-2(;l~DG- Go\J €'2.Et:> B V L.. 1:> 1- -- Pro.vi de cony ,.....f= Preliminary Title Report - ---- .. !..B,L.I. Ler ~....I"SQ il'Jr,::.~mpnt- Tn,... ,....on~tr""...t; 0'1""1 of ;;:t.roQ..t. ilt\p.J.. uvt:=luen-cs- ray fee;:) ~." ~1\JL~& iB 3J...."'e:rn"''''t ~l~i. e][amiFla-ti~l. &Fla eel'l~-tYl1(" L':'UH ':'H,:,pce1dgJ:l~ Campbell Municipal Lighting District pro-rata fire hydrant rental .1>QU 56ft!! a!! 1.0 LL!! in a~YeeHUiPlt a n x , Obtain excavation permit (--0 V aqv , .l vv~~L I~ 144 /l- &> W. fJ~...ff\J.~8 ~Ilr' a. ...H::"i:: b mlU::::.I.. '& Ii