950 McGlincy Ln. (68-33) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBEll CALI ORNIA ~ 4(0 'l) NAME A'j~ ?f?",/, /?;j~ ADDRESS y..:.-,.,C.:...-,-J / ..~ L' . FOR~/ lap-- .)4-- clt.&;-e ~ t;r{1~~' '(f?4 # ~~~Vo r f/jl~~ .3YI-A .:?.l..r ~ ---t-C-j-rr- REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. rj ,// 0a. - 31- CcJ,z. FUND NUMBER q-{HECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH A THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JUN 19-68 JUM 19-68 .00 81 o2sA ***225.00 66 o2sA ***1138.00 (!- 7444 (/ l~l/_/ ~ \ 1;/. /' BY v~.. '- /( -"--1 ..../ -/ -. - - -~ / /". / '~you CITY OF CAMPBEll Ql), CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy ~ '~~ /nr./ ;#'. PLANNING DEPART;,IENT CITY OF CAf.JPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORnIA DATE: May 21, 1963 CONDITIONS ATTACIlED TO liS" APPiWVAL OF PLANS OF Rielly M. R~ynolds , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF offices and warehouse buildIng TO BE LOCATED AT: 950 McGlincel Lane CONDITIONS: conditions attached Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days afte r the da te upon wh i ch such approval was gran to d, un less an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY T}IE CITY OF CAMPBELL PL^~NING COM~ISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 20th .DAY OF i,iay, 1968 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMilrISSION By: ~_~. =~. ~~-----. ______....__._.__ R. V. lIOGJ\l'Yf'- --Secretary cc: Engineering Department STAFF COMHENT SIIEET - PLAN,'JING CO!\J:.IISSION 01EETIN(~ OF ~.IAY 20, 1968 "S" 68-33 Application of Rielly J'.l. Reynolds for approval of offices and warc house to be constructed on p rope rty knmm as 950 illcG 1 incey Lane (See >Iap ill attached). This proposed building will consist of 6 offices and warehouse space. The office area totals 1,634 square feet which requIres 11 spaces The warehouse arca totals 7,340 square fect which requires 15 spaces Total 26 spaces The applicant has provided 30 parking spaces. Staff recommcnds approval subject to the followin[: conditions: 1. Propcrty to bc fenced and landscapcJ as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicatin[: type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful Pcrformance Bond in thc amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing anJ striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete land- scaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash container in an area approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. The applicant is notifieJ as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. 5. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 6. Underground utilities to be provideJ as re<1uired by Section 9ll0.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 7. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clarly the location of all connections for undergrounJ utilities, including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. "S" (lb 33 Palle Two " 8. Sjr,n appJiccl,-.io] to he submitted in accordance \','jth provisions of t'~(; sign ordinnncc fen all signs. No sign t G b c ins { a 11 (' J U 11 t i 1 C! P P J i C it t i 011 i S (l P P T 0 V c d a 11 d P e rJI1 i t i s sue cJ b y t 11 (; L u:i 1 cl :i li E c1 C P ,l J t J: 1 C n t . 9. App1ic<Jrit to obtain excavation pcnnit for drivc\\.(l)' apl1ToilChcs. 