940-950 Hazel Ave. (70-12) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 7 7 . / -J ij. !c:/;' ., ~. . ,. " ,. '" NAME' t'C~~ G'2...L-.' . L~{.-'tf"/. f:.-. , ? /' j-J/7k/~ ~(A_ t!:c4h -L'/-c (' C. ,/ ADDRESS ~7/L, fll:cL if;v>;J ..JJZ-II '//7 0' ,6<:t~~ j,(/t,t!. t.;.. ,).e{ J(; 1-/1 c] t,Lu . r~ , . -;7';-; "j -----:) ..~-....".._. J~~_/y , REVENUE ACCQ "W6"'-;3I-c '+- j (.. I ~' FUND NUMBER y3~~;, Q CHECK o MONEY ORDER 0 CASH THIS RECEIPr MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. HAY 12-71 61 oooA ***3~O.OO HAY 12-71 S6 oooA ***117.00 <els 4706 I /' '''-',; ~~'- . . ) "c(J~ _, ""TV rJ C'Dk' BY " /1 " 1 . "', ~ (.,.", () J~",~t -' "i :5 2 0 IS S -iv.,L\.;j; 7 . B T .l.. ~I,. e-~ ~8'1, P-U6 ,1'1 'mt. ~"'1' Nt A: -: ", j !-. !:". .- -,- II .. ~. I r' '( .-...., I -.... I 1-1/\1 \n\, I '.....I V , . Ji' /1 " ',"1 ('":'Cn Julil"..- "i :; 2 08 S .li~;...\.;.J_' 1 . 8 ...- I "". ' " j \..- '..... .- ('''~''): ;,' -,- ..", ... -' . ij:j'tll J. NAP 5.00 5.00 .. SJ,. "A ",,~ &tlMtf rf) r .... It e PW-':S5 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public ~vorks Department have been satisfied for the following development~ I ~/ '( /II. ) /Il ? C') cJ.S' 0 r!1-W /-/42EI- COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 4(/ :') - I? - C:( 7 " S II APPROVAL NUMBER ;>;1./1 7{ /- 1<:-.: PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER //f/L(/ / / WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBJ..lIC WORKS aytt ufntl;~v~? {( 1~11 r I ( C 41y: / Date , ,.... ~ . e ~. M-~ 1 I-. I) / RESOLUTION NO. BEING A RESOLUTION 01' THE CI'l'Y COUNCIL 01' TaB Cr.t'Y' OJ' CAMPBELL, COUN'l'Y 01' SAN'l'A CLARA, STATE 01' CALUORNIA, ACCBPTINO '!'BE ACJUBM8N'1' OP SALVATORE P. BLANCA TO POR DJlYBLOPMBNT 01' RBAL PROPBM'Y LOCATED ON HAZEL AVBNU.I AND Atl'1'II)RIZ- ING BXBCO'1'ION 01' AGREBMBN'l'. WBBRBAS, Bal....t.Or. P. B1an_to bas su1:ait.ted an agre..nt to this City Council for the deve10:Plll8nt. of his r.al property located on anl Avenue in accordanee with pr.scribed conditions, and, WHBUAS, in accordanee with said pre.cribed conditions and .s specified and reciud in the aJr-_ani: and concurZ'ently here- with sal".t.ore 1'. Blaneato has aula1tted Grant. Deed of cer1:ain portion. of his real property fo~ public su.-eet. purpo... and r.lated public us.., and, NOW, THBRBPORB, BB IT JOO) IT IS HBRBBY RBBOLWD by this City Co\mcil that. sai4 &91"_nt is ,h._eby accepud and that the Mayor be and h. is hereby authorized and dUeRed to execute s.id agre.ent on behalf of the City of C8Iftpbell, and, BB IT I'tJJm'lIIJt RBSOLVBJ) by this C1t~y CouncU thai: the said Grant Deed submitted in aceordartc. wl1m 8&i4 pre.cribed conditions be and it is hereby accepted tor the purpo... for which it is offered. PASSBD UPON AND ADOP'l"BD this by the following vou. AYES. Councilmen t NOBS. Counei1meft. ABSBN'l'1 Councilmen I day of . 19 . APPROVED: Mayor AT'l'E ST I City clerk ~: ..r--- co e::>>o 54-'-.N A'VE:-. RO.e.} 31\.00 IOo.40'~ ..--- J 8 S ) --- 100,40' --I" H A -:z.. =1- t. I r '$ S \ "-- N 8":)0 '::A I t=:; w '<8 Co \0 o 'y..O .R cr .ITJ" .c-V AD' 0/0" Qtri ~ 11-' o o' '#~ ,,~~ q; , ~ o o z ~ ~ " , ~I 'F- \ =40 ,LAtjD TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL :c>c-. ~ \-S:..\j Oc.-\-. ~JO C'-<,"'ex.? C. c::.G Oc..-\-. \0.:>'70 kand to be ,ranted to City C",..,-\'a..\\("\':, '&)\2.0,00 ~s,,:t I I ~ ,'" 2 j - > Prepared by the Office of the City EnOl neer, Campbell, Callfo,nla , ~( .. PM 70-/2- t ... f 7'nt'IW"V _~{.e.. " f~ I ... ( .--J CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP OF LANDS OF SALVATORE F. BLANCATO LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HAZEL AVENUE, APN 405-12-007 1. Owners to dedicate Hazel Avenue frontage to provide for a six-foot right of way (to 30 feet South from street center line). 2. Owners to construct and/or install public street improvements throughout the entire frontage of both parcels concurrently. 3. Final parcel map to be submitted and recorded pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act. 4. All structures to be removed or moved to conform to zoning regulations prior to approval of final parcel map. APPROVED BY THE Ph~NNING DIRECTOR) OF THE CITY OF CAI1PBELL on the 2;, 'r..=, day of sc=::P~-CfVIr.:';L=.FZ , 191C) if) i' M~~~~ ~C~_ Arthur Kee, Planning Director APPROVED BY 'l'RE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL. ! ,( (/' (/ fe,ift/, william G~lreri; City Engineer . I~" _ h, .<> /.j ( / //' I /' /. 1-/ / ( ---date-