10. Ap:; icani LC pcl) storrl drCljn;rS',e (1rc~(; fee In the cU:lOunt o:~ S4:~8.0(). The (!ppJ iccmt is not; fj ;(~ ,hat he sha] J comply \.::ith all applicable Codes or Ordi l1nnccs c;f ;hc City of CarlpbcJ 1 \I'hich pertain to this dcve] oprlcnt Clnd arc J',-It ',I.> cill specified. page 3 BEGlNNT!\TG at the point of kterss~ticn of the Easterly line of McGlincy Lane, 40.00 feet wide, as said line ',','as estac~i3hed::y_Deej from Lawrence ~jI. DuBun}, et al, to the C OU"Clty of Santa Clara, dat:::cl.:\ ugust 2:), 194'7 and recorded October 14, 1948 in B?ok 16,8.4 of Of~ic,ial R:e~Dr51s.1 pa}e 73, Sar} C1a~a Cou~~y ~?cords, wit~ the . Soutnerly lIne of Liae cercaHJ. o. 030 acre trace of lan::1 descrlOea ll1 the Deed lrom Fanme P. Forin, to L. Du3urg, d2te::l S8pter.'"_;::er 21, 1945 and recorded October 3, 1945 in Book 1238 of Official Re~or:::~.3, p2~Je 27~, Santa Clara County Records; tlosnce from said coint r-,T bQr:l)iJ'lin:1 2J'lri r"lrY1ir-: alr~"T HiQ c:air1 F~c:r['r1-y, 1inpu ~,f 1-.fl'''Glin,~F L~nCl "'J.'.: J.. v...... -';j....~-I._~ ......';) ........u - .......;.....1.;._ -';:... 1..........._;:,,:...._ __....... _........ ........:.-.l.._..,'-'_ ....'-'..L 1''1 \.....- "'--'.f........ _, \i. 00 281 Ifl. 120. 5~ fest to a poiC":.t; thence lea'JLlg said Ea::::terly line and runnicg Nortil- easterl:l and parallel \,7}it~1 tr12 Sout:~erlJT lil12 cf tllat C2IJtairl tract of land clescribecl in the Deed from L. DuB ur:;.r , et U~{, to E:i:r.c..und Thomas, elated April 8, 1949 and recorded T~~Y'!::::'J i(~ "lC1Ll''] in -;;(~r,:,F l':'::'Uf\c:1 ~if ('f~-.:,:-)-j~l p::::,~.......-...;~~-.: .......?-'':",~ ""?'') C1:):-.f.~ 01<::~':1 ('tn;'Y"'~'7 p,'::In,-.Yl'~!~ u Ul_"-- .1...'-", U ~u ....~- "",-,'-"V~.... -',,-, ....:.. L_ '0_J.._.........___ ......~.~'--'ul.-"-.'-', tJ:...4.'J'-' wl___, U-..A.."...~...... '-..-....e-...--. C<.. '---''....I............>J.j ....\.'-''-",'-'...;... ~.___, "',TJ 890 :::.qr 7":"1 0L11 4') ';c:.:::d- r::ir,-ra rI-:" 1;::,.-::::::: t-r- ~ r;0in~ in r-:'~.~ 1,....,~n+-::1y. 1i'[>o ~I- llKl-,nl.~ Dl.!..c~-.ff 1'. . u.--./..c... 6....l....... ....LJ ..:...--......'..JI.., ..l.-,-'--'~ '-' v...... _'-"....'......, l..U _ ~u......__>J _~.... ,~J.l,~ ,-,,-,,.;..1..-'-'1. _.i.'-' V .....J.. (~ 1......1, ;;vhich is also the ScuUleasterlv line of said 3.225 acre tra\2t hereinabove refen'ed to,' ..' l-hor,-'o rllnninrr ~("'~>ic.;QO::~Qrl\T ;:o,l"rvf '-'00 -::::;::oil1 ,~Qnl-Qrl;Y1Q nr f!Vi~,lT Ditc,"ll S 280011 0711 VI L."c~d'-'~".- ,",,:_a_,,'J u~~,.~:_,;,'_~o~ ~.J ---'~':';:J :"'~ .__-,-~l ~~"~':; 1.'",:, v~ .-,-u.J.L T'"~"" ,,~'o' 4') 42 ,0.:0, '-0 a rr,ln,. -Lnonno i~r."-,flY11]1.'-:'-r ~lr,.l'1g -::::"'lQ- ,~QntQl-~ Ilno of "Klr' k Dlj-.-.,Il Q ~'( .....w. _'-''-'I.. t.... 1::-"'--'.....~..;.\J"' -....,\~_...'-''-' '-'v"-_..._L_...._....._....';) '__J...\..J _\.. 1....''-"'._ '-''-'i-_ '-' _...'-" J..l.. ...."""--'1~, u. 231 '\iV. 91. 84 feet to the orL:.east2rly~orner of that certain parcel of land conveyed by D~.Q,ri .!..'rom P1"YYl"r t., O-!-:...".......~,,-...........,-~ ,....,,~ l~-..r t--""', TT~r"'r-_:)_.~l. R .TT.......,......,--.{-.:,"~..~,"..,n rJ -'l-nrrlo "Y"Y!SI"i rl<"":L.".rl ~,-,v. 1. .1_ L l1-..LL:::: [). .':; L::.J... \....:'::::.J... ..~), t; '... ~_L\.) L.o.J n '..J~ IJ'-......J.. L- .'. n;::::;..l.. ~,"-,lll....c;J., ~ ~ U'j '-' J...i-....._d.i, ,~G.:....~='-..A. Fo;c1y."arv ? 1 "lo;:;n "n-1 1'.:0,.-.,-..-(',-1_-'(-1' -:\!T:::~:'.-,-, 2 10;::,0 in D-'(~C'v- ,,1 '::('~8 r~ O.c-1'-:cial Ro,~nr',-lo:: ~U:::rrQ .........'_...LL' -",I w-:r, L.'!...J-J Co.':"';'->.A '.-'..Jv-'-''-''''-'--''"__' .:.v..l.<-.;,.~_........;._ , -:JU0....1.__ 'v'..;" ..[c,(-, vJ... 1..1-..:.. .....''-~_\'-' U""': j.'-"-'j'-' 2:::4' tr,Cln"Q 108'7i~r: c~.:c, -:::::::>i'~'l nO:-,LOr 1i,...:;, ,,"" IIIT.;i-..,1, DiLL">!! ~.n,-1 """,n,fll'rlr; ~ol't'l-I\\iOc:cC'Y'lv ::;lu~,n:-r --,....., J._'__.'-''-' -'-' .J _l...,,~, I...l._'-' -~.......-\..... ---"-'__~'-'_ _.....__~'-" ,-,1. .),........:.... [\. _ '-'_.1. c:l..".,,-,,_..L ULJ._.l. __'j U U ._J~ --""""---1.".'-'-'- _..... '-""-_ "_j L' ~ T l-' , 1 . .. 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(" Li r"'\r: c;:; r--'I '(,-r- ',,: ~:-., i~, :] -~ "--il i+- }~: ~ Sj ";"'1('~~ 1 \,!T.~~ t l\i'T(......1"'! r-:t D~;:J :,,1 r) ::~1::; -:;.21 <J. nfJ.... i\/"lClri r1 ~ ~ r~ ~"(', (~ "-.).............. L,...;...u ~- c..~..I, ........ J" j .1....,....... ---"-.0.-1:' I u,-, ........l,...,_, ..l.. \...........i....';.:! '..J ..... ~ oj.............. , -1-"1. V LL_~ _-"'-!v.:... '- .1.... '-<-....".'-" C'-.__,... .l.' '-'_ _,-,t_':::l__, Cl,,--_\./l alQc 'OQi',,,,, L1,;::o" ~CI~,L;::oir 0 ~,r(,:::;, ~,~Y'O mO~Q nr '",c::" 0,<::;1',,::.1 c:~,nc-'n "."nn tl,CI Roorr'-l nf "-' - '-' ..... ~ J. \j 1.....;. ~ '-'" I.,.. 1..... -'-"...!.. l. -- - L -l. . .....i '....j ct.......'.J.. '..J , _..:... '--' V J '-" "-'......... , 1:-' ....... '-' '-, _ ,,-,... __ '-' '. 'I _ __ LA.. :::--' \......-.... -"- _ '-' -L ''--' '-' ...J _ '..... oJ_ SuriJClP of lard Of OO::'-::.r10rrc ~'-:'i'~h :::;:)i,~ S"Y>iJCy,- "7ao::: filooj in U,'" oFin", of j-1,:> P:>co,~br "'~1'-'Y ;".1,......!... .......l,..'-" '-"-, ";J) ..'.;.,--'---_.........;.....t -:: '-'. J~ '-- --~'-'"\. J...,__....~~.....-"!('~.-.::----: -r-,.......l---:; ..~"'::--n .J...U...... or tne CO:..ldy or Sa:lta Clara., State OJ: Calnornw, on Marc.'-} 18, ~i:;!..;,) In L'OOi'": lo.j of 1- """D'O::: 'U';::o,fQ 28 1.\. 1. G.... "-', ..l.:;.....l,..'j '-" . EXCEPT=I."'l,'G 'T'U1=i'RFT<'DO"vIT all tn;::>j- nuor;'iu~r: t"hClY'Oof ;:)c: c'"r'_'\J'P\lpr~ in D-.od rr'om," ---" ~.lJJ.:.:...l..~'~.1........\. J.....: _J.....';..-_....J..,l.._.J. __'-'.1.........._.'-<."-___ .......-u--'-^l:~ ""-''-'' _., __ GordoE lviigue::::, et ux, to T!~e elLY or Campoell, a mumClp2l cOl'poranon, datea , ')" 10~ , ""A '''0 l,nj' r-, , nn"c 'r-'",," - ~ , Feoruary wU, ,-,04 a~lCl re~Ol'G:::cl 'uguSt 6 , _o:::d.J: In DOOK co.) I 0:;: Ull.1Clal .t<oecorGS, o ~ni7 _Q~Y'll.~ C'ar- f'O"'":'1!..."-r R"nO"Yllr"l~ ~~a' b,-.,':y'"'g T"Or..=:. ['--'-rl..:."--;'--rl'\T r:;'~'-'rJr:':ro~) ~C"' P2\T'4 .~':) (, u_LlL,~ L a. '-- '~LL-./ - ,'::;~ .J.'~::O, CLl . c;lLh. _L. ~ ,J..:t_ ll'"U,'Cl .J '''C;;:;'-, 1,)."...[ c...::: :tOll::)'};S: A strip of land 10.00 feet in 'Nidth along the .Westerly line of Ql.po~ ;::>::: Q;::>irl lanr'l~ aro a"CI~,~Y'i(-'Q,-1 i" D"'oC:; ,,"' Rocord ;~l ';:<o"lz ;::;op,; u_ '-'U '-l...... .....................',~ _' :'1'--_;::-: __ ,-,i::;\....,...L .:...'.j'.......u J....:.~ - '.....'-'>....( u.L ,'-' _ J.L L' V:..:l., UVvV, Records of Santa Clara County, Califorr:i2. the lands of Dacre 256, Official ~ - Said strip of land lyirlg Easterly of the Easterly line of McGlincey Land, 2S +-hP ~amc ,-,....:-~--.:..~ .40 u'-",O ..t:w:~t ;x7i:-iQ t....:........- -. ..:....L '-' :;:;:..:.'~.l..;::;L,,"-,,) -'-. .1,-,,-,, './......'-;........